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so a while back sarah found this facebook group of this guy who liquidates return palettes from walmart target and amazon so basically he buys semi-truck loads of returns and then he sells them by the pallet to resellers today i'm gonna go check out what he has he gets in new shipments each week and see if i can get one of these pallets and we're gonna try to resell the items on the pallet and see how much profit we can make um so let's go check it out and see what we can find i think that one's pretty good on right there all right guys i'm not sure what store the pallet i bought was from but i think i got some pretty good stuff let me show you what i got here so looks like we have a mini fridge um two electric scooters there's like a little gaming system like uh arcade game down here some other stuff so i paid 600 bucks for the pallet but i think i can definitely make at least that money back so i'm gonna get it tarped up and and head on home so i'm super pumped about what we got the more i look at it the more value i realize is there for example these swagtron scooters i have swag tron pretty sweet name put them inside here because i don't want them to get wet but i just look the value up on these things they're 299 a piece so if i can just sell both of those even close to retail value i almost have this whole thing paid for so there's a lot of good value here and i can't wait to show sarah got some treasures check out these scooters these are huge i kind of want to keep them but i'm going to show you the rest of stuff though because it's all pretty cool stuff sweet let's see it okay you ready to see your christmas present oh boy you see an arcade game yeah file cabinet file cabinets dented box a glass mirror so there was a couple things on top we knew what they were um but there's also some boxes we don't know exactly what they are so we're gonna cut open our pallet and see what we got inside file cabinet another file cabinet this one might be damaged this one is probably broken that's whatever it is is fragile door mirrors yeah yeah four cube organizers it's big there we go legends ultimate looks pretty cool let's see hopefully i i think you'll get our money back i don't know if it was worth the drive and all that yeah but okay we'll see yeah so we're gonna have to do some research on some of these items to see exactly what the retail value is the mystery ones i think are this guy and then the mini fridge so it says 218 from sam's club return reason product defect does not work are you serious yup hopefully we didn't lose money on this deal we'll see so we are going to start by listing off this wine fridge it retails at 289 i think we're going to ask 175 for it nothing's wrong with it really except for that it's missing a little like foot on it but other than that it gets really cold and works perfectly we are going to mention to people that we got it as a returned item off a pallet we don't want to mislead anyone and we definitely just want to be honest so we're going to put all that in the description we'll let people know that it works and we'll even leave it plugged in so that they can come see it so we'll see if we can get 175 for it this does not work what do you think think they're bluffing or you think it's real we're hoping that maybe they just felt embarrassed that they didn't want it anymore or had buyers remorse or something ready yeah i better get some scissors looks pretty cool right this looks kind of cracked here just part of the actual structure so that's not a good sign see that yeah there's definitely some damage here i do think that's a problem because those are like structural pieces you know yeah what are we gonna do about that if anything um i don't know if we can maybe secure them or this is the moment of truth because if the screen is cracked yeah can't do it yeah it's over so we're really bummed when we found out that this said it was broken at least on the receipt so um this particular item is going to make or break our whole flip um if it is broken and we can't fix it we're probably going to lose money on this palette not physically broken so that's kind of the least of my worries all right guys moment of truth i'm gonna plug it in and see if it works all right nothing yet how about this hey red button hey hey good sweet i think it might be working guys it works this is a big deal because i think no matter what as long as electronics are good in this we can aesthetically fix it up on the outside we're gonna have to sell it as used we can't sell it as a new product but i think the fact that it works and it's a cool old retro arcade game um i think maybe you know even though it's lists that are on 500 i think we'll still be able to get at least 200 to 250 for it don't you think i think so yeah oh the genie i'm keeping this i remember playing this game i'm not so good at it i'm super pumped all right ruby go this way go this way good job so we just tested the game and it works we're super excited about it it's actually a really cool machine it has over 300 games loaded on it so you can play all the classic arcade games and stuff so that's the valuable part here what i'm gonna do is build it how it should be built and then find if see if i can find a way to provide extra support and straighten these bent pieces out and if we can do that then we can just touch it up with some black paint and i think it'll be sturdy for someone and be actually better than it was to start alright guys so i finished fixing the arcade game and it turned out really nice there was really kind of a lot of issues that i had to resolve but it ended up looking pretty good so the only issue is that there's this crack on this one side the crack on the other side is not visible from the outside fortunately but i did have to reinforce it on the inside with some one by fours so this unit retails at 500 we're gonna list it for 300 and see if we can get it there's just really just a couple minor cosmetic things wrong with it but other than that it's in perfect working condition so we think with the time of year christmas time coming up that someone will really love this for their home so we're going to list it and see if we can get it total garbage man other one smashed right in the front it's terrible scrap metal i don't know about this this is looking like a fail so far guys so i i don't know i don't know what we're gonna do what happened did you even open it no i don't think you need to this we're probably going to just leave in the box because it's a build your own and it looks like it was just returned so that's about 50 bucks right there but so far it's really not looking too good for us i just want to see my broken mirrors they've been cool they're gold but oh come on there's four of them this sucks all right i'm seeing something already here though it doesn't look so good what's that the computer screen is missing or what yeah it's like damaged or something have gotten burned um i don't know i'm not it's not looking too good right now let's plug it in we'll try the other one so we're going to find out what's wrong with the other swagger swag tron this one didn't have so much swag so this one it's written a little bit looks like got some mud on it so the good news of this one is that it doesn't have a broken screen on the top uh hopefully it works and hopefully we can get it cleaned up and looking nice what do you think i think we got duped i i mean i think we can sell them i just don't know if we'll make any money we might recoup some but i don't know at this point i cannot recommend pallet flipping we'll just say that hey look i found it so that was the one thing wrong with the one scooter so i think we have a complete bike all right we're going to test these bad boys and see if they actually work it's not working well this is not good oh wait a second oh hey we got it here let's see if it works now my broken plastic piece back here all right ready yep it works i want to try this thing what do you think are so sweet let's keep them if we can't get at least 100 for these we got to keep them right totally all right so these are some sweet scooters we had a lot of fun test driving them um unfortunately they are damaged um i don't know why we didn't expect them to be but they are so these retail for 300 a piece um we're gonna list them for 300 as a pair so half off i think that's a pretty fair price especially because they are in full working order they just aren't as pretty as they would be brand new so i think someone's gonna have a lot of fun with these so this storage unit retails for 45 from walmart and um it's new in the box it's never been open so and i don't think it's damaged at all because it doesn't look like the box has been hurt um and so we're gonna ask 25 for it well we sold all the stuff it was quite the process to get there but we did it we'll talk in a few minutes more about the experience but for now we're going to cover the numbers and our grand total so we sold the scooters for 300 total for both of them uh we sold the mini fridge for 150 the storage organizer for 25 and then the arcade game we haven't officially sold yet but we have someone coming on friday for 250. so our grand total was 7.25 we bought it for 600. not great so our total profit was 125 from the palette but for the amount of work that we put into driving up picking it up sorting through all the trash getting rid of the trash listing all the items fixing them first what we could every single item had an issue every single one there wasn't a single item that was like well i guess the storage cube right yeah the storage cube we just listed we didn't ever even have to take it out of the box that one the rest of them all had issues i think maybe we thought that people just decided they didn't want these products or i don't know i was pretty hopeful that maybe with some of those larger ticket items that people maybe had buyers remorse and just decided they didn't want or didn't need that expensive item like the 500 arcade game like some of those are like a little more luxury toys so they all had issues broken pieces stuff missing it was kind of a disaster yes we spent a lot of time fixing them and kind of making sure that they were even sellable in all of our descriptions we made sure to be super honest we said that we got it all from a pallet return we said exactly what was wrong with it we took pictures of it if there was anything and so we really tried to be honest and we knew that if there ever was an issue and someone wanted to return it that we would just have to refund them and that's just kind of how it goes so we kind of are prepared to do that if that happens from this single experience i don't think we could actually recommend palette flipping however some people do really well with it and i do think that maybe we could have gotten a little bit more for our items because we got rid of them really quickly true it's a gamble i mean that's kind of the fun of it too though right i mean kind of right we had talked to several people we were describing what we were doing to them and they said oh that sounds like a lot like storage wars yeah and it kind of is you just it's a surprise box and um you may get lucky or you may not so it was a lot yeah it was fun like opening the boxes seeing what was inside playing with the toys yeah it was fun so most of our items were electronics so i think if we were to do it again we would try items that were like decor or at least not electronics like maybe a target palette so we should probably tell you guys how we found out about this idea and how we got connected with the supplier so you want to tell them about that so we started hearing about people flipping palettes from return merchandise um and this is something we hadn't really heard of before so we started to research it i found a guy who had a page on facebook that was called palette liquidation and he was about an hour from where we live so i kind of started following his page to see what he was posting he would take like videos of all these different palettes that you couldn't see what was actually in them i found a few more in our area but this one specifically he actually got the palettes off the truck and then sold them as is where other people were either auctioning them off or they were kind of picking through them and then giving you what was left so when we found out that this guy was getting a new shipment and we decided to go check it out if you want to give palette flipping a try we would just recommend searching facebook for pallet liquidation and see what you can come up with in your area that's what we did there's more and more people doing it all the time because it's a growing industry because of all the online orders and returns that are coming back in through amazon and walmart stuff like that right lots of people do like lowe's return palettes target return palettes amazon is more of like a grab bag you don't really know what you're gonna get so you could get lucky with those where target's a little bit more safe because you kind of know what targets merchandise is i feel like we might try a target palace sometimes it'd be really fun even though this didn't go so well for us it was kind of fun it was different so comment below if you want us to try a target palette because it might take a little convincing because it was kind of a lot of work yes or let us know if you ever try palette flipping because i'm curious if other people do well with it too yeah if you've had better luck than us please let us know because that might encourage us to try it again so as far as pricing goes on palettes the guy that we went through his palettes range from 200 to 600 so we actually chose the most expensive palette there but just to give you an idea of kind of what you can expect to pay for pallets yeah the reason i chose the more expensive one is because you could see that there was valuable merchandise just right through the shrink wrap i could tell what the items were and i knew they were worth a lot of money but didn't really factor in how broken they would be they were very broke very broken um so if you like this video make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe so you can see us flip some other cool stuff bye
Views: 127,979
Rating: 4.9112496 out of 5
Keywords: customer returns, liquidation unboxing, pallet flipping, return pallets, buying liquidation, returns pallet unboxing, liquidation.com, liquidation review, extreme unboxing tv show, amazon pallet flipping, flipping pallets, pallet unboxing, liquidation pallets, unboxing pallets, liquidation pallet unboxing, side hustle, flipping side hustle, flipping pallets side hustle, flipping, walmart returns pallets, walmart pallet unboxing, walmart return pallets, amazon return pallets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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