We Got Kidnapped And Hunted For 24 Hours! (Brutal Mountain Survival)

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[Music] stay there we're being hunted today is going to be one of the craziest videos you have ever seen us do because we're about to get kidnapped captured taken to the mountains dropped off and hunted over the next 24 hours this is going to be an absolutely chaotic day here's the deal this is all we have on us no supplies the only thing we can bring gloves and safety glasses so myself diesel dave the law father and hunter we're going to spend the next 24 hours running for our lives no sleeping bags no comfort no food no phones no survival supplies literally nothing are you what wait you hear that i think [Music] [Music] guys i need you to stop what you're doing real quick because i need to congratulate you well some of you you see i want to give some of you this nice long beautiful dramatic slow clap you want to know why because a couple videos back i talked about one of our sponsors home health home health is basically a company that is designed to make men feel better by offering testosterone replacement therapy i'm so so proud to announce that so many of you jumped online you bought your test you took the test you sent it in and you either got your results or you're waiting for your results and many of you are already on to the next stage of this journey which is time to sit and talk with the doctor and this does not mean you have to get up leave go to a doctor's office no the way home health has designed this is once you take the test and get your results they put you in touch with via facetime phone calls zoom whatever it is an endocrinologist that's not a family doctor that's somebody who specifically specializes in male health meaning they know exactly what it's going to take to get your testosterone and all your other hormone levels up to where they need to be if you didn't do it last time listen to me right now if you have low energy you have low sex drive you don't sleep well if your mood swings are all over the place if you just don't feel like you used to when you were a teenager or in your 20s or when you were younger i promise you there's a high likelihood that it has something to do with your testosterone levels now i'm not a doctor and i'm not a medical professional i'm just a guy who at one point a few years back started feeling really lethargic and slow i was like i gotta figure this out i got involved with testosterone replacement therapy got a prescription got a plan and i feel so much better and you can too so guys please please please please please if you don't listen to any other ads please listen to this one because this one will make a big difference in women watching this if your man isn't watching this you should probably introduce him to this because him being happier him being healthier is going to make your life a whole lot better as well so here's what you need to do click the link in my description below it's going to take you to homehealth.com forward slash heavy d just buy the test kits 45 literally the best money you'll ever spend take the test send it in get your results get on the phone with one of their doctors and let him put together a plan that is going to make you feel better these are real results from real doctors with real medicine that can make you feel real better click the link in my description below and get feeling better guys you have no excuse make it happen today's gonna be a potentially very difficult day for myself diesel dave and my partner cole you see we are going to be kidnapped and then chased over the next 24 hours through the mountains so essentially what we're going to be doing is practicing army sear training survival evasion resistance and escape what's going on my daughter's give me a picture to remember them by i'm making a little bit smaller to put in my pocket i don't know when i'll be back i don't know how long we're getting tortured for my name is cole cannon i know that i'm about to be man napped bagged taken to some incredibly cold place ironically the thing that i'm most worried about is uh i don't think in the decade i've known sparks i've seen him go without food for three hours so i might be a murder victim by the time this night is over i think jt is going to push us to our limits he's going to put us in extreme environments it's going to be really cold he's going to get us really tired he's already got us really hungry uh nobody was allowed to eat after 10. he found out that i do intermittent fasting told me i wasn't allowed to eat after four so by the time everything starts i'll be almost 24 hours into fast my stomach's already eating itself well i joined this exposition a little later than the rest of the guys so they're running a lot more on a lot more details than i have so i really don't know what's going on so when we decided to do this um i chose two of the toughest guys i know diesel dave and cole are way tougher than i am cole runs like iron mans and marathons and stuff like that diesel dave is just naturally tough i'm definitely the weakest link simply because we can't bring any food i'm probably the smallest guy going this time and uh i'll probably freeze to death if i'm not murdered by sparks first but i was thinking if i freeze to death first then sparks will have dinner and that's sort of a win-win lose maybe i think this is going to break people down enough to where you see a vulnerable side of them and you're going to learn a lot about your friends i'm a little bit of an outdoorsman i'm not scared of the woods i've hiked these woods alone at night anyway so uh weaknesses uh i don't like being rushed especially when sleep deprived diesel dave he's gonna do this with a smile on his face that guy is built tough i do have a pretty high pain tolerance um i don't know where i got it from dave genius also tough he's pretty stubborn so he's gonna do what it takes to be the guy on top i think he probably won't admit if he's cold he won't admit if he's hungry he's he's tough a dude fortunately i do have a solid life insurance policy i've got a great health insurance policy um i've said goodbye to my wife and kids hopefully just for 24 hours but you don't know man yeah but we won't have to use health insurance if i die so hold off on making a claim yet how's your life insurance life insurance is great dez you're set don't worry it kills me you're good i am worth a lot more to my family dead than i am alive my name is jeremy tanhill i'm the founder and uh owner of above the best performance what i do is i train leadership and mental toughness by inducing pressure stress practicing it over and over and over and uh finding out how we become the best that we can be so today we got uh the group uh the daves and a couple other folks we're going to abduct them we're going to put them in a pressure and stressed filled environment and the scenario is that they got abducted and we're going to take them up in the mountains and they're going to have to evade capture for 24 36 hours however long we said this thing you know they usually say you're twice as likely to die in your drive there than whatever it is you're going to do but i don't think that's true for the president's situation so what are they reciting right now a poem called invictus and uh it's a poem that we're supposed to memorize for some reason it's four uh big paragraphs [Applause] well the time has come for us to be captured this is where we're supposed to meet uh at 2 pm sharp it's like 1 55 right now so we're a little bit early at any minute now people are going to roll up and we have to do exactly what they tell us to do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] holy all right guys we got to talk about this experience where we had to get out of the truck face the fence and not turn around and literally just sit there and wait with the most like insane anticipation for us to get basically captured that was a moment that i knew was gonna happen obviously we got the text told us what to do but you have no idea how like nerve-wracking that is when you're actually in that moment standing there and if you turn around you're basically disqualified like they would have just reset made us start completely over so we have to keep looking straight ahead and you're hearing noises in the background every little car that comes by every noise you hear you're thinking oh that's them that's them that's them and then they show up kind of saw out right here i just see dave's hands get pulled behind him like oh here it goes and then i'm gone it all happened so fast that was nuts blindfolded zip tied handcuffed he's like get up in the truck i'll tell you what's hard when someone's pushing you and saying jump up in this truck and you know where the truck is and you're stressed because you know he's got a gun and you don't know if there's five or six of them or if they're gonna punch you or hit you in the kidneys but what was really nice is somebody with these giant hands reached right under my armpits and just picked me up like a nice little baby child just scooted me all the way to the back it was the nicest kidnapper yet i didn't get the giant hand guy i just got a kid that told me to shut the hell up and then he pushed me against the tailgate and i didn't really have great balance right because i'm kind of like wobbling around my hands around my back we got thrown like on our stomach sides in the back of the truck all lined up like a bunch of hot dogs there's nothing more uncomfortable than having your hands behind your back tossed on your side rolled over on your front like this with nothing to put your head on except i did find a water bottle which ended up saving my life you had a nice spot you know who had the nicest spot though was hunter because he had a nice pillow my inner right thigh no his head was right here yeah your boot was digging into my shin which i eventually was like just deal with it just deal with it and then like she said something this truck ride is going on forever so i'm kind of like all right i gotta move it so i move my leg up and then you flop over that was nuts but when we were in the back of the truck they were like shut up don't talk don't move like literally even the smallest movements or noises they would poke their head out of the back luna like shut up and they tied a giant tarp across the back so that was flapping so you got the the flapping tarp you got uh us blindfold not know where we're going and they're driving like idiots just swerving going up and down stopping doing u-turns that was another moment where i started to be like okay i can kind of figure out where we're going if i just pay attention so i had a decent idea believe it or not of where we were going i had no idea exactly where it was but i knew the general area and luckily when we got out i was right basically after about an hour of being hog tied in the back of this truck they stop they have a stand up and then all of a sudden we hear gunshots boom boom boom and then they start yelling screaming we hear them pile in the truck and they take off we kind of slowly start moving seeing if the coast is clear reach up pick our blindfolds off and that's when we realize that jt is standing there and the games are about to begin y'all were just captured we were out doing a uso tour in bosnia and during this uso tour you were captured you were abducted for a ransom someway somehow you escaped are you listening to what i'm telling you are you guys fiddling around at this point i still had absolutely no idea what was going on what to expect i thought maybe we'd be separated you'd be on our own crawling through the weeds trying to find each other i didn't know it was a group activity at all and then once i pulled my blindfold off blurry-eyed can't see anything jt is like you just got kidnapped by a bunch of bosnians you're in bosnia kylie you're the leader zip ties are on there pretty tight so we all clipped our zip ties off and then that's when jt said all right here's the situation here in bosnia um here's what's happened and now you guys got to figure out a plan and then instantly he said two things that stood out to me one kylie you're in charge so dave had to be in charge of what we don't know second jt said you guys cannot trust anybody so because you escaped now we have to evade you have no idea how long you're going to be out here you have no idea how long you're going to evade to it's a safe assumption that everybody is the enemy you understand everybody is the enemy if you get captured bad things will happen the story of lance saijon you read it yeah you understand it yeah what happened to that young man you crawled through the jungle floor for six weeks for those elbows tied together how many times you get captured but then i started thinking like wait this means we can't trust him he's supposed to be our guide and he's supposed to be on teaching us how to survive and evade but he's making it very clear that we're not going to trust him davis hands our camera guys anybody like nobody this is a full on unfriendly zone and we just got dropped off on a dirt road in a narrow canyon and i'm looking up and there's snow literally right above us on the mountains so this could be a very long 24 hours captured multiple times and every time you got tortured and beat you do not want to get captured you understand kylie you're in charge so there i am he's like kylie you're the leader i'm like all right well uh what do we do here and i'm still trying to even see where i'm at figure out which way the guys went the guys are walking around like zombies doing the same thing and he's like what are you going to do kylie i don't think you stop close that up i don't think you fully understand what's going on here well hold on wait we're going to hit the trail where hold on a second damn it who's in charge are you in charge are you in charge who's in charge here where are we going kylie i think we need to get off the trail quickly hold on a second i was like well we better get off this trail let's go talk to the bushes and i run over and i had to push like this and i got my all my crew is just out there just hiding in the bushes like this come on let's talk let's make a plan this is his hiding can't see me and and dave just crouched down and i was john cena man right then no one could see me everybody kind of stops the guys that were following him were kind of like i don't know if we're gonna go follow you in there the guys that were following me was none zero guys jt goes kylie what the hell are you doing i was like i'm getting off the trail make a plan he's like you get it there's no guys get out of the bushes get over here you're sucking at this come on we must have complete composure and understanding of what's going on around us we have to have good situational awareness so what's the situation right now kylie we got kidnapped we got put right here for who knows what they got attacked they left us high and dry with a couple bottles of water and whatever's in that backpack see and that's what everybody does they look at that on the surface and they go okay this is a situation but in reality it's much more deep than that right so the situation is actually you got kidnapped probably for a ransom for whatever reason somebody left you've been hog tied in the back of a truck for the better part of an hour right this is a prime example of how he makes kind of silly decisions under pressure you were like let's hide in the bush my man you went right there look look there's no hiding when you look like you were a damn troll i was waiting for my friends and then we get four of you piled in there is anybody hiding nope no so that was a bad decision based on emotion and reaction to stress you were in the back of a truck for an hour are you guys able to move you're able to move yeah how about you now we have a little more understanding of our situation so now we can say let's get over there let's get over there that's 100 meters that way 50 yards up the hill let's jump over that damn cliff whatever it might be so we're actually concealed and not just in a bush standing in the bush make sense make sense take damn charge let's go okay let's make a new plan let's get to high ground so we start hike up the hill he's like where are you now we got higher ground we can see the road why did you run a clicker so we can kind of have a higher ground and see what's going on around us and be able to hide from whatever's down there that shot at those guys higher ground in order to get a better perspective you knew you what you wanted to do but you didn't know why again just a quick reaction without that wasn't well thought out we got to make another decision okay we have to take action we need to take action but it has to be well thought out action and you have to come up with the plan in about three minutes okay you come up with a plan okay what do we need to accomplish why do we need to accomplish it and what's our action commanders use an active voice not i think so we start hiking up this hill to the top of this mountain thinking oh we need to get higher ground we get up there jt stops us he's like hey here's all your mistakes bam bam bam bam tell us all the stupid that we did and then he gives us a little clue he's like we need to get he's like he's like we have 15 minutes of freedom before they come back and start hunting us so with that at the bottom of the hill yeah he's like what do you want to do where do you want to go and so we're like well let's get to the other side of the river because this is where the bad guys dropped us off and they're going to come look for us here so let's make as let's put as much ground between us and this spot as we possibly can so that's when we start hightailing it across the canyon across the main road across the river over to the other canyon [Music] [Music] [Music] go go go go go go go bridge get across the river [Music] he kept making mention of that we get to somebody's front yard and see a bridge with water flowing the opposite direction of which we thought was down so we were obviously going up the cane we thought we're going down the canyon and uh so that's where we made a new plan is we were going the wrong direction let's go the other way we start moving down the canyon and jt is telling us like like okay what's your guys plan we're like well we want to get down to the bottom of the canyon because we know civilization's down there he's like okay that's a decent plan get moving so we're moving along and he's teaching us all these things along the way and uh what was really hard for me was he's like sparks you're in the back shut up and don't say a word because i want to be like hey here's the plan let's do this let's do that let's consult but he did not want any consulting happening he wanted the leader to take charge and do this do that so we're moving along i'm kind of like just trying to process and digest it all and all of a sudden uh we stop and do a head count and hunter's gone missing hey guys mr hunter come with me because uh you're in the view of the road right now so we have to backtrack back up the trail and sure enough jt had basically pulled hunter aside and said you say right there this is part of the program you're going missing you're going to teach your guys that this is the first lesson of like no man left behind leave nobody behind ever you caught it quicker than i thought you would i to be honest with you i thought we were going to make a mile down the road and you all were going to come back and find harry potter the words of gandhi come to mind right now live like you'll die tomorrow and learn like you'll live forever kind of feels fitting doesn't it out here getting hunted it's getting colder for sure so we might die tomorrow but we're going to learn like we're going to live forever no less we're trying to get out of this canyon before we get hit by weather ideally i would like to be out tonight like i don't want to sleep in this canyon but i think that might not be in the cards so one of the points as we're going down the canyon we stopped and jt is getting ready to break us down and give us another lesson um i glance over to like my right and about 100 yards away there's a tree and i see this black thing looking through like the saddle of a tree of some branches i look closer and it's a ski mask i'm like oh that's one of the bad guys so i tell jt and he was actually very surprised jk was like wait what no because he knew where the bad guys were going to be because he was the one that kind of planted them and he's like no there's not somebody and i look look he looks over he's like oh he's like go right now we're kind of hiding out along the river we've been making our way down probably about a mile or so trying to figure our way down the canyon as we stopped a second ago spotted uh one of the enemies hiding behind a tree with a ski mask on so we booked it down this way only saw one of them but somehow they knew our location and pretty sure we would have been able to see them following us to give you an idea how this is working is alec is with dave and the rest of the group filming everything with gopros and his camera davis and myself are kind of shooting from the sidelines but yet we have to stay out of everybody's sight because we don't want to be seen if we're seen then obviously the people trying to capture dave will know that dave is near right so davis and i are kind of playing on the out like outside of where the main trail is for these guys to travel and so davis and i know they're gonna have to come through this one section because the cliff on this side cliff on this side there's really no other way other way to go except for through this really like wet damp marshy uh spot and so as dave's and i are sitting here we look over and sure enough one of the guys that is here to capture tafe is sitting on the other side and i think he has the same thought in mind that there is no other way to go other than through here so he's literally sitting on the other side waiting for dave so next up jt appoints cole to be the leader and this was this was pathetic dave's leadership was at least funny kohl's was just brutal like jt just destroyed cole cole you're a [ __ ] cool you're this you're that just like you got your bandana's ugly what's with your long hair did you wear your wife's jeans just tearing into them you understand cole's my attorney and he's older than me and this dude kicks ass on everything that he does i i see him intimidate everybody that he touches because he's like one of the most badass lawyers around in the courtroom he dominates in business he dominates i've never seen cole get talked down to like this and to see him just get shrunk down to a little child and actually have to sit there and put up with it i was like oh no he's gonna snap he's gonna snap he's gonna snap fortunately he didn't what happened next was we came to a meadow with probably grass up to my belly button and it went all the way from the river to the road and we know that there's a bad guy up on the hill because we just ran away from him right by the river so he can easily get us and we found out at this point that the bad guys are actually the way they capture us is if they see us they take a green laser and they point it at us if they hit us with that laser we're caught and then we found out the consequences of getting caught we get blindfolded duct tape put back in the truck and taken two miles up or further the canyon than when we originally got dropped off so at this point we'd already covered like five miles last thing we want to do is go back up the canyon seven miles uh and then we couldn't go to the road because there were bad guys on the road so we sat there and cole's the leader and we're going back and forth back and forth what do we do what do we do and jt's obviously waiting for coal to suggest something and that's when uh we decided that we needed to army crawl through the grass probably what at least couple hundred yards yeah on our bellies wearing all of our gear and keep in mind that the grass is very wet like saturated with water and this crawl means we have to be flat flat not like on our hands and knees but like dragging our bellies through the dirt which that was that was rough so we all start low crawling and jt as soon as we start crawling is like oh by the way if you crawl too fast the grass is going to move bad guys up on the road are going to see the grass moving so you have to do this very slow oh dude so next thing you know we are going at a snail's pace across this this crawl literally took us probably i bet it took us 45 minutes to cross that field on our bellies it took us so long because once uh once cole and hunter went you and i were there and we saw two black figures sitting in the tree directly above us and i could see the whites of their eyes looking right at me like oh this is it we're going back up the trail two more miles they can see me yeah and at this point we realize that we're completely surrounded by the guys that are trying to capture us so we have no choice other than to just get low and crawl through it and ultimately we did cole led us through the army crawl and he did a like fantastic job we all made it to the other side where we got in the trees again bam popped up and next thing you know we're at the river again somehow those guys didn't see us i don't know how they didn't see us but they didn't see us yeah so as soon as we got done army crawling we got to the river jt is like all right sparks are the leader so it's my turn now and uh the moment he's been waiting for him yeah i was not doing very well at the back of the pack i did okay i actually learned a lot about following i did not at first eventually we got there so i was pumped for this moment because i wanted to make up for the slow pace that we had been kind of having earlier in the day um i want to just get on the trail and start moving so we're we're at a river crossing jt is like all right you're at a river what are you going to do your options are go to the road and sprint down the road and maybe they'll catch you maybe they won't or you got to cross the river so i was like you know what across the river's like are you sure it's like we're crossing the river he tried to talk me out of it like 10 times and finally i was like dude this is my plan we're doing it's like all right good i like it we take our boots off take our socks off because we do not want wet feet because it's about to you know be freezing temperatures dip our toes in the river and it's probably a solid 38 degree water freezing dog um and hunter was just kind of moving slow i don't think hunter was fine but he was just moving slow getting his shoes off and jt is like what are you scared you're [ __ ] he's like you know what just because of that you have a broken ankle now you now the guys have to carry you across and hunter's like no i'm not scared of it like he made the biggest fool of hunter and i could tell hunter was so pissed because hunter did not have a problem with the water he was just moving slow and so at that point he then made hunter pretend like he had a broken ankle hunter's got an ankle injury hunter cannot walk which uh required dave and i to basically kind of fireman carry hunter through and across the river very rocky by the way kind of hard on bare feet and he's like if any of you touch the water or fall in at all training's over so that was another level of stress what jt did really well and what we're starting to realize at this point is in stressful situations he keeps adding another layer of stress and anxiety and problems that we have to keep working through so right when we think we've got a plan he throws another wrench in it which was obviously the whole purpose of this training which is the part that i probably enjoyed the most because it's problem solving but you have to do it quickly efficiently with the plan constantly changing after we cross the river we're really making good time cruising um and the sun is starting to set jt's like all right sparks find a campground and he's like trying to get us to camp here camp there he had all these areas where he's trying to talk me into camping i'm like bro i know where i want to camp but it's not here like i want to cover some ground because i was told that if we got done early enough that we'd be able to leave early tomorrow morning rather than having to have the training go all the way till like two o'clock in the afternoon which is i didn't want to be here because i'm starving so my stomach was like bro cover ground we had to get down this canyon so we keep cruising and uh as sun sets i still found the campground that i want because basically we hit a section of the trail that was like right next to cliffs right next to the river and right next to the road so we're just exposed along this stupid trail and then the night searchers come out [Music] [Music] basically a bunch of trucks start driving up and down the canyon like crazy with spotlights spotlighting every inch of the hillside and as the first spotlight was coming towards us we were all just like in plain view so i was like get up the hill so everybody just billy goats their way up this probably probably what 75 100 foot cliff at least just sheer mud and rocks and loose dirt i got my super slick cowboy boots all right peeling out all the way up there luckily we all got to the top hid behind the giant boulder just in time for the spotlight to be like go right underneath us and they missed us all right guys so a little update here from our side of things so as you know davis and i are kind of shooting everything from outside of the the realm of whatever dave and dave have going on um but we're also trying to stay away from the the enemy and we got caught so we got busted so now what we're going to do is we're going to kind of show you guys from the other side of things um we're going to kind of follow around some of the team that's trying to find dave and dave we have lost officially lost dave and dave we have no idea where they are i think they said they're gonna be up the top of a mountain trying to start a fire and hide out there but it's now pitch dark i don't see any fires we drove up and down this this mountain ravine whatever you like to call this place can't see anything we were the good guys now we're turning to the bad guys so we're dark side we were a good site and we have food so all we have to do is when we capture them just tell them we're just so full and like we have so much energy because we've been eating and snacking all day hydrated full warm i'm still cold so anyways that's the update so here we go trying to start looking for them they have to they should we're headed this way kind of towards the mouth of the canyon we're gonna follow him see what we can find if it's dave and dave i'm gonna turn on them i'm gonna have to find them and i'll have to help torture them sorry to say but that's just life it is snowing it is actually a few flakes it is officially snowing out here and last time i saw dave he didn't have a coat on it's crazy we're like driving along and i can just see like spotlights everywhere and flashlights everywhere like people are legit hunting these guys right now and it's crazy because i'm one of them i've joined the hunt hunt i'm a hunter [Music] [Music] at one point we were on the ground laying down so low and the car was like stopped and i feel like they spotted us they're spotlighting basically i can see the spotlight on my face i'm like they got us i see the laser going all around my body and i'm like just don't move don't move don't move i'm like oh they got me they got me and then they drive off it was just like a dumb accident they didn't see us when the spotlights and lasers started hitting the hillside only thing i could think of was hide escape don't get caught so the cold the hunger the fatigue the thirst everything all those like feelings that of discomfort that we'd had like literally disappeared we were filled with adrenaline and we were on it [Music] the problem with that is though after you get a surge of adrenaline you crash and so after the spotlights we knew we were safe we were all just dragging our feet like ready to set up camp we get the campsite jt is like build a shelter build a fire um everything's wet around us keep in mind it just rained all the branches trees he gives us a flint and steel and says build a fire build a shelter and in the backpack that he gave us there was a couple of pocket knives a little bit of bailing twine and like i said the flint and steel so with those limited supplies we were able to build a lean-to which was not great but it was decent it was decent but the best part of all this was when we went to go start the fire jt is like you're never going to be able to get started this can be an issue like he was he was very convinced that we were not going to start the fire fortunately we found an old steel barrel that uh reminded me of a fire barrel that i have of my cabin and i thought oh you know what this might be perfect tipped it up against the hillside lit our little fire inside of it next thing you know that fire barrel turned into a giant blow torch that thing was ripping jt's like how did you do this like this is the biggest fire we've ever had up here um and then came probably the worst part of the day for me jt told us to memorize a poem called invictus us before we started this this training and i had done a really good job memorizing it so after camp was set up and they're all like we're all tired kind of laying down he's like sparks recite invictus and i was like i look at him and he's like he's got a bag of beef jerky dangling if you get it right you get this bag of beef jerky i haven't eaten anything in 24 hours so i'm like okay so i start going reciting it doing well like remembering how it is i get to the very last verse three lines from the bottom you were almost there it's the very last person he starts a countdown it's like three and when he starts counting down my brain just goes the words just disappeared and so did the jerky that was a sad moment so basically it got to the point where it was my turn to do night watch it was about 4 4 15 alec tags me out i wake up and i'm wide awake and i'm like this everybody's waking up so i start i start just tearing the roof apart i'm like all right let's go let's get up guys let's get moving because nobody's sleeping everybody's just kind of like uncomfortable laying there jt would sound asleep yeah jt but this is like the worst part of the night it's super super cold right so i'm just like get up let's go let's get moving and jt finally wakes up he's like what are you guys doing i'm like let's go he's like guys it's 4 30 in the morning he's like our extraction point is only half a mile away and they're not gonna be there until seven if we leave right now we will get caught because they're still out searching for us so my impatient ass has to sit there and feed the fire talk to the guys everybody starts falling back asleep and i'm just like by myself so i just start wandering through the woods just like trying to entertain myself luckily around 6 15 i finally was like able to like sit down and get maybe another 30 minutes worth of sleep at which point around 6 45 everybody woke up we broke apart camp and we started making our way to the extraction point which is when jt made hunter the leader that's important to know who's gonna get us right all right we just woke up it's like well we woke up at like four and we kind of partied for an hour and then we went back to sleep because nobody could sleep on the hard rocks we chose an awful place to sleep has a couple of great fires though now we gotta make it to the pickup point and hunter is the boss so hunter what's the plan i'm gathering the details now and formulating a plan waking up in places we went to sleep so yeah we didn't go to sleep huh waking up would imply we went to this little did we know we had camped maybe a quarter mile away not even that maybe 500 yards away from the freaking extraction point literally right there so he's like you're going to see a silver truck and a black truck that's your extraction as soon as we roll up we see the silver truck black truck and that was just the biggest feeling of like relief like okay we're not gonna get captured we're not gonna get taken back up the canyon this experience is actually over and what's next food because jt walked up to us and as like we're celebrating getting in the trucks he's like all right guys one more part of the experience we're like oh he's like breakfast and that was probably one of the happiest moments of my life he said what's up pansy davis hey uh the only thing left to do now is celebrate so we're getting in trucks we're going to breakfast i went into this thinking like this is going to be fun this is going to be cool it's going to be scary exciting i didn't even factor in the fact that i was going to learn so many valuable life like and mental lessons but i did jt really helped me learn a few key things number one in order to be a leader which i naturally kind of am i have to learn how to follow so i have to be a follower first in a way that like i can understand what people who are following me are experiencing he also taught me that since i have a very magnetic personality there's a huge responsibility that comes along with that because people are going to follow me and if i lead them off a cliff i got to be prepared to catch them and then the third thing that he taught me that really stands out is be present every time he would talk to me and pull me aside i would like be put my gloves on or i was just like go time ready to go get down the canyon he's like stop fidgeting stop moving put your hands down your side look at me and i'm just like for a guy like me who has really like gnarly add i want to be doing going going going my brain's always going so to stop and smell the roses it's not something i do very often and he taught me like in my notepad that he gave us i wrote be present be present like five times in big bold letters because it's probably the biggest thing i took away from this is like i gotta learn how to like sometimes smell the roses be in the moment rather than thinking about what that next moment is so it was a it was a big takeaway i honestly surprised me that i even learned something that profound so the jt you know there's there's definitely a method to this madness and i learned way more than i ever thought i would you know uh it's overwhelming right you get you get blindfolded zip tied you get driven in the back of a pickup truck for an hour you don't know where you're going you're disoriented with all the anxiety a lot of adrenaline all at the same time so it's almost hard to have a rational thought in that moment what you know is you're being chased by a lot of guys you gotta find some refuge and we did that but it took a lot of coaching and a lot of leadership and teamwork and good good stuff suspenseful moment we had a spotlight on us so if if our captors were able to get a laser on us then they had effectively caught us and they had a spotlight on us on two occasions i mean it was right on us and we were just prone to the ground all the way uh we thought hidden from them but they they didn't see us and we got lucky that was pretty suspenseful you know honestly the thought that's going through my head right now is gratitude that i have a roof over my head and there are people in our armed forces that actually do this in real life and it made me actually think about them a lot so got a lot of gratitude a lot of perspective yesterday last night this morning was awesome it was everything that i was hoping it would be um everything went to plan we were able to to hit the high points that we wanted to we're able to train the things that needed to be trained and everything went great the guys did a great job they were they were high energy they were focused they were resilient and they had this growth mindset where they really genuinely really wanted to learn and they really wanted to grow and uh man it was just it was awesome to be a part of i love cole cole did a phenomenal job one of the things that we wanted to accentuate with cole is to show him how powerful he was and so in order to do that i put him in some situations that were wildly uncomfortable for him and gave him a task that was vital to the success of the operation to not getting caught dave kiley i tell you what you look in that man's eyes and uh you see just love caring and understanding there's not a better human being out there than than dave he is a genuine phenomenal dude with that he uh he had some moments where he uh had a hard time commanding and so what we did is we put him in situations where he had to make some decisions he had to do some hard things he had to command and he learned a lot about active voice having an active voice he learned a lot about command presence as we talked and just really trusting himself and making sure that he can remember and understand and realize his power and his strength as well the the ring leader if there ever was one that man accomplishes more just by sheer willpower and force than anybody i've ever met it was impressive to watch him a man who's so accomplished so brilliant in his own right with so many talents take criticism take instruction and really work hard to internalize on the things that he can do to get better and when i say get better we're talking about one percent better you know we're not talking about making giant leaps hunter american is a young kid just eager to be great he's uh everybody keeps saying about what a great hard worker he is and how intelligent he is and that is an absolute fact and one of the great things about hunter is he still has that that that youthful optimism and is willing to just do whatever it takes in order to accomplish the goal hunter is going to be he's going to be a phenomenal force in this world i was really proud to know hunter he did great do not be surprised if you see every single one of these men do amazing things in the future and i say amazing i'm talking world changing amazing things great team they're a great group they will i just can't say enough great things i i can honestly say the bottom of my heart i've developed a strong love uh brotherly love for these these men they're they're fantastic human beings and i'm just ecstatic to be part of their growth and their learning and their journey jt is a badass uh blackhawk pilot for the utah army national guard this guy has spent a lot of time deployed and a lot of time in combat flying a helicopter that's being shot at so he uh he like he understands what it's like to like thrive in a chaotic situation and so what's cool is we're picking up from him all these lessons that he's learned in literal life or death situations and uh you know i've been friends with this guy for a long time but i didn't realize how good of a leader he was and how damn tough this guy really is so this is a program that the reason we did this is because we have plans to develop this into a bigger program where guys like you watching this can come experience this and we're going to make potentially a new series about this not just this survive and escape type thing but also just getting people like us out and doing really really difficult hard things that you probably would never do otherwise so guys with that said hopefully you enjoyed this this was definitely a different vlog than what we normally do you know we weren't recovering anything we were just recovering ourselves trying to trying to stay alive stay warm and stay safe which we were successfully able to do but i don't think we would have ever been able to do it without jt so big shout out to jt tannenhill and his program above the best and uh stay tuned because there's more of this coming and you guys whether you like it or not are going to be involved so buckle up [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,270,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, instagram, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, Dave Sparks, hot tub, exploring, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, baseball, logan paul, jake paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel, cleetus mcfarland, demolitionranch
Id: gN7MQKALlts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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