I Built a DRAGON in Minecraft Hardcore (#44)

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this is the most absurd thing i've ever done like what is this mess does this make any sense to you guys it barely makes sense to me in this video i somehow managed to turn this thing into a dragon okay yeah i wouldn't believe it either but in the last episode of hardcore minecraft i built the end in the overworld but i felt it was missing just one thing that is a dragon living within it this video took a long time for me to make so if you do enjoy this video please consider subscribing for absolutely free and join the wawa army and as always enjoy the video [Music] g'day guys my name is woodsy and welcome back to another episode of hardcore minecraft anyway in today's video i'm actually going to be doing some more pointless building and it's going to be related to this biome but before we get into that it's time to add another 200 melons to the melon farm [Applause] and finally after so much effort i've added another 200 to the melon farm for today this is starting to take a long long time each video because as you can see there's a lot of there's a lot of land and dirt that we need to dig through every time we want to add a couple rows to this thing and of course if you want to see how big this farm ends up getting make sure to subscribe to keep following along with the series all right the build i'm going to attempt to make today is going to be by far the most ambitious thing i've ever done this could turn out either really good or it's going to be a complete failure i want to build a dragon a giant dragon floating in the sky above our end build right here in this space i want it to be a black dragon kind of resembling like the ender dragon but like obviously not as awkward and boxy looking i want it to be big and epic oh god i'm actually i'm overwhelmed with how hard this is going to be of course like the start of every building episode there's a lot of blocks we need to collect and a lot of those blocks can actually be found in our piglet trading farm here like blackstone this would be a good block for uh you know a black dragon so i'm crying obsidian i feel like i can use because i want to use some purple colors uh some quartz could have some use in like teeth or spikes or something maybe even some obsidian which we have none left oh and also gravel because i want to use some black concrete as well uh so as a fun exercise i'm actually going to do a bit of afk to start off with to try and like fill up some of these uh items a bit more a lot of you guys always probably wonder why i don't use this farm as much as i do and that's because like to actually use it and like kind of like continue stocking it up it requires a lot of afk for one i need to start by afk here at my gold farm [Music] so now i need to go ahead and craft all these gold nuggets into ingots this bit does get a little bit painful and now we've turned all of our gold we got in the last hour into the ingots that means it's time to chuck the gold back into this machine here and now we afk for as long as it takes for all the gold to be gone [Music] all right and almost two hours later we managed to get like 100 obsidian and probably a whole bunch of other stuff but it's really hard to know so that's why i don't really use this farm as much as i should although i do have a lot of stuff backed up here it takes a lot of just afking and waiting around for blocks to accumulate so that explains how i was going to collect half of the blocks i needed but there was still some more blocks i was after and it was time to do some work all right so the first block we're going to be collecting today is some stone so we're going to need to do a lot of digging we don't have any automatic farm to get this stuff but i was actually thinking i should have a another star still right yeah i was thinking i would make a brand new beacon to do this all right so we've built this beacon underground now and i have to dig this out to the sky don't i i forgot about that [Music] [Applause] oh boy well in the matter of just a few minutes i've managed to completely fill a shulker box full this beacon was definitely worth setting up [Music] well well well it's been a while since i've been here now obviously i'm back here in the desert to tear it apart some more and collect some more sand because sand makes up half of the ingredients you need for concrete the other half obviously being gravel which we get from our piglen trading farm so i'm just going to tear up as much as i can for now until my shovel's almost going to break and uh yeah that'll that'll be it [Music] [Applause] [Music] and now that i've dug up three shulker boxes full of sand i think i can say i'm done for today but on the way home i think what i actually need to do is hunt a few squids because obviously today i'm going to be building a black dragon so i want to make black concrete i'm going to need black dye whoa whoa dolphin thanks but you're kind of ruining this for me right now [Music] all right so on the way home i managed to get four stacks of ink sacs which will obviously be four stacks of black dye now it's time for us to grab some of our sand some of our gravel and we need to craft some black concrete and now we have like a bajillion stacks of black concrete powder fun bit as always is i need to turn it all into black concrete blocks okay well yeah this is going to take a lot of effort and finally i had collected all the ingredients i needed to get started and build a damn dragon all right it's time to try and figure out how we're going to be building this dragon first we're going to start off by building a skeleton of a dragon just like an outline a guide out of dirt and i actually want to have it interacting with this landscape here by having it have a like a claw right on top of this pillar so one arm will be on this like oh this is so hard to do i guess where's the head gonna be when this is where things get hard because like it's so hard to build downwards damn it looks good dragon's looking good this is the most absurd thing i've ever done like what is this mess does this make any sense to you guys it barely makes sense to me all right so here's the dragon breakdown so far yeah that that's it okay let me try and explain so we've got the the arm arm number one which which will come and connect to the body around here and then this is meant to be a neck which i think i'm gonna make longer um yeah let's uh just leave it with me okay this is you know what to me this actually kind of makes sense now i don't know if it makes sense to you guys at all but i think i'm gonna start actually trying to put some blocks into this thing and that'll help out a lot i think because it's just it's hard to make shape of this but i feel like i just gotta get started somewhere and we can go from there [Music] okay so wise words before we can build a dragon we need to build a floating snake with no arms no wings no legs so that's what this stone is starting to do we're just building the belly of our snake with our flying snake and now i'm starting to try and like widen it out a bit where it should be wider and kind of curve it up a bit at the moment i'm just going to place a ton of blocks [Music] all right and then there has to be a point in the body where it kind of blends from the like the lighter underbelly to the darker outer scales and that's where i've got this gray wool all right now it's time to start building up the body a bit more start blending in some blending into some black with some black stone [Music] snake update snake looking good all right so the next step here is i'm kind of starting to close it off from from the end here because i got to kind of figure out how thick i want the body to be so i figured i would start by closing it off from the the back and progressively obviously we need to make it like thicker and thicker as we go [Music] all right now this is a thick dragon and now we're talking look i don't know if this shape is going to be perfect first time around but i can always add some more blocks to it to you know fix up the shape now i just like that we're making progress i think we're getting somewhere maybe let's try and get a front view on this oh actually yeah yeah this is taking shape look at that front view all right i definitely think this is starting to take shape i'm not too upset with it it's come to a matter of just like block vomit just place blocks all over the place look building a dragon is much like terraforming a hill in minecraft you just gotta find the right slope that you want that's all i'm really doing here is i'm just trying to find the right angles what bro what are you talking about man i want to fix the tail for one i want to make the tail uh longer because it gets it gets thin way too quick i probably want to thicken up the body a bit probably this angle here probably has to come pretty much straight up from here so let's start with fixing up this tail so it's time to do a little bit of reimagining with this dragon here um originally the head was going to be just here but i've realized i haven't given this thing enough of a neck well i'm going to change this to what i've built up here all into the neck so i'm going to build that over next and then starting here that's going to be the head uh i also want to map out the new spot now that we've got a body built i can properly map out where i want the arms to come out i think i still want this arm to be like kind of perched maybe it would have been cooler if it was like a leg i don't know if an arm makes sense look at the moment it looks dumb because it has no limbs the thing that's really going to make you break this build is the wings if this has cool wings it'll pass as a good dragon at the moment it's just the stupid slug it's a slug in the middle of the air so i got to work and quickly gave my dragon a neck and finally after a long time of building and brainstorming my dragon's torso was complete but unfortunately i had run out of black concrete so now seems like a great time to remind you that i'm doing all of these builds in survival collecting and placing every single block myself which takes a lot of effort so if you are enjoying this video so far and you aren't subscribed please just consider subscribing okay it's time to give our floating snake a limb we're gonna start with arm number one here once again we're gonna make a dirt kind of skeleton all right so that's the idea we're gonna have the arm coming down maybe a bit [Music] backwards [Music] this is so challenging this is ridiculous these cobblestone walls here meant to be like claws i think that's quite cool i think maybe that looks good yeah actually i don't think that that's too horrible i mean you get the idea it's it's so hard and now we'll go and work on the other arm all right now this arm's a little more tricky because it doesn't have any destination it's not grabbing anything it's just gonna be like hanging here we'll kind of just have it like bent back against the body [Music] that's our arms actually i'm quite happy with that this is the front on angle and i think that's honestly where they look the best from well i'm gonna clean up all the scaffolding now and then next i think we'll move on to the legs alright so legs are going to be very much the same but just a little different in the fact that they're going to be a lot bigger uh well i guess our legs have got to go probably a bit further down from our previous marks probably around there yeah we'll say here but we're gonna have to um like bulk up this area a lot with a lot of blocks uh as in to make like kind of hips [Music] i hate this [Music] so at the moment it kind of just looks like i've built a floating godzilla with no head but i think this is a great start so we've done a very good base but now we're gonna move on to things that are very important if we give this thing a dumb looking head it's gonna look stupid if we give this thing pathetic wings it's gonna look stupid all right i think it's time we got brave next step we're gonna do the head all right so i'm gonna start with the dragon's jaw so the bottom of the head it's gonna start from here gonna come out a bit and kind of like a heart shape it's gonna start going out and then it's gonna go in towards a point [Music] all right now this this could work okay so we've got this right and then we got to figure out kind of the the rest of the head oh this is so tough okay that bottom choice is good i think i think we're just gonna make it bigger that is starting to take shape i'm i'm not mad with that at all all right so now to help to find kind of like the head from the neck what i'm gonna do is kind of uh creating a spike that sticks up and out [Music] oh yeah look at that now we're getting places uh what also could do some work is underneath the jaw kind of blending that in as well as inside the mouth having some teeth and such and we need to figure out where the eyes are going to be uh but next i'm thinking just like two like large horns this could definitely use some work they just go straight up it doesn't really make sense wanna tear them both down and make them both kind of go backwards [Music] all right so here is where my dragon's head is at right now i mean we could probably work on the shape a little more but uh what i'm actually going to do now is i'm going to go get a few more blocks because i want to do the inside of the mouth all right number one we're going to need some quartz because they make the best teeth the other thing we need is some terracotta but i would love to make this terracotta pink so this would be like the inside of our dragon's mouth i feel like that's a good color for it uh let's go give it a shot okay yeah this dragon definitely looks good [Applause] [Music] i mean yeah that that works it looks a little goofy to be honest [Music] [Applause] i feel like i need to fix up the very end of the bottom jaw but otherwise it's it's fine yeah that is that is perfect so far so good i am very happy with what i've come up with for the head you can see i've marked a little spot here for the eyes and that's what we're going to do next but we're going to need to go collect some different blocks i want to have the eyes a nice bright purple all right let's craft a couple of magenta couple purple and then we could also make use of this magenta stained glass [Applause] oh that kinda works kinda kinda works it's close [Music] [Applause] all right so that's a little bit better as far as the head goes i think that that that's gonna do it all right and next up is going to be the wings which is really going to complete this build i'm i'm really happy with how the head turned out that is a great dragon's head in my opinion but unfortunately i once again needed to collect more blocks got a bunch of black concrete as well as a bunch of purple concrete and now it is wing time and of course we have to start with some dirt that's just a rough stencil of kind of like this size i guess i do like it but i could probably change the angles up a bit but i think the size is good i think that's probably good wing proportions for the size of this dragon honestly let's just run with that [Applause] [Music] nice little chicken wing there now we just got to do that exact same thing on the other side [Music] that is the beginning of our two wings this this left wing looks a little bit wonky but i might even just go along and thicken up what i've got so far and then from there i need to add a few more little lines coming out from this area here and also one coming off this elbow as well [Music] oh that looks gross [Music] i think i've fixed up the wings a little bit that is looking better all right now i'm going to build off this other elbow down here this is going to be this is going to be a little bit annoying actually i'm going to have to come down a lot lower yeah it's a dragon all right it's time to start filling in these wings and you might be able to guess because i collected so much purple concrete earlier that the uh the wings are gonna be purple but i thought to break it up a little bit i want to line the inside from where it turns black to purple with some crying obsidian okay now i've used all of that crying obsidian it's uh it gives it a nice glow which i like uh but now it's time to make it actually look good let's go get our purple concrete and let's finish off these wings so let's first start this off by connecting a line of purple between each of our like wing sections all right and there we go now we've got our outline now it's just like a coloring book we just need to go ahead and just color in between the lines [Music] that one wing complete oh damn that is sick damn i like that i like that a lot [Music] wait no i've run out of blocks i was so close and finally after so much effort my dragon had everything it needed to actually be called a dragon so i got the blocks to finish off the wing and then i just wanted to add a few more things for today all right so i've grabbed my stone cutter here let's cut a few stone stairs and let's add a few more stone spiky details to this thing just to make it just that tiny bit better yeah look at that a little bit flat at the top yeah that's a good wing spike that is sick all right let's add one over here now all right now i just want to add a few spikes down the back of this dragon spikes like that going down the entire back but maybe not all that big maybe they'll get smaller and smaller the further we go down all right perfect now we've got all these spikes down the spine of our dragon getting smaller and smaller the further down it gets the other thing we can do is go around and just scatter a lot more black stone into the back of this thing to break it up and it does give it a lot more of a scaly feel this block okay for the moment i think i've made this dragon look as good as i can possibly make it and that means it's time to do the cleanup there's a ton of dirt and scaffolding all over the place which has no use on our dragon so it's time we got rid of it all and then and then i think we're done i think we're actually done which is ridiculous and that means this is what our dragon looks like complete this is it [Music] thank you for joining me on this journey of my most ambitious build yet if you enjoyed this video and or if you like the build make sure to leave a like on this video and also subscribe to see what i build next cheers oh hey if you haven't already go follow me on my instagram and twitter for additional wodzy content and speaking of additional content i've also been posting quite often on my second channel as well so go check it out all links are in the description
Channel: WadZee
Views: 2,813,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WadZee, WadZee Building, WadZee Minecraft, WadZee Hardcore, I Built a Dragon in Minecraft Hardcore, Building a dragon in Minecraft, I built the ender dragon in minecraft, How to build a dragon in Minecraft, I built a GIANT Dragon in Minecraft, WadZee Building a Dragon, WadZee Dragon, Giant Dragon Build in Minecraft, minecraft hardcore, wadzee hardcore minecraft, Epic Dragon Build, WadZee Giant Builds, I transformed the overworld into the end in minecraft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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