REAL LIFE BARN FIND! - Japanese Legendary Cars Edition!

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White on yellow looks so nice;)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Brad____H 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
i don't think you guys are ready for this barnyard find um i have no words but i think the best way to start this video is to just start showing you so welcome to today's video i'm here with a friend called john he's a british guy that lives here in yokohama japan he's a rad guy he loves his jzx's i do and um behind this gate what have you done what have we done all right prepare for f's and chat boys help me with this thing how does this thing open oh boy this is seriously like like four is the horizon barnyard finds here man something for everybody in this there literally is everything um i'm going to start with the first thing that's here uh what is this like a little it's on tease too it's a little this is rawhub my friend this is his daily driver daily this does not look like a daily driver is it open there's mold growing all over the seat dude it was a daily driver until about a week ago maybe a week ago and look at that oh what is he doing oh my gosh this thing's cool some s15 bumpers that's awesome it's like a treasure chest dude this thing is sick i'm ain't gonna lie i actually love this thing it's got a cage yeah so one thing about japan is it gets really humid here so things will like get mold on them very quickly if there's any moisture in there oh really that's pretty cool yeah so this would be called like a honda jazz in australia what is it here a fit okay so there you go little time attack kind of daily car grip car is that what he would call it you would call it that kind of car that kind of car that car all sorts happens with this car um and then over here is some van that's full of something spare wheels tires doors some truck under a top is that a noah that looks like a noah very cool i think you guys are gonna be more interested in stuff like this and as you can see it goes on and on up the back there um so turo v chaser manual factory manual that's actually rare yeah some nice some nice cranes all right that's pretty decent oh dude i love these things a little like handbrake extension yeah because you gotta take this out to get leverage so they normally do that very cool power fc as well oh yeah this thing's ready to party diff and everything and this thing is this thing for sale it is for sale there you go well i'll give you some details there'll be some info in the description as well if you guys want to pick up any of these cars that are available for purchase that are here there are some that are obviously personally owned um by either john or so keep moving through here we have it's js at x100 as well this looks like a tourer as well this thing's pretty clean are we on wheels still it's going to be auto yeah manual a manual that's cool yeah it's good seeing a lot of these auto ones getting picked up and switched to manual this thing looks like a beast this looks like my kind of car man it looks like your car it does it's just got too many doors i actually prefer the pink though dude i think you should rock that a bit more you've got it on your s15 already yeah it's true that's what i was thinking about this thing's rough though oh well i mean it's not rough like it's just drift spec it's absolutely rough it is rough okay dude i like it cage okay the rear door doesn't open i'll close that again but this thing's sick all stripped out caged ready for some party party time used to be an auto by the looks of that cluster very nice but there is one thing hang on what is with this trans tunnel there can't be an rb25 transmission in that that's weird just doesn't sit right up no now i'm peaked because that kind of looked like an r154 shut up okay this thing would be fun dude it's so wrong seeing intake on that side and exhaust on this side i don't hate it though it'd be really reliable drift car how much you want for this buck fiddy somewhere around there man it's a little bit this thing's cool it is that would be like a perfect like skyline enthusiast driftman solid obviously for sure i'd be down for that yeah yeah that's what i mean that's what i mean like a reliable ebisu car because it just wouldn't die and parts for them like dips and stuff are cheaper dude this thing nice zinky australian customer let's go into sydney sydney sydney that's kind of cool this thing it's been stacked around ten years got five five five injectors it's got turbo manifold differential closed mission wow that's pretty cool but it does look like it's been in the uh yeah it looks like it's been sitting there for a long time wouldn't have thought this was an auction less than a month ago less than a month ago you picked this up picked up from uss tokyo so this obviously was like just sitting outside somewhere before it went to auction it's been sat in someone's yard for about 10-12 years if you look the last time this car takes a shot that yeah that's literally like 21 so this would have been 11 years ago yeah august 11 years ago this was last on the road that's cool but that's when all those like really cool rare collector parts and stuff were around that's right dude this place is such a barnyard it's a pretty cool looking you know see a roadster these used to sell for so cheap yo it's got the nadi shifter and the nadi wheel or wood grain that's actually super legit very cool and look at this looks like the soft top hasn't got a hole in it that's actually kind of super rare very cool i need to get myself one of these over here another jzx yo what are these headlights this super weird trippy looking gatling gun headlights yeah popular upgrade that's fine knives yeah i remember seeing like a couple in up garage that was smashed up but they still wanted a lot of money for them and i was curious what they were someone put halo rings on these ones yeah it's definitely an interesting look it kind of reminds me of like the uh what was that nissan car that they did that kind of stuff with a lot the one that they stole the throttle body off a lot oh now i got a the 80 mil throttle body ah now i can't remember it's killing me all right anyways jesuit x90 you know i could never get behind the what's 90s eh don't know just the twin turbo non vvti more of a comfortable zone when you start using them for you oh really this thing's cool it's clean though definitely looks like it used to be an old granddad's car or something pretty much all of these cars were originally used for that right something about this one what you haven't noticed notice what take a walk around it come on summit it was easy for you what it's hang on a second whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa yeah no this is the jzx90 yo no because i remember walking up from the rear and i was like oh maybe i was just confused for a second thinking maybe that 90 was further back or something dude that's cool i've never seen a 90 with a 100 front weird huh yeah it looks so good though definitely reminds me of my 33.4 that's totally something i should get i want something like this i think it's definitely vegemite yeah aren't you more of a pro mic guy coming from england more of a cup of tea and biscuits kind of guy hey speaking of what's the time tea time yet oh man this is bad that's cool i love that very different it's kind of cool customer's car dude it's so weird seeing a jzx hood and it come up and it's a non-vvt-i twin turbo very cool i love that that's sick yeah so bizarre yeah yeah yeah yeah no it does it's so good i kind of really dig it i like it i like it a lot it makes it look like way wider in the front and the rear with it too with the fenders yeah i dig that a lot so cool a minute ago maybe you're converted now well only because of the chaser front end you know i mean i definitely have to replace that with a vvti motor twins are sketchy dude this thing's cool kaldina is this the all-wheel drive one i'm not sure this is one of rod hub's cars though so toyota made one of these uh a model yeah i think this is yeah it's all-wheel drive and uh i think this one is it because it's the gt model it's an all it was like a pretty much a competitor for the um what was it like they were toyota made these essentially to like you know compete against subarus and things like that four cylinders beams motor but turbo and all-wheel drive kinda like the gt4 seleca very cool car yo i don't see this many of these anymore what is this thing just like a drift missile waiting tempting actually one board accidentally that happens at the auctions we know about that this one's still here from previous videos yeah if you guys remember you probably saw this video going around on facebook this one a bit viral this is a genuine tm evo what were they they are genuine 218 made yeah adamel's these just picked one up yeah this is pretty much the same model which what did they call them like essentially like a five and a half or six and a half six point five six point five tommy mac yeah and then they made the tommy mac rs edition which is the rarest one you can get um however they're still selling the the red edition tommy mackin and evo's for more money but okay i'm not too sure that's confusing yeah this is the the rally edition this is the only one that was made for the homologation of this thing's cool and this thing still runs it does it runs it drives yeah drives okay front and rear dude can i lift this up wow it's really not that bad condition it wasn't that bad like a year ago we bought it from a guy in tokyo actually yeah um a university student wow no rust there's no rust under it at all um so it's all pretty solid surprisingly yeah ah this looks cool it's just like it's been sitting for a while like what a year i've had it sat here for probably pushing almost two years now two years so it's just got all the vegetation on it and stuff but this thing's sick that's definitely like a restoration project are you selling this one i am probably gonna sell it because one of you guys who are watching i'll probably do something better with it than what we are because we haven't got the time at the minute all the funds to be put into this car all right so yeah hit up those that info in the description if anyone's ever wanted a tm evo now's your chance especially considering this is like a perfect fixer-upper dude it's kind of sad i ain't going to lie i want to punch you i know i don't want to punch myself ideally this was going to be done in about six months from when you bought it from when i bought it and so far so that's that's a depressing thing to look at then it is that's the kind of thing that keeps you up at night i bet tell me about it please someone save this um he'll do you a deal i can give you a little bit of a discount you know because it needs a little bit of polish and wax a true car salesman move right there you know it might need some new fires i'll put four new tires on it but no this thing actually does move and run and start so yeah it just were checked the fuel was changed um all previous to buying it okay and it ran fine it ran absolutely fine geez probably done about 100 kilometers in it yeah it definitely goes hard that's for sure yeah man it'd be so cool if i had the funds and the time and the space to to have this i would this would totally be a project i'd be into because i do want an evo and this is the right model that i want to all right i'm going to stop looking at it because that's depressing wow sunny trot one of rohab's customers this one this is sick so these were used by like tradesmen a lot over here hey they're hard to find now though they are i've i'm not gonna lie i've always dreamed of owning one of these and doing a ca swap on them yeah yeah there's plenty of people who do this one's actually supposed to get an sr20de swap oh that's cool yeah like an all-tech one yes actually yeah so the engine's just been taken out and it's supposed to be putting this interior this is mint i've not seen one this clean in a long time very cool yo that's a really old-school aged care steering wheel look at that fuel pump just sitting on there on the seat yeah this thing's in really good condition like body panel wise because these were used by tradesmen so they were beaten up and like you know tradies don't care what they back into i'd like to put a gtr front end on mine yeah yeah yeah yeah but they're pretty expensive too yeah now i've seen a couple guys rolling around with like okolska fronts and stuff on them very clean very cool car i don't think we need to look at this thing we all we all know it's a v35 skyline or an infinity in the states wherever you're from but they're trash cars they're kind of like a holding commodore of japan [Laughter] you know that's a touchy thing to say we're getting eaten alive here by mosquitoes but dude was this like an ls400 what are these things called here this looks like an ls400 it's a lexus right yeah it has to be dude this is sad is it open everything's good does it start oh it's dead dad yeah this is totally like an ls400 or something very cool it's not a what a c30 lorelle shut up you're right i'm an idiot i didn't even you can't really tell what i can't tell what it is and i saw the ls on the wheels like maybe it's a lexus yeah that's a lorelle so this will have an rb in it nice okay that's good parts car dude this is just depressing people are gonna send you death threats for this this is not my car oh my gosh poor rb20 one day you will breathe again i promise you dude if you don't if he doesn't save this i will come here and take this discussion we do it's a 32 right oh four door what wheels are those oh that's cool that's cool i mean i'm australian so like walking through cobbles and stuff doesn't bother me this is legit like barnyard find here abandoned this is practically abandoned we're literally in the bush let's go for a walkabout this thing's cool this little subaru k truck i don't even know what it what life is anymore but wow look at this frame guys that's just depressing oh hopefully something just got a tree just chilling yeah i know like trees and vines very cool i need a bell man like i need to ring the bell shame but now apparently what did he say like rob had plans for this this is one of his personal cars rob's cars yeah what's the original gonna be a missile used as a missile because oh so it was going to die no matter what no matter what okay well i do like rb20s maybe at some point i'll have the opportunity to save this thing although that crank looks pretty rusty back there yeah oh look i found the dipstick yeah should we check the oil should we check the oil this is depressing man i don't want to know i'm walking away walking away i do want to look inside the engine bay this laurel though i still can't believe i thought this was an ls400 i'm an idiot i didn't even see the laurel on the steering wheel oh we got it to pop yo single cam rb20 these are cool motors because they look identical to the rb30 single cam in australia yeah so pretty much the motor and this is junk it would be better to have that in there oh man that's cool though all right c34 laurel with a single cam rb20 some 34s came with that motor did you know that like bass bass bass model gts you could get a like a straight single cam harvey 20. where are they here in japan yeah really yeah yeah yeah yeah cut that out [Laughter] no no no not many people know about them because there was only so little of them yeah no i've only ever seen one in my lifetime and i was like this has this is not factory and then i did a bunch of research and found out a small number were made like super cheap base model ones nissan did it just so like people who wanted a 34 skyline could have it but it was just really cheap yeah so there you guys go this is i guess what happens when you live in japan and collect cars and then forget about them dude that tm evo someone please hit up john and buy it and save it i might dm adam later and be like hey man i found a project for you dude you need to top up your uh blinker fluid you could put a goldfish in that this is this is going to make a lot of people mad i hope you know that but all right guys i really hope you enjoyed this quick look at the storage yard the scrap yard the scrap yeah um there's definitely some really cool cars here and some things that i hope some of you guys are going to pick up and save um i guess it's just kind of like what happens sometimes like you get involved in things and you think you're gonna do something and you buy a project car and then it ends up sitting up the back and eventually you think one day you'll do something with it but sometimes it's better to just move on right right john better for someone else to grab it grab it while you can before it decides to uh before you change your mind and decide to fix it so yeah guys i hope you guys enjoyed i'm gonna put all of john's contact details and stuff in there if any of you are actually interested in like that tm evo or anything else here that we mentioned that was for sale please get in contact with him as well as if you're just after anything else at the auctions definitely get in contact with them but uh we're probably not done seeing john around we'll probably see him some more but make sure you smash that like button write us a comment i i expect a lot of upset people over some of the cars in here just kind of i'm kind of upset too i'm not gonna lie yeah yeah i i want some of those cars i want to save them i want to i have a problem anyways guys like i said smash that like button write us a comment i'll see you all in tomorrow's video peace out jamatha [Music] you
Channel: SAMMIT
Views: 1,932,264
Rating: 4.8424816 out of 5
Keywords: SAMMIT, Japan, Vlog, Japanese, mx5, roadster, Adam LZ, B is for build, Ricer Miata, Jimmy Oakes, turbo miata, Turbo build, Engine Build, Power, Cars, Car, Project Car, drive, Turbo, Turbo Miata, E85, NA Miata, Forged Engine, Big Power, cheap, affordable, diy, how to, yourself, import, drift, drifting, Nissan, jdm, rhd, autovlog, 180sx, 200sx, S15, R33, R34, Skyline, R32, GTR, JZX100, JZX, JZX90, Chaser, Evo, Evo 6.5, Tommy Makinen, abandoned, Barn Find, In Japan, JDM
Id: g1FGwzAHfu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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