24 Hours in Fukuoka, Japan For The First Time

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hi I'm Emma I am uni and we are in we're in Fukuoka for only 24 hours so we got to find the best things to do while we're here we're going to be using the Parker AI tourist informations chat board to help us find the best things in the area are you ready dude where that first location right now we are at hakutaku which is the Fukui meant ICO Factory if you didn't know four cookers really famous for its meant ICO which is a spicy fish egg so we were recommended this place from the chatbots so let's go learn some stuff about mentaiko we can make Vindico we can make it yeah oh yeah let's try oh yeah [Music] so we're gonna be given a challenge we have lots of mentaiko over here and we're gonna be weighing them and see how fast we can weigh them don't need to get 362 370 grams in a box and then see how many sets of those we could do in two minutes so me and Emma will fight over these mythical identified three - I only got two and you got three and you're natural I guess you know where your next alright so now we're gonna make meant ICO for ourselves yes mommy first up for me - no all right well let's drink it let's get started [Music] so we've seen the factory we've made a Manticore we are meant to hi code out yes so we did everything but it was so much fun it's a really cool place so now I want to do some shopping so I'll just type the next part you know sitting is good for dog shopping okay and this top bot even the name of the place location you can hide so I just research with generosity and let's see what we can do okay awesome okay lots of stuff is come up it looks great let's go check it out [Music] through the shopping center it's beautiful project something which is great and but they always do this turn of events I guess it depends on what where you come in yes you can see those events also you know interactive I'm hungry let's go easy [Music] it's dinnertime yay so right now we are in a place called pseudo we are having two different options for dinner so one of them is sweeter and we'll show you the other option later but soy da is amazing there's an information center and there's also a beautiful restaurant and they do events as well they do like Japanese cultural events that foreigners can try it it's just this huge combination of so many things yeah that you can't experience a lot of Japanese culture hmm and then also the obviously foreigner friendly and ocean as well so it's like fashionable it's like modern it's very and beautifully built it's a really good feeling here so what do you eat today I'll be doing a course menu so I can't actually read it that much it's going to be not just football KY cuisine the cuisine from all over Japan and it's gonna be using local ingredients so I'm excited for that but again we found this place by the chatbot so we're gonna show you now just how we found it yeah but we just googled Fukuoka AI tourist information and it pops straight up don't clicked on the link will take in to the homepage now it's all in Japanese but there's an English option in the right-hand corner so we just say try it now once we're inside the chatbot we can select an option from all of the options that they offer us and the way that we do that is just by a simple tap there's so many choices to choose from but I'm going to choose about town walking experience and now we found sweet aw that's how we found the restaurant and so now because the chat bot did a good job we're just going to let it know by saying good so we had a very big you know of coca no you don't know anything so it will help us manage how you use the chat pod to help you get around and explore the city [Music] this is our first first company tonight number one and the crispness the scales are surprisingly good they combine number two I've got much a soda I got my chubby here good this is a bit too much [Music] this is all the food that we just say whoa I'm not quite full yet we ate a lot but I saved a little bit of burn because we're gonna go into another dinner spot to show you guys yeah I'm so excited we will show you more when we get that so let's go so some of this stuff which is basically a boat that goes on the water that you can cook on while you go oh this stuff will cook for you yes I don't know if you can see us through all of the steam we're cooking not there right now so you can be known one before in Tokyo and we made open owe me a few but yeah this is my first time making that and also we do dolphin inia key which is a charcoal grill the caisson the seafood it's really really good and we do can't find anything oh so many times yeah we we can look out of the window and we get a beautiful view of the water and the buildings passing by it's quite amazing yeah let's do many more companies yeah I run out of [Music] I'm full I was so good though it was so nice going and rolling the river and seeing everything and just being relaxed and eating so so much we love food and if a Gurkha has so much good food so we need to try more food more another drink so do you want to go bar-hopping yes let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] just drinking away that's a good way to make friends onigiri was so good we did it so many come by with lot of people I'm sure it was so good to meet what goes in just like Chad it was a great time it's a really casual atmosphere yeah but I'm still a little bit hungry yeah we have a layover space little bit of a thank you because we kept making some space for more food yeah next spot will be yeah die yup I will explain what it is when we get there yes let's go cuz I use the chat pod and we asked what are we gonna eat and it recommended so many places but we chose the option of yoga yeah this is Yatta Yatta is basically an outdoor bar or it's a kiya they serve a lot of amazing food and drinks but you're just gonna line up a little bit and it's it's more than that but it's still awesome it's on the street I've never been to yeah baby what have you yeah me neither let's give it a go [Music] they have an English menu below but as the recommended stuff and I'm so full but how is their place of expertise for you it was so good and I am oh I don't eat anymore I never yeah al are over here let's get everything was so delicious it was so nice and there was so awesome in there just easy to chat with and they were just and I show it's great it was awesome okay yeah we only have maybe till midday tomorrow so we got to get some sleep cuz we got a lot more to do what's up guys it's the next day it's morning I ha ha I'm okay we had a pretty hard last night but I'm okay because we get to go get some food and like yeah loosen up have a good day for the second day yeah give us real angle market you know what what they're um they have lots of different stuff they have lots of seafood and fresh fruit and vegetables they have bread and coffee and what guys she as well so Japanese sweets I'm excited for those yeah get something very sure maybe be cover from hungover so let's go [Music] okay so we just put all the best stuff got all about goodies and now we got to find somewhere to eat yes it's asked at the but where's the best place to chill yeah I'm hungry we are in a hood eco em yep I recommended this park to us and we're gonna go and eat our snacks that we got yes let's eat me come all right so we're here in the park it's so beautiful and it's so peaceful I frequent those really chill it's really nice yeah but we have our beautiful picnic there's so much stuff to eat I'm so hungry well we're gonna get into it and get stuck in yeah this is deep fried ramen fish cake I guess taste like rub him hmm [Music] okay so we've almost finished up and we're gonna take a walk around the park and have a look around and then after that I think it's time for our last meal in Fukuoka before we fly back yes and Chuck thought recommended ramen to us so let's go see what it recommended yeah so we can't leave Fukuoka without trying some famous Hakata ramen so we're right now in ubud oh yeah which is a really famous chain in Japan but the thing is we're in the hunt in which is the main shop that created it or like the place that it was originally created never equal the other had tonkatsu but nothing if we don't say so we are going to order two kinds one is zero money yeah [Music] okay we have our ramen I have the Shiro model which is the normal brush that they use yes and this is the original diamond mine is a model and then the originals only the diamond from them this shop can eat this much much more thicker thicker and richer whoa I see so much flavor in a food that's really rich the soup is ready thick and rich so it's almost like a posh that was so good yeah it was really amazing we now at the airport we're gonna go back to Tokyo today it's such a good time and before God let me have everything oh I would say having the picnic in the park what about you it was so good it was so friendly as well yeah and also the football guy AI Therese information chat bot was awesome it really helped us find our way around to Fukuoka and find out what the best things it was great you're not planning to country bacówka just take Alexa chat for be convenient find so many things to do when you're planning to come to Japan maybe you could go very well a spa visit so just text Osumi thanks coming on the trip with me and thank you guys for watching let us know in the comments down below what your favorite thing was we managed to do it all right we'll see you guys soon [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 72,154
Rating: 4.9112754 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, Fukuoka, 24 hours in fukuoka, guide to fukuoka, things to do in fukuoka, fukuoka guide, japan travel, travel japan, trip to japan, japan trip
Id: Winfu0kKEBU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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