We Tried Living On A Farm In The Japanese Countryside | Kumano

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[Music] hello everybody welcome to Tokyo creative play I'm your host Emma and today I'm here with Natasha thank you and we are in your welcome and we are in couponing oh sorry my bad come on Oh city AR yr cuz it's out of that kuma is bad no is confusing don't worry about no we just got here after traveling a little bit from Tokyo so what are we doing here today we're gonna be doing a lot of experiences a lot of local stuff and we're gonna be getting our hands a little bit dirty opening okay get in amongst it you want like hands on stuff yeah hands on okay hands on is all right now is a little bit rainy and we'll they're spending hours right another bit of a rainy situation uh-huh over here they keen on tour Design Center yeah are we gonna do we're gonna be making some memories Ishi what is that it's some flavored sushi rice that is wrapped in some but econo mustard leaves oh oh yeah like me yeah and mustard today but yeah so we're gonna be going in and trying some of that to start off with okay but it's raining pretty hot so I think we should get inside all right we explain more about it when were inside yeah let's go [Music] what's time I am never in Australia we had to learn if every single school camping I used to live in a place where we had a big bonfire let's start and finally the cheating method we have like those biases yeah yeah yeah you can put in the time I mean I'm worried oh my god is the papers gonna catch you got it you got it yes I'm fine do I like side no yeah you want me to just do one corner so you can see how it's done and then you do another okay okay if you like a professional oh also uh oh I guess I'll just wait for her to be done go we see the deer behind sheep you can hear them right yes you can hear the rice if you use this nifty little tool so you know if it's ready chicken you can hear it cooking a little bit like almost like small bubble see just like I'm listening to the ocean from a seashells oh they're cool maybe more 10 minutes as it sounds is lower than the like puppy [Music] I'm gonna make fun of you if you can do it thank you so much yes sir leaf is big you need them more ice yeah it's how does that matter that's good go to it wrap it up oh god good really nice I think it's gonna be a good one no yeah do we keep making it go do we eat them the whole thing in one mile I think so if you vacuum ours hmm Oh more than me there's spinach actually does taste like mustard hmm you get a boost of flavor with it they're just really nice and it's quite salty visits pickled on the stamp I don't like pickled things and annoying must it but it stays awesome it's really good so like you know no problems there I was before yeah they said the facility that we're in Kenan Design Center yeah it actually used to be owned by one of kimonos big timber tycoons oh yeah so he used this Ultima house I think it is yeah yeah yeah oh so that's the theory about Maharis issue series yeah it supposedly comes from the web no hado really like to open your eyes and it's so delicious that when you eat it your eyes will be so wide open not really oh you can do it oh you're so good so now that we've had a little bit of an experience getting their hands into some rice yes so guys our rice I'm now we're gonna go and see the fonts a place that we're going to I think we're gonna pick some vegetables good we're ready for food any time I'll take a little bit of crispy rice to go let's bring the whole date with you Oh [Music] okay so right now we're on the way to our next activity yes and we wanted to let you know this video is in collaboration with kimono city itself so thank you for having as you can see we're in a car right now but there are so many ways that you can travel around kimono they're like bus services taxis yeah and if you want to know more about the transportation or if you want to know more about the activities that you can do here there is an information center directly across from the station it didn't take us too long to get here maybe about five hours from here yeah and it might seem like a long time but it didn't actually feel like that long and also I know a lot of people travel at there for hours it takes to get to Hiroshima all the time so it's kind of similar actually I think we're we're here oh we've come to do not Haku which is a fun stay yet I'm a yaad aati so we're gonna be picking vegetables cooking staying the night getting a little bit of a farm experience in super excited you've done on one of these before I really like that I have never been in a fast really far I've always wanted to be like I don't know retire and like be a farmer when I grow old we'll see if I still want to do that after this my goal is to do that but not when I won't just like now next year you know this experience is kind of listed on Airbnb so I think anyone can participate if they want to yeah Charlie busier also a foreigner friendly about seventy percent of the visitors are foreigners so they're all good so should we introduce who's house yeah we're staying introduce them I think so this way that way somewhere that's following over son okay this is the best day ever we're here at a farm come touch some veggie and then yeah cute doll best life thank you well these are long onions and then those are carrots over there you can see what the leaves Oh have you ever had a fresh carrot before no I haven't it's not really in my culture to just bite like Rocco oh you're having like the cooking event and these people like you you roll carrot oh yeah also we're making naba tonight so I think these are gonna go into another yes no we're just gonna have not been putting vegetables on the side nice looking carrying my baby now I feel like every time I've grown carrots personally they always end up really weird-looking really like you yeah the perfect car is it cute carrot yeah like never pick mini meal from a garden before it's so perfect yeah I don't know I never had a garden we gotta get you one okay okay how Soho in Tokyo we gotta get a lot of money fast okay so satisfying this all whole that whole thing of care at home you see can be easy okay and then we got cards okay I'm gonna pick this one so pick it from the base and come in just wiggle wiggle oh oh it's kind of sweet orange but look don't listen well on the ground that's really yellow oh wow carrots I wonder if the yellow ones taste it odd you watch - okay so the yellow ones a most sweet excited to try it okay he says Maggie maybe Nikki you got it it is oh my gosh that red look at the color on them you can share it look we can't hear because of the rain but there's the Sun of the roots like lifting up like like the velcro that's the best way I can describe it that's the sound I'll make it for you there you go it looks like morning again we can eat yeah how many yeah okay brother I'd love to go Emma looks like she's been doing this all her life this is my dream though big boy boy Wow look they're so neatly very nice thank you thank you yeah and the leaves yeah like so or do you see that dead leaves are so fresh and crunchy that you have to be really like delicate yeah they like follow the Bahamas crunch off these are so beautiful they're like bouquets this is our last last once we only get one of these some RIT lettuce ah me too me too don't smell any that's just it looks really fresh yeah beautiful look at our hole this is all veggie hole okay get out of the rain okay and prepare our dinner yeah let's go okay [Music] we're making su gyoza so boiled gyoza huh yeah he's a big I know this is the example she makes massive she used quite a lot I think that's too much how do I know even why do you put the pudding in the skin do I use the water and I kind of put it a like on the area so that's the clue oh wow the skin is huge yeah it's almost like a pizza oh my god oh that's what I thought you oh oh darn zoom in on it no maybe the next one will be better no one does a great buzz feels off [Music] oh and it's all veggie when there it is it's not so good so I put it back on I going yeah oh my god we hungry I'm so hungry I'm really excited to have some food yeah I'm warm suit yeah and then we're gonna go sleep and then we're gonna see you for this sunrise tomorrow bright Nelly I think we're working over like four year more something cool yeah [Music] okay we got a hit off now and this is our last day so it's sad to say goodbye oh yay oh my gosh you can see little minutes or not oh yeah we're on bike we're on by as you can see we made it to the mechina okey so the Pet Stop and they do render cycles here so we got some bikes and we're gonna go alright oh really yeah and the best thing is they're electric bikes so we get some assists understand meet me you'll experience it when you pedal down it kind of pushes you forward why so you can go up hills and it's super easy it's so good technology yeah we're gonna go ride some bikes to a rice field oh yeah yeah it's the place that we actually went for the sunrise but now we get to see it in all it's daytime Laurie so I think that the rotor eyesight going on it should be pretty simple like the route they were following so if you want to try this for yourself should be not bad we'll see though yeah [Music] [Music] serving cycling and there's a sign for my mother you must admire huh stop the coffee so did cute yeah want to take pictures you feeling fancy Oh milady [Music] a little chilly a little chilly but these are in the Sun oh my legs okay you're such an old Lee I am the views are so nice yeah had a great time cycling haven't done that in a while yeah then it was really cute running through because I think they're having a marathon today so everybody was just like hey yeah we saw a lot of people and say konnichiwa to everybody well that's it that's the end of our trip we got to go hurt now I think I'll honestly try the farm stay again yeah a lot of fun I'm feeling that yeah yeah I know it was really good because it was like a mix of kind of like a hostel a B&B situation but also a farm stay so it was just so relaxed and good we've only managed to do a couple of things in this like one and a half days that we were here but like if you guys stay for a longer period of time I'm sure they're even more things that you can there's so much to do I even so this place does like a river cruise and stuff to come that yeah there's so much to do it was fun like really just like getting our hands with the things but we did manage to see a lot of the scenic beauty of cumin all so if you're interested in watching that we have another video in the cards up there let us know in the comments down below if there's any activity that we got to try that you've either tried before or you want to try let us know but thank you so much for watching and we'll see you in the next video mmm I just picked them out the ground eat them straight away yeah I could if we just gave it a little wash nasty it's not that crazy I like wanna tuck my hair behind my ears but I can't I kind of got dirty hands as well not as why my mouth
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 52,160
Rating: 4.9733629 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, japanese countryside, farmstay, japan airbnb, best places to cycle, make your own food, japanese food, nature, hiking, culture, new place
Id: jGwSBfQW3yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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