we spent 24 hours creating the best BEST DEFENCE on the server

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hey everybody yeah sorry had to cough during that I'll go back to my hair tomorrow hang on I think I think that's all the ASMR I actually have in my system I feel like we should use that up now before anything goes you know severely downhill so everything should now be working what is up everybody welcome today to another episode slash dream of Mahdia factions modded SMP modded wall wanted micro whatever you want to call it there are so many variants ha I'm severely out of breath now right I'm severely out of breath right it's not the wrong button this time if you guys don't know what happened I was recording like two days ago something like that and I I accidentally hit the the start streaming button instead of start recording which then obviously preceded me to go live for about like 3-4 seconds and Thank You MIFF I'm actually I'm actually closer to 27k than I am put 26 now which is absolutely insane there you guys so much for all the love thank you guys for all the support and everything like that ah why am I so out of breath but if you guys do like this as a stream or video make sure you guys do like and subscribe that you you subscribe with notifications on and and you do all the the like stuff and I wasn't going to stream modded until the weekend but I figured if I'm gonna stick to my schedule of modded every like three days yeah I probably should stream it today I have a really good factors episode and stuff coming out with the rest of the week which is lovely but the base defense hasn't been made yet I've kind of been spent a long time planning and figuring this out and what we're gonna do and I feel like for this stream what we're gonna do is to start fortifying a little bit so what I'm going to do is on these doors I'm gonna start making some keypads and stuff like that we're gonna make some keypads on we're gonna make some keypads on the front ones and these ones here and these ones and then these ones will just leave like uncovered I feel like that's the issue am I wearing a hat I am not wearing a hat but once in my life I'm not wearing a hat but my hair is in fact wet so no face camera outlets have that everybody so I need to put some of this stuff away I feel like I have way too much stuff just oh my god are shriven my battery oh god and also today because we can hopefully now expand our base once we've made it a little bit big we can't you get Mikey over here and Mikey can actually help us with the whole you know the bank and cool stuff or whatever it's cold cold cold iCup errantly can't speak English at all yeah put all this away there we go don't need any of this we just need a gun our emergency boat and all of our stuff but there should be some stone in here did you see Ryan's house video I am but you're gonna talk about that in a second because I feel like Ryan did a big like no no because obviously a whole point of this season was me and Ryan to be friendly you know we're cool guys were fancy guys but Ryan has already broke someone's face so I'm a bit skeptical mainly because me and kissy were cool you know what I mean like we had negotiated free coffee right we had we had negotiated I I'll show you guys the remains we had negotiated free coffee over here okay we had negotiated the free coffee but you know now it's gone which there's nothing we can do about it we're gonna have to stick with it what happens happened and we need to we need to start moving on so how do we make this keypad I don't think it's cool to keypad is it just cool to lock if I go to the Mart we should be able to figure this out if we go to male submiss submiss doors dark oak door laboratory door vanishing frame we don't want there what's it called iron glass door in fact there's a thing you put on it right and I can't seem to think of the name I can't seem to think of the name company and opponent your base yeah that's why we're gonna make everything a bit bigger we're gonna make everything a lot better we're gonna make it kind of like this but over here so we're gonna modify our base a little bit just just you know like a tiny tiny little bit probably just enough that we probably are not going to get ourselves killed let's face it because our base isn't very I fell oh it's not very fortified so Ryan C's gonna make warships I mean this can be like the house you know what I mean like the big the big Haven through the warships pretty much it's a special video coming out myth I literally haven't even got around to it I thought I would but my dog apparently agrees as he decides to bark but let's start with modifying this front because it's actually uneven from Ike I need to borrow someone's drill as well because this is probably gonna take a while because we will probably be here for about a year so this bits even here so we can go up here there we go and then we can make something going off of here there we go look at this everything's gonna look so fancy it's a good turret thank you ooh am I gonna be inviting people I actually have no no idea I think invites are actually closed for now because of how many people we actually do have two three four and then we'll go over here and we're on one two three four so it's put on it gonna be just a building shell stream such episodes if you guys do you like that you guys you like and subscribe you know it's a cool thing to do if you do subscribe your name comes up in the in the thing so we need to already try not to die why didn't I think just open was that me have a feeling that was me okay Rick T do you know what the keypad is or the the keypad door type of thing because it's not an iron glass door it's not a factory door how do I do it force field controllers not that how do you put keypad on doors is it a block or I mean I guess we can ask the chat right because I feel like the chats gonna will actually figure this out for us door factory I may need your help Mikey I thought we should probably get my keys help same games I'm back like and some if you haven't already with the two-pound donation dude thank you very very much I feel like we need Mikey okay we're gonna get Mikey in disc work let's see the only way to do it discord Mikey we need to go to discord we need to go to modded over here we need Mikey who is currently not in discord always there hi Mikey so once again I've resulted to not being able to do things by myself so I need your help so I'm looking at the MAL assist door mod thing right mm and it's a door factory so I just need an IM door piston read z got it okay do you wanna head your way over because I know we're neighbors yeah I need an iron door and a piston how the hell would you make a piston it's just iron red stone cobble in wood right yeah oh my god I'm so good at this game who knew I'll use that word why not what's up T dog I'm not I'm totally not ignoring the FaceCam comment so we'll make ourselves the piston because we I want to make like a load of like doors so we can like stop people coming out and we just have like a custom code just for the group if you know what I mean let's make ourselves an iron door is well there we go iron door at the top for an in the sides oh my god I'm so good at this then 10 then there we go a door factory so this is part of the the malleus mod thing so oh god okay oh the digi code oh there it is oh this is easy so do I have to can I put a door in there already okay but you see with the digi code can I not put like this iron door in and have a digit code on it no so I have to make a custom one yeah so is there like an easy way to scientist you like three iron and like that's an easy thing to do I mean that looks boring I'm changing all this to brick anyway right so I might make iron doors can use three iron blocks will that work you can yeah okay so we'll try that and can I get the box back afterwards if I don't like it no shoot okay well Ryan's gonna kill me anyway but that's not the point I need to get the hair on my face Jesus okay [Music] create or modify it's create isn't it so boom boom bah although don't create hey so I just put in a random code now so I should probably movement double rotating left double rotating right oh Jesus Christ sliding up I want sliding up opening time six requires redstone sound type forty like four zero okay I guess I guess we'll do this right because once we've done people will see the code I'm gonna turn off that the code thing if I can just figure out how sound type okay sound type can be big door because I want a big door okay let's turn off the game just like I make this pad and then we'll put the code as the light and they just create door oh I've done it okay let's turn the game back on otherwise the stream we're just looking at something that's you know completely black but I've got my really big door now it's really really big in my hand so if I get rid of this right here right get rid of those get rid of that get rid of that and then put my big door there and then I put the keypad in I'm not gonna put the code in on stream because that would be silly so we'll just stick to one door for now and then we'll just there we go look at that I don't like it with the iron I'm gonna be honest Mikey I don't like it with the iron well doors do you have do you have like a keypad door then we hiccuping like mad it's okay I forgive you I'll try it with stone brick and then go here close to like 40 big door right turn it off so nobody can see and then keypad create door the stone brick door and we see if we like this one because if this looks better then oh that's better I like that okay I'm gonna stick with the stone brick we kind of a I kind of regret using all my iron now can I not like I mean I give you this for something else later right it doesn't really like a big deal okay so I'm gonna actually make Dumbledore so then we go custom door put that in there we'd actually need our new custom door so I can hear a helicopter hello how many can we make like at the same time can I make like three blocks in there and maybe but I have to put in the digit code every time or okay well we're gonna give it a go so the streams going off again there we go and then we'll that one that one that one that one okay yeah you can make three of the same door with the same code there we go so that's you're gonna save us a lot of time and that means our bases are already like quite offended because people are then gonna have to come through you know like the they can't like go over the walls because that's not allowed you know what I mean yeah so no going over the walls they're gonna have to go through the custom doors let's use it on there's already a sign up my base from SWAT please speak it's about farm I respected your privacy and didn't enter that's what we like follow that example follow that example that is the best thing to stay outside please all right so just change a little bit of this system brick I need to start working on some turrets and stuff as well obviously I don't like it my school looks like God how'd you do that whatever you want reinforced okay so I can do that with stone brick oh my god I'm so gonna do that Mikey Oh give me so many good ideas you knew you were so good at this I'm professional I don't think I'm professional to be honest I think Mikey's a professional one here saying it's Mike he's the one basically carrying me right now what I do without you Mikey I'm just gonna grab some more food there we go have you seen my gun as well look at my gun no it's just like it's just like a spam right-click one yeah apparently the code is that one that one that one that one I mean good luck figuring out the there like so many combinations so you said it was just there's mice and how'd you put it in the furnace that makes sense it's just it's not smelling oh it's because it's sandstone that makes sense Jesus Christ what would I do leave out you hear my cue is it oh I can't see it because the texture pack it's like it just like shows off at the top it's completely awful I don't like it so we'll put the glass in there I'll save up till I've got a bit more glass just so we can like do it productively rather than down to do it one by one yeah and watching this in 1080p 60fps that is because Demi has fantastic internet that's why that gives you the option to watch this in 1080p 60fps we guys walk to the stream if you guys under you make sure you like and subscribe because we are you know doing micro for stuff it's good fun like he is basically doing everything for me but that's not the point put the glass switch those around okay so once again streams gonna have that's what I guys have done half the stream just is in like not being able to see the thing okay take the doors there we go and then boom there we go with the thing is we're not actually gonna be able to use these on stream I'll be your clickbait you might click pay if you want anybody can be my oh my key my front doors kind of multiply face not today thank you we aren't looking to buy anything as it's just started it has started around 15 minutes ago and almost a psycho scramble I know we're very close I like how I said we don't buy anything and they will backed off I feel like I feel like it works Mikey can feel like it worked we're just if we go them right they aren't there that's how it works right if we ignore them they're not there okay look how cool the door looks now it looks like a proper like you're trapped in door Wow stream cyphers I'm cool in stream snape I need to yeah I'll message you it's Oh actually rpm you it right now just so obviously you can open the door for me no I'll do it on this cord that'd be a bad idea there you go that's the passcode don't go sharing it Mikey I know what you're like oh my god why people just random shooting outside my base what is this they were on top of a hill there's like 30 of them can you open the door Mikey I can't do it sorry I hope you already forgot it there we go thank you and this one as well it's the same one thank you this one is well it's the same one wow this is so much easier thank you so much easier what's up master central and gallon Beano thank you very much for the sub I appreciate that so do you have a drill like a pickaxe on you okay so I need to start like making this base more defended because right now let's face it it sucks right because it's it's it's all cobble right we don't need to be cobble so if we just kind of start mining down just a little bit maybe you like getting some Bob why I made maybe just like fixing up some bases and like stuff like that right just so it's not as poopies is if you want to help me you can I'm not gonna force you to if you are busy and I appreciate your help anyway and you will be banned I'm joking so that can be five there we go that was a joke all right stream yeah you're my slave Mikey apparently you are my slave I can get you a little bit oh I'm pressing Q I have to drop it manually oh good ol PK I got him to my like oh okay oh I'm gonna need to okay no the passcodes already in it okay I can use my new custom door because I've got loads of them it's so good we're so good at this honestly yes this will be a video after so if you guys can't watch the entirety of the stream you can watch over to see the whole video and then be nice and stuff like that so sure you make it even do you reckon I reckon it should be like somewhat even like cos look at it now it's like all like floppy you know what I mean then he's just hiding in the corner thanks Emmy it's all like the sex sideways you know what I mean so do we like even it out or like maybe you put a bit more room this way or maybe a bit more room this way and just try like even the thing out it would look better how do we make concrete because right to decide made concrete we need gravel or steel it off Mikey that works too I'm fine with stealing off you how much concrete you have it like concrete okay so I guess we'll use this just for like hmmm if we make like a secured area maybe if like we make that machinery stuff we can put all that in there I feel like that's a that's a good idea but we need to kind of even this out so we need to start mining down these bits just so we can there we go and then we can go up yeah with this stone brick we need to make it quite big as well because obviously I don't want people just like strolling in holy Oh up here so it's all kind of like curved and even stature that's a big word big word for Ravens vocabulary mikey has concrete I usually steal it from him too I mean I'm not stealing it right I'm just we're a team we're a team make a giant square and have ladders going up like walk raised uh that's kind of like Mikey's base though with like giant walkways and stuff so I don't wanna steal Mikey's idea how big should we make this like height wise I feel like if we do listen alright here's my plan so we do it like this up to here right and then we have a barbed wire oh Jesus Mikey right he is severely not prepared for this subscribe twin place for life maybe I'll think about it twin look at this right so if we make it bigger here's my point is we're gonna put barbed wire around the sides that way if anybody does like end up on the roof then we can actually you know I get rid of them in an efficient manner versus a youtube channel that's playing there are so many people that use YouTube channels whenever I post videos of this I realized actually haven't posted one video I imagine only post his streams of this when I post videos everybody's link will be down in the description what about your battery it's still there I'm pretty sure Thank You Ethan F those gamer and Natalia for the sub I appreciate it so we'll go over here and block ourselves up and burn pepper okay so we need to kind of like even this even this out just a little bit I feel like we need to like kind of like I don't know I don't want to do even but I feel like it needs to be like a certain stature welcome back Mikey so did you hear my plan No so we're going for barbed wire barbed wire and I want to make those we can have like a little like outpost e thing here you can go get it back if you want if you want to yo take some time just to see what they're up to you can because they can't just take your base so I realize I can't get through the door I'll just break the door seeing as I can't do on stream Mikey yeah nevermind okay I thought I broke it it's fine I don't need you you can go fix your base if you have to I'll just I'll just get to work phrenic sand throw it thank you guys for the stub and you finally got to what watch a live stream thank you very much for coming Mario I appreciate it can you feel there and your base isn't getting blown up is it you can grab some more stone brick because I didn't really expect us to need this much yeah so okay so just deal with the people at your base let me know if you need any help because you know I have a gun I can hear asylum and why can I hear a siren Mikey I don't know can you hear it - no Mikey I said I can I literally can hear a siren I'm not joking I don't know why I'm hearing a siren mm-hmm am I gonna have to I I have no idea right I'm just going to pretend I can't hear the siren and pretend that it's not totally going on in my ear and try figure out a it might be rectus I'm not sure it sounds close so it might be erectus there's one in your bunker it might be yours then wreck T it literally might be but I feel like if we just get a little bit of bobwhite setup and maybe like maybe start this so Mikey I might need your help whenever you get back probably a stream sniper rec T it might be me whoever it is can you please stop it's very annoying and then if they go to reason I don't think so that's a bit me knowing the burnt base down to the right no I I mentioned this at the start of the stream I mentioned her that Ryan went a bit trigger-happy and kind of like hmm not got rid of it but I mean you were there Mikey I don't know why I'm saying just Ryan you were involved too I mean I have to take your word for it oh I wasn't involved in the initial you know like burning down one of our neighbors to put it that way because I discounted as coffee I mean yeah it was our land but I discounted this coffee man if we had free coffee and you ruined it do you have some more stone brick oh yeah damn it like you know did you just get stoned instead dude this siren is still going off it's so loud I don't know if the stream can hear it but literally there is just a massive siren going off in the background tell me can you sort out the siren please I'm gonna put it that way it might be that I'm not sure why is this video and your recommended yeah there we go it's just come through why is this video am I recommended because YouTube loves me pretty much get me four days thank you for the sub so afraid this is enough lengthwise so if we start going like down how much have you got okay you threw the pickaxe at the same time okay John I helped build because I'm weakened as you probably get this done so if we just go just like you feel to break the floor if you break the floor and then just start doing it like that there we go and then I will from this side go inwards if we just go up to the bridge for now I feel like that's a good amount so with two of us we can kind of like do it quick enough you know what I mean we hear it twice as fast because there's twice of us Mikey that's what it's about and Ryan's gonna come off Ryan's gonna come on and he's gonna be so impressed with what we've done that we've liked it and she made a viable base and a viable like defense okay I'm happy you guys can't hear this siren okay because it's it's very loud and why is it still going damn thank you thank you for fixing the siren what did you band both alright I guess that's why when you spam the siren with Demi around singing okay here we go it will start going in this way because obviously once we've done this we can make like I don't know what to do we can make like maybe like different sections so we can put like the materials and wine we can do like the machinery in one area and I feel like if we get like at least most of this done we should be happy because obviously we just need to do make it look pretty because right now it didn't look pretty to start with and hopefully it's gonna look pretty at the end because the the prettier it looks the happy I am you can hear the siren I'm very sorry you guys can hear the siren I'm very very sorry the siren is now off I apologize it was two people messing around here we're now gone so don't worry about that now siren is dealt with so I'm trying to think how we can do this so do we just do like a chest area maybe in the side like in the walls here or do we just do it leave it is like maybe we can put some glass yeah we could do like some glass maybe in the sides you know what I mean there is no joint button if you go to youtube gaming it gives you the option to become a member if that what you're on about it does give you the option on youtube gaming so you might have to distribute your gaming then come back and stuff like that yeah Demi is not happy when someone tries to ruin my videos she takes it very very seriously okay I thought this is enough like room here because we've already like increased how much room we have and like we've already made like a viable defences in the fact that like one we've made like keypad doors to the fact that it's it's cooler than it was before you know what I mean there we go let's put this over here I will start this way and why did I break that I was stupid [Music] I'll take what I'll do at the same time is I will go smell some cobble just so we have like an outgoing source when we mined it if that make sense Can I grab some more stone brick off you Mikey you can thank you very very much I just need like a like two stacks maybe three stacks turn up Mikey I would turn up Mikey a little bit there you go Mikey should now be turned up that's enough I didn't need that much but I'll take it because I think what we might do eventually is we can turn this bridge into like like an outpost if you know what I mean not like an outpost itself but is in like a is it like maybe like a little watch area to get like from point A to point B and make the house over there like the one in the the forest and outpost yeah you only meet why so everything okay no I thought I thought I had my game off this whole time as a sick base thank you I feel like we've definitely improved this base now we need to do to make some reinforced glass over here make change this structure at the bottom maybe you make that change this a little bit into something else I don't know this is gonna be maybe make a tower somewhere and this base is gonna be very very nice all right I feel like it's gonna be the best thing we've done as soon as I've done pretty much nothing and then we will go then we'll break off the top of this this isn't what we need don't need any of this poopy stuff and then we're gonna have to even out like round out the back bit if you know what I mean just so we can completely remodel this base so if you guys do enjoy you know what should you make a base and actually make it for fight so we're not actually gonna well actually gonna die all right I feel like before our base was in a point where it was just gonna die or we were gonna die one of the two but now I feel like it's I fight we've made progress Mikey you know what I mean it's now it's taller we've got better defenses everything's looking better it's ugly your neighbour I am very happy with you not happy with you why would I be happy with you making the whole base stone brick I feel like for a part of it we'll make it stone brick but then after a while I feel like we're gonna switch to concrete brick once we can actually make enough of it because obviously this base will be changed again and again and again and maybe blown up like three or four times that's the whole point of the map mine the floor for a minute and look for the secret just under it Ryan hit it and don't tell I've just told Mikey there is actually secret chest anymore there is my secret chest but there isn't Ryan's secret chest anymore but it's not really secret it's like one block under the ground under the floor but Mike he probably already found it yeah there we go he's already found it how's the cafe in the water going um you tell me you tell me how the cafe is going okay yeah Ryan and and this guy where is he where has he gone where have you gone this guy and Ryan decided it would be fun to kill our neighbors right I mean that our neighbors put it that way the thing where you have that meeting place looks like a tank what you're about oh this could be a meeting place oh my god why didn't I think about that that is such a good idea velocity you are an absolute beast thank you very very much that is such a good idea we can't end it's like a little like meeting room Mikey you know the bit like where it's in between the the base where is now and like everything else we can make it and like a meeting room who's that gonna be you make it like a little area well I got enemies can come in and we can like I don't know I'm trying to figure out the word in my head with that keep thinking about it but it's not it's not actually coming out how I want it to yeah talk about our problems and it's not gonna work yeah so yeah I need to just figure out how to make these stairs actually look not terrible yeah okay I can't do it that way Oh God I don't know how to do this Mikey I might just do like stairs on it for now and then worst case I'll just change it later on right that works isn't it thank God you guys are fortifying this pace I know we needed to do it otherwise we were gonna get ourselves killed I'm just looking out for the greater good honestly without us you know our base would be nothing right now it looks a verage i feel like once we put like some stuff over here some stuff over here everything to look so much prettier and we need to obviously do the bridge back like a certain point I'm not gonna worry about the bridge now or anything we're gonna build a titanium drill that will probably be once we start working on an tree like weapons and stuff can actually make a titanium drill oh my god actually it's a titanium drill in the assembly machine high speed steel bolts high speed steel ingots steel ingots and titanium plates do you have that yeah a titanium drill I don't know what it's for it's used to make is it used oh okay so it's not actually used for anything we need the drill which I think people when you make the impact drill if you are you do expire with loads and keypads oh my god we can do that we could do it like maybe like in the middle once we have enough room or like below we could have like a lot of like keypads and different stuff and different like keys or different codes going into it did everyone my stream is so full of good ideas where were these guys when I needed it Jesus you guys could just be my complete I don't know like my complete content crew but you know what I mean everyone could just do content for me I don't even have to do anything you guys to think of all the ideas for me let's grab ourselves a shovel there we go I'm just filling in the bottom right now and then we'll work just on the side cuz I want a stream for that long maybe another like 20 minutes or something just below an hour cuz obviously then it's watch boys a video and it you don't have to worry about like it being like three and a half hours long if you're all I mean it's good fun does Mike you have a channel Mike you do a YouTube channel you should make one but you're in University on you so you can't really like record the best without people knocking on your door like they just did you should it's good fun Mikey it's very good fun mm-hmm here's the bear ID subscribe to Raven that is such a good idea good idea Mikey agrees it's a fantastic idea so make sure you guys like and subscribe if you guys in you right thank you very much even like you said so alright so this is gonna take probably more than 10-15 minutes so you might want to start helping me these walls before we end up dying as I was watching I finished okay I'm gonna be honest I was actually gonna mine this floor so it was all even sorry I probably should have told you that earlier yeah it's added content you know what I mean exactly added content aren't you going 24 hours I am NOT streaming for 24 hours who do you think I am I can barely swim for like an hour just get so distracted and just go off-topic after like an hour so it's good after like an hour just kinda like bring myself back to earth you know what I mean but I would not be able to stream for 24 hours not playing like minecraft somebody's dream for 24 hours I'm sure I think what I could stream for 24 hours and I really don't think there's anything I could sleep for 24 hours that's a really good idea who knew right sleep for 24 hours what a challenge imagine tuning into a live stream to watch that hello cringe fiesta how are you doing welcome yes if you have it all like an even level and then we could do like maybe like an outpost center like on the inch corner where like we can just go up and look you know what I mean just try make everything look better I thought we should cut off the back of this here so if we cut it off to this point just where this radar dishes so if I start going inward from here and then from here yeah just so it's like an even amount across so if I start going up the walls here we know what to mine and what not to is that make sense yeah okay so we'll get rid of this sliver yeah he'll make another bunker in the water and have it as a launchpad we actually do have another bunker in the water we have ourselves a little secret bunker which obviously I'm not gonna show cuz it's secret but you can totally can't go in to watch the other streams to find out that's that's totally not allowed please please don't do that it's totally not about five meters away from our current base I gotta sleep for almost an hour but I want to watch you I'm living in the Netherlands well hello Netherlands I went to the Netherlands recently didn't we then we stayed in what's the place Arnhem that's the one I like on I love the Netherlands very good place so from here if we do it just to the side of the farm today because obviously the founders need to be that well protected for now TT it's just a farm you know we can always replace a farm and we had you have the farm base I'm not sure if we actually need this farm anymore so you might just cut it off like Garret of it you know what I mean yeah nice correction there Mikey thank you nice correction yeah we have the huge fan base that's under our control anyway so we don't really need it the back farm so this could literally just be a base for we could do like little like glass areas and stuff like that if you know what I mean we can do like oh god how my wording is I may be like a little like Ewing yeah like reinforced glass you see if anyone does come try you know murder us it's not actually gonna happen block this and then we'll go up here so if we go from here Mikey yeah like a square thing leave the bridge obviously if you want to keep the ridge but from like here that's where you are yeah and then just cut it off from where we are now that should be enough for like defenses for now yeah you should make an airship I I did have a really good idea for an airship for a video actually a troll I'm gonna put it that way he's right it's a troll but I'm actually not gonna I'm not gonna say it on streem because the person I want to do it to might be actually be watching so we don't want to give anything away do we now Mikey I mean you don't even know the plan I told Ryan I mean yesterday you don't even know but you're just down anyway so John I just do it is in this massive square you know what I mean or you wanna go like follow this inward line yeah okay let's do that I like that idea let's go out from this way I will connect up with here there we go anymore see we just have to mine down the wall and everything but I won't take that long right no no be fine everything's fine 300 viewers thank you guys very much I appreciate that it's very kind of you and then we'll go yeah look at us go Mikey we're making such a fantastic base it's a lot better than the previous it was but because before it was easy just a cobblestone box right you've got never you got too hard I go too low one of us has changed it up Midway oh no it's just me I've gone too low okay no I'll take is one of us has changed please be even okay it's even Mikey we did it oh thank Christ okay everything is looking so much better we can airship base with a plane play so you can take off so it's like a runway I feel like that is something we are we're gonna do you're gonna do I do want to make like a floating ship eventually that we can like sell goods on maybe like just other stuff you know what I mean but I feel like after we've made this and finished the floor it will be the end of the stream because I don't keep the stream too long I think about 40 minutes is a good time yeah let's go yeah move move the door just over - literally anywhere it doesn't really matter why can't I donate $10,000 u.s. probably for a good reason probably for a very good reason what snacks did I have Oh God I just ate English food I'm gonna be honest I'm a very very picky eater I tried a stroopwafel I think that's what it's called I didn't like it I ate marshmallows from the Netherland ich coop which was very nice I enjoyed those I had Netherlands coke which it's the same as every coke you know he's it's just coke at this point Dylan thank you for the sub I appreciate it alright so we can oh my God look how much bigger it looks Mikey look at this it looks so much better than it did before twin said he's gonna betray twin would never do that for me when is one of my closest friends he would never betray me unless he does and then that's gonna be very mean oh they got my shovel and my key I might eat you for the rest of this just for this last little bit and then were actually done look how much work we've done today if it was just me right in 40 minutes I wouldn't be able to do this by myself so thank you very much for being here yeah tell you around eight minutes but I feel like let's just uh no maybe just decorate this side a little bit just so it looks a bit like not so plain you know I mean cuz right now it looks like this looks a bit poop so maybe you put like a thing here and then maybe some stairs going over around yeah but what I'll do is I'll go around to put blocks in the corners just so it looks a bit like a bit more full if you know what I mean yeah rip my shovel alright soursop thank you for coming to the stream I hope you have a good time at school I hope everything goes right and you learn something hi Jamie do you like it I wouldn't know she's not do you like it okay she likes it there we go we got our approval pencil mattis I just I just wonder what Ryan's gonna think about this because I was here I'm so used to his little cobble box that he's not gonna be able to figure it out you know he's not gonna be able to okay for the chest I feel like we should leave it there for now yeah it's a lot of stuff to move I really don't want to move it but look how much work we've done I'm so proud of me and you today Mikey and I feel like up here by this I'm gonna make another two set of doors I don't have another custom door but if we know it over here so it's like even when you get to this bridge you still can't like actually get in the base and then maybe in like the holes or maybe like a ring on the outside we could do barbed wire like a later date just so people can't like like jump over you know what I mean just it's like different types of barbed wire we can make God poison Bob wah caustic barbed wire what is that hydrogen peroxide okay so it's like it's like acid pretty much okay barbed wire which is normal which we need aluminium wire which you need to make an assembly machine which we have so we'll do that next time with it barbed wire flaming and Klout is that like poison like a nuclear way Oh nuclear waste okay but looking at this from the outside right now look at this look what we've made it's so bad so much better Oh God right before we in the stream we are gonna mind ends a little bit at the back because otherwise it's gonna be it's gonna really get on my nerves okay looks good it looks so good I'm so proud of me and Mikey today we did it for us Mikey all right this is gonna take probably the longest time ever oh no we can't mine it the chest rooms above it it's in the chest room uh-uh right we might just have to clear the walls and then maybe leave the cob where it is for now yeah what if I miss love the vids we have just spent today the last 47 minutes Kyle just defending this base making it a lot better and I think we've done a very very good job I'll go show the inside while you do that Mikey I'll be one sec so as you guys saw before it was just cobble and stuff now we've got full stone brick we got some custom doors which we made which have like a a pin so like say if the pin was like 2 2 2 2 which it isn't obviously which obviously is a don't go thinking the key code is 2 2 2 2 needs turrets I have a feeling about my turrets I'm gonna put 2 on here I want to put 2 on this bridge like at the end of the bridge I want to put maybe one in these corners here and one on these corners here just so it's like properly defended so if we were gonna make a turret what turret would you recommend is the the Gatling sentry gun thing you need a what's the word for it you need like a telemetry card thing or this one you need this which then I will see it doesn't shoot you if you're holding it if I make sense it's Ryan joining later no I don't think so so we need to make a next time we're gonna need to do a lot on the assembling machine because we will need to make ourself barbed wire and we're gonna need to make ourselves a cheapo Gatling sentry with steel military-grade circuit board Mikey that's what we need to make iron plate steel pipes and three motors so we're gonna need to make copper coils ring coils which is iron plate red copper wire a load of iron minecraft grade copper which is I don't know how we get there alloy furnaces so we're gonna need a lot Mikey next room is gonna be like a fool like me and you if you're here obviously you do want to come join LBC it's gonna be mean you full machinery episode where we're just gonna have to go nuts on machinery so we could maybe make like a little machinery area like in one of the corners may be in this big corner here that we have open we could like this one here we can make like a bit of machinery thing here and then maybe like after time make like a lift that goes down awesome like that so I feel like that is gonna end off this stream for today I hope you guys did enjoy Mikey thank you very much for helping me change up this base hopefully now this is gonna make it so we're not gonna get attacked as often we're not gonna get murdered we're not gonna get everything you know blowing up obviously we still have a long time to go we still need to get rid of the farm at the back we seem to focus a lot on the next stream which will be at Sun at the same time here it will be focused heavily on machinery and like the machinery we need to make like cool stuff Davies made a seating area I guess I'll go finish my outro and they're done hang on move up I'll go finish my outro here we go but here we go right tech team Tyler thanks to the sub I hope you guys did enjoy the stream if you guys see it make sure you guys like and subscribe for you guys and you I'm sorry for the people who have just joined it's been around 45 minutes I kind of want to you know end it off at like a steady pace right now but thank you guys so much for watching I will see you guys tomorrow with a good factory episode at 8:30 p.m. GMT and the next stream will be at Sunday or on Sunday sorry so make sure you guys are around for that I'm on my little table right now thank you guys very very much for watching I hope you guys did enjoy and I will see you guys door
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 14,935
Rating: 4.9121623 out of 5
Keywords: factionsraven, raven, factions raven, war, flans mod, mods, minecraft war, minecraft factions, minecraft smp, minecraft mod pack, OUR PLAN TO END THE NUCLEAR WAR! (WILL IT WORK?) 🔥 | Minecraft WAR #2
Id: h0HBbJ18YoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 56sec (2816 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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