A Whole Day In Rural JAPAN | Traditional Home And Cooking Amongst Nature

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good morning from ulta everybody today we're going to a farm to pick some cabbages this is how we're starting our day it's very cold arch Kings love chickens my mom used to it's a beautiful morning even though it's very very cold and we can see our breath so how I guess I'm uh oh is this the cabbage field I uh so the host is just grabbing some gloves for us oh we're going to go onto the bridge because the view apparently is beautiful the air is so fresh look at that beautiful sunrise last night because it was so dark outside we couldn't see anything out of the window so we just assumed this was all fields but actually there's a river here and there are fields of lettuce and cabbages and beautiful mountains and there's so much to see but there was no light pollution at all so instead we just saw the stars [Music] so I just got to experience something that I wanted to experience in Japan for such a long time which is a farm stay and we got to pick some cabbages and some lettuce and some wasabi leaf and it was honestly the best experience it was so fun to see where the food actually comes from everything that we were served yesterday for dinner was local it was locally produced cabbages and I'm happy because this is all food for me this is my vegetarian domain leverage Italian food domain and let me show you this huge cabbage and lettuce it's big and it's frozen right now because it's so so cold the leaves are all icy amazing the cabbage is a huge I do wonder what it might be like to live permanently on the farm I lived in almost like a desert environment in his Becca Stein we did have a little farm there but nothing this big this is beautiful this is like a huge dacha if you're thinking of doing a farm experience like a farm stay in Japan I highly highly recommend it it is the best way to get in touch with the real Japanese culture something you definitely don't see very often in Tokyo but here in Oita you can get away from the busyness of Tokyo and just experience a more traditional way of Japanese life so this is our belief and we're allowed to try it this is my tea it's good it's nice no it's not too hot that would taste really good in the solid chant make honey unique I tried oh I tried oh boy [Music] very questionable winning airing this is the music that plays when you've been successful so it was time for us to leave and I really wanted to give you guys a mini tour of this beautiful traditional Japanese house that is over 130 years old despite its age the house is very well maintained it's spacious with several bedrooms and more than one living and dining area the interior has features typical to a traditional Japanese home one of my favorite things are always the Shoji which are sliding panels made from paper within a wooden frame they diffuse the light and act as very aesthetically pleasing room dividers windows and doors the owners were also very kind to show us the adjacent building where a family would live should they choose to experience this farm State the center of the room had another traditional Japanese feature the irori it provides an area to boil the kettle cooked or simply warm up during the winters and cold nights as we found out ourselves the house does get very cold at night traditional Japanese homes aren't very good at retaining heat but this is easily solved with features like this as well as electric heaters a thick blanket and my favorite which is a kotatsu overall we had an amazing stay and it truly felt like a privilege to be invited into this family's home it was incredible to have a look at traditional life in the Japanese countryside okay on the road again on the road again we've just left the farmhouse now we're going to try so cold everything [Music] but it alright resilient I think that work can be nice talk so we just stopped at and we also have some delicious pudding maybe for breakfast - billable she so I'm looking forward to having this agrees on me this morning so this is the MSU place that we will be going to today so we've just arrived at our next destination where we'll be tasting for a lot of issues so it's still very early in the morning so we'll just have a little bit but it's a very cool place there are lots and lots of kalam trees outside first we're going to see the factory area we're going to try some miss you and then I'm gonna go downstairs and have a look around try this so many other Bashi here I've never seen so many refreshing my life I think I might buy some I'm not sure and I bring some home it's not really something that I think you can eat by itself but with rice it's good it just adds them a little bit of saltiness on top so if you visit Amash agora or yama you can actually see behind the scenes of the msu making process the area is very very famous for its plums which means you will come across many allah boshy in case you aren't familiar with what new mabashi are they are pickled or salted Japanese plums they make a really popular filling or topping for when you get like you saw me eat earlier because this area specifically specializes in you may to this day I have not come across a place with as many umeboshi is here it's quite exciting to be able to try to miss you straight from the place where it is made so these are the wines that we tried we have just finished them in teasing all the wonderful wines and they are in regret about this rose flavored there is one that tastes like honey there is one it's all great this is all great and it literally tastes like in English the beautiful garden in London I can't even describe it it's delicious I'm definitely going to bring some home with me because I wasn't gonna buy anything but now I'm gonna I'm gonna buy something yeah okay the liquor that I've just tried it is so good so so good I think I'm going to get this so right now they have a special promotion on with attack on Titan and I just noticed this Amanda pointed it out to me it's so cool so as we're walking up there to miss you tasting slash factory place there were so many plum trees everywhere I can just imagine how beautiful it would look during February when they're all in bloom it's a gorgeous location and I highly recommend you guys check it out if you are visiting Rita also I'm a bit tipsy right now we just had morning boom issue which is chopped oh I'm gonna get me - ah so we're going down this path and we're gonna get some mushrooms from a tree this is so fun look I'm picking up shitake mushrooms some trees and I've never seen them in a while like this literally growing on pieces of tree pieces of tree yeah cut down tree trunks I'm guessing they're feeding off the trees getting all the nutrients this one is [Music] [Music] [Music] so we just found my mushroom trying scene and I'm gonna try to you guys - it's really delicious though it's so fresh because we just picked them and now we get to eat them we also got some shiitake Marchi and I've never tried stuck you watch it before so I'm going to show you now it's like a dumpling it's so good I'm so happy that I got to try fresh mushrooms that we just picked ourselves and I've never had and Watchi with shiitake mushrooms in it they took loads of pictures of me eating the shiitake and they're not fluttering because at this point I was really really hungry and I was just like hum again in my mouth so they're probably not going to be very attractive you know I'm just walking around and looking at the mushrooms here and they are so I can just imagine that if I lived here I would have something to eat every single day I really do wish that this place was closer to Tokyo and if it was I would come here all the time if I could go out and go on a mushroom picking experience every single week I would because you feel so at peace your mind gets cleared when you're in this kind of natural environment with these beautiful big trees behind me and the mushrooms growing everywhere and I love mushrooms where we're going next is it the bridge it was still doing the bridge yeah we're going to the bridge and then no I think we'd go to the Wagyu off the Wagyu place yes and after that we go to the breaker then we go to the airport I believe okay then I'll be then the four trips [Music] so we are about to walk on the tools' bridge in Japan [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we have just needed to the airport we are going to be heading on our way back to Tokyo soon we've still got some time so I think we just wanted to do some only idea shopping and does checkout the airport but we had the best time it was so much fun I would recommend we talk to anybody it was a beautiful part of Japan that's full of nature and delicious food and so much history I'm so impressed oh yeah let's go back to Tokyo don't slip this is not very effective I could have walked into one I didn't even notice they were bananas Amanda had to point it out to me [Music]
Channel: Marianna Vlogs
Views: 7,240
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Keywords: A whole day in rural Japan, Rural Japan, Japanese countryside, Countryside Japan, A day in Japan, Rural Japan life, Japan nature, Traditional Japan, Japanese house, Japanese Farm, Japanese food, Cooking amongst nature, cooking in the forest, Living in Japan, Foreigner in Japan, Japan life, Life in Japan, Japan trip, Japan travel vlog, Kyushu, Kyushu Japan, Beautiful Japan
Id: ZTCHIq2z9-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 18 2020
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