1v1 Dogfighting with WEAPONIZED JETPACKS!

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welcome back to the channel and today me and yuzi are going to be having a dog fight with jet packs now uh what's gonna Define it as a jackpot a jet jet packed uh a jet pack is that we're only gonna have 20 Parts maximum uh for our building limits and also we can only use seat controls so in no wings for control surfaces you can use wings for stabilization or whatever but um they're not going to be able to pitch and roll and yeah you we're also going to have different weapon categories uh per round so we'll start off with the smart cannons just a single one then a minigun and then rockets for the final round which I don't even know if we're ever gonna get a hit with a rocket in these things but uh you ready to get building yeah let's do it all right let's uh spill these jet packs 20 parts all right so this is just kind of a crazy idea 20 Parts there's gonna be the smallest build I've ever built um so we're starting off the first round with smart cannons The Recoil is going to be an absolute nightman all right Nightmare Night man I'm not scrap man I'm nightmare because we can only use one we're only using one gun we don't have any power core limits because it's just slapped the gun on and then make this thing fly somehow uh we don't have to worry about actually uh programming controls which is kind of nice that's also a problem because controllability is not going to be what we probably want it to be all right um I'm just gonna slap four mini thrusters on here I'm at six parts so far that's actually pretty good so now so this is the problem is um I essentially I have a roll kind of and I have pitch it's not no it's like more like yeah it depends on it depends on what direction what plane I'm facing if I'm facing face down like this then it becomes yeah but if I'm facing face up it is roll so I don't know how to build this I don't know how to control this thing roll is gonna be way easier to handle than yah I'm gonna actually try to make this the front all right I'm at 14 parts now uh so you can start oh I only have 20 maximum so now that I'm like adding a little bit more detail in here those parts are uh they're coming on quick so now I'm already at 18 but I don't have any forward thrust yet here let me see all right so now the problem no I need forward thrust I have upwards thrust right now all right all right now I can't I can't I can't get up off the ground which makes sense I have no aerodynamics up in the front yet all right let's see what's the smallest little uh lifting Wing I can have on this small modular Wing I guess this is so ridiculous all right I feel like I do need better thrusters than this so I'm just gonna slap some of these big boys on here all right I have 20 parts now does this thing work this looks like the smallest plane ever oh my good oh I don't have you know what my tail might actually be hurting me I might need to not have any tail fins on this this is the craziest jet pack oh no all right so now without the tail I have also no control I mean I can fly straight great look at this this flies straight in an amazing way but I have no pitch control and that's just because like my seat controls aren't strong enough to overcome the stability of those Tail Fins all right I have zero parts to spare right now so I need to make some sacrifices so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to move the tail I don't know in a little bit I'm just gonna move them down here so I just have less stability but it might actually help me out oh look at this so pitch down pitching up is really easy it's actually not too bad oh no The Recoil is so bad though oh The Recoil ruins everything I cannot recover from The Recoil okay this is progress though moving them forward gave me more control so now I'm just gonna move them backwards by a block we're just gonna find The Sweet Spot here okay this almost feels pliable I can't oh you know I can actually use my gun to help me Pitch up I can pitch down way easier now for some reason this is so crazy that this even works yeah like look at my vehicle controls up in the top left just space spaces to activate the thrust and then uh click is to shoot the race is just the seat controls and it kind of works all right can I land this thing yeah okay there we go you know what 19 parts I might have to make a sacrifice here I really really would love for this thing to be able to transition between forward flight like in vital mode so I'm gonna add these in here all right does this work yeah there we go okay so now can I take off straight oh no uh uh the center of uh thrust does not work well what if I just move them all forward just a little bit all right what about now oh look at that it works and now if I go forward oh this actually works this actually works this thing feels great right now this might be like this might be the best smallest build I've ever built this is actually kind of amazing and then check it out it can go into vital mode just like this vital mode is uh very very difficult to stay steady in when I shoot the minigun is going to be absolutely ridiculous but then I can transition into a horizontal flight mode and it actually stabilizes out pretty well I'm so happy with this thing how many parts am I at right now I hope I didn't add anything I met 20 Parts exactly I did it all right scrap man have you finished your uh jet pack I have finished my Jetpack and I'm very happy with it do you want me to do the honors and go first let's see it all right okay well here's mine oh boy yes so the inspiration for this is off those like I don't know if you've seen other videos of those modern day jet packs where they use arm for us yeah yeah I see what you went with here yeah so it's like a tripod of thrust so let's give you a demonstration here that looks so cool yep and uh when I got zoom in here it's a little finicky obviously lean controls are not reliable but uh the factor is of The Recoil The Recoil is going to be like a a factor where it's gonna make me like very awkward to fly so I've tried to include The Recoil to actually give me Pitch so when I shoot I actually go up I actually experienced a pretty similar thing where the recoil can help or hurt me uh in certain situations yes right well yeah that's pretty much my jet pack that thing looks so cool oh yeah well yeah I don't know if you're gonna try for a landing or if you're just uh just gonna let it happen we're still learning how to apply this thing yeah here's mine so now one thing I noticed was that the seat orientation determines what the Leaning does so when the seat is upright leaning becomes roll but when the seat is facing down like yours is the Leaning becomes yeah so I wanted to be able to feel like I had roll in Pitch so uh this thing does have a vertical takeoff mode as you can see um and then I can transition so that I actually fly forward and I'm facing forward too so this feels like a normal plane controls it's just uh it's not quite as agile because it's all seat control um and then yeah whenever I fire though I do lean back a little bit but I find that it's not too bad and here let me transition the only issue is when I'm in vertical mode like this uh firing makes me like backflip almost so I don't think I'll be able to aim very well in that mode uh but as you can see the transition actually works pretty well let me see if I can come back and oh I can't pitch up enough all right good Landing for both of us so we get going in a quick dog fight uh yeah let's do it so there's gonna be round one with the smart cannons the mini guns I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to fly with a minigun to be honest because it's the same all right you ready yeah let's do it actually oh there you are all right three two one go oh boy oh The Recoil is so bad oh you already hit me I did yeah you uh did some damage you didn't actually take anything off yet though come on swing around jet pack oh oh did we just hit each other I think we did you shut down oh oh man okay well that was a bit of a draw I'd say like let's just let's count that as a uh that one didn't really we didn't really get a chance yeah testing that was yeah that was that was a practice round because I I feel like we didn't give these guns an opportunity to do anything yet so I don't want to switch to the miniguns yet all right let's get back up here the official round starts in three two one go all right here we go oh you hit me with one bullet you keep getting in my uh my tail fins oh did I get a hit there yep it looks like I had a good lock yeah so I actually have to pitch down when I shoot to uh prevent myself from losing my lock instantly I feel like you have better uh better pitch than me I'm having a hard time swinging around oh okay oh I'm seeing the smoke coming off of you buddy non-thruster smoke how many parts did you use by the way this is exactly 20 Parts yeah me too oh come on come on turn oh oh Dodge oh man it's actually way more interesting yeah I gotta be honest this is a little bit more doable than I was expecting I thought it was going to be like chaos in the air but it feels like we're actually dog fighting in jet packs all right well you're coming up behind me I gotta Dodge you oh oh I'm hit I had a crazy amount of recoil there all right I lost you I actually don't see your name here we go here we go yeah there you are there you are I had a little okay I had a bit of a lock here we go oh you gotta hit something I heard of metal Clank see the problem with when you only have 20 Parts if something falls off it's probably important you probably needed that I'm a little jet pack swing around oh bit of a Ricochet there I heard a bullet go damn you can get behind me so much quicker oh oh man did I get any hits on you there not quite but that flyby looked awesome yeah swinging around come on oh you gotta hit somewhere same you also hit me my uh my right engine is now a little bit damaged it's glowing oh oh I feel like that was a good pass by my seat is glowing really your seats yep you keep hitting the block on the back of my seat is glowing and that's what everything is attached to so I'm a little bit worried about that oh it's actually way more tense yeah yeah like I don't want to start firing too early but I don't want to miss a lock opportunity oh my uh Servo my right Servo that my Thruster is attached to is completely glowing yeah if any of these parts fall off I'm gonna fall out of the sky yeah [Music] right there oh come on oh you're behind me I gotta get out of this oh boy I tried to use my recoil to help and I just got lost all right now I need to do a backflip oh oh don't go in the water yeah I'm trying to pull up come on okay I'm just gonna focus on dodging you and getting some altitude I'm just getting some altitude no way okay did I break something my rear vertical stabilizer took damage that time it seems like you're spreading the damage out between a bunch of different parts instead of uh taking one out yeah I figured out how to pitch down a lot faster but still slow oh no way oh man I am glow oh no one of my now my left wing my front uh my main lift Wing is glowing on the left side oh man so many of my parts are not looking good and the pipe piece that attaches the wing okay so you're behind me all right you need to try and get behind you Matt oh I got a hit all right your seat fell apart yeah you shot myself oh man here I'm gonna try to fly back to the aircraft carrier without damaging myself so you can see what my craft looks like right now all right this is gonna be the ultimate test can he land it with that yeah check this thing out wow oh look how close that server was I know that server was almost dead there was no way I would survive if like wow yeah if that left wing on the top fell off or if that Servo fell off Smart cannons are done with now we're moving on to mini guns which is obviously gonna completely change how our uh Vehicles fly yeah we're going from 2.9 kilograms to oh 4.4 that's actually they're both pretty light let's Okay my minigun is installed it looks awesome yeah let's do a quick test flight all right looks like normal flight controls work oh okay for me I do feel heavy oh my goodness The Recoil is insane all right shall we start the round yeah go ahead and give us a countdown scrap man all right three two one go actually don't know where you are right now a little bit more south oh I see your smug Trails before I even see your name there we go all right this is this is not gonna go well oh my goodness oh I couldn't even like fire at all oh God I don't know what to do I don't know how to do this I'm getting locked onto you but when I shoot it's just messing up yeah it's like I don't really know how I could have attached this gun in a way that's like in the center you know like yours does seem a little bit more resilient oh you got some hits there man you my seat is blowing my seat is just absolutely lost control though it's high risk High reward like and then we went into the sea I'm hardly even I I haven't even like gotten a good luck on you yet all right here we go oh careful did I get ahead somebody no not quite really man like I don't even know if I'll be able to get any hits I can't even stay locked on here we go ah you hit me all right yeah I have to do like I have to click it like it's a uh a single action gun oh both fire yeah there we go what are you doing oh oh oh let's go back up there we go come on come on oh oh oh oh oh oh thank goodness for feet tall mode I was about to fall out of the sky there lucky lucky you [Music] yeah I'm learning how the minigun uh can work with my build oh I heard I heard it hit there I definitely heard that I hit you yeah you did I don't know where though oh it's my minigun it's glowing a little bit oh yeah mine is too you got my mini gun a little bit as well come on come on come on oh oh you got another hand oh my seat's glowing bad there you go oh you got another hit oh yeah you're smoking I see the trail my uh that was my left Thruster is smoking a lot oh oh that felt like I had a good hit there I'm not sure what you hit but you definitely hit me oh oh oh oh this is bad Oh no you're still going come on stay on him oh no come on stay on him oh I just flipped around same I feel like if you get one more good contact with one of these pieces oh man oh no way all right all right all right I need to get some distance literally if I hit you in a while no yeah I have gotten any hits in a while ah oh I see the glowing oh I can see it I got close enough to see it now we have a thirst for blood or oil extremely lucky and get that little engine that I've already damaged uh oh ow no really did I hit did I knock something off you hit the you hit the minigun and I think it's the last Health it's on honestly I think it's about to get oh come on oh man yeah I stayed locked on for a while I just kept doing little bursts oh oh surely surely no no hits no hits at all at all no way wow dang oh oh oh oh crap scrap man don't crash that was close still flying no I was going down so fast oh you want to flip oh I heard a hit did I get anything my tail fin oh dang it yeah you were super still a little bit more to the right I think that would have been my engine the fact that I'm still going is so surprising oh did I just get a hit oh I saw like a little Flash you did trying to take me down in the middle of uh my I'm still going yeah that's the best time to do it oh this is it I'm feeling it feeling it come on oh yes yes your minigun fell off I lost no oh man so you're still flying about your minigun I'm still going yeah but yeah I guess yeah you're technically technically out of the battle then that was so close I'm gonna try to come in for another Landing all right coming in for the approach hello oh I'm good oh oh looks like I made it too look at this thing is smoking look how much damage I know you just like one more hit you just didn't get any hits one more shot seriously wow okay all right yeah this thing is just uh not in good shape anymore all right so now we have the final round which is the rocket round and uh I don't even how much recoil do rockets even have the rocket weighs the same as the minigun okay recall is not that bad this should be a relatively normal flight it's just a matter of getting that hit there's gonna be one hit one kill I'm assuming yep most definitely well I'll give us a countdown all right but uh hopefully I can win in the rocket League this time all right three two one go let's get going all right this could either be the shortest round or the longest round oh man I I missed my recoil assist oh dude I went for the kill it didn't happen though so hard to turn now here we go oh no that was so epic that was so epic oh and then the way you spiraled out of this guy okay can we do one more yeah that was pretty short and that was really close you almost hit me with that rocket all right three two one go oh you got me this time nice oh I'm smiling down it got just my wing pieces wow all of my horizontal Wings my tail and my front main Wings it got the horizontal ones only that was crazy all right you know what finally we both won a rocket round we have to have a tiebreaker rock around right yeah definitely all right three two one go let's do it swing it around I feel like we could get an easy draw like where we both hit each other as we pass by that would be awesome oh I finally got a lock on you whoa that was way cool that was really close I turned around and I just saw a rocket about to hit me I didn't even know you were behind me oh here we go oh it's way more scary knowing that I can just be blasted in one shot do me a favor and catch this oh both of us wait I'm gonna need some slow-mo for these because it happened so fast ah what this is epic though oh my goodness except we're both saving it too we're like trying to close the distance oh I know I actually felt bad about that one right here it is here it is oh wow all right are we shooting too late or something like surely one of these times [Music] I shot a little bit earlier than I normally would of that time and it worked in my favor all right rocket fights for the most fun yeah definitely way more tense as well yeah and The Perfect Landing there you go look at that wow yeah definitely learning learning how to fly this thing all right well people should leave some suggestions of more types of uh challenges or whether they're Co-op or competitive down in the comments below and we'll see you guys in the next one if you guys enjoyed this video hope you enjoyed some more that you can find right here on the end screen hope this video has earned your subscription anyway this has been a scrap man and I'll see you next time bye thank you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 240,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, trailmakers, trailmakers game, trailmakers gameplay, trail makers, trailmakers funny moments, trailmakers best creations, trailmakers sandbox, trailmakers fails, trailmakers update, trailmakers funny, trailmakers destruction, trailmakers 1.0, trailmakers multiplayer, trailmakers jetpack, jetpack, jetpack battle, dogfighting with jetpacks, jetpack dogfight, jetpack fighter, weaponized jetpacks
Id: t-69K-LqZms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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