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somebody flush the toilet what's up losers you've seen us drop Pokemon my memory barbel superheroes by memory we're kicking it up a notch now we're gonna draw each other my memory all of our names are in this Cup will draw a name and then that person will leave the room the rest of us will have three minutes to draw them that person will return and we will present our portraits and they will pick their favorite the winner gets five million dollars [Music] grow three two go you cheater Rick I've made no progress and we have one minute left one one minute 15 seconds left no it's annoying feature is his attitude someone's not gonna win I want to start with change and it's there's your earring you can you wear the camo blue pants and then you have this like Hawaiian shirt solution I will system you make me look like I'm the shady on the corner you're over here a drug dealer I do it so so this is his white skin as you can see here flesh tone this is some kind of crazy shirt that you don't know is where's crazy cool shirts you know I will say it looks like I'm a meat is smelling a fart I don't I don't know why I've been some B's key he's been disparate the docs points I'll do that in my brain but in I enjoy it I like that you got the hair in there thank you uh and that time you wear a lipstick that time yeah that time that I ate the lipstick okay I'm excited for Courtney Courtney I know I get an artist I just I get very focused on one spot I spent too long and then I have to rush on the rest so it's just kind of no I would wear every piece that you just drew it looks like you're gonna design my clothing line and I'll hit you up it really doesn't you're about to do you have a business email right yeah Keith let me see what spring or cheater drawing they cheated on sure I got your sideburns which is not be reassignments I got your long neck your um your Adam's apple I'm a BFA wear camouflage others may don't care and I put that if you hooves you need to take this anything on your walk what have you done Olivia well you see I didn't draw it you didn't try it oh my god I made something for you oh I'm pushing the walls Wow Wow this was down that mountain oh I'm not saying this is not origami content I'm in there it's like I'm hugging you you should avoid for making a buck I'm gonna stay right here right now Olivia hands down winces all right you guys ready Noah's gonna pick the next one I know I would Shane with so kind I'm a pastor to you Shane oh okay it was a kind he's gonna pick himself okay wait you were so mean to me I heard you it's Ian oh all right I'm starting the time right this zone has none of the cat's back on it I'm doing full beard [Music] that's my first kiss song kiss was it like tongue it was like it is it is tongue you would like ten seconds and I felt like it lasted eternity and I was like okay I'm gonna go home now oh yeah I'm crushing this shoot I needed Brown whoa oh we got 22 seconds left Wow I just know I know well you know what ian has have this timer app since like 2015 9 to 99 your drawing I brought rawhide your throw rings Olivia's doing origami again all right god damn it it's not a swan I choose you all right so like mine is very favorite phrase I love Shane oh wow yeah what does my head really look like that much of a do I look like a Minecraft character when I have the full beer sometimes the head looks like a block yeah all right no let's hear us I'm just gonna say that if you did not like Shane's you may not be a fan of my depiction of you this is what I did oh my god Oh rats what's up my own sad soul I I needed brown but all the cats were off so I picked the wrong color well I think worse is the tea movement quick like what the hell that's called layering it's an art that's like you're it's it's like pretty good definitely lost in placement I feel like so far you nailed my face shape the best so I think that's very good you and you got you got basically exactly where my beard goes like overall pretty good [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's what I was trying to do Wow I'm completely Brown I also made you something else what yeah okay so I choose Ian who cute star yummy or hating dry sweet you draw the same thing I have to give it I gotta give it to Keith nailed my physique of being like slightly overweight just like just like to the point were you like is he fat or is that just a bad angle [Laughter] all right we're on to the final round over it's and Olivia are tied one to one all right he is drawn aim all right and the next person to go is Keith choose [Music] [Applause] well you gotta all right okay three minutes on thirty minutes starts now I've got a great strategy of how to live [Music] Olivia stop it looks like a bowling pin goes stay down there no we got a minute left Olivia relax god [Laughter] no any wrong choices oh we got 11 seconds oh oh she was right I am time incarnate oh shoot all right time Olivia I want to apologize beforehand because I think you're obviously like a really good friend I think you're awesome think you're talented I think you're beautiful and I'm unable to depict any of those things Shane let's start over your side all right we'll start on me again okay check it out boom paper airplane wow what inside Olivia Olivia this is what everybody looks like but guess what if you call now you'll just get one airplane you get two airplane [Applause] somehow that one looks more like Olivia than the other one it's again never know which Olivia you're gonna get yeah call now and you'll get it Olivia Wow I'm going away yeah Congrats alright now I impressed me I may have drawn you like you're a ghost a little whoa somehow look like a vagina like a really manly eyebrows and I do have I just from the get-go I made wrong choices I had a blackout at your eyes because I chose the wrong colors Courtney please show me your dry she's not that's not actually her hair she's floating river is incredible Pete's like took zero effort clearly boom BAM baby you helped you drew me L yellow straight up yellow you know when you get on The Simpsons give you some pickle klompers to brown instead of black because you guys told me like instead of putting on black bust up for your eyebrows you for the bright brown all right well Olivia like you I too am an origami my Astro so here's here's the front of the organ it looks like you got splattered on my windshield beautiful origami you know it's oh good revealing Olivia's home your home is where your heart is another it's another Wow inside I made a box better than Fox the Chi made and this she is on the inside Wow origami thank you I couldn't decide who did the worst I can't decide be the best the oh wait who do you honestly think the doors I think ena and I are in close contention are you kidding yeah we want to know am I gonna hurt anyone's feelings and I don't I'm gonna dwell on this tonight I know you're gonna hurt if I feel that you're gonna hurt my feelings Olivia you're gonna hurt my feelings of you don't choose Keith no Keith she said drawer cuz you're full of you in your drawers I love Big Shot minutes at a time okay pick a name yeah you clearly don't get that much okay you've got five seconds five four three two one [Music] Wow he's getting the star that I okay so while Keith is slowly digesting marker down below if you wanted to do one of these again and don't forget to click the bell for the next video that we upload on to youtube.com / matter - themes here haha goodbye [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,549,674
Rating: 4.9443483 out of 5
Keywords: speed draw, art, artist, speeddraw, challenge, challenges, smosh, pit, smoshpit, draw, drawing, drawing from memory, worst art, worst, best, ian hecox, olivia sui, courtney miller, shayne topp, noah grossman, keith leak jr, try to draw, try
Id: sUUdmKBzFiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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