We Explorer A Famous Actor’s Abandoned Mansion!!

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well all the stuff that's suitcase a couple days as vertical of the Queen on the table anymore [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now we've come to have a look brand abandon match which was once owned by celebrity I can't say which celebrity it was because it gives a location way sadly but we're here we're going to go find a way in and hopefully this one is going to be a good one we've heard that there's quite a lot of stuff left behind so let's go and check it out and see what's in there hi guys this guy's taking it round this house think we'll start on the ground floor first thought out cigars in there then but it's not he looks like gaining some salt so it looks like we've got the main lounge just free here oh this is pretty cool this is obviously children that were growing up in the house and they were actually marks the heights look how much stuff is in a look at the life oh my god literally all the books are still there some of these books are really old to 1966 1956 1950s somebody's take back I'll in that's a god hell drums is where they're pretty cool they look original T jeffers have really nice stones there too there's an amethyst fool's gold I'm not sure what that's supposed to be some kind of a dragon some sort it's pretty cool though it was small books there I've just noticed there's some car plaques up there from like events 2008 2007 2005 haven't got up to 2009 actually looking around the room I've just notice there's a quiet it's quite a few of them I'll tell just knows Tilly that fireplace there it's identical to that fireplace there it's like a mirror image and you've also got the pillar just there which again is the same yeah it's almost like a his-and-hers lounge in it like that could have been his one over there with all the drinks and the cigars and stuff on the sides and this could have possibly been her side Wow never seen that before that's what the curtains falling down there yeah actually looks like it has the house is actually subsided you can see there's a huge crack going around the side there and even on the floor as well just notice the floor here yeah look it's got a huge crack running all the way long almost like this half of house is like dropping into the ground which is a little bit worrying if I'm honest while I'm standing on it I'm sure it's not gonna fall down pretty cool it man nice beard so we got on this side got some nice little drawings you know on the floor and it's like a little Pikachu there what's that oh wow that's actually a model of the lounge that we're in so forget just here if I do that you can see it is so identical apart from the furniture missing wow that's pretty cool Mount Kenya all these little showers on here as well there the crab skulls I'm not sure where she cooled that crap skull somewhere great a fossils Hedgehog so yeah look some more of these um Awards up here so you normally get these when you actually take a part in the rally a lot of these look as if they were abroad kaga huge CD collection now though I could see Tina Turner on the floor Jesus lives we're gonna go smoke cassette tapes as well Supertramp quality album the Eagles one of my favorites that is Wow look at these sort of stuff in here it's really old cobwebs as well blow me I'll have a huge crack there as well we still got some alcohol in that bowl there stuffable chimney they're probably birds nesting you see the old cigars just there on the father but especially how small this place so leaving the main lounge we've now got a small seating area just there on the left-hand side another old board game there some dominoes never cool it fireplace it's like that's where the water softener was kept which is still in there got some big spiders on the curtains as you'd expect from an abandoned property like this we've got a little toilet was thinking he squeezed fruit yeah sounds a small toilet just the name of her crushes on the side swash and basin in there but too sure on the color on that one it's them but we know the taste cool Shambala cool a chandelier it's cooler well it's definitely not chandelier it's pretty cool so let's take a look in here first this possibly could have been a dining area you can almost picture the table right here in the middle of the room it's pretty cool let me show you that one really old we got in there is a hot water cylinder in there this is an interesting little thing serious that's where I kept the locks okay so we've got a young like that someone we've got a kitchen here which we've got a little larger room here which again is going everything getting still cut all those bottles are still full up but a kitchen appears to have everything in it still Wow quite literally everything come on we saw last possibly quite old I've been used for years with dust on them the cobwebs I'm sure I had the tap dripping just as well just wonder whether the water may still be on tennis racket that's pre old so we've got a little utility room here still got some bits hanging up on the hooks and what clear wasn't here oh well it's like a little workshop by 247 to 1952 leadership in lubrication shell that's pretty cool so is all this in here this must have been like I said he's a little workshop some pretty old tools in here as well everyone's got this kind of thing that stays in there never gets used more shells in there I'm guessing I collected like fossils and stones and things like that we like that I do like me off planes right so what else have we got down here okay so leaving the kitchen area we've got one more big room on the ground floor which again another lounge area a seating area still got some pretty cool chairs in here these glasses as well that's interesting Shaymin is like they've been broken there's a Stein which has been cut in half and unpolished oh my god Jesus it's always a spoiler to do those always boys that bother me too much yeah there's on my face down to stamp in Soria mmm not sure what it is just one on the bottom as well normally there is yeah I've got the same one on the bottom as well it's got a number w11 5-1 whatever that means I'm guessing they're quite valuable cuz they look really old I'm said there's two of them there's a pair of them and looks if he's got a matching dish and then like a train Bowl that one you know I almost didn't see those coppers to kind of blend in with the rest of the room again we've got more stuff in here that wouldn't pop like oh yeah good in place as well Wow yeah please Wow again it looks really older have a massive diamond do something there there crystal oh they say um it's for a bottle isn't it for a champagne bottle or something you put it it's off of it we found it it's all teapot here some of these were actually silver-plated oh well what's a universal well that's interesting oh it's actually a kettle I said she got Park on the back of it that's really old or is it a coffee yeah it's a coffee brewer that you're getting probably really valuable but just lifting a cupboard in an abandoned house it's also in bars it judging by the huge crack on the other side I imagine they'll probably just pull this place down so now I just noticed that as soon as we started a new town there's not a huge spider up there these are like your common house spiders but some get really big like almost fit in the palm of your hand without a problem right so time to go upstairs that's all of the ground floor down staircase I'm getting the feeling this house is actually quite old it must think back to the 50s 60s maybe maybe it's older don't know Oh God as I was just a hobby I was suitcase Italy but I can't show you the tag because the the address send the guy's name is actually on that so obviously this car was actually a celebrity so I can't tell you who it was Wow that main bathroom Oh avocado green quite commonly some of these old places that's a pretty cool there are paints work on those ones I so know be apply it we've got another whelmed system up here it looks as if this this actual area could have been alarmed which is quite interesting hmm okay so we've got Wow I don't know walk-in wardrobe maybe a little secret room in the back has all heaters Wow hmm spare light bulbs spiders this one's got a few bits and pieces in bedding towels pillows carpets so we've got Timmy's room here what sure he'll Tim if he was Oh God what part seeing this falling down in it looks like this would be careful of that potentially an asbestos ceiling as well due to the age of the property we just start to take AI over there sooner or later this window slowly disappear it stinks in here isn't it yes we get out I check out the other side okay so leave on that what's gonna call it the main bedroom but I don't know yeah oh my god let the clothes business diffic still got clothes in it this is pretty cool god I wonder if they were in there for him catchy like a triple st. from the roof there is some water damage in there oh yeah [Laughter] there's no Kabul storage tank up in there fish on the border copper fish possibly yeah I'm looking at every one of these rooms it's got a lock in the door yeah do not disturb so yeah you could be Roy actually Wow okay so we've got a small bedroom here again we've got another flag up now I'm guessing no me a guy who used to live here did a bit of travelling probably yeah thanks there's an album here for all postcards there that's not a shame there are some of the places that you can see its photo however there's no photos in there first card there oh my God look at this that's the Queen and the Duke you know yeah that's actually a photograph of the Queen and the Duke blow me he's amazing oh my god wow this is quite a big room sadly does not match you know well that's a pretty cool little table your picture of Ireland in it sighs anything gonna cupboard oh there's some bedding in there nothing too interesting though interestingly there is no one suite in this room so yeah yeah it's nicer so we've got couple more rooms down here see this one's got a long suite hmm pretty cool tiles what's the most detail in them oh this spiders everywhere do you know what they're for don't people that actually realize but I wish you for washing your bum god this room it's quite earring it's almost as if like someone was still staying here best perfectly made part from the big stain on it not sure what those yes cool that's nicer that's quite old so 1775 plumbing creaky that's all if that is the date when he was mind laughing that's pretty much upstairs then guys small little Ramiro I miss the time as anything new or not oh there is surprising me oh wow look at that there's a photograph here I wonder if that was his car I don't even know what that is it's got all the old earn badges on the front of it there's an old a a badge oh I can see Wow this is in there there's a lot of old photographs here look there's actually a photograph of someone being married but don't think they're related to the family at all but the car is actually behind them in the photograph well I think it's a really cool car right I'll just shut the door up just notice some more cracks on the wall here all the way around actually it starts from there it goes right up and then back down on the other side all the way down there yeah forgetting like the whole side of this house there's almost sinking into the ground that's quite a worrying even here little missed that earlier I mean whoever buys this property is probably gonna have to pull it down unfortunately which is your shame all right let's get back downstairs oh well it goes I think we are pretty much done in this house now well guys I hope you enjoyed that video please like and subscribe please go and check out the Instagram which is to be the Explorer under school and we will see you on the next Explorer soon
Channel: The Bearded Explorer
Views: 221,799
Rating: 4.7879314 out of 5
Id: R023fxQYHSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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