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do you gave to me so long ago sleepless nights are ladies [Music] most cars is suicidal you started show me how to live again and I can't see the ground can we stop this gravity keeps bringing me down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what is good guys and welcome to today's very special video we are in a undisclosed location and as you can see behind me there's some very special cars here that's an old jg-tc ray scarf remember 20 years ago we're gonna get a closer look at that later it's the sickest super I've ever seen in my life but this place I'm gonna call I guess where Japanese race cars go to die it's like a graveyard literally just full of them memorabilia really cool things honestly it's like a museum it's insane so enough talking let's just show you what's here I really don't know where to start filming at this place because there's just so many crazy things here but I figured we start with this there's a freaking old NASCAR just sitting on the roof of a garage here it's the coolest thing ever and then this cars very special so as I said aqua Chan's here with me today and he remembers seeing this old starlet racing over 40 years ago at scuba circuit isn't that insane it's so cool to see that there he was literally like getting up close trying to get a good look at it because he literally remembers that as a young person around scuba circuit and then he is a Toyota Publica very cool obviously the rust and the rot has gotten to it and it's more of just memorabilia at this point and you can kind of see up the back here there's a lot more other kind of car parts I think that's like an old Corvette shell or something they're very cool definitely a lot of exhaust parts in stuff like that yeah so this place is actually a workshop here in Japan and they're mainly known for actually working on time attack grip cars like race cars and stuff like that you see that they've got the new roadster there for Miata or MX 5 depending on where you're from in the world it's working on a spider right now giving it a good cleaner and there's some top secret race cars up in the back there under color that I can't show you today but as you can see they work on a bunch of really cool stuff and this is another one of their cars nsx and it's all been set up for grip and time attack as well it's got the front bumper removed at the moment because they're doing some work on it it's just so good to see these kind of things out and about and set up for grip like full-on semi slicks it looks great but that's not even the best of what's here keep saying this and you guys are probably that yeah come on really four no seriously it gets better I just hold out I promise trust me it's a really nice BMW alpina here behind that's a Datsun Sonny you and over here it's a sunny 3:10 very nice it's crazy to see these old cars in this good condition have you got to show this before but under the starlet here got another Alpena and I don't actually know my Mercedes too well but this thing is really cool we're gonna go for a little walk up the road now and show you some of the other cars and don't worry we'll get to this in a little bit so in this other yard here it's pretty sad to see this but be 93.5 Alfie nah I'm still learning about my BMWs but this is a very cool car and it kind of sucks to see it just rotting away parts car waiting for someone to raid it man and then over here it's really cool nostalgia's Bluebird that used to be raced back in the day over 40 years ago as well this thing is sick obviously it's been completely stripped out and it's just kind of sitting here as a bad show looks like it still has this transmission in there but just seeing I think the coolest thing for me is seeing like the old interior and stuff and how they had things set up back in the day Clint the old dashboards and stuff and check out that harness the old-school Nismo logo harness like covers and stuff isn't that just the coolest thing ever and then you've also got like that old wing down there with Nissen on there these are full like 100% old racecars oh man that is so cool even the luckily the badge is still there with the tail lamp oh man there's some really cool memorabilia here guys the yard continues over that side which we'll get to in a little bit but this is sick cool now we're talking ek Civic yes this thing is sick hasn't been used in a very long time though but definitely still drivable by the looks of it very cool oh man this is so cool he's got the net they're really cool old seat Magnum never heard of Magnum harnesses before it's just cooler big old cluster rpm tacho in there I guess he needs to know when he hits a VTEC he may not be able to see it because of the water and the reflection but this thing is cool all right so I've made it across the road now and I think we should start in this corner because this is a fully restored still running and everything to it a pública so cool I don't think I've ever seen one still like on the road very nice the next to it we have this Nissen Micra which is set up for racing as well fully caged looks like a bunch of fun if I was honest very very very cool that's sick it really is and then we can kind of see where we're coming into here there's a lot of really unique cool cars a like there's a hottie doctor right there Levin the Alpena parts everywhere Alpena parts cars everywhere wedge sport wheels just crammed into cards left right and center oh man pretty cool little roadster all spec'd out once again for racing very cool I love that sticker Strike Witches guys all my weaves that know what that's about this is like the cars that they use for taxis oh yeah it is it's got the markings on the roof for the old taxi stuff we might need to come out here well no it's even got the old taxi company number and stuff on the side we need to come out here cuz one day I want to do just two stupid insane actual real Japanese taxi build with like a 2j said and just turn it into a stupid drift car just for fun and shows you know this is sick was this an old Corona guys oh the steering wheels not really in that bad shape I think the coolest thing about this oh man I'm gonna ask the guys later if he'll let me take this key ring cuz that is cool look at that that's the sickest thing I've ever seen this looks like an old Prelude seen better days and stuff just kind of escalates from here another Prelude this is an old Mustang convertible yo ho it is still has the keys in the ignition - there's the old Mustang logo look there they are it's got a cool keychain on there - man this is sick old eyes uzu a little bit of information it's called easy is it in Japan I struggled for a bit identifying the car brand with my friends here until they corrected me and a belly Bell Bell L I guess you'd pronounce it like that Bell L special that's cool I had seen one of these before very cool is it cool that oh this is awesome I'll work Meister's to all that is baller eyes kind of sad to see this thing just collecting mold and stuff out here though Emil G Jesus our penis everywhere literally it's a lot of sick cars out here and this is there's another yard we got to look at still by the way yeah this is a Mustang - very cool it's another Levin here this thing you definitely used to be raced back in the day fully caged it's got all the padding's still on there bunch of parts looks like it may have been a victim of a flood at some point or there's just mold growing on everything in there it's pretty crazy man oh this thing's cool this is what everyone steals the engine for to put into their old Hutchy Dockers right ttz supercharge so it's got a four aging it right that's supercharged and everyone takes these out or finds these engines to put into these things or the genuine hot cheetos I think there was another one up there I definitely know there's more on the other yard we're about to look at let's cool to see one of those here very nice or is that a d/dr 30 I think I just found a dr 30 skyline yeah oh man that's so cool kind of hurts my solar to see it sitting here looks like the hood is is unlatched should we take a quick look oh there it is guys the famous FJ that's so cool I guess it's just kind of still sitting here waiting to either be restored or it's going to be used as a parts car most likely a parts car it's really not that bad shape front fenders a little bit damaged rear quarters look great though headlights look great yeah man I love these cars so much another free loot I'm buying the free lead it's really nice JZ 80 Supra nice red one the question is is it manual 6-speed the answer is yes there you go nice some old-school beam w200 twos man that's cool now there are a couple eleven hadjidakis nice red ones oh man this is so cool seeing all this kind of stuff here what is this thing it's like an old I can't really tell what it is there's the whole front of it's like destroyed in the rear is - oh it's a Civic it's like an old EF Civic that's cool there yeah and these BMWs hey I don't know much about my bean w's like I said before but I know these are super rare hey something I know lots about 180sx man this is so cool it'd be so rad to come to some place like this like later on and just buy something like this and go through it and try to fix it and repair it host I don't know the condition of this car at all it's got an old IMSA seat in there it's really hard to see because of all the mold and stuff on the window oh it's got the old logo there it's kind of special very nice it's in pretty good shape hey other than the mill Jun stuff lots of pots on the inside of it okay they all do this in this one spot hey mama still they looks pretty cool wonder if this is like an old ca1 RSR kind of curious oh I think it is a CA cuz that's gonna see a bumper right interesting couple crashed eight sixes they've been here for a while there is and you as these cars are this has been here for a while look at all the the mold and mildew growing on it another one up there these they go through them a fair bit oh I saw something interesting up here and they some old for ages yes they are all boys we lucked out oh that's a cool old wheel kind of want to collect stuff like that that's sick just a for a chilling out here hopefully it's not actually a good motor because it wouldn't be anymore although it seems like it was at some point they've got an old glove stuffed into the intake manifold another one sitting there man that's cool what is this thing what is that I just managed to get a look at the rear of it it looks like an old Corona toyopet logo still there that's sick at first when I kind of looked in the rear of this I thought that was maybe a dead animal but it's like a did an old duster of some kind oh that all right we need to go look at another yard I know there's a lot here that we didn't really get to look at much of in like full detail oh hi Karina but we still got to look at a lot in this one but let's go look at the other one and then go check out that really cool old Supra we're just walking up the road to the second yard but that's the third yard over there that just expands all through there and acha tons legit freaking out Sugoi the shore this is amazing so we're gonna check out this yard here now you can see there's a couple hot cheeto keys here man I'm sorry Pumped it just continues all the way through that so good that's incredible most object net so I'm gonna assume that this is a lot more of like kind of crash stuff because this hot cheeto curry definitely met its end in a pretty bad way Wow looks like the guy he used to drive this Integra went for a pretty scary ride wow that's a big crash and then up here is an old roadster yep man it's 13 Silvia there you go taillights are missing of course it's been got parts missing off it everywhere let's see is there still an engine in it oh yes you know this is cool so uncle John was just telling me that he's driven this before back in the old day which is an Izu piazza oh it's easy Nana so 117 coupe this is cool I don't think I've ever seen this car before said it was turbo I think - oh there's another one here there is so much here I just keep looking at the civics 4 2002 0 0 - BMW another parts car I guess it's on the doors open let's have a little peek oh wow in tears definitely aged over time man a lot of our pain is everywhere here cut interior is pretty pretty spicy it's RS welcome honest I'm used to like pizzas back in the day you know some of the old videos so finally ventured over the road there's some cool cars here [Applause] I'm freaking out I'm drawn to these 2's Jesse's because they look super cool Kaka John's loving this this is so cool completely stripped out grip cars this is seriously so cool [Applause] man some nostalgic stuff here that's for sure okay civic and then it's like EF e G's behind here Hachi dog ooh that's an EF I don't see any G sir all stripped out old old leaven there Wow another ek was just another hatch otaku this is seriously so cool what is up the end here I think some more BMW to 0:02 stuff oh wait is this a Cosmo it is no way it's just sitting out here water find that's insane the registration stick guys for Hesse a11 so this was crashed a very long time ago hearsay eleven trying to think what that would be in like normal years so venturing a little bit deeper in here now this just only gets even more insane is that a 13b just sitting on the ground yep it is don't try and throw that in my trunk I don't know which direction to go maybe we'll go that way last far out this horror many cool cars here Lotus okay we're getting we'll go there last we'll go ahead last and these old like truck cabs and stuff for just full of transmissions and engines and wheels this is seriously so cool it's another 11 lots of eks out here in Integra's and stuff that's so cool this is incredible absolutely incredible hachiroku look all these old wheels what mid get oh my gosh Coronas what I am completely freaking out there's an old set up in there I think - this is so cool everything's just literally just in here storage there's some old like semi-slick stacked up the back there this is so freakin cool it's an old BMW they're like an e36 of some kind maybe m3 that's caged and respect out - Wow alright let's venture up the back here a bit guys a lot of hot cheeto goos it's good to see a lot of pop up light ones whoa Wow they've literally used every bit of land that they have here I'm gonna try and make my way through here oh boy hold for you guys so you go up the back here so legit bamboo forest that's like starting to pull down on these cars that's so cool man Publica another one that's very cool and some more here lots of parts everywhere alright let's get back through this mess getting a closer look at this ek here from the front trying not to fall down there into the bamboo forest that looks so eerie this thing is fully stripped out like insane you can see all the fuel pump stuff just sitting there in the the back seat where it used to be very very cool Integra pretty much the same same oh man this is seriously so cool this Lotus here another Levin now there's a lot of money here a lot of money and even up here on this side they've got the old like FRP Lotus shells corona mark ii and this old starlet oh my gosh I'm literally just freaking out right now what does that thing up there is that like an old BMW fully caged something like that these old truck cabins when sport ones sick so these old lotuses the shells are completely made from fiberglass so as you can see like they have entrusted at all and these shells are still worth a lot of money because they can be completely restored as you can see all FRP it's hard to see the camera probably can't pick it up too well but that can all be still fixed the body's in great shape there's no damage to the outer shell at all so this is worth a lot of money actually jeez those cars are ready father it's literally blowing my mind that I am literally standing behind this super eerie bamboo forest like it looks it looks freaky in there I don't know if the camera does it justice but it just goes on and on and on all right let's hit these rows now old crashed eight-six another ek old school Toyota a lot of BMW stuff again some Hutchy Dokus wow this one's definitely seen better days still got an old charm on the bottom there wow that's so cool this thing's literally about to fall down and roll into the ditch they some more style chick in there that's for sure moving through here hovel Tessa crashed of course this thing what is this thing old air-cooled front engine look at that that's very cool I don't know what this is that's interesting Cobra car I wonder if it is a public actually yeah they do look the same probably as a pública another hachiroku not eleven look at how much just moss is growing on that norther all the rust there in the exhaust pipe too far out guys it's kind of sad but it's also like just super like it's such a nice feeling to see all of these here like this still like I can't even I don't even know how to describe this like it's sad but it's also nice to see this and just take a walk down memory lane this is so cool it's an old rx-7 here oh man you can see the rotaries just literally like lying upside down and there looks like all the engine mounts just collapsed and it flipped on itself try and move this there it is poor thing so the door was open and we're able to take a quick look inside this old starlet how cool is this I just love seeing all the old tech and stuff from back in the day like still all the old labels and stuff for ignition fuel pump wipers defrosters lights it's so cool in the old racing seat book Japan Cup Gymkhana stickers oh it's so cool unfortunately though this thing it's definitely got some holes through to the bottom we're back at the workshop now I think it's finally time we take a look at this old Supra I have so many mixed feelings about this car just sitting here it's kind of insane it is the coolest thing I've ever seen I wish it was still like you know being driven or used and started up regularly and maintained but also I understand that it's a lot of money to keep something like this maintained especially from this era it is seriously the coolest thing ever like this arrow the wing it completely reminds me of like the old 32 Cal sonic GTR but obviously this is just on a completely different level in my opinion people are gonna probably hate me for saying that but they both completely two different cars two completely different builds this thing is just so cool like look at the old old-school method of being able to adjust the wing all the different holes there and stuff you just line them up and get different effects downforce all that kind of stuff just how wide this thing is as well man so cool these wheels blow my mind as well they look very similar to like an old LM GT two wheel kind of thing made by Volk racing center lock some pretty big Brembo brakes hidden up in there yeah man we're gonna go talk to the guy and see if they'll let us take a good look inside and open the door but inside just looks crazy they've just given us permission to open this thing up or carbon-fiber doors I was expecting that to be way heavier than it was this roll cage is next-level how do people even fit in this so cool so cool look at the old Pistons that bring the car up in the air you pump air through that and it lifts the whole car off old bride or Brid fiac this is so cool old carbon-fiber I didn't even know they had digital dashes back then Denso Nippon Denso Wow some nostalgic right there just look at these pedals too oh man that's so cool they also gave us permission to lift the hood up whoo I'm a little bit worried about breaking something so I'm gonna be very careful waters jammed a little bit on the pins Wow I was not expecting that at all so no beams like a 3s GTE that is so cool and that is a huge turbo look at the size of that thing Wow the amount set up this is such cool like old tech and stuff I've never seen anything like this from back in that day and how it's all the way behind the front subframe the power steering rack is up here in the top this is so cool [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well there you guys go I think it's best that we wrap up the video here the finale was the super after all I am seriously completely mind blown by what we found here today and the best thing is is we can get parts off them in the future if we ever get any of these cars and stuff like that but this thing behind me it's never gonna be for sale so if you do find out where this place is don't bother asking though guys yeah like I said I hope you really enjoyed this video make sure you like comment and subscribe and I'd love to hear in the comments section what was your favorite car that you found in the video that you saw and then what are your general feelings about this like are you happy are you sad was it just like a trip down memory lane and nostalgic for you I'm genuinely curious so let me know I definitely know I felt all of those things today and I do have to say oh come on assign a massive thank you to this guy here make sure you go check him out on YouTube the whole reason why we're here today is because of him Anthony are you looking what a song I don't know what he's doing but anyways guys catch you the next one peace out ja Matta [Music] you
Channel: SAMMIT
Views: 3,700,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SAMMIT, Japan, Vlog, Japanese, Junk Yard, Wrecking, Cars, Graveyard, GT300, GT500, JGTC, Race Car, Race Cars, drift, drifting, motorsport, crash, crashed, Supra, Toyota, touge, wreck, wrecked, salvage, abandoned car, Unrecoverable Supra, Legend, legendary, In Japan, Car Crash, AE86, abandoned supra, A80, JZA80, TRD, Abandoned, Dumped, Abandoned Cars, Time Attack, #JDM, Hachi Roku, Hachiroku, nostalgic, memorabilia, nostalgia, Japanese Racing, Japanese Race Cars
Id: VqZC7v66jiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 44sec (1904 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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