Should Olive Garden Bring This Back From The Past?

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What is trevors twitch? He mentions it in this episode.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Netup333 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
This is the whacking mallet. That's why we have two. What? Why is everyone nervous? If the Olive Garden's known for unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks, ha, well, here in the kitchen, we're known for unlimited giggles, goofs, and good times. What? Why are you laughing? That was serious, that was a dramatic monologue. We are known for goofs, giggles, and good times. In unlimited capacity. And we're taking you back to a good time in 2016 when the Olive Garden wanted to provide new ways to enjoy spaghetti by encasing chicken Alfredo in a buttery, flaky crust. The carb juggernaut didn't last long, but today, Trevor, we're bringing it. Back from the past. It's time for. Past Food. Trevor, we're making the chicken Alfredo deep dish spaghetti pie. Yeah. Does that appeal to you? You know, I've made lots of pies in my life, I love pie. I've never made a spaghetti pie. Why not? What has stopped you in the past? Really try and take stock of the things inside you that have limited you own success. Well, okay, so, because I like spaghetti, but making pie crust is, like, annoying, so, like, if spaghetti's fine on its own, why would I go to the extra work to put it in a pie? A lot of people asked Olive Garden the same thing, and Olive Garden said screw you, eat our spaghetti pie. No, this was in 2016. Olive Garden was really pressured to come out with new items 'cause, like, their business model was kinda failing, so they wanted to provide a new way to enjoy spaghetti, and so they shoved a bunch of pasta, and seven cheeses, and bacon, and garlic, and topped it with more garlic, cheese cream sauce, and also grilled chicken. Well, that's, you know, what everyone says pasta needs more of, is carbs. Dang right they did. And no one does that better than Olive Garden. However, it was not well received. Hoda Kotb loved it. You can see her eating it on "The Today Show." She seemed a little confused. But this is steeped in, like, a real Italian dish. This is steeped in the Sicilian timballo. I think this is a really cool dish in a moment in time when the Olive Garden didn't give a. Yeah. And now, it seems like they've kinda... We love the Olive Garden. Olive Garden, when you're there, you're family. When you're in the Mythical Kitchen, you're family. Please sponsor an episode. I absolutely love the Olive Garden, and I actually thought this dish was really good. I went there and had this. These came out around the same time as their breadstick sandwich. Yeah, we made one of those. We did. So, what we have here, this is actually one order of spaghetti from the Olive Garden, and this is going. So this is, like, a couple orders of plain spaghetti from the Olive Garden, we got the grilled chicken from the Olive Garden, we got the Alfredo sauce from the Olive Garden, but we have to make our own pie crust, and then we're gonna make all the filling for this pie, cram a bunch of that in there, top it with this. I think it's gonna be super delicious. Yeah, I'm excited. You know, if it tastes anything like spaghetti, then I'm pretty pumped. What if it didn't? Trevor, you went to culinary school. I did, yes. Did you go to the Olive Garden Culinary Institute in Tuscany that all Olive Garden chefs go to, and they show in the commercials? I wish. That would've been sweet, actually. That would've been epic. What if you did? Do we have the budget to send Trevor to the Olive Garden culinary school? Hey, what would help us send Trevor to the Olive Garden culinary school is if you went to and bought these super sweet Mythical headbands that are preventing the sweat from dripping off of me and Trevor's faces into the food right now. Was that a natural plug? I felt like we killed that one. All right, Trevor, we got pie crust to make. Yeah, we do. How do you do it? You've done this before. Wait, no, no, can I do it? Yeah. Okay. So, pie crust really relies on the idea of mechanical leavening, so what we're gonna do is, we're gonna take our flour. Crap, dude, I already messed it up. I already messed it up. We're gonna take just a little bit of sugar. Sugar's just gonna add a little bit of stability to that, and then salt, you always wanna season your pie crust. What we're gonna do... How am I doing so far? You're doing great. Great, great, great. And then, what we're gonna do is, we're simply gonna combine this together just a couple pulses, just to get it going, and then, now, what we have here. You know, you can hit pulse. Yeah, honestly. You hit on and off, on and off. Sh, sh, I was doing so good. You can just, all right. All right, don't harsh my vibe, don't harsh my vibe. Then, what we do here, we have, this is... Butter is made from cows. Well, no, it's made from milk, which comes from cows, but you don't, like- It's a semantic difference. You don't have to chop up a cow to get butter. That's a semantic, no, no cows were killed in making this... A couple cows might been. You don't know that. We don't know. We have our butter frozen right here. We're gonna add all of these in there. You want your butter to be frozen because you want to leave the butter in large chunks. And we're gonna process that up. The butter's gonna turn into almost the size of BBs. Yeah, little beads, little butter beads. Little butter beads in there, and that way, when we bake off this crust, it's going to create steam, create nice, flaky air pockets within our dough. Yeah. Woo! Way to go. Culinary Institute of Olive Garden, baby, class of 2016. As you're struggling to put it on. Culinary Institute. Culinary Institute of Olive Garden. Okay, so, that's the big thing that they always show in the commercials. Do I pulse this, or can we just let it run? You can just let it go. We'll let it run, it's frozen. The Culinary Institute of Olive Garden, they show it in all the freakin' commercials. They're at this, like, beautiful Tuscan villa, learning how to cook from some Italian chef in the big, poofy hat. Turns out it, like, does exist, but only for seven weeks out of the year, and they send, like, 20 Olive Garden managers to what is essentially a hotel with a restaurant in it in Olive Garden. I read an interview with one of them from 2007. They're like, yeah, we met one chef once, and all they did was, they made bolognese while we did a photo shoot with him. So, it does exist, but, like, not in the way that it probably should. I don't think most of the Olive Garden recipes are coming from Tuscany, including the pie crust they're making. Do I add this all at once? Sure. I mean, hold on, what we're gonna do is, we're gonna add the water all at once. That way, the dough has water in it. No, we're not gonna add it all at once. We're gonna stream it in. What we're gonna do is, we're gonna stream it, like Twitch? Like the way Trevor... Follow Trevor on Twitch, by the way. Do you get followers on Twitch? Yeah, yeah. We plug your Twitch? What do you do? Thank you for plugging my Twitch. I play video games, but I also haven't streamed in, like, six months 'cause I'm lazy. And this is cold water so the water doesn't melt the butter, right? You know, you wanna bang it around a little bit. This is what they teach you in Tuscany. This is called the Tuscan Shake. You've heard of the Harlem Shake. This is the Tuscan Shake. The Tuscan Shake. Is there a physical body movement that goes along with the Tuscan Shake? The Tuscan Shake. Tuscan Shake, you're out in front. It's shoulders forward, and you're here. This looks pretty done, right? Yeah, I don't know, yeah. We can ball it up. Right, we might need some more water. Let me get some water. Ah, well. Can we put some Red Bull in there? Ow, oh my god. I forgot there was a blade in there. No, it's okay, it's just a scratch. Culinary school. Do you think this is- Well, no, you're doing the same thing I did. There's a blade in there. There's no blade in there. You can't squeeze it. Why would there be... Stop. Yeah, if there's a blade in there, I could see it. You can't squeeze it. I cut myself cleaning the Vitamix for my protein shake. Everyone's like, Josh, what happened to your hands? Do you have a flesh-eating virus? I'm like, no, it's some combination of me just not understanding how knives work. All right, so, we got the pie crust. All we're gonna do, we're gonna wrap that, we're gonna let it rest, we're gonna roll it out. Yeah, like a pie. Bingo, bango. Yeah. You wanna? And we do the Tuscan. Put some, like, weird house music over this. All right, so, we got our pie crust here. It's been resting. It's nice and hydrated. It's very cold. Yes. Which is good, so we can roll it out. You want it to be cold. You want it to be cold because, that way, the pie is cold. Yes, yes. Great, fantastic. And what we have here is a bag of Scrabble tiles. No. And then we're gonna... No, I know a bag of Scrabble tiles when I see it, I think. No, this is ceramic baking beads. When did we stop just using beans in the kitchen? I was looking for beans, and then Nicole was like, here's these ceramic pie weights. No, I want the beans back. Can we get the beans back in the kitchen? No, Josh, stop, stop being difficult. You might be wondering why we have two rolling pins. Do you make? I guess he's not wondering. Sorry. I am wondering, no, Trevor, explain, explain why we have two rolling pins. No, it's okay, you go do. No, do it, come on, I'm sorry. Okay, so, this one is for rolling, because I know you like the handles, but I like to give my pie a little whack. You gotta give it a whack, soften it up, get it ready to roll out. Can I do it? No, use this one. Okay. This is the whacking mallet. That's why we have two. What? Why's everyone nervous? What? You just look like you're gonna- Don't, you're making me nervous. You look like. Ah. Okay, okay, that's good, that's good. Don't wanna pulverize it. See? Now, it's nice and pliable, and easy to work with. Are you okay? Let's start a fight club in the parking lot. No, I'm gonna put this over here. I had a guy seriously approach me at the gym, like, a couple years back. He just goes, "You do MMA?" And I go, "No, but I bet you do." And he goes, "Yeah, I do. "Do you wanna start a fight club in the parking lot?" I had headphones in. He made me take them out to ask that. No, I don't wanna start a fight club. Did you wanna say something earlier? I think that onomatopoeias shouldn't be allowed in Scrabble, and I'll tell you why. Why? I'll tell you why, because I lost by three points in an epic Scrabble match the other day on the word caw, C-A-W, caw, as in the sound a crow makes. That's not a word, that's a sound. I know it's transliterated, you know, C-A, but, you know, I don't think I should've lost on that word. But it's, like, a verb. It's a verb. The crow cawed. A bird can caw. I don't believe that's true. Yeah, see. I don't know. I think that that's better than all those little, like, two-letter words. That's some BS, man. You wanna talk about BS? Yeah, like Q-I. Q-I is not a w- No, Q-I has a really interesting history as to why that's a word, and it involves the Chinese Communist Party. Oh. Do we wanna get into that? If you think about Chinese, right? It's written in, like, Kanji characters, right? Yeah. There is, like, no way you can really spell that out. Josh, what are you doing? I'm making, like, a thing. Josh, all we have to do is lay the pie crust in there, then you lay the plastic wrap in, and just dump the bean- So the word is qi, right? As in, like, the flow of energy that, like, goes through your body, but it's spelled Q-I. Like, why does the Q make a ch sound? Why isn't it C-H? And it was because the Chinese government, at some point, was just like, hey, we need a standardized way to spell out Chinese characters in English letters, and that is how qi became Q-I. What are we doing with the pie stuff? Can I eat these? They look like the jawbreakers I'd get in the mall out of the machine for 25 cents. You can't eat those, Josh. You can't, or you won't, coward? Give me my flour back. What is going on here? I don't know. Baking I really do not have the patience for. It's okay. Okay, this is looking good, right? Yeah, it's looking great. I mean, we don't have the pie crust in there yet. No. So it's kinda useless. This is the bonus recipe, and all I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna flip it, and then I'm gonna hit it with the double wrap. Is that not perfect? It's perfect, Josh. Thank you. You did it amazing. Can I help you with anything else, Trevor? Would you like assistance? Well, can you actually take that outta there now? Because I'm gonna. So, now, we're gonna take that, you're gonna pat it down. Pie weights go under it or on top? I'm kidding. I like to see the boy schvitz. What? Learn Yiddish. What is schvitz? How have you not learned Yiddish in this kitchen yet? Schvitz is sweat. You don't speak Yiddish. That is true. Nicole speaks Farsi, which I do know a little bit of. We're learning, we're learning. We know a lot of dirtier words in Farsi as well. Mostly those, in fact. That was the first lesson. How was Olive Garden doing this? They probably have pre-made pie shells. That makes more sense. I doubt they're rolling out fresh pie dough at the Olive Garden. That makes more sense. Olive Garden can afford to... Here, you do this. Olive Garden can afford to send 20 managers a year to Tuscany, but they can't afford to pay people more than $2.13 an hour with the tip minimum wage credit in Delaware? You kidding me, Darden Restaurant Group? Get the heck outta here. All right, now, we're gonna go ahead and crimp this pie crust. You're just gonna take, uh, pff, huh? No, that's not good, that's not good. What did you just do? Just like that. What are you do- This is how I crimp a pie. Okay, go ahead, no, I wanna see how you do it. Well, no, it's gonna look like crap. No, I wanna see you do it. It's gonna look like crap, though. You've committed. Well, I know. You already done two crimps. You gotta finish it. Well, see, I'd go here, and then I'd just kinda mash at it a little bit. Is this not how you'd crimp a pie? Josh, what is going on? Yeah, I'm kinda just mashing at it at this point. You know what? I'm gonna fix- Or, no, I'll fluff it. I'm gonna fix- Yeah, I'll fluff it back up. What? I'm gonna fluff it back up. Josh, do you want me to do this? Yeah, that'd be really great. Oh, that looks way better. I see what you're doing now. You're kinda like... Nope, I don't get it still. You just make little indents. You're using, like, a thumb? Mine are looking like bow tie pasta. Well, that's because you screwed up the spot. Uh. Josh, how about you- I think, what if- How about- How about- How about- How bum? No All right. I think this is pretty good. It's deep dish, and so that's what we got. Hold on, no, no, we're doing, okay, wait. It's deep dish. You're, like, you're pushing in and pulling out. I'm gonna teach you one day how to crimp a pie crust. How about, hold on. Okay. That's really good. Aw. You had, like, a deftness in your fingers when you did it, whereas, you see, I'm almost mashing the dough to where it's nonexistent. Yeah, should we... Do we wanna give it a little- Yeah, so, this is called docking. I'm gonna get a fork. Nicole's, like- Trevor, you wanna give them a lesson on docking? Let them know what docking is. Stop. This is bait, because- What do you mean? Well, you know there's a... Docking is when you basically poke holes in the bottom of the pie crust. It's kinda like that. Allows steam to vent out so you don't get bubbles. Only if you're in a sauna. All right, you poked it, you're gonna put the little pie weights in there. Yeah, which is also gonna prevent it from bubbling up. Bubbling, docking. We're gonna parbake this in the oven at 350 for about 12 to 15 minutes-ish until it's a little bit brown. Then we're gonna put- We haven't even cooked anything yet. We're gonna put sketti in it. We made a pie crust. We're making the stuffing for the spaghetti pie. So, keep stirring that bacon around. We gotta render that out. We're gonna add all that in there. We're gonna start cracking our eggs into this bowl. We got a little bit of milk, and then we got our seven cheeses. We got Parmesan, we got Asiago, we got Fontina, we got provolone, we got mozzarella, we got Monterey jack, we got, what's the last one? Pecorino, pecorino, pecorino, boom, seven. So, we got the seven cheeses. We're gonna add just a little bit of each, just to get a little taste. What they get from the different cheeses after, say, I don't know, three or four beats me, but they put seven in there. They just tried to go, this is like their full on excess. This is their, like, epic bacon moment. Fudge, man. Fudge. Fudge. I am excited about all seven cheeses, not equally though. Adding some milk to that. Which ones are you most excited about? The cheese that makes me the most excited, personally, is Asiago. Why? Because my favorite bagel store when I was younger had an Asiago bagel. What an earnest food moment from the Mythical Kitchen. I'm sorry, did you want me to say something funnier? Yeah, kinda. Okay, I like pecorino because peck, ha-ha, get it? Like a pecker, ha-ha. There it is, there it is. Trevor, start adding cheese in there. Start throwing them in there. We're gonna toss the sket in there. You can't handle that yourself? No, no, I want some help, I want some help. You said we're gonna do this, Josh, you said you were gonna handle the stuffing. A mixture, in Farsi, is makhloot. Correct? It's not. What does makhloot mean? I don't know. There's a sandwich that has both brains and tongue in it at Attari Sandwich Shop called a makhloot, and I asked what they meant, and they said mixture. Ah, I couldn't do nothing right. All right, so we got all our cheese in there. Ah, gonna gradually add my spaghetti. Trevor, the reason you gradually add the spaghetti is because you don't want any air pockets to form in the spaghetti, so you're gonna go ahead, and just take some of that, and then we're gonna kinda toss it with our hands 'cause you want it to be nice and wet. Why do you want it to be nice and wet? Because wet is good. Wet is good, that is correct. That's the Mythical Kitchen. No one eat this spaghetti, it got raw eggs in it. There's no sauce in the spaghetti? That is correct. So, all of their spaghetti pies, they had three different kinds of spaghetti pies. They had a meatball spaghetti pie, and then they had the chicken Alfredo spaghetti pie, and then they had a rosso spaghetti pie that had asparagus in it. Who do you think was the guy that vetoed the sauce in the spaghetti? You wanna put sauce in the spaghetti in the spaghetti pie? No, a step too far. You know General Mills started Olive Garden? The cereal company? The cereal company, they started Olive Garden, 1982, Orlando, Florida. No shoot. All good things in life come out of Orlando. So we're gonna clean up our station a little bit. Trevor, grab me the pie crust and the cheese. So we're gonna mash all this into a pie crust. We're gonna try and get it as dense as possible. Hey, our pie crust turned out really good, Josh. I like the construction, our pie crust. Thank you for including me into it. What? You were the one that did all the, what? What? Like you're gonna make me take the fall for that. What do you mean? This looks gorgeous. It's a perfect deep dish pie. Oh, god. Yeah, that's good, dump all that in here. Are you gonna wait to put your hands in it? Am I gonna wait to put my hands in it? No, dump it all in there. The spaghetti will cool down the bacon grease. You think I'm kidding, it will. Stop, don't touch it. Trevor, the spaghetti's gonna cool down the bacon grease. I don't know how to explain cooking to you. So you're just gonna toss the hot bacon in there. You're not gonna feel it 'cause there's so much cold spaghetti around it, duh. You didn't learn that in culinary school, did you? Duh. I'm stupid, I'm Trevor. And now, we're gonna take this, and we're gonna go ahead and. Is that really all we're doing? I think you gotta get it in one go. But this is a deep dish, remember, and you wanna apply even amounts of pressure around the outside of this. Just squeeze it down. Just squeeze it down. Do you wanna give it a squeeze? No. Trevor, I think you wanna give it a squeeze. Here, there you go. It's so much colder than I was... Why'd you touch the top of my hands like that? I was trying to provide extra pressure on the spaghetti. And then we're gonna get some cheese on there. I did nothing, I did nothing. No, this is, it's perfectly even. Well, you gotta trim some of the spaghetti from the outside. Do we have scissors? Do you want me to get scissors? You see, like, there's some overhang? Yeah, trim off the spaghetti overhang. This is what they do at the Olive Garden. They got a professional spaghetti trimmer straight from Tuscany. Yeah, there you go, it's like Bonsai. Perfect, perfect, yeah, yeah. Okay, this feels good, this feels... This is weighty. All right, who has clean enough hands to open the oven? What if we did it like. Yeah, yeah, you gotta push pressure down. On three, one, two, go. There we go. And then, we're just gonna take the pie, we're gonna fly it in, 350, for, how long does this cook? What, like, 31 minutes? How long do the eggs need to be before they're done? 'Til it reaches an internal temperature of 148 degrees. We got the pie out, and it's hefty. We let it cool a little bit 'cause we wanna get a nice, clean slice out of this, and then, at the Olive Garden, I imagine they're letting this cool, getting clean slices, and then just throwing it to sous chef microwave over there. Yeah. Or mee-cro-wa-vay in Italian. The microwave actually trained in the Tuscan school for seven weeks. All right, now, we got our cold, congealed Alfredo sauce. Oh, god. That we're just gonna scorch in a hot pan right there. I'm gonna go ahead, I'm gonna get a nice slice outta this here pie. Oh, it's so spongy. That was hot, this is only on two. Mythical Kitchen, where we're always bewildered by how the equipment works. You got it? I think I got it, this is a thick... Hold on, what happened here? Hold on, a lot of the denseness in the sketti. There we go, there we go. Oh, gosh, that is brutal. Look at this spaghetti pie. Oh my goodness. Are you not impressed, Trevor? I'm impressed, but I... That is absurd. I'm gonna throw this in the microwave, and then put it in the oven. Pie's done. So this is nice and brown coming out of the oven. I'm gonna take it, I'm gonna pop it on a plate. Look at that, look at that. Wow. Where else would you rather be? I love that we're getting some of that caramelization on the cheese on top. Now, we're gonna go ahead, we're gonna give it a nice little drizzle of the Alfredo. The Al-fre-zo sauce? Yeah, give it a nice, little drizzle, and then we're gonna top it with chicken. Well, why don't you drizzle it? You want me to drizzle it? You have the spoon. Give it some nice, little drizzles over the top. There we go, love that for us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is gorge, gorgeous. Now, we're gonna get a couple things of chicken. Let's pick out some nice pieces. There's a kind of goo on top of a lot of this chicken, and I really like that. I think, what was that, Alfredo sauce? It just goes on top, huh? Just like that. Goes on top, it really does just go on top, and that's the beauty of this, is that you just pile stuff on top of a pie. And that's, yeah, a spaghetti pie. Yeah, spaghetti pie no less. Wow, that's a lot of chicken on there. That's too much chicken on there. Yeah. More Alfredo sauce on top of that chicken. I mean, this looks pretty tasty, right? Check this out, though, hold on, hold on, Trevor. Okay, okay, okay. What would the Olive Garden be without a little gratuitous sprinkling of parsley? Oh my god, I'm gonna start talking like I'm on the Food Network show "The Kitchen." Oh my god, look at that, everybody. We baked a pie, but not only is there pie, Trevor, not only is there pie, but there is chicken on the pie. Chicken on the pie. But wait for it, Trevor. One, one more- No, no. I know, I know, I know. Right there. Oh, gorgeous. Oh my goodness. Here, you have your deep dish spaghetti Alfredo pie from the Olive Garden. Wow. I cannot wait to dig in, and Trevor, you know what this means. Yeah. It means we brought it. Back from the past. Trevor, I promised you for your 21st birthday that I would take you to the Olive Garden to get schlitty off of tiramisu martinis, and we never got to do that, but I have made you a virgin tiramisu martini today, 'cause, also, we can't drink on the YouTube. If you'll allow me to garnish. Lovely, wait, wait for it. I know what you're asking. Your virgin tiramisu martini, is this just chocolate milk in a glass with some stuff on it? Sure is, Trevor. This makes me really excited, though, 'cause I love chocolate milk. Me too. Chocolate milk is the perfect accompaniment. It's very common. It'll eat that with your chicken spaghetti Alfredo pie. We've got breadsticks back here, too. Shall we cheers? Josh, what happened to the salad? Trevor, where we're going, we don't need salad, brother. Well, chocolate milk. Trevor, grab a breadstick. Yeah, yeah. Grab a breadstick. We've gotten our pre-dinner cocktail. Now, we got our breadsticks. Did you just go marinara into ranch? Yeah, that's what I do at the Olive Garden. Pure shameless. That's a good breadstick, that's nice. This is a good breadstick. the sauce, all right. Let's dig in, let's dig in. All right, here, should we cut this in half? You have chocolate on your left side of your face. I don't think that's true. I don't think I have chocolate on my face. You know what you do at the Olive Garden? This is gonna disgust a lot of people, but you take the breadstick, you gotta get the flesh side, not the grease side, and then you. This is actually what I do at the Olive Garden. I get sauce all over my face, I wipe it with the breadstick, and then you're savoring all the flavor. People think I'm joking. I'm not. Well, you probably don't think I'm joking if you... If you're a first-time viewer, welcome. All right, let's go, I wanna eat. Oh, yeah, let's cut it in half. Grab some pie. This just turned into pasta. Get a nice, big bite here. I think I should go first bite ranch-less. All right. All right, cheers, man Happy birthday. Mm, thank you. This is really good. This is good. This is so good. It's so much better than fettuccine Alfredo. Yeah. 'Cause you get the crispy cheese bits, and also, somehow, we have turned the spaghetti into, like, a dense mass of collapsing Parmesan garlic star, and it has improved it so much. It's easier to eat. God, that's good. This is really yummy. If you're a local Italian taverna, right? And you're making, like, you know, traditional Italian countryside dishes, I understand why you would never go to this dish, but the Olive Garden, that's the place where this can thrive. Yeah, this is genius. This is amazing. My only problem, I hate that you're supposed to eat it with a knife and fork. I wanna go in, I wanna pick it up like a pie, and just be able to dip it into the ranch. Yeah. Yeah. Unbelievable. I honestly can't believe how good this is. If you believe that Olive Garden should bring this food back from the past, tweet at Olive Garden under hashtag pastfood, and let us know in the comments what other dishes you wanna see us bring back from the past. That was really good. Whoa. Thank you so much, Trevor, for all the help, and teaching me how to make pie dough. Of course. It's good, right? This is actually pretty- Really good. This is closer to tiramisu than the actual martini. These are like ladyfingers. Thanks so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes for you every week, we got new episodes of our podcast "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram @mythicalkitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes and the hashtag dreamsbecomefood. We'll see y'all next time. Mm-hm. Flummoxed. This is amazing. This is the best thing Olive Garden's ever done. Hey, use your head, and get the new Mythical headband, available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 553,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 9KHoVXZ74m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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