We made Nether advancements BEFORE Minecraft did, how do they stack up?

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guys I'm pretty sure Mojang just copied some of our video ideas because we just made 25 of our own custom advancements for the nether involving all of the new features and locations mobs everything that came out with and the day that video was supposed to come out Mojang released their own will check out those ten at the end of the video but for now we'll check out ours and no I don't actually think that Mojang copy does I just think it's hilarious coincidence all right we start with a little bit of a bonus advance but number zero a brand new nether because you get a new advancement when entering the nether now there's already one technically we need to go deeper that's been there forever but now we've got a brand new nether advancement as well and if we were to press L which is the shortcut for advances under keyboard you can see everything that we coated in today right here different advancements all custom that will be burning through as you watch today's video so now we can move to number one killing a hagwon that's right this one's fairly simple enough if your armored diddly so we do have some diamond gear that we're gonna go ahead and gear up with to make sure we're prepared for this guy and this one's simple enough all I got to do is find one of these lovely little piggies in-game it's it's more useful when it's a tiny little Hoglund uh-huh and then you'll go ahead and get dinner and a show advancement made as well as Monster Hunter but you'd only get that if that was literally the first mob that you had managed to kill number two is similar but slightly different killing azog limb now this one's a little bit more difficult since you'll need to lead a Hoglund that you find in the nether to the overworld because that's the only place you can get soglin's naturally they turn into them when they hit the overworld so here's a Hoglund in question hey stupid you coming with me pay attention or I'm gonna give myself a lead with any luck we can lead him yes come on down buddy there you go oh now he wants to play come on perfect haha so back to the overworld we go Sam for us to net this new advancement hey hey why you shaking so much buddy yo he's going nuts he literally just wants peace and quiet over there oh well too late for that we now have a za Glen that we're gonna need a handle so we can get our next jobs complete a wild beast hungry anyways we can move on to number three getting nether right scrap that's right one of the new hardest to find materials in-game nether right scrap is used to get nether ingots to get another right armor it's not easy to come by because of its rarity so we've got some diamond pickaxes and some nether act because right down the side of this cliff we've already located some of this scrap and you can find three of these ancient debris blocks to get the scrap by the green arrow right down here so I'm going to slowly but sure I surely figure out the best way for us to get down here I have a feeling right let's see if we can pull this one off we're gonna throw a slime block down there to see if we can land right Oh nope well then that's a creative modus for right down we go so you can see this ancient debris in question hanging out right over here you'll want to get a diamond pickaxe it's really the only thing that can mine this but the moment you do mind some ancient debris you'll get your hands on some scrap which you can well I mean you got it you know smelt at first but smelting the ancient debris inside of a furnace will award you what you need which is a lovely handful of another right scrap and just like that go left nether right yeah I don't get the name but it doesn't matter because we're on number four crafting a smoothing table which if you didn't realize is the key to using nether right ingots now the recipe is simple enough here's what we're trying to get to right smithing table mr. Smith in order to make it you'll need four oak planks and two iron ingots placing a crafting table just like this to grab your smithing table your now nether right ready but more importantly you've managed to get a new advancement alright moving on right over here we've got number five upgrading your armor and tools you can do this by combining diamond gear with a nether writing it so we've got our nether right ingot right here which if you didn't know you can actually get by combining four pieces of nether right scrap with four gold ingots to get said nether eddying and then from there all you're gonna need is to grab yourself a nice smithing table alongside some Geir diamond preferably drop all that in there and now the right helmet now the right chest plate no the right leggings and of course now the right boots goal reached better than diamonds you bet your booty it is it is significantly better than diet in fact I'm gonna put on this nether right gear right now y'all I'm lookin good but okay we're nice and upgraded time for number six crafting and binding a lodestone now you can get load stones from Bastion remnants or you can make them by using nether @ ingots alongside some chiseled stone bricks this is the recipe in question that you'll need to grab in order to make yourself a lovely new lodestone block which we've got right here however there's more to it than just that place the lodestone down grab or make a compass and then bind it by right-clicking the compass on the lodestone and now you've got a nice useful compass that's because when you use a compass on a lodestone the compass will point to that lodestone in whatever dimension you happen to bind it in so we're gonna use this bound compass to find the next area but before we do that we're gonna go ahead and pick up this fungus feeling we're gonna need it for later I'm not sure it gave me that feeling but hey so this bound compass will take us to our next area I'd like to point out that two days ago actual new advancements came for the nether that were officially released by minecraft so if you want to catch a glimpse of those you need to check out the snapshot video or potentially at the end of this one we give you a little sneak preview for now that we move on to number seven visiting the soul sand valley a self explanatory goal reached the valley of souls i guess you could say soul reach man if you happen across this biome count your blessings you're surrounded by lovely Souls this is honestly one of my favorite biomes in all of Minecraft now it just really adds so much extra to the feeling of the nether so now you've got even more reason to find it in game for now we move to number eight mining a nether fossil solid peppered throughout soul sand valleys are giant remnants of what we could only imagine where some of Minecraft most dangerous of beasts well hey what better way to honor them than to rummage through the remains we're gonna go ahead and collect some of these so we can hit our goal a giant beast of the past nice I'm gonna use the remnants of this giant beast to fertilize my potatoes yeah well I mean we'll do it later anyways for now we've got number nine getting burned by soul fire personally I don't prefer ever getting burned whether that's physically metaphorically speaking but now there's definite reason to getting burned by soul fire will award you a special enchantment after you hang out in it for enough time blue fire is hotter yes if you couldn't tell I'm not having a great time right now now you'll actually need to stay within the fire for an extended period of time in order for that advancement to trigger but you saw about how long it took me it's not the end of the world while you're trying to get this advancement and pretend though is somewhat similar we're crafting a soul fire Lantern that's right we're containing this fire now here's the recipe we're gonna need a soul fire torch before we do anything else and you can get a soul fire torch by grabbing some coal by grabbing a stick and of course by grabbing some soul sand so that you can turn those torches into salt torches which are blue and lovely in nature but then you can use this blue torch to craft a soul fire lantern by grabbing a torch grabbing a tire nuggets place them like that to get your soul lantern and now we've got Lantern of souls ooh Wow all of these advancement names so thoughtful so catchy I'm just kidding Caleb if you're watching side all right 10 down 15 to go number 11 obtaining the salt which is a new type of block found in well the basalt Delta's for one but from time to time in other biomes in the nether as well pickaxe handy just kidding already have one go ahead and mine this up so we can get our hands on some volcanic rock fantastic slowly chipping away and all these new advancements don't forget that you can combine basalt to get polish basalt which is just so lovely and looks almost like petrified tree trunks big fan new advancement number 12 is to wear full gold armor so believe it or not you could in theory get this advancement before you even enter the nether but you will a full set of gold armor in order for this to work so we've got a helmet here and we'll go ahead and quickly craft up the rest of it chest plate don't mind if I do we got some leggings right here and then of course we've got our hands on some booty so bling-bling baby money and hey thank you technically you don't even need to wear the gold armor you just need to have all four pieces of it on you or having had collected them at some point or another in order to get this advancement but you will want to wear the gold armor for number thirteen bartering with a piglet because if you didn't know piglets tend to leave you alone when you're wearing gold so I'm gonna go ahead and grab these gold ingots have them handy already so that we don't have to worry about angering this guy any more than normal so here's a nice bartering come on down take the goods barter so now we've got a fair trade another advancement don't mind if I do what you own give me baby ah some regular obsidian if you notice we got the ice bucket challenge which is an already-existing advancement but hey we can get number fourteen hey soul speed book from bartering as well to get our hands on another advancement so I'm just gonna go ahead and go to town until he gives me one of these might take a while I'll let you know how things evolve hey we got another advancement right now the saddest block a hook more on that one later hey there we go speedy Souls goal reach didn't take that many ingots believe it or not I'm just kidding I give myself in creative but anyways but hey don't mind if I do we're gonna go ahead and enchant this lovely new enchantment ahaha right on some brand new boots but am I in so speed to level eight ripoff alright it'll have to do but now we can move a lot faster and it's best that we did because it's time to head to the next area for number fifteen visiting a bastion remnant well here we are go reached the last bastion and as you can see more and more of these advancements are starting to unlock on the advancement screen so that we can see even more of what it is we would be trying to get if you know you were doing this naturally in survival instead of on a little pathway like yours truly has but for now we move on to number 16 obtained gilded black stone now this doesn't normally with a stone pickaxe we'll show you an example of that right now trying them on this won't really lead to much success at least not usually but sometimes it works I guess John's complete joined the Gil that we managed to complete the challenge I don't know that it's supposed to work with the stone pickaxe but hey you know this glitch is from time to time so we'll go ahead and just chalk that one up to a good II I think it's because sometimes when you mind this you just get nuggets instead hard to know exactly but I ain't gonna worry about it too much all right but down we go down this path so we can show you the next advancement number 17 obtaining the pig step music dis which you can get by looting bastions that's right you have a chance at finding Lenna reins pig steppe music when you do well challenge complete duh duh duh duh duh duh duh I guess that's supposed to be what dubstep check it out listen oh yeah oh yeah so good well my favorite song in the world okay we're done anyways let's go ahead and move on to the next one number 18 obtaining crying obsidian now already did this one but here it is again just in case can be found in bastions or from bartering with piglets so again we are gonna go ahead and get crying obsidian ah yeah the saddest block the moment it touches your hotbar is the moment you will have this pick up as an advancement achieved for now what's good baby fair trade yeah I suppose I already did that one you can go ahead and here just take another one because I'm trying to get the heck away from it before you get mad at me achievement slash advancement number 19 is to craft a respawn anchor it's better that we do that one together here's the recipe for it by the way crying obsidian as well as some glowstone in order to make it happen place your crying obsidian three on bottom three on top grab a glow stone right in the middle there's your respawn anchor and hey this is literally one of the fanciest beds I've ever seen in Minecraft I mean it it pretty much acts as a bed for the nether so long as you've got some extra glowstone handy you could in theory load this thing up so that you can stick around on the nether on death but alright next number twenty craft or obtain a chain jangling BB James can be found here in bastions or crafted like so using to higher nuggets and one iron ingot in order to make that lovely set a chain so bamm-bamm just like that chain and hey what it what a chain sure hey that's a good yeah that's very descriptive it is quite a chain maybe could have gone you know you are the weakest link goodbye that would have been a good you know advancement anyways it's all work at progress here at TP to the next area for number 21 9+10 obtaining warped and crimson fungus now we grab the crimson fungus from earlier in fact we literally grabbed it from right here here's the earlier showcase area but now we've got the Warped fungus as well so we can complete this advancement and you can see what a fun guy you are wow thanks o best best day of my life alert oh my gosh okay well sure was it worth it I mean I'd say so because it unlocks a whole mess of extra achievements in advancements such as number 22 climbing twisted and weeping vines now this one is more of a progression system style advancement so even if you touch on both of these fairly quickly you won't right away get the advancement you actually have to climb up and down them for an extended period of time before it registers and we just got it right there a twisted situation advancement obtained number 23 obtaining crimson or warped stems in-game you can use this to craft a crafting table for the next advancement because we will need to get our hands on that so grabbing these will give you the stim of the issue which i think is a typo and it should be the stem of the issue but you guys are reasonable you'll leave me alone about that in the comments please nobody stopped the bastard 24 is crafting a hoe useful hoe finally been waiting for one of those it doesn't even need to be another right ho it can just be a plain old diamond hoe I guess it would make more sense if it was in fact another ideate so in theory this is what that advanced would look like grabbing a hoe grabbing an ingot getting your nether oh ah better than diamonds that's what happens when we get any net nether right we saw that one a little bit earlier a fine advancement indeed but now we move to the last one we're gonna follow these blue blocks down hopefully not die on the way there so we can see what waits us phone number 25 number 25 ride let's try to maybe we're about to stride this rider right here y'all get on on there ladies and gentlemen we've been making strides 25 brand new nether advancements that you can download in the description of today's video so there's our 25 but here's a look at the 10 actual nether advancement that just came out and snapshot 2020 this is the original go to the nether well modified slightly of course but now we've got those were the days enter bastion remnant war pigs loot a chest in the bastion remnant hidden in the breeze or hidden in the devs obtained in Tabriz country low take me home cover me in Tabriz further down we've got crying obsidian we've got making a respawn anchor distracting piglets with gold of course we've got this boat aka a Strider it needs to be ridden and exploring all the different biomes you want to take a look at all the different ways you can actually complete these in game then make sure you watch Wednesday snapshot video for now though who did you like better let us know in the comments below
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 576,530
Rating: 4.9143496 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, new minecraft advancements, nether advancements, new nether update, nether update, new advancements in minecraft, new advancements, minecraft update, the nether, netherite armor, netherite, snapshot, 20w20a, new snapshot, new minecraft update, bastion remnant, piglin, nether biomes, strider, crying obsidian, respawn anchor, game mode swap, new nether advancements, breeding striders, changed update, bastion, minecraft 1.16, 1.16, NEW, mojang, mojang upadte, how to
Id: B7b7RqvSLd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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