She Got Turned Into A Bandit! Becca Is Stealing Our Treasures!

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Previously on The Beach House Becca and Mike had been gone for like two weeks. The bandits got us and stole Mr. E's clue on our channel. That's where they've been. So these guys said that they needed the unicorn horn to trade back. This should work. I'll trade him this one. We have been trapped in this Garage For weeks now. Gonna reach my hand over and I might be able to reach the padlock put in the code. [Whispers] It's open. I know they're here and I'm gonna have to trade this for him. Hopefully this works. He's here back that he's here. It's Ryan I have it. But i don't want to give it to you unless you show me Becca and Mike. Give me The Beach House! Pssst! Ryan we're here If you want it. Go get it! I grabbed this out of that chest. Becca, what is that? Becca? Becca? ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'WHEN ADVENTURE CALLS' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫ Hey I'm just getting ready for the day right now. But um last night was crazy. It was a doozy Literally, I dozed. I can't believe I fainted. I was not... Feeling very good. All of a sudden, I just started feeling really sick. And then that thing on my neck, that was so weird, but I've looked at it this morning It's fine. It's like gone down a lot. It doesn't look anything like it did last night. That was like, I wonder if I like got a bug bite or something. But anyways, today is the day we are gonna go and.. Good enough. Okay. So today we're gonna go and see if we can find the next clue from Mr. E. We've got that decoder pin now and I think it's time to move forward move on and see if we can get The clue all the way from lava hot springs decoded with the new decoder pin that we got. And then we'll be able to see if we can go treasure hunting today. So you feeling better? Yeah, I'm feeling completely fine. I feel really good actually like I feel better than ever. We just got to decode this code, decode the clue. But what about the thing that was on your neck? It's gone. What I mean, it's still there a little bit but it's just faded away I think I must have gotten a bug bite or something. I feel a lot better after getting a shower. I mean we were in, I saw a lot of spiders in there. So. After getting a shower, I feel great Yeah. But I'm glad you're feeling better. So should we try to solve this clue for Mr. E? Yes! Let's solve the clue and see where it takes us. All right James. So what we're doing right now is getting the clue from Mr. E put back together. So that we can use the decoder pin to solve it. I thought the one started here cause the last time I thought the one started there. But now the one starts here. Alright let's get a good look at that decoder pin actually. So if you look really closely. You can see that you got an inner alphabet and an outer alphabet. No we're just looking at this clue. Trying to see if we can figure out how to use this decoder pin It looks like there's a hole above the little monsters face. And if you look through the hole, there's like a numbers there. So there's a 1 and a 2 and the 3 and the 4 if you look down inside. I think that might have something to do with it I think this is the right one. Objects and message are larger than they appear. A whole bunch of letters . There's a number 1 here too. So let's try and see if we can use this decoder pin to solve this message. Okay, so I'm gonna take Here's the A right here. And I'm gonna put this on T. The smaller one. Oh, wait, no wait, baby. That's just.. Okay, so I'd have to have this one be the little A so then let's put the little... Do you think that this 1 means anything? There's got to be more steps. It has the number 19. It has a whole bunch of numbers That's all numbers. If you spin it, it's a whole bunch of different numbers. Objects and message are larger than they appear. Why would it have to say that? You have any ideas Corbin? A T O H D C Could you read the words up here again? Objects and message are larger than they appear. There's numbers on the inside. Four, three, two, one. What if we have to line up the one here. And then we can Use Like what if that's..what's the word that they use for like the code? That you have to have. So that it could have been set to one and it Objects in message are larger than they appear Then let's try... Reading the clue and then maybe go up to the larger alphabet cause you've got a small alphabet and a large alphabet. Larger than they appear. Okay, I get it So then if it's set to one. Then we need to keep this set this way. And that means that the A The letters is actually a B. Because the objects and messages are larger than they appear. So that means that A is actually B. T is actually is actually a U. O is actually R. H is actually an I. D is actually an E. And C is actually a D. BURIED! That's the word? Buried. It's working! Okay. Q is R and J is K. Park. It says Bartholomew Park. So buried at Bartholomew Park. So we know exactly where its at. Probably going to need to get a metal detector. Let's get everybody ready to go and then let's go to Bartholomew Park. And see if we can find this buried treasure. I think I know where we have a little shovel you can use. Let's grab it. Okay. We are at Burger King getting some waters. You okay? What? You alright? Yeah. We're getting some waters and some hamburgers and we're going to be Getting some stuff for dinner. Just so that we can all be fed and happy while we're out. Treasure hunting. All right What's wrong? I'm okay, I'm fine. Is it on your neck where you got hurt? I mean, you know, you know, like it'll be fine. I don't think there's anything really wrong with that. I just... I mean, I think I just tweaked my neck or something. Okay, we're here. Hey guys. Time for a fun adventure today We've got this message that there's something buried at Bartholomew Park and we're here at the park The kids are just going to go look around. Everybody just got done eating so everyone's feeling a lot better. All right. You ready to come Charlie? Let's go play. I'm going to stay and eat for a minute. Are you sure you're feeling okay, babe? Yeah. I'm feeling fine. Why? Okay, just because you've been acting a little bit weird today. I'm good.I think yesterday was just weird. But I'm good now. Okay, let's go look for this clue guys That's okay we don't need a swimsuit. All right Corbin you got the metal detector? Yeah. All right, you know how to use it right? Let's not go in the water. We'll let him try it for just a few minutes and then we'll trade. So there's a whole bunch of beach area here and fun. We're thinking that maybe if we look around we might find something buried. So we're gonna look around with a metal detector. You're right there's kind of a bump all the way along. It is interesting. Let's follow it. Yeah, and Ellie's got the shovel. So she's ready to dig in case we need to dig anything. Good job. Rebecca stills the van finishing her salad, but I'm really actually worried about her and I know she keeps saying that oh, it's okay and it's fine. But the way she's acting lately has been kind of strange but like I don't want to force her to.. I don't know what to do you guys. James turn trying to do some metal detecting. Anything so far? Nothing yet. Is the metal detector working? Think so. Oh cool little army man James thinks he found something with the metal detector. So Ellie's digging and we'll see what we can find. This is fun. Even if we don't find any treasure. What is that? Oh, Styrofoam garbage. Kids are starting to get wet and play in the water and get dirty. Dad said something. Hey dad said he found something. Grab all your shoes! Grab on your shoes! Don't forget them. Cause this tells you how deep it is. It's all been like six inches of really really deep. I found something over here that's showing up as really shallow. Look, it's right on the surface. Can you see that? So I think there might be something right here. So let's see if there's anything there. Just look at what we found. It says something. Ovaltine. Does it say Ovaltine? Says Mr. E. Look at that. These look like chocolate coins. I think they're the chocolate coins. Let's read the clue and see what it says. Okay, let's look at this clue. It's got numbers. Do you think this is latitude and longitude? I do. That looks like latitude and longitude. Mr. E's done this before remember when he gave us the.. The first clue when he gave us the, Motor home. That's right. It had coordinates that we had to follow. Let's go home. And let's type in the latitude and longitude to the computer and see where it takes us. I'm so glad that we were able to find the treasure today, I feel like that was awesome. And that was really fun. Just excursion with the family. Anyway, even if we haven't found the final treasure anything like that. Kids where getting so messy and dirty, but they're having a great time playing in the sand and in the water. It was really fun. And it was. By the time we were ready to go I was ready to go. They're all gonna need baths and need to..I'll have to clean them up when we get home. Go and look up the coordinates and see where we're gonna be going. If we have time to do it tonight that will do it tonight. If not, they'll have to do it tomorrow. We found the treasure. Okay, so we just got home and we need to put those numbers into the computer so we can try to find out where Mr. E wants us to go next. But I can't seem to find it anywhere. Have you seen the clue from Mr. E? I thought I had it with me in the van, but I can't find it anywhere. Just I just have been looking in the van. No, not that one. The one that we've just found. Have any of you guys seen the clue from Mr. E? I can't find it anywhere. Where did it go? Ellie do you know where the clue is? You know where the clue is? Last time we had it. We were in the van. We just barely got in the van, and we're coming home and I had it with me. And I can't find it anywhere. I just barely had it. The whole container is gone. Where? Oh i do remember. Where? Good I was so worried about it. Oh my goodness. I was so nervous that it was gone. And I thought maybe a bandit had taken it or something. Okay, so let's go to Google Maps. And let's put in those coordinates and see.... I'll do it. Just give me the clue. No. i'll do it. All right Just put in the code. Oh Oh you know what? I needed something else from the van. What do you need? I'm gonna need all of you guys to go get it for me. Go get it from the van. It will go bad. You too Ellie. I need you to go. I Need you to go. Yes, you too. Everyone. The bandits need this information. I better put it in here and get the coordinates to them as soon as possible. I know exactly where that's at. I need to get this information to the bandits as fast as possible. What am I doing? Michael? Why is he not here? We have the clue. Michael? So did you put in the coordinates? Oh, I guess I did. That's really funny. So, where are we going? Okay, so these are the coordinates. Is that right? Did I even type that or did you type that? Oh you, you didn't do it right. Here. You gotta put a comma, And a space. Let's see if that works. Did you that in now? No I didn't type it in. I was out in the van cause you told me to go get something. Did I? I don't remember typing it in. But okay. Looks like the ocean. Wait. Where's this? Oh that's Utah Lake. So do we need to go out to the middle of the lake? I don't think we're gonna have time. It's almost sunset. The sun is going down. It's starting to get late. It's actually dinner time. It's after 7:00 p.m. We should probably get all the kids dinner and get everybody to bed. And then first thing tomorrow morning, we should head up to the lake. And gonna go see what we can find. Okay, and James has a kayak too that we can use. So that will be really fun. Looking good. Almost a bandit. I can't find anything to wear in this house. Somebody else will have to clean that up. Oh looks terrible! Don't they have anything that looks good?! Dad? Oh hi mom. Do you have a hat by chance that I could borrow from dad? Anything that looks kind of like a cowboy hat. Are you sure there's no cowboy hat in here? I'll go find it. Mommy? What?! I'm coming. Fine! I saw.. I saw on their channel... That they got a cowboy hat. From one of us bandits a long time ago. I'm just gonna see if I can find it. Oh Michael. Yes? Do you know where there might be..oh do you remember when when you found that cowboy hat From the bandits I mean. Yeah. A long time ago. Where is it? Probably in your costume room. Oh, thanks. You put it in there. Oh, I know. I just forgot. Much better. What are you? Are you a bandit? No, no. No, I just like this style. Now to find that real unicorn horn. Michael? Yeah? Where's the unicorn horn? You know where it is. It's in our closet. Oh, that's right, I just forgot. It's right there. Of course it is, honey. It's in this chest. Oh, thanks. Thank you Corbin. Okay everybody out. Thanks so much Sweetie and... Deary. Out out out. All this time it was just here! He'sgoing to be so proud of me! Finally! Now I need to get these children away from me. They're everywhere! I don't even know what their names are. Under my feet all day! Shoo little girl. Shu shu. Now that I found the unicorn horn. I need to take advantage of this place that I'm in right now. They don't even know that I'm a bandit. I need to find out as much information as I can about that YouTube family and Find where they hid the bandits cash. I can't believe they took it from us in the first place. Oh Michael? Yeah? Where did we put that treasure chest with the the cash in it? Why are you asking for all this stuff? Oh just no reason. Just...I'm trying to organize the closet. We spent all that. Don't you remember? Why?! We did it for a video. You remember? Oh yes, of course. Is everything okay? Yes. Totally fine. Where's the treasure chest at least. Is it still up there? What treasure chest? The one that the bandits cash came in. Should be in our room. Maybe they didn't notice. I'm hoping that they didn't notice. That it was a false bottom. And that it had more than just cash in it. This is such a messy room. Where is it?!! Getting close, I can feel it. Oh, there it is. There it is. Okay. Maybe they haven't opened it yet. What else do I need before I go back to the bandits camp. And join my allies. An idea. I'm going to ask Michael. See if I can get as much information about that YouTube family as possible Before I leave. And as soon as we're able to get all of the treasures built in together. To be able to be one giant treasure. Then we'll be able to find the final treasure. Time to go do some spy work. And I have to act like that. Stupid hobby Rebecca. From the video is always burping and giggling and uh blah blah. Now I have to act like that. Michael what are you doing right now? Okay, let's hang out. Oh I just wanted to chat. You look different babe. I Feel different. I feel so much better than ever before. Full of energy and life. But, you look like you got dark rings under your eyes. Oh no. I'm just trying a new look. Come sit by me. With a cowboy hat really? That's the bandits hat you know. I like it. What is this?! Oh. I'm.... I thought you were organizing the closet? I am. You shouldn't just be walking around with this. Is there a chip on it? Did you chip it? Didn't mean to. Why do you even have this? I'm just taking care of it. Anyways. Come here. Sweet, babe. What do you want? You're acting strange. Nothing. I'm not doing anything. I'll take that. Thank you. Anyways, I was just wondering if you talked to David from that YouTube family recently? No, but I could. Oh, yes, I would love it. Just reach out to him. I would like to go visit him at his house. I don't think they're at their house right now. Well, where are they? I can check if you want. Of course, I would love that. Why? Just a visit. Be friendly You're acting so strange. No, this is how I normally act of course. I would also like to know... Where they are hiding all of the treasure that they've found. I don't even know they haven't even told me. Of course, they told you. They have told you. I don't know where it is. Why are you acting like this anyway? Oh nothing. Nothing. Well it's time to get the kids to bed. Okay. I'll let you do that. This has been easier than ever to infiltrate The Beach House and get all of the treasure for the bandits. I am so happy with how all the things are coming together. Hiding from them is so hard. They're everywhere. It's like there's a million of these Beach kids. Alright, it's time to call Doc. Doc.This is previously Rebecca Beach. You'll be pleased to know that I have tracked down The unicorn horn , the lost bandits cash. And the treasure chest from the lost bandits cash. And not only have I done that. But I have also found out Information for you all about where the treasure is hidden from The Beach House and That YouTube Family. And there's one last thing, The Beach family will be at these coordinates tomorrow. Make sure to be there. Get that treasure before they do. They won't know what hit them! ♫ ♫ (THE BEACH HOUSE THEME 'PAUSE THE GAME' BY CODY CRABB) ♫ ♫
Channel: The Beach House
Views: 3,989,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bandits, she got turned into a bandit, bandits cash, treasure hunt, unicorn horn, treasure, treasure chest, finding treasure, solve the clue, clue, we found a clue, mister e, mystery, mr. e, treasure hunt search for the bandits cash, part 8, part 7, the beach house, beach house vlogs, treasure family, skit, family fun, family fun skit, becky the bandit, she is a bandit, that youtube family, bandit, worst bandit, who are the bandits, suspense, transformation, escape
Id: EHdwfFE4NuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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