This Huge Tree Was Headed To The Wood Chipper Until We Had A Better Idea...

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[Music] so he's got so this is a hell of a way to start the day in order to do our job today we need our excavator and to move the excavator we need our semi i came over to start the semi starters toast for some reason i'm not sure what's going on with it it's sad since we got back from sarah gordo so maybe it's just on strike because we worked it too hard so basically a couple options we can replace the starter that's going to take better part of the day to be able to get one here get it done or we can bump start the semi there's two ways to do that since semi trucks have air brakes you can't just pull them unless you release the brakes but you can't release the brakes until you get air power and you can't get air power until you start the engine so the option number one would be to go through cage all the brakes you put a bolt basically in the brake canister kg brake sucks i don't want anything to do with that option number two pull another truck with air up to it hook the hose from one to the other fill up the tanks on our truck get enough air pressure to fill the suspension release the brakes and then we're gonna bump start it hopefully this is gonna be a big big bump start it'll work trailer want to say we're shifting the full drive lower the post you want you think i should shift it forward level i would say so you want all that too high you know no we're local get out of this [Music] so that was uh that was too easy it's not usually that easy i mean it's not that complicated but that went really well how'd that go hey man check that off the bucket list bump started setting my truck pulling the trailer while i'm pulling a trailer that feels pretty good 550 loved every second of that still smiling [Music] nice i hope you're ready for this i gotta i gotta get out i gotta talk you guys know that a couple months ago i wanted to kind of like bring our youtube audience closer to our truck giveaways because obviously we've been giving away trucks for years um but i wanted to take care of you guys on youtube guess what the first month we did it one of you youtube viewers won odin the white f-450 now that's maybe just like a that's maybe just like a coincidence so we did it again last month yeah you guys broke the site in like 30 minutes like we were completely out of stuff to sell cody from cheyenne wyoming won our giveaway truck last month because he joined the subscription club so guys here's the deal the subscription box that we've created basically solved one of mine and our customers biggest frustrations and that's when you don't win a truck you lose all your entries and we're like no no we don't like that idea what we want to do if you buy a subscription box this month and you've got your entries what is it like 50 entries or something like that but then you don't win the truck the end of the month i don't want you to have to start over with zero entries next month what i want you to do is be able to keep some of your previous month's entries so what happens if you're on subscription box uh for one month bam 50 entries let's say you don't win the truck that's all right next month if you're still on bam we're going to give you 75 entries instead of the original 50. so it's compounding by 25 every single month so if you stay on for three months guess what you got a hundred entries just for one for one month purchase guys this is a big freaking deal this goes all the way up to 300 entries so your odds just keep getting better and better and better so it's like you know rollover minutes back in the day when you have like 100 minutes on your phone and you're like i only use 77 of them and 18t was well guess what bam here's 23 more so next month's got 123. we're kind of doing that it's not exactly a rollover program but it's just as good guys this is a big deal i need you to keep winning these trucks because honestly i'm loving rubbing it in everybody's faces right now so do me a favor heavy 20 at check out make it happen and enjoy yourself a brand new denali [Music] so [Music] i've heard rumor that there's big tree here on hans property that has potential falling and causing a lot of damage so what we would like to try and do is preserve the tree take it from its original habitat here and put it in a new nice home where it can grow and thrive and be the tree it's supposed to be yet at the same time not endangering the neighbors pluck tree out plant it somewhere else that's the uh simple version we just look somehow your truck just always looks better every time i see it man this is the pine tree hands i think it's actually a bush looking at it yeah it looks like it's a good size down to the base and then it kind of branches out does something weird somebody beat it hard it's cool that it branches out so low dave thinks he can transplant it i don't know did you show a little bit of picture of this tree i've sent these 48 pictures i would build a house around this tree i would have a table that comes around through each branch so that kind of grows through your kitchen assembly and you have a tree trunk as the main feature of your house and then it branches out into the rest i would take this cutter right in half lay the top half right here on the yard saw it up into little pieces and haul it away we made it man that was a process it's normally not that complicated but we're here and we're getting unloaded guys welcome back to the vlog today we're doing some tree trimming we are at uh old pigeon toe or got a kid dynamite i don't think we have a nickname for you right right the pigeon pill that's uh kid dynamite kid dynamite yes we're a kid dynamite's rental property in ogden utah which by the way utah people ogden does not get enough like love everybody dogs on ogden i love it like i didn't i just feel at home a lot of my family's from all again i just i just love it here so anyways hans has this rental property here and um he has this massive tree in the front yard which is starting to cause problems of trees and i hate hate hate to see big old growth trees just get cut down and chipped up so that was the original plant we thought about maybe moving the whole thing but then we started looking at it and it looks like the tree is already dying in some areas by the time we tried to transplant it with all the hot weather and shortage of water and everything was going on right now i don't know if it's able to be transplanted so we're gonna cut it we're gonna obviously trim the whole top off and get rid of all that but we're gonna save we're basically gonna save from right there to like right there and we're gonna use that section as a treehouse base so we've got anton from bc timbers here you guys know him he did all the chamber work on my house he's like my go-to timber guy so basically we're going to do what we can to save from there to about there and then all these branches and stuff that are coming off will be used to support the treehouse with it being my tree on my property the best thing i want us you know the thing i want to see done with it is it torn down as safely as possible i'm watching him drop bombs from like 70 feet up just big old right here bombs just dropping bombs from 70 feet up not worrying about my roof really freaking me out can i have some of your wheel trucks uh yeah for a price um i would sell all this woods diesel day for wheel chocks that's what i do how much how much for a wheel truck [Music] you're gonna cut it to the angles you need i was hoping you would do that for me because i'm buying a wheel truck from you yeah 20 bucks done cut some little trucks by hand it's only 20 bucks you might want to sign up swipe up [Music] and then when i got down to the bottom i'd make a canoe for me and yeah yeah i love hands canoes christmas lights oh yeah dynamite kid has come up with an idea like a canoe that's what i'm happy about and needs a nickname you guys chose pigeon but we also have dynamite kid you know kid dynamite excuse me so right now i want you to vote pigeon kid dynamite is there any others put it in there there any others no those are the two i want to stick with pictures because you're explosive you're keep that in my ear yeah i got the fireworks you're right like a stick of dynamite or do you want to be old but yep [Music] i got the old chainsaw started and i've been able to make about one cut so far you made it cut and you threw it in there shut it off so tree's coming down way faster than we expected it to nice thing is all these branches are like flat again i don't know exactly what type of species of tree this is but it's taking up way less space because the branches are flat so we don't need red to chipper we're going to grab a chipper but i think it's all going to fit like this [Music] i don't know that pine cone is like rock solid all of them are like that hey see these weird-ass pine cones that's a softball [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh sounds just like kansas rape whistle [Music] why am i the always the one blowing the rape whistle i think we better call it a predator whistle though because rape's not it's not the laughing matters [Music] pw predator whistle i like it predator whistle call coyote call this your first day on the job then uh we've done a few of these but every time we've done one it's turned out pretty bad so this is actually no dude i'm just being sarcastic that was nothing but skill dude you know any of these bad chickens i brought down dude over the years i come from a long family of timber fellers all right yeah i know the word you let the pine or the spruce or whatever sap seep into your veins and then you just go crazy on it dude it's the driver that thing's almost killed you more time than it saved your life i promise you that yeah i've seen that thing almost [ __ ] you straight down the road the theme of i hate sap the theme of this vlog and probably the next one is basically going to be doing chores this is the stuff that we got to do to get our own like things in order before we can leave town for the fourth of july so you're gonna see us doing this which we're gonna turn into an awesome tree house uh then next video we're gonna go up and check on the cows we got a bunch of cows up in the mountains here and uh i just got word that they're not getting any water basically the water got diverted by beaver dam so we gotta take the sani up to the mountain we gotta round up a bunch of loose cows it's gonna be wild so i like to take the vlogs and kind of clump them into series like serogordo is a four-part series or five part uh four or five can remember um we did a bunch of recoveries in a row and so now how many how many was a cereal girl that's gonna bug me four four part series so now you see a two maybe three part series of us doing actual work that we have to do like chores so but we're gonna make it entertaining we're gonna show you the process along the way [Music] [Music] hey we did it no broken utility lines no broken concrete no broken trucks no broken equipment no broken skulls i went really well and now we have that beautiful tree trunk to take down to my house and bury as the foundation for my kids uh tree house i'm pretty stoked on that in fact i think uh i wasn't really planning on doing that in this video but i think we're gonna go ahead and head down there and get that thing buried and then play so that anton can start working on uh building the house see what happened to my pile of christmas ornaments you know i have a pile full of this oh i think i think they what the what my my christmas hormones guys do you think we get the kenworth started again oh forgot about that at least i parked on the downhill that's that's as long as we got enough air to release the brakes we'll be good otherwise we're going to get an air compressor i want to see if we get this camera started yeah now uh now the real test i mean yes i forgot but at the same time i was planning on shutting it off anyways i don't want to leave it running all day because i was planning on just bomb starting it luckily i remember to park on a hill actually i didn't remember that just happened to happen so truth of the matter is i completely forgot that the starter was not working but i got pretty good luck and i happen to be parked on a hill what i'm really hoping right now though is that the air brakes have basically still enough pressure in the tanks to release and then hopefully this hill is enough this hill should be good what you're going to jump it in uh i jumped it in fourth back at the shop so probably try forth again let me the fourth be with you nice nice here we go or maybe it'll just start how about that what do you say baby what do you say aha the starter's super finicky on this thing but once you get it started good so i mean i don't have to bump start it but i do need to put a starter in soon because i don't think it's going to give me very many more of those [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a transparent [Music] [Music] so this is my backyard as you can see the front yard has been landscaped the backyard only a small portion has the bigger project is this area that you're looking at basically from the rock wall down there all the way to the top is i mean it's a it's a big project and i want to build a pool and i don't want to build a pool in this market right now i'm gonna let things calm down a little bit just because i know i'll get i'll get too frustrated so basically this uh treehouse is going to be the first major landscaping item here in the backyard and i think it's going to go right here this is going to be the kids playground this is like a little second little level um above where the pool's going to go and it's a perfect little spot kind of fills the rock wall in a little bit um and tons of room for the kids to play so that's where it's going to go we're going to get the tree in there and then figure out how far we want to take this thing but anton i mean the tree house is going to be done this year no matter what um because we don't have to have a landscaping done to do that but uh this backyard is gonna be pretty wild i wanna bring you guys along for the journey um we're probably gonna build like a lazy river um water slides a little cliff jumping area so that's why i'm saying the pool is like a it's a very intense project that takes the right contractors and the right guys and i'm not going to rush into it pool will have a ton of timber work from anton the whole backyard is going to have timbers and rocks and all kinds of stuff that anton does best so what do you think about right there buddy i think that's where she wanted right there yep could have a bridge off the rocks and that's what i was thinking i wanted to do like a little rope drawbridge up to the rocks once we get it going could have a zip line down into there somewhere the pool would be cool because the pool's gonna be right there so where it's sitting yeah the pool's gonna sit kind of where that whole area over there so if we put it right here this part of the rock wall is pretty much done [Music] forward david [Music] middle of the night [Music] hey in fact i'll bet if we rested it right here in this corner dude a little bit that's so awesome that's awesome see this this is way cooler than i even envisioned it to be it's big dude big we're obviously we're gonna end up cutting like up to maybe two feet off the top to be able to make everything level but i love how we've got those upright branches and sports and we'll have to that'll just allow us to run less you know main legs down so we think awesome dude [Music] this guy right there [Applause] that's cool i'm i'm like oh hi hi so you have any idea what we're doing with this thing are you doing a treehouse some sort of something right i'll let him answer your questions i'll ask the questions okay great you know where we got the tree so uh i didn't tell ashley this was happening um that's the thing about ash she she's very fun to surprise she never gets upset like she would never come back and be like oh i wanted a green tree or a blue tree just whatever we're doing she loved so that was uh i was excited to see that reaction and the kids obviously are pretty excited too it's funny because anytime i do something for the kids it seems like ashley gets more excited than the kids do why am i more excited than the children it is i like it or at least she shows it better but kids are gonna love this thing this is this is perfect now this is going to trigger me to want to finish the backyard like i said i've been avoiding doing that because i just think it's stupid to pay the current construction rates but we're going to do something i might i was actually thinking about possibly doing like a temporary pool back here just for the rest of the summer and then starting the real pool either this fall or early spring when things slow down a little bit so maybe grab some of that cool astro turf and like the football fields roll it out here do like an above ground pool i've been working my whole life you see i grew up dirt poor like a pool was never even in like never a possibility for my family so as i was growing up i thought one day i'm gonna have a pool and it's gonna be the coolest pool around so it's gonna have a lazy river and it's gonna be awesome so that's that's that's why i work so hard that's literally why i work so hard so my name is antone berbich and we are timber framers and i'm bailey burbridge i'm his daughter i just do whatever he says so the company that we that we run and and own is a timber framing business timber framing is the art of putting big timber beams together with square holes and pegs so we have done a ton of stuff for dave sparks his house his gate inside his house stuff at the shop we're always doing fun stuff so we got this last year it's a 2020 f-450 ford and um the whole idea the name on the truck is the timber slayer and the whole idea is to look like uh we know what we're doing when we're going down the road so we had to put the pa the patriot uh patriotic flag incorporated in the logo so if you see the wood grain on the flag um obviously the stars and and stripes and then our logo in the back makes the truck come on so we like most about this truck the wheels look at those the lug nuts dude look at those lugs look at the flag that's what we like most about no we like the flag we like that it's a ford ford is making one of the top trucks right now every every piece of machinery we have we've got a flag on the logo right dude yeah everywhere and why is that because we're freaking patriotic america yeah america right yeah dave is gonna start oh otherwise we're gonna be doing a oh this would be a terrible spot for not start a reverse bump start not really ideal come on baby yeah baby i'll count that at the left yeah that probably is the last start she's gonna give us there you have it guys we are set ready for anton to start uh coming up with his crazy tree house ideas basically uh what we got done today was obviously cut down the tree hands place got it set up here where we need it and then i'm gonna bring some concrete up next week and pour the pad so that it's got a nice foundation and from there he's gonna draw up some plants and the thing about this tree house is it's gonna be probably a multi-stage deal where we start with one and then once we start finishing the rest of the backyard then we'll need a zipline going to another one and then as they plan to another one so uh you're working on one right now that has like four different houses right yeah we're working one in uh salt lake dude it's got like four different huts so it's gonna be sick anton's gonna be covering this build on his youtube channel and he's gonna show like the nitty-gritty like how they actually do this stuff like the actual timber work that goes into this whereas i'm going to show you the overall process so go subscribe to his channel link is in the description below head over there give them a subscribe a subscription subscription subscribe description give them a sub a like follow a like a comment whatever it is whatever gift you want to give them yeah go give them give them a gift if you have a gift to give send me some gifts po box wait a minute dude wait a minute that's a popular thing you know that right like influencers set up po boxes and then they give them to people and then people send stuff to them and then they open them kind of crazy anyways guys i hope you enjoyed um i do want you to drop in the comments below what you would have done with that treat now that you saw it up at the hands this place and the way it was it was kind of a menace to the house there would you just cut it down and chipped it up throw it away would you do what we did use the base for a cool tree house would you try to transplant the whole tree let me know also if you know what kind of tree that is just based off the video drop in the comments below i thought we figured out it's bruce willis that's great they die hard they die hard man yeah we've been making some real inside jokes today you guys is that a dad that's outside now that's like a that's like a triple that joke yeah it's like a deep dab joke anyways guys i hope you enjoyed and uh next episode or over the next couple episodes you're gonna see as he draws up some plans and we start building this bad boy and uh i think the person who's gonna be most excited about it is flip the camera around that young lady right there i am i can't wait you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 1,120,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, vlogger, instagram, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, hot tub, exploring, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, baseball, logan paul, jake paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel, freedom500, freedomfactory, racing, cleetusmcfarland, top gear, hilux, testing
Id: jBiWJiJFBts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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