I Found Some absolutely Incredible Things Left At This Abandoned Mansion!!!

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oh my God look at this wow there's a Bentley as a lotus oh my god that is absolutely massive [Music] that's pretty cool man that's really expensive as well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel and welcome to the brand-new video social new to my channel please subscribe I upload a new video every single week from abandoned mansions to car collections to virtually anything you can think of so today I've come to have a look around another mansion I've been told that there are some very expensive cars left of this one and also everything has been left in the house so let's go and try and find a way in and see what we can find oh my God look at this we've got an Alfa Romeo a Vauxhall Vectra a lotus oh my god a Vauxhall Astra a Chevrolet and the Lexus these have all been abandoned oh yes 250 oh my god there's a frickin Bentley wow look at this it's a turbo as well oh my god this is unbelievable wow look all the shrubbery growing up in inside how in the office I've found a way into that car he's gone through the bottom on a duel oh my god this is unbelievable Wow okay so here's the main house I like the front doors wide open let's go check it out okay Wow oh dear what Shang what a terrible shame really annoys me when people do this okay so we'll start on the ground floor first so the first sign that this property has been empty for a long time is that the ceiling has completely collapsed in this first room there's still a lot of stuff in here like everything is still here I cannot believe the graffiti in here and the destruction there's somebody's caused hearing me all these priceless antiques on the floor just smashed to pieces spray paint all over the piano then this furniture this furniture is so expensive and has just been vandalized it it's absolutely disgraceful it really is look at this huge cobweb which is hanging from the ceiling I love a sign those property's been empty for a long time I just cannot understand what people would want to do this I really can't look at the old mobile phone there Wow I'll whatever this telescope that's pretty cool I mean that's really expensive as well and again look all this coming through the window oh dear why go into the next room Oh Deary me so again we can see the black mold on the wall up here where there's been water coming through oh it just saddens me it really does there's no need for it there is absolutely no need for this whatsoever Jeremy look it's such a shame it really is at least one of them survived well how beautiful was there okay well there's some press on we'll go and check out the rest of the ground-floor often these two staircases in this house we've got one here and I believe there is another one just up here I had Isis took all the ornaments in there again I think they have been saved I thought that was pretty creepy see the spider they're making a web as well with an X through it okay so that's fresh so this door here is the other room that I was in a minute ago and we've got a downstairs toilet here the decoration is quite nice and any marble work Stoppers well again we've got water damage coming through the ceiling here and this huge spider web just hanging in the middle of the corridor so this looks like a utility room we've got a couple of washing machines in there tumble dryer see the water damage again look at the shelf love all this stuff in here is ready to collapse if you look up here you can see again the ceilings falling down I'm actually standing on the other moment okay so here's the second staircase I've got a look TV screen there possibly for the CCTV system which is installed in this property doesn't work anymore obviously oh wow god I never ceiling down in it that is huge fridge in here and we've actually got some tins of dog food down there as well still in the packet shipping they're past their sell-by date there's quite a lot of food in here actually if we can get that you want some of it oh I don't touch that one well 2014 here no we've got electrical bits in there okay so 2014 I'll keep an eye out for more dates okay so this is probably the main kitchen and again everything is here even the frying pans are still on the cooker and there's even bits of food still in the tray cool a couple more jars here which are honey there I can't see a day one that one oh 2016 okay so that's a bit newer so that makes it roughly about four years old mobile phone Motorola never find never like that okay so I think we've got one more room down on the ground floor and again we've got more water damage in this room ceilings coming down looks like the recipes ready to come down as well oh wow look ps2 graph to avoid see that is absolutely brilliant game one of my favourites for the ps2 well it's got a cool room actually I can everywhere you look there's water damage you see the floors or pops up in the corner cinnamons bags I just noticed there's a huge amount of bags in the corner oh my god Pierce - we've got loads of ps2 games and their DVDs Wow there's loads of stuff in there Only Fools and Horses blimey right let's go check out upstairs now I think we use this staircase here you see the wallpapers just peeled off the wall here obviously where the water's coming through a little peek outside well you see all the cars out there there's actually seven cars here well she forgot the Lotus there and then the Bentley is obviously wearing a corner okay so first floor the first thing we come across is a box with loads of keys in oh wow room 27 that's interesting again we've got more water damage at this corridor black mold on the walls ceiling on the floor and she looks like a lot of these rooms I've got them locks on the door which is interesting look at this one Wow everything is still here all the clothes hanging up well I love a jacket it's like rock solid God well as pair sunglasses got some letters there but I'm gonna have to try and avoid putting a camera on those Wow look at this garden this garden it's absolutely beautiful I cannot believe how much stuff is here it's almost like the people just sort of garden left we've got an ensuite in here and again it doesn't disappoint everything is still here even the toothbrushes even its whose brushes are still in the pot and there's toothpaste as well oh look at that that's disgusting okay so a couple of these rooms are actually still locked we can't get in I'm not gonna force the doors and break anything so unfortunately we just have to walk past house ones but hey I'm guessing this was probably the master bedroom in fact I definitely said this is the master picture making it the size of that TV oh my god that is absolutely massive that's gotta be like oh I don't know it's absolutely huge it's about half the size of my car wow that's pretty cool sadly some was pulled off the wall but it was like a hidden bookcase probably trying to find and valuables and things that have been locked away wow look at this on suede it's such a shame that it's been ruined but quite a spectacular bath you know me I cannot believe how much stuff is still here it's ridiculous there's a lot of medication around on the fuel I still can't get over that TV that's absolutely huge saving me it's nice there's a door here it's locked strange okay let's continue okay so we've got another bathroom here quite like the tiles in this one well I would like to change any of the pot work on that bath there's ever a leak on the feed pipe that would be an absolute nightmare to get to Wow look at this I've got one two three full pressurized cylinders Oh God wow that is some system I bet that wasn't she to prune okay some don't check out the rest of the rooms here so we've got another room here which is full of books and clothes so I'm guessing this was like a like a storeroom maybe obviously when I did their ironing National Geographic collection okay so I think we've got two more rooms on this floor and then I think we've got a another staircase that we're gonna have a look up as well Wow I'll bet you anything it's not any no no someone's taking it doesn't surprise me God all this so we've got some cards here what are these deck master magic hmm I know the old Pokemon cards are quite collectible some of them are absolutely ridiculous money yes we've got evidence of forced entry I mean that could just be people coming in here to so you know try and steal stuff but again it just doesn't make sense why everything is still here I almost get the feeling that maybe they were forced out of their house maybe I don't know I'll have your HiFi there Wow we obviously there's a lot of reasons why this place it's been left like this and some people with a lot of money to actually run into problems and the taxman comes and tells them that they owe them you know thousands of thousands of pounds and then sadly some people have to actually give up their homes you know X I can't afford to pay the bills other cases they've got more property so they literally just walk away from one carry on living on their other you know this there's two so many stories behind these these mansions which have been left ok so we're on the top floor now Wow look at this I fancied it was shower get one will peek out the window here you see all the cars down there absolutely crazy Oh doing me that's not very easy okay so we've got one more small bedroom here again everything you've still here Wow look at this or a beautiful garden just little notepad just notice it think the right way did the right thing leave the right way I wish some of these other people would take that advice Wow look at these cobwebs in here oh we just don't want powder on here our lights are not working in that one well this looks like a little chill room some salt it's quite cool actually are they wearing - their Pokemon that's a DVDs oh my god it's a Furby who remembers these my sister used to have one apps used to know the hell out of me okay guys so we're back downstairs now if I'm gonna go check out the garden and I did see I think it was like a jacuzzi with something from one of the windows so we're gonna check that out and then I think were pretty much fun okay so we ran a garden guys I've just come down to have a look at this little building here just to see what it is let's cross is so long well it's actually like a little a moat there cause like he would have go straight down there okay so this is just a seating area got a nice size it's got the old heaters well it could be just likes actually ahahaha face hiding away in the corner it's a jacuzzi oh wow so he's the door slot so we can't get anyway to be just there wow that's amazing how lucky is that we've got another getting no there sadly assault locked up I can't get in there today white guys has time to make a move I hope you enjoyed the video in the location please like and subscribe and please go and check out the Instagram which is the beard Explorer under school and also go and check out the Facebook page like always I put all the pictures on there and then turn the best on Instagram and I'll see you on the next Explorer soon
Channel: The Bearded Explorer
Views: 294,084
Rating: 4.8878727 out of 5
Id: s9d6TpiCbIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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