We Explore The Most Incredible Barn Find In The UK!!

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today we are exploring probably the most incredible barn find in the uk we have just found three bmw 635 csis ford sierra xr 4x4 look at the old morris traveler barn fires just don't get any better than this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello guys welcome back to the channel and welcome to today's video so join with lee today we've come to explore farm now we're deep in the cornish hill somewhere we don't know what's here we do know that there are a few cars dotted around the outside some of the old outbuildings but we don't know what's inside so let's go check it out and see what we can find okay guys so we are now in the farm and the first thing we come across i believe this is some kind of old storage unit for milk i could be wrong there's an old milk chain just there that's pretty cool i'm not sure what most of this stuff is in here but i do know this farm used to be a milk oh here we go this is where the cows would have been when they take the milk from the others you can see the bits there it's quite a cool places very old very cornish oh the bumblebee tangled up in the spider web there oh there's a butterfly as well that's a shame bramble's coming through this farm has been abandoned for years years and years and years very cool though looks like we've got a little office of some sort here little desk oh there's a few syringes dotted around a little medical box there a first aid kit everything is still in there we can't hold our tricks i don't want to stand on one i have just spotted some cars outside there we'll go check those out in a minute we're just going to check out the other end of this place because i think there's a room i've missed cool i can imagine this place would have been very noisy back in the day when it was operating oh lots of bits in here i'm not sure what's in these drums oil possibly i can't believe how much stuff's here okay let's go in there check out these little cars we've got outside okay so we're out of the first building and we have got a few vehicles here what is that nissan it's quite old it still looks pretty clean inside and we've got a full escort just in front of it wow it's been there for a few years attacks disc says 2004 and we've also got a ford or ryan just behind that that's pretty cool again another rare ford you don't see anymore oh wow we've got more cars in here and we've got some lorries as well there's loads of old farm machinery scattered around all overgrown here too wow oh my god there is a lot of cars in here we need to go and check these out so we've got a little office here let's have a quick peek inside this place is literally frozen in time the amount of dust on the books in here you can see how these ones are sun faded as well where they've been in the sun now i have spotted some very very rare cars outside and i'm getting quite excited but first things first i'm gonna go and check out this end of the barn and have a look at those lorries okay so we've got a lot of machinery in here look at these tyres they still look brand new but none of this stuff has been used for years and we've got a big engine up on a pallet there probably out of a lorry or a tractor or something very big engine there's loads of stuff little food wheel trims there these trucks are so cool they're massive a twin axle as well look at that one that's heavy hauler jays that's big oh got the spider webs on it car blimey looks like this one was being worked on have a quick peek over this side this is quite scary going through here crikey yeah so this one was being worked on but as you can see it's been here for years it's all overgrown there's lots of pallets blocking the gate as well so this wouldn't be easy to get out especially with that trailer there as well so i've been saving the best till last in fact i can't understand how i haven't walked over there yet i think lee has he's got very excited i heard him swearing a minute ago so there must be some good cars out there oh god there's loads god there must be about 20 or 30 cars here okay guys so i have saved the best till last oh and that is the cars pretty sure this is a two one eight rover yes i was right cambridge 1993 quite obviously this is um been here for a long time oh my god i cannot believe this we've got three bmw 6 series and i think there could be some 7 series down there but my goodness me look at these it actually looks like the csi model i don't think it is oh my god it actually could be this could be a csi this is an extremely rare car what's the mileage a hundred and three thousand actually starting to shake wow i gotta peek through the engine bay oh my god i think this could be a csi there's only one way to find out oh my god it is oh my god i don't know what to say i honestly don't want to say there is no way that this could be one too i think it is oh my god it is could we really be third time lucky and have another csi it is i know it is for a fact my god three bmw 635 eyes in a row in the same barn now this is a seven series this could be a two five or a two three three two i am absolutely gobsmacked that i have just found these cars and it gets better this is a 735i this is actually one of the cars i purchased recently and i hate to say it but this one's in better condition oh deary me i cannot believe it and i cannot believe i'm stood next to a full sierra xr 4x4 could this day get any better it's locked no it's open it's open guys check this out oh my god this is unbelievable this is absolutely unbelievable look how clean there's no cracks on that dashboard iris steering wheel the interior sadly the back window's broken i don't think that's vandalism i think that may have been caused by something falling on it i honestly do not know what to say this this is definitely the most incredible barn finds that i have ever found that we've got a mondeo 24 valve there pretty sure that's a v6 oh look how clean this car is those seats are absolutely incredible condition i mean the whole thing is i can't even remember the last time i saw one of these mondays let alone one in that condition i mean granted it's covered in spider webs and moss but i mean that would clean off well okay so range rover completely i didn't even see that i've just walked straight past it i don't know if it's open no it's locked sadly but again the seats look absolutely min there's a cover on the drivers one still oh my god we've got a honda prelude here i mean that's a two liter again that's quite a rare car it's open no it's locked that's a shame and what else did i walk past ford courier van ridge what's that 96 again that one's locked volkswagen passat estate i cannot remember the last time i saw one of these on the road goodness me now i mean i'm back at the bmw's again i don't think i looked inside this one oh look at that blue interior 107 000 miles these are very very desirable cars i cannot believe i found three of them set in a barn i honestly don't know what to say i really really don't look at that six cylinder three and a half liter engine wow i'll tell you what barn finds do not get any better than this they really don't wow and we're not even finished yet we've still got the other end of the barn to look at yeah and i can already see a fire engine yes a fire engine in here now there's a couple more cars here that i haven't looked at yet we've got a reliance scimitar here sadly it looks like the hours have been pooing on that one it's got a soft top as well panoramic sunroof i mean even that's got seat covers on as i can squeeze past and open the door oh it is open look at the spider webs this door hasn't been opened in years i'll oh around to the other side the driver's door's already open blimey look at the mileage on that speedo i don't know if you can see it see if i can get the camera in a little bit closer one four three three seven just noticed on the steering wheel it says gte it's quite a rare model now we've got an old astra van here again it doesn't look too bad sadly the back end has been stuck i mean it is quite overgrown i mean when was the last time you saw one of these on the road and we've got a mitsubishi shogun which is completely overgrown here and i've just noticed this little thing it's like a i don't know like an off-road car or some sort like a oval racing track car it looks a lot of fun i must say oh my god there i cannot believe this there is one two three four five fire engines in here oh my god god can this day really get any better you know i actually really like these little honda vans i actually saw a suzuki one with a hayabusa engine in the back of it they're so funny i don't think i'd feel very safe in one of them i must say fifty nine thousand miles on the clock got a spider web the original color on this fan was blue somebody's actually painted it green for some reason i'm not sure why now let's go check out these fire engines okay so the first fire engine we come across dennis l zero five this actually looks like an airport engine absolutely massive you got any idea what year they could be lee i haven't so i've always always liked these mercedes vans this was a 207 i've always fancied doing one as a conversion for a campervan really nice i don't know why i like them so much but they've just got a very unique shape to them look at this it's all of their water cannons guys really light aluminium okay so a second fire engine oh look it actually says black pool airport god knows what they're doing down here we're about seven hours away from blackpool oh look at the weeds growing over the front of it airport fire and rescue that is so cool check out that this is an absolutely incredible find hello it's like brand new inside the car feels so small walking around these they are absolutely massive the water cannons on the top oh wow there's a nissan pickup as well that's pretty cool king cab oh check out the dial on that look all the falls crikey lee i think the door's open on that have one quick look inside now this one has actually got a step which is built onto the wheel so you put your foot on the step there grab the handle and pull yourself up and it's easier said than done wow this is absolutely incredible toggle gearbox daily if gears are slip and take vehicle to mt a site asap and look at this i've just noticed this on the side somebody's actually written this on here faults front wheel drive warning light steering okay exhaust fumes in cab oh that's not good isn't it [Laughter] wow absolutely amazing this is definitely one of the best finds it really is i mean the cars alone i are worth thousands maybe hundreds of thousands who knows me i am absolutely gobsmacked i really am i don't think we can get to that last one because it's quite tucked away in the corner but they're all pretty much the same oh my god now we've got one more little area to check out which is just through here there's a lot of old farm machinery down there oh there's another car over there too that looks like an old peugeot is it a 309 e reg what's that 80 87 crikey this has definitely been here for a long time that's a 309 amazing i think the door might be open too check this out look how dark the windows are it doesn't look too bad actually there's a taxis here look 1203 what's the mileage on that 134 000 wow guys this has been one incredible find now like always the location will not be given out so please don't message me and ask if any of you guys do know where this location is please don't put it in the comments on the video because whoever owns this somebody owns it somewhere doesn't want people coming here and stealing stuff you know i can tell you that for a fact so if you do know where it is please don't tell anyone okay guys so we have got one more bar to look in we almost missed it as we were walking out we thought we did it all and then realized there was another one we haven't even seen yet oh there's an old tractor in there oh crikey are we gonna get in there it's a shame it doesn't swing open [Music] there we go and jump down okay so this is the barn that we completely missed i was so well gobsmacked by those vehicles and we almost missed these oh my god it's not morris traveller oh look at that oh wow that is so cool oh look at this oh my god this is incredible this is absolutely incredible some of this stuff is really old look at that shoe i'll tell you what this place has absolutely blown me away it really has so this is a woody and you know what it don't looking bad nick i know these do suffer with the wood actually rotting quite badly but this one looks pretty good have a little look inside oh my goodness look the keys are still in here the key is still in the ignition 92 000 miles god it still smells really clean i could still smell the leather i mean it would have been nice finding this on its own but let alone everything else we found here today this is just absolutely unreal it really is so what else have we got in here there's an old vintage tennis racket there in fact a lot of this stuff here is pretty old look at this old phone i mean this stuff dates back wow victorian definitely maybe earlier there's another tennis racket there's two there three some old umbrellas we've even got small street lights a little forklift a mobility scooter there's a wing there of a car not sure what that could be capri maybe not 100 sure i just i just don't know what to say there's an engine and gearbox here from something that looks quite early we've got some more presses there zero one two three four five six seven eight maybe four number plates and there's letters on the floor look at the old machinery in here this this is seriously old stuff this has still got the old belt the lever belt is still there so i just cannot believe this another engine there look at that crank that's obviously off a lorry or something that's huge look at this if this is an old blacksmith's burning oven oh my goodness me wow i'd say there have been some owls nesting in here i don't think there's any here at the moment luckily but i mean the average bird couldn't carry something that big in here oh god i hope there's no animals in there i really really do okay i'm gonna try and climb over this and just see what's over that side okay so over the other side of the massive bird's nest that's been dropped on the floor i'm just walking through spider webs as usual i'll open the door there that goes into another works yard it's completely overgrown spider webs everywhere how strong is this pretty strong i think oh my goodness me so we need to be careful that there's no hours in here because there's owl poo everywhere in fact i'm not sure i'm going to go out there actually because i think that floor's quite rotten in there when we first came in earlier i do remember seeing the wood looked pretty unstable so i think we might leave that one okay guys so we've checked out all this area now we've pretty much seen everything there is to see him here we're gonna make a move all right guys it is time to make a move now i really hope you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe please go and check out the instagram which you can do explore underscore also go check out the facebook page like always i will upload all the pictures to the facebook page 10 of the best of instagram and we will see you on the next expo soon you
Channel: The Bearded Explorer
Views: 289,467
Rating: 4.8859673 out of 5
Id: Q_S23XsSUFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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