Millionaires Family Home abandoned for 25 years | What happened here?!!

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would you believe there's a house in here a house where but there is there's a house that's why you have to enjoy every day like it's your last remember we all come with nothing and we leave with nothing this place is completely abandoned for over 30 years the couple lived here all their life the memories they shared together possibly the grandchildren playing here i believe this place was built in 1804 1804 and been abandoned for three decades nearly listen to nature listen to the beautiful church bells [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] morning so another beautiful day in france and another explore ahead poor little man yeah little elderly man sitting at the window there just staring at there's probably nothing else to do for him around here look at that see a beautiful day [Applause] a beautiful sunflower field it's so hot you know when you feel like you just want to be by the beach but instead we're at exploring fuse looks like what's going on here something like the wrong turn us all us holiday makers and explorers park up and we never return here we are again guys and girls i'm in a bush the house we're about to explore is somewhere that way you can't even see where it is bad idea we're the best it was slowly making our way through this place to show you guys another time capsule all right i'm out of bushes the house is somewhere in the trees there this is a back garden this is what happens when nature takes in when these places get left abandoned we're going to be quiet because workers just there at this place so so i'm gonna have to speak at this level with a minute i'm sorry people ask me sometimes in my video why are you whispering honestly when you're exploring you have to keep your wits about you if you see that down there it looks like a maybe like um the annex or something [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at this beautiful outer building look at the old wagon wheels this would have been your driveway to come in i'm being really quiet at the moment because the workers are literally just there look how beautiful this is imagine the old horse and carts now galloping up through here because this place would date back to the 1800s loving this outdoor light so maybe check this out afterwards at the moment let's just get in let's explore this place you can see the building here how overgrown it is all the sharks nature's completely taken back so directly behind me is the front door at this beautiful through house turning around a little glimpse of the front room and another room look at the staircase guys the ceiling's literally collapsing down so i start off in the room to your right as we come in now this film house was built in the early eighteen hundreds and billy was a scientist that lived here and look at this incredible all of his equipment is still here he's testing his testing equipment his test tubes and he's with the bookmark is placed straight there on page 43 45. laboratory like he was testing or making something in his last few days just think the eyes that sat against that was the guy who lived here incredible just how it's set up like a little office desk as i pan this camera loads more test tubes testing equipment this is absolutely beautiful and i'm loving here like the little rack that holds all the test tubes such a beautiful house these little things i love about houses it's the fireplaces the walls the ceilings the decor i don't know how long this place has been empty look at this chest listen to that that old strong timber with like a leather bands and stuff around it this is so cool i can't remember what these were for actually i'm pretty certain these were um but you know what i'm not to guess guys if you know what this is drop in the description there's a ts247-9 is that it's definitely looks military anyway a little quality there's a little press down there as well wow yeah this reminds me of stuff like he's tried making a little lamp that i have an old jar it's a bit like what we do today with the upcycling incredible and look at the little zigzag door locks it's timber ceiling it's absolutely gorgeous look at the metal brace in there as well it's like bits of concrete put in with the metal and visit him like how rustic and does that look so this looks like um like a shed garage but it's not [Applause] it to me it doesn't like to use this room and it was just kind of a storm maybe because you can see like watering cans parts of the shed so this is yeah so this is probably like their outdoor sort of shed walking shed like the walking wardrobe so remember guys this place was built in 1804 i can't go that way so even though this is a very bit of a sorry state room but look at the brickwork on this fireplace and the timber i love in this stone kind of houses i'd love to restore something like this it's a shame where you like the furniture absolutely incredible pure decay the oil paint in there sitting behind the door it's ceiling wow it's like at some point they thought we're trying to save this place you can literally just walk in the whole house is collapsing maybe that's when they lived here the old people the couple they literally had the um acronym up i wonder why they've kept this but that's 1993 11th of may march maddy sorry monday's mardy of may my monday the 11th of may that newspaper i love things like this you know what i'm gonna go for the staircase i'm just gonna see him right above me now on the floor just mad i think this house is collapsing around everyone the barn is literally collapsing look at this though is pure decay this is amazing a true amazing time capsule so did she i've just risked the stairs for you and i'm gonna possibly risk the next set maybe we're gonna go up right up so remember guys about a world explorer facebook ask you've seen abandoned world explorer face masks head over to abandon world explorer and we'll let you know that yeah we'll let you know the score well anyway just come up the top of the stairs as you can see to my left there's a bedroom in front and to the right but you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna start i'm gonna start this way and work my way up here little things like this get left unturned cool little light switches anyway i just got to be careful where you walk do you know where i made that noise i thought there's a cat on the bed oh my heart i'm not i'm scared of a cat but i wonder what animal that was i can see part of the foot there [Music] look how the old newspapers sat behind like they've put newspaper up to wallpaper to kind of try and maybe insulate it i'm not sure all the little animal cages an incredible piece of history completely right away i'm loving this here the little school desk wow this is incredible little inkwell and you know what i know you're gonna say you don't remember him but i promise you my first school when i went to school in 19 let's try and think about it 1987 when i was four year old just turned four in september 1987. i started a primary school that was built in the 1800s and we were there for two years then they obviously pulled the school down this here this here i've just shut it up to show you is it's like a little secret cupboard but you think when that would have sat flush against the wall you probably wouldn't have even seen that was there oh wow it's absolutely incredible and just to show you how small it is i'm literally right crawling through this wow wow guys i'm literally speechless his paintings are incredible all this life work explains what he was doing downstairs on that couch incredible artwork this is such a beautiful house what is that guys if you know what that is let me know i have no idea i've never ever seen one it looks like an old-fashioned syringe but i know it's not anyway these pla these are absolutely amazing it's been done with a pen what a beautiful little studio absolutely incredible i'm actually so shocked i got to see another amazing spot sitting here oh wow i don't know this is like um you know one of the old little spinning wheels i see they're coming into this room straight from the island's room it's like a museum it's like a museum [Music] everything is still completely here [Music] christmas present it's how i feel right now it makes you wonder what's behind the doors love these four poster beds imagine at night getting all snuggly fire burning away in it having the fire burning away shiny little curtains they kind of give you that remember every eve ever needs a scrooge sitting a little hat on putting a little candle out next to your bed and how dark he would have been here i don't really want to move too much i love just the way it's set out i don't know if these are like what these would be to store in but look at the stoppers on top look at that absolutely beautiful it's rare that you see colored glass okay this is like just looking for suicide light day this is 1928 of may 1931 i love the way you're showing as well how to start a flight by drawing a face maybe just a simple couple of lines adding some shading another final piece got the fur room we've got the last uh the room we've just literally left walking out this car down here i like this painting i think this is the abandoned world explorer painting sorry you know me it's like country roads take me home it's just such an amazing place sorry so this is one of the um cleaners of the property this is lumiere how are you doing all right he's just doing a naked photo shoot so keep your clothes on dave just wind him up anyway look at this place a true french beautiful time capsule [Music] this is probably one of the most best houses or man mansion i think they pronounce in france that i've ever got to experience the way the family have just passed away in the 1980s i think it was late 80s or early 90s and this place has just been left abandoned ever since as you could tell by the staircase and the way the ceilings are just falling in this is where i just wish i had the money i could come and save some of this beautiful furniture let me look at the bed even little things like that like the little bamboo side it's probably not worth a great deal of money but look it's just you know i kind of want to move it away and stop it getting damaged anymore but how can you wow look at the french flag just hanging on its pole beautiful painting uh the beautiful portrait there this beautiful photo just nature's literally gonna take this place i've seen this before in france as well i don't i don't quite get it but it's cool so there's a door here to the bathroom but then there's a door there so i'm kind of it must have been that cold that literally you just quickly hop off and into the toilet instead of having to come sort of round and go in you can literally feel and hear the floor creaking below my feet now i've never seen this in any place i've ever explored a wooden part for the sink to sit in how beautiful is that so you can see probably later on they've had a gas-fired um water cylinder put in which you can see down there is powered by a gas bowl it's got a connector there for the gas bottles what do you think that connect the gas up turn that on just out of a hot shower did i say 1800 1808 or 1804 i'll say this place it's just incredible and you've got to agree this is absolutely incredible and that was part of a gun case oh wow and it just shows you how old these paint pictures are i'd love to save all these pictures i absolutely love pictures like this the book's just sitting here [Music] you know i love little things like this slightly little wooden case there's another one of his drawings painting inside i absolutely love this house honestly if i was inherited this now i would i don't know i'd get the money but it'd be like fund fund at awe's house i'm kidding guys i'm just going to mention through this video as well that we do have a p.o box now we have a patreon abandonment explorer and we have a p.o box if you do send anything through the po box uh links on the screen now we don't receive all the opening on the live chat it's just honestly it's incredible i've got a massive smile and you can't see it i love the stone work there on the walls as well let's just check out a couple of things yes this is um i think this is monday lundy sent for december 1992. you can see how long that's been folded for kind of kept that shape oh wow look at this bless her i think she's been dead over 30 years now oh wow oh no i thought that was the table there how beautiful these photos it's incredible the funny thing is this i'm let's just try and find a window open we're going to put this picture back in a second try and visualize now that this picture is now that completely overgrown heading back down the corridor completely missed this portrait i said i'm loving this as well wow guys this is incredible wow so many bottles i would love to just keep i'm sure a lot of these are [Music] even the original glass stoppers seems like a little sign this house you don't know what half this stuff is i'm loving this one i think it looks like a little stamp on there some stuff in that one as well so that's weird you want me to leave so he's just blaming me there's a bone on the bed oh look at this beautiful trunk wow i'm loving this lap it's called like fur on it and stuff this solid wood as well the weight of that lid was really really heavy i've seen if there's any pictures that i've forgotten in there these magazines are 1996. there's definitely 30 years this place so i'm going to get the data from i've always told needy 30 years it's like a little museum it's like i've actually played to come in and see how a house would be in like the 40s and 50s and this is an old sewing machine table loads of music notes so you can call me wherever you want i'm just going to try and go up here you ready i'm locked on going to spend another it's all moving i don't want to spend another week in a french hospital drinking tea out of a bowl ah it's the same portrait there that was in the hallway some scratches in the walls just nature as a bat since your back's flying around cover my head look at it i think this is called weasel or who's off look at the construction that goes into these definitely see up there as well like the huge dowel joints they bang in to hold all the joists together no nails no screws wood on wood i don't want to upset the bat so i'm going to head out i think head out of this it's a beautiful place though should be saved this needs to be saved so some new timber new brickwork this could be saved okay it's all collapsed in here as well the bar the butt's in so back on the ground floor into some of the rooms i missed oh wow look at this this stuff see here little perfume is that no a little larger is that okay it's completely empty i know i haven't opened the other ones but this really is beautiful though got all the stuff just falling down like the fireplace so we had their two sons but also i spoke to one of the french people yesterday and um they did state i said why is there so many abandoned places and they said sometimes the family inherited listen to that the church bell yeah there's so many places that uh families inherit the um the family homes and it's cheaper for them to just buy a new house than it is to um restore the old ones is probably the same as in the uk there's another downstairs bedroom so maybe as they got older they moved obviously to the grounds they didn't have to do the staircase i mean i don't know how true this is but i heard that the old lady was living here long after her husband and when he passed sorry when she lived here on her own she couldn't afford the upkeep of the house and then the walls fell down on the side but she still lived here i think bless eleven she lived there the place was crumbling down someone's coming in the place was literally crumbling down behind her she stayed here she's a fire so just don't know where the kitchen is i feel like this could be this is a sink area i'm just going to check out one of the other buildings obviously this is what we see earlier scary that the dogs are getting crazy over there like they know we're in here this reminds me like when i see on the old um american films like the old ranchers oh i said something on a plaque wow look at that old technology still works it's a grinding stone for sharpening your knives so there's the old log store anything with this place i'm really confused i've just literally been everywhere downstairs and i can't find the kitchen so that's all locked there's a french furniture in here i'm gonna have to really quiet a minute because i'm gonna be really close to the road you can imagine us sitting out here sipping a french wine so guys nearly missed this wow guys i nearly missed this beer wow it's a little annex this is absolutely beautiful it's incredible the child's just about to leave maybe this is one because a lot of french families when their family come and stay they come and stay and get my next so there's a little sink but we still haven't found the kitchen how weird is that uh it's crazy this beautiful house it's just i'm just so puzzled there's just literally no toilet or bathroom there's gotta be so that you can see the damage now on the side of the house this is the back and look so sad isn't it just to think another place completely forgotten what i'll do for you guys come on amazing places which is cool as you say she really is just as you're about to leave this place you'd find another little building you can see the whole palm floor is about to collapse do you know what i'm starting to think this could be there you go outdoor toilet so that little sink is all they had to prepare in food that's crazy there's literally not a kitchen in the house well it's not crazy it's just there were luxuries back in the day this built house would build in 1804 i love exploring put some massive smile on my face guys if you wish to see more adventures if you're new to the channel check out some of my old stuff don't go back too far because i might get judged for a few curse words and you know hopefully i become a lot more professional now and yeah so hot we gotta make training here we've got a five hour drive now to calais so another 15 minutes gone anyway love you all guys stay safe i'll be seeing you on the next avenger what a house what a house 1804 completely taken in he wouldn't think they were joking crazy what's up explorers and thank you so much for clicking on my video if you're new to the channel please hit that like and subscribe join the awe team you all mean the absolute world to me without use there wouldn't be a channel i just want to say a massive thank you and it means the absolute world to me what all you do i do try and reply back to most messages so if i haven't replied to you and you've been trying please understand that there is a massive amount of messages i go through but love you all so much enjoy your life to the full give your family and everyone a hug give them a kiss tell them how much you love them because you never know when they're not going to be here love you see you soon on the next adventure you
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 185,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places uk, Abandoned places, abandoned house, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned house in woods, abandoned house tour, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places everything left behind, abandoned places explored, abandoned places in uk, abandoned places, exploring abandoned houses uk, exploring abandoned places, abandoned world Explorer, urban exploration, urban exploring, urban exploring uk
Id: v2EzKbYD1ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 23sec (2663 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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