Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft MODDED WAR.. *INTENSE*

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i survived 100 days today's video is made up of four main segments for the first 15 days my best friend sodium will be intensely tracked and hunted by 100 players and if we die before the 15 days are up we'll then we get a python out of phase so hopefully that doesn't happen after that a p-span will then be in place and everyone will have a new objective to create and build up an entire city together in order to establish an economy you know so so we actually have resources and can afford to have a war once that is done we then will each split off into two separate teams sodium haki being the leaders of one team and myself being the leader of the other we then will have until the peace ban is lifted to build up our bases and strengthen our armies and then it's all out [Music] hey before the video starts let's make a bet if you laugh just once before the video ends you have to subscribe alright alright bet well now it is time for the adventure to start day one we released the ip and the hunters began spawning oh just keep running sony don't look back we knew we needed as much of a head start as we could get especially since this is modded minecraft and i added way too many mods i probably shouldn't have but speaking of modern minecraft sony and i spotted this military base across the river and so we decided to check it out but we had to hurry all right i think we're in the clear so far wow so many people are joining oh it's almost crushed by a falling tree oh i just got a bear 50 cow in the parachute i got gas sodie and i finished looting the abandoned military base and then i spotted a couple hunters nearby so i figured yo it's time we probably should book it i used to feel i found in the chest to fill up the helicopter just as it began to rain we became airborne we were safe at least for now this was actually a decent start and we were definitely going to need it since you know we have to stay alive from all these players for the next 15 days and i i really don't want to get a pie thrown at my face hopefully that doesn't happen but uh anyways after messing with some of the hunters in spawn we decided we shouldn't waste any more time and so we went to be looking for a safe place to land so you know we could get started on a base and then all of a sudden the helicopter runs out of gas and we had no choice but to jump down we're going down jump jump jump i was spinning out of control but i pulled my parachute and managed to stabilize just is that the northern lights i must have just been dizzy or something anyways as the rain poured and the thunder struck i slowly but surely made my way to the ground and yeah the the helicopter was toast a goner so you know what we did we entered the forest to chop some trees and then i noticed this big brown furry beast stalking us in the dark oh there's a bear right there watch out soon all right watch out there's literally bear two right let's dig a hole yeah note to self the the force is not safe it really wasn't okay the next day even this goose attacks us all right let's go let's get out yeah i'm almost dead now oh no wolves bro oh sodium and i managed to take out this deer and and then we did the smart thing we dug a hole we crafted a furnace and got smelting and we even got some iron which is good because we're gonna need a lot of that for you know uh tools guns and ammo and whatnot and like i said i added so many mods there was just one mod i added that has like a thousand different gems and tools to craft and so on day three i ended up finding some citrine which is actually pretty useful because we could use it to craft some tools and so i crafted an axe and a pickaxe and then we continued mining we were being hunted and the best place was to be underground or at least i thought anyways while sodi and i were mining it it looked like the hunters were getting stronger some of them already had some iron armor most likely loot they had gotten from the city and yeah i installed this mod called lost city which adds a bunch of abandoned cities around the world it's it's pretty cool they have some good loot inside but the thing is the mobs are buffed and really op there's a lot of mobs here and so you know if you're going to enter this city you got to be really careful i was taking a look at some of the hunters and it looks like this dude fell off a bridge that is unfortunate yeah so the people hunting us are actually viewers the the server was open to anyone anyone could join it was pretty funny i'll get dirty you're josh oh i saw him okay our next mission was to collect as much resources as possible so we could craft all the modded weapons to defend ourselves you know and so uh we spent the next couple of days collecting everything you know there were so many different ores it was insane and then just as i was making my way out of the cave this hunter was right next to me waiting to attack me and i didn't even notice [Music] hey wait sodi that's not you someone's here i'm out of bullets wait what someone's here someone's here i'm right behind you always sticking out he's digging up oh i have no idea what we were thinking but sodium i began hunting this hunter okay it doesn't make sense i know but i suppose if he was alone it would be best to you know take him out before he goes and gives our location away so we chased him down for quite some time until uh i guess mother nature had other plans wild boars oh no oh gosh he's chasing you it's fast it's fast yes oh gosh thank you so glad the boys didn't need me but we survived and ended up digging this safe haven under this bridge we found it and we found this old dungeon and so we just decided to you know we're not going to go below because there's way too many spiders so we just stayed up top and we began setting up i immediately crafted a portable radar so that i would know if any hunters were trying to sneak up on us then we made keypads so that we could pass code protect our chest that way just in case we had to leave and the hunters did find our base they couldn't steal anything you know what's crazy is we're playing with people across the world it's kind of cool and then all of a sudden the portable radar starts going off and apparently this hunter eden lp was near us give me gunpowder i can make some of my sniper bullets all right i got ammo i got ammo baby come at me it turns out it was the same guy from before but we weren't sure how he was finding us but we just held ship and so he couldn't see our names and we waited and waited and eventually the radar stopped and it appeared he had left we were finally safe but uh of course that didn't last long the radar started going off again eden was back and so we decided to go on the offense once again and try to confront him but he ran away again and then someone types in chat that they're coming for us in an apache helicopter okay now i was freaking out and apache helicopter are you kidding me there's no zodi how do you make that one airplane oh it's like all those boats remember oh it's just wood it's just wood we can craft this i think now that our location was exposed we needed to try and craft a biplane so that we could pack it up and get the heck out of there before the rest of the hunters showed up but we needed more materials and so we set out to go get everything we needed and then we ended up finding ourselves in this old road tunnel and then 100 pulls up on us someone's going wait where i killed him i killed him shoot nice oh my gosh bro oh that was a close one we definitely needed to be way more careful we did though make it back safely to our old base and then we realized that the last part we needed to crack for the biplane was the engine this meant we needed a lot more iron so we began digging and literally not even a minute later our portable radar starts going off again this time by a different person strats i'm ready do you think they're going to infiltrate in here or they don't they don't know we're in here right we need flint i say we keep shifting now i was starting to get a bit confused how everyone was able to find us so easily and this is when we realized after players were dying they would spectate us and then they were secretly giving our cores out yeah messed up right and this is when things took a turn for the worse oh oh he one shot me bro my adrenaline spiked i was alone in a very small cave with literally nowhere to run it and i was low on hp he's invisible what [Music] five shots to the face and he still somehow didn't die i knew i should have added all those armor mods but you know what it is what it is there were so many things going wrong and just as i was typing to do with some server stuff it was all over that was probably one of the most unfair manhunts of all time and it was really my fault you know it's my first time right but hey at least i learned a lot yeah i know what you're thinking josh weren't you supposed to get a python at your face uh if you if you die before day 15 yes okay yes fine roll the clip oh what's that what [Applause] come on catch very good here goes nothing saudi just whatever you do don't oh my gosh [Applause] that splat behind you bro oh my gosh well that didn't go as planned but that's okay because now it's it's time for the fun part the peace fan is now in place and everyone on the server now has a new collective goal it was time to begin building up a huge city and i plan to be the mayor all right everyone choose choose a task we need miners we need builders we got to build a city all right we got to build an airport we need weapons we need tanks we need jets we need helicopters we need it all you guys ready for this let's go i started collecting some wood and began building the outlines of my house and then uh yeah i noticed something just just a bit strange what are all these people doing to stand here and just watching uh guys everyone was just standing there looking at me it was really weird and then all of a sudden this guy attacked me violating the peace ban so you know what i had to set an example that's that i can totally be a dictator me too that's just an example for what happened to you guys though this was actually really interesting we had voice chat installed on the server and although it wasn't the best quality it made for some really funny interactions [Music] what's going on here hey i met this one guy named scuf zulu and well i asked him to go like this other guy's house on fire why you why you asking listen i have no idea but uh he did it it was pretty funny listen i know i know you might be thinking bro that's messed up we just committed arson on this dude's house for no apparent reason i know well listen technically we didn't do anything okay scuff zulu on the other hand he he definitely committed arson and if anything i actually helped out hey your house is on fire your house is on fire don't worry i'll help you your house no i even gave him some wood so yeah just just think about that for a second there you go that should help since scuf zulu proved himself worthy i decided to give him the very first role of the video entitled him police chief you're the new military chief right is that okay jump up and down okay that comes with the secret though you're also my new assassin did you hear that jump up and down if you heard that okay all right i'll let you know when i need some more work done for now though just work on building the military base we need we need gun control we need a bunch of weapons hopefully i chose the right guy i mean he did willingly commit arson on an innocent man's house for no reason so we'll we'll see all right good luck after i set this goat on fire and chatted with some of the citizens i noticed this interesting wood shrine of some sort this is coercive josh and copy this up leave offerings to our lord all right yes this is the coal we got bees in here this worries me this really worries me disclaimer do not take that seriously okay but i just thought that was so funny and and then i caught hypergamer six two three trying to open my chest caught your red engine trying to steal my furnace [Music] hey thank you someone said josh i picked up a dead corpse like okay i'm not sure what's going on here but uh after having some fun messing around the next day i set up a little you know just to get things started and then later that night we had a town meeting just to talk about some stuff and who was going to do what and this is the first time when things felt like they were actually starting to come together i saw people already working on some shops and stuff and uh it was sick we had a lot of work to do though and i needed food so i went and hunted some wild geese and then i headed back to the abandoned city to collect some resources so i could finish building the very humble house of my own [Music] i pretty much finished building my house and then i heard this airplane outside and just as i went to go check it out i heard this boom airplanes and booms that can't be too good uh what just happened yeah it looks like they crashed but it seems like they're okay so so that's good just remind me not to make them fighter pilots later on when we have a war i went to collect sand and finish the windows on my house and witnessed three sharks getting up to take out a whale and then i met up with strats and i remember this guy he's the one that killed us well apparently they had found this huge iron ore deposit and so i went to go check it out whoa there's so much iron jeez have you ever seen that much iron you haven't it's actually from this mod i installed called large ore deposits which makes it so auras had the chance to spawn in big deposits around the world which is definitely nice considering how much resources and iron we're gonna need to make all the tanks and jets and and guns and whatnot i continued to go mining for a while and then by the time i got back i noticed two things one some random poor soul was crushed by a tree you hate to see it and two this city was growing fast and it was awesome i made some more sniper ammo and then i did some target practice and then dived into the ocean because well i found out that this is actually one of the best ways to get food and there was just a bunch of dead fish just sitting at the bottom of the ocean and that's when this giant worm leeches on to me oh i'm going to work help got me oh that was disgusting oh that thing was so slimy i'm not joking i'm probably gonna have nightmares now and then i was just chopping trees minding my own business when this kid decides to take my wood and so i took his life don't take my wood fool can't just take another man's wood like that oh what he has three stacks of iron yeah this guy had three stacks of iron in his inventory which does not add up considering he only had an iron pickaxe and it's funny because later on we ended up finding out that someone was missing their iron and it was strapped this guy stole strats iron i guess he got karma when i killed him clearly this dude was a thief so it was good i killed him and then i see this guy zoom past me on a reindeer bro like like what i did not expect to see that and so i went to go check it out and then i got this great idea homie did not just pull up on a moose it's a reindeer there was this mod installed called spartan weaponry and it added javelins to the game i had a great idea that would bring the whole city together i planned to build a huge jousting stadium yup that's right a jousting stadium it was genius while i began constructing the jousting stadium i asked sodi to give everyone jobs so that we could become more organized and the city was developing quickly shops were popping up left and right and we also had a chief of security who had cameras placed all around the city it was coming together and finally i had finished the jousting stadium and so i announced to the server for everyone to come and watch the world's very first reindeer jousting event at least uh i think so anyways guess who i had fight first sony poppin first dream i'm just kidding i'm kidding not dream that would be cool but sodi's actually versing his little brother curly fried 99 which he had a dream skin on but this should be interesting do you know how to joust no i don't bro someone's my old skin that's so trippy all right so the joust what you do is you you you ride really fast by one side of the fence while he's on the other side of the fence and then you have to try and hit him right when you're next to each other all right all right are you guys ready so you ready yes i'm ready i'm i'm on the reindeer three two one go go go well sony definitely won that battle so i decided to go test my own strength and weight and go up against sodium myself two one unstoppable now that i have most of the server here and prove to them i was strong enough to be their leader it was the perfect time to announce that the peace ban would soon be over and the great war was coming so dean hackie and i split up into different groups and began forming our own armies i came up with a plan for a base and used my diamond drill i made to get resources from a nearby abandoned city all right boys the plan is to build three separate hangars each different sizes a small medium and a large just like a mcdonald's we also need to build a tank bunker and a main base of operations slash barracks and let's get to work i built the first hangar and then realized we were going to need to remove basically this whole hill and so i called in back up and it took a while but we got it done and then as i walked inside my house i noticed something a bit suspicious what's this what's some what's going on in my basement here this is what i think it is in my basement bro yo what is this yo i could not believe what i just saw how long had this been going on for yo he's trying to kill me they started shooting me and i i guess they thought i'd see too much and wanted to take me out or something so i ran for my life and well i barely escaped with it oh that that was way too random and a close call eventually though things did calm down and one of our citizens named forge dark soul he asked me for some food and you know he didn't look like the seafood type so well i gave him the only other edible thing in my inventory [Music] we continued building up the base and it was coming together nicely and then forged dark souls he actually built a fighter jet and so i took it out for a test flight oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh here we go here we go and we take off let's go oh gosh there's a mountain there's a mountain all right let's triple back around oh gosh the g4 is okay find the jet is actually like insanely fun i was nervous to try and land it but uh i did pretty good actually that that was awesome let's go baby let's go she works great we got back to work on the base we finished the majority of the roads and bunkers then we all got suited up in our military gear single file line army crawl right there step right the peace ban was going to be lifted soon and we're about to face the biggest war of our lives we all began grinding for resources using whatever modded items we could to our advantage we were slowly becoming more powerful the problem was sodium haki their teams seem to be very competent oh what the this is pretty cool holy guacamole yeah it's all labeled this is crazy beautiful i have explosive ammo keep in mind though this time i i didn't actually know that i wasn't aware of that because well i hadn't done any spy missions just yet but anyways after hitting some b-hops with this karambit and testing this minigun which was insanely powerful by the way hello to my little friend oh this thing's crazy i went on another mining run so i could craft my own fighter jet and go on a scouting mission for my own and actually go see the enemy's base for myself but then all of a sudden i hear our base's alarm go off oh was it a false alarm were we under attack i have no idea the peaceman was supposed to be in place but i guess it didn't matter because i get back to the base only to witness absolute our base was in shambles all of that work just gone in in a matter of seconds it turns out a couple of sony's guys snuck away from his base and attacked us without his knowledge but yeah it's fine in fact taking this hit early on is is what fueled me to push even harder we rebuilt and continued preparing for war i wasn't gonna let this attack get to my emotions and cloud my judgment my team and i hopped into discord and we began grinding like i just look at all these shotguns and yes that's an rpg i was finally able to craft my own jet and so i fueled it up and prepared for a scouting mission tango charlie 503 requesting permission to take off runway alpha 1 over tango charlie 503 request granted for runway alpha 1 clear for takeoff have a safe flight josh over copy that thank you all right boys let's go see if we can find uh sodi's base this jet was fast and after scouting around for a couple minutes until i finally found something all right looks like i see something okay it looks like they have a mountain base and that is to attack choppers okay this may be hard if their base is on the high ground like that i flew back to base and right after i landed i immediately told everyone what i had seen this was not gonna be an easy battle for the next couple of days we began finding a good spot to place the beacon and securing it so that would be hard to get to i don't think i mentioned this but once the piece ban is lifted and the war begins each team's objective is to find and destroy each other's beacons which has to be placed somewhere in the main part of each of our bases i got this idea from ryan not brian he makes some sick videos as well it was getting closer to being timed for war and i figured one last scouting mission could be valuable but this time i wanted to bring a couple soldiers with me so we made a chinook helicopter and we made our way to the enemy's base and uh just uh see how it goes for yourself yeah that probably wasn't the most stealthy scouting mission but luckily we escaped alive and so we were treated back to the base i mean it was you know complete waste of time we actually got a decent look at their base all right boys hop out it's official the peace ban was ending in just a couple more days and while sodi's team continued to strengthen their base and prepare as a team my team on the other hand well hey just take a listen and uh judge for yourself [Music] yeah they weren't exactly acting like they were about to you know go into the heat of battle but one way or another we were going into war together and so the night before the war began i did my best to give them a speech i hope would you know strengthen their spirits this is the moment you've all been waiting for all right we've been training we've been working hard for this i want you to fight hard and remember what you're fighting for right land money and women the next day the alarms begin to ring and the war but again while some guarded the beacon some of us loaded up into the chimney and my plan was to have a bunch of the guys jump out over sodi's base and parachute into the base but uh our helicopter was stuck on some barbed wire and we couldn't even take off and then before we knew it we started getting bombed the enemy was already here i quickly jumped out the helicopter and hopped into a jet and took off but i wasn't prepared i didn't know the coupon to drop the bombs and then oh i accidentally fell out the jet but luckily i had a parachute i made my way back to the base and i started shooting this attack helicopter and then we shot this guy on the roof and then as soon as i turned my back i got shot from behind i just did this 180 rpg shot and boom i killed him i was actually pretty sick and then right after i reloaded my rpg i noticed this enemy running around one of the hangers so i chased him all the way behind our main bunker and took him out oh hackie's shooting me down the hill behind the base he's behind a house like on the hill yo we're getting shot at we're getting shot at marines marine jet i'm going in we were so busy defending we didn't have a chance to go on the attack and it wasn't looking too good we held them off though and eventually there was a break in the chaos and so we loaded up once again in a chin up and flew straight towards the base we were going on the offense top of the mountain boys that's what we're going for it's a big mountain take the high ground just after one of my teammates hits an insane shot from the helicopter we all jumped out hoping to parachute to the base but the parachute sadly was way too slow to control and we ended up at the bottom of the mountain not a position you want to be in when it when it comes to war all right who am i with buttermaster yeah a couple of us began scaling the mountain and then before we knew it bullets were just raining from above snipers above us they're already in dominance oh no have a grenade launcher shoot steamy [Music] oh no [Music] oh there were so many of them and i was running out of ammo but i kept going and i managed to break away and heal i shot him some food in the face and started sniping the enemies at the top of the [Music] mountain and we got bear ammo i got it hey i say we flank while someone distracts we were finally putting some pressure on them and while some continued to fight a couple of us went behind on the flank it secretly climbed up the mountain and infiltrated their base we were so close man i ran out of ammo and couldn't escape in time things were or not looking good the enemy clearly seemed to have an advantage over us and in pretty much every way before we knew it the other team had taken out a beacon we lost i felt like i had failed everyone but you know what they say sometimes you have to lose the battle in order to win the war [Music] thank you for watching a lot of exciting content is on its way check out other videos and of course subscribe to my channel it's josh envy
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 1,536,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 days, 100 days hardcore, 100 days in minecraft, 100 days in minecraft war, Surviving 100 Days in a Minecraft WAR, creepersedge, hardcore minecraft survival, hide or hunt, mc war, minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hide or hunt, minecraft war, ryan not brian minecraft war, ryannotbrian, ryannotbrian 100 days, ryannotbrian mc war, ryannotbrian minecraft war, joshemve war, joshemve
Id: JV1kvuF9jJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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