A Locals Guide to Asakusa in Tokyo, Japan [Ft. Tokyo Lens]

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are we going in that thing are we doing that looked at your degree to play I'm your host Emma and today I'm here with no make a circular we're in a sector right now and if you didn't know Norma is actually local to us EXA so he's gonna take me around and show me some places that are really good but not to Jersey so it's the first place first place you like Japanese yeah have you ever listened to shamisen I actually since Tennyson is my jam we're gonna start with the place with amazing Japanese food and live together shamisen and the guy who plays it is so passionate so we only just look like two minutes one minute yeah this is the best place can you explain where we are okay so this place is called Kiko oh and it is a like kinda like a menial psycho BA but it's menial sacrifice like where they play Symington while you eat but this place specializes in really good Japanese food lunch is like 25 35 bucks dinner is hundreds for lunch the owner of this place is like a master in the sugatas I'm Ethan and one of the most passionate amazing Sienna's English is pretty good too he said we can come and take a peek if you hey I wanna see what it looks like let's do it now the cool thing is this building was moved from the area of he Deepika Emma 50 years ago like all of this is the original wood how did they just take it apart just take it apart piece by piece like the poles that are inside or made it like water mills and stuff like that on the phone right now I'm just gonna wait just a moment I is it here and this is actually the proprietor right here cool life this is Emma Tommy said master how many years I have been praying about years 40 years oh my god do you wear anything special when you play Shami don't know just anything mm-hmm there's a Japanese like-kind it looks like a gym babe but everything's like long sleeves okay it's called summary and okay it's like traditional working clothes do usually I know it but I haven't heard it oh yes everything is different is the traditional Japanese east of it is it the kokino it was the sunshine and then that came up through Kyoto and became like the Geisha style of shamisen and then I moved up to northern Japan where became a Tsugaru samisen okay which is like bigger and thicker and you play really heavy can't even warm okay started as a really relaxed and light instrument then became very traditionally from the summer to like the colder areas so what do you think of it I think it's amazing I actually feel like I'm being transported till I get completely out the town maybe something more countryside I feel like I've seen this kind of atmosphere in way more rural areas so it feels pretty good to be back and it smells so good because like all the wood it's really nice it is and like despite one of the things that I love about this pond is like as you said despite us being in the middle of a sucker right near the temple so quiet all you can hear is the cicadas in the wind how did they do your no idea we're like hundred meters listen on javita's from Sensoji yeah it's just sounds of summer it's just wonder that's crazy it's beautiful yeah I love it all right should we check out the next place let's do it let's go next up is Japan's first-ever amusement park okay I think this requires some like it's it's really you can tell from looking at it's really tiny yeah but it's one of those places that like you go in the door and all of a sudden it gets bigger yeah a few moments later they didn't let us in we got a big camera yeah well but there are other places okay maybe this way oops we got a big camera it's intimidating oh it's too big do you drink I'm like a little bit when I do drink occasionally you feel like okay I'm gonna do shake occasionally it's usually a lot like my favorite sentence of today whatever you drink occasionally is usually a lot our next place thank you like so much because our next place says it all this is puppy doggy or a puppy stream and it's an entire street dedicated to drinking and this is this is quiet like that night yeah this booming and like out into the streets and it's also another spot for good photography do you want to go with just like like a beer or do you want to try something that's really a sec side if you want to try something it's really a suck sight this right here date me but I've never had it thank you so the bar located right in like like 1 1 1 of a success becoming a bar and it's one of the only buildings to survive the war and it's their creation it's like brandy it's really sweet oh okay really good thank keep it on norm so does it's kind of interesting how there's so many people out right now because I don't know usually it was exact ayat you think opens it like 5 or 6 p.m. it's so many people out drinking right now I guess it is like alcohol yeah yeah it is the theme of the street there are like four or five other places I really wanted to show you today but they're not gonna open until like 6:00 7:00 8:00 a.m. so I know this is the hope beat and this is a dinky but um you just mix them right up interesting fact I've never actually had hope feet never never is gonna be my first time ever smells like beer yes I do know I love that reactive I don't know if I was hoping for a reaction what if I was good a little bit but there's a different kind of yeah and it's very muted I feel it's like no whiskey is usually like quite aggressive to me but this is actually pretty good it's pretty easy to drink it's actually not bad okay if you go to Kamiya bar they serve it in these like tall shot glasses with a plate under it it's over Philly oh yeah very good like that so it's just like the hopping just kind of taste like alcohol this beer okay alcohol this beer and the reason that they originally made it is because like traditionally in Japan beer is really expensive and so mixing this with cheap shochu is a way to like enjoy that beer feeling this was kind of person it is by far my favorite breakfast place have you ever been to Akita in this is it here is a Royal cafe it's been around since 1962 the pictures of terrible yeah if you get these and all of these have like salad with them the whole thing together it's like 1013 dollars or something but these hot sandwiches I personally really like yeah yeah I'm sitting down seats are high dietary restrictions I guess I guess the hot sandwich did not for you I'll just get the do you ever recommended the corned beef on me and asparagus is as good without the cheese I know that she's really does make these sandwiches amazing I'm gonna go with two royal coffees two fun samples yeah I'm still debating anything with cheese you can try someone buying with cheese that way you know what it tastes like and get yours an emptiness or we can do happen Jenna I'd be willing to share half okay let's do that all right it's arrived mine doesn't have to chase for the moment you lose cheese we got some crisps in the middle and some salad let's just dig in do we just use our hands I think we just we just use okay it's gonna be all over my beer [Music] the bread is done so perfectly like is literally just the outside that is really crispy and the rest of it is just fresh bread and the coffee is actually really good as well the next bit of sandwich do you mind if I try the cheese one just one bite I'm just gonna try it just so I know if I can hold doc over back to the other one right I knew this was coming you could see it my face before she took the bite Jesus makes the whole thing I'm like on the fence like do I jump in you just stop this like every time she like goes to go for a bite summarising you eat that quick though usually apparently I've heard is a sign of having many brothers my sister April foster if she had an ice cream she wouldn't like licking she'd bite it and heat the whole thing and then be like oh can I have some you know so I had to learn to like speed it up my boyfriend what a great name because you just wants to enjoy his meal and I'm like I'm finished and I'm like saying that waiting he's like it feels like pressure I'm like I don't think I've ever eaten a sandwich at this place so fast oh really all right well I guess you know we got to go to that shamisen restaurant at the beginning but because it was like during their their break didn't actually get see them place huh me said yeah so I kind of feel like we've set up a scene but we haven't really rectified it but I have a way to rectify that okay and for us to hear live shamisen okay so that's what we're gonna do now all right kind of all let's uh all right so welcome to my place thank you my pleasure really nice here really nice house I like it I like it so I have heard that you play shamisen yeah so long story super short version about five six years in total but eight years ago I had a car crash because I was like I was drifting at the time yeah after that a friend told me you need to like pick a bigger goal you need something bigger if you could do anything in the world what would it be I was like I would learn shamisen from the ocean brothers as an apprentice so I spent two years chasing that goal landed it and I've been playing ever since that's crazy I mean we grabbed a seat for you a few moments later I have a look yeah wow that is beautiful so there's different types of shamisen right yeah yeah the different types sure sure so this one here is called the Tsugaru shamisen simply put the shamisen originally came into Japan through China and it came in to cut into Okinawa as the like fans team it's really small it's played with finger picks it's got a really like light and energetic sound it's like [Music] [Applause] it just got so they're leather Oh Gino ketamine Oh sunshine then from there it went up into Kyoto and became like a morph like the recognizability Mesa form this is a smaller version and it's used to play more like really traditional like kind of like yeah actually I think I have a smaller yeah how many reason do you have three three so this is also zou Shiming sandwich are considerably smaller hmm and they're not as strong either like you'll notice this his skin was really thick this is like just in the edge here and it's because these are played really gently have you played that one it looks so new this one I actually this one was gifted okay I have like a really beat-up one that I played in the beginning and then from the Kyoto area it moved up to like the Hokkaido area and became a bigger thicker stronger instrument because they need to be able to handle a beating the thing that distinguishes the sugata Symington is it's got a string and a drum portion to it like even something simple like this [Laughter] you're really slapping at that yeah yeah I was I was afraid yeah yeah I see it's that hard because I was like it's it's gonna rip yeah it's gonna rip them it's like shop it's like sharp edges to that it does scratch I'm the skin somewhat but it's meant to be not really Sorrell it's much more that that style is so much more violent than the other times and it makes you sweat yeah I've already play for a few minutes I got just beat yeah especially which is why the air conditioner is basically on all the time because I've got to manage the temperature and humidity in here yeah so this one is this one's actually an original song by the Yoshida brothers that they're teaching me right now I definitely won't get it running that's okay if you're learning right now it's totally fine how long did it take for you to learn like where the notes were and where everything was is it any business fret sorry no you're just gonna feel it you feel it so the when you play at like a competition like I'm looking at it like this and going no I'm gonna actually play it like this all of it too so there's a song called soo gonna don't get up a sheet and it is like the story of the four seasons in Aomori and it starts out with a snow squall and then it dies down and spring and summer and then back into that thing does it use like the whole okay would you liked it like actually yeah please pay for it this song was handed down to me from one of the Yoshida brothers and then I spent four years three and a half four years turning it into my own version hmm [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] remember what I said about the sweat yeah that's seriously amazing fun instrument yeah you're gonna try holding it no I can try holding it me to wash my hands or anything first just put this on so you wanna do me index finger and thumb this part here gets rested on like the side of your leg not so much like this more like on the side of your leg yeah right about like where your your jeans will crease there you go and then these eat the monkey here will be held at about eye level roughly like like that right now right around there I can run now that's the easy part okay the hard part how to hold the Boche ah I'm gonna give you a bocce to hold okay no careful take a how much do you think one of these oh god I had no idea I got no idea I want to guess a high amount cuz it looks fancy as hell they here well I don't know if this helps the same for me these wear out like I go through anywhere between two to three of these a year okay I'm gonna say 6000 yen I will yeah it's about $1,200 right there Oh take back how to hold this okay this is the most painful thing you'll do probably today okay you want to turn this hand up right I'm gonna put this right in there I'm gonna wrap two fingers around you want to put a space on the third finger and then you want to turn your hand like this own art and the trick is your pinky should look like that easier sighs just do this all right now that you've got that I'm gonna hand you this Hemis head back okay now try and strike it and make sound okay look just just just jam away inside to feel like how much force you actually did it feels like a powerful instrument well god I'm too scared to even like I feel like no matter what I do here I've got no idea I feel like I'm insulting the instrument that's how I feel the very first time I held it though cuz even just getting the sound out yeah dongdong try just hitting the first string yep the thing that makes it really challenging is actually the arm coming down so when you do that are you fitting and then grabbing a string and pulling it battle and then a missed right now [Music] yeah you're natural hey I think this is my future of it oh wait no how did I do it the best okay that's enough for me that special thank you so much no worries thank you so much for taking me around a sec so today I always sometime my pleasure it was like well and your shamisen is amazing they're not a long way to go but it's a lot of fun yourself yeah and thank you guys so much for watching and it's the end of the video you made him but yeah if you guys are interested in checking out norms channel I will leave a link in the description down below if it took your lens and thanks for coming along and we'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 69,182
Rating: 4.9183397 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokyo Lens, Norm Nakamura, Beginners Guide to Asakusa, Street food asakusa, Food Asakusa, cheap eats Tokyo, Top 10 Asakusa, Top 5 Asakusa, japan, japanese, tokyo, asakusa, local guide to tokyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 23 2018
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