We Survived 100 Days on a MODDED Island!! - Duo Minecraft 100 Days

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in today's video i try to survive for 100 days on an island wait wait this this isn't just any island though no no this is actually an extremely difficult modded survival island that guys when i tell you it's difficult i mean like rl craft difficult but basically it's in stranded island form like there is over 200 mods in this that completely change and i mean completely change the way this game works i mean obviously first off the entire world is mostly ocean so there's that and there's also tons of insanely difficult to kill mobs that just spawn all the time like just look at that like what oh yeah and all the crafting recipes are completely changed to make sure you have to actually follow along and do the quests i mean if you want any chance at surviving hey at least i won't be alone though that's new i'm sure i would have definitely gone crazy trying to survive on this island alone but no my buddy and actually childhood friend sodie poppin is actually going to be joining me so here's the thing this is actually sony's first time playing modded minecraft actually just just minecraft in general he has no idea about anything minecraft related at all so surviving on this modded island for 100 days with him should uh be interesting leave a comment wish me luck and make sure to hit that subscribe button and let's hop right into this adventure [Music] saudi and i began our journey by chopping some trees and then i realized sodi didn't even know how to craft a crafting table so i began teaching him that and that's when i realized this is gonna be a long 100 days more importantly i think we need to make like a club and kill some stuff okay oh and we also need to get a farm going should i kill the owl now kill one they're kind of annoying no bro i thought it was you i was trying to get you in here all right hurry hurry get in here get in here all right i'm in okay enough messing around i actually have some goals that i want to complete by the end of this video and that is to complete every single quest in the game which is probably going to be the hardest because the creators of this pack decided it would be fun to change all of the crafting recipes to make it so you have to use other mods to make items like the recipes are way more difficult you do get a loot chest with a random item inside every time you complete a quest though so that is helpful for our second goal we must defeat the wither and enter dragon and finally we must try to develop as far as we can on our island we also decided to place a rule on ourselves because why not make it harder right so sodium and i cannot leave the island for the first 20 minecraft days so yeah let's just dive right into this which is exactly what i did on day two i found out that there are these little rocks at the bottom of the ocean and if you collect them they drop a random ore like iron or gold so that was actually extremely useful to get started out with except for one problem we couldn't craft a furnace yeah they made it so a normal minecraft furnace takes smelted stone and the only way to get that is to craft a stone grill which takes like 650-ish cobblestone to make so how are we gonna smelt anything like i needed food man on day three this happened oh no i'm running find me saudi and i could not catch a break that this island was infested with horrible creatures that we had no chance against i mean i would have tried this in hardcore but i knew it especially with sodium i had absolutely zero chance of surviving plus this is literally one of the hardest modded minecraft packs i have ever played you you guys will see how hard it gets later on as well place the stick bundle down place the kiln on top and then i think you right click it with sticks watch is cooking it yes there goes there goes and it's gonna turn it into stone oh it didn't work all right i'm gonna try it hopefully nothing's near us let me know if you see anything come by all right i could not figure out how to use this kiln and on day four after getting some sunlight eventually the mobs forced sodium back into our hole where we decided to try and dig for cobblestone to save up for that stone grill on day five sodium and i were finally able to compress enough cobblestone down and craft the grill there we go i made a grill oh nice oh my gosh yes this is how we advance okay we spent the rest of day five diving in the ocean for more aorus and we were happy we thought we were actually making some progress when on day six we realized iron tools only have one durability like why come on why why so uh we just had to stick with the stone paxils zoom yeah nice now these hoes can't hurt my heart anymore i have day seven sony and i explored some more of our island and we even found a cow in the sheep so we tried to get them to follow us to set up a farm but apparently no there was a different way to attract animals in this game you have to actually make animal bait so that's exactly what i did there's like undead people right above our house bro oh look the cow bait worked there's a baby cow right there my guy can make us real beds nice look i'm in his bunk beds nice oh there's monsters nearby oh oh no no no no on day i was able to get some armor and continue to work on some quests when i discovered what sodi had been up to while i was farming you got a cow but how'd you get the cow what i have two come here how'd you get him uh i don't know but this is what i have so far nice she got the caker home sweet home the rest of day 9 i began setting up a fence and placed some cow bait inside to hopefully attract some cows and get that cow farm going something that's you know probably a good thing to do on an island day 10 i worked on the farm and the house a bit and then bred some animals and i have to say by the end of day 10 things were starting to come together we had definitely made an impact on this island so far but in reality we had literally just barely scratched the surface we we had a long ways to go before we could call ourselves rich and successful survivors saudi don't worry day 11 i bred a bunch of cows and worked on the farm some more and then i tried to teach sodie how to make low-grade charcoal which is crucial knowledge to have if you want to progress further into the game but i guess uh he didn't really care so sodi yeah this is how this works how does it work that's fine how's that work it's too late [Music] day 12 was actually a great day i got so much important stuff done like just watch i'm gonna name him bank it's a little piggy bank xx little piggy bank so i'm gonna place the low grade charcoal just like this and boom flame grilled whopper that completes us the quest all right let's see what we get from this reward red heart canister yes i think that's gonna give me an extra heart now oh yeah it gave me an extra heart down there nice another uncommon crate hunger protection puppet no way does that mean i'm not gonna be hungry anymore put down a water powered saw and place a source block right under it and make it flow forward and now we can make a water powered salt want to make a spot for it oh there it goes yo that's sick day 13 i helped sodi get out of the sheep pen and then i admired how much food i had farmed and then on day 14 i heard this what was that oh my god saudi dog no rip soda died bro what happened so i was at the top putting the fence up right yeah and then a creeper blows me all the way down here and then guess who's right next to me another creeper that blows me up oh i'm out of here don't worry we got back on track and began working on some quests which meant that i had to be a bunch of animals with the bone club so that was fun yes finally a bone shard day 18 sodie and i put tons of work into remodeling the house and making things look good with the resources we had and man i was so happy with how it turned out i cannot tell you how much better it felt to not be in that ugly small dark cave anymore and i think this looks pretty good for just a couple of washed up island survivors eh day 20 i i taught sodie how to breed animals because i guess after 20 days somehow he still didn't know and i had to tell them to stop jumping on the crops too because i kept having to re-hoe them i can make blackberry juice bro and a lot of it maybe even strawberry juice yes i can day 21 sodie and i made the push for more resources because things in this mod pack were not cheap that's for sure but day 22 we realized it had been over 20 days so we could finally leave the island and see what the infinite ocean had to offer but by then it was getting dark so we decided to wait until day 23 when we finally set sail to explore the great ocean well what's that oh somebody's already jumped in school chest oh got it i might be able to open it with one of my keys back at the base here we go sodium i'm hoping there's some good stuff over here i don't know we got to be careful we don't know what kind of monsters are on this island i already see a mob tower we ended up finding a village i was just happy to know that we weren't the only survivors of the virus we probably should have you know social distance just to be safe but uh after all you know this this is just pixels anyways we continue north ravaging any sort of treasure loop we could find until eventually i decided i had seen enough of the ocean at least for now we needed to get started on tinker's construct so sodium and i spent the rest of day 24 and some of day 25 gathering resources to make grouts which i had to hang on some drying racks to dry out so i could smelt it into seared bricks so i could begin crafting the tinker smeltery multi-block furnace as i worked towards that on day 27 i opened a loot crate and somehow managed to get this i just got a pink generator what wait what so anything pink it generates power with or dirt oh we got some plant fossils okay hold on i spent the rest of day 27 messing around with the fossil mod but nothing really came out of that just yet on the day 28 i got attacked by this ender woman named sheila and as i killed her her last words were to subscribe so i mean i guess if you want to listen to her you know it's free okay anyways then i found this ocean temple in the ocean and as i was swimming towards it i found this chest and i used this key and it worked oh my yo oh my gosh yo this is opie hold on no way i just got such glue what old coins enchanted torches man the ocean really had so much loot but but the sun was setting in quite peacefully uh my dad sheesh just look at that then uh yeah on day 29 sodium i thought it would be a good idea to grab some invisibility potions and try to take on the ocean temple in hopes we could get some you know good loot or something but no nope that uh didn't really work out it was fine though because we realized there was such good loot to be found in the bottom of the ocean so we set out on a little adventure journey for lost treasure that had been sitting on the bottom of the ocean for centuries we rated absolutely everything we raided the sunken ships and even part of this mob tower yeah but then it got so dark we decided we should just unload our inventory so we did that yeah then we headed back to go give it another go for the next day what's the worst that could happen eh okay so at the very top is a boss okay i don't know for strong enough to fight it i don't think we are like little rats oh are you in all right got everything right here oh yeah hold on hold on they're gonna start dropping oh come on come here they're gonna start coming right here no no [Music] oh the boss is up there so at day 32 i worked on some quests and secured some nice you know baked potatoes and then on day 33 i taught sodie how to make the tinker smeltery all right you start off with these seared bricks in a three by three technically you don't need these corners so you place a smeltery controller on here place this your tank like back here all right you're gonna place these drains like that you want the small hole facing forward and then you place these faucets ah okay and then so these faucets you can either have a casting table to pour into or you can have a casting basin and then so the rest um you just place the blocks all around to complete the structure and then it should light up like this if it works check it out in the front oh nice day 34 i collected some more gravel and then went fishing with the diamond fishing pole i had found in a mob tower ah nothing like fishing in minecraft in front of the sunset eventually on day 36 i was able to craft a metallurgic infuser and use the pink generator to power it i began making steel dust which is a huge deal because steel is used in a lot of items in this mod pack it meant that we could go to the nether and do so much more honestly it was this this was a great moment this was a good thing we did it day 37 i used the steel to upgrade the mesh for the sieve and then made this coal fossil sapling and then on day 38 uh sodium and i got brutally attacked by this ware cat what the oh my no so many bad things on this small island we're going now on an adventure yes sir on an adventure to another island so i got these coins from the ocean loot chests and they said i needed to throw them in a wishing well to get some sort of loot back and so saudi and i headed back to that one village because i thought i remembered there being a welding right here is a wishing well throw a coin into it see if you get anything all right just throw it in there yeah oh i just got hurt oh i just got hurt again hold on i'm gonna try what's hurting me hold on i don't know huh thought it would have done something yeah apparently it was the wrong well so uh yeah disappointing ah you guys won't believe this yeah i recorded a black screen for the next 12 days of me playing like can you believe that i was i was so mad like i literally just wanted to give up on the video but you guys know i had to continue for you guys i wasn't going to give up and so i came up with this great idea because sodi had luckily recorded everything so i present to you a quick but epic montage offering the very unique and interesting perspective of my island's survival buddy sodie poppin enjoy i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew it all right oh my gosh look at all of them with their box right here i need food man do you need any i have some oh shout out watch big out yeah i see that i think it's this one oh yes nice of iron damn four more ember keys yeah oh bro neptune armor nice look at the sword iron greatsword that looks sick sweet what the heck we're getting loot out here guys oh twenty eight thousand durability all in one pool damn all right [Music] appreciate it all right let's take a picture all right it'll last longer where's the best lighting look at you a little bit closer yeah day 51 i worked towards crafting a macerator and yeah that thing was expensive it took so much iron but then then it happened i found the great wall of minecraft [Music] well how big is this wall like i don't know if you guys really truly understand the size of this wall like like standing below and looking up it was insane but but then i asked myself wait how did this wall get here who who built this and how how far does it go for what's on the other side like these were questions that needed answers and sodium and i are some pretty determined fellas so on day 52 we began our journey climbing the great wall of minecraft yeah everyone was there oh my gosh look at how we are up bro this is crazy oh they're right here right here really oh yeah the they're mean we kept going and going and going and eventually although i was stubborn it seemed all the wall was was some sort of infinite border that marked the separation between absolutely nothing or maybe it did i don't know i'm beginning to question how advanced those before me really were anyways day 54 i opened a ton of loot chests we had gotten from the bottom of the ocean and you guys will not believe the amount of insane loot we got like this is insane oh i just got an elytra nice no way i can fight with this or like glide sodium i spent the rest of the day organizing and setting up the chest room and then on day 55 i was exploring when i found this mysterious temple let's check this out oh it's trapped okay don't move do not move that one's trapped this one's normal this one's normal got some obsidian some relics this one's strapped so we're gonna break it what's down here oh my gosh i'm scared something's gonna happen i think we're safe it's all this block emerald and blocks of gold day 56 i finally found a real wishing yes finally a well okay we got a bunch of coins i want to get some good stuff [Music] oh yeah got a diamond from it that's getting some keys here's my coin bag i'm just going to toss these in here oh look at all these diamonds and slime balls and more coins we could literally get so much stuff day 57 i did some digging because i wanted to make a machine warehouse on the island yeah i had a vision guys and on day 58 i began setting up a pathway where i had planned to build we needed to expand the base as well so i started digging a basement and then crafted some elevators and set those up which i was actually really excited about i don't know it just felt like we were really starting to make some progress day 59 i used the good old classic tnt method to begin clearing out an area for the warehouse i worked until night and even in the rain trying to level the ground because i wanted this thing to be huge day 60 sodium and i decided it was time for another adventure that's right we were gonna head to the nether and we were more than ready at least i thought wow you ready to see some real magic hello hello yeah what's up yo uh why is it so dark here man ah whoa what oh we're getting attacked oh oh these guys are nasty yup we quickly realized we uh weren't that ready to do any exploring in another at least just yet so on day 61 we prepared a bit more by grabbing some potions and also made some obsidian boats that i hoped would work in the lava and then we headed back to try again all right whoa this place looks crazy yeah okay so we're on the hunt for a pirate ship i'm pretty sure these things will have good loot since with another that's my hope all right all right ready yeah all right here we go it didn't work for me did it work for you no that's dumb all right we're gonna have to dig down oh no there's lava monsters that's gonna make it tough what's that pretty sure these obsidian boats work i just don't know if it goes faster than these lava monsters can you ready follow me yeah i'm on fire but i'm not very barely merrily merrily until you die by dream look for a pirate ship is this a fortress or a ship it looks like a ship sodium oh wait fiery netherrack doesn't seem like a good thing to get out on i did it i'm out oh you oh you have to place the blocks please block this was not looking good we were getting attacked from all angles and then sodium got absolutely striked by this flame spewers so i spent all of day 62 helping him get his stuff back you know like the good friend i am and then uh we stumbled across this nether fortress so we said screw it let's raid this bad boy what what's the worst that could happen once we get to the top there's gonna be blazes and where there's another bad stuff should i have my shield ready yeah all right there's a blaze right to our left here i'm going to try and bow it okay i killed it nice don't fall down oh oh we're under attack [Laughter] day 63 we killed a snake demon then raided the rest of the fortress and got some great loot and then we made our way to a ship hoping it had some kind of special i don't know like op loop i thought there was going to be like a big chest this is all there is we went through all that for this i guess so day 64 i began making an enchantment table because if we were gonna defeat any sort of boss like a wither we definitely needed some good enchantments but the recipe of the enchantment table was changed of course to learn how to make these obsidian plates in the tinker's smell tree i needed more obsidian so on day 65 i went exploring when this mob tower tried to spawn but glitched and dropped all the loot listen this mod pack has been so difficult that i don't really feel that bad for exploiting this glitch and taking all the loot i could get and it actually seemed to be a recurring glitch because it happened again so hey i mean if you ever decide to play this do what you want with this knowledge day 66 i opened a loot crate and got this nether shuriken so of course i named it zooter and then by day 67 i had finally crafted the enchantment table and got that thing set up and after raiding some towers i was able to enchant my all-in-one whatever i'll just go for it yes efficiency 5 smelting and tombstone soul bound now that this has efficiency i should be able to dig this a lot faster i'm so excited oh my gosh yes this is like the world destroyer oh whoa there's a whole cave this has been on our island the whole time day 707 chanted some items then i began flattening the land for the warehouse i spent the rest of day 71 and 72 laying out the stone foundation and began setting up the initial base wall as well i was i was making good progress yeah i was absolutely putting in work on this builds here and killed two birds with one stone by digging out the basement to gather stone that i needed for the warehouse day 74 i built this red and white tower that served really no purpose you know at all except you know it looks kind of cool right that's actually exactly what i did for the next couple of days i made things look cool i touched up my house area on the island and i did my best to cover up the creeper holes and abnormally tall granite pillars that sodi kindly randomly left day 80 wow that is a long time but anyways i needed xp to enchant my armor and also to level up my skills so i thought making a mob tower would be a good idea and conveniently giant mob towers seem to spawn everywhere so saudi and i began to take on the tower so we could transform it for our own use oh my gosh like this spawn right there bro oh they're coming from this door i'm gonna die yeah this ended up being a way bigger project than i had expected it was it was just so difficult especially without jet packs and you know better tools but i felt like this tower was our only hope in getting strong enough to defeat the wither and keep on progressing so i had sodi finish clearing up the top of the tower while i began setting up the mob farm at the bottom my idea was pretty simple i plan to have the mobs fall down into the water and then be pushed onto golden spikes which drop mob experience as well as items then i used tank drains and tanks to capture the xp and set up drawers to store the items day 87 we started working on the beginnings of the mod batanya because it was needed to progress any further but to make the pedestal it took hundreds of cobblestones so i made a cobblestone generator and then i upgraded it and man when i tell you this thing generates cobblestone i wasn't ready i need to make a drawer day 89 i set up the pedestal and taught sodie how to make pure daisies when i once more realized everything was completely changed in this mod pack yeah just to even be able to make living rock i had to use this item called the resonator and power that by solar panels to make this polished stone which then eventually i was able to make the living room the pure daisies there we go there's the particles there's the magic day 91 i had a wholesome moment teaching sodi what the eyes of enders were and set him out on a mission to find his first and stronghold while i tried to progress as much as possible but uh yeah um after some time i realized i had sent sodi on a dead mission after a good amount of time searching and me confirming it wasn't just sodi not knowing how to use the eyes of ender i i came to the conclusion the end stronghold just did not exist in this pack or at least you had to get there some sort of alternative way which i wasn't aware of yet either way we still had goals we needed to complete and we were running out of time i grinded out some more britannia and worked on ways to make use of the mob farms xp then we spent the next couple of days trying to make the mob farm even better because we weren't sure how hard this wither was going to be and we needed a lot of xp fast to enchant our items we obviously couldn't kill the ender dragon and there was no way we were gonna beat all the quests any time soon so we hoped we could just at least be the wither so on day 99 we did our best to prepare and then we finally fought okay all right you can use your bow ah attack oh my boat did so much damage i think it's melee only oh we killed him we got him yes i got another star we did it we did it let's go crazy dude you killed your first wither sony how does it feel amazing yes we defeated it and we survived for 100 days man when i tell you guys this was a journey but hey listen i just want to say thank you so much to everyone that has been subscribing recently like oh my gosh this is so crazy it blows my mind i'm pretty sure we're about to hit 100 000 subs and that is so crazy because i have always dreamed of getting a 100k plaque literally since i was like 12. anyways thank you guys so much make sure to go check out sodie's channel i'm going to leave a link for that in the description i'm joshin v i love you guys and hey why don't you uh check out maybe this video right here why not just just click it seems kind of cool yeah yeah
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 1,887,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days in minecraft, 100 days, 100 days island, 100 days duo, 100 days modded island survival, 100 days in minecraft modded, minecraft, 100 days survival, 100 days modded island duo survival challenge, gaming, gamers, survival island, modded minecraft, hardcore minecraft, 100 days hardcore, minecraft 100 days, I survived 100 days survival island, Hardcore Survival Island, minecraft island, minecraft hardcore, duo survival, minecraft with friends, 100 days with friends
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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