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this is explore life cheers they pack away so easily these are the one camp chair for me good job Ali where's my shed life shirt I need that rag s hahaha realized budget builds season two brought to you by Outback equipment this time we're taking the budget Builds on the ultimate test uh to the tip of Australia and guess what we made it but I'll tell you what guys not all the cars are here so we're going to take you back to the very beginning on the crib track where it all started where we had forecasts we want to find out who made it to the timber who didn't end all the dramas along the way tune in because the next four nights we've got content after content after content side on everyone's Channel but let's kick it off they're crab truck ready let's go [Music] well I will be straight into water crossing and then basically it's all off road from here on in so time to air down we got the interfate we're going to drop all the tires down uh nice and low for this one because it is going to be nice and greasy we're going to want as much attraction as we possibly can so let's bag out the BX [Music] no out [Music] it's been a new one Graces first water crossing I was hoping to get a water bra left it too late couldn't find one in Cairns so we're gonna just put a little bit of Grease just around the seal the Dizzy hopefully to just disperse some of that water stop it sneaking in just let us know in the comments I'm sure a few people will roast me but um see how we go Ali where's my shed life shirt I need that rag okay first water crossing of the trip we're at the crab track uh it's kind of deep it's kind of long we're in the Jeep we're first up let's see how we go we got stitched up we're going I don't know Mac hasn't even done a water crossing before so he's not one this big the anxiety levels are up it's if it's flooded floor is that right no okay a little bit nervous I'm not gonna lie um this is a pretty deep Crossing it's going to be a good indication for the rest of the trip with how the petrol is going to perform fingers crossed we get across without any dramas follow the Jeep might even sit in his Beltway though [Music] [Music] every time [Music] you don't like that at all [Music] I can touch the water with my hands always [Music] [Music] foreign I'll tell you what if this is any indication of what we're in for uh it's going to be unreal but even just the scenery guys like full canopy over the top looks absolutely unreal on that for office that we did this track um so far already I'm pretty scared I didn't want to do it but you guys just peer pressured me it was such a last minute decision yeah Sam fully didn't want to do this truck for uh everyone at home but um we're into it and we haven't even got to the hard bit so we've got about an hour to push today guys um to find Camp hopefully before the sun goes down and then tomorrow it's really going to turn it on so see you at the first Hill and they were saying uh rain makes this track pretty messed up we haven't had any rain and it's still extremely slippery [Music] should I should I clean this window [Applause] well we've just stopped uh at this absolutely stunning Little Creek quick little beer for the afternoon cheers that was beautiful we're gonna make Sam walk it what a track so far where does it go this is so good hey if you've never done the crab let me tell you get your ass up here Sam why don't you walk the whole thing well because there's a track out there's a track in there's a trek out follow the car in front go Sam goes right until it starts getting deep and he's like right oh that's enough that's the deepest point why would I go to the shallow bit on the other side it doesn't make sense to me really good [Music] before [Music] all right so now might be a nice little time to introduce what exactly the challenge is for this one so we're not going to do individual little challenges but there is penalty so it's very similar to golf so most amount of points loses Rock if you need to self-recover with Max tracks one point two points for uh winch three points if someone has to help you four points if you take a chicken truck you go around the opposite let's just jump it up six yeah all right six points if you go around you've come to our first little hard little uh Hill there get the camera let's see we're losing some points wanna hear that jeep we I'm denied whether anyone was allowed a locker we thought not everyone should get one because it'll make it too easy and uh oh my goodness that I wish we all got them two for two so far without a winch uh the camera car had to winch so now it's us no but he was cheating all right guys [Music] like the bonus line who's got that that was so good that was so good you know what I'm just gonna go here right foot off we go see where we end up foreign [Applause] [Applause] is very loud in the old corner of the car oh that was sorry don't let the Turbo cool don't worry about it all right guys well it's early in the series just let you know an episode tonight is going to be released so don't miss out every single night for the next three nights after tonight there's an episode dropping let us know in the comments right now who do you think's gonna win I'm gonna get you guys to pick it early who's gonna be the winner who's going to be the order uh the loser put the order in the comments who's watching about ali what's going on Sam lost yeah I love that yeah I love that uh I reckon the girls are good today girls yeah they're for sure girls staying together is pretty pretty sick can't underestimate the delegra after the last one we're gonna put the Disco on number one Sam at number two a big offset the Jeep at number three oh what are you kidding are you kidding and uh I think the girls are gonna struggle a little bit no I'll help let us know in the comments what do you reckon what's the order [Music] no we've wounded we've wound it too tight and then on the drive again this guy just wants medals for everything no we got a gold medal guys yeah like a gold wicket [Music] all right guys so this trip due to the lack of space we thought what can we get so uh I was down at the Melbourne 4x4 show when I first come across these I think they've just been released the brand new Dometic Pico swags none of us have set these up in that bag comes your own pump inflatable yeah it's inflatable we've never set one of these up so I'm actually for I think I feel like we've gone quiet surfing with me a little pump yeah [Music] look at it that's pretty erectile why I don't I was just like pumping I just went pop that's like all right that's done got my budget build hammer [Music] I cannot get in there you Maddie yeah [Music] foreign [Music] now this is way more fun than cooking on the Land Cruiser with an induction oh bloody alley in her mouth is dry food anyway guys we're gonna have a feed we might have one more beer around the fire and uh we've been up early this morning since 3 30 so um yeah we'll see you guys in the morning cheers good morning TJ oh this is living so we're on the uh we're on the coffees this morning the old Billy a little bit of Nest Cafe that's how you do it budgets that's how you do it on a budget no that coffee machine you'd have to be an absolute wanker another coffee machine in your car so yeah damn that's good so quick little Park up this morning and uh we're ready there was a little bit of rain last night yeah but not too much it doesn't look like it was too heavy um only a little bit of rain on the swag so it's gonna be just greasy enough to uh hopefully be a bit of fun but not get a stuck here for next three days fingers crossed let's see how we go [Music] I wasn't using an aircon I promise and what's that no it wasn't no I had that on all night the go blocker need a solid charge today but it worked well yeah it's about a third left so we do our budget build merch now look it's bloody hot up here we didn't get tanks done in time so a little bit of uh alteration going on here vote what you like that let us know in the comments Sam or Mitch [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] and guess what it's raining so we need to get our asses moving because if it starts raining we are in all sorts well it is raining if it gets any wetter secure low range to the top let's go [Music] let's slip and slide yes sir [Music] foreign goes through more and more wet he's made it we're off oh it is always this is actually very wet yeah this whole track's about to go very interesting not even stressing you dude mate foreign [Applause] [Applause] yes crib track done and dusted in the budget builds uh no damage everyone got through pretty uh touch and go for a minute there it was either the skies are going to open up and we were going to end up having a time but uh the Sun come back out and look honestly the crab truck it's not that difficult guys but um it's just with the conditions if it rains you're in all sorts but 100 recommend you get up here and uh have a crack at it technically we're still on the crib truck but the hard party's done and dusted now we've just pulled up to Roaring Meg Falls everyone's celebrating at the moment but we'll head over and I'll run you through exactly what roaring Meg Falls is crab Truck Yeah is the Aboriginal name for the land around the Roaring Meg Falls now obviously there's traditional owners of this land so people have widered it out guys we'll try and scratch it off anyway I think it's no pictures or video of roaring meg4 so we're not going to be able to show you roaring Meg Falls but we're going to take the whole crew in for a look which means you guys are going to get up here yourself and come and have a look but uh obviously respect the areas guys make sure you take all your rubbish and bits and cases with you which you should do everywhere but uh these places we want to remain open so um shout out to the uh Aboriginal land owners for letting us come and check out their sacred spots yeehaw spectacular beautiful you have to go and see it it's pretty um there's a lot of water in there so it's fun but then there's also another beach the beach is pretty good last time I see we're actually swimming at the top of roaring mag this time not a chance you're literally straight over brown bread so be careful when he's come here but make sure you come check it out it was Rapids you can swim it's absolutely epic so this is a great spot you come spend a couple of hours have lunch and enjoy it unreal waterfall yeah no I just have to burn some calories I've got to recover now because it was very fast 1.2 kilometers of soul-crushing Bear Grylls walking [Music] [Music] what are we doing sir we are at Lion's Den Hotel yes for lunch yes sir we'll see how many beers we have let's go [Music] six stars [Music] well I got the girl Andrea [Music] it's not a repair don't tell the boys while we're on we've got a few kilometers delay so uh trying to get up to the Telly we've got limited time up here so next stop Cohen you ready let's go going the sun coming through that smoke here what's that Epic they must be burning off up here right here serious bit of smoke hey how's everyone's car handling the conditions I don't know it's pretty good this thing uh I was skeptical but I think even with our tires pumped up it's pretty smooth but if we put the new shocks in we put Superior engineerings in the rear and the difference because that's where the weight is so forth [Music] we've made the disco's like a floating lounge chair we got Superior front and rear uh this thing is absolutely incredible oh there she is fire out the right hand side far around the road she is [Music] wow we're driving through a fire in the world's hottest car my seatbel is stuck the car doesn't stay in a straight line and we're on the PBR [Music] uh well Tim we need a little camp for the night um [Music] I know the sun's going down This Is Us camping on the sand in a creek away from everyone we're on 40 PSI still yes oh man what a spot this is sick yeah let's get some Timber let's get uh the awnings out let's get some cans in the hand yeah let's enjoy it get it yeah foreign [Music] cooking dinner and chilling out we knew there was a fire in the distance but uh there's been a little bit of wind pick up and we're sitting here and we're literally hear this thing roaring you can just see it in the distance put the Drone up and it's actually uh climbing trees and moving at a road or not so it's probably not the best idea to stay in this Creek if it does jump that Creek bed next to us then this is just all dead debris along the creek Edge and we're literally we'll be we'll be will be not ideal it was deliberately camped uh where you know we've got a fire break and there is a fire break here but I think it'll literally die out right here it's got nowhere to go um we'll we'll get everything packed up we're just going to keep an eye on this we do have a couple of hundred meters between us like sand beds between us and where we camp so is that wind changes it's not ideal all right let's move just to be safe better to be safe than sorry [Music] I don't know where we're gonna end up tonight but it's not going to be here [Music] uh well guys that's not the evening we thought we were going to have but um yeah it's a tough one I mean it's super hot dry out here the wind changes it's the Embers that can jump all these Crossings and tracks so uh yeah let's punch it for a bit [Music] let's get out of here [Music] we'll just punch on uh there's another team so I'm not far up so we'll just go to rewind chill out there we go guys that's a wrap on ah episode one of uh season two budget Build Challenge now look we are standing at the infamous old Telegraph sign ah but you might notice there's only three cars in the background if you want to find out what happened guys over the next three nights uh jump over everyone else's Channel tomorrow night is Sammy's Channel yep so we're doing we're doing the tally track that Delica had a little issue it's not too major but it means we are walking the track that's going to be exciting it is a big issue don't worry about it so we've got to start up a little further up the PDR but we do make it here and we are doing the Telly still so get excited strap in tomorrow's episode tomorrow night we are on [Music] your feet well because we both speak on the UHF just as much as each other we kind of needed a spot that was neutral for the UHF it was easy to grab and I was like where's a good flat surface in this thing oh we've got a head unit with a seven inch flat screen it doesn't work doesn't work it's fine it doesn't work you guys on channel look at that he can grab it I can grab it hasn't fallen off yet it's great [Applause] [Laughter] let's go this one's for you mark you're behind me and pull me backwards when I fall off the track so um there were some priorities when it went packing up camp and moving because of the fire and that was dinner so we strapped our roads to the roof and we weren't sure I was gonna make it but it made it so now we'll eat it on the hottest car you know it's all those exhausts well it had 10 it had like 10 15 minutes worth of cooking time left still to go so put it on the kettle now it's like well done and ready to go now we've got some dinner it's nothing I love more than just perfect organization you know and everything's just got a home just works beautifully is this explore life chairs they pack away so easily these are the one camp chair for me good job [Laughter] if you're smart this interior light is like the sun don't worry about the interior light we're running away from a fire well we thought these cars were good at start because they look really cool but then we realized there's a hole for the valve but I didn't think that far ahead I'm not putting up there so now we're going to take them off every time we want to air down and air up let us know in the comments should this be points deduction what's going on over here guys just get getting ready for a shower oh you got the makeup mirror a little bit of cheating or what okay oh my God budget mirror maybe this is off camera stuff normally let us know in the comments is that a point deduction
Channel: The Explore Life
Views: 213,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 4WD, 4X4, australia, land rover, built not bought, budget build, budget 4wd, 4wding, 4x4 Australia, Sam eyles, 4wd247, all4adventure, tj jack, red dirt diary, 4wd challenge, cape york, 4wd build, land rover discovery, breakdown
Id: qwSqx_VYmBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 14sec (1754 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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