ABANDONED Urban Exploring Murder Crime Scene Custom Mansion

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what's going on everybody here we go again why don't we only say another urbex adventure courtesy of freaked ography also known as urbex dave so guys what we got today this house is called the abandoned murder crime scene mansion not gonna tell you why it's called that but I will tell you that my good friend rhythm rider he discovered this house and it's thanks to him that I'm in here today so what you guys are going to do right there hit that button right there subscribe to my good friend rhythm rider we've been exploring together we've been friends for seven years we've been through hell together in these places take good care of each other always sharing each other's spots with each other that we find do you do him a huge favor let's help grow riddim writers Channel right there push that button follow and subscribe to rhythm rider okay guys so I took a quick walk around it's a very cool house very retro soured and sort of 1970s early eighties style of decorating I found some cool board games there's a lot of pictures really funky furniture really cool stuff I think you guys are really gonna like this place guys so let's quit talking let's quit wasting time cue the music cue the intro I'll see you guys on the other side [Music] [Applause] okay guys so we are gonna start right here in the living room at the front of the house and as you can see definitely very retro 1970s style decorating you got wood paneling above this fireplace here on the right you've got a stone fireplace and you've got a very interesting frosted window paneling up there and you go right here to the left and you've got some very interesting curtains floor to ceiling covering these big windows we're gonna make a right turn here and here you can see your again very retro dining room table but I put my light on here so we can see a bit better guys retro style wooden dining room table and then over here you've got an entire wood paneled wall with three chairs nicely lined up this is just an accident waiting to happen guys you got this fireplace here with logs in it and it's got paper already bunched up ready to burn that is a dangerous scene guys very dangerous scene heading over here now I don't know about you guys and how much you guys might know about fires and starting fires and fireplaces but logs like that have no place in a fireplace like that what you want to put in there is you want your kindling and you want some smaller pieces of wood some average normal sized logs these giant things they'll never burn guys those will never burn in a fireplace like that that's just my opinion so guys where we come now is Wertheim front foyer of the house at the front door and so we'll take a look here we're gonna start just as it would look when you come in the front door get that fire alarm beeping guys very annoying get used to it so here's your frosted windows strange strange feature to have when you walk in the house but I guess that's the way they did things back in the day you got a staircase right there and then you got a window all right and then you got a mirror when you come in what is up guys okay so let's go to the kitchen guys take a walk through the kitchen and obviously this is where the dining room table would have been because the light is very low now I feel like that's lower than it should be because that's like below head level it's very strange right there then you got this really interesting yellow color scheme going on in here guys I don't know if it's anything in the conference let's take a look nope and nope okay guys so there's nothing in the cupboards so we're not going to bother going through the mall and then here we gots a toaster here all right it's pretty funky light yellow light matches the yellow paint in the kitchen here so we'll take a walk on through got a bunch of paperwork and garbage got your old-style telephone here and what we will notice in this host guy is that there's a lot of old photos such as this one scattered about the house that we'll see and they're also a trap fog frequent travelers and you'll see a lot of travel books scattered about the house so I do think what we have here is a home that was lived in by a family of very frequent travelers and then here we've got the fridge got a coffee maker cappuccino maker here and we always say that the best way to tell when a house was left abandoned is by the last calendar in the house and this calendar here guys is from 2011 so we can't assume that it's quite possible that this house was left vacant and abandoned in 2011 here's your double sink and then you've got a gas stove countertop stove and then over here you've got an oven with two ovens going on here okay so I'm gonna back up get a nice wide view of the kitchen while we're in here there you go take a look take it all in guys take it all in now heading this way we've got a pretty interesting little cabinet here which is empty obviously but uh there you go you can take a look at that you got your cabinet and this big table here very very big table and obviously very well used to you got all this stuff here all over it some scratches so a well-worn well-used table guys very nice feature here is this sunroom solarium and you got a couch down there and it's super nice lots of natural light coming through here you got another table inside the solarium with a light pretty nice sit there hang out have a cup of coffee maybe play a game cards and if you have a look right here don't know if you guys can notice but so you got a lot of leaves and stuff and the glass here is warped and if you look straight ahead it's pretty warped so there's a lot of weight there of leaves and rotten leaves and water damage and stuff like that so won't be long before this thing collapses on and on itself here guys so we're back where we started in the living room check out this chair here guys very funky chair with a footrest I do like that footrest I'm not gonna lie I might even actually have to take a seat in that chair and get a picture of myself in that nice chair moving along with some of these photos I told you guys about there's a family photo right there of a woman and a little boy hanging out we'll be seeing a lot of those photos so I'm gonna say let's go downstairs all right we'll start moving along here to the basement and so you got a door here and then looks like probably an office and guys we got crime scene tape here check this out don't know what's going on here but we definitely got some crime scene crime scene tape which would explain the name of this house guys the abandoned murder mansion crime scene house okay got some clothes here a blanket hanging out a bunch of books and paperwork for a business from the looks of it I'm not gonna rifle through it all just not interested but check out this sexy wall guys it's like a it's like material all right check out the wallpaper on this wall here two guys very sexy isn't it okay I'm gonna move on into the library guys and this library is extremely interesting I know a lot of you people who follow me love libraries and hate seeing so many wasted books so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in here and we're gonna take a good look at some of these books guys okay so down here we've got a number of different books scattered about and here we go so we have art books sculpture books antique books it's a lot of travel books we have Amsterdam we have Sydney up here we've got some novels appear more novels got some fairytale books here we have some business books very very well read family for sure and then down here we have more art books gardening books painting books we've got more travel we have Australia New Zealand and then moving along we have even more travel books mek'leth okay guys moving along from the books as we come over to this side so up top here you've got pretty much all of the travel books and we're going to start from the right side we have New Zealand North Carolina Germany Amsterdam Switzerland Europe Netherlands Egypt Australia South Pacific South India England Ireland Portugal Spain Austria Cuba New York State England and Scotland holy crap guys Lebanon Morocco Brazil France Spain Great Britain people loved to travel holy crap I wonder if this is all the places that this these people have travelled and then here's something interesting here guys as we scroll down they have got hundreds and hundreds of magazines starting with a magazine called Gourmet magazine from march 1985 and we're just gonna scroll the years and it goes all the way over all the way over here we're at we're at 1997 here we're at 2000 oh let me guess go fix this here we're at 2000 2002 2004 2005 2007 2008 and then we've got cooking magazines up to 2011 here we've got Conde Nast Traveler actually this one's 2015 so that's interesting everything else in this house seems to say 2011 but they got a Conde Nast Traveler from four years ago but when Appetit magazine I used to keep magazines like Rolling Stone magazine and then I stopped and I and I sold them all but and these people keep everything these gourmet food magazine even more so many of them guys Wow okay I feel like we could spend a very long time in this room looking through all these books but we're not going to because we have other things to look at however we will continue looking to see what else we got here what is this is this just a okay so then we got some more books down here books on civilization more magazines and then down here we have some books such as names for baby Murphy's Law and other reasons why things go wrong and then we have Canadian etiquette that should be interesting but I did find something really cool here guys that you guys are gonna like and that's this Star Wars stamp album check this out so this is from 1977 and the cracker open here and right here on the inside they have all the stamps you got Darth Vader you have stormtroopers c-3po and r2d2 Princess Leia r2d2 c-3po look how they smell c-3po c-3po I see they're actually spelling a note so you know to say obi-wan Kenobi Luke Skywalker Han Solo Grand Moff Tarkin Luke Skywalker and Chewie a dead and the weird thing Star Wars postage stamp album an album designed especially for space buffs okay so now as you go through the rest of the stamp book is more about general space and astronomy not necessarily Star Wars but he didn't collect any of the other stamps that go inside the book except for the Star Wars stamps this would have been really cool if it was totally filled out and completed with all of the stamps then you go to the back page and hold on he collected the rest of the stamps on the back page too so this guy did a good job assuming it's a guy he has collected all of his stamps from the original Star Wars movie good job buddy good job might be worth something I don't know moving along here a bunch of photos they're like a whole bag full of photos no if I want to look through that here more books guys this is probably killing some of you guys hey why all these books are left behind and then there's more more travel books guys holy cow Germany Denmark oh I'm exhausted just by looking at all these books alright guys let's move along we spent a lot of time in this library there's the intercom told you every house has an intercom I think this is just gonna be a bathroom over here take a look inside yeah it's just the UH there's your wallpaper and your toilet very tight in here very tight and then you got a mirror what is up guys what's up guys what a weird shape look at this how it's like on an angle this is an annoying bathroom here so again guys lower flow yeh and then moving down into the basement there's a lot going on down here guys okay so here we are in the laundry room and workshop so there is your laundry tub right there there's a swimming pool outside so there's the swimming pool outside so there's the pool stuff pump a bunch of old luggage here probably empty spider webs in my head check out this old luggage only crop can't open it but it's a matching luggage set that's hilarious old fashioned luggage they sure make luggage a lot easier to get around with now that's for sure alright move over here got your furnace vacuum cleaner and then here's the old man's workshop pretty small workshop all right make your way out of here and so here's the bar bars are always interesting take a look from here so we're in the basement rec room there's a globe I always love seeing globes I used to love playing with my globe when I was a little kid looking at all the different places in the world so here we got what's this orange sweet dessert wine California orange sweet dessert wine I've got a Japanese sake here and in here guys this is gonna be interesting cuz there's actually still wine unopened guys this doesn't have a label this one here the labels all ripped off Muscat okay we got here no label hmm got a red here looks like a red but it's so old you can't see it we've got a white all right come on fix that there so we got a bottle of white wine so here we go guys we have an abandoned house in the basement bar and we have unopened bottles of wine and then we have a bunch of jars and that's about that in this room and then moving back here into the rec room you've got some furniture strange to have wicker furniture inside the house I think that would more go outside but here you got your TV and your fireplace again the fireplace is completely prepared for a fire hey guys what's going on rebec's Dave here thanks for always coming by and subscribing first of all I really do appreciate everything you guys do for me by following me here on Facebook on my website on Instagram I do have a favor to ask though you see youtube has done a really good job lately and bringing my videos to a pretty good audience of people but what I've noticed though is that a lot of the people who watch my videos aren't subscribed in fact over 90 percent of the people who actually watch my videos find it through YouTube suggested videos and aren't subscribed if you're one of those people who have come to my channel through YouTube suggesting videos do me a favor and hit that subscribe button down below and sub to my page so do me a favor if you're not already subscribed hit that subscribe button down below and let's help grow my channel and finally guys I have started a patreon account and I've been lucky enough to get myself a few loyal subscribers to my patreon and those people have absolutely helped me pay for some of my road trips so down below there's a link that says help support me on patreon if you guys can any amount helps help support me on patreon guys I always appreciate everything you guys do and there are very many little goodies that I'll give you as a patreon subscriber thanks a lot guys let's get back to that video and once again guys we have a fireplace completely prepared for a fire with logs with kindling and with paper all ready to go that is an arson waiting to happen we're gonna move along here guys and more books many many more books and over here there's even more cooking books gardening books more travel books recipes more travel books and I'm just gonna back up here guys and I'll give you guys a nice wide view of the room a lot of times you guys tell me to slow down so you can see so I'm gonna slow down now so you can see floor is wet if you don't feel it on my feet and then back here looks like if I was a kid this would be a fun room to play we got here I've got this big box here wait a second I went the wrong way got this big box that says fragile on it with some art inside of it and then check this out guys there's a mirror right here what's up guys can't see me with my light so I think that pretty much does it in the basement we still have the top floor to go with the bedrooms so let's take a walk upstairs guys and check out the upstairs see we're back on the main level now and then we'll head up these stairs here and there's a number of bedrooms and bathrooms up here so starting here just your plain simple bedroom single bed more books and in this closet even more books I don't know I mean I feel like maybe people don't actually read all the books that they buy I don't know there's another picture here a little boy oh okay heading over this way there's a bathroom here now check this out I don't know if this grew from outside or if this is supposed to be no this is supposed to be here guys they've got a plant growing around the window in the bathroom here crazy what is up guys and what is up guys now in the floor here I saw all kinds of pictures on the floor family photos all over the floor scattered everywhere you go and then we'll come up through here and we got some Christmas decorations this way guys into this room this giant chair here check out the giant comfy chair and then you've got a cabinet check out this old radio yeah and then there she is check out mama right there that looks like a house that I've explored where we got in here guys we got boxes nothing all right we're gonna move on to another bedroom now well here's a closet with some games what's this pig mania huh all right what do we got over here on this side face off a slapstick game of hockey management and then we've got nature calls jigsaw puzzle and we got Trivial Pursuit everybody knows Trivial Pursuit and we've got music maestro game called one too many old game called yum these are some old game guys and then here's another bedroom oh hi guys possibly a girl's bedroom we have a curling iron on the floor and yes there's a box of OB tampons on the floor and a bunch of a place to store your shoes and once again more books really want to know if these people actually read every book that they buy man oh man and here we've got birth control and a bottle of wine hey it's at full nope empty birth control and a bottle of wine got a dresser I know you guys sometimes get annoyed when I say the obvious things like we're looking at a chair we're looking at a dresser but I just need to fill the empty space guys I just need to talk now we're gonna move into the master bedroom with nothing in it but a baseball bat and monopoly money check out the all the monopoly money all over the floor baseball bat and what is up guys what is up guys I'll show you something funny that I saw earlier so check out all these board games guys right billionaire wide world all the way up to a game called trespass check it out a it's this trivia game that looks like a wine bottle okay that's pretty hilarious if you ask me right there and not into this room here so this is your walk-in closet and here is the vanity what is up guys and then here's your master ensuite bathroom what is up guys what do you guys think of this place you liking it so far look at how with all the sink is that's tiny okay guys what we're gonna do now I'm gonna shut up I'm gonna play some music take a nice slow walk around the house check things out see how it looks without the sound of my voice play some music so sit back grab yourself a drink maybe get yourself a bite to eat and let's just take a nice slow walk through this house see you guys on the other side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay guys huge thanks for watching huge thanks for hanging out with me for this whole video and again a massive thanks to my good friend rhythm rider for hooking us up with this house if it wasn't for him we wouldn't be exploring this house right now so what you guys are gonna do you're gonna hit that button down below that subscribes the rhythm rider make sure you follow him sub to his page cuz he's got some really damn good stuff let's help grow this page okay guys why don't we always say number one make sure you like this video number two make me a comment down below tell me what your name is tell me where do you guys live in the world what was your favorite part about this video anything you guys want to say just drop me a comment down below I always try to reply to every comment it's been getting harder these days but I do try guys I try to reply to every comment whether it's a thank you or an actual response to what you have to say drop me a comment down below share this video if you can't share it on reddit share it on facebook share it on Twitter and last but not least guys if you're not subscribed to my page hit that subscribe button down below over 90% of the people who watch my videos come here not subscribed check out my stuff and move on I would really love it if you guys hit that subscribe button help me grow my channel help me grow my page so I can keep bringing you guys all this awesome stuff guys thanks for watching thanks for being here thanks for being a subscriber and make sure you're always coming back because I'm always kidding hmmm so guys thanks for watching thanks for being here I hope you guys have liked this place you want to see the photo gallery the links down below in the comments to see the whole photo gallery of this place and again thanks rhythm writer thanks to you guys see you guys next time
Channel: Freaktography
Views: 183,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freaktography, freaktography youtube, urban exploring with freaktography, freaktography abandoned, urbex, Urban Exploration, Crime Scene Abandoned Mansion, urban exploring, exploring with freaktography, Murder Crime Scene, exploring, abandoned, mansion, urban exploring videos, abandoned places, explore, derelict, explorer, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansions, Exploring a custom mansion, abandoned country mansion, custom country mansion abandoned, custom mansion, country mansion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 22sec (2482 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2019
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