I SPENT 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT PIXELMON... Here’s What Happened

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in today's video i spend 100 days in pixelmon and i gotta tell you i have never had this much fun hey what's up my name is joshim v and i'm so glad you guys are here because i got some insane goals for this video i have five goals in mind that i must complete before the end of this 100 days for the first school obviously i'm gonna try and catch every single pokemon in the game that one uh it's gonna be pretty difficult my second goal is to challenge and defeat the owner of the server siren himself in a poke battle you might actually recognize him from this video or maybe this one but yeah he definitely knows his stuff when it comes to pixelmon so uh wish me luck my third goal is to defeat whatever poke gym i find first and for my fourth goal i had to get at least my starter all the way to level 100 and for my final goal i need to find and capture at least one legendary pokemon listen this is gonna be a crazy and epic journey so you guys might want to grab yourself a snack and get comfortable so i'm going to be spending these next 100 days on the smash mc server just so you guys know in case you wanted to join it and who knows you might even run into me flying around on my charts wait wait i'm saying too much anyways the link to all that information will be in the description just in case you guys want to play which they're actually hosting this crazy pixelmon world cup tournament with like a 10 000 prize pool and that's actually happening in april so i suggest you hop on asap and start building your team speaking of playing i need to start my adventure if you guys want to join me along my adventure make sure you join this dialogue server which is where it all started here we go welcome to the world of pokemon thank you for installing this mod now please pick your desired starter pokemon what are we going for here i think we just kind of don't have a choice but to go with charmander let's begin our adventure would you look at that there's a giant charmander right off spawn this is awesome and it looks like we spawn with some starter items that's sick on day one the first thing i did was type in slash vote and vote because if you plan on playing on here trust me you're going to want to do this what it does is it gives you free vote keys then all you have to do is type in slash warp crates and go to the vote crate and now you can get some free items which is really useful to start out with yeah and because i'm built different i decided i was going to spend the first couple days setting up and finding an area to build it and this is actually a funny story because i did not expect this to happen at first i thought i found a cool place to build so i started getting resources but then someone asked if anyone wanted to join their town does this mean i don't have to be lonely for these next 100 days yes this this was the start of something great you could say this is where it all began one of the town members showed me around the town and then brought me to a place where i could start preparing to build but there ended up being some land claim issues so he ended up showing me a new spot to build that and this spot was perfect and it ended up being by someone really cool who ended up helping us later but it wasn't actually until the beginning of day 4 that i finally began laying out the foundation of my house i spent the rest of day four grinding on the house because man was i so eager to start catching some pokemon then on day five i ended up meeting my new neighbor clumsy chicken and it was nice meeting him this guy is good at pixelmon and he really ends up helping me out i kept grinding and grinding and grinding on my house because i really wanted to leave my mark on this server and also i just wanted to hurry up and get my place finished so i didn't have to worry about it for the rest of the 100 days and on day seven i was getting more wood for my house when clumsy chicken randomly decided to give me an enchanted diamond axe like what a nice guy i'll take it then on day a i couldn't wait anymore and i just i had to kill our first pokemon so let's call charmander out charmander there he goes what's up buddy so i'm gonna be your master and trust me buddy i'm gonna take good care of you we're gonna fight some epic pokemon and we're gonna have a great adventure let's go find someone to battle so i headed to the bottom of the server spawn because i knew that there were a bunch of low-level pokemon there that were gonna be perfect to level our charmander up with it's time for our first pixelmon battle let's go charmander it's our first battle here we go charmander ember luna cola was burned oh we did a lot of damage let's go ember again we did it we won we beat our first pokemon guys i got in some more poke battles and managed to get charmander all the way up to level 10. then i headed over to the nurse and healed him and got back to finishing my house listen i'm excited as you are to dive into pixelmon so let me bring you to day 14 when i finally finished creating my house are you ready for the house reveal i present to you my humble abode well it's it's not so humble i mean i did spend like what 14 days on it someone tell me i'm not crazy i mean i want a nice place to live guys what can i say let's check it out though look at this place we even have pokemon inside of it i mean they're not mine but maybe one day they will be i catch them there are some interesting things to know here about this house like that guy on the roof like bro are you okay you need help down uh too bad so just so you know i'm not trying to be the next ash ketchum no i'm trying to be the next josh mv let me tell you that's gonna mean something one day all right because i'm about to try and catch every single pokemon in the game how is that possible uh i think we could definitely get close i set out on my journey to catch them all and after i tried to push this guy off a cliff i caught a whisper a roly coley a maripo and even managed to swoop on a level 17 ponita and then before i realized it meant my charmander he just started evolving i didn't know it he's really growing up so fast i'm proud i'd expect this let's go charmander you got this buddy you got this yes yes we have a charmeleon oh my gosh charmeleon what's up buddy you look great man you ready to go on some more battles my guy whoa look at all of those i gotta say traveling around not knowing which pokemon you might find next makes things exciting and i managed to catch some decent pokemon i caught a tourist and even an electric and things were going great until i ran out of ultra balls so i typed warpmart and visited the server's shop for the first time to see what they had okay so apparently i heard that you could buy pokeballs here shopkeeper hello sir yes you got some great gear for me so i have 600 it looks like let's buy some ultra balls ooh they get kind of pricey real quick all right well thank you sir it's good to know i can buy some pokeballs here my charmeleon was getting stronger and stronger than he even learned a new move let's go charmeleon can not use fire fang i think we're going to switch that out with scratch awesome boy but look at the milkers on that thing eh oh she got quite the tank there huh oh yeah but not sure what that was anyways i am so mad that somehow i only recorded audio for days 19 and 20 which really sucks because i actually had my first battle with another player like a real life player i mean at least you could listen to me roasting him for a second hey what's going on yo what's up man you ready to battle do you have a different mic no this is the only one i have it's too quiet that is literally the worst mic i've ever heard sounds like you're in a microwave and it's all what's up day 21 i got some more pokemon and i even got this rhyhorn which was dope because i could write it i was doing good i think we're actually gonna complete some of our goals here i was already catching pokemon in the level 40 range although getting to level 100 is like tons of xp so yeah actually i better start grinding okay so on day 22 i started working on this apricon farm and yes i know i just said i needed to grind out pokemon but hear me out i needed to get a farm set up so i can craft my own ultra balls that way i can save some money for something that i need to buy in the future and it only took me like two or three days to finish so boom check this out stop zoom in yep yep right there perfect yeah so here's the farm yeah i don't have good footage of it anyways day 25 i finally made some ultra balls and just in case you want to know how all you do is make this pixelmon anvil a hammer create a ultra ball disc with some cooked apricorns as well as some iron or aluminum discs smack those bad boys on the anvil give them a couple crankers and then put the ultra ball disc and the iron disc into the crafting table just like this with a button and boom you created your first ultra ball or i did hey let's go i created my first ultra ball all right it's grind time we gotta go catch some pokemon it's a little 55 rapid ash let's try get it you won't believe it day 26 i found this level 55 rapidash and if i somehow managed to catch this this would be my highest level pokemon so i decided to try and i gave it everything i had and you won't believe it it broke free but then i threw another pokeball and i caught it let's go oh my gosh we got a level 55 from it so i just messaged my neighbor for a diamond or a healer because i would really like to put one in my house yes she gave it to us what a nice guy if i'm not mistaken should be more than enough to craft this badonkadonk right here yes sir we got ourselves our very own healer and i'm gonna place it in our casa of course let's place it right here so that way when we heal our pokemon they can see the fresh beautiful land come back to life let's go catch some pokemon whoa oh lee you looking fine today girl she got the quadra glizzy set up that milk cannon 3000. she pumping out at least two cartons a day no less certainly my question is how do you lay down oh what's up uh google just uh having a friendly discussion with uh miltank here just treating her well with respect of course sheesh my boy ghoul with the drip oh he's straight icing dog don't worry day 28 i got back on track and managed to catch myself a cleft fairy that randomly spawned in my house so i guess it was meant to be and then i harvested some apricorns and caught this cool dog looking pokemon called the herdy air then on day 29 i was about to catch this shuffie when all of a sudden i shifted into some sort of blue dimension which was kind of cool i guess it was my first time and then i found myself exploring town a bit and saw this cool sign so here all the members there's my name right there pretty cool we have ourselves a nice town here i really like being a part of it whoa it's a survivor charmeleon all right we got this level 39 a shire dragon rage oh that did a lot of damage to me let's just try ember okay perfect not too much damage try fireblast oh no we killed him voltorb do we have a voltorb let's check our pokedex no we don't oh we might one shot him and we one shot him yeah as you can see i am really good at pixelmon no don't run away bird whoa i somehow found an earth gym way earlier than i had expected and before i knew i found myself in a battle that there was no chance i was going to win at least yet no he's going to kill all my pokemon oh not cupcake i'm sorry rock gym guy i didn't mean for this i'm gonna take your pistons though cause well i want to whoa this is something hidden down here yo this place is crazy we're gonna have to remember this and come back here i set a marker because this was the gym that we were gonna have to defeat by the end of this video later that night i managed to regain some confidence after that loss by catching my very first gas leak can we catch a ghastly maybe yes day 30 was actually a really really good day i began designing myself a fence to you know keep my territory secure from any wild pokemon and also did a lot of touching up on the yard and then on day 31 i realized i haven't been in the nether yet i mean it's only been 30 days but i was just curious what kind of horrible pokemon must spawn there is there pixelmon in here oh no no no you thought you can't die like from fall damage or fire on the server so that's pretty sick oh there is pokemon in here no way it's a hounder founder hounder let's try and catch it use the ultra ball we got him let's go very nice i've had enough of the nether we could always come back and on day 32 i knew i was close but not quite finished working on the yard so that's what i did i added a lot of bushes everywhere and before i knew it this place really felt like home like it was just it was beautiful it was gorgeous you know that spot in your heart it just it just hits it as soon as you walk in and just look at everything i think i pretty much finished my house we've gotten pretty far and i think it looks pretty sick we have the shack up there little bush wall we got leaves all over our fence man i just think i don't know it just it looks nice it feels it feels like home you know [Music] someone was kind enough to type in chat that they found a master ball loot so i teleported to them and you know that is one of my favorite things about this server is that it's just a community and everybody was ready to answer any questions i had in chat or help me and that made playing this like 10 times more fun everybody's steeping here it's a party just just me all right so for the rest of day 33 i wandered around and caught a snubble and then i found this cool packed ice biome then caught this level 43 paiyu kamaku and then this random girl on the beach challenged me to a poker battle i mean i'm pretty sure she was flirting with me but uh just just watch for yourself am i the only one that thinks it's kind of weird to to challenge me to a battle with no clothes on i mean it wouldn't be the first time i go flamethrower oh my gosh she she absolutely demolished me this girl's going crazy i i didn't stand a chance did i do you think uh uh we could uh would you maybe girlfriend is that a yes yo what's wrong what's wrong with their eyes why is she just staring at me yeah this girl's kind of creepy it's always the cute ones dog i swear hey idiot i challenge you to do a pokemon duel you scrawny kid yeah that's right get rekt i get 320 poke dollars that's actually a lot am i charming leveled up oh we learned flame burst probably switch it out for fire thing nice whoa level 50 new camera just challenged me oh all right let's go for the bag i doubt we're gonna get it but on the off chance we do it would save us some trouble we got it no way little 52 camera and 1500 xp nice cam rubbed all right hop on yes we can ride him oh this guy looks happy all right let's run up let's go oh he's fast i wandered around the desert catching various pokemon and then ran into this very scary high-level bearded man oh you're level 89 yeah i'm gonna stay away from you especially since you got a cool beard i'm out okay so my charmeleon is really close to evolving so i'm gonna show you how to level them up with rare candies each one of these should give him a level so we should have enough to involve this guy this this ratata is like following me oh apparently apparently these makes pokemon follow you all right let's uh make sure we get it on the charmeleon there we go level 33 34 35 36 yes yes charmeleon's evolving oh my gosh this is it yes no way he's gonna become a charizard here he goes oh my gosh this is so exciting i've been waiting for this yes oh wait wait what is he black no way he's a black charizard is that is that a thing i mean i'm all for it that looks sick wing attack let's uh take that over over a flame burst yo no way can we ride him can we fly no way no way let's go i'm flying a charizard this is so cool 35 days in 35 days things are actually going pretty good i got this pretty nice house i live in a good town things couldn't be better yo clumsy check it out man i'm gonna ask them if they're usually black cause i don't understand i thought it was orange no it's a shadow one yes apparently it was lucky that we got this guy i'm not gonna complain that is so cool i love you charizard we're about to take over the world buddy let's go man this was perfect timing because i spotted my first boss it's a boss page you have this my first boss we're about to fight this thing how can we get up there no way we hit it we hit it we didn't oh my gosh we hit it no way no way oh that's really high let's try dragon rage i somehow managed to kill the boss and then on day 36 i checked my pokedex to see how much pokemon i have cost so far how much pokemon do we have now 51 i don't know if it it doesn't seem like that much five percent done is there really that much pokemon like what haha there is so much all right well we better get to it i fell into this ravine and then found this desert temple with trash lou of course you know how it is but that's okay because then i found this cool polka village why are you running why are you running huh why are you running oh yeah let's swoop this healer oh level 39 let's try and battle this person i've never fought a level 39 let's try a wing attack oh the wig attack did a lot of damage on level 39 let's go charizard oh charizard you're op literally insane bud didn't even take any damage electro buzz can we finally capture you and not kill you let's see let's go for flamethrower oh perfect perfect all right we're finally going to bag this fool come on let's get it join the team alecta i like to buzz hey my boy joy let's go nice we have an electric bus like that mate do we have a xangos let's see zangos no we don't all right let's try flying through it oh cheers perfect this is literally perfect all right ultra ball come on shorazad zangoos joined the family bro come on yes let's go cheers and charizard gained 600 xp nice day 36 was crazy i don't know how i did so much i even managed to tame this surface which is by far the most crazy looking pokemon i've seen so far plus it was level 50. the next day day 37i i met this girl and i was hoping this could be the one today is a very special day for me ho oh why is that you hope it doesn't rain every time but literally stupid i just don't get it boy i ran into another girl maybe this could be the one um oh oh sorry sorry i did not know there was two i'm sorry oh my gosh whoa what are you that looking thing it's a hip pout on let's go for it oh i just think i just found a boss hold on uh-oh we got to be smart here hold on so maybe let's go for uh dragon rage okay this guy's gonna be done all right vanillish hit him with the ice beam brother yes sir took him out then i found another boss sometimes if you kill these you get a lot of xp oh he's done for wow sir fetch is trash apparently all right let's go for the flame charge trash as well ember oh yeah we're gonna kill him he can't seem to harm us at all which i don't understand if he killed my uh charizard yes we killed the number we won the battle i'll take you not sure what it does yo check it out it's a magmar level 43. let's go for it attack critical hit all right let's go for one more hopefully we don't kill it yes good stuff charizard all right let's try an ultra ball you know he broke free yes charizard gained a thousand xp and we caught a magmar awesome uh guys so i walked over here right and i look what i found chicken doing like what bruh i'm assuming he's trying to hatch some egg or something what if we trolled him and moved him that would be that would be messed up right nah we won't do that we won't do that nothing much happened on day 40 i destroyed this nerd in a battle but that's about it on day 40. i wonder i found this druidagon yo check this poke bro why are you killing yourself stop man let me kill you or capture you i've never seen anything like you before you look cool man and you look powerful higher than anything i have this is kind of scary critical hit all right sir fetched don't film me this time buddy no this guy's stacked dude holy cow oh that did good that did get hold on hold on we might get lucky let's use a luxury ball screw it i don't know the difference this would be a great guy to have oh is it glitched so something happened and it was stuck so i did slash end battle and asked if anyone could come watch the pokemon as i went and healed mine that way it wouldn't despawn this was the highest level pokemon i faced and somehow i actually ended up capturing it oh he has one too all right well we're about to try to catch one dragon come on join the team yes yes i am so excited shoulda gone yo what's up bro welcome to the family can i fly you yes oh you don't you don't fly oh you're kind of lame buddy why do you got wings then like i mean blame science i guess day 42 i made some ultra balls i just wanna catch me all the pokemon on day 43 i did the slash rtp and i got teleported to a mesa and there was a mine shaft a mesa mine shaft whoa this guy's huge it's a santa scorch i don't want to kill him all right let's let's surfed him this guy i think sucks kind of should be able to bag him that low yes we captured it i sent a scorch sick this is a huge review diamond uh should i try and help him i'll save you carb no the other magikarp just jumped in oh gosh this is horrible and i still need to get those diamonds all right we saved one all right buddy i'm sorry unfortunately natural selection i need these diamonds let's go we got six now i should be able to make an enchanting table i went mining some more and even found some diamonds and then i headed back to base where by night i managed to set up an enchantment table with some bookshelves and then on day 45 i accepted a fight with another player because i wanted to see if i was getting close enough to fight siren but uh no no i wasn't anywhere close i got absolutely disrespected it was sad i definitely had a lot more work to do and got straight to it on day 46 and had my friend catch me at level 73 zayn goose because well i suck literally getting one shot all right my boy clumsy is going to try to get this zen goose for us see this is why it's great to play on a server because people can help you out oh he caught it nice oh he sent it to me there it is level 73 zangoose thank you so much clumsy chicken coming in clutch guys this is gonna help us so much this is epic i went mining for some more lapis and then on day 47 i caught a bronzer and enchanted my first diamond pickaxe let's see if i can finally enchant my pickaxe i got 30 levels all right here we go you ready [Music] i'm breaking in silk touch not bad could have been a lot better though i spent most of day 48 working on catching some more pokemon that spawned in the swamp biome i caught a cormorant a grimer and then i found this super cool looking pokemon called the dreadnought and i was able to catch that but it took me like forever then i caught this pretty high level boof a lot poof it was level 56 and it was a good catch for sure and then on day 49 i enchanted another pickaxe because i really wanted one with efficiency because well i had this new secret project in mind and i was going to start working on that and i did i got the efficiency pickaxe and then i enchanted a shovel then before i realized that i had spent 50 whole days in minecraft that is crazy we've come a long ways but man do we still have so much more work to do if we're going to defeat a jim and cyrus but i'm not sure which one's more difficult i guess we'll see my charges are leveled up though and learned a new move called slash which i replaced for wing attack then on day 51 i found someone in an afk device so uh i of course troll this is this guy doing look at his face this must be his little auto walker i wonder can i mess it up oh should we dig him all the way to bed brock yo imagine could we suffocate him that would be crazy if we killed him all right here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna dig him all the way to bedrock and so he's just gonna wake up at bedrock dig his block first that way we don't fall through anything hey diamonds let's go see kids this is this is a life lesson right here when you do things for other people you get diamonds all right my guy you're officially at bedrock now i'm going to place the sign right away all right i'm going to say i saw you were in the water and your arms and fingers were looking real soggy so i saved you you're welcome there we go we did a good thing here guys we really did bro ghoul left us a message he said he checked out our youtube channel and he dropped this up guys what a great guy he welcomed me into this town and ever since he's just been super nice i appreciate that man i also i wanted to show you check this out he finished the roof so this place is finished the battle arena really cool place looks like we have a new player rouhani building this house here right after i ran into a new town member i found this level 52 monetric and after taking a couple of hits i was able to get it low enough and i caught it and i also caught this mudsdell and that was level 55 and as you can see guys we're starting to get some high-level pokemon day 53 you won't believe who i ran into alvin bro what's up alvin well it's a rainy day you guys know what that means it's a sign i caught this tauros and then on day 54 i found a majestical floating white manta ray called togekiss now this ended up being extremely difficult to catch and i had to have my buddy sinsworld come help me while i healed and then it took like tons and tons of pokeballs because i didn't want to kill it but eventually eventually i managed to catch it and check this out and please tell me i can fly yes we can literally just fly no way check us out this is going to be so useful oh can we get up here yes you got this no way there's people up here no way [Music] oh i'm hitting the doggy so on day 55 i had ghoul show me where he lived because i realized i had never been to his house and then i noticed one of the town members helping a new member move vince oh naturally i started trolling them this was hilarious i'm gonna try and light their house on fire fire i love it hey yo chief your house is on fire my man yo i kind of feel bad but at the same time this is hilarious oh my gosh the house is still on fire the backside put the fire out he said put the fire out so i had this great idea to dress up in a hat and chess play so they wouldn't know it was me and headed back over to welcome the neighbor and give him some starter gifts because i am just a kind person hey neighbors come outside i got a gift for you i want those more diamonds adam i'll give them a timer ball and then i'll give them uh a diamond pickaxe since i already have that i i got another one he said are you sure i said yes sir ghoul said the house looks nice yeah looks great seems to be coming along have fun day 56 i just grinded made a ton of pokeballs and then on day 57 i finally got around to making that enchantment area look a little bit more aesthetic and then the chicorita spawned right by me and so i tried to catch it but then i realized i might kill it so because i'm big brained i went and switched out to some lower level pokemon and it worked i managed to catch a chicorita and then on day 58 it already started evolving these guys go up so fast let's go yes sir let's go it evolved into a bay leaf you evolved good job nice nice nice nice very nice so i came across this swamp bomb where i tamed this lamp and then i found these two pokeboss towers the first boss absolutely destroyed me but the second one i was able to defeat which is crazy because it was level 79 clearly i'm getting stronger guys defeated leopard we got a focus band nice that's sick guys we just defeated a boss let's look at our index we've gotten 83 pokemon and we've only seen 84 and we're 9 complete oh boy but you got to remember that's every single different evolution of each pokemon you might have to try to just stick to one evolution of each pokemon i spent the rest of day 59 digging out under my house for this epic secret project that you will see very shortly don't worry and then on day 60 i was in the arctic when i was attacked by this wild bear tick whoa let's hit him with the flame thrower oh perfect shot wow that did a lot of damage all right we're gonna throw the ultra ball come on bear take join the squad no he broke free all right let's try one more time with the ultra ball will we capture him yes caught a bear take all right let's try and get this dugong nice shot one more of those should do the trick yes right in the red zone perfect nice we just got some two decently high level pokemon my collection of pokemon was growing which is exactly what i needed but i figured a little boost wouldn't hurt so on day 61 i used some rare candies i had been saving to level up my charizard now he's level 55 ah i broke my leg ah psych i don't have legs then i saved this random guy from some sort of igloo hidden torture dungeon and made my way into a jungle where i tamed a world of peed and a venipeed and then i got into battle with this boss pie dice oh my gosh it's level 79 we're gonna get destroyed oh we actually did pretty good charizard is actually a piece now we might actually kill this with charizard no way charizard's about to get a lot of xp yes we won nice metal coat i will take that not sure what it does day 62 i worked on the top secret project again but listen guys since i'm a nice guy i'll give you the sneak peek check this out you walk in it's gonna be a dark basement oh cool that's cool whatever yeah yeah but no really really you pull this lever and it's a secret base so cool i know don't worry i'll show you what the basement's for soon alright but anyways on day 63 i found this level 79 boss lineup and so i tried to fight it but i didn't have a chance i was not that strong yet then i found this new town member i had never met before and then after that i finally managed to enchant the pickaxe i've always wanted so check it out we are finally about to get our fortune three oh yes efficiency five fortune three everything we wanted perfect then i crafted this diamond hammer and found out that it makes discs a lot faster so that was cool and i was able to make like 26 ultra balls pretty fast and then on day 64 i got in a fight with someone i'm pretty sure is from team rocket look who it is it's r alright r i challenge you charizard flamethrower you're dead yeah goodbye buddy flamethrower again yes yes charizard leveled up my charizard's getting so much xp guys i gotta tell you this is the best way to get money nxp is fight these random npcs the rest of day 64 you guys won't believe it yeah that's right i got my first kiss [Music] that's right my first minecraft girlfriend now to be fair she is an npc made up by a very long series of zeros and ones so she didn't have much of a personality which is fine because i couldn't take her back home anyways so don't get me wrong i tried i it just wasn't working so sadly i had to break up with her because long distance just doesn't work and i headed back to my house and used some more rare candies on my homie charizard and he learned a really cool move called inferno and now my charizard is level 62. my boy is getting strong help i'm stuck in a hole okay so at the slash warp mart apparently there's more than just pokeballs for sale like you can buy building blocks uh there's a black market which i haven't even looked at yet apparently you can get looks like there's a bunch of cool stuff is that a bike but no look look at all these items you can buy i want to buy an elijah there we go we did it yes we have an elijah day 66 i wandered around with all that wandering around you think i at least got something productive done but nope you'd be wrong on day 67 though i found this giant nito king and now that i think about it nidoking is basically just the combination of a triceratops dragon and barney anyways i managed to capture the neato king and then on day 68 i bought some more ultra balls and did some work on the apricorn farm then i attempted to catch this furo that was right above my base but uh yeah i quickly gave up on that man if only i had like a girlfriend to catch pokemon with that would be sick day 69 i was feeling lonely so i went to go find my first love in hopes i could rekindle what we once had but i guess she changed a little since i last saw her you want to go on a date by any chance no you don't you you like women that's cool it's cool i guess you know t-shirt every time on day 70 i worked on this secret project and honestly you guys are gonna see it anyway so i'll give you a hint it has something to do with siren okay that that's all i'm gonna say you're gonna see us soon anyways so i just kept grinding that out and then on day 71 i saw that blue hat moved into town and he was the guy that had the bad mic earlier he said no no no oh it's a boss meowth right outside the south or his house i did not mean to say that oh we almost just destroyed it nice i killed the boss meowth and then for the rest of day 71 i worked on the basement and day 72 as well actually and uh end day 73 too this was a big project okay i have pretty much everything finished by now though and then on day 74 i fought this [Music] and then i literally had the best day on day 75. i was catching so many pokemon and then i could not believe my eyes i just found a pikachu a pikachu oh my gosh come on pikachu you gotta join my team buddy please please i wasn't sure if they were oh no yes no way i just got a pikachu i'm so excited yes yes you guys don't understand i wasn't even sure if they were in this version all right i gotta see pikachu yo what's up bro welcome to the squad you mind if i take a quick selfie with you real quick i'm so excited to have you i'm gonna start leveling you up as much as i can buddy it's put you in the ringer day 76 i opened the slash gts which is like a players store and i managed to get my hands on an xp share and what that does is it shares xp with whatever pokemon it's equipped to so it's like super helpful if you're trying to level up a certain pokemon which i was i wanted to get my charizard to level 100 asap and then i'm pretty sure you can decide for yourself i hit the most insane pokeball shot oh hit him with the shot oh no way no way it worked dude what was he gonna catch him oh he broke free you trash little piece of trash all right let's try and buy some poke balls hey let me get a stack appreciate it my guy gotta go catch some pokemon oh my charts are looking bad in the night time you're not even looking he's just invisible what though my boy invisible day 77 i wouldn't cause some more pokemon i ended up catching a j mo and makuhita on day 78 i started panicking because i knew it was almost time to battle siren and i really wasn't where i wanted to be in terms of my pokemon team so i started asking random people on the server for help and this guy was going to help me but then he ended up not and really just wasting my entire day but it's cool though because he was trying to help me and then on day 79 someone actually helped me and gave me a level 62 salamance and i managed to level up my charizard all the way to level 81 so i said screw it it's time i'm as ready as i'll ever be on day 81 i summon the very very op owner of this server cyrid himself okay you know i'm feeling brave enough we've got a level 81 charizard we have a pikachu he's only level 30 but it's cool you know what i'm going to summon cyrid and we're going to challenge him to a battle all right here we go the owner you appeared it worked big mistake i heard you wanted to battle is that true that's right yeah i'm i'm strong enough are you sure look at this dude i have a level 50. shiny badoo oh you can take me on i mean he's only level 50. i mean actually yeah yeah i'm so scared bro you better be scared this is a god badoof nobody's ever taken out god badou lisa i don't think you know who i am but watch follow me follow me okay oh into your dungeon is this a trap oh it's just a basement or or is it whoa that's actually sick what the heck yo yes sir oh my god there's stairs that come out dude wait this is actually check check this out oh yeah we got life this is so cool this is epic dude wait so you actually want to battle me the owner of the server that yeah that's a mistake and you're going to regret it trust me i'll trust you charizard level 81 charizard i have been preparing for this moment for the past 81 days in situations like these tend to feel surreal and that can distract you so it's important to ground yourself and stay in the present and it seemed to be working i was actually defeating sirens my charizard was more powerful than i had expected and i even managed to defeat his giratina and then he took out a mewtwo and eventually i even defeated that but then still have my thing started taking a turn for the worst ready to go every shot didn't expect this but he did yeah everything is epic okay i really didn't expect that i don't really know what to do oh what no way no no oh oh guys i only have two pokemon left and they're not very high level oh level 20. oh i got one shot man pikachu come on he's my last hope all right him with the slam [Music] bro gosh dang i really thought i was strong enough you well i put up a good fight i was close i was close listen one day one day i will defeat you i look forward to it all right well that's a that's a good battle i'll give you the prize here's a diamond oh thank you so much i could use this to craft a shovel i will craft a trouble with yeah exactly perfect all right let's uh let's go to the exit here's how you get out i made this actually it's a pretty cool door check it out this whole place is epic how did you do all of this listen they call me mumbo jumbo's neat uncle um and then do i press this goodbye buddy come on buddy you're trash okay so i took it now all right it's cool whatever whatever i mean he did have some pretty insane pokemon and i think we actually did good considering how long we've been playing but we still had three more goals to complete and that's catch as many pokemon as possible defeat their gym and get my charizard to level 100. oh yeah and let's not forget i still needed to catch a legendary pokemon but luckily and thankfully on day 83 i somehow managed to get a master ball from a legendary vote party drop that should really help us if we can just somehow manage to find a legendary pokemon on day 83 i was able to catch a golet and a gibble and i finally caught a firo as well then on day 84 i tried to catch this butterfly looking pokemon called the vivillion or vivian i don't know but i accidentally killed it man it's whatever though on day 85 i got some more rare candies and i got my charizard all the way up to level 87 and then i caught this colossal by now we had cotton over 100 pokemon like that that's a lot i kept trying to level up my pokemon so we could defeat the earth gym and my pikachu leveled up and learned a new move called discharge day 87 i tried to catch some new pokemon in the mesa biome and then i headed to the shop to get some more pokeballs hola shopkeeper yo necesito mas pelotas por favor una palota de poque para pente siete dolares on day 88 i evolved my poopitar into a dumpatar i'm kidding i did manage to evolve the pupitar though and it's gonna evolve let's go yes sir right in my face yo sick i didn't know that's what he turns into he's a tyranitar he looks sick dope my man nice day 89 i tried to catch an elected buzz and i missed it again i could not seem to catch that guy so i decided to take a short break and eat some chips before you know i got back on the grind so it's day 90 i cannot believe we spent 90 days in pixelmon already but as you can see i got 16 rare candies and charizard's already level 90. so boys i figured let's get this bad boy to level 100 eh yes sir yes my boy charizard is level 100 that's actually insane like why we actually did it i have some extra rare candies so i want to level up my bay leaf yes now bailey's going to evolve sweet scent come on bailey if you got this yes now we have a mega name hey look it's it's a girl battle me you're going down chica literally getting destroyed so bad oh my gosh almost as bad as women's sport nice we beat her i used some rare candies on my pikachu and he finally learned a half decent move called thunderbolt and then on day 92 this random player wanted to battle me so i figured you know why not i've gotten pretty far i mean i have a level 100 charizard and uh yeah i definitely won he did not beat me okay i am amazing then on day 93 i used some more rare candies on pikachu and got him to level 39 and on day 94 i found this pretty high level npc we found a level 86 hey oh we can't be having this with a right hornet oh i won't be having that no charizard hit me with the fallair blitz oh my gosh darn he sure did a lot of damage there and we hit him with the heatwave props oh that sure finished him huh nice oh we got a level 86 graveler that sure is going to put up a fight oh my gosh darn we really hit her bad eh oh i did not mean to send out pikachu gosh dang it slam and we got one shot all right dragon breath was good we should have been doing that the whole time it's getting close here guys we finished him oh he's got one more pokemon to dwell well we lost it was a good try though it was a good try yeah we suck loki yes you all doubted me you fools thought i wouldn't do it but i did day 95 i found myself a legendary pokemon let's go yes a rare pokemon spawn all right we're gonna bag it we're gonna use our master ball oh please work please work yes yes we have a celebrity no way 62 ivs is kind of trash though i don't care because that means we completed our goal of capturing a legendary all right let's go to the computer and grab it celebi switch it out for xangoose celebi yes yes oh my gosh i'm so excited guys i think it's a shadow one too i'm like pretty sure i'm pretty sure i don't know for sure but i'm pretty sure either way this is sick i was ecstatic getting a legendary pokemon was crucial for my pokemon team since we're about to fight the earth gym i finally caught a persian and then i use these diss things to give my celebi better attacks and not gonna lie i stole them from this noob that joined the server next to me but only because i'm pretty sure he quit playing like i am pretty sure plus i mean i don't think he was gonna use him anytime soon the kid seemed like he barely knew how to dig a hole and then i met dream oh my gosh no way it's the real dream it literally says real dream stuff please oh my gosh dream you you want free stuff i'll give you some poke balls there you go buddy just because i want to get on your good side and join the s p so we have five days left until 100 days and we're supposed to have caught in all the pokemon and we still have to defeat the earth gym listen i don't think we're gonna be able to catch all the pokemon at least in this hundred days video so what i'm gonna do is level up my pokemon as much as possible and then we're gonna try to defeat the earth gym okay so i just got this reward for being logged in another day on the server and it says i get to receive a random pokemon so uh we're gonna right click to claim it oh there we go we got a swadloo out of everything hold on come on game why you gotta do me like that day 97 i actually defeated a level 86 npc and that just goes to show how good we've gotten and then i found this dude so i found this fisherman and uh it says old fisherman but look at this guy look at this guy's smile like i'm kind of jealous like i don't even have a mouth like this is a problem how how have i been talking this whole time oh i'm jealous i might need to update my skin boys what do you think let me know in the comments someone designed me a skin and emailed it to me or something yo we got master ball loot check it out a focus slash i have no idea what that does but charizard's going to win then i found this abracadabra and i was not going to let this guy get away from me this time so i used maximum brain power to come up with a solution to try and catch him and that pretty much just involved me eating a bunch of pokeballs at him from a distance but hey if it works it works and it worked oh my gosh we captured it it worked it actually worked no way i'm a genius well i might never see this town again we made some good memories here we've made some friends we've even trolled some people this town really treated me well and i i'm glad to be a part of it i'll never forget the clock tower [Music] nice day 99 i fought my last boss level 105 come on man way more difficult than i've ever thought they seem to just be getting harder and harder all right celebi come on come on celebi do your thing do your thing do your thing hit him with that little and we've won the battle let's get it day 99 my second to last day on here so i got as many people as i could to come to our town's battle arena because you know i wanted to take a picture together you know for memories and listen i promised myself i wouldn't cry but i'm just i really am going to miss these guys hopefully you know i might see him soon though well it's day 100 i can't really believe it i don't know if i'm ready to fight this earth gym but we're gonna go try our best oh this is it this is it i'm gonna go inside all right i challenge you i challenge you to a battle charizard heat wave i just got wrecked oh no come on celebi dazzling gem oh that's a ripping chat boys this is not looking too good okay we did some damage no way did we do we win oh he has more pokemon yeah we're done for it all right meganium he dead slam and pikachu's gone well boys we tried we failed but we tried maybe we come back for another 100 days listen we caught 162 pokemon in only 100 days so we didn't do too bad i really hope you guys enjoyed this video i love every single one of you shout out to every single new subscriber leave a comment i'll do my best to reply i'll see in the next video which trust me you're gonna like it is up the pace
Channel: Joshemve
Views: 2,667,426
Rating: 4.8815374 out of 5
Keywords: pixelmon, minecraft, minecraft pokemon, I SPENT 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT PIXELMON, Surviving In Pixelmon, 100 Days in Pixelmon, Pixelmon Server, Minecraft Pixelmon, Pokemon, Sirud, 100 Days, Minecraft 100 Days, Pixelmon 100 Days, Surviving 100 Days on a Pixelmon Server, minecraft pixelmon ep 1, pixelmon episode 1, Pixelmon Movie
Id: nWn4EIsJmdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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