Daily Life of a Mad Scientist (ft. @MichaelReeves) | Trash Taste #109

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โ€œyeah, i have a shortlist of ideas. like a meat roomba. a roomba made of meat.โ€

how does he deliver this shit with a straight face

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cheatingdisrespect ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 23 2022 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
- We're gonna podcast so hard. - Very different topics. Unless you guys are talking about your stock portfolios- (all laughing) Talking about diversification and how it's important. (mellow music) - Welcome back to this episode of "Trash Taste". I'm Connor, and of course I'm normally with the boys, Garnt and Joey. And today, special guest, Michael. - Hello. (all laughing) - We can barely hear you. - Why are you looking at me like that? You're looking so deeply in my eyes. - You look like a lost child right now. - I am, I am, I am. Well, you know, I'm sure many of you know who Michael is, but you know, you have to do the generic. Oh, who are you? - Yeah. Introduce yourself for people who don't. - For people who don't know who you are. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Robotics on YouTube. Yeah. - That's really- - Is that how you'd describe what you do? - That's what I tell people, yeah. - Robotics, I got you. - Yeah, I don't know. It's hard to say what it is, really. So it's like, I usually just say robotics. Yeah, yeah. - Okay. - Like a crackhead engineer. - Yeah. - Is pretty accurate, I'd say. - Yeah, it is, yeah. - Crackhead engineer. - I'd say engineer. - The energy you give off in your videos is that of, you know? - Yeah, like if Mars Rover went down the wrong path. - Yeah. (all laughing) - Is that how you tell people? I like that. That's awesome, my God. - So do you tell people you're engineers or just work in robotics? - I just say I work in robotics. - Okay. - Sometimes I'll just say software developer. Like, what do you say? Like, when you get in an Uber, you don't explain your whole life, right? - Like in Japan, Uber drivers rarely talk to you. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah. We don't even have Uber. - Yeah. - Oh yeah, that's true. - No, they do. - No. - They do. They do. - We do, but it's like, we have our own version of Uber though. - Yeah. - Yeah. - We do, we do. - Yeah. - But no, they never talk. They're just like, "Are you having a nice day?" And you're like, "Yep." And they're like, "Okay." - That's good. That's the best. Immediate five star. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - When that happens to me, I'm like. - No talking. - Because like, I'd see the memes about, oh, like the Uber drivers that would like not talk to you and you give them five stars. And like in most places I go to, taxi drivers don't really talk to you. At least in the UK. Like if you take a black cab, they're more likely to talk to you. But if you take an Uber, nobody fucking talks to you. - I haven't had a single Uber since I got to LA that has talked to me. - That's crazy. Sometimes they do. - They all talk to me. - Really? - Yeah. Because that's what I hear is like the stereotype, right? They love like starting conversation, getting to know you on the ride. - [Michael] Yeah, it's that type of people you're usually on. - But like, if, I don't know, maybe I just give off the aura of like, don't fucking talk to me. But the moment I get in, they're just like, "Joey? All right." And then they just don't. - It is weird how the SAT NAV, it always keeps going, like, "Drop Connor off in two," and I'm like, "Whoa, that's weird. It's saying my name." (all laughing) - It's sentient. - Are we gonna die? - Yeah, I think on the app, they sometimes next to like the driver's profile, it'll be like, "xcellent conversationalist." And every time I say that, I'm like, "Fuck, they're gonna talk to me." I ain't gonna be able to say shit. - Oh, cause everyone's rated you as a good talker. - Yes, yeah. There's like, it actually has like a little pin. - Like. speech 100. - You know what's cool? I had this one guy who was a, took us to LAX and he was a real estate agent. He picked us up in a fucking Tesla, fully tricked out, came up to us and he was like, "Yeah, I do this just to get clients." 'Cause he'll only patrol rich-ass places. And he'll like, just get clients and be like, "Yep, I am a real estate agent." - That's so five-head. - Yeah, it was genius. - Yeah, it's so genius. - What the fuck, man? - Yeah, that guy was awesome. - I gotta give you props, by the way, because me and Connor are both technically engineers, but you've somehow found a way to be a content creator, - I'm technically not an engineer. - But still make use, but still make use of your engineering degree. - We both have engineering degrees. - Really? - Yeah. That's where we're like opposites. I don't have an engineering degree. - You don't? - You don't? - No, no, I don't. - Are you serious? - Yeah. - You went to university though, right? - No, I went to, well, I went to one year of university and then dropped out, because it was yucky. - Well, I've always said this, but doing an engineering course makes you realize that you don't wanna be an engineer, because it's just boring. - It sucks. Especially at like university type thing. - You don't get to do anything. You think you're gonna be in the lab all the time doing stuff. I was in front of a PC - It's like in math. - doing MATLAB and simulations for just hours on end. - Don't ever remind me of MATLAB, man. - You know they still use it? I hate MATLAB. - Oh my God! - I don't know why they teach it to anyone, because it's never useful. - Yeah, yeah. - What is MATLAB? - It's like a, how can I say it? It's like a engineering software that specializes in like maths and equations, right? - Programming language pretending to be like a really actually useful programming. - Yeah. - No one uses it for anything. - Yeah. - The problem is usually you should be taught stuff that you will use outside, but it's not useful outside of the degree. So you'd think that in the degree, "Oh it will help me learn faster." No, it makes you learn slower and shittier. It's like it has zero. - Then why do they use it? - It's just what they've always used. - Yeah, why do schools do a lot of the things that they do? - That's true. So like, I guess that's really interesting. So you don't have your engineering degree. So did you make your content to make engineering fun? Because I feel like you were one of the first to like, to us, engineering was always boring. But watching your videos, you've somehow made the process of engineering look fucking fun. - Well, it was like really boring. Like, I did have like a real job in it. Doing software development for like the state of Hawaii. And that was very boring. And I learned it in like a very fun way. And then that made it boring. So I wanted to do like fun projects to like make it better. So I actually had like a bunch of shit that I made before doing YouTube. And I made something and I was like, "Oh, this would be funny to put on YouTube." And then that's how that happened, yeah. So it was kind of like to make it more fun for myself, because that passion was fucking dying quickly at the job. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Instantly. - Man, if you, probably if you finished the degree, you probably wouldn't be doing this right now. (all laughing) Hell fucking no, man. - It just felt like it was never applicable to anything. Like they were making us apply for jobs. And I was applying for this job and they were in the interviews, they were asking me questions. I was just like, "Am I supposed to know this shit?" - Like what? - Oh, I mean, so obviously they would ask you to explain like engineering concepts and stuff. And other times they would ask you to explain something and you're like, I don't even, like. - Know what that is. - What did you just say to me? And then I looked like a fucking clown. - Yeah, I've had my fair share of clown interviews. - You drive like two hours. You wait, you wear a suit that you don't really know what the fuck you're doing with. And you get there and just some old man grills you and you feel like a fucking idiot. - Humiliating, yeah. What are your parts of engineering? Mechanical both? - I did mechanical, he did electrical. - Electronic and electrical engineering, yeah. I mean, like I get the interview thing. I drew a dick in one of my interviews. Because I applied for missile company. - Dick missile. - I applied for a missile company. And I ended up like unknowingly drawing a dick and I didn't realize until the end of the interview. Of course I didn't get it. - Nice, nice. - And then Elon Musk stole your design. (all laughing) - So did you, so I guess like, did you quit your engineering degree for YouTube? - I mean after a, oh no. I didn't even get far into the engineering degree. Like, it was just one year. It was like a Python introductory course. And so I like was, I went to college for engineering, but I had to pay for it, like with my job that was already doing engineering. And it was like, that doesn't make any sense. - Yeah, I'm learning to pay to work. - Yeah, I'm learning to pay to learn so I can work in it. And it's like, I already got the job. And the class like was, you know, it was like an intro thing. They wouldn't let you do any kind of like testing out of it or anything. So it was like, this is a variable. That's good. So it just sucked. It also sucked having to do like a bunch of classes that had nothing to do with it. - That is engineering. I feel like they have to fluff it out. Like yeah, yeah. You need to learn how the project line will work. And it's like, well, I mean, like, I guess. - Yeah, even before that, like having to take like an English, basic English class. - They did that? - Yeah, yeah. Because it's like a, it was, oh yeah, right. You guys went in the UK, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, in the UK it's all done in three years. - Oh. - Yeah. So it's all pretty full on. - Like here it's like turbo fluff. If you're not going to an engineering specific school. So like a general education school that I went to, the worst school ever, Northern Arizona University. Fuck you, Northern Arizona University. (all laughing) I pissed on that sign when I went back through there with my dog. Yeah, so you, I was in like ancient Chinese history, and I was like, "This doesn't make sense." I remember like, "This doesn't make sense." - In an engineering degree? - In an engineering degree, they make you take liberal studies as well. - What? Why? - Even though you are paying to do engineering? - Yeah, yeah. Because like you need those to get into the higher level engineering degrees. - What? - Like the classes, it's fucking stupid. - What? - It's crazy, yeah. It's actually insane. - Why does anyone study in America? - They can go to good schools and stuff. I went to like a pretty, the reason I went to this one was 'cause they had like a 90% acceptance rate and I had some bad grades in high school, so. - Right. - Fair enough. But I mean, the whole grades equal intelligence thing is all kind of weird anyway and kind of arbitrary, but who's gonna make a better system? - So you're mostly like, self-taught now with some. - Yeah, mostly for like, for soft, yeah, for all. Yeah, mostly self-taught. - Well, you heard it, engineers. You don't need an engineering degree anymore to do engineering right? - Not anymore. You got Google, YouTube, yeah. - Honestly that's like, Google and YouTube tutorials, just like, that taught me more in my engineering degree than my fucking lecturers did. I'm not gonna fucking lie. - I just said to someone, like the Indian people in like Khan Academy making. - Dude, if they don't have an accent, you're not learning good. (all laughing) For real. It's a bad tutorial. - It's true, it's true. - Those motherfuckers have put up like five-hour tutorials too. And for free. (all laughing) It's like, holy shit. - And it's all like, concise. - It's always, there's no fluff, no bullshit. They get right to the point. I don't know how they learn to teach so well. But they do. It's amazing. - I just think that the universities, they're like, "Hey, you need to fill this many hours. So just make shit up." - Just pretend, yeah. - Just start dragging stuff out. I had one guy and he, I think this guy, because obviously the teachers, they also get graded on how good they're teaching, right? So it was a notoriously hard module. It was just dynamics. Which is just like anything, I guess. And a lot of people failed the year before, so they brought on a new teacher and this guy clearly just did not give a fuck. He was just there for the paycheck. Because at the end of the course, he's like, "Come to my revision lessons. You better come to it. You're not gonna wanna miss it." (all laughing) And so we were like, "All right." - Come to Revisions. - It was like, "All right. Okay, cool." So we go up and he literally just goes through the exam that's coming up in a week. But just with different questions, different numbers. He just goes through it in order. - Oh my God. - That's huge of him. - And so the first time that happened maybe some people turned up. The second time he did it, everyone showed up. - Because they knew it was happening. - It's literally just a cheat sheet. - Yeah, it was fucked. - That's great. - It was fucked. - Also like you get some professors that are like, because like, that are obviously there for like the research side of like your university that are working on different projects, because they cannot lecture for shit. (all laughing) It's kind of like, they only do it because it's like a contractual obligation, you know, "I'm researching some cool projects, but you've also gotta lecture some students." And you could always tell, because they like speak from like a different fucking dimension. They talk to you like you're already like a professor grade level, like, level of knowledge. So it's like a really, like... - Like you're not conversing with a human at all. - No, no, no. Right, right. So it's like really hard to find good professors. Because like. - Yeah, it's hard to get one that does both. Who like knows what they're talking about and is a good teacher. - Because like some of the smartest professors you meet just are like... - Are shit teachers. - The worst teachers, right? - That's for sure. - It's a different skill set. - I gotta ask though, what is your creative process behind how you like, make your videos? How'd you get like your video ideas, man? Because you have like some of the craziest fucking video ideas I think on the platform. - Yeah. - I know this happens. Like, it happens very rarely. So it's like probably the most annoying shit is like coming up with an idea that I think is good. That I like, would have fun doing. That's probably why it takes so long to make videos. I don't know. I just like, will be doing something and I'd be like "This, I could make this way more complicated and stupid." - Do you have like a short list of ideas of like things you like, might want to pursue? - Yeah, I got a couple of 'em. Yeah, I do have a short list of ideas, but a lot of them are like maybes. I think one is like, yeah. A lot of them are like dependent on if it will work. I think one is like a meat Roomba, a Roomba made of meat. (all laughing) - Meat Roomba. - And I had like a baby-killing drone idea, but that one, I didn't end up doing that one. - Do you wanna expand upon that one? - Yeah, its like a drone. That would, like it would kill babies. - Is it LEGO pieces? Like choking hazard? - No like, a pneumatic spike on the drone and it would find, the idea was the drone. - It would only go for babies. - Yeah. - Yeah. (all laughing) - It would like have a vision system and a pneumatic spike with baby kill. - Don't don't tell the US government, bro. They're gonna try and get that technology. We need that. - They need that. - Have you ever had like an idea that you've started working on, because like it takes you like fuckin' months to do it, so I can't imagine being in your position where you have to like commit to one idea and you like need to commit to this for months. - Yeah, I try to validate it as fast as I can. Because if it doesn't, if it isn't good, then I'll like, you know, shoot it and just not do it. I'll kill it because it's just not viable. So I like try to get like, like in the beginning I'll like try to get as much done on like the tech side of stuff to just like validate like, okay, this is gonna work to the end of the video. And then I'll like start the video and it'll be like halfway done and I'll do it like in the middle and stuff. But I get to a point where I'm like, "Okay, the video will work," because I don't wanna start filming and then I'm like, "This isn't gonna work." - Yeah. - Yeah. - What like, percentage of ideas do you scrap, would you say? - Usually I'm pretty good at not trying it. - Like, not pursuing things. - Yeah, I'm good at like killing it before I even like try to do it. - Yeah. - Usually. Yeah, so I just shoot down like 90% of like, in general. - What's the video that took you the longest from like start to finish? - The like, longest in time? - Yeah. - Probably like that beer-pissing dog video I made. (all laughing) - I was gonna. I was gonna ask. - That took a pretty long, that or the surgery robot was really intense. - That was crazy. - I spent a lot of time like, I had a really good time working on, that was one of my favorite ones. Because it was like good work every day. Like I would always like... - Make some progress. - Yeah, I'd wake up and I'd be like, "Okay, these 3D printed parts don't fit together so good. I'll print it out tomorrow," and I'd wake up, they'd be done off the printer. And then I'd like sit in my garage, listen to music. And like the door would be open. And I'd like, have everything working and that one went pretty well. It just took a really long time to like, get everything down for that. - Right, right. - Yeah. That was a great one. I really liked that one. - Sounds like Tony Stark or something like that. - Man, like, that thing wasn't small. What are you doing with all this stuff? - Oh, so that, dude I, well, that one, I used a little bit for stream. (Joey laughing) So I like attached a camera to it, to where the knife was. And I used like a, instead of the hand thing, it's like a PS3 controller and I would just move it around so people could see what I was doing on the table when I was streaming. But then when I moved, I was just like, I like cut it up and took all the electronics and all the good bits and just threw the rest away. That one was way too fucking big. - I was gonna say, I'm like, you can't just have like a storeroom, a museum of rooms. - I have so much shit in like a storeroom somewhere. - I imagine if it's like practical, you're like, "I can keep the Roomba." - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's small too, it's like, easy. Yeah. - Have you ever come close to like, injuring yourself? Because like, I see some of your fucking inventions. I'm like, this is... - A couple times. Usually electrocution is like the main concern. - That's just a normal thing to do, right? - A lot, I mean I've never been tased or anything. - It's been a while since. Oh, really? - No, I can't say that. Should I? Why did you like, perk up? - It's not as bad. I think everyone should know at least once. - It doesn't look that bad. Because everyone seems okay after it. So like, I mean, how bad can it be? - It's really weird because it's like, it hurts really bad, but it's not like getting hit where it hurts for a while. Because it hurts really bad and then not at all. You don't worry about the after consequences. - Neither of us have been tased. - And there's a difference between like stun gun tasers like that you get on Amazon and like police tasers. - Yeah, you know all the differences. - Yeah, like a police taser, like, you probably shouldn't do that. - I'm not gagging over it, you know? (all laughing) I'm like, I'm good if I don't. - Did you ever watch, what's the, was it Coyote Pete? What's his name? - The guy who stings himself? - You should do one of those with tasers. (all laughing) - Got it. - I'm about to enter the sting zone. - So, I'm about to grab the mains of my house. I'm gonna let you guys know how this feels. - Yeah, I did, when I was. - (laughing) What? - Well, when I was a kid, I did get the mains of my house across the chest, through the heart. - What, how? - Okay, so I like, I wasn't super good at any, at that stuff, but I knew electricity is fucking. - So you've been fucking with electricity since you were like a kid? - Like, well, no like, like since I was like maybe 14, like vaguely, because we had a lot of trash around our house. - This is supervillain or superhero origin. - So like I would just like get a bunch of batteries and stick 'em together and the wires would heat up and be I'd be like, "That's sweet." And then I was like, "Dude, we have electricity in the walls. Why am I messing with batteries?" And so... - You gotta pay for joules? I'm not gonna pay for that shit. - I would just cut like, like a cord, a power cord and just cut it and then get the two wires. And I would just flick 'em together and in like stranded wires it instantly like, especially if it's like thin stranded, it goes poof. And a bunch of sparks and molten copper everywhere. And it's really cool. And so I was like, "Fuck, the copper's getting all messed up." So I soldered like, or not solder. I probably just twisted the wire and hot glued. That was my soldering forever was twisting the wire on metal and hot gluing. - No. - Yeah. Dude, like even into many YouTube videos, it was that. - Jesus. - So I twisted that and I was like tapping that, and I don't know, I just touched the both and then like got through the chest. - Did that fuck you up? - No, well, you don't do it. (all laughing) - You would not recommend this. - Yeah, and you would super die in Japan. - 240 voltage. No, no, wait. - It's 220, right? In Japan. - Yeah, 220. - It's 240 in the UK, right? - Yeah, the UK is 240. - Wow, even better. - Even better. - And so that's four times the power because it's bullshit. - I get scared watching ElectroBOOM's videos. - Yeah. - Yeah. - He just always trips wires and stuff. I know he knows what he's doing. I think, I don't know. He seems like he knows. - I think, yeah. - I don't know. But he did one video where he went to the UK. And he was in a hotel room. And he just, he tries to like short the mains. And he just fucking, the whole wall's black, like the whole thing. And he's like, "Oh, this mains in the hotel is not that good in the UK." I'm like, "What the fuck? You just go to a hotel and do that?" - Dude, he did it in Hawaii too. I know he does it. I know why he does it. He goes and does it so he can tax write-off the vacation for his family. Because he puts the family in the video too. So he fucking writes it off for sure. I was thinking that exact shit. - That's genius. - Yeah. - Yeah. So this is like a kind of thing. I think, I assume he's an engineer. - I think I've seen. - I really, I really. - He's got a master's in electrical. - He's very knowledgeable. - I think I've seen some of these videos. - But he shocks himself quite often. - Literally shocks himself. - I think usually it's controlled. I think the one that was scary was his Jacob's ladder video for like a million subs. - Oh, that was fucking scary. - Yeah, 'cause that one's like, like 220 or like mains in a house, it's like, you probably won't die. But like, obviously there's a chance you will. But there's like, it's not guaranteed, but like the Jacob's ladder, it's like 16,000 volts. It's like instant death if you touched it and it went through the chest. And his, he was like celebrating some subscriber milestone that was going up and like he kicked the wire and it fell towards him. - Yeah, I saw that. - I don't know how he like managed to get outta the way because that shit has to be instant death. - Yeah. - Yeah. Just like, what? - I just can't believe how reckless he is. You should watch, it's very. I get anxiety. - Yeah, I just don't understand people who are okay around live wire. - Well, I mean, if you are, if you've probably studied it your whole life you probably feel a bit more comfortable. Probably not a good idea still, but you know you, I can understand why he'd be like, "I know exactly how all this works. I've got that," what's the, what's it called America? The thing where if you electrocute yourself the plug flips. - Yeah, it's got the GFCI. GFCI, got a breaker out. - Breakers, that's what it was. - Breakers in the UK. All our plugs have the fuses in them. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And the fuse as well. - That's probably smart. - Well, yeah, but then the fucking annoying ones that we. - We got like the three-pronged ones, which is just like, it's so much bigger than any other plug. It's huge. It's fucking massive, right? - But every plug has a fuse in it. Like, and you can change it. I's really nice. - That's quite smart, yeah. - Don't have to worry about your house being burnt down. - So is that where your obsession with getting electrocuted started, at a young age? For electrocuting other people? You wanna like, you want them to experience what you experienced? - I don't know. - Were you that kid that stuck the fork in the socket? (all laughing) - You're the reason why we have those like, things on the breakers. Please don't electrify the LEGOs. They do not survive. All right, not gonna do that. But damn, I mean, we have to talk about it. Boxing. I'm sure you've talked about this to no end. - Actually, not that much. Surprisingly not that much. - Let's bring it on. Let's go. - We got a scoop. - Let's go. I mean, how was that? How was that whole process? - It was so awesome. I will never do it again. - Really? - Yeah. Because like, I love everything. I actually really loved everything about it except for like realizing like I'd feel my fucking brain moving when 'd get hit and I don't like that. Like, like being dizzy the day afterwards of like a hard sparring is not it, but like everything, like the training is cool 'cause we're working towards a goal, especially with Creative Clash, you know, you're doing thing. - The paid to get in shape. - Exactly. Yeah. I had the trainer comped. I had like the best trainer possible. He was great. He was like a Golden Gloves champ in the state of California. And like almost the nation, I think he probably was. Yeah, and so it was like, awesome. But I won't do it again. - How intense was like, the training leading up to this? - It was pretty intense. It was like. - Like, how long did you have to do it for? - So I didn't have, I got in like near the end of when they were getting people. So I had not as much time, but I did it, I think generally it's, you should do it a lot. For me it was five times a week and then every day was like, a run before my coach got there. He'd come and then we'd do like jump rope. Some like, pads, like hit the bag, some ladders. Some, just a whole bunch of bullshit. And then it was done. So all in all, it was like a good like two-some hours, three-some hours every day. So it was a lot of time. - Fuckin' hell. - Yeah. It was good, yeah. We got like a lot of sparring in too. Sparring's like the most important part 'cause you get to actually see what it's like. It's like everything you've learned up until then is garbage. - You gotta be like, sore all the time, right? - After sparring a little bit, generally after like doing the training itself for a while. - Kinda warmed up. - Yeah, you're kinda warmed up for it. Yeah. But it was very intense. It was quite intense. - So how many, like, months were you doing the five days a week? - I wanna say like three to four months. - Oh, Jesus. - Oh God. - But like, there were like times when I had to go somewhere on vacation, not on vacation, but like go to another place for like two weeks at a time and I had to stop or like find a treadmill there and just run, right? - Right, right. - Yeah. Yeah. - Fuck. - It was a fuck-ton of training. Yeah. - That's intense. - I think no one thought it was gonna be super intense or like we were like, okay. YouTuber boxing, whatever. But then like we saw how serious Ian, like, I-dubs was taking it. And he'd come over, like to every city that fighters were in. And he'd be like, "Make sure we have a coach," everything, we'd like meet his coach. He's like, "Yep, I'm training five times a week. All I do is fucking eat chicken and rice and this is all I do. I breathe boxing." And I was like, "Holy shit. You're taking it really seriously." - Did you like adapt your diet as well to be like the boxer diet? - Yeah, I tried to just eat like, generally okay. Nothing intense. Just as much like, chicken and rice as I could. But like, you know, I'd sneak some meat in there. Like some steaks and stuff. Yeah, that was fine. - Isn't chicken meat? - Yeah. Yeah. (all laughing) - It's poultry. - Poultry. - Oh my God. - So how was the event itself? - The event was awesome. It was so cool. - We were just talking to Lily about how nervous she was just watching you get on stage and getting, like, hit. - She didn't come. Tough. It was awesome though. Like, the place was filled out. The crowd was amazing. They were just like, yelling nonstop. Freaking the fuck out. It was just like, it's such a well-put together event. - It looked awesome. It looked so fucking good. - I can't like, describe how it was walking out. It was amazing. - What was going through your mind when you, 'cause that must have been like, "Holy shit, this is actually gonna happen. I'm actually have to, like." - I was kind of like mentally numb at that point. I heard fucking, my song come on. It was "Mine Diamonds". - I love that parody. Yes. - Yeah. And that made everything better. All in the world is right. - When you were walking in the ring, were you like, "I think I've got this." - Obviously you're good friends with Graham. - Yeah, yeah, we are. I was feeling actually nervous up until like we started and even when we were going, I. - The first round was shaky for you. - Yeah. I was very unsure 'cause like, my plan was to just gauge first, the coach's plan, you know, gauge first round, get them a little tired, like, play kind of defensively. And then the second round you can move off of that. So that's what I was trying to do as much as I can. But like even following that plan, I was like, "Fuck, he's kind of like, hitting me." I know he's getting tired, I know this is the plan, but I'm still scared. I was like, I think there was a moment where I was like, "I need to start hitting him in order to win or I will lose." - 'Cause obviously the points, right? - Yeah, the points. - If it goes to technical. - Yeah. Yeah. And I felt like I was losing like the entire first round, but I think it went even. Yeah, it was complete, like, it was crazy seeing it from the outside. 'Cause it felt weird as fuck. - Like how much of what, how much do you remember being in the ring? Do you remember like, people chanting your name, 'cause you. - I do remember that. And like I was like, "That's nice." - That's nice. - Shut the fuck up. - That did help out. It was nice. I was like, "Oh man, these people are gonna see Graham lose." (all laughing) Yeah, it was amazing. It was really cool. But it did like kind of shut out everything else. You're supposed to listen to your coach. Like, they're supposed to be calling shit. And it's like, he could have been speaking different languages. He could be speaking in tongues. - Like while you're fighting? - Yeah, you're supposed to like. - How the fuck could you hear that? - Normally in boxing you're supposed to like, your coach is supposed to be like, "Hey, fuckin' take it downstairs, jab, get back on the jab." And like, I'm listening to none of that. (all laughing) - Is that like an amateur thing? Or is that like you just, when you're like, for every boxer? - I think at every level you're able to do that and I think it's a pro level. 'Cause then they get to, they actually get to see from the outside. They'll be like, "Okay, it will work if you go downstairs and hit the body or whatever." - Right. - Yeah. And so I listened to him a little between the rounds. - A little bit. - Yeah, a little bit. - You want some water? Yeah. - Sure. Yeah, yeah. It was super fun. My coach was training like three of the people who were fighting. So he was busy as hell that night. And it was really official backstage. Backstage was nerve-wracking. 'Cause we get there and there's like the blue locker room and the red locker room. And so we're split up by like, the people that we're fighting. And not a lot of people know, but before the fight, there was a pro fight in that same arena, just not streamed. And the pro, so there was one pro in our room and one pro in their room, and our pro got TKOd first round of his fight and he, so he came back to locker room and he was like, "Fuck! Shit! Fuck!" And everyone's just. (all laughing) Just like. - This giant dude. - Yeah, he's a huge professional boxer, and I swear, and so we're like all like nervous as hell. - Oh my God. - Yeah. Really bad vibes in our locker. The other locker room was like, cheering. I heard after they were like, "Yeah, let's go!" And then he goes out to the fucking "Minecraft," like, "Turn that shit off!" (all laughing) - Yeah, and then we had Matt in our room. We saw him get just annihilated. - Did you have a TV? - We did, we had a TV. We didn't get to see anything live until after our fight. So we're like in there watching the TV and we watched the first round, like jaws hanging open, like, "What the fuck? Is that how all of them are gonna be?" We didn't know. We were like, "Is this what's happening?" - "What have we got ourselves into? I'm gonna do that? That's gonna happen to me?" - I was so nervous. I was just like sitting there, not talking to anyone. Will got some really good footage of me just like sitting there with headphones in just like, listening to music as much as I could. - So like, how does like it compare to like when you went sparring? 'Cause like it, was it something where kind of like your experience just took over, you know, with all the sparring experience? - I had to like try and be kind of conscious about it. I had to consciously think like, "I will be making these moves," but like sparring, it was crazy too. 'Cause in sparring I did like, like five, six, seven sparring sessions with different people. I never won like a single round of sparring. And you're not supposed to, you know, you're not winning in sparring, you know, it's not counted, but. - Who were you sparring against? - If my head fucking hurts after, I lost that round, you know? - Right. - Yeah. - So I sparred against my coach first, and he's like, you know, a professional. And so he has to like, hold back. So you're not fighting someone really, you're fighting a good guy who's holding back. It's like when you like hold back in "Smash" against like, your girlfriend. (all laughing) - No reaction. - She's right there too. - Yeah. And so I fought him. He shits on me constantly, obviously. We went to another, a gym. And they were very nice. We were trying to find people for me to spar and there was this girl who's like professional, she's, I was scared as fuck of her. I was like, "How long have you been sparring?" She's like, "Since I was like nine." And I was like, "Okay, that seems fine," and. - She kicked the shit outta you. - That was the hardest I've been punched. She hit me the hardest out of anyone I sparred. She like. - Oh, God. - It was cool to see different techniques, 'cause my coach is very like, fluid in all over the place. She had like incredible defense, she'd like block everything and frustrate the shit outta you. And then you'd come in and she'd like, had this really good check hook and she'd just blast your head. And like, getting hooked like that. That was, I felt the dizziness on that day. - So how many times a week are you sparring? Is it every single time you train? - Well, no, in the beginning you need to like get up to snuff and then. - Need the basics. - And then when like my coach thought I was ready, once or twice a week. - That's gotta be scary though. Once or twice a week? - Yeah. - Getting your ass beat. - Yeah, yeah. And the second one is like contingent on how much you hurt from the first one. - Oh my, oof. - Yeah, so I got beat up by her. I got beat up by a 14-year-old child. - I believe that. I saw some of the kids, though. - He was really good. I'm not even embarrassed about that. He was really good. He's like a national champion for his age. He's like the best 14-year-old in the nation. - Of course he's gonna be better than you. - He was really great. He was like Aang from "Avatar" where he was like floating around the ring. He was like moving just so much and like, ba ba ba ba! And then get out. And then he was like, I can't hit him. And he's, ba ba ba ba! It was fucked. - You know, I've seen him like every anime where there's like a tournament, like in "Hunter x Hunter". And you see the kid come on, you realize that you're the fucking side character. (all laughing) - And then he teleports behind you. - Have you ever watched "Hajime no Ippo"? - I got clips from after the boxing, people were talking about it. - 'Cause I think you did like one of the, I guess, moves similar to what they do. - Oh, the Dempsey roll? - Dempsey roll! - You kinda did a Dempsey roll. - You know, Dempsey was a real guy. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - A real boxer. That's crazy. - He just took the move and kind of made it like a more popular thing in the show, right? So normies know it, but like everyone knew it, like, yeah, it was real. He's like one of the best, right? - He was very good, yeah. He had like a Mike Tyson style thing where he just like, and then blocks. - I mean, that's what like the main character. - You can't know the anime without knowing it. - The power of golden anime. - It's like a very good defense. You're supposed to roll against a hook. That's when you're supposed to do the roll. Yeah, but most of that shit goes out the window. (laughing) - I tried a boxing class like a few days ago. - Oh, I saw that. That was my coach. - Oh, him? Yeah. He was crazy. He was so fast. - Michael, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - When he was doing like, he's like, "No, no, you gotta do it like this." I'm like, "What did you just do?" I couldn't even see what. - He's so smooth. - I'm like, okay, okay. All right, okay. - He's like one of those anime characters where he punches once, and he's like, "I actually punched three times." (all laughing) - But like four days afterwards, my entire body hurts. - And dude, like you can't use your phone, your hands, like your fingies are fucked. - My calves were like rubber. It was like, I couldn't walk. I felt like I looked like an idiot when I was walking. - [Garnt] It's a full-time commitment. - But luckily I'm in America, so walking is optional. (all laughing) But yeah, it was, dude. It was just like every workout was a sprint. Like, I thought I was pretty fit, 'cause I did a lot of running, but running did not prepare me for this. - Yeah. It's like you have to do sprint training. - Just like a full on cardio workout. - It's full of like basically sprinting, every exercise. - Yeah, no, it really is. Like when you're like doing the treadmill and you're supposed to like run in sprints instead of just constantly. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - 'Cause it's like, you're trying to imitate the rounds. Yeah, yeah. - It was fucked up. It was fucked up. - That looked like a cool class, though. It looked sweet. - Yeah. It was kind of cool. I mean, I think it was like, pretty big. So it was hard to really feel like you were learning anything like, tailored to you. But I mean, it's good though. It was like. - You only had one class. So you know, there's more room to grow. - Could you do that five days a week for months at a time? - No, if, okay. I think I would, like, what I was saying is like, I think I would enjoy it more if I was like, just me and him, and then I could take my time and then I could, he could really give me like, "All right, you're struggling here." 'Cause he would just be like, "All right, 12 of you do jabs," and then he would maybe like, "Yeah, it's okay." You know what I mean? So it's like, am I actually doing it right? I don't know. But yeah. I mean, I really wanna do it more. It seems really fun. - It looks really fun, but also terrifying. It looks terrifying at the same time. Was there a point when you knew that you had this? 'Cause I like, I can't remember which round it was, but like, it really looked like you were feeling yourself. - Yeah. There was a point where like, I like, one punch. Where I was like, "That really hit his face." I was like, turned him around. And I was like that and that was like very, 'cause I didn't have a lot of confidence before that. But once I hit it, I was like, "Oh, I can hit, I can hit him." - You can land the punches. - Yeah. I can land the punches, yeah. - I think Alex said something similar. I asked him, I met him the other day and I was like, "When did you think you'd won it?" And he was like, he said something along the lines of like, "I landed one jab and it was like, oh, okay." - It's like, I know how do do that. - I'll do it again. - Oh, I'll just do that. Oh, I just gotta do that. - Well, I imagine. - I gotta punch. - I imagine when you fuckin' see the guy doing like a, a kind of "Punchout" kind of fallen over wobble. "All right. I think I'm pretty good. I think it's going well." - There was a point where I was like getting mad. I don't, like, the camera. Didn't really catch it. But I'm glad, I like hit him with one shot, like right hand, I was like, "Fuck, I'm gonna fuck. You were hitting me and shit." (all laughing) - You need that energy though, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - What do you mean? You are just a sandbag. Take my punches. - Diversify this! - Oh my God. - That's crazy. - The second round I got a lot better, yeah. - I mean, yeah. You looked amazing and it, I think the whole event was just so fuckin' awesome. Like, props to everyone who like, said yes. 'Cause I mean, did you know going into it, like how big of a deal it was gonna be? - No, no. He was just like, "You wanna do a boxing thing?" - Right, right. He must not have like known it was gonna turn out that way. - Yeah, did not, no idea. Yeah. I didn't know it was gonna be that big or that serious. - Ian's a madman, dude. - Ian's madman, yeah. He took it very seriously. He's very good. - Massive props. He fucking brought like everyone up with him though, with how seriously he took it, which is like really respectful, considering like the YouTube boxing scene nowadays. Kind of feels like a clown show sometimes, you know? - But now there's like, I think three more like more serious events gonna pop up soon inspired by like the Crew Clash stuff, so. - Hell yeah. - It's the new metaverse. - There'll be like, leagues, so there's the best league. It's like, if you're a big YouTuber, you get to go in the big league. Everyone under that. - Bar of entry is 10 million subs. It's like, instead of getting like a shitty plaque when you hit 100k they're like, "Ah, go and join the little leagues." Susan watches you. - As you fight to the death. - Work your way up in the leagues, yeah. - I can see Mr. Beast doing it. 100 people versus Mike Tyson. - Yeah. 100 middle schoolers versus Mike Tyson. - That sounds good. - That sounds awesome. I would watch that. - That sounds great. - That would be great. - It's like the next generation gladiator. I mean, that's basically what's turning into, right? 'Cause it's just like, fun to see your favorite creators do like a totally new thing. - Some weird shit, yeah. - It was weird seeing like Ian and even like, like Ryan go up there, it was really cool. Matt, for his fight. Yeah, that was crazy. - When did you find out who your opponent was? - Like a few weeks after I agreed. I think they were looking for someone for me for a while. He was gonna put me against fucking Captain Sparklez, who has been boxing for like years. It was like. - Boxing for years? - And he's like 80 pounds heavier than me. - So you'd just die. - I would just die. Not only that, I don't think the boxing commission would've let us fight. I had to like be within 10 pounds of Graham. I actually was, so I went to Florida. I think I was like 124. I got to Florida, checked the next day, I was like 122. And then on the day before the weigh-in, they were like, "Okay, go on the scale just to see, to make sure," 'cause Graham was like 129. No, no, no, he was like 132, and I was like 119. I lost so much like, water weight in Florida. And so like the hour before the thing, nonstop drinking Gatorade and water. Needing to piss so bad. I gained like, I think I gained three and a half pounds in one hour just by drinking water and Gatorade. - If you drink like enough water, yeah, yeah. - Full of piss, yeah. - So you just get punched. (all laughing) - Oh dude, I needed to piss so bad before the fight. But what happens, they'll wrap your hands and the boxing commission has to sign off on it and then gloves and they have to sign off on it. So you can't take 'em off. So I was like, "Man, I kind of gotta piss, but what am I gonna do?" And the guy who was like warming me up, it was Michael's friend, he was like, "I got you. I've done this before." And we fucking, and he was like, "Come on." And we go in the bathroom and I have like my cup guard on and my pants. And he's like, "Okay, I'm just gonna, I got you." And he just grabbed it and like stood behind me and pulled it down. And I had to like use the thumbs of the boxing gloves, to like nudge myself. And so I just like stood there pissing and he was like holding it, holding me. - That's a real bro move there. - It was bonding for sure. It was great. That was nice. - You're in good hands. - Very nice of him. Very nice. - Do you have like Edward Ciderhands in America? It's like a drinking game. That sounds pretty similar. - Edward Fortyhands. - Huh? - Edward Fortyhands. - Fortyhands, okay. So that's what it sounds like to me. Just like, so what's Edward Fortyhands? - It's the same thing. - Same thing? Okay. - Yeah, as Edward Ciderhands. Cause we call it Edward Ciderhands in Australia. But in America it's Edward Fortyhands, right? - Yeah, 'cause we're drinking forties. They're like a bottle of 40 ounces. - So basically you get like a bottle of cider or forties, like literally taped on to your hands and you've gotta finish it before you can take them off. So at one point you're gonna need to go to piss it's really, really fucking difficult. - You can drink one, right, hopefully? And then hopefully you can pee. - Dude, I fucking lose that shit. My bladder is like fucking tiny, man. - My bladder is absolutely minuscule. I had a weird thing where it like, felt like it popped one time. Like I had to piss really bad at this restaurant. - Like your bladder popped? - And I was like in the end of a line. Yeah, and I went to the bathroom. It took super long and as I, like, you know how you kind of suck in and you're like taking your pants off. And like on that suck in, it was like, I like felt something. And like my vision started getting like black around the eyes. - Oh my God, what? - I was just like very painful and dizzy. And I finished the piss and I went out and I sat on the ground for like 10 minutes. And, but then I was fine, but I think I can't hold as much piss after that. It was like I permanently sacrificed half my. - What did you do, dude? - You permanently debuffed your. (laughing) - You just debuffed your bladder. - Even though I have to piss so bad. There's water. - You can go to the toilet now. Want to take a toilet break? - Yeah, let's take a toilet break. - I have 25%. - This episode is sponsored by GamerSupps. - Gamers. - Gamers. - Gamers. - Do you wanna feel energized but also healthy at the same time? - Yeah. - Well, GamerSupps is the drink for you. - Did you know that GamerSupps is a zero calorie energy formula, keto and diabetic friendly. Guilt-gree, healthy energy drink that you can drink throughout the day that keeps you calm and alert. Each serving contains organic caffeine, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, but no fillers or bullshit ingredients. That's on the script. - Holy fuck. - Wow. - It's designed for long gaming sessions, but it's also great to get through the day without a crash. - Connor, are you doing GamerSupps? - You know I am. I game 24/7. - That's how I know you're a real gamer, Connor. - That's how you know I'm a gamer. - I shove it up my ass if I need to. Come on, guys. - It gets through the body quicker that way. - [Both] Ass to ass, baby! - But guys, did you know GamerSupps is having a Christmas in July sale starting July 24th? If you buy a tub of Gamer Supps, you get a free waifu cup. - Man, they're bringing double Christmas this year. - That's right. - That's insane. - And just for you guys watching, you can use our code TRASHTASTE at checkout for those extra bonuses. - Become a gamer. Smash that link in the description down below. - Back to the episode. - I've heard of rumor that you love British food? I love British food too, so. - That's crazy. I think jellied eels probably on the west side of Sussex. Probably my favorite, yeah. - No one eats jellied eel. You know that. - Yeah they do. I saw it on a food YouTube channel. - That one British bloke that runs that that fucking. - It was East End. - In the East End, yeah. - Meilynne went. - [Meilynne] It was disgusting. - It looks disgusting. - With the gravy in the pie. Did you try it with the, you don't like the cold? - [Eileen] I thought I had COVID. (all laughing) - It's like, "My taste buds must be fucked." - I love how there's like so many like foods that it's like, this food is here because of like in the war time, like we couldn't eat real meat and it's like, fucking not in the war now, eat real food! - Most British stuff has some kind of origin of like, we were desperate, so we made this thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then it stayed around for some reason. - I love beans on toast though. I've said this on the episode with Lily, but I absolutely fucking love beans on toast. (all laughing) It's good! I will make it for you, I will make it for you. - Soggy, that's good. - Okay, listen, all right? You've had toast, right? Nice, like, thick bread. - Oh, I know what it. 'Cause it's in the name. It's in the fuckin' name. - No, no, no! No one actually just eats beans and only toast. You put like cheese, you put like a fried egg on it and then you put like some sauce. And it's good. It's so good. - No. - It's good! Wait, what do you eat? What do you eat? - Do you like beans in general? - I like refried beans. - That's such an odd. - We gotta start from the fundamentals. Do you like beans? - I'm okay as a side. As a side. - So that's the fundamental problem there. - In the UK, I cannot like stress how often beans are eaten. Like, it's very often. - It's like every side. It goes with like pretty much every British cuisine. Every restaurant will have beans on the side somewhere. - No, not really my. - You don't wanna come to the UK? - No. (all laughing) No, I don't think so. For like anything, really. - I mean, there's it's kind of like. - How do you feel about Ireland? - A fan. - I fuckin' love Ireland. Yeah, I fuckin' love Ireland. It's like up there with Japan for like one of the most aesthetic countries I've ever been to. 'Cause like in Japan you go anywhere and it's like, you take a picture and it's like fuckin' Instagram worthy. It's the same thing in Ireland. You could just drive around. - It's so green. - Yeah. - He's never been to Wales, that's why. Wales is the same. Wales is the same. I'm from Wales. Do you know where Wales is? - Yeah. A Welshman. - Yeah. That's it, that's it. 'Cause some people think it's like a fuckin' city in England or something. - No, I know it's a country, yeah. - That's more than most. - Have you been to Wales? - No, I've never been to Europe. - Why do more people not talk about Wales? - They're terrible at branding. - Is their tourism like, just. - Just shit, 'cause they're shit at branding. Ireland, they had Guinness and then they were like, "If you wanna get drunk, come here." And they branded so well off that. - I've heard the same thing about Scotland as well, where Scotland's like a beautiful fucking country. You got the whiskey there as well. What does Wales have? - Sheep. Lots and lots of sheep. - So does New Zealand. - Yeah, but like, New Zealand's too far. Like, who the fuck wants to go to New Zealand? - I wanna go to New Zealand. - Yeah, because you're Australian. It's like, what, like a car trip? - It's still four hours from Sydney. - No, no, that's all right. - It's still fuckin' far away, but it's beautiful. - Oh, the UK's nice. But I feel like if you don't drink, it's kind of boring. - So that's a, see, that's a red flag, is the thing. If you need to be drunk to enjoy something, then you don't actually enjoy it. - No, no, it's not about being drunk. It's about like, everything is designed around you do it with a drink. It's not so that you get drunk. It's like, okay, you wanna do darts? Well, you gotta drink. You can't play darts sober. - Every activity you do there is paired with drinking. In some way, shape, or form. - See, I see the denial. (all laughing) I understand. It's emblematic of a larger issue. - Well, what if you go round one with drinks in those drink holders? - I mean, I like that. - Yeah, right? That's how you would inhibit yourself. - Your justification for a country? Fact. - Okay, okay, the British philosophy is every activity can be made more fun with drinking. Right, right. - See, America's in its infancy, right? It's still like, what, 200-something years old, 250. So they haven't got to like the depression age yet where they realize, just fucking give up. Let's just drink. - I'm getting there. - So the UK's just been like, "Oh, fuck, man." This church has been here for like 900 years. May as well fuckin' drink in it. I don't know. - Father, may I? - I'm pretty sure that's why, you know, religion, like, Christianity did so well. 'Cause the wine. I'm pretty, like, if, if that wasn't in it, you think British people would like take on other ones? - You don't go to fucking Sunday mass and being like, yo let me neck this, like. - When they leave Sunday, you know, down to the pub. People like, so like people just go to the pub, like elderly people over the age of like 50. From like 12 o'clock and they just start drinking. - 12 o'clock is a bit late. - I've heard from Sydney when she, because my wife worked at like a British pub and before the pub opened, there would be like old guys waiting, queuing to get in this pub at like eight a.m. - Oh my gosh. - And they'd order like a double whiskey on the rocks when they'd come in. - That's kind of cool. That's kind of cool of them. - I wanna be there at that age. Just like, "What are you doing today?" "Pub." Nothing else. Just pub. - That's what they do. 'Cause that's where you see your friends in the UK when you're like that old. - Yeah. - But like, I've seen some people just sitting there at the pub on their own as well. So they're not even going to the pub to like, converse. - What's Ozzie culture like? - Pretty much the same. (all laughing) Except no, except for us it's, if it's too early to go to the pub, you just go to the beach. - Yeah, yeah. Dude. Drinking at the beach is so cool. - Drinking at the beach is the fucking best. Except you can't do it in a lot of beaches in Australia. So never mind that. - You can in Hawaii. - I feel like they would've been like super strict. - I don't know. I've never gotten in trouble for it. - That went from so confident to, "Yeah, I don't know." - Everyone does it, so it's okay. Yeah, yeah. - I went to a pub with a friend for dinner, no, lunch, no, breakfast even. Breakfast at like 11. - One of the meals of the day. - Very early, 'cause this guy came in, ordered three beers, drank them all on his own, then just left. And I was like, "What do you?" - He was getting the day started. - Like he dropped his kids off somewhere and was just like, "Fuck. Finally I can just leave." It is very like, depressing. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I think that's why we are the way we are. - That's why everyone is cynical and you know, just miserable, but in like a fun charming way. - We're very self-deprecating with, I was gonna say with our humor, it's just kind of with life. - With everything. - We love cringe humor so much. We like, I don't know if you've ever watched any British TV shows or. - Yeah. I've seen a couple. - Have you ever seen "Peep Show"? - No. - Oh, that's good. You should watch it. - Seen "Inbetweeners"? - Mm-mm. - Oh my God. Just watch these. The pinnacle of cringe. - I'm not a British television fan. - Fuck. What do you watch? - Like a little cringe humor? I don't watch any TV. - Really? - Not like, now. - No anime? - Do you watch anything? - Anime, like the last anime I watched through was probably like, "Mob Psycho". - Honestly, that's good fuckin' taste, man. - It ended up being like the best one I've seen, so. - You did good. - I'll just cut it off, stop it there. (all laughing) Don't need to look anymore. - I hit the peak already. - Yeah, yeah. - I remember that, I think we briefly spoke 'cause you liked "Banana Fish". - Oh, I love "Banana Fish". - Me too, but like, 'cause it's one of those shows where it was really underappreciated and people didn't really talk about it. - I'm surprised you watched "Banana Fish" 'cause most anime fans don't know about "Banana Fish". - I quite like that. Yeah. - "Banana Fish" is fucking amazing. - It was just like really, really fucking good. - It was marketed poorly, I think. - It was mark as like yaoi bait kind of, where it was like, "Oh if you're a girl and you like seeing hot guys have problems." - It was happened like twice. That was it. - It was a fucking awesome show, besides that. - Including that, made elevated by that. - True. I thought it elevated it. I mean, it was hot. - It was epic. - What other anime have you watched? I mean, we obligatorily have to talk about it. - Yeah, 'cause we are technically an anime podcast. - Nothing, really. Not a lot of anime. - You're like Joey then. - Yeah. - Join the club. - I watched a few episodes of that "Spy x Family" show, which was pretty good. Quite good. - I also enjoy food, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. Was that Netflix, I don't know if that was anime. - "Arcane"? - No. Yeah, yeah, my favorite add-on. - Did you like "Arcane"? - I loved "Arcane". - Me too. - That was excellent. That's great, that's great. - I had to do it, Joey, I had to do it. - He refuses to watch it. - Why? - It's just funny. It's just funny to see like, "Arcane" fans just get pissed off whenever I say that. - It is a good one. It's a good one. No, it was called "The Great Pretender". - Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. - You watched "The Great Pretender"? That was a good fucking show. - It was fucking awesome. - Yeah, I watched that one. - Weird fucking ending, but like, good fucking show. - Yeah. It was good all the way through. Yeah, that was probably the last one. - Yeah, I guess, 'cause like, I guess it's it sounds like you watch like a wide variety of anime, just from like different sources. 'Cause like "Banana Fish" is like really, really fucking underground, apparently. - Yeah, how the fuck did you just watch that? - I don't know. It just came on. I forget where I heard of it. It was good. I was in the MAG club in high school 'cause my friend was the president. - What's the MAG club? - Manga, anime, and gaming club. My friend was the president. - The trifecta. - He shoved them all under one. - Yeah, yeah. You can't have your separate clubs. It was a bad school. It wasn't a great school, so. - Really? - It's not like it, I mean it was a smaller school, so. - They had like a Harry Potter club at mine. - Yeah? - Just for Harry Potter. - That's fucked up. That sucks. - Were you in that? - Fuck no. - I dunno. You brought it up, so I thought you had some stories. - The movies were over at that point. I wonder what they were still talking about. Like, "Oh, I can't wait until J.K. Rowling says something fucked up on Twitter again." - I don't think so. Yeah, no. I watched, the first anime I ever saw was "Death Note" and I would watch it in my STEM class at lunch. 'Cause they didn't have a VPN at this school and you'd just stream it. At lunch, it was really nice. Yeah. Go to the computer class and just watch anime. - What's your favorite anime, like, of all time? - "Mob Psycho". - "Mob Psycho", good choice. - I mean that's very solid. Season two with that animation with that one fight where they do teleporting. - [Garnt] The teleporting fight? Yeah. - That one gets me rock hard when I think about that. - Are you gonna watch season three when it comes out? - I didn't know they were doing a season three. - Yeah, it's coming out this year or next year. - It's gonna be the final one. - It's gonna be final season, yeah. The final season. - That's sick. No, I didn't know that. - You enjoying this, audio listeners? - You ever do this? - No. Well, I mean, not on the show. (all laughing) Oh, you're gonna pop it? You're gonna pop it? - Yeah. - I've never seen this before. - It's kinda loud. - This has given me really anxiety now. (bottle popping) - It's, what? I've never seen that smoke before. What the hell? - You can do with any bottle, yeah. - Can you just turn anything into like a fucking gun? - Pretty much. - That's your talent? - That's his superpower, right? I can immediately put the people around me in danger. - At any point. That's my Quirk. - So I heard a little story that you, when you got the Boston Dynamics dog thing. You still own that, right? - Yeah. It's around. - What do you do with it? - It's at the offline TV house right now. - Does it do anything, or? - Not really. I'm still thinking of shit to do with it. - So he's just like sitting there just like, watching you. - He's just waiting to be turned on again. - Oh no. He starts crying. - I see him every time I walk up the stairs. He's like, under the staircase. Like Harry Potter, yeah. - Oh no. - It's so sad. - So did you get that specifically for the piss robot video idea or did you just get one and was like, "I gotta make a video." - It was like a joint thing with Offline TV. And we all got it together and then I was like, "I'll use it for this, this sounds awesome." - So you convinced them to pay for the dog? - Yeah, 'cause we used it in a couple Offline TV videos. - Oh, really? Oh, okay. - So it was kind of a tax write-off. - Meilynne? - Separate costs. - Can we get a dog, Meilynne? - I want a pet. I want a very specific kind of pet. - [Meilynne] We'll get you an intern. - Did she just say that? She'll get us an intern? - She said "We'll get you an intern." - {Connor] Oh my God. - Bra. Our manager, ladies and gentlemen. - [Meilynne] I was kidding. - So I'm going to, I don't know. We probably have announced this. We're going to Japan. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I like running off into the night and doing things. I have questions about Japan. If I want to ride a motorcycle or a scooter, can I do that? Can I rent one? - No. - No. - No, you need a driver's license. - What if I have an international driver's license? - Maybe. - 'Cause I can apply for that. - It's different. - But they have those like, ride on ride off like scooters now, like electric scooters that you can drive on the road. So if you sign up for the apps and you have a driver's license, I'm pretty sure you can. - That's cool. 'Cause I think it's like a CC thing. Like a power thing. Like anything under like a certain CC might be allowed. - Yeah, I believe so. - When you get like a bicycle in Japan, you have to register it with the police. - What? - A bicycle. - Yeah. You have to register a bicycle. - Why? - Yeah. Because Japan loves fucking rules. There's rules for everything. - That sucks. - Yeah, I mean it's like the, I guess you get this like. - Do you ever get like arrested for not having your bicycle license? - I dunno what the. - You get your bike confiscated and it's like a fine, I think, if you get found out. If you get found out. - So Japan loves rules. And they love rules so much. And that's why everything works really nicely. But you're just like, you're just like, "I just wanted to ride a bicycle. I didn't want to have to go to the police and." - No, but that's why I do the rental bicycle things. Which are like everywhere in Tokyo now. So much better. - So like after living in Japan, I've realized the way the country works is if you want to do something and you ask someone for permission for it, 99% of the time, they're going to say no. Because they don't know if you're allowed to do it or not. So they're just gonna say no, but if you do something, then there's only like, I guess a 50% chance that someone's gonna call you out on it. Isn't that the way it works, right? - So you're like filming in Japan, right? - Yeah. - You know, there's plenty of IRL streamers. You know, they never ask for permission. But you know, whenever we do main channel videos or big things, we have to get permission and it's a nightmare. - Japan is literally better to ask for forgiveness than, just like, ask to do something. - It's very difficult to get permission to film in a lot of places, 'cause they just don't, they're like, "No." - That's tough. - Yeah, man. - Yeah. It's just the culture. It's just how it is. - There's ways around it though. - But you get amazing, you know, the trains turn up on time and you, so I guess it kind of works out. You're kinda like, "All right, I guess." - Everything else works. - I'll try to find a scooter. I'll try. I'll try my best. - What is it that you wanna do in Japan then? - I just wanna scoot around. I just wanna see all the stuff. - They have the scooter rental thing sometimes, sure. - It sucks we're not there when you guys are there. - That is tough. We're kind of doing "Trading Spaces," "Wife Swap" type thing. - Yeah, we are, right? Could have showed you around, yeah. - Yeah, that's tough. - Literally everyone's coming to Japan when we are out of Japan. It's like it's a fucking mass exodus on both sides. It's so sad. - I am really excited for it though. - Have you ever been? - Yes. Once before. It was amazing. - What did you do there before? - We went around Shibuya, I think Shinjuku. - Tried out the amazing food. - Tried out the, that was oh, so good. Fucking any Yoshinoya is just good. - Hell yeah, dude. - To me. - No, no, it is. It is good, it is good. - Yeah, we did a lot of stuff. Seeing Mount Fuji was amazing. That was like one of the most beautiful things ever. - So picturesque. - It's like unfair how like, picturesque and aesthetic it is. It's like God just like perfectly crafted it. Just perfect symmetry. - Just a little something on top. - Just add a little cherry on top. - Yeah,I woke up on the bus and I was like, "Oh, it's like, it's God, it's God." That's like, why religion exist. - Like there was like some lakes around Mount Fuji where you walk around and it literally looks like, just, it's so beautiful it literally looks fake. - Yeah, I think we were at one of those lakes. It was really beautiful. - Yeah, 'cause it looks like Unreal Engine. (all laughing) - Like what "Mario 64" could look like rendered in 15k. - Unreal Engine 5. RTX on. - How long are you guys gonna be there for? - A while. Like two weeks, solid two weeks. Yeah, so it's gonna be awesome. I think I might just branch off and, 'cause probably my favorite part about Japan last time was just being by myself in a crowd of people and no one knowing anything. Just being a fucking cog in a machine was nice. - That's what it's like. - That was cool. Yeah, that was cool. It was cool, like, just like, yeah, just like floating around in crowded areas and going to different places. - Which just like the opposite of LA. Like everyone in LA, like every single person you meet, it's like, you're talking to like somebody who believes they're the main character. And like in every sense, and then in Japan it's like, "Oh, I'm just here to do my part. I'm just here to exist and not get in the way." Like it's really like, it's refreshing coming here. But then after a while you're like, "Okay, this is too much. I wanna go back." It's weird. It's definitely strange being in America now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm already fucking sick of the customer service here or I guess the lack thereof. Yeah, because I mean, I feel like we've been spoiled so much living in Japan, like with like Amazon or like just going to a fucking restaurant or whatever, but like, yeah. What I thought was normal, like next day delivery on Amazon. I thought that was just normal. Not here apparently. Unless you wanna pay like fucking triple the shipping fee. - You can do two-day. Two-day delivery. - Two-day delivery, yeah. - But in Japan it's like, 99 times out of 100, it's been next day delivery. - I guess it makes sense. It's just this little island. I guess it checks out. - I guess so. - It's efficient. Efficiency is no joke. They take shipping very seriously. - Are the other islands, I quite liked your biking video. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. If you're able to go, I mean it's a bit out the way from Tokyo, but it's like. - I'm not gonna do it. It looked cool. - It was like fucking beautiful. We somehow like lucked out on that day. The weather was so perfect. - It was October as well, I think. Was it October? - Yeah. It was late October, yeah. - End of October. - Was the perfect kind of like, all right. 'Cause when you're going in July, it's horrible. - Yeah, hot. - It's just disgusting. - Oh yeah, you're going in July? Be careful. - Good luck with the heat. - The heat and the humidity. - It's okay. I grew up in Hawaii. I've been in the Philippines in July, so it's okay. We'll be all right. - It's gross. - It's disgusting. - But the cycling was perfect. It was like nice, clear, like low humidity, and it was just great. I mean, it's kind of stressful 'cause you want to focus more on just cycling, but when you're filming and it was just us three and two other guys. So we're just trying to get this thing to look and sound good. So you're constantly stopping like, "Are the cameras okay? Are the GoPros okay? Did you just change batteries? Hey, I need batteries." And so you do this cycling thing that should be done in like six hours, but it takes like 12. Because everything is doubled when you're filming. So I'm sure, I mean, you do a bunch of stuff with Offline TV, right? - Yeah. - So I'm sure stuff is, would be fun if you could just do it off camera. But it's like, "Okay, we gotta redo that again. Okay, let's take another one." - Well, they do a pretty good job of like setting up, Offline TV is very hands off for like when you're in the, like they handle a lot of it. - Oh, 'cause we kind of do most of it. - No, yeah, it's like a complete, like I do everything for myself channel and all that. But, and I know, it's. - Well, it's cause like it's, it was like, especially in Japan, when we first did Trash Taste, like the influencer and content creator, like, infrastructure just wasn't there. So even if we wanted to hire a specialist in X, Y, or Z to help us make content, it was so hard. You just couldn't find it for like, for the longest time, whereas in LA, it seems like you guys are able to just get specialists for like any area. - And if they did exist, then they were most likely just like only Japanese-speaking, only understand the Japanese content creator side of things, which is just completely different to the shit we do. Right, so it's like just trying to explain that to them, being like, "No, we're not gonna do it the Japanese way. We're gonna do it the non-Japanese way." And they're just like, "What do you mean? Is there a difference?" - It's like impossible finding some type of people that we want to do certain things. 'Cause they just don't exist in Japan. 'Cause you need somebody who speaks English, happens to be in Japan already. - And is doing that thing. - And then is available to do it. It's like, all right, okay. Which is like nobody. Especially right now. There's no one. Maybe when the country opens up a little bit, it'll be a little easier. - So like for the cycling video, it was, a lot of it was just like guesswork by us. And it was like a fucking miracle, I think. - It just miraculously happened to be something that was cohesive. - Thank God. - How is the YouTube over there? Do they do a lot of, there's one YouTuber I really like over there. His name is Sushi Ramen. - Because he's just a Japanese version of you. (all laughing) - Yeah, he's fucking awesome. I don't know. I don't watch a whole lot of Japanese YouTubers, but like, I'd say Sushi Ramen is probably the most interesting. - Yeah, yeah. - He's definitely the most interesting. - Yeah, a lot of the Japanese stuff is just like, they're trying to rip off Japanese TV. It's really not good. And the thumbnails are fucking awful. The thumbnail game in Japan sucks. But like, who else can you compete with? 'Cause the Japanese market is so isolated. Like, they progress through YouTube trends completely different from the rest of the world. So when you watch it, it's so like bizarre seeing this completely isolated. - Like, singular. - It's really interesting. I mean a lot of Japanese people, if they speak English, they're like, "Oh, just go do English." 'Cause it makes way more sense. Yeah, it's kind of, it's interesting. - I mean, like the creator like field or just the creator community there, it's like pretty small, especially compared to somewhere like LA, but I mean, it's slowly growing. Slowly growing. - Slowly. - Yeah, slowly. - There's a decent amount of English channels doing videos in Japan. I'm sure if you've seen like any, you've probably seen a bunch. - Yeah, probably. - I mean, the JVlogging scene is coming back, right? - Yeah, but I mean, everyone was in different places. - Yeah, 'cause fuckin' Felix moved out and started making JVlogs, right? - He's just like "I'm doing JVlogs" and then all the JVloggers came out of their bunkers and they're like, "We can make JVlogs again? Okay!" - It's good though, 'cause like, when did you move to LA again? - Like four years ago. - Four years ago. - Something like that, yeah. - Yeah. How are you finding LA? - It's all right. (all laughing) Nah, the city fucking sucks. The city is ass. - That's what everyone says though. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I can't leave the people. - I can't leave. The industry is here. - You already heard it, yeah. You heard it all. It's just the people I know live here. Even my, like, I convinced like, my friends from high school to move here. - And they're like, "What have you done?" - "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yeah. - I'm broke. My rent is too high. Everything's broken. - Yeah, it's ass. I'm trying to like explore more of it 'cause I like to know where I am. So I've been going around doing more shit like riding bird scooters as much as I can around areas. Bikes and stuff, yeah. So it's. - I think the problem is just like LA is just not built for like scooters and bikes. - No, it's built for the cars. - It's built for cars, right? 'Cause I've been to like European cities where I've tried out the scooters and they're just really, really fucking fun and useful. And it's more useful than cars in most senses. So like it's hard because I, when I like to explore places, I like to like walk places. LA is just not built for walking at all. - Yeah, like everywhere else as a city, it's like, oh, the downtown is the cool place. But like downtown LA is like. - Just terrifying. - You don't do anything there. It's not even fun. Like you're not even risking it for a benefit. It's just bad. - So before like, this trip, I pretty much have only been to like the downtown side of LA because that was where like, Anime Expo is. So we would only have like a few days around Anime Expo, so the only places to explore is basically like Little Tokyo and downtown LA. And it was, I think everyone has a different experience and has a different story with shitty things that have happened in downtown LA. - Just the weirdest people. - Yeah, it's awesome. - Downtown. - It's awesome. - Yeah, it's like, this is the best country, or your best town ever if you want to like, people-watch. 'Cause like there's just the strangest people exist here. - Yeah, it's great. - LA and New York are like the top tier. - LA and New York, Portland also has some good shit. Portland has some crazy shit happening. - Wait, really? Why? - Maybe more than downtown LA. - Why? - I don't know. I've been to Portland once and like walking on the street, like I was there for like one day and I got like Voodoo Donuts, which is like a famous donut place in LA, and this like dude walks up to me and he's like, "Can I have that?" And I was like eating this, it was called Cock and Balls. And it was a donut shaped like a dick and balls. And I was like, "You know what? I'm done with it. Yeah, you can have it." And I like, it's in a napkin and I'm, it's like in a wrapper and he's like, "Oh, thanks." And he just fucking grabbed it by the tab and like, took it out my hand. It was crazy. Oh, dude, my friend- - Just started gobbling on the balls. - Yeah. My friend Gabe lives in Portland. And he said he, he had this great story. He went like on the train. This like, homeless person came up to him and he was like, "Hello, can," the guy said, "Hi, can I shake your hand?" And my friend was like, usually just doesn't shake hands with random people. But the whole train looked at him. And everyone was looking at him and he was like, "Yeah, I gotta kind of do this or else I'm an asshole." And he's like, he said he like, slow motion saw the hand coming. And then he shaked it. And the guy said, "I have AIDS." (all laughing) It's like the first thing he said. - What did he say after that? - Apparently they talked to the end of the thing, like about like how he. - Has AIDS? - A little bit, yeah. But just his life. - Holy shit. - Quite an okay conversation. Yeah, yeah. - America's scary. - America's weird, yeah. - I had something similar happen to me on the UK tube, though. - Yeah? - Oh yeah? - Yeah, I had like the, so the UK Metro in London. I went on because I was going somewhere. I think I was heading to your place. Maybe, or somewhere in London. But some homeless dude came up to me and he was like, "Excuse me, sir." And then he pulls his shirt up and there's just like a giant fucking laceration, like this big, and he's just bleeding from it. And he's like, "I just got stabbed and I need hospital funds." And I'm like, "What the fuck?" And so like, you know, and again, same situation. Everyone in the tube is looking at me and I'm like, "Well, I can't say no." So I just gave him like a one pound. - That's how you do it. - Here's a pound, here's a pound. - Bro, hospital funds? We're in the fucking UK. What are you talking about? It's free. - Yeah, right? So I was just like, I gave it to him and then he's like, "Thank you." And then I thought about, I'm like, "Isn't it free in the UK?" I mean, luckily I didn't give him like a 10 or anything. - Well, I mean he deserved it. He was stabbed. - I could see it was like, clearly not like, makeup. He was like full on, he got stabbed in the stomach on the tube. - Why was he on the tube? - That's what I wanna know! - That's fuckin' fishy, dude. You get stabbed, first thing you do is start going around asking for money? Like, what is this? - I was like, I was expecting that shit in America, not the UK. - I'm just conditioned in the UK. Whenever anyone like talks to me, I'm like, "No." Just say no. Just say no. - 'Cause like if someone starts talking to you in the UK, something's gone wrong. - They try it, you say "No." - It's like in Japan when someone starts talking to you, it's like, "Oh, am I in trouble?" - No one normally. - Yes, you are. Normally you have fucked up somewhere. They should leave you alone. That's the whole country's design. - Yeah. Shit happens. - Especially in London as well. 'Cause I remember like when I first moved to London, I was like, you know, trying to be really polite. I was on the tube, I was like letting people, you know, letting people go in front of me if they needed to go or something. And like within a month of moving to London, I was like fucking pushing kids out of the way. If someone like stood on like the left side of like the fucking escalator, I think I put out a hit on them, you know, because in England, if you stand, you always have to stand on the right side of the escalator. Always remember that. And it's like, I actually like messed up. 'Cause in Japan, it's like the left side, right? And I remember standing on the left side in London when I went back this time and I didn't, I forgot. And someone like tried to like fucking bust past me. I felt like the shame, man. I felt the shame. - You betrayed yourself. - I betrayed myself, man. - In Tokyo it's the left, but in Osaka it's the right. - Is it? - Yeah. - In west Japan, you stand on the right side. But in east Japan, you stand on the left side. I don't know why. - That doesn't make sense. - Doesn't make any sense. - Their electrical grids are different. Maybe it's got to do with that. - Yeah, maybe, yeah, yeah. - We're over 50 hertz. Gotta go on the right. (all laughing) I remember, I've watched your channel since like, pretty much the very first video you did. - Oh yeah? - I remember when your whole thing was being the guy with the laser. - The laser guy. - That was like your whole thing for a while. - [Michael] That was fun, yeah. - When you made that, did you think, "Fuck, dude, I'm gonna keep making all these videos and become a YouTuber." - Nah, that was like one of the ones where it was like just gonna make it for fun, it'll be cool. I was in college at the time. I was very sad, miserable. I wanted something to do. So I like, I used like trash and pizza boxes to make it. I used like, people threw away their microwaves. So I like, took them apart. I would take them from the dumpster and like. - Oh my God. - I like, got the transformer. It really didn't do anything, it was like, the wait for it. But yeah, it was like made outta garbage and I did not expect it to do anything. I just wanted to put it somewhere. 'Cause I've been watching YouTube forever so I was like, "May as well make one." - Yeah, it definitely seemed like you had inspirations when you started. - Yeah. Yeah. I watched a lot of YouTube. - Yes. (laughing) - Who were your inspirations specifically? - I don't know, I would watch just a lot of, I watched a lot of like Filthy Frank. - Yeah, and it definitely shows. - Yeah, yeah. That was the best time. That was the best time on YouTube ever. I like, I think it's the best 'cause it's like, it's just like a dude with a fucking camera and like Mr. Beast is cool and shit, but like he's got like a production world around him and like he's got like a team of 20 people doing shit at all times. And like Filthy Frank was just like, "Hey, I got the phone camera." - Just a guy with a camera, right. - "I'm about to say some horrible shit." - He was just a dude in a filthy apartment. - Yeah, yeah. That's what I like about it. I definitely like that where it's just like, see what one person with a camera can do. - Is that kind of like the vibe you still try to emulate now where it's just like, all you doing everything? - Oh, I still, yeah. I mean, I just like to do it myself 'cause it's like, it feels like more in control. But yeah, I don't do it for any specific purpose. Like it would definitely be smarter to like outsource it to like, like make someone else edit it or whatever. But it just, I can't, I'm not good at working in a team either. So I can't like communicate it to them where it's like, "This is what I'm going for." Like, I just like have to know it and do it myself, you know, yeah. - How'd you balance like your YouTube with like your, with like your, you know, your Twitch, Offline TV, and everything else, then? Because like, if I was you, I would feel like guilty for not working on my channel all the time just because you like, your upload schedule is like so vast sometimes, right? - It is very long in between, yeah. Not a lot of balance. I'm just, I'm very lazy sometimes. And like, yeah, I'll just get like sidetracked doing like a different hobby or trying some other shit out and I'll be like, "Oh, two months are gone." Like, I tried to learn a little game development recently. But it's like, especially if I'm learning something, it's always useful. Yeah. Not a lot of balance. - You're always like leveling up somehow. - Hopefully, yeah. - Hopefully. That's how I feel. - Something. Yeah, exactly. - I can't imagine you were like, super productive after doing like five days of boxing a week as well. - Yeah. - That must have like, killed. - It took a little hit to the productivity. - Little? - Yeah. - Just a tiny bit. - A little hair. Yeah. But now that it's off, I'm doing a little more. Yeah, sometimes it's like, I've noticed that like, I can see how the video is, like how much shit I gotta do for it. But like, like when I was first starting, like I had no fuckin' clue how much it was gonna be. But now that I see it all, I'm like, "Fuck, what do I do first?" Like I'm unsure of like, where to start sometimes. So it's like, yeah. I mean, it's all right. I just like try and do as much as I can every day. It fluctuates. Some days it's like 12 hours, some days it's zero hours. - Have you tried to keep like, the fitness that you got during like, the boxing period? - I'm trying, yeah. I'm still like hitting up the gym and stuff. I still like have a punching bag in my garage and all that. I'm trying to keep up with it 'cause it's nice. Like, 'cause I, that was like a thing I could work towards. I will never be that fit ever again in my life. I've decided that was my fucking peak. Cause I had a thing to work towards and now it's like, "Am I gonna do that for me? No." - You're not gonna fuckin' do five days a week, two hours. - Yeah, no. - Not for yourself. Fuck that. - Yeah, that was my, so I'm like trying to maintain it as much as I can right now. - Props then. I mean, I couldn't even do. - I would definitely relapse to like, pizza or burgers again. - Yeah. I'd relapse mid fucking training. I'd be like "Coach, food." - I didn't even get to the training. I'm just like, close to the relapse. - Yeah. The food, the food was all right. You're kind of burning a lot of calories so you're kind of allowed to eat a lot, which is nice. - A lot of chicken. - Yeah. A lot of chicken, a lot of prepared chicken. You know what's one weird thing that not a lot of people talk about that is like, a preparation for a fight? You're not supposed to nut. - Is that real? - That's absolutely real. - I feel like this is like a thing that boxers have been doing, but there's no. - The coaches have been just like, saying that. - Yeah, I thought it was like a myth. - But there's like no scientific proof that not nutting makes you stronger. - Well, I was in the same boat. I was exactly in the same boat. - Okay, okay. How long before are you not allowed to nut? - He said like, don't do like two weeks. - Two weeks? - And I was like, "Man, I don't know if I can do two days." - I was about to say, man. - And I was like, like a week I like, I got it to a week and I was like, "Man, fuck this, this is stupid." (all laughing) I did, and the next day like at training, I was like very lethargic. And he was like. No, and I was. (all laughing) - Open your hand up! - This guy has the blacklight up. And he was like, or I was like, "Hey, is something wrong with my diet? Like, I feel like kind of heavy today. Do you think it's like something to do with what I ate?" And he was like, "Hey, level with me. You nut?" - Did you nut? - And I was like, "How the fuck did you know?" And so that, it proved a little bit. I don't know if it's placebo or a coincidence, but I did not up until the fight. So that was, yeah, yeah. And people I haven't talked to, like, they were like, "Oh yeah. My coach told me the same thing." It's like some weird fighting secret. - I just feel like it's this thing where they like, say it and like, maybe it works. - You should try it. You should prove it. - Should I just fight a homeless man? I'm not gonna nut for two whole weeks. - And then the control test where I nut the night before. - You're telling me that No Nut November is actually real? (all laughing) - You really do level up at the end of No Nut November. - You do gain superpowers after No Nut November. - You're irritated. You wanna fucking do shit. - I mean, even then that's like a benefit. That's still a benefit. - You're like, "Fucking Graham, fucking." - You're more, like, aggressive and angry. - "I'm gonna fucking nut right after this fucking fight." - I'm gonna do it mid-fight. (all laughing) - You do it the moment you land the first punches. Oh! - That's what the ball guard is for. - Yeah, yeah. - Keep it in a vice grip. You will not nut today. - I just always thought that was bullshit, but I guess maybe there's some method behind the madness. - I thought it was stupid and then had a little proving. So you know, who knows? - Was that something that everyone did? - Not every, well, everyone had a different coach. But I found a surprising amount of people were like, "Yeah." Like, Alex was like, "Yeah, my coach told me not to." And like a bunch of other people. So it's not just my coach being a freak and being like, "Don't do that." (all laughing) - "I wanna see you suffer." - Thankfully it was everyone. - He'd probably tell you fucking anything and you'd do it. - Yeah, yeah. - He'd be like, "Do not shit. I'm telling you. Don't shit." - It adds to the body weight. - It will drop your center of gravity. Better leverage on punches. - 'Cause the boxing coach, I feel like they have more authority than any other coach. It's like dude, I punch people. Like, dude, watch Mr. Beast. Watch it, like, backwards. It'll fuckin' help. - It'll freak you out. You'll just get it. - Stop fucking shaking. - It'd be interesting to see, like, how many fighters actually followed through with that advice. - Ask all the people who lost. - No, no, no, no. Privately? Like I'm gonna ask people. - Privately it's like, "Did you nut before? Just tell me." - It's just like a list of the winners and a list of the losers. And it's just like, "Oh my God, it's true." - They all nutted! - It's true! - It should be a good scientific study. - Yeah, I think they have done it and proved that it has no correlation. But also that's in like a controlled environment, so it's hard to say. - It must be a mental thing. - It must be a mental thing. - Like you feel like you're holding back so you're like, I don't know, maybe your body's like. - Maybe, yeah. - You've got testosterone. - It's like something you look forward to after the fight. But if you go before the fight, then there's nothing to look forward to. - What are you doing if you can't nut? - The reason why I'm standing in this ring is because I know that the nut afterwards is gonna be the best nut ever. - You're like, "Can this fight just end already so I can just go nut?" - "Just knock me out right now. I need a nut ASAP." - Bro. I'm going for a round knockdown, man. - My balls are about to explode. Just knock me out. - Oh my God. - Fights right into the Trash Taste topics. We always talk about shitting, pissing, and nutting. - Shitting, pissing, and nutting. - There's no bidets here, man. It fucking sucks. - I have a bidet at my house 'cause I learned the truth in Japan. I did, last time I was in Japan. - You opened your third eye. - Yeah, yeah. Literally, yeah. - It makes pooping just something to look forward to. Like suddenly you're like, "This is great." - For me, I hate having to wipe. - I hate it so much. - I can't like, yeah. It's just too much time. It's inefficient. Like now with my bidet it's like, I take a shit and I'm done. I'm quick. - And you know you're clean. - And you know you're good, yeah. - You never get that like, swamp ass later either. Like, it's just always, like, clean. - Yeah. It's good. I installed it, yeah. It's one of my top three best purchases I've ever made is my bidet. - Have you like, modded your bidet at all? I feel like you're the kind of guy to like, "You know the jet power isn't good, so I installed a pressure washer." - Does your bidet do surgery? (all laughing) - It's like, "Don't mind me. I'll just quickly check your prostate real quick." - Yeah, I remember Mutterer was telling me all about his bidets. - Oh yeah, he loves bidets, yeah. - Like how you got one of the like fucking fanciest Toto. - That man knows like, the model names of bidets. - "You have the 550?" - That's like, a good model. - I just judged, like in my mind, 'cause I was in Japan. You get to experience all the different levels of bidet. If it opens up and then dries my ass as well, that's how you know it's like elite level bidet. - That's real shit. - Yeah, yeah. That's like, okay, shit. This is not playing. It's got a hair dryer built in. - Yeah, Will Rozman's got like a really good one as well. He tore his whole toilet out. It was like the full, not just the seat, the whole toilet. - Oh yeah. He told me about this. He told me he spent like 3000 bucks to get his bidet. - Are you serious? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause we were talking about it and he was like, "Dude, it changed my life." It's like a cult. Like everyone who got it. - It's a religious experience. - When you have it, you can never go back. - And it's like, it's got water warmer in there and it's like, it doesn't feel that, it feels weird like when you first start it. But like then you're over it and it's good. Yeah. - Did you visit many ryokans when you went to, or like onsen when you went to Japan? - No, we didn't visit any. - You should do that. - I think we will. I think we're gonna go to like. - You have to. That's one of the biggest things we recommend when you're going to Japan, onsen. - That's also another religious experience when you're like, find a really good one. - Get that moment where you're like, "Boys, all right. We'll all look and we'll get over it." - It's like five seconds, yeah. - Just look for a minute, a second. - Honestly, now I can't go back. 'Cause actually when I went back to the UK. - Now I stay at it every time. - 'Cause like I went to the UK, I went to Bath, right? Which is like a very like famous spa city in the UK. So we actually like stayed in like a spa hotel and they had like a, they had like a pool and like hot tubs and public baths there, right? And then you go in and I've never felt so unclean going into a public bath with trunks on. I don't know, man. That's just, I don't, Japan has conditioned me now to think I need to be fucking naked to be in like hot water. - You get really used to it. - Yeah, you do. Really fast. - I didn't bat an eye about going in like, public baths. People, like your friends, you're like, "Yeah, let's just go." - It's whatever. - You get used to it. I don't know. - That's cool. I like that. - We've all got dicks, it's nothing new. - It's like a bro moment. - It's like a bonding moment as well. Where you don't like specifically look at it. You're just like, "No, it's there," you know? - It's in my periphery. - Go with another content creator. You're like, "Well, you know, I know that we're trustworthy 'cause I could just tell everyone about how big that dick is." It's like the same level of trust. - Yeah. Dick an innie or an outie? - Yeah. You're like, "Oh, how big are their balls?" - Yeah, I know. - Let me just. - Check for cancer. - When was the last time you nutted? - Just cough real quick. Did you nut? (all laughing) - It's lighter than last time. - I can smell it. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - That's pretty cool. Yeah. Maybe I think we do have that in the itinerary, so. - Definitely. It's a very fun experience. I think we always try and go to them when we're traveling around Japan. Because it's just like, you get a really authentic experience of like an old Japanese woman, like, forcing you to eat food that you don't really want to eat. Like, yeah. He got woken up. You got like rudely woken up, right? - Yeah, I had like, there was a ryokan I went to where basically the wake-up call for breakfast is eight a.m., but I got stupidly drunk the night before. Right, because it's like a full-on Japanese meal with like sake and everything. So it's like, obviously you're gonna go ham. So I was hungover as shit 'cause sake gives me the worst hangovers and it's like eight o'clock. She's like knocking on the door. She's like calling the phone, it's like, "Oh, your breakfast is ready." And I'm like, "Yeah, all right, fuck off." And then she just, the woman just walks into my hotel room and literally strips the fucking blanket off me like a mum. - Like your mom. - And was like, "Fuck you, wake up! It's breakfast!" And I'm like, dude, I'm paying like hundreds of dollars for you to do this. Like, this is not okay. - Because you pay so much money, they like, and a lot of the costs with the ryokans is like in the food. - It's the food, yeah. - And if you don't show up, they get like actually angry. They're like, "You better fucking show up." And they'll nonstop ringing you if you're not there. The dinner is always amazing, but the breakfast is so 50/50. - It's either fucking amazing or it's a chore to go through. There's no in between. It never ends. - They'll just be like, "All right, here's 15 different types of radish with slime. All right, next up we got another slimy thing. All right, next up we got some tofu." And you're like, "Fuck, man. I literally just woke up." - "Yeah, I can't eat this much." - I'm not a breakfast person as well. - I don't think any of us are breakfast people. - Do you wanna eat the moment you wake up? - No, I have to force myself to eat like a peanut butter bagel and that's it. - Right, 'cause no one fucking, I feel like we're not designed to eat immediately when we wake up. - That's why the biggest anomaly for me in LA is breakfast burritos. - Dude. Okay. Breakfast burritos are good, though. - They're good, but also it's like how. - I eat them at times that are not breakfast, though. - Right, but it's like, how do you fucking eat this much food in the morning? - Yeah, right, yeah. - It's a lot of food. - Breakfast burritos is the same way, is the same thing as like a full English or an American breakfast. Where you could like, when you have it. - They just rolled it up. - Huh? - They just rolled it up, right? - They just grabbed all the fuckin', yeah. - I mean, I love it. I just, I could not eat it every day. It's like, fuck that. - Not in the morning, yeah. - That's like two meals. Yeah. - Great hangover food though. - Again, yeah. Great hangover food. - Great fucking hangover food. - I was so hungover after the Creator Clash thing I had to move my flight the next day. - Oh, I can imagine there was a party. - Yeah, there was a nice one at Charlie's house. People were very drunk. Yeah. It was nice. 'Cause we wasn't supposed to drink, like, before it. - Yeah, I think Minx told me that was the hardest thing. - Yeah, she's an alcoholic. (all laughing) - I mean, I like drinking, but I'd be like, "Fuck, I gotta not drink for four months? What if my boys wanna hang out?" - Yeah. - Shit, dude. - No drinking and no nutting? - Yeah, I know. - It's like the ultimate challenge. - Everything I love. - So you gotta eat chicken every day, no nutting, no drinking. - No Nut November hard mode. - Did you like, season the chicken at least? - Yeah, yeah. I'd throw a bunch of shit on there. - Okay. Good then. - For your chicken, yeah. - That's good. I was like, "Fuck." If it's just like grilled chicken, just plain. - No, yeah, I can't do that. - I'd be like, "Fuck." - I'm not on that religious about it. - But I mean, how is living in Hawaii? 'Cause I've never met anyone who's lived in Hawaii. - It's quite good. Very different than the rest of the United States. - Were you on the main island, the big island? - I was not on the big island. So there's the big island, which is the biggest one. Then there's one called Oahu, which is the most populated one. So that's like the main one people go to. I was on Maui, which is like kind of a cross. There's like, lots of tourism, it's very nice, but there's also like a lot of nature. So I like lived with the nature. It's quite nice. There was a lot of weird shit that happened there. Like stuff that is normal when you grow up there and then not normal anywhere else. - Like what? - Like they're like, they're very, it's like one of the most liberal states, but they love guns. They love hunting, which is cool. When I would go to school a couple of times my PE teacher was like, I went to an outdoor school. - Outdoor school? - Yeah, so it's not like an in, because the weather's, you know, always like warm. So it's like. - It's not inside. - It's like, it's like multiple buildings. So it's not just one building. It's like connected by outdoor pathways. - Oh, okay. I mean, that makes sense. - You made it sound like the school didn't have a roof. - Yeah, no, it was in the jungle. - It's just like, all outdoors. - You wrote on leaves. - It's like mud huts and everything like that. - Primitive technology. (all laughing) - Yeah, it was, I would go sometimes, like a couple times I'd go to my PE class and my PE teacher would be like skinning a fucking fish on the lawn in front of the class that he had caught that morning. - What the fuck? Okay. - It was so fucking weird. Like, especially in retrospect. It was like he's skinning a fish, the kids he'd like, he'd be like, "Hey, you want fish?" And these fucking like 14-year-olds would have a quart gallon size bag of lukewarm fish on the bus home that I'm just, this fat fucking thing of non-refrigerated fish on the bus. - That must have like stank up the fuckin' bus, man. - Yeah, it was a big-ass fish. It was some cool shit. One time I was going to school on the bus and we saw a deer that got hit by a car and it was just dead on the side of the road. And when I was taking the bus home, this dumbass kid from our class had picked it up and was carrying it back home. - They let him get on the bus? - Oh no, he wasn't on the bus. He was walking. So we saw the kids who were walking if we were on the bus. - Oh my God. - He just had it over his shoulders like a fucking freak, like bringing it home to his family. - It just doesn't sound like the US. Like, it sounds like it should be part of the US, but like, it doesn't seem like it's. - It's definitely different from here. It's not like, it's not like the boonies or anything, like there's electricity and internet. - Oh no. Of course, of course. - We got houses. - Obviously. A functioning missile system. - Functioning missile systems, yeah. Yeah. It is just like complete, like very different culturally. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, it must be like quite refreshing then, coming to the mainland US and you're like, "Wow." - I didn't really wanna leave very bad 'cause it's an island, so. Like, when you grow up there, you just wanna get off it. - British people. - Yeah. British. - We wanna leave. - British. - Get us the fuck outta here. - Yeah, yeah. Let me leave. That sucks too, 'cause British is bad. - Yeah, yeah. It's not Hawaii. It's not even like a tourist destination. - Yeah, exactly. At least like, I got like waterfalls and stuff. We can go to the beach and drink on the beach. Super fun. - Yeah, we have... That's it. - Yeah, yeah. - Lots of fields. - We have castles. - Castles and fields. - Like, actually that's pretty one of the only cool things is like, you have like so much history and if you're into that, that's like really cool. - Probably sick for if you're into history. Yeah, yeah. - Like castles. There was like four castles where I grew up. And that was cool. - That is pretty fucking cool, to be fair. - That was pretty cool, and then like when you leave, like I actually don't live there now, you really do appreciate, you're like, "Fuck, dude. It's so cool how much sheer amount of history you have in every location." But outside of that, you're like, "Well, there's a Greg's there and a McDonald's." And it's like, "All right, well." - But at least you guys have that, like, you know, 'cause there are like castles in the UK that are easily like older than the entirety of Australia. So like, we don't have any of that shit. We have like, "This building's been around since the early 1900s," and it's like, "Cool." - A lot of the castles where I grew up were like older, like 6 plus, 700 years old. - Yeah, right? I wish we had that in Australia. We don't have any of that shit. We just have like, it's like, "Here's a desert." - You can buy them. You can buy the castles, you know. A lot of them are up for sale. I really wanna buy a castle, but it just feels like, what am I gonna do, stream? The internet's gonna be dog shit. - It's just a flex at that point, right? I own a castle. You know, you don't own a house. You don't own property. You're own a fucking castle. - I saw they were selling a whole, like, dry moat prison castle. So there's a moat but it's. - Yeah, it's dry. - Yeah, so and it was like kind of, it looked like saying from like fucking Alcatraz. It was like off the shore as well. - That's really cool. - And it had, I loved how they were trying to sell it. They were like, "It's a very spacious prison. 50 rooms." - Rooms, cells. - "Requires renovation." And like the pictures were literally just abandoned. It's like, "requires renovation"? Bro, it needs to be fucking torn down. And it was going for like a million pounds. So about 1.3 million USD. But it was like, there's a fucking moat. - That's cool. You got a moat. - Are you gonna get a moat in the US? - Yeah. That's true. - I feel like the moment you say moat, I'm like, "I'm interested. That sounds really cool." - Well, did you have to like bring down like a drawbridge to like get people across or what? - No, there was a bridge, but the dry, there was a dry moat there as well. - Well, then what's the point of the moat? That kind of defeats the purpose of the moat. - I think it must have been changed or something, or, I don't know why. - Yeah, sure. - Damn, I really want a prison. - I would absolutely buy a castle just for the flex. - Imagine you own not just a prison, a prison castle. - A prison castle with a moat. - That sounds cool. - We get Mr. Beast, please? - That's like a Mr. Beast video. "I bought every castle in the United Kingdom." - Well, you could get a castle in the US, it's just White Castle. So I mean, it's kind of like the same. - Really, really different kind of thing. Not the same kind of outfit. - Why would you want to do that? - Yeah. Why would you want that? That's really rough. That's pretty gross. - It is gross. - You know what I don't understand in the US? Renaissance faires. - Yeah, that's kinda interesting is being like when you're British and you see those on TV. - Oh, you guys don't have those? - Well, that's. - No. - That's like history. - That's just history. That's just history for us. - Yeah, but I mean, you don't, you're not living it. You ever been to Medieval Times? - No, I've been to the pirate one. - Really? - Yeah. My friend was like, "Dude, I'm telling you, it has the best food in LA." And so I've like, got my hopes up. And it was like the worst food I've ever had in my life. - Pirate Medieval Times. - And I was like, "You think this is good? Like, the mashed potato tastes like lard." - "There's no beans on toast here. What is this?" - Fuck off! American people love mocking British food. - Because it's funny. - Yeah, but your food is the fucking worst. - What do you mean? We got like every country's worth of food. - You go to the supermarket and the amount of like, ready to go meals that look like they would poison you. - Yeah, but I don't eat those. I eat the other stuff. - 'Cause you're not broke. - You have fucking ready to eat meals there. - We do, but ours are way nicer. Like I'd actually eat them. They're actually pretty decent. - What ready meals do we have? - Like when you go Saintsbury you can get those curries that are like, pretty fucking good. They're like two pounds and they're like really nice. Like freshly made. - Garnt's having a hard time agreeing. - [Connor] Yeah, but he's Thai so his parents made the curries. - That's true. That's true. - We love curry, but like how do you, you know, I don't know how to make curry. Or like, good curry. So I buy the one that's ready to go and it's like, really good stuff. Like, a lot of the ready to go food is pretty good. This video is sponsored by Manscaped. - Woo! - Taking control of your bush is important, and these products are so good you're gonna be showing your pride in the new bush-free yard. Save big and be the most hygienic version of yourself by using our discount code TRASHTASTE for 20% off and free shipping at manscape.com. - Guys, We've been on the road recently and you know, we didn't have our Manscaped box with us. So I actually attempted to cut my balls without using Manscaped and I legitimately just cut myself. I'm not even joking. - Well, Garnt, it sounds like that you needed to get your hands on the Manscaped performance package 4.0. - Is that what you've got there, Joey? - Indeed it is. Inside the package is the Lawn Mower 4.0. This electric trimmer is a bush's worst nightmare. And the second best tool in the performance package is the Weed Whacker. - With the performance package purchase, you get two free gifts, the shed travel bag and the patented high performance reduced chafing Manscaped boxes. So get 20% off plus free shipping with our code TRASHTASTE at manscaped.com. - I mean, come on guys. Just look at all of these products they have. You can get all of them. - Back to the episode. - Well, if you guys wanna go get Thai food, I hear Ruen Pear is delicious. My friend Tantoa, he's also Thai. He was over for a while. Dude, he would make like, he was just making us food 'cause we gave him free house. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So fucking good. - I'm like, 'cause I'm like so judgmental when it comes to Thai food. 'Cause like my mum was like, ran like a Thai restaurant. So I'm like, it's kind of like Gordon Ramsey. You know, where I'm just like. - You know the peak. - This is the kind of place they didn't take, like, didn't know what a credit card was until like a year ago. - Okay, that's good. - That's legit. - That's how it adds up, because like, when I go to a Thai place and it looks fucking bougie as fuck, I'm like, "This is not authentic." - Nah, this place has everything. It's got the dying fish in the aquarium in the front. It's got the has to take cash to money laundering in the back. It's good. It's really good. It's called Ruen Pear and it's in, like, right over the hill. - So they've got good food as well. Like if it doesn't make me a little uncomfortable to be there. - Then it will not be good. - Same when we're in Japan. Like, I don't know how they got the vibe down. Like, we found this really good Indian restaurant and it is literally just like copy and paste the exact same thing you'd get here where you walk in. It's like unapologetically, like kind of like really bad decor. Like the menu is like, like the pictures they took look like a crime scene. It's like they threw the food on the table. And they're like, "Look at the picture." You're like, 'What the fuck is this?" But then you're like, "Okay." You try it and you're like, "This is the best fucking food I've ever had." It's so good. - Same thing with like Chinese restaurants, right? If you go to a Chinese restaurant and there's not some person with like an earpiece, like shouting out orders in Chinese when you order in the background. - You just feel uncomfortable. You're like, "Can I?" (shouting) What the fuck? - And then they always have to shout back from the kitchen. That's how you know it's like, this is gonna be sick. - Just aggression. - It's very aggressive, yeah. - A den of anger. - Yeah. - What's like the authentic Japanese? Like if you go like abroad, right? What's like the factors, what's the factors you think that make like a. - Well, if it's run by a bunch of white people, there's probably not gonna be good. - Yeah, well, I mean, that's true. - The first thing I think of, the first thing I see or I try to find, I'm like, is there a single Japanese person working in this place? Like in the kitchen, is there, is there at least a Japanese guy or girl in the kitchen? If yes, I have my hopes up. - Well, a lot of the Japanese restaurants in America and the UK are often run by Chinese people. 'Cause they're just like, "Oh well, you guys won't know the difference." Of course. Exactly, exactly. - And honestly, they don't know the difference a lot of the times. - We went to a place yesterday and now I don't trust Google reviews in this city. - You can't, yeah. - It was like 4.5 and it was an Italian. - 4.5 means garbage. - Okay, well, that's. - You need to take that, yeah. - What the fuck? What? - 4.5 means trash. Every McDonald's is 4.5. - Oh, 'cause in Japan, if it's 4.5, it's like it must have like served God. - Really? Okay. - 'Cause everything is below a, like, four. - You're looking for a 4.7 to 4.8. - Oh my fucking God. So we go in. - Yeah, in Japan, everything's like 3.5 average and that's still a really good fucking meal. - Like toxicity place. That's like a crime. - People in Japan, like, they complain at anything on the review. Not in person. Oh God, no. A confrontation? I'd rather kill myself. - Like, my water arrived two seconds late, two stars. - I see. - It's it is really, you should, when you go have a quick read of the Google reviews, it's really bizarre seeing what they nitpick. - It's really pedantic. - Yeah. Really, really odd. Like, they'll be like, "They didn't hand me the menu fast enough." It's really weird. So we went to this Italian place and I knew, I was like, "Uh-oh." We walked in and it was all like, there was not a white person in the restaurant. And I was like, "Okay." I mean, I'm not saying you can't do it, but you're like, I'm sure there's no shortage of Italians in America. I was like, "Oh no. Oh no." That he ordered lasagna and it was cold. - I got microwaved lasagna, unfortunately. - Yeah, I took a bite of it. I didn't know you could make a lasagna with zero flavor. Like, I actually couldn't taste anything. - It's just like, there was like a baseball game going on. There was no music. - Yeah. Those are the worst. - What are you, who are you appealing to here? Like the guy who comes after work and is like, "I love Italian food. I want a microwaved lasagna." - But it's weird though, 'cause LA especially has like a really, really good fucking food scene. Because it's really competitive over here. - Yeah, they got some, oh, it's the one saving grace of this shithole of a city. It's so good. Like if I'm like, "Oh, I want Korean food." I live in Korea Town. If I want, like, tacos, I just go down the street and there's a taco truck every 10 feet, you know? It's nice. It's pretty good. - I love Mexican food. It's so fucking good. - If you see a street vendor, they're probably good. It might give food poisoning. They gave me food poisoning. I still eat 'em. - I still come back. - It's just the spice that comes with it, you know? - 'Cause like, yeah. When I come to LA, every time, there's two things I look forward to. It's like Mexican food and Korean barbecue. I fucking love Korean barbecue so much. - Have you ever been to Korea? - I have not, no. - I actually like, I've been to Korea once and I dunno, I'm not gonna speak for every Korean barbecue, but like I preferred my, 'cause I went to Korean barbecue almost every day in Korea. And I actually preferred the Korean barbecue I found in LA. - I have heard that that's, like, it's very similar, if not, like, better. - Really? How so? - Because LA or just America is all about indulgence, right? So you can really indulge yourself with like the meats here. And it just feels fuckin' good, man. You like, you go to a Korean barbecue in LA, you are guaranteed to get a food coma afterwards, man. And that's like, that's the feeling I want from a Korean barbecue, man. - Right, right. - Yeah. And I think like the meat quality here is really good. Like especially the beef and everything like that. So yeah. Like, I'm not like. - A lot of Asian countries import their beef and stuff from other countries. Like I know Japan often imports. - Japan gets most of their beef from America. - Yeah, yeah. - Well, like Japan has like wagyu beef and everything, but I feel like after living. - [Michael] It's like the high, high end. - That's also like, sometimes I don't even count that as beef. - It's so fatty. - It's so buttery that it just, sometimes I've had wagyu where it's like overwhelmingly buttery to the point where it's gross again. - 'Cause like living in Japan, wagyu is so easy to get your hands on. - That's gonna be every day. - I mean they sell it in supermarkets. - They sell it in supermarkets, yeah. And then you have it once and you're like, "This is fucking amazing." And then the 10th time you have it, you just really, really. - [Michael] That's just really, really rich, yeah. - It's really, really rich. - You take one bite and you're like, "Oh, I just kind of want a fucking ribeye." - I actually prefer normal steaks over wagyu now after like living there. - Yeah, if you have it too much, it gets kind of fucked. - Yeah, it's really nice, like, for a one-time thing, which is like the experience here. You'll have one wagyu, you have one bite, and it's a fucking amazing bite. But you can buy like steaks of wagyu in Japan and that's like, that's like too much fat. That's too much fat. - They don't let the cow come for two weeks. So flavorful. (all laughing) - Right before the slaughter, "Did you nut?" - Oh my God. - You did? Off to the wagyu pile. - You're done. It's game over, dude. - You nut, you get to live. (all laughing) You just have to survive. - That reminds me, we went to like a supermarket here in LA yesterday and they were selling raw milk. - Oh yeah! Do you know about the supermarket? - [Michael] I don't know. - There's a supermarket called Erewhon. - Oh, that's the like rich white thing. - Yeah, my friend told me about it and we just randomly found it yesterday. So I went in, they were selling a gallon of milk called raw milk for $20. - And that milk is not treated for any bacteria. It's what makes it raw. Yeah, no, it's not, yeah. - So it's just unpasteurized milk. - Yeah. Yeah. - So you're basically just like. - Like paying more for a more dangerous product. - I think people are just so obsessed with like, natural here. Like that to a point of like, danger. 'Cause that's the whole thing of like fresh water. - Yeah, it's like, water. - Unfiltered water. - Like you have to get water that has not been like, touched by anyone. - Why? Why do I have to do that? It's fucking water. - Yeah. You got the hydrogen infused water. - I got like, hydrogen infused water. It didn't even come in a bottle, it came in like, a bag. Like an actual bag. - That doesn't make any sense. It's just water. It's still water. You can't add an atom. It's still water. - I don't even know what it meant, you know? - it's really bizarre seeing the whole, 'cause I feel like this wasn't here when I came here in like 2018, 19, the whole like, alkaline water trend. - Well, there's a lot of that. Yeah. - It's like, why is this a thing? - Where they just like to with the pH and it makes a whole new product. - It's like, I think humans have existed pretty good with this water thing for like. - Yeah. We've been doing fine. - For a long time, right? - There's other stuff that I could. - I feel like there's other technological advancements we could be focusing on, but I'm like, bro, I added some fucking acid in my water. And now I'm like fucking, plane of existence, like, floating. Like it's like, what do you expect? Like I don't, this is such a bizarre thing. I don't know. And it feels weird how like it's like, do you think I'm dumb enough to buy this? And apparently it's like, yes. Actually, yeah. - In fact our entire business is amazingly built around your stupidity. - Like, your thing didn't even fucking taste good. - Yeah. - Your thing tasted like sparkling water that had, like. - It's flat sparkling water. - That had gone flat. - Like you know how like flat soda tastes? It tastes disgusting. I never have tasted flat sparkling water before, but that's exactly what it tasted like. - But it feels like a system-wide distrust in just how stuff is made here. - Yeah. Which is reasonable. There's a lot of bad stuff here. There's a lot of like bad, poorly produced food. - Oh yeah. Gotcha. - Yeah. Yeah. That's probably where it stems from. - Like a scary health conscious thing. Yeah. - What would you say is the best American food then? - I mean, American food has got like a bunch of other countries' food. Kinda stole everything. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're fucking mocking us. - You just stole every other country's food. - You know what? I still got it here. Is the thing, is still I can go to Korean barbecue. - We can do that in the UK. Pay a lot of money. - Yeah. And it tastes worse. - Probably. (all laughing) They're just, you know, the UK's just catching on. They're like, "Ramen? That's fucking sick." - "Holy shit, we can put some spices in our food? We've been trading this shit for hundreds of years, and we never thought to put it in the food! Whoa!" - America's like, "Bro, what if we put sugar in this?" Like, "This is salt. Add sugar." They should add more sugar. - Add sugar and add oil. - I like sukiyaki as much as the last guy. - Fucking sukiyaki is amazing. - Same idea, right? - I do like sukiyaki. I prefer Chinese hot pot though. I think Chinese hot pot, fucking incredible. - You should go to fucking, Din Tai, oh. - Din Tai Fung? - No, no, sorry, not Din Tai Fung. Haidilao Hotpot. It's Haidilao. If you guys have been to Din Tai Fung. - Oh, we've been to. - I think Rick took us to one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We got a Haidilao in Tokyo as well. - It's quite delicious. - The one Chinese friend of ours, the cow intestines. - Oh, I did not do that, no. - He was like, "You gotta eat the cow intestine," and I'm like, "This shit tastes bad." (all laughing) I didn't wanna be that guy. The blood tofu was good though. - He's made me eat a lot of questionable shit. He made me like, duck brains. That was interesting. It all tastes good though. - But Joey's, you're the guy who eats everything though, right? Was there anything that didn't fit your taste palate? - No, it was all good. It was all good. I had like pigs' intestines. I had duck's brains. It all slapped. There's very few things that make me not want to eat it. Like, I had the mudfish as well, the Thai mudfish. - Oh, that one's kind of good. - It's pretty tough. - Isn't it like catfish? - No, but it's like salted and fermented mudfish. - Oh no, I'm thinking of a different thing. - It's like, fermented, so. It kind of tastes like if you got a piece of like, if you got a sardine and you kind of put it in the dirt and then just left it there for a day and you came back the next day, you picked it up and you ate it. That's kind of what it tastes like. - These fuckers just wanna keep fermenting everything. There's just too much fermenting going on. Just stop fermenting and eat it. - Fermentation's good. - Who saw a fish and was like, "Nah, dude, I just want this to be fucking 20 times smellier?" Dude, like, just eat the fish. - You know what, it doesn't smell enough like puke, you know? (all laughing) - I really want to feel like throwing up when eating this. - Most of the fish in Japan though, I don't question it. I'm like, "Don't tell me what this is. 'Cause if you tell me what you did to this fish, I don't wanna eat it." But you eat it and you're like, "That's pretty good." And then like, "By the way, yeah, we just left this in piss for five days. That's the dish." You're like, "All right, okay. I wondered what the tangy taste was." - Yeah, I had sunazushi once, which is like where they take a piece of whitefish or something and they ferment it for 10 years. - Fucking hell. - Kinda like wine. - Oh, I think I saw that on like "An Idiot Abroad" or something. - Yeah, Aki bought it for her video. And I was like, "I'll try it." 'Cause apparently like one of the reviews was like, "When you eat it, it feels like you're being electrocuted in your mouth." And I'm like, "Is that a good thing?" - I mean, it's not even like food at that point, really. Like eating matter. - It's a branding thing. Like, "Look what we have, guys." 'Cause every place in Japan has to be famous for something. It's really, like, important for some reason. Like whenever you talk to anyone, you're like, "Oh, I went to this place." They're like, "Did you try the X famous thing?" And most of the time it's like. - It's like no different. - They're like, "Dude, their rice is the best." Meilynne always does this as well. - Every prefecture says that they have the best rice, but everyone knows it all tastes the same. - And also every prefecture has like, yes, Meilynne, I did just say that. - We just called you out. - Every prefecture has a specialty fruit as well, it seems like. - And it's like, sometimes it just tastes. - Sometimes it tastes good, but like, fruit in Japan just tastes good in general, I think. - Yeah, you should go to Hokkaido. Hokkaido is like where the best food's at. - The big island at the top. - Yeah. Fucking amazing food. - They've somehow perfected food. I don't know how they did it. - Do you like it when they like, kill the thing in front of you? - That's probably, yeah, I love that. - I didn't wanna assume that was your energy, but I got that kinda vibe. - That's definitely his energy. - Where like, if they kill it in front of me, it's gonna just be amazing. - It'll be great. Yeah. - Yeah, there's places where they'll do that with the crab where they bring it out. "Do you want this one? This one?" Boom, like that. - Yeah, and the octopus. They'll fucking boil it in front of you as well, you know? - Nice. That's good. I don't even wanna eat it. I just wanted to see you kill it. (all laughing) - I wanted that much. Okay, I'm leaving. - You don't need to prepare it or anything. It's done. - Wipe that up. - Check, please? - In Hokkaido they have these, like these giant fucking crabs. - The spider crabs. - Fucking massive. And you know, I was at this place and you order a crab, whatever. And I didn't expect it, but they like, this tiny woman brings out, on like just a normal serving tray, brings out this giant crab for you to look at. She's like, "Is this okay?" It's like, what would I have said? Like, I would like one that is not this one? - Bigger. - Yeah, bigger. - More. Bring out a bigger one, I wanna see you struggle. - Did it nut? - You have to like, fold it up. - No, no thanks. - Fold in the legs, it's too big to fit through a door so they fold in like the legs and they bring it and it's, it's like trying to wiggle or, and you're like, "Ah, yeah, that one." - That one. That one's good. - That's fine. - That's like when I bring out like the wine for you to try, so you just like, swirl it, and you're like, "Yeah, this is." - Like I'm gonna say no? I've never seen someone say "No, this wine is not good enough." I've never seen that. Especially when you're like, British. You're like, "This is too awkward. I can't say no.' I can't be like, "No." - Also, they've uncorked the wine, right, so. - Yeah, I'd feel too bad. - I've been to a dinner with someone like that. In my head I'm just like, "You dickhead." - So what happens when you say no? - They bring you another. - They just bring you out another one. - Of the same wine, or? - No, different wine. - Like different that they think would match better to your taste buds. And I'm just like, "Dude, like you fucking know the difference." - You're kind of just trying to be like, "Yeah, I know the difference between these wines. Give me another one." You don't, you can't tell. - You just wanna be a dickhead. - You'd never do this with beer. You're like, "Oh, I don't really like that beer. Can I have a different beer?" They'd be like, "No, fuck off." - No, but like with beer you can just like, you can just pour a little bit, you know? But if you uncork a wine, it ruins an entire bottle of wine. - Yeah, exactly. - You know? - They can't serve that to someone else. - Have you ever been to like an ice cream place and you just have like that one guy who just tries every fucking flavor? - Yeah. There's a limit. I think it's four. - Is it four here? - Three, three? - In Japan, I think they would let you try everything. - Yeah. That's nice. Well, I mean a limit culturally. I think they'll try to let you trust, but like, I'd feel bad after three. - Yeah, I mean, is the vanilla really gonna taste that different? Like, I don't understand. Like, yeah, okay. Sometimes they have some really obscure flavors. You're like, "Okay, I do want to try that." But like when people are like, "Can I try the chocolate ice cream?" It's like, you don't know what chocolate tastes like? Like, you never had chocolate before? Like, it can't taste that different. Like, I refuse to believe this chocolate can taste so different to the point where you have to taste it and be that guy who makes the line wait. Like, come on. - Again, they just wanna be the asshole. That's all it is. - I don't, I feel bad at Costco asking for the samples. - I don't even do that. I didn't know you could do that. - What? That's the whole point. - Oh, oh, you mean the side samples? - Yeah. - Oh, no. I never go to those. - In Japan, the Costco, they don't really have that many samples. And I took Titus and Emily to the Costco and they were like, "Where's the samples?" And I was like, I mean, there's some. And he was like, "I just ate, I just had four shots of Red Bull." I'm like, "Why?" "It was just free. It's a sample. It's free." I'm like, "You know what Red Bull tastes like. You don't need a sample of Red Bull." - I always feel bad. I never go for the samples. 'Cause I always feel bad because 99 times out of 100, it's something that I know I don't need. So it's like, it's taking the sample and you, just like pretending to be like, "Yeah, this is very nice." And then just their eyesight of like, "You're gonna buy it, right?" And I don't have the heart to be like, "No." I don't wanna see the disappointment in their eyes when they're just like, "Oh, okay." - He was like, offended. He was like, "Is grapes the only thing they have to sample? What about like, the good food?" I'm like, "Try the fucking grape. Maybe it's a good grape." - There are two types of Costco customers. - I was like, "What do you want them to do?" Like, this is the food they have. The hot dogs are $1.50. Why don't you go get that? - Oh yeah, that's so good. - 300 yen is it, in Japan? - Yeah, 300 yen. - They mark you off, dude. It's not $1.50. - Yeah. In this economy, dude? - Well, they're like, in America, it has to stay $1.50. The rest of the world, they fuckin' raise the price. Fuckin' lucky. But like you can get like whole fishes, like, like giant salmon cuts and stuff in Japan. Really fresh fish. Really fresh sushi. Yeah, sushi, can't fucking talk. Yeah, it's really good stuff. You should go check it out when you're there. Your Costco membership works worldwide. - Really? - Yeah, yeah. - That's funny as fuck. - It's funny, when I moved to Japan, I thought, and I was asking like, locals where to go. I thought people would like, be recommending like, you know, really local spots, underground places. Cool restaurants. And literally nine times outta 10 people were like, "Yo, you've been to the Costco here? No, you've been to the Costco here?" - Costco's hype in Japan. It's funny. - No, it's either "You've been to the Costco" or "Have you been to the Ikea?" - Oh, dude, we do that here too. - Not to go furniture shopping, but for the food. - The food sucks at Ikea. - I don't like the food at Ikea. You like the food at Ikea? - The meatballs are pretty good. - It's a fucking meatball. You can't really fuck up a meatball. - But you're shopping. It's an experience. - Like, you can't shop and eat. - It's an experience. Yeah. - I love how the, we noticed yesterday. We were pushing the cart around. I was gonna say trolley, but I'll say cart. - Glad you caught yourself. - Yeah, fuck. Can't have people think I'm British. Fuck, dude. And it had a cup holder. - Oh yeah, I think some of them do. - God fucking bless America. I can't put my drink down for like 10 minutes. Like, I gotta make sure I'm fucking sipping on my Big Gulp while I'm shopping. - What if I have a fucking soda that I'm drinking, man. I don't wanna leave that in the car. - To be fair, everyone always has a Starbucks at all times, I've noticed. - Oh yeah, Starbucks is real big. You ever look up a map of Starbucks this year? It's crazy. - You're just always drinking a Starbucks. You just can't put it down. I gotta go to the store, pick up my groceries, while drinking a Starbucks. - Yeah. Sometimes they have Starbucks in the grocery store. - They had that in the grocery store. I was like, "What the fuck?" - Yeah. Quite good. I mean, yeah. I'm not really a big fan of that, I like how they have food though. It's like a decent. - You should check it out in Japan. I think Starbucks is shit everywhere else. - Oh, I'll be going to a lot of places in Japan. - Yeah, the Starbucks in Japan, it's like an amusement park. - Is it good though? Because I think. - In Japan, yeah. Yeah, it's fucking good. - I think it's good in Japan. - I think it's good, but I also, part of me is just like, is it just because most other coffee places in Japan suck? - There's that, but I think just like, by itself, it's a good coffee. - Yeah. - Don't go to, don't go to Doutor. That's like. - Just don't go to any coffee place that's not Starbucks. - Hollys is okay. - Yeah, yeah. - Hollys is not okay. Hollys is shit. - Do you know "Abroad in Japan"? - Yeah. - So one time we were at this place and he was like, Chris was like, I think it was at Tully's. He was like, "I'm telling you, they have the best of beef stroganoff I've ever had." And I was like, "Really?" And we both ordered it and we were eating it, you know when you were like telling your friend, like, "Dude, this is amazing." - And then when you eat it again and you're like, "Ah." - There's that crippling embarrassment of like. (inhaling) - Yeah, it's like when you say "This is such a funny YouTube video." - Yeah, yeah. (groaning) - He just had never, 'cause he's such a, he's so reluctant to admit he's wrong. So he was like, (inhaling) "It's not as good as I remember." - Not as good as the last time. - And I was like, he was like, "Could we go eat something else?" - Different Tully's, surely. - It was really bad. - At least he didn't do the thing where it's like, "Well, it's because we're in this Tully's. But like, the other Tully's." - I think he knew I was like, knew I was gonna be like, "Fuck off." Absolutely not. This is a chain. There's no fucking way this isn't standardized. This tastes like shit. 'Cause they're so skimpy with beef sometimes in beef dishes in Japan. - Makes sense, yeah. - 'Cause they don't have as much. - It's like three pieces of beef. - It was barely a stroganoff. It was a sauce with mash. I dunno what the fuck it was. It was shit. It was garbage. - What is your go-to convenience store meal? Like, okay, when I was in Japan the first time, I only went to convenience stores and the chicken was the best fucking thing. It was the best convenience store chicken I ever had. - Which convenience store did you go to, though? - Which one? - Yeah, which one? It's important. - I don't remember. - Family Mart, 7/11, or Lawson? - I think it was 7/11. - Lawson, that's that's my favorite one. - Lawson's upped their game on like everything, and now I think Lawsons are just the best for everything. - What do they have other than chicken and two other fried items? - I highly recommend the beef bowl there. I fucking love the beef bowls in any of the places. - Oh yeah, a lot of the dishes you can just take to them, ask them, they'll be like, they'll ask you something. Just say "Hai." And then they'll warm it up. - Got it, got it. - So they're warming up on the sport so you can eat it. - I know it's a little controversial. I think 7/11 in Hawaii is better than the 7/11 in Japan. - Really? - I don't know about that, but I just assume it's a big bar. - You should go next time you go. - Well, 7/11 in like Singapore is crazy too. - Yeah, surely. - 7/11 in Singapore's just lit. I think like, honestly, it's because the Japanese convenience store standards are so high. But 7/11 in Thailand fucking slaps as well. Like, honestly, 7/11 just slaps worldwide. Accept it. - Yeah, dude. Holy shit. We got lucky with like the Asian influence for the convenience stores. Dude, it's so good you got like so much local food, like Spam musubi and that stuff, beef bowls. - Yeah, but like, but when I went to Hawaii, like 'cause I was on Oahu. And I went into a mall. And like 50% of the stores are just run by Japanese people. - Oh yeah. Oahu's like, I think it's the most Japanese. - Yeah, like, I went into the mall. They had like, billboard ads in Japanese. Like, not even in English. And I'm like, I thought I was in a mall in Tokyo somewhere. And you can just like pay shit in yen. And I'm like. - What? - Yeah, you can go into some stores, and maybe it was just that department, I don't know. But like I went into this department store and like 50% of the stores you can go into that are owned by Japanese people, you can pay in yen. - Ikea, probably. - [Joey] Yeah, I don't know. - Yeah, yeah. I think that's the highest demographic on Oahu, Japanese. - Wow. That's crazy. Just like, I was walking around Oahu, and it's just like, every second person was speaking Japanese. Like, that's weird. - I like, this lady bumped into me, this like old white lady and she like, without even looking, she said, "Sumimasen." I was like, "What the fuck? I'm from here." (all laughing) So used to it, yeah. - [Joey] That's crazy. - Dude, yeah, at the conbinis, I always go for the sandwiches. The sandwiches are really fucking good. Tuna and mayo ones from, the tuna and egg ones in Lawsons are like, one of my favorites. Mini Stop, they have ice cream. They're famous for soft serve. And it's really good soft serve. - Yeah, Mini Stop soft serve's lit. - But I'm trying not to gain weight, right? So when you live in Japan, it's a different beast. It's like, you can't eat there like you're on vacation. - Right, right, right. - And like the food there. - You need to be responsible about it. - Right, right. - And the food is healthy for you. But the actual, like, Japan food laws are actually really lax. Like, you can put whatever the fuck you want in a lot of this food. - Interesting. - And they have a lot of adjectives and stuff and, adjectives, fuck. - Additives? - Additives. - Adjectives? - They have a lot of adjectives. - Descriptive foods. - So they have a lot of additives in a lot of food, a lot of stuff that's banned elsewhere is in Japanese food. - Fun. - Yeah. So they have a lot of stuff that is super unhealthy for you. So you do have to be careful. - Yeah, being like, it being easy to lose weight in Japan is like a misnomer because one, food is amazing there. So you're just gonna want to eat, like. - I'm gonna eat a fuckton of it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - The portion sizes may be small, but then you end up having six meals a day. So it's just like, it doesn't matter. - And everyone thinks "Oh, I'm gonna be surrounded by fish" and it's very easy to avoid fish. Like you don't wanna eat fish, it's super easy. - Yeah. Thank God. - So yeah. Whatever you like. - I feel there's more meat-based places than fish-based places. - Oh God, yeah. - In Japan. But also there's more fish-based places than pretty much everywhere else in the world. - Oh yeah, of course. - It's just a lot of food places. That's why being vegetarian and vegan in Japan is like, so fucking hard. - Oh, vegan? - I mean, it's getting better. Like, there's a lot more vegan places in Tokyo now. But I remember like five years ago there was like two. - Yeah. - I've never seen a gluten free option. That's just never been a thing either. They're like, you're gluten free? Fuck that. - Like, you know, we're not like, going full natural selection here, you know? - We want the cream of the crop. Lactose intolerant? Just tolerate it. - Just tolerate it. - Just shit yourself and you'll be all right. - Fuck, I'm so hungry now. - Yeah. - I'm fucking hungry now. - I've been starving as well. - Getting some food after this? - Let's go to the conbini after this. 7/11, boys? - 7/11, let's go! - Let me show you the 7/11s here. You can get hot dogs, you can get slushies. - Everything looks, in the 7/11 here, like it's gonna kill you. - Fucked, yeah. The hot dog has been on like the little roller conveyor belt for hours. - Does anyone actually eat that? - No, like, I mean, not, like, it's not like the same where it's like, let's go to the convenience store. It's like, "I'm in my time of need. I need to eat food within 50 feet or I'll pass away." And it's 7/11. - What about like those hot dog stalls? 'Cause I always see them outside AX and like they. - Oh, the people on the streets that cook? - And they look dirty as fuck, but. - [Michael] Oh, are they really good? - No, they smell all really good. - I had one one year because I was like, "I'm starving. I don't wanna walk all the way to a restaurant. It's just there, it smells amazing." I had it, immediately felt sick. Like not even, it's like, I was not even half. - [Connor] They don't even have refrigeration. I was not even halfway through this hot dog and I was like, "I think I'm about to throw up." - Let's go. - Fucking God bless America. - God bless America. - God bless America. - That's fucking freedom right there. We saw a Budweiser case, on the side of it, it just says "Freedom." And I was like, "Fuck yeah." - Yes. - Fuck yeah. - [Joey] Big American flag. - It's just great, seeing how patriotic people are. It just doesn't exist in the UK. We're just like, miserable. - Yeah. That's kind of fun. - It's great though. It's just like, coming here, it like, you see it on TV and it doesn't feel real. And then you actually see how patriotic people are. You're like "Holy fuck, that's hilarious." That's so good. - It's hilarious. - It's so fucking funny. - Imagine loving your country, right? - That's just, what the fuck? What? - Jesus Christ. - I dunno. It's crazy. - But anyway, like, is there anything big you're working on now or anything you wanna shout out? - Just got a video coming, going. - Coming and going whenever you feel like. - Five months from now. - Not five months, hopefully. It's gonna be tough. I'm gonna go to Japan, then the Philippines, then Hawaii. - Oh, so you're gonna do no work. - I'm gonna do no work. - Fuck yeah. - So that sucks. Yeah. I have a cousin's wedding in Hawaii. A metal convention in the Philippines. Oh, sick. - And Japan, yeah. So yeah. That'll be a minute. - We should think about doing that. We just fucking work wherever we go now. - Yeah, right? - Imagine taking a vacation, dude. Imagine not taking your entire office with you everywhere you go. Like, whoa. - Having the airline lose all your shit. That's fun, dude. - Look at these patrons though. On screen. Do you see them? - Yeah, wow. - Who's your favorite? - They're looking great. That one. - Nice. That one? - Yeah. - You're welcome, man. - That one is, that one is racist as fuck. I seen them say some slurs. Here it goes. That's a bad one. You stay away. - You know what you did. - You know. - But hey, if you'd like to support the show, then go up to our Patreon at patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow on Twitter, send us some memes in the subreddit, and if you hate our face, listen to us on Spotify and go check on Michael's stuff. Link's in the description. All right. - Yeah. - Thanks for coming. - Thanks for coming on, man. - Thank you for having me. - [All] Bye! - God bless America. - God fuckin' bless America. (mellow music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 2,817,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: GPDrZwxi338
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 18sec (7458 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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