Crash Tag Team Racing with Special Guest Finn Wolfhard - Guest Grumps

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"Dude, my baby ears hurt."

I already love him.

👍︎︎ 834 👤︎︎ u/JediwilliW 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

"I wanna talk to your mom." My fucking sides

👍︎︎ 766 👤︎︎ u/blazevape420 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

It's cool seeing someone who has watched a lot of Grumps on the show! Seemed like he had a firm grasp of the tone that dan and arin go for. Also he's 14, so that helps.

👍︎︎ 299 👤︎︎ u/Svalous 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies


Today on game grumps. Arin and Danny play a game with long, lost child twin Finn Wolfjob.

👍︎︎ 597 👤︎︎ u/tdfj95 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

"I want Avi on."

The ball's in your court Daniel Avidaniel.

👍︎︎ 548 👤︎︎ u/thesora3777 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

"Dude my baby ears hurt."

oh boi dis gon be gooooooooood

👍︎︎ 206 👤︎︎ u/Young-Wolf 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is by far the funniest Guest Grumps episode to date.

👍︎︎ 196 👤︎︎ u/pokemad1998 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

"My mom has and she loves you"

"I wanna talk to your mom."

I died.

👍︎︎ 362 👤︎︎ u/hypnautilus 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies

Put a hat on that Wolfhard.

👍︎︎ 146 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2017 🗫︎ replies
when wolfhard is a guest on the show with the show its name is cross hey what go and [ __ ] is up everybody oh are you just kidding it's a sweat what's a help you sorry sorry what's the [ __ ] sweat no I know I know we have we have a gentleman of younger age here and it is the great and amazing film Finn [ __ ] [ __ ] Finn will fight dude my baby your shirt it's harsh what are my orders are and I was like no please don't mom saying can I tell you what your name comes out out as on my phone where now now when I say when I use voice text it's Finn will fart will are you serious will WI ll space farc why am i doing that why you say my name I was just saying I can't wait to be my best friend been willful hard I was like what I was like I'm going to Chipotle and it's just it's just like chip pull lay or something yeah dude yeah or that time when I was like I can't wait for anything out burgers later and my phone was like black people am i right pulling out all the stops from the best available part of hoods we were all right so if it is our guest today and he was the calendar to the play now Finn's got to be careful because he's you know he's got a show and like people are involved agents all that so he has to be careful about what he says on shows like this he can't be like stream-of-consciousness and we were like no [ __ ] way can we curse and he was like probably and you're like oh dick yeah that's why that's permission yeah far as I'm concerned guys Vernon which helped version for nine-year-old yeah sick so what's the deal with this game yeah that you wanted to play this yeah I grew up playing this game on our GameCube and uh I mean sorry we're playing the ps2 yeah well I mean in this whatever but like you read my dad like I mean yeah hey you know but um and it's just like I held a special place in my heart and I mean yeah I mean you'll see like how that's all right yes I guess the new game does it hold a special place you can Oh character because it's awesome or because it's in the autumn way I'm gonna summon him really good it's yes fun ah anapana pretty the girl I am very good for anyone who doesn't know what okay week Oh multiplayer alright recently friends let's your land point and play uh that party and food oh yeah if you link a few different [ __ ] race and battle arena where you can like a fun area school too you can do like stance and back flips and stuff well what's what do you suggest I say we should race first cool okay and then they get the table for and tricks for later what's your favorite stage craters on Uranus there's only three right you serious yeah did it really say that craters on Uranus oh oh you better leave mine you're thinking put this one again Wow good for them yeah me too what is back in the Beanstalk okay that doesn't know Finn plays Mikey on stranger things in which have you been living under a rock go see that [ __ ] it's off I just watched it yesterday and you've never seen it before it never all of it whoa I won't see you like it yeah man it's [ __ ] great yeah I mean I was like but I was like oh man cool the this guy named Finn's come in and that's great and I'm like by the end of last night I was like super star struck I'm gonna be my third that guys be cool like immediately when the game come out the first people I was like that's like if the game comes launch this are you say yeah because I think aunt Danny loves your new name I mean it okay right no [ __ ] so you're not you're not fun I'm fun I'm fun will heart and fun will fire you will yeah fungal Park Jesus best a quick a quick what aqua aqua aqua aqua aqua it was quick quick quick quick love it you got it already aiming a hell no no what is this [ __ ] 2006 yeah what do we in Oh God so you can only be probably think heard of our show I haven't unlocked anything I just picked up the shelf so no I jumped so sorry could you what we were Drude rather play a bad place crash okay I'll please neocortex room you know and I'll pick all of his one car oh I'm so excited let's do it ik I don't go to play okay you're going to save it you think I'd like strangers English because it's a little sorry what oh yeah yeah that's another sensible reason you wanted to play yeah that's one of the really important selling points of this game wait how do I go oh god I've already I've already figured it out do it yeah one of the big selling points for playing this game a lot among us was Finn telling us that you can pitch correct your farts and burps down yes and we're like [ __ ] yes please I'm gonna find that on the shelf look she's out yeah sick when Harry Met Sally reference for terrify I love it um Queen and also other eighties Rick yeah Haiti show there for the great but you have to be like a ton of eighties research why are you trying to new Playgirl like what's shocking to because like ah one of the main things I loved about that show is like that it really looks exactly like the 80s low to get you yeah I mean I think are the directors probably smelled it yeah the costume people everything yeah yeah jumper Bruce yeah most of these guys like they all grew up in like in the 80s oh yeah oh yeah hold are those guys like 30 I grew up with like a tail end of it yeah no [ __ ] yeah there's a pretty close marriage yeah that's awesome I'm going to lay some kind of thing day I don't know what I'm doing I'm clapping oh yeah it's like a nice encryption thing sorry sorry my goal after I just left some dude get sorry bro he went straight up dying left and right boom why am i fun Nina that's a big issue Levin you know on me okay I get one side down dude well I mean y'all got like that huh feel like that reference to [ __ ] good my life yeah dude pretty [ __ ] good giving people sass is it so like is it is it weird to meet like people that like you are big fans of and they're also big fans of you I I'm eight why don't you ask yourself that ban same except this one I love you guys oh dude I love you man I don't even like I've been walking since 2012 like this is the channel stoners holy [ __ ] they're already yeah you were saying you're hungover John yeah and like anyway just like I don't know so much respect oh dude no probably the name trust me it's a mutual admiration society right now yeah yeah we're all feeling the love yeah believe me if I wanted to hang out with a fourteen-year-old any more than I do right now I would be on some kind of government Wakulla but I be inside my house yeah yeah you know I actually looked at it then as I'm saying I'm like jokes problem whatever whatever it's going on buddy but if I know Matt and Ryan they're not going to edit it out they're going to replay with like that sweeping orchestral music behind it who leave me if I wanted to hang out with a 14 year old any more than I do right now I would be on some kind of government walking with gum bags I hate them okay it was I can't even tell you right now oh you have a [ __ ] oh actually I can do that fireball right at me didn't you I'm sorry this is a mic stand right in front of where it clearly says first and second I can giant legend I can answer first okay I can't tell who's winning exam women love it Wow yay why dude Nina engine pasadena crunch Vaughn clutch and inna yeah for I get sandwiches yeah that's right that is weird what is that I got Christian up which yeah dude s-shut up good okay everyone shut the [ __ ] up I got a news show it's burp respect um I don't remember I'm trying to think of like a gamegrumps reference that I've been watching a lot oh I've been watching the game grumps animated like almost every day was it it's of you guys doing a like movie trailer but it's baloney man yeah no no another one man like that yeah boy oh the the slumber party fair that that's our invoice this summer it's about to get hot in the bedroom not funny I know it is the best part worst dude I think along with these like like back to back to back and like the episode will still be funny oh well that's pretty much what Mickey Mouse capade was oh my god oh yeah yeah where did you grow up let's go over judge even dude you can't really sent me over the edge where every stick waffles being poured over a fat girl today that's when you really you can't what do you mean again the Elvis's special episode oh yeah sorry I can't say dick waffle all right you can say dick waffles you can't say fat girls titties okay oh that's right sorry that would that would have been all that is a fly that's why and you know what like three years ago dude I remember what it was like to be 14 brick Gertie and I knew what fat girls titties were back in the all day yeah magnet sure they were in bustiers because they were flappers and it was the 20th wait wait everybody shut up okay sorry yeah that's the way I keep going I love how Aaron you're about to be 30 like you oh yeah yeah your birthday your birthday right oh thank you yes it's six I just have everything oh really oh happy birthday happy what is a day my third of December oh [ __ ] that's a sock holy dick I mean it's great that you had a birthday but all the 23rd of December ah man these are the holidays man oh no because I understand I'm January 6 oh okay you're a kappa crunchy yeah there you go Wow we are I don't know always a Caprican here yeah March baby what do you March yeah more it's not like you're like calling you like what are you Marsha sighs are you I like this I'm kind of [ __ ] March over he's got a 30 year old a 37 year old and a 14 year old and we all have pretty much exactly the same level and sense of humor yeah yeah yeah that's awesome my daddy hey we're all just people you guys should get daggum oh my god yeah not with our dads with your dad I was quiet now like I want a be a lobby oh my god are you serious I don't love him so much that I don't think he's ever seen stranger things but my mom has she friggin loves you [ __ ] your mom yo yo yo your mom coming get it what the [ __ ] is going on did somebody that's why it's called tag team racing summer Finn wolf heart is dating your mom and things are getting serious Finn please don't date my mom I'm serious good woman has to give birth and it won't be pretty then marigold life it's a normal birth and I guess the rest the trailer is just like the idea become very like like explaining oil kids life yeah it's an uncomfortably long shot of the entire birth process it is summer they burn food you're actually the exact age that I was when like health class would show those movies like like actually have you seen this yeah of course oh my god why do they do that to us through the word not even good though like thank you very well directed and like story yeah yeah I want soft lighting baby coming out of a Jo to this dude it is uh oh is it oh man I'm sure oh yeah because like all all the health class things is just like like that's too easy to make new ones and so they just keep recycling the point yeah yeah I do yes they do yeah and like and they never changed either it's like I mean obviously the human body won't change I don't know it had a great ending of it well no I'm sure a lot of people your age don't knows women had three titties in the oh yeah Michigan use in earlier yeah sure that it was much harder to shake dick waffle bump which is the vestigial titty evolutionarily then left the body Omo yeah yeah yeah yeah is this exactly just Mario Kart except no I mean the whole know that you can like combined with other racers it's sort of like double dash kill Hey Pasadena was on my case dude whoa we had closer so I get those delicious and having is like ready just he's into the stanky bleep again yeah number three boys on the couch that is pretty much what it sounds like when the camera's not rolling yeah exactly well House battle arena is that good pretty funny alright let's try that danyoung oh yeah sure I like that I like wait here's oh yes he wants the game drums he wants the game from versus the one put gun yeah but I have an unarmed man let the thief that's the old school that's the old school game what's anyone again and there's this Aaron Laird a hundred times clapping maybe I'd like an audience because me going world yeah alone in your house look at me sadder I mean that's how all the theme songs are why I was just like this is me oh yeah okay fine you can be neocortex I'll be correct I not supposed to be whatever no you can do whatever you want you know that's cool you're not a dick your nerves yeah get all those fun yep yeah I mean I there's a dick move but it doesn't make you a dick cannot economy how about you my mom you are you proud of me hey mom Arthur moms out there right yeah yeah what's up mom Finn's coming for you sir to 30th birthday coming up our three moms are you proud of us it's what you wish for me when you put me through college this is what you thought of a big Danny one day I'm going to see you talking about Carson Internet yeah you're gonna scream one of you kids I don't know about that mom you should believe in your dreams there's no hard I'm the turret I belong so you're either driving or you're like the weapon Oh so yeah you can switch with YES on the bottom screen made me come along in tears gun I do not know what any button does help and I'm gonna round all your box I needed adult yo yo yo yo yo oh you can actually like six different roles joke dude oh yeah this is way cool never even in Camden Canada yeah when you run oh yeah you did a doctor on a show yeah all right yeah we're going to Vancouver we believe we yeah we were actually joking about how ages am I gonna get there there was a okay oh dude you can get in as our gasps I think our shows all these right yeah you know it or it's 18 plus and fin that's how that sign that's how that [ __ ] works I mean SH what of the [ __ ] [ __ ] 12 indeed this was like you know we'll just put like a big mustache on you and your glasses yeah go on Danny shoulders yeah yeah oh yeah they put a big trench coat oh my god yeah if it was three of the kids from stranger things in a trench coat of an ayah wait you go on like oh we do it back rapidly oh and to the Partridge no no something about all ages chef no trenchcoats just just like just being on I don't know he was great oh dude oh I mean I wasn't gonna say that like you're curious I don't feel like that you gave you the high five like this and like that I'm not yeah I'm saying it for the show I don't actually I'm not gonna [ __ ] touch your hand or anything I was doing a carrot or my process to lie to people how much training have you had wait me oh yeah have you seen this game or no you got to tell me like we want a mountaintop yeah yeah so he's out in the [ __ ] wilderness is doing push-ups one day crash bandicoot no cuz we just started taking acting lessons and we can play white and you're yeah we were better than those yeah you're better than ours in my economy acting a harder dicks dude yeah that's pretty good so why are you guys doing acting skills okay we're gonna be on a show yeah yeah yeah yeah we're do it's a you take bread with shell Mauro Dan Harmon yeah I got ya see ya super stoked about it oh my god what are we doing right there doing his on dude oh then around I had no idea is this good yeah my cell auntie jokes I'm sorry for like harping on like past stuff but like I really want to talk okay well I mean whatever got you listen bro oh just keep talking amongst yourselves obstacles coming up with them on the why oh let me just check my brain my brains bone stock it's cool just kind of look it up on the imagery to show you always do it oh no no no yeah dude this is so Dan what uh how are you today I am June we do the sugar plot is impossible hard actually forgot this is bloated whoa joy go so well oh yeah but um do you know Dan have you ever watched community yeah course okay cool oh you found a good one yeah please um hey every 20 minutes I've been trying all knowledge I'm never getting there in Irish and walked out of the bar come on dude killing it with the multi I think I was funnier with the like like for approval and arrant is frozen like a slide boy oh man all right Lisa more honest okay what do you got uh what's that oh no it can sit up okay can't do that sorry no that's a bad one yep um how am I am I doing this right oh I am am i you're in the sticky one this guy should be stick forgot about some pigs aren't all brown yeah yeah Grayson can um why does the voice drop his ice cream let me get my bus oh my god dude then first of all you gotta give us a second I don't know why that's my if my favorite is what do you call a no I fish oh yeah fish with no eyes that's it yeah what did that matter Robin what Oh what did that man say to Robin before they got in the car what get in the car come on baby - Robin seemed everything around before they got the car hey Robin I've been thinking yeah yeah I mean it's this is Drive away it's like my moves um those are my favorite things to do at the a look lol yeah baby Duke yeah I do here wait can you take over for a second okay okay I'm gonna oh you got some good one i I kind of site you guys all got I've got a secret set whoa dude holy crap let you do that y'all healing you um we're do the upside down spin there we go oh yeah I can do another well friends yeah the upside down spit oh there you go oh now I'm just hearing things you just hear what you want to hear there we go yeah look at me look at me go dude liars and then wash out of that's a party of banjo all right oh my god knock-knock yeah Dave Jesus Dave perceived to break into tears as his grandmother's Alzheimer's tails's family apart that's not funny damn it's not funny at all Jesus Finn I look up and like you're in 56 we do that wow you're an animal man oh I didn't land it Oh what's worse than finding a worm in your Apple well don't know polio the Holocaust yeah yeah totally I got your back bro I'm afraid you sick roses are red violets are blue I have a gun get in the van yeah yeah you're right you're absolutely right all right no sorry a dyslexic man walks into a bra that's all cool super all right so story only one more one more uh hope we didn't one Episode two to whatever you like all one's fine I mean if you want to do another game we can do another game Alvin and the Chipmunks joy so down we're at yeah erinite ever since Ben walked into our office we've been pushing Alvin and the Chipmunks on we pretty hard no reason just because we saw it we were like huh yeah let's do it let's play all the [ __ ] monks and I got em on guest crumbs mix our guest house a little hard plays this game as I feel yeah awesome late everybody I buy Mac but what is the homeless man get for Christmas nothing whoa guys
Channel: GameGrumps
Views: 2,671,336
Rating: 4.9620066 out of 5
Keywords: lets, play, walkthrough, gameplay, egoraptor, danny, game, grumps, gamegrumps, funny, stranger things, finn, wolfhard, finn wolfard, crash, crash bandicoot, crash team racing, guest grumps, guest grumps finn wolfhard, finn wolfhard guest grumps, stranger things kid, game grumps guest, crash tag team, tag team, tag team racing, racing, kart, cart, carts, crash tag team racing
Id: H-m10elC8po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2017
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