ONE ENGINE ONLY: Who Can Build the Best SINGLE THRUSTER Fighter Plane?

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welcome back to the channel and today Uzi JB Rider and I are all going to be having a dog fight with a very interesting limitation we have to use only a single large jet engine to power our plane normally these things come in even numbers uh it's gonna be difficult to build a plane around two JB has uh built this test plane can you show how awesome this thing is just off the bat here yeah man I can awesome indeed yeah so balancing nice flip balancing a single a whole build around a single Thruster is going to be interesting and that's also going to pretty much limit the rest of the build because you only have one Thruster worth of power so if you add too many blocks you're gonna be super slow and an easy target and we're also going to be doing uh three individual rounds with the different types of weapons so a small cannon then a minigun and then uh the Rockets so it'll be interesting to see how this goes you guys ready to start building these single Thruster planes yep let's do it yep all right let's get building all right so the interesting thing with these thrusters is uh they are different lengths and widths it looks like they are an even width but as far as I can tell if I line this up with my seat it is actually an odd uh length well I think it depends on my orientation I guess in this case height the height is odd but the width is even so I think the only easy way to build with this thing is to attach it like this or like either upright or upside down so that's kind of the center of thrust is going to be really interesting to try to mitigate here I don't know if I want it this way or the other way and the other interesting thing this thing weighs 40 kilograms and I tested this before we started recording it only really has like a 200 to 300 kilogram power of thrust like that's how much weight it could offset on its own obviously Wings provide extra lift that it doesn't need to compensate for just to give you an idea of like this is going to be a large part of our Mass which means it's going to be a pretty big Target this is going to be an interesting type of dog fight because if they take your Thruster out you're done it's your only Thruster so you're pretty much done so how am I gonna build a plane based off of this so This Is 50 kilograms This is 40 kilograms okay that actually makes things kind of interesting I could potentially have a nice body uh like my center of mass could potentially be in between my key components here in that case so I'm going to try to go for that and maybe do like a split tail around this hmm ideas are starting to come in starting to come in here so I'm going to take a little bit of inspiration if you guys saw the glider dog fighting video I usually build a really nice glider with a dual tail and I'm gonna take some inspiration from that see sometimes I want to go with aerodynamics because they're cooler but they're also way weaker as far as how much damage they can take so I think for the sake of being able to take some hits I am going to opt for some beefier blocks alright so then on top of this is where one of my tail fins can go and I'm actually thinking about making this a little bit wider there we go and then copy and paste that to this side all right so there's my tip this thing's too big like for a single Thruster is this going to be way too big I think it might be if anything I can just I can go back to a skinnier build but we're gonna find out here the other issue with what I'm doing right now is my center of thrust is a way above my center of mass because as everything is down here right now how do I get my center of mass higher if my entire build okay oh this is really rough I need to essentially move everything up in line with this and the attachment point is down here this is a really difficult thing to work with that was kind of the point but that's what's happening I don't really wish Trail makers had I really wish Trail makers had how durable a part is I'd really like to compare the aerodynamic blocks to the normal non-aer Dynamic blocks as far as their durability goes like how many shots are they going to be able to hit or take rather all right so my center of thrust is right there this is gonna look so weird this is gonna be such a weird build but we're gonna have some interesting looking builds I'm really curious what style what design they're gonna go for my main concern with what I'm doing right now though is I think I'm making a soft build alright so now look at that my center of mass is looking much more towards the my center of lift uh so where am I going to attach look at oh look at this this is so cool all right I'm gonna add some redundancy attachment points here because if this center part gets taken out my entire craft gets severed in half but if I then attach these tail parts to my Center as well then I can afford to lose some stuff and the good news is we don't have a part limit because our part limit is automatically limited by the amount of thrust we have we have a very limited amount of thrust so too many parts you're not gonna be able to fly I need to attach a gun to this thing too so my gun attachment is probably just going to be right in the front how are my aerodynamics looking pretty good except for this section right here which makes sense but I don't know if I can do much about that though it's the sides of the angle blocks all right here we go let's see if this thing is capable of flying it would be useful if I had a nice Runway All right here we are this is so far it's not feeling the best but it's also not feeling terrible I'm not very fast that's kind of my only problem with it which there's not a whole lot more I can do about that I mean if I add more more pieces I'm probably going to end up slower oh there's easy let's let's let's learn to interfere with them building yeah I'm all just a little bit worried that I'm gonna be a little uh a little feathery little not feathery for weight but feathery for damage I definitely need more lift in the front or more weight in the back let's take a look at our Center of forces here all right so there's my center of mass my center of lift is actually right behind it so it's not terrible all right but this is bothering me I don't know if there's an easy way for me to deal with this there's no like good attachment points or anything man and I actually I wanted to build like more of a cockpit around this seat for Extra Protection but that's gonna ruin everything like it's gonna ruin my center of mass it's gonna make me nose down a lot more like that's the interesting thing with having a single Thruster is like you'd also want to protect it but if I had Shield blocks around this thing I'm gonna be way too heavy so you kind of can't beef yourself up too much I'm really curious what their solution to this is gonna be if they even have one all right I may have found an interesting solution to this aerodynamics issue I'm having by doing a staggered version of this right here is this gonna work oh yeah oh that's interesting I kind of like that I mean it's fragile but it's functional so when it comes to form over a function it's got a little bit of both and it's lacking a little bit of both all right you know what I need to add some flap Wings onto this thing there we go flapping's working flap wings are working I should be able to take off much easier now I hope come on come on there we are yeah all right I could probably also set them as a trim so I don't nose down as much all right but now I'm in the 270s I feel like I'm going much faster now so that's good other main issue I have right now is my seat is really fragile it is an armored seat but if the seat takes too much damage or impact it can just separate from the entire build so I need it to have more beefy attachments so let's see what I can do about that if anything all right well I've definitely beefed it up a little bit which also kind of helped my aerodynamics because I covered the seat a little bit more with better aerodynamics but now I see you can see I've moved my center of uh Mass a little bit farther forward which could be a problem so let's see how this thing feels now the shields are just kind of heavy all right so now as I try to drive straight I just I pitched down a lot and now I actually can't pitch up right now oh okay this is bad I have like no no pitch up control I mean I can add more pitch into my control surfaces but better weight distribution will be better I can move the the engine back actually that is a possibility here I could just go that helps a little bit I don't want to have to add more weight I'd rather add more lift oh I didn't even realize that there's this right here uh that's a aerodynamic issue where are those cones here we go all right so what I've done is I've added this weird thing in front of the jet engine which makes it a little bit more aerodynamic um but also adds just a little bit of weight to the back as well all right so now I've also added a trim uh the trim is not enough definitely got it but my pitch is enough now at least my speed is looking still okay I think you know around 260 is all right I'm definitely not the fastest but it's something I can work with at least all right really here curious how this is going to go I'm just gonna fine tune the trim and paint this thing up and we'll see what else they came up with all right let's go first no nobody's about all right I'll go first I'll go first I'll go first okay all right all right JB let's see it here we go it's such a tiny little mouth look at a little smile yeah only one side though I don't know I did not know how to mirror it oh yeah that's right because it's the seat uh you can only have one decal all right let's see it get up in the air it's pretty smooth pretty smooth oh boy oh a little bit does that don't ignore that oh okay I was wondering I'm like it's one yeah it looks like your center of thrust is a little it's a gun yeah I don't know why the gun does that all right well it flies very very light it does fly wow a lot of wings on that thing too and all right I can save it I Triumph in return all right well I'll guess I'll go ahead and show mine off next all right let's see this okay here it is oh interesting interesting colors this time all of the ores in the middle are really interesting too I've also gone for some canards for extra pitch control as you can see on the front there let me uh let me show you how this flies I think it's very quick oh yeah that's a fast one wow that's really agile very maneuverable I also have your controls what that is that is zoomy very quick yeah yeah yours is a very compact very like amazing what's your top speed yeah very light very compact very Speedy I'll try and find my top speed right now so 200 and we're still going we're still going 225 it looks like miles per hour 230 yeah miles per hour all right I'm switching over to miles per hour again all right you guys ready to see mine yes let's see it's crap man yes all right this is mine whoa so it's very different looking than both of yours so I just didn't want either of my seat or my uh Thruster to be in the center of mass as the primary target so I put my seat at the front and my Thruster at the back and I kind of split my plane off so it has uh it has three connection points to all of its primary surfaces so you have to sever uh I think all three of them in order to in order to sever my plane in half because I was worried that with just the middle one uh I would be an easy target at Center of mass that just break me in half but hopefully it's not going to be too bad so my top speed seems to be about 160. 170 miles per hour so definitely a lot slower than Uzi but uh I'm pretty happy with it that's cool man definitely uh some strategic building there yeah yeah I don't even know how you made that work use these uh glider actually inspired this one a little bit when we did our glider battle I liked your split tail design for that so I went with the split tail as well with the Thruster in the middle though I'm glad I can inspire you all right you guys ready to battle these things out and see see who's the last one standing yes let's do it yep let's ride out okay folks you ready yep all right three two one go all right I don't see either of you thank you both I'm kind of in the middle of you oh I see you scrap man yeah you are very nice all right JB I'm sorry you're the closest oh I see your smoke trails in the gunfire I heard some there's some armor some of your bullets just went all the way over to me even though they weren't aiming at me oh I already took a hit I think yep I'm glowing a little bit I gotta focus on two people now this is different yeah this is very different oh my God my engine is already oh my engine got hit too my engine's glowing what no a whole bunch of important parts are glowing no okay okay this is awesome though ah these guns have no oh my God my engine's gonna get taken off scrap man you're on fire yes I'm here I'm here no oh my engine yeah I think I'm smoking I think oh there goes my engine oh oh I got oh your engine oh yes oh my gosh wow aiming at you [Laughter] all right get off my tail buddy uh without the engine I can't even pitch up to try to get some shots on you guys before I get down here now that we don't have scrap man but I'm kind of focused on you now you're diving oh JB's coming under he's coming under all the stuff oh there's a big piece is that pension oh I can see the engine smoking falling to the ground oh there it goes all right yusy is the winner I'm still in the fight he's still in the air technically he's still in the air all right he hasn't crashed yet if he takes out your seat you can hit the ground before him all right well now we have an official winner usually wins the first round wow my engine is a lot more vulnerable than I was expecting that concerns me but like yours is pretty vulnerable um as well JB I was able to just snipe it above you yeah mine is like yeah very exposed so what happens is whenever I turn I'm dead all right it is minigun time okay well since you uh lost their first scrap man you can go ahead and give us a countdown all right three two one go there we go there we go there's something coming in for the boom and zoom oh no there's easy hello boys oh I got a hit all right I got hit oh you're glowing of it my field is yeah yeah oh usually it's too fast yeah yeah very light and Nimble today oh where is he just out of my locking range dude come on man I have I do not have enough uh maneuverability oh I took off a tail nope that's an important part that's an important part yeah yeah straight scrolling on my tail now oh I'm hit oh oh you got one hit on me there swing around oh that was close man I didn't see any of my shots hit you there yeah I'm struggling to get a lock for some reason come on oh here we go oh oh no how are you getting my engine from the front of me closing my eyes and praying man you are so much more maneuverable than I am all right let's get behind you now Square man oh that was glowing oh these are some near misses that's right oh man my engine got a lot of hits there why is my engine taking so much you're doing a good job at staying behind me though this time I'm trying oh oh are you able to still fly a little bit oh no if you take my engine out when you're like that damaged oh oh this is so difficult I'm trying my best I'm surprised I'm able to like keep behind you though oh oh come on this is so tricky now I'm missing those two pieces it took off an aileron and and a wing piece luckily I've got redundancies today yeah oh but you're just like like almost harder to hit now come on oh there we go there was something come on get my minigun on him please please game please oh there's another piece oh no I hope you needed that you know what you evened me out a little bit oh no oh okay no no no no no no no this cannot happen I took off so many pieces hey come down here come down here real quick I'm coming I'm coming I'm going down here I literally can't pitch up all my way to my front down I I don't have an engine anymore you shot my engine off come on you shut your engine you never said your engine no wow usually wins again wow my engine is just such a big Target somehow like I put it in the back but like all the bullets are just going straight to the back of me I'm gonna try and land here so you can see my damage hopefully I don't break come check this out boys this is how I was able to clutch up there for a second wow you took off a piece of my aileron here in the wing module and it was causing me to not be able to control but then miraculously I felt that was quick I will I I felt like I was trying for so long to take those pieces off and then somehow my engine but uh if you guys want to do another mini mini gun round it was pretty fun let's look we can do another one yeah sounds good all right all right JB for our second minigun round um you can go ahead and give us a countdown alrighty three two one go where's JB yeah a little bit more chaotic yes gonna head over there to him I'm hiding I'm gonna use the three he's playing the uh playing the the smart way let us duke it out and then he'll come in for the scraps yeah oh boy oh boy no no no oh that's easy nice oh there you go from both sides I was getting shot at whoa that was a lot of hits man we are all just like circling around pretty close to the ground here yeah I'm a little concerned about it whoever hits the ground first yeah we're all turning like I know constantly this must look crazy from like the third person perspective just somebody watching from the ground yeah oh JB you're upside down there here let me get some shots on you oh no whoa oh I do that some great hits on you oh scrap metal you had no idea you was behind me oh oh oh There were some good hits that was a good lock all right there we go there we go but I know it takes more than one Wing easy down oh no come on come on make me alone uh both of you okay oh I already got some damage on me roll left thank you please thank you very much that'll be very kind of you oh come on oh you're smoking so bad oh don't you have to be now very very very good hit yeah now my engine's glowing after that what was that I don't know you hit me I was trying to stall maneuver you oh no oh no it's a bridge oh did you hit the bridge no all right all right I'm out use these lack of control services this is uh caused some pilot error there all right now it's me and JB I'm already glowing I don't see much glowing on JB oh he has a wing piece okay um oh wait that was close we almost hit oh that's scary very close to hitting again that was a good hit I think you lagged for a bit there scrap man and your wings detached yeah I've seen that too when I when watching you guys sometimes the further away you are the more like the pieces don't know where they are yeah [Music] no no all right finally a point for scrap man yeah so two points for Uzi one point for me I'm gonna I'm gonna fly back to the aircraft carrier I actually feel pretty good about like my engine's blowing a little bit but uh it's not it's not too bad yeah check out that oh yeah I see a bit of glow happening it's always my engine my engine seems to be like the thing that's attracting the bullets are these magnetic or something or like what probably all right time to slap some rockets on these things three two one go I see JB why do I not say Uzi where is Uzi JP you're too vulnerable I'm gonna have to dive on you oh there's Uzi uh oh boy here we go here we go okay okay I might have a chance man I just missed the perfect opportunity no way oh that was close all right I didn't know I I know how much you can fly with missing wings so I had to do the final the final one there oh no way the jet engine is durable you hit you hit my engine directly yeah well that answers that question not durable for me it looks like yeah oh I lost the lock right but it's risky oh no yeah it was risky I wanted to like stall and let them pass oh man that was a really satisfying explosion like every piece of you went in a different direction yeah that was that was pretty fun that's another point to scrap man yep oh so we're tied using yeah we're tied so I guess let's do the first person to three points so if JB uh clutches this if he gets three wins in a row right now he still has a chance that's right yep but if mirror usually win this then uh it's game over all right usually count us in all right boys three two one go what are you guys doing we're climbing yeah that was so close oh I saw that like go right next to my yeah that looked really close I didn't even know you were firing yet go away it's scary like when I have only you and my sights I'm like JB could be right behind me I don't see you oh my God my heart is racing every time I see a freaking rocket yeah yeah having another person in the sky is definitely it makes things more intense because once you're focused on one you don't want to be too still and make yourself an easy target for the other person all right okay some control services or Fighting For the Win here you see I don't like disturb I don't know I'm running oh it's a better climb speed here well obviously yeah you're definitely gonna have a better climb speed all right yeah okay this is my small advantage over you I'm going 98 miles per hour right now oh that was close oh man oh yes are you uh are you are you out oh I have redundant seat are you still flyable dang I'm good I'm good wow that's why I always gotta try that second shot you're definitely getting more shots onto me yeah but oh no oh oh can you still fly I believe so oh yeah yes and still flying it's definitely not easy oh boy how maneuverable are you now is it tricky it's definitely a lot trickier uh you took off one of my left ailerons it is so much harder to to tail now come on no yes oh yes are you done okay hold on it looks like I'm going down yeah yeah I don't have enough lift in the front oh no oh no scrap man I think I got you oh I think you did I cannot pitch up at all ah yeah this is it I could only face down none of my none of my pitch controls are enough double tap oh wow that did not a lot oh yeah you managed to get away with that little hit there yeah that just kind of damaged uh did a little bit of yellow on my wings well looks like he usually takes the win on this one yeah and there I go I hit an explosive barrel and didn't blow it up all right I'm coming to land I'm so happy I had like a second Pitch factor into this and I think my canards helped as well yeah I think um your build being that compact actually really helped your control surfaces compensate for each other mine was like super wide so when one control surface got taken out it was like a big area of uh of lift well I guess I win yep good job awesome very very interesting I learned a lot yeah a lot to learn a lot to learn with these builds I definitely learned a lot too about um you know with planes that are going this fast Center of mass is kind of not really where the bullets hit they kind of hit at the back don't they that's right there's bullet speed and travel time yeah a lot of different variables yeah I think the travel time yeah people's Tails were the ones that the thing is getting taken out mostly yeah people should leave some suggestions for future multiplayer Concepts uh battles or Co-op or whatever challenges you guys want to see on our channels and I'll leave links to everyone else's channel is down in the description below so go ahead and check them out and if you enjoyed this video you'll probably enjoy some more that you can find right here on the end screen anyway this has been scrap man and I'll see you next time bye [Music] thank you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 409,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers dogfight, glider battle, no engine, air battle, mid-air battle, dogfight, aerial combat, single engine plane, one engine only
Id: 30Cn-wtgKg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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