The CDawgVA Charity Auction

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ladies and gentlemen we are here in beautiful sunny Los Angeles at the Sea Dog VA Charity Auction let me hear it [Applause] now today we're gonna have a great time we're gonna raise a ton of money and it's all thanks to the generosity of many content creators some of which are in the room today but we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the man himself Connor [Music] hey guys come on [Applause] hello hello hello thank you thank you thank you this is gonna this is gonna be the most scuffed up auction ever so I hope you guys are okay but you guys ready to lose all your money in the audience so a few things about this audience obviously you have some of the creators in the back craters where are you you go come on you guys are streamers you could be louder than that thank you thank you and we have our lovely VIPs in the front hey guys now uh if you guys don't know these VIPs have spent two thousand dollars for this ticket do you guys regret it yeah okay well that well hopefully you can get something today um but yeah so the reason why I want to do this auction is because I did this once before in my bedroom and I thought why don't I do it in Los Angeles with a giant production crew and now I'm nervously on stage and I have makeup on and there's cameras everywhere so this is a really quick jump actually but anyway um I I think we should just jump right into it what do you guys think huh all right all right okay so the way it's all going to function is that there's going to be Raffles and there's going to be auctions a lot of the complaints I had last time was Connor I'm broke and my response was leave last time so this time we want to have a raffle so everybody has a chance to get an item so if you are watching this at home and you don't have a lot of money spent but maybe you want to give one or two dollars to charity and have the chance to win an item the Raffles are going to be it so some of the items you saw online are going to be raffled and I think we should just start with some items what do you guys think huh yeah so very very very very very quickly before I mention that you need to go to tiltify that is where all of the auctioning is going to happen uh if you're going to be betting on an item or if you want to get involved any of the Raffles you need to go to tiltify there should be a link somewhere below to the side everywhere on the twitch thing just click it go there register and make sure you can get on the raffle because the raffle is going to last around 20 to 30 minutes for each block so if you register now you'll have 20 minutes to try and get on the raffle so make sure to raise the money because that's what we're trying to do today we're trying to get some money for charity for good cause so without further Ado let's just start the show right let's get our first item out here right yeah our first item it's from it's it's a big one right I want you guys to make sure you sit down don't throw all your money away on this item okay and people at home remember you can enter the raffle as many times as you want it doesn't have to be one dollar one dollar gets you one entry you get into as many times so the first creator that we have who's brought that item in person is point Crow let's get everyone out of Applause yes oh my God what is that what um is that is that a white T-shirt oh oh right here you go sorry they can't hear you hold up here we go that's okay it is wait why can't they hear you oh you're gonna shoot louder okay sorry I'm just chilling okay it's literally the white T-shirt is the best T-shirt you've ever seen in your life was this the only t-shirt you owned totally the only t-shirt that I own basically I had a brand new t-shirt s beautiful just normal stream of things what is the what is the significance to maybe some of your viewers with this shirt so every single time that I would go streaming uh 90 of the time would be where it's just a good shirt it looks like I know I like that yeah my little like Tom Scott red shirt yeah we're like Simpsons characters but in real life sometimes okay well thank you so much for giving a t-shirt then really nothing else nothing else I mean you don't need anything else I mean okay all right spend all of your money on this shirt because it's that important all right okay well thank you so much thank you so much thank you thank you give me an item appreciate it all right so if you want to get that item go to tiltify right now and make sure to get your raffle entries in this is used right you've worn this a lot right yeah yes perfect that adds not washed that is a game changer okay but we we also have another raffle item we're gonna do these in blocks so you can see what the raffle items are for a little bit and decide in a way maybe where you want your money to go so we also have another item uh but the Creator sadly isn't here today so they've given us a video message and I'm sure it's a creator that all of us know and love we got a video from germa [Applause] right hi there am I here to present to you a raffle item one of two items that I have for uh this event uh two items that I think are very very important to me and that I think could be really interesting for you to have the first one is the one you're looking at right now this is a raffle item the raffle item it is four of the original Grotto beasts cards prop cards before the game came out for the stream that you saw you may not have seen and of these four holographic cards there's one from each of the Core artists that worked on the original project also on top of that you're also going to get a copy of the map remember the map prop where the burnt edges and it was like oh there's a thing where grandpa we've left the map we made a copy of that that never was on stream but has been here for years and now I have I guess a thing to do with it so thank you Connor for even reaching out in the first place you raise a lot of money you do a lot of great things um it's admirable so thank you thanks for letting me be part of it and I'll see you later too there's a second item so I'll put a different t-shirt on So You Think it's a completely different day although it's about 15 to 25 seconds from right now see you soon he's he's got a very menacing stare when he wants to but it's great to see that he has one more shirt than Point Crow so that's fantastic so let's have a look let's have a close-up shot of the item so you guys can see because German didn't show them off in the video this is the map that you can get you're gonna get like and here are the four cards we are exactly let me tell you a little bit about these cards all right we got the chroma Nova by Mel scribbles we got the bag host by Sterner it's very small Jim I'm trying to I'm trying to read we have the Russell pass by belly mouth and we have the festic mimic by hallulu [Music] okay uh so thank you so much to Gemma for providing this again this is going to be in the raffle so if you want to get this item enter the raffle you can answer as many times as you want to try and secure it more so yeah and anyone in the audience can also do that too on your phones so fantastic all right so thank you so much for Gemma for giving that I really appreciate it this is an awesome item and excited to see you in the other shirt later on however uh there is some other stuff that we need to discuss uh for example why are we here you know uh oh yeah true true I gotta go to the podium sorry production's telling me now okay all right why are we here today um for monkey well for me I appreciate you guys will show it up for me um but today uh this event all of the uh money that we raise is going to go to the IDF uh which is a charity that I've worked for on a Workforce sorry uh given them a lot of money uh never got paid back um uh yeah and um I thought who better to tell you guys about the charity than somebody from the charity itself is I am terrible at explaining these things and it is a very complicated disease with a lot of different nuances so I'm very very glad to announce that we have the CEO herself from the IDF here today Jory who's going to tell us all about the IDF and what they do just go come on up come on up thank you so much thank you oh my gosh this overwhelming for us it's humble it humped really inspiring so we are just so grateful thank you so much for coming oh IDF who are we what do we do and why does what we do even matter so IDF is short for the immune deficiency Foundation officially usually but not today today it is short for the iron Mouse Defense Force yeah I think it's much more appropriate so we're an organization that represents and serves people with primary immune deficiency Pi for short what is that it's also easier to say Pi Pi is um really an umbrella term it represents more than 450 rare chronic conditions where you're born missing part of your immune system or your immune system doesn't function properly it can affect anyone regardless of your age or ethnicity or even your gender regardless of what type of Pi you have they all have one thing in common your body can't fight infection or it certainly can't fight it very well our community fears infection intensely every day for all of their lives so what does Pi kind of look like in real life it might be the um back-to-back ear infections or sinus infections where you're on antibiotics for a really long time you might even have to have IV antibiotics it could be the cold that turns into pneumonia it could be skin infections that's how Pai might show up for you but we're outside of the obvious physical health implications think of the toll on your mental health to be sick over and over again with what could be severe or persistent or unusual recurrent infections it's significant so when you get a diagnosis of Pi you can feel scared overwhelmed isolated really unsure of how you're going to navigate living with your diagnosis and that's where IDF comes in so people turn to us for information and resources about their diagnosis and their treatment these are rare conditions maybe you want to get connected to a group or you're an introvert like I am and you just want to talk to someone one-on-one we can help you there we're also your number one Advocate we it's really our job quite frankly to make sure that we share the patient voice and the patient experience with decision makers especially those making decisions about how you can access your treatment all of that's really important work but all of that is once you have a diagnosis it's actually estimated between 70 and 90 percent of people living with pi are undiagnosed who's out there trying to reach people that are just too sick too often and they don't know why IDF is we're quite literally trying to find people who don't even know they need to be found but you're helping us to do that you're directly helping us through events like these to do more to do different to do better to be more impactful with our mission it really is because of you I also just want to say a quick word if I could a quick thank you to iron Mouse I know what you're doing right now for IDF the fundraising is amazing but aside from the fundraising just how you are reaching um an audience we could never reach around plasma awareness and the the need for a plasma donation so I'm glad IDF could be there for you and thank you for being there for IDF in addition someone else said I need to thank for being there for IDF I know I'm standing in between you and this amazing event so I'm going to close the way I started um we are overwhelmed on behalf of IDF with a very humbled we are very inspired thank you Connor Thank you so much thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you thank you all right all right thank you so much for that that was that was great and I'm so glad that you guys are here um but now it's auction time so you're probably wondering uh watching at home how do you get involved in this auction uh well it's pretty simple there'll be an auction link somewhere on the stream probably here and down there just click it it'll open up a page you need to log into tiltify or create an account and then you also need to add a credit card uh and an address for the bid to be verified and if you do win uh you the money will be taken out right away no take Maxis right no checks no promises okay you've got to make sure the money comes out right away so that we can walk away raising some money today otherwise it's a bunch of ious uh also if you are online at home you can also enter a Max bid so uh if you're like hey this is my budget I only have this much money you can put a Max bid and it'll Auto bid for you uh so you guys in the audience you're you've got a lot to compete against but I'm hoping there's some good old daddies here today all right okay and so you can if you're online as well you can shut up Roderick so you can go back and check on the auction page as well to see if you've been out bed uh it should tell you you should get an email as well but yeah just keep checking that auction page if you're at home and you want to get an item and all of the items are listed online so you can see them so if there's something you're waiting for maybe wait for that all right okay we're all ready for the auction are we all ready we all ready all right so the very first auction item we have is from The Man Down Under himself we have I did a thing who's coming and he's going to bring us an item I think isn't that right where is he oh my god there he is Alex what what is that what is what is what is that oh hey hold on hold on what you got to explain what this is I've got a tray most importantly okay nice buddy and then on the tray are the cameras anyway can we see yeah you can you can show uh to this one here they'll zoom in there's a wooden spoon but the reason it's significant is that I made this spoon yeah using this spoon over here so so this was a spoon that I was using for many years to do heroin and then okay I was like maybe I can do something else with this right there's gonna be more utilization the brilliant idea of making a spoon with it because now you can double the amount of capacity yep and also it's kind of like you know it's like once you have one spoon you can make another spoon and then another spoon and then you have three spoons to make another three well no you can't make any you can't make any more spoons now you're giving them both away yeah no I didn't think of that so this is one of your this is one of your very first videos as well that that really took off on YouTube right so it's quite significant my first spiral video so man 12 million views and that was the the first one I was like oh you can make money making um videos yeah yeah you can do that a lot of people online they were saying why is it just giving away a spoon like what do you what do you have to say to those haters out there I would say firstly they're an idiot okay true and this is a very meaningful spoon I definitely didn't fake any of the process I definitely didn't use a power tool when I was like you know yeah because it looks really good I mean this is definitely I don't know if this is uh feel the edge of this spoon so that's the other thing this is not only a spoon it's a weapon touch that oh my God what's this it's oh my God Razorback well that's how I made the spoon with the spot okay all right well thank you so much I appreciate it thank you for coming up all right all right foreign this is like what we'd find in downtown L.A like around the corner you just picked it up now you're like can I borrow that for a second all right so we have these items uh and we also uh in the audience to represent the online bidders because I thought it wouldn't be fun if we had people shouting online we didn't have people online able to kind of represent themselves uh we have some actors in the audience if you want to raise your paddles and let people know there these are our paid actors literally that you could actually say that twitch okay yeah and their whole job is to represent your online bids they will interrupt and be very dramatic and say online bid from Mike Han okay we won't say that one so please uh make sure that your names are we can say them out loud please please I'm begging you um but without further Ado do you guys just want to jump right into the auction I you guys want it so just a reminder I'll start saying numbers I'll say a number and if you guys in the audience you want that for that amount of money you put the paddle up and I'll point at you you're locked in all right so if I if I catch you out I'm like ten dollars what are you gonna do all right what if I say 10 000. okay you didn't put it okay that would have been bad if you got it all right you guys ready all right so I think for a spoon maybe we can stop bidding it about one dollar one dollar and we've got one dollar okay we have one Dodge we have ten dollars anyone got ten dollars do you have fifty dollars fifty dollars from anybody fifty dollars okay two hundred dollars very dramatic do we have 250 does anyone have 250 for the spirit 250 okay wait we have an oh okay we 500 from Ludwig okay wow do we have do we have five hundred and fifty dollars five fifty dollars five fifty all right let's not get annoying with these apps okay Five Sixty do you take Five Sixty yes you will 570 do you have 570 five seven you have 600 600 first it's a wooden space it's a piece of [ __ ] it's a wooden Sprint no offense Alex two of the star two pieces of [ __ ] do we have six hundred we have a thousand dollars thousand dollars for Spirit do we have do we have one thousand dollars and fifty one thousand fifty dollars one thousand fifty dollars one thousand fifty dollars in the front here we have one thousand one hundred dollars one thousand one hundred dollars anybody all right two thousand two two thousand dollars for a two spoons do we have two thousand one hundred dollars two thousand one hundred dollars and we have two thousand one hundred dollars okay we're gonna be shutting it off it's going now no more bids in the room we're finalizing those going in once twice and sold for two thousand dollars all right all right I I gotta ask I I come on I gotta oh yeah there we go here we go wait wait we should get them Do You Wanna Do You Wanna Feel The Spoon do you wanna hold the knife spoon you want to feel it you wanna have a touch yeah that's good it's good all right hold on one second I will ask you some question let me put the spoon back so they can take care of it all right I want to know why on Earth you paid two thousand dollars for a spoon do you want to introduce yourself to the audience as well [Music] hold up hold on you talk loud as well like me annoying so uh uh yeah I want to go to the grocery store okay oh oh it's off sorry I'm an idiot bad habit all right my bad sorry production go ahead sorry that's my only motivation okay well thank you so much congratulations fantastic [Applause] [Laughter] two thousand dollars for a spoon oh Dark Star two sorry sorry Ally are you happy with that price he's like 2 000 bucks you feel it's worth way too much overpaid overpaid all right uh so we have a another item coming up and now this one if the last one was an item this this is a real item all right that's the spoon joke the point is right now we have and I'm going to introduce him as Connor eats pants he's come out he's bringing his item come on over Conor all right come on come on we'll get you a mic all right wait what is that okay that's funny don't worry about it don't worry about it I don't need to see it okay there's it's honestly it's fine I need to be able to see it okay all right yeah right okay so that's that's FIFA 17. and Xbox One yeah okay I signed it because we needed to increase the value increase okay so that's my name in print and then there's I drew pants because oh right right because I wouldn't know I think it could be you did the other thing yeah I do the eats and then I wrote in like cursive but I'm gonna be honest I kind of just scribbled oh that is often cursive so what made you want to give away FIFA 17 on the Xbox One okay so for about three years my viewers had been telling me can you please play the FIFA 17 story mode as a story mode there is sadly um and then I it's after three years you know times have gone tough lately on streaming ice I was like okay I'll do it I'll play it yeah it was my worst performing stream in three years um and I have not recovered so just get rid of it just wanted it so I kind of just don't want it in the in the home anymore so it's just a trash removal at this point it's just you kind of want to say that I would say that I mean it we need we'll talk after you okay okay well I guess thank you so much for giving this I appreciate it thank you for this good cause thank you thank you so much thank you I'll take that from you foreign stories there's money inside it no no it's just oh two day Xbox Live trials we just you know you need that oh so don't don't show the code show the code show the code give it to them who wants two days and Xbox Live do they even do Xbox live anymore is it Gamepad I don't know I don't play all right point is we're selling this so anything over 50 is an absolute steal here a win for us quite frankly uh because this is absolutely not worth any money at all if you bought this would it be five dollars how much is this like two dollars you don't know okay well that's fine well we're gonna find out how much it's worth are you guys ready the bid yeah all right can I get one dollar to start with one dollar and we got one we got one dollar fifty okay right away fifty one dollars do we have more than 50 we have 100 from somebody online do we have more than 100 110 anybody have 110 for 110 for a couple of thief all right 150 how many 500 from someone online does anybody wanna 510 from somebody online oh my anybody in the what the what the [ __ ] this is two dollars okay all right I can't talk okay 15 25 do we have 15 15. 15 50. what the [ __ ] anybody have 1600 1575 in the audience we have 1600 ready in the audience anybody no you guys are absolutely not digging this but babe 2 000 okay 2 000 from somebody online who is this oil daddy online we will find out because it's 2025 okay A little bit of increment yeah you pull this dramatically that I was like oh my God 2050 do we have 2050 anybody in the audience want to do 2050 no no you because you're smart that's very wise Financial trust all right we are locking it away at 2025 going once going twice and sold 2000 2025 kind of insulting that it was 25 more than the spoon which is a at least some haven't put in that [Applause] he's not gonna play it he's the person bought this is not playing this game we could kick it seven no seven dollars on Amazon okay don't tell them that okay well uh also if you are watching just a quick mention that uh you can go to because a lot of the times as you can tell two thousand dollars for a FIFA on its own apparel brand oh sorry oh there's a oh my God I hear my voice uh two thousand dollars for FIFA is not uh something everybody can do watching at home but if you do want to get something from the event to commemorate you can get some merch again at no no merch Dot on every single hoodie uh ten ten dollars of the hoodie goes to charity of every hat and shirt sold five dollars of that also goes to charity and that will be added to the the we have this uh oh I haven't introduced this I'm a fool what have I done I actually didn't want to introduce this because it's it's not good for me uh can we introduce the thing here I I just we don't have we don't we don't have to show it you just show it real quick just get your credit just like flash flash it flash it flash it just real quick don't make a big deal of it just show real quick production it's fine one frame's fine okay close that close close that is a uh it's a graphic uh that when we reach the goal of 75 000 a punishment will happen uh I don't know what um I'm hoping it's good but they know I'm kind of down for anything so I'm hoping they don't abuse that so thank you please be nice please be nice thank you thank you all right now sadly not every single Creator can be here today to show off their item and explain why it's great oh okay we'll do that oh yes I forgot about that thank you production for telling me okay we need to close the Raffles the Raffles earlier for The Grotto beast cards and also the raffle for your shirt so we're gonna pick a winner right now so uh production let me know who the winner is I'll announce the winners oh we'll have it later oh okay okay okay oh we're closing that's right sorry but just get out of here get your [ __ ] together okay so we're closing okay okay guys all right all right all right so the the Raffles are now closed this is going to happen every single time we do these blocks there'll be two two or three raffle items we'll do two auctions and I'll close and we'll announce the winners after so let's get on to our third auction item you guys ready yeah and like I was saying not every single Creator can be here sadly um thank God that some of you guys showed up I really appreciate that thank you um but for those who can't we have videos prepared and our next Creator is going to show off their item so let's throw it to Ethan welcome to the wonderful world of Pancakes happy little accidents I can make a Happy Cloud this is what depression looks like what no nothing's wrong who's gonna be in the comments and go eat in that tree looks so good it looks so happy just like you and I'll go oh yeah I am this is this is this is what I am this is my best [Music] I have to say his best is not bad it's pretty good look at that that's pretty good I can't do anything better than that so I mean he said the trees were depressing I think right so I think anyone would be lucky to win this item do you guys think so yeah all right well this is again another auction item are you guys ready to auction you guys want this you guys anyone want this particularly we're going to find out all right oh no no you can't download okay all right we're starting the auction now at ten dollars and we had ten dollars we've got ten thousands are you a thousand right away two thousand dollars from Hassan two thousand one hundred dollars from London you have two thousand two hundred dollars is anybody have two thousand two hundred dollars in the in the audience or online 2 200 from one of our VIPs in the front two thousand five hundred views like there do we have two thousand six hundred dollars two thousand six hundred dollars this is a one of a kind RP skate guys you you need this two thousand six hundred dollars anybody have two thousand six hundred dollars in the front anybody two thousand six hundred dollars from a sound we have two thousand seven hundred dollars and if we have two thousand seven hundred dollars anybody anybody online at home get those wallets out I know you can do it you have two thousand seven hundred dollars if not two thousand seven hundred from somebody in the front do we have two thousand eight two thousand eight hundred these numbers are getting too big it's gonna be a pain in the ass two thousand eight hundred dollars anyway of two thousand eight hundred dollars anybody in the audience anybody in the audience getting a standby from online there might be some oil prints opening his wallet right now as we speak to get this uh we have twenty eight hundred twenty oh oh sorry that we have 2700 in the front here do we have 2800 do we have 2800 from anybody anybody have 2800 no all right okay well then when they close it out in the front here going in once going in twice and sold for two thousand seven hundred dollars all right congratulations congratulations if you don't mind real quick I'd love to know why you wanted to win this prize sir could you tell me a little bit about it what about this piece yeah come stand up stand up here um so Sergio why did you want to win this one so I wanted to win this prize because I need to decorate my house okay nice depressing trees are exactly what I want to look at uh as I wake up every day so this will be a nice addition to the collection how do you feel about paying 2 700 for this you know what beautiful art costs a lot of money and that's true all right that's the price I had to pay all right thank you so much man I appreciate it thank you so much Sergio all right we've done that that's basically how oh my is my mic yes don't make sure so basically that's how the most of the structure is going to go today we're going to do two Raffles then we're gonna have the auction segment and I'm going to go back to now to Raffles and when we have the winners of the Raffles we will announce them my mic is slipping uh so if you're waiting for that just hold on you might have won um anyway should we move on all right all right okay so now we have the next raffle item and I think you guys are gonna you guys are gonna like this one this is from a very huge creator that I'm sure we all know shout out to to jack for showing up hi Connor and everyone I guess it's me jacksepticeye look well now Conor asked me to give over stuff for this stream I all I had was coffee in my house everybody else I didn't know everybody else is giving over YouTube play buttons I didn't know they were giving over like footprints spoons I didn't know people were painting for this all I have is coffee I signed all of it and I was like that's that's cool right no everyone's given over so many more cool things and all I had was coffee I'm not trying to steal my brand everywhere I promise I just had a lot of it left over and I thought that that would be cool to do so to add to my uh coffee thing to give away for the auction I will do a personalized video for whoever bids the highest whatever video you want me to do I will do it for you if you want me to say hi to your dog kiss your mom whatever it is I will do it for you okay please bid a lot of money and get the prices up it's for charity it's a good cause thank you Connor you're beautiful foreign I didn't tell Jack it was gonna be a raffle item well it was originally just this and I was like coffee really Jack really but uh yeah as you can see this is the box of coffee top of the morning coffee absurdly good coffee and now he last minute he threw in a personalized video that you can get by going and entering that raffle again links should be everywhere in the chat should be pinned in the banner there should be a bunch of stuff that you can get so just go to those links and again it's one dollar to enter you can enter as many times as you want try and win this thing because I think this is it's not a bad prize right guys not bad not bad at all I think all right so now that we've done this item we have a another raffle item to introduce uh and well um this guy uh makes Walter White look like he's a child um this guy as you all know is probably the most dangerous man on YouTube it's Nile red let's have a look at what he's giving away what I have here is just a little piece of ceramic and on its own it doesn't look too special but I think it's one of the coolest things I've ever made this because of what happens when I dump some liquid nitrogen on it and let it cool down to around negative 196. C or negative 320 Fahrenheit then if I drop a magnet on it it's actually able to float and even though I've done this many times it honestly still kind of feels like magic it unfortunately isn't though and it's happening because this little ceramic piece is something called a superconductor and it's floating because of something called the meissner effect but either way as I mentioned before I actually made this superconductor myself and it's probably one of the projects that I'm most proud of for sentimental reasons I almost never give away anything that I make but when Conor asked me to be part of this Charity Auction I decide to make one exception and I figured that this superconductor would be perfect so by bidding on this you'll not only be getting a superconductor that I made in one of my videos You'll also be getting one of the very few things that I'll ever let go from a project as an extra I also included a little magnet but to make it work you'll need to cool it with liquid nitrogen and I unfortunately wasn't able to include that so um I don't know maybe ask Connor for that this is uh yeah this is this is very weird uh it looks like a drug deal gone wrong um yeah Nigel did tell me he was like hey um could you get liquid nitrogen I was like no of course I can't get like how do you get liquid nitrogen do you go to a store so we can't demonstrate it so just trust us that it's this is a superconductor which sounds way cooler than it is but um yeah you can get this item it's going to be in the in the raffle so if you want to get it again go to tiltify go to the link on the chat uh and then you just need to enter as many times you want to try and win this item uh and hopefully one of you has liquid nitrogen at home so you can use this and have fun with it how do you make I don't even want to know how he makes it this is so ridiculous all right so those are our two raffle items so if you want to get them go online or now enter they'll be gone in 20 minutes It'll be closed so get those raffle entries in right now but in the meantime we have our first item winner the shirt is Carol Connor or the wrong graphic is playing all right okay uh and we're just waiting on the second dramatic pause it everyone go oh oh [Music] The Grotto Beast card winner is Kitty colors what a great name all right very nice very nice um should we see where we're at with the yeah we'll see where we're at with the uh with the turtle race so far we have 50 000 700 it keeps going up because people want to get those raffle entries uh get them in now while you still can 50 000 is not bad right guys now that's so far right yeah wow that punishment is getting close okay I don't want I don't want to do it what is it going to be I don't want to know it's going to be so annoying all right so uh on next stop uh we have some messages from our partners today who have made this event possible because I most certainly can't afford all of this no way so thank you so much to our partners today who have helped make this event possible let's throw to them let's see what they got to say not only is Cash ever sponsored today's auction but they also have an awesome channel on Twitch where they stream interactive game shows where you can win cash prizes if you have a cash app account cash app has two awesome shows that they've run on their Channel this year cash app plays a prediction-based game show where viewers try to guess the outcome of games that popular creators are playing on their Channel like rocket League Valen and Apex Legends there is also cash app trivia returning on Wednesday August 2nd with their 100 000 in total prizes and Austin's show and Caroline Quan as co-hosts cash app trivia is a Trivia Live stream where you as the viewer actually participate in the game and win prizes cash app is planning on adding new shows throughout the year so make sure you go and give them a follow right now at cash app you don't want to miss out I just wanted to take a moment to show some love to Elgato first of all we need to say thank you for supporting the charity auction and helping us raise money for the IDF secondly I'm sure many of you are familiar with their brand and for good reason Elgato are renowned for their wide variety and great value streaming accessories I have personally used their products for many years including the hd60x and stream deck Plus in my home setup and they've also got things like their FaceCam Pro the world's first 4K 60 webcam or their way free microphone which fuses Plug and Play convenience with broadcast grade circuitry from Key lights to stream decks capture cards mics mounts green screens webcams and more Elgato is making products to power your creativity so hit exclamation mark Elgato in the chat for more info and to show some love to the folks showing us some love I'm Riley I'm 25 years old I was diagnosed with pi when I was 17. I have hyperige syndrome and IDF is really helped me connect with other people like me since it is a rare disease so I knew from a very young age like something's different something's going on but I never had a name for it when I was diagnosed I was like so excited to start getting the correct treatment and what the medicine is is actually human plasma and we get to use it to help boost our own immune systems I call them my power ups or my like super serum in my house the biggest impact the IDF has had on me is connecting with people who are like me and who can understand exactly how it feels your family can relate to a lot of the external stuff but the internal feelings of being sick and what that does to your mind and your body is really different being able to talk to people and be like the novocaine at the dentist doesn't really work for me and five other people in the group are like oh my gosh yeah like I've had a filling and then all of a sudden I can feel what they're doing so it's it's just like these weird random things that we can all connect on and a lot of the times like we end up laughing because it just feels good to to have someone else who's experienced the same thing [Music] thank you so much to Riley for sharing her story uh it's great to have some patients just explain a bit more about it in their experiences so thank you so much for that that's amazing um let's get back to some throwing some money right let's do it all right yeah yeah yeah as you can see a little bit next to me there's so much here but it's not all of it we have some more so let's welcome rubber Ross to the stage yes this way this way this way this way all righty let me give you this as well to make sure everyone can hear you you can put that on the stage yeah so this is some memorabilia from my uh time before rubber Ross I was a goddammit Ross um so basically when I worked at Game Grumps we all had a team like hoodie uh so you could only get that if you worked at Game Grumps and this was the first ever printed uh steam train shirt I think this is actually the first one we got back from the uh people who made the shirts so yeah I've just had it for a long time and I'm not wearing it so I figured someone else might want it and uh over here we've got the uh this is the controller we actually recorded most of steam train with so back on game rooms we use this for pretty much every playthrough so like maybe play FIFA 17 with it Xbox 360. and the hat is also just a piece of memorabilia that decapitated head okay sorry the head this is the steam train conductor hat that was all sort of like photo shoots and whatnot but yeah that's that's that's it that's what I have any game grumps OG fan yes of course one of a kind never never given away never given away no no so hopefully there's a game grumps fan out there who has ungodly fat wallet today to help to get this up Pump those numbers yeah uh Ross thank you so much for coming man I really appreciate it this is awesome thank you good amount of thoughts for us thank you so much thank you all righty that's a lot of much who's interested in this who's who kind of wants to oh I know yeah yeah a lot of dude needs clothes he doesn't wear anything good he did all right you guys heard the bit you guys ready I'll start at ten dollars you have ten dollars in the front and everyone have ten dollars two hundred dollars from Ludwig right away we have more than two three hundred dollars do we have do we have three or five hot five you should stop bitting yourself okay six 600 actually to be the capitalist Pig notice the song Hassan one thousand dollars in the front here we have one thousand one hundred dollars we have one thousand fifty dollars one thousand oh they giving up oh do we have one thousand one hundred dollars twelve hundred dollars do we have thirteen hundred dollars we have thirteen hundred dollars for anybody in the audience anybody want thirteen hundred dollars we gotta wait a little bit for the online delay to catch up because those guys take a long time to type those credit card numbers out all right in the meantime anybody 1025 with thirteen hundred many anybody in the audience anybody have thirteen hundred thirteen hundred no nobody want it okay oh fifteen hundred huge from somebody online 15 25 from somebody online do we have 15 50 or 50 or 1600 any amount larger any you know how math works okay any amount no okay I think we might be getting to the end of that 15 25 I think right going six these numbers are hard to keep track of all right [Applause] 1725. oh my God you online people are quite slow but you you guys pump those numbers really nicely do we have any more than 17 25 any more than 17 25 online 1738 from somebody in the audience 17 what they say oh we have two two thousand dollars from somebody online who have more than two thousand dollars 2025 from Sunday online do you have more than 2025 from somebody online to that 2100 how many 21 25 do we have 21.50 20 or 2200 no all right online I'll give you a chance to catch up to bed I know you guys are going at it 20 125. all right 21.25 let me get my gavel out 2125 going once oh standby this bid's coming in some some some extremely uh probably just a furry online honestly the richest people known to man it's coming so you'll be still me to stand okay I still got to stand by there's a big bid coming in online 2200 2200 and so why are we 22.25 from somebody online don't mind the policy we're trying to get as much money as we can for charity okay so just don't make the pauses for a little bit 20 to 25. 20 25 going once are we calling it I'm holding production's asking me to hold how many awkward attention pauses can I handle you got to go oh my God all right going once going twice sold for 22.25 yes fantastic is that a mistake is that really their name the Phoenix Bar and Lounge in Las Vegas won that [Applause] what why is that is it real it's got to be a troll right that can't be that that can't actually be the the place oh my goodness all right guys all right uh I know you guys love ads so let's do another one yes right yes today we want to be sure to thank cash app they have generously come on board as a partner to support several of my projects including this auction tell praise money for the IDF in addition to having the best all-in-one uh way to stay in control of your money through their savings spending and sending tools you may not know they've also got a pretty awesome new twitch Channel where they stream interactive game shows and where you can win cash prizes if you have a cash app account to learn more head over to cash app and give them a follow so you don't miss out on your next chance to see what they're up to and have the chance to participate and win some prizes of your own thanks in the cash app for being a proud supporter of this auction all right okay auction time now again as I mentioned fortunately not every Creator can be here in person some of them are on the other side of the world in Japan and one of my very very close friends uh has provided a bunch of items and something else a little special so without further Ado let's see what Premiere 2 has given us thank you for supporting the immune deficiency Foundation my name is Peter or Premier 2. you may have seen me on the abroad in Japan Channel as a guest character or perhaps the award-winning gigachad from season three of trash taste no uh okay well that's fine because we're not here to talk about me we're here to support an amazing Foundation recently I went to Akihabara the electric town city of Tokyo Japan and I was on a quest I love role-playing games so I was looking for items that best represented each major stat Point strength dexterity intelligence Charisma and luck I've found five items that I've put together in one package for you to bid on so let's see what I found representing dexterity I have the Neo Geo mini an all-in-one arcade cabinet that has over 50 games for you to master as for intelligence show us your brain power by recreating the hoaxi wave this time using three D Legos a prize for any collector next we have strength now believe it or not I was once a model in this country and I was featured on the punching bag gin say punch that's right uh you can find my face on this amazing literally one of a kind item because no one bought it now we have luck sometimes we have bad days what better way to overcome the horribleness of a tough day at work than a collection of authentic Akihabara charms that promise good fortune and finally we have Charisma the pistolar resistance you can have two hours of hanging out with me that's right you can play games talk on Discord or perhaps I could teach you how to be an expert storyteller and this can be yours run don't walk today and thank you to the IDF and Connor for putting on this awesome event wow I'll hang out with the man himself and all of these fantastic items I do love the punching bag one particularly it is good uh so yeah if you want to hang out with Pete yourself and get all this stuff you gotta get those bids up okay we need some big money all right gotta show him that it's not it's not negative value hanging out with him right guys right right yeah yeah okay that was not a very convincing yeah sorry Pete that's gonna suck um so should we start the bidding you guys ready I I think we can start this one at fifty dollars at least right anybody got 500 right away okay big print one thousand dollars in the fun fifteen hundred from London two thousand dollars from Hassan in the back you have two thousand two hundred dollars do we have two thousand twenty two hundred right there do we have 2400 from Hassan okay 2500 from somebody online oh my goodness do we have more than 2500 2600 anybody have twenty six hundred forty seven hundred oh really 47 that's crazy really twenties to know 40 2700 from her side that's just a great way to steal money do we have some online bids I think we have some online bids income do we have more than 2 700 in the viewers three grand three grand from somebody in the front do we have three Thirty One Hundred doesn't know how the math Works 31. 3100 from Ludwig thirty two hundred from Hassan we have more than 3 200 anybody online have more money than that to throw at this beautiful event more than 3 200 anybody no no oh we should have standby some big bids are coming in online does anybody online can they beat louder fill in the front sorry Lord 35 do we have 35 from anybody in the front now do we have 35 35 . no we'll it's not touch screen [ __ ] [Applause] okay Powers power saving really all right do we have more than what was the bid I've ever got to the TV 35 35 in the front we have 36 do we have 36 anybody have 36 in the audience 3600 anybody have 3600 they want to throw away at this online do you have anyone online do you have anyone coming in all right well going once going twice oh both of you want to bid you want 36 okay do you guys want to have a bidding Wall go ahead this is great for me 4 000 right away do we have 41 do we have 41 from anybody do you want to try and outbid him sir no you're giving up he's tapping out do we have more no all right do you want it going once going twice sold the full thousand dollars oh my God I gotta I gotta come ask I gotta come ask you again again does his wallet ever end how's it going it's good no no it's on it's on it's definitely on you're gonna shout loudly thank you uh I guess for letting me get this cool Lego set that's all I really wanted I do collect Legos I'm sorry are you a big fan of Pete or you should not even know who he is I know who he is okay that's helpful that's good yes that's a fun game in uh I'll see you soon okay hell yeah thank you so much you're here himself all right well that was fun what a fun bidding war but it was great especially when it's not my money uh all right uh we can uh close out the raffle now so you have very little moments left to get any of those raffle items that we were showing earlier so if you want to get them enter right now you only have a very brief moment you can enter as many times as you want you for and it's one dollars each uh for each entry all right so next up my earpiece is falling out I don't have this problem in my bedroom all right not used to this white all right our next item is from a Creator I'm sure many of you hope you don't have to talk to at some point in your life uh and unfortunately again he's not able to be here today but he has given us a kind message uh where he doesn't slander anybody uh next up we have an item from legal eagle hi everyone my name is Devin Stone I am the lawyer that runs legal eagle the world's largest Law related YouTube channel I wish I could say it was the largest lawyer Run YouTube channel but unfortunately uh the lock picking lawyer has me beat in that regard and I'm definitely not salty about that whatsoever um but I am thrilled to be participating in this charity benefiting the immune deficiency Foundation it's a very worthy cause and thank you to Connor for for asking me to participate I'm thrilled to be here um what I have up for auction is a very nice piece of wood no this is a handsome wooden case that inside contains the world's only gavel signed by me Devin Stone and branded with legal eagle what you see inside of here is um a gavel never been used in court signed by myself and and labeled as legal eagle um also a remonstration saying uh you know keep it legal um which is not uh legal advice it's just good advice um and then you'll notice that on um the base uh it looks like it's been written by a child uh it says legal eagle in fact this was written by me an adult who should know how to write things better but it just it looks it looks terrible but I think the rest of it really came together uh with the legal eagle branding uh the very handsome gavel my signature and you know uh advice to to keep it legal um uh I think anyone that goes home with this gavel will be very happy with it and my hope here today is that um you know that this beautiful gavel uh takes in more money than you know Peter Premiere 2's box of garbage or Mystery Box whatever it is um and hopefully you know more than I did of things uh wooden spoon because um look this is a very nice looking gavel um and I think it I think it deserves it and I don't want to be shown up by those people um but honestly uh whatever it brings in I will be thrilled with it will go to a good cause um and yeah basically you know I think this is the opposite of trash taste this is uh shows that whoever bids and wins on this particular auction item uh has excellent taste uh not not trash taste so anyway thank you for participating and if you don't buy this I will see you in court I gotta say out of every single crater I asked he was the last one I expected to throw shade but hey sorry Pete all right so I mean I mean how good is it I've got my own gavel here which is like a basically I mean how good can it be okay wow okay that's pretty good actually oh my God that's not I don't want to drop this please don't have a line This Moment [Music] that's nice that's so much better than mine he's out showing me at least in my own thing God damn all right anyway you get rid of the auction that's ready yeah come on you guys get more excited than that come on yeah that's what I'm saying all right shall we start the bidding at 10 bucks do you have ten dollars ten dollars in the front right here we have more than ten dollars 100 200 500 people 800 we have 800 we have 900 900 we have more than 900 1000 one thousand dollars from a sound one thousand one hundred one thousand two hundred we have thirteen hundred fifteen hundred two sixteen hundred twenty one twenty five from an online bid huge jump three three thousand dollars from Hassan oh my goodness 3500 from somebody online for thirty seven hundred dollars from somebody online as well does anybody want to go 37.50 oh [Music] we have four thousand five hundred dollars from Hassan does anybody want to go 4 46 oh 46.50 from somebody else that was so dramatic I love that concussion do we have more than 4 700 do you have more than 40. five thousand dollars from Hassan do you have anybody who wants to get more than five thousand dollars we have 51 anybody no no online there's bids coming in I'll give you a second standing by we're letting the online bids come in nobody want to spend more than that so steel I mean it's a beautiful gavel I mean look at this thing but more of a lock picking lawyer guy yikes [Laughter] all right how are we doing on those online bids stay oh there's still some bids coming in that's the son I'd be scared if I was you this is good all right so far to remind you it's at five thousand five thousand fifty dollars from somebody online baby increasing you want to increase your lottery oh my five five that we have your credit card by the way you can't back out five thousand five thousand and fifty one dollars from Ludwig do we have anyone else give more than five thousand five thousand anybody anybody want to give more anybody online we get online there's no more bids coming online right online surely there's nobody online who wants to give more than five thousand this is way better [Applause] is that true Ludwig is leading right now all right well Ludwig going what I'll make this a really long one for you so going what going twice going three times sold to Modric yeah you want to come up here you want to come up and have a look at your item you should at least you should at least be like happy would you be happy you won nobody outbid you nobody on video this is great this is what you wanted he's so he's like a YouTuber's home well really happy I won this is for a great cause uh could could not have gone to a better show yeah yeah it's okay the YouTube contract is definitely being renewed right Neil please [ __ ] um and people in the chat please go to donate that's where you can actually do the bidding so this never happens to anyone ever again but I'm happy to do it I'm happy to do it all right all right well I'm happy I'm happy you got it thank you so much you take it you just take it that was a harsh lesson to learn I think I had an expensive one quite frankly you're an idiot debating you did that whatever anyway point being we have more items exciting so give it away if you want you can auction it off and on your auction uh okay what are you okay okay you do your thing all right so our next item is another raffle item so anybody at home regardless of if you have extremely Deep Pockets or not you can get in on this it's one dollar to join and our first item which I'm very I'm very happy about uh is a care package from Elgato yes we all use it we all use it right yes yes that's going to come out again and again they've been so gracious to sponsor us and they have given us a ton of stuff to give away to you guys so if you're looking to get into streaming this is the bundle I think most of the streamers here would admit they use Elgato products in some way because they are they're the best let's be realistic look at that beautiful oh my God why oh the foot pedal I have eight of these don't ask oh what's that the stream deck plus oh not the normal one the plus fantastic okay this is Elijah a lot wow okay we have FaceCam Pro oh am I calm as well wow really this much wow we have I'll help you I'll help you as well let me help as well uh and we have another key light oh and two key lights two key lights this actually will not well it just about fits on the stage so if you want to win this entire streaming package again this is this is the best stuff around I use it myself uh this is perfect enter for one dollar and again you can enter as many times as you want and I believe there's somebody from Elgato here who would like to maybe say a little bit about the products you want to come up come on up come on up you're like oh God [Applause] thank you for helping me not go bankrupt I really appreciate it with your help so yeah you just introduced some of the stuff and tell us a little bit about Elgato products so hi everyone um we have donated a streaming setup for interesting and creating uh we have a huge variety of items so this is just everything and more for you to get started uh we have our lovely Wave 3 mic in white and we also have a variety of like our stream deck plus we have our FaceCam Pro a lot of the stuff was recently released within the past year or so these are the best we actually have the first 4K 60 uh camera or webcam here as uh Connor mentioned before it's right over here right here as our FaceCam Pro and um actually these items are signed by someone oh yes the creators yes some of the members of trash taste have signed these and that right gone Maybe oh yeah I don't eat him he's he's chilling he's chilling but yeah we've signed these items as well so if you want to have any of these signs more reason to get them or Less Reason depending on who you are thank you so much for coming up I really appreciate it one more thing so we actually have a unreleased product right now in this kit so this is something that we're going to be announcing right am I spoiling it by saying it spoil it okay well I'll just do it so um we actually have the white version of our low profile wave mic arm so if you are looking for a all-white setup this is it this hasn't it's not out on the market yet you will be the first to have it and you even have all this stuff signed by some of your favorite creators so thank you so much Connor Thank you so much thanks so much for giving us all the stuff yes thank you all right next up we have another raffle item it's really gonna take like 10 hours to get all of these products off the stage so I'm gonna have to stall um yeah I'm going to install very much so okay first of all first of all I do want to ask I do want to ask is there any items that anybody's excited for that anyone wants to mention that they're looking maybe to bid on during the show anybody anybody shorts you want the humongous shorts so Among Us promise not among us promised me saikuno promised me that he used them um do you want him to use them yes I won't ask why are you willing to destroy your entire Financial Security for those shorts possibly possible it's like here are you scared fantastic all right so the next item we have is from a Creator who's here today sorry please welcome to the stage Foos Elite come on out come on out come on out oh my God is it that big do you have it oh it's huge oh my God oh my God do you need help oh why am I double miking I I think I should oh God I'm gonna help this is Jesus you guys need help are you good okay they're good they're good they're good [Applause] thank you oh my God it's a blanket blanket it should be on all right hello it's a blanket um my roommate said Kuno and I really like Yu-Gi-Oh so I uh bought him this as a Christmas present but then it came in the mail and I liked it so much that I kept it uh I told him this though so he knows and he was like oh and he I could tell he wanted it and I got sad then I kept it as a stream prop it's been on my bed a lot not like used like that or anything my cats have lied on it though so laid they've been on this so I probably like ended stream and hopped on it but other than that a couple of stains let me have a look is it bad it's not bad it's like I mean it's really not bad yet yeah did you wash this before you gave it to us well I figured some people might not want to wash oh yeah yeah I didn't want to clean it did someone else wants it it's optional so if you get it it's not like anything weird on it you can wash it if you want and then it'll be clean but if you don't want it washed you don't need it while she just get it you know so uh raffle away foreign so much thank you thank you thank you I appreciate it thank you so much this is actually so cool damn that's nice so again a reminder this is one of our raffle items so if you do want to have the chance of having this used blanket sorry that's not so gross when I say you but I I it's used okay so if you do want to get this again sorry it's so hard to talk about I'm getting spoken by it um if you do want to get this item go online pull out that credit card go to the link and enter the raffle again you can enter as many times as you want it's like you know how many times you entered the raffle 500 10 000 times you just wanted your gift back okay well even if you put ten thousand dollars there's still a chance you'll lose so if we can figure it out maybe you can really have a touch with it before you send it off it's fine don't worry about it it's fine so um thank you so much to Leslie for giving that item it's great thank you so much I appreciate it um and as you can probably tell uh from this auction all of these items are they're weird they're so weird but that's that's kind of the vibe I wanted to get when we did the show is that I want to make sure that we got items that were very oh wait what is that why is it oh my god with 300 200 at home like okay we're basically gonna hit it right now thanks blanket uh so that's I guess the first punishment is happening uh which we will do uh after uh these round of Raffles uh I don't know what it is I'm sure somebody will come on stage and tell me bad news in a second but either way we do have more raffle items uh we hit the goal though the first goal it's good right guys yeah yeah please be a nice punishment please anyway anyway we have another Creator here today uh who's gonna be giving away one of their items and um this is by far one of the most unusual uh items um when he submitted this I wondered why and when I show you it oh oh Jarvis what are you doing here I was just telling I was just telling about how good it was yeah let me just hand you the mic real quick what is why is it what is that why is it so phallic look the fact that this is on raffle is a crime because these are two works of art uh two completely unique stories okay so four years ago I made a video trying five-minute crafts life hacks you know shout out five minute crafts one of those hacks was what happens if you're drinking coffee but then you spill on yourself the answer is you grab a Sharpie and then you draw an outline around the coffee stain and now you have a unique cool stylish t-shirt um and so that's what I've done here it's clearly a map of Earth it's a one of a kind piece that's why it says earth right here and we didn't really commit to the whole shopping yeah the Sharpie wasn't really good it was kind of like out of ink and stuff like sometimes things happen when you're filming videos yeah so this is a completely different yeah obviously I could tell that that difference um I made a video I made a video on my second Channel Jarvis Johnson gold shout out where I was uh looking at weird things the video is called thanks I hate it okay and I was just scrolling eBay and I saw in my recommended page what looked like Spider-Man holding a penis right yeah I was gonna I don't want to say it I didn't wanna but then that begs the question is Spider-Man's penis like in the costume there's a lot of questions uh but then also it's not a this is actually a knife and it's a real knife did you show us I could I could yes I'll I'll I'm nervous don't please don't don't hurt yourself please are we are we able to ship this is it legal to ship yeah it is America and this was shipped to me so in my video I said this is a dumb product uh also why is Spider-Man's hand coming out of the ground there's a lot of things that I don't understand I don't think that this is like Marvel official merchandise it's so why would self-defense mobile kid I don't know and so I just said it was bad and I did not purchase the item but someone sent it to my P.O box in fact someone sent two to my P.O box and one was displayed in my house for a long time until it got knocked over and broke it okay and so this one got broken how flimsy is it it's made of ceramic oh and it's like I was being so well made sorry yeah this one is a little bit chipped I will say it's already a little bit shipping but it's one of a kind like just like this shirt and you get both of these yeah both what a steal get on the Raffles everybody minimum one dollar minimum uh so yeah have fun thank you so much Chavez I appreciate it yes yeah when you when you when you said hey is it okay if I bring a knife I was like where why but yeah certainly you can't say it's not unique um so if you want to get your hands on that remember go to the raffle enter as many times you want to win that and of course we'll uh announce the winners later on and I think next up we do actually have some of the winners of the raffle unless production tells me no return oh okay oh okay so it's going to come up on the screen behind me is that right oh wow uh so uh the winner of the Jax coffee and tea collection or Sean with a personalized video is person you gotta worry how do you okay not that sorry it's it's the other screen how do you pronounce that danger danger Greg congratulations congratulations to Danger Greg and one in that uh I have no idea how we're gonna get this message we'll figure that out but congratulations on winning a cool box of coffee and then next up uh we have Nigel's superconductor and magnet as you guys might remember um should we see who won that one yeah all right so the winner of the superconductor and magnet combination is Summer Snow 389. congratulations all right where are we at in that goal then well how much have we raised so far with all this all this bidding and all this raffling going on where are we at right now thousand four hundred already oh [Applause] [Music] my goodness so again we do have a punishment which uh I guess we could we could start prepping that I think that that's fine I can I can I'm bracing myself to to have some form of punishment I'll be fine I'll be okay uh but in the meantime we do have more auctions to do uh we do have more auction items to go uh and we have a Creator who couldn't come here again today uh so should we just play that video guys yeah you want to see who it is shout out to William oh oh wait hold up no no production saying no they want the they want the punishment right now do you guys want the punishment right now all right I thought I thought if I just ignored production they'd be like oh we have no choice he's in control but they were like no we have to do it all right okay what's the production uh production sorry punishment what is it oh no oh we have an envelope that stands [Applause] thank you thank you okay do you want to I'll give you a mic real quick in case you want to just insult me for any reason I appreciate it let's do it read the whole thing all right so uh Nerf guns the first two rows under your seats the during the next auction there is Nerf guns attached to your seat [Applause] [Laughter] so you have Nerf guns you can [ __ ] it back okay okay hold up hold up now you can shoot it you can shoot it right now if you want but hold on you have a select amount of bullets and you can do it at any period during the next three auctions and the actors are loving this this song Thank you so much thank you for delivering bad news I'm guessing if I see you I'm going to be sad anytime today all right well this is the Nerf gun I don't know how powerful it is so we just take a look see how powerful it is all right a lot of you want to come stand in the middle real quick all right Lottery any final words oh oh my god oh dude how many guns do we have firing at me no oh my God are you okay nothing like it hurt holy oh my goodness oh my God I did not mean to get him in the face dead on holy crap ambulance for him is he okay okay so again you can fire it at any single time you want I'm gonna try my best to not get hit and close my eyes but we're gonna do it during the auction okay the next three auctions after that no more shooting me okay and we have to clean up the stage I guess at some point anyway as I was saying the next Creator is William Osman we all know him right yeah and sadly he couldn't be here today so he's given us a very nice video to show to you guys that's right hello everyone my name my name is William Osman and my item for today's Charity Auction the Sea Dog charity auction is a pair of greasy Footprints greasy chocolate pudding Footprints stamped into a carpet this is from a video I filmed a 2019 titled pushing a Roomba to its limits where we tested to see which Robot vacuum cleaner could suck up the most chocolate pudding mine lost but in the process I was standing around in the pudding you can see in the video I just get absolutely get my feet completely covered in Pudding um and then I stepped on a clean part of the carpet and I cut it out and I put it in a shadow box it's been hanging on my wall for the past four years and now it could be hanging on your wall it's a beautiful piece of art probably one of the nicest things you could buy in this auction I've seen the list it's all crap mine's mine's awesome you should buy mine and you should hang it on your wall and you should spend lots of money because it goes to charity and Charity's good all right Connor I hope I hope that my item sells for a lot of money and that you get a big that you can donate a lot of money good luck there's a lot of a lot of awkward pauses there well but thank you so much for donating this item um my first guest wouldn't have been chocolate um it is interesting uh who has ever wanted to own a footprint of a carpet yeah oh you guys want this okay sure uh I guess we'll start the bidding then all right so we're gonna be starting at ten dollars anybody have ten dollars anybody have ten dollars fifty dollars for mostly like that 100 in the front 200 you have three hundred dollars three hundred dollars we have four hundred dollars five hundred dollars 657.50 do we have eight hundred one thousand from Eric do we have more than one thousand I'll do 1100 and 1100 in the front right here do we have 1200 1250 period thirteen hundred how much we have 1400 we have 1500 1500 anybody want to get 1500 anybody in the audience want to do 1500 this is steel you can put it on your wall it's beautiful look at this thing human size I mean I I mean I assume they have to be but do you want it fifteen hundred dollars fifteen hundred dollars you gotta [ __ ] that by the way to shoot me with that I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna fifteen hundred so did you say 15. I was so distracted we have 15 do we have sixteen hundred dollars oh my god do we have sixteen hundred dollars sixteen hundred dollars in the audience anybody wanna do sixteen hundred dollars no 1600 1600 all right we're holding for the online bids they're coming in right now do you have anybody wants to get this for sixteen hundred dollars holding oh oh all right maybe not we're still standing by maybe not I'm not giving you those bullets back you cannot have those back all right we have fifteen hundred dollars we have sixteen hundred dollars anybody will do sixteen hundred dollars anybody know okay audience is pretty much decided they're good they're capped out is anybody online going to claim it and we are good online so without further Ado for fifteen hundred dollars going once going twice sold for 1500 dollars all right all right I I have to ask I have to ask sir it'll stand up real quick what made you want this item which camera are we looking into we're looking into here all right what made you want to get this item um cool feet are you a feet guy no I don't know okay chocolate okay are you gonna hang this up on your wallet absolutely okay all right well yes let's get a round of applause yes fantastic all right and now it's all all you guys a favorite time add time yeah again this show would not have been possible without a party and they've got a couple of items they've donated during the show which I'm going to say it's it's pretty crazy so you guys don't want to see that apari is an artist to own apparel brand featuring original artwork that you can wear trash station has done several collaborations with them okay the t-shirt that I never take off and you all know um and including the skate deck that you can see on display on the website if you haven't seen it already assigned by all three of the trash taste members me gone and Joey and we've also got this amazing giant kuo plushie as well which you guys will see later is absolutely gigantic I don't even know how you can ship stuff that big before we get to auctioning these items though I want to let you know for a limited time that apari is opening up pre-orders on some of their very cool selected items that I like to wear and if you're also in town there'll also be exhibiting their new collection at Animax with this weekend at exhibitor Hall Booth 2-1-1 so hit exclamation markipari in the chat for more information and to support a great artist-owned company supporting a great cause shout out to apari thank you so much all right okay so we have following the the theme of dangerous items and stuff that could uh harm people uh we have another item from Valkyrie come on all right here you go oh my look at that hello is that a real hello yeah can you hear me hi is that a real song it is a real sword um okay I'll take them out I'll hold the mic I'll say I'll say fall back though oh my God and so you also collect a lot of weapons and swords right yes this is actually I'm actually really sad on parting with this but it's for a good cause okay so do I need a lot for it okay this is actually my first sword it's a cut last saver sword that I got from a thrift store many many years ago and it actually started by sword collection so very very first sword collecting full um it's been about okay to be fair I kind of stopped collecting for a while but I am starting it back up so I'm looking for some good swords all right so they can get the very first one I know yeah but it's been on my wall uh in the background of streams for a very long time so I'm sure a lot of people have seen it in the background so please take good care of it whoever gets it also I could sign it and can I steal Jack's idea can I send a personal message I think that Adam's great but if you want to add more to it yeah I would love to add more so if you want a personal message if you want it signed just let me know and I'll do that for you all right guys I mean come on now please give us all your money also love you mousy oh thank you so much yes thank you so much thank you for sure oh oh wow oh my that's heavy oh my God this is so heavy thank you so much we're gonna ride with Bulls Valkyrie yeah yes oh my God this is like I feel I should probably seems to do my ancestors I don't know um anyway so I think this is going to be a very popular oh my God thank God oh my God oh my geez all right do we used to have the bidding are we ready to go everyone ready when you stop shooting me all right we're gonna start the betting at ten dollars and we have ten I'm scared now ten dollars right in the front here ten dollars we have ten dollars okay we have twenty dollars 500 [Music] to whoa two thousand dollars two thousand three thousand five dollars four thousand dollars for sale my God I'm judging this 4 500. five thousand dollars from Leslie I'm gonna get flashbacks of this 5 500 we have six thousand dollars oh my God if you have six thousand dollars from anybody this is a terrible idea regret this immensely do six thousand dollars five thousand hundred dollars currently do we have more than 5 500 anybody in the audience want to outbid that do we have six thousand anybody wanna do six thousand okay online I'm I'm sure we're gonna oh my gosh we have a lot coming in online and I'm sure that people at home are gonna be opening their wallets for this one so we can just stall a little bit but in the meantime [ __ ] stop by this is a terrible idea I I can shoot back you know I can oh my God 55.50 oh my God we have 55.50 Hassan six thousand dollars oh my god do we have more than six thousand dollars six thousand one hundred dollars and we have six thousand one hundred dollars they want to part with for this amazing sword 6500 from Leslie in the back there thank you so much we have six thousand six hundred dollars anybody want to go higher anybody want to go six thousand six hundred dollars anybody online want to part with a boatload of cash it's a great sword trap six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars from Hassan can we get to seven thousand I think we can get to seven thousand right anybody want to go higher than this anybody in the audience want to go higher we have six Thousand Seven fifty dollars currently does anybody want to go higher than that online are we hearing anything about the online bids or are we we good oh all right well then no more no more all right going once going twice sold the six thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars all right all right I got I gotta ask I gotta ask what's going on here son what what makes you want to get this prize oh my God I forget how tall you are what makes you want to get this prize today uh which camera are we looking at I don't know where I don't know anyway uh so a long time ago we were supposed to do a blacksmithing stream together and then we did like only half of the sword okay and then you know uh Ray's been too busy to complete the sword so I was like all right I might as well get this one instead you know microphone okay can I do I have to send him a personal message yeah you do yeah yeah I I you did say I have yes do you have any ideas of what you might get it to record I'll figure it out we'll we'll figure it out with chat all right all right sounds good well thank you so much for bidding thank you so much it's got a round of applause oh my God the stages the stage is like [ __ ] from all these Nerf darts and safety hazard for sure all right you guys ready for the next item yes I said I see I don't like this all right so the next item I'll tell you about it real quick okay now the next item is from oh my God the next item is from a good friend of mine you might know him as uh Mr affable uh he's over in Japan and he of course he submitted an item that conveniently ah he doesn't want oh but anyway he couldn't be here today so he gave us a video Let's play it all right this is one of my most treasured possessions it is the extremely official live laugh love silver play button 100 rare one of one you could put that on your wall or on the mantle or in the Louvre maybe you can walk around with this downtown and people go oh would you like to have sex now or have sex later and it is a signed letter from YouTube itself with a secret private custom message right this thing will get you access to all sorts of secret places fancy nightclubs please come on in you can walk right into the Pentagon and then you know sit off a bomb or something no don't do that I'm gonna be honest with you here this thing is cursed it's caused me nothing but problems since the moment I got it my dog died my house burnt down I'm being chased by a mummy like sometimes I think what am I doing all this for what does it all mean and then I look at the silver play button I go oh [ __ ] yeah I know what I'm doing the photo thing's great now we all know I'm a fantastic kisser have you ever wondered how I got so good practice practice with this one two and so on and so on until my lips are raw and bloody and then if you buy this thing right and then practice on it as well buy the transit of property we've made out I have never broken open one of these things to see what's inside who knows there might be chocolate legal disclaimer if you find chocolate inside please return this immediately whatever you do do not press the bus oh boy I did it once and boy do I regret it so bid on this thing and give us your money and actually Connor said that I could have a 90 cut and they're like 10 or something goes to charity uh what is the charity we're teaching deaf kids how to tap dance what are we doing we're euthanizing some of the ugly dogs we're taking some African kids on a skiing trip yes this is definitely I got The Right video cue not my fault okay it is my fault I messed up I said the wrong one you guys can't boo me no no boo me boomy [Applause] yes sorry it was actually internet historians uh play button which is up next and the fun thing about this is it says live laugh love honey okay all right sure so uh if anybody wants to get this we can we can auction for it and I don't know how much then like this could go for because you can you can easily buy them online uh very easily if you're I I know it's like that it's worth a lot of money okay you get rid of the bid yeah all right let's start the bidding at ten dollars we have ten dollars in the audience and everyone ten dollars hundred dollars right there 150 to 150 200 500 wow 500 we have 500 as well for online do we have 600 do we have six okay we have 600 1 000 from Hassan do we have anyone else oh fifteen hundred dollars oh my gosh do we have 1600 1600 oh my two thousand dollars from somebody Twenty One oh oh okay so 25 from definitely not internet history oh okay all right we already had 2 500 though um we're 2500 supervisors anyone go to more than 2500 in the audience you want to go higher than 2500 26. 35.50 oh my God 25.50 do we have 26 in the audience anybody want to do 26 26 no you guys don't wanna live laugh laugh play button guys come on stop that noise we have twenty five five zero that's the number one not my PIN code don't say that uh do we have 26 oh my oh my god wow do we have 26 anybody have 26 do we have a 20 26 from anybody online at home do you have 2600 from anybody online no okay we're holding we're holding all right maybe no oh my gosh all right where's my gavel gone all right going once just going twice oh my God we have 26 do you want to have 27 last second 27. do you have anyone who wants to do 28 28 28 no we're stopping at 27 we're gonna 28 from point how do you have 29 as you oh 3K in the front here yes can you do 31 can you do it oh my gosh there's a lot of more nerf guns than I thought we had all right so going for 3K standing by for online as well somebody might have tried to sneak in last second but you have it right now with 3K are you nervous you're nervous at all do you think you have this one 31 26 from somebody online do you want to try and get this uh oh 31.76 third do you have 32 on you do you have 32 oh 32.50 from the VIP in the front yes let's go everybody more than that if you've any more than 32.50 we're going more for 33 do we have 33 from anybody we're standing by online as well to see if anybody getting any last minute bids online anybody in the front want to outbid 32.50 oh oh one of our actors oh my heart can't take this very high three thousand two hundred fifty dollars all right well going once going twice sold the 3250 congratulations things are everywhere gosh damn it all right well thank you so much are you happy about that yeah all right let's let me get my microphone real quick where did I where did I put this thing oh there's so many of them come up here I want to tell them to see why you wanted this are you a huge fan of Internet historian is that why you wanted to get this item today no I wanted to live laugh love oh big big fan of that Creator yeah all right well get around to the pause guys thanks so much all right 3 000 pennies uh did somebody shoot me all right all right okay all right so oh wait we should have a look where the next punishment is at right guys so you see where it is oh so at 115 000 we'll reach our next punishment which we won't know so get those bids in get those get this raffle entries in and also don't forget that you can just donate and you can also buy merch which all goes to help funding that number and getting it higher which means more punishments right guys we want that right yeah [Applause] all right speaking of Raffles we have another raffle item you guys excited [Music] all right well this raffle item is from a creator that I'm sure all of you know too well and have heard his voice in your dreams at some point let's throw it away to Charlie hey there so many of you know I'm a recovering addict and my advice was Yu-Gi-Oh cards so my item is actually a pretty special one to me this is a Starlight rare eternity code ghost mourner and Moonlight chill so this card I actually pulled during my biggest box opening session on stream it was like 80 something eternity code boxes that I had stockpiled over a long period of time and it was like 12 hours worth of opening Yu-Gi-Oh cards just out the Wazoo and we pulled some wild [ __ ] and among them was Ghost mortar and Moonlight chill we got a couple of them and it's a really special card just because of like how crazy that night was and it's a cool reminder of that stream to this day that is still the wildest moment I've ever had pulling cards so I thought this would be a fitting item for the auction and hopefully it goes to a good home that can appreciate some Starlight rare Yu-Gi-Oh cards and I believe this card is uh is valued at 300 retail so that's pretty good right yeah uh and this can be yours by entering the raffle and you can enter again as many times as you want to you know maybe you should have a better chance of getting it uh so smash that link that we have everywhere it should be pinned in the chat go there if you want to go and enter the raffle to try and get it again all those Raffles go to Charities it's for a good course so throw as many raffle entries as you want you're gonna want this this is this is great thank you so much Charlie for this um let's get to our next raffle item shall we yeah all right all right so as many of you know I've done many charity events uh and this is the first one that doesn't actively involve me suffering much which I'm very happy about other than being shot with Nerf guns of course um and when I did one of the oh my that was close and obviously many of the viewers of mine will know that I cycled nine days across Japan to raise money for the IDF uh and from that yeah thank you thank you really happy that I'm just one and done today I don't have to wake up and be in pain tomorrow um and during that we filmed a ton of behind the scenes and a ton of stuff for Chris's channel uh and on that uh we took this amazing drone shot uh and you can actually buy this print yourself but this one is the only one that is signed by me and Chris uh it's it's really really hard to see you're gonna need like one billion optical zoom to see us which is like little two dots right here that's us but it's beautiful you can hang up on a wall you can also buy it at and all those proceeds uh will go towards that charity timer as well if you want to get it uh but thank you so much to my friends who made this I I mean I think it's great so if you want to have this on your wall at home uh enter that raffle again uh again you can enter as many times as you want so go crazy with it it all goes to charity that's good right guys all right so uh in the meantime while you get those Raffles in again get them in now don't wait because if you wait too long it'll be close and you can never get these items ever again but in the meantime let's thank some of our partners who have made this event possible uh let's run it to me or the ads from me apari is an artist-owned apparel brand featuring original artwork that you can wear they have original artwork Unique Designs quality fabric inspired by anime culture right now the first installment of the new collection is available online it'll also be available this weekend at Anime Expo in the exhibitor hall at Booth 211 for a limited time aparri is opening up pre-orders on selected items that I like to wear my personal favorite is the ox sweater which just looks amazing papaya releases collections every season and restocks are rare so make sure you don't miss out by going to their Twitter and Instagram and following them at aparri Art they also have a newsletter at as you can tell right now I'm wearing one of apari's older Collections and our trash taste merch was made by apari pretty much my life is a Pari merch and I love it because the quality is amazing go check them out I just wanted to take a moment to show some love to Elgato first of all we need to say thank you for supporting the charity auction and helping us raise money for the IDF secondly I'm sure many of you are familiar with their brand and for good reason Elgato are renowned for their wide variety and great value streaming accessories I have personally used their products for many years including the hd60x and stream Nick Plus in my home setup and they've also got things like their FaceCam Pro the world's first 4K 60 webcam or their wave-free microphone which fuses Plug and Play convenience with broadcast grade circuitry from Key lights to stream decks capture cards mics mounts green screens webcams and more Elgato is making products to power your creativity so hit exclamation mark Elgato in the chat for more info and to show some love to the folks showing us some love not only is Cash ever sponsored for today's auction but they also have an awesome channel on Twitch where they stream interactive game shows where you can win cash prizes if you have a cash app account cash app has two awesome shows that they've run on their Channel this year cash app plays a prediction based game show where viewers try to guess the outcome of games that popular creators are playing on their Channel like rocket League Valen and Apex Legends there's also cash app trivia returning on Wednesday August 2nd with their 100 000 in total prizes and Austin show and Caroline Quan as co-hosts cash app trivia is a Trivia Live stream where you as the viewer actually participate in the game and win prizes cash app is planning on adding new shows throughout the year so make sure you go and give them a follow right now at cash app you don't want to miss out hello hello oh hi it's me iron Mouse I'm a YouTuber from vishojo and I am one of the many people uh living with a primary immune deficiency disease uh I have a cvid I was diagnosed with cvid uh quite a quite a while ago but um you know it's been it's been a very long journey to diagnosis and I just want to say thank you to the IDF because uh they were there for me in a very uh important and very difficult part of my life which was when I was getting diagnosed and when I got diagnosed and after diagnosis you know I didn't really know much about cbid or uh what it meant to have a primary immune deficiency disease uh you know I you don't really uh meet too many doctors that know what that means or what's going on so it took me some time to find uh the right uh doctors for me but thankfully the IDF was there to help me with resources and uh get me in touch with the support group and I was able to meet a lot of other people just like me that have cvid or that have a primary immune deficiency disease that I could talk to and we could exchange information and uh also exchange uh treatment options and stuff so uh thanks to the IDF I was able to get in touch with uh better Medical Care and learn more about what treatment options were available for me and learn about uh basically learning how to live a life with this condition which was something that I really was unsure about but um you know everything seems to have fallen into place after uh the initial shock and you know all the initial uh issues that I faced at the beginning but thank you to the IDF for not only helping me but for helping so many other people uh navigate this weird crazy uh journey through diagnosis and uh you know just get a better quality of life and uh thank you oh shout out to iron Mouse for recording that I appreciate it yeah the IDF has helped a lot of people that we we don't know about it I'm glad that we're able to show that a lot of creators like ourselves have been helped by the IDF so a huge shout out to them uh thank you to eye Mouse as well obviously for recording that thank you guys um we do have uh some of the raffle item winners we have some names uh are you guys excited to hear them yeah so the Elgato package that giant stream setup we have the winner and the winner is oh badly plays congratulations hope you enjoy all the Elgato products and uh Hey hopefully uh we'll see you around on Twitch sometime or maybe YouTube whichever just not the other one um um and of course we have the other item uh which were the Earth shirt and Spider-Man phallic looking knife all right we have that one are you excited to see who it is yes all right the winner of that item is we see who it is oh [Music] any second now guys I promise obvious thick boat [Applause] all right all right Big Bone it feels rather fitting I guess all right well thank you to thick bone congratulations hopefully you don't get arrested should be fine though anyway we also have the blanket that Leslie gave as well we have that winner as well so should we find out who's won that blanket hopefully it's another funny username uh AK okay nice yes all right I'd love to come and ask some of you guys in the front here what you think about some of these items so far have any of these items shocked you or and then the amounts they're going for how do you feel so far about the whole show I the fact that the the footprints Once Sold less than all the spoons yeah FIFA 17 went for more than that yeah that was okay a lot of FIFA 17 fans out there still on a coffee it shows people's priorities okay is there an item that you're waiting for or you're hoping to try and get um um the ones that I liked kind of passed on okay and the I'm kind of hesitant about the Raffles okay all right I guess saving your money for the big ones yeah I guess all right um I guess maybe the the crane okay or the Korean video with me all right okay well hopefully big money need to be more than the feet otherwise I'm getting dragged um so thank you so much all right uh you sir is there any items that you're particularly excited for today I'm going for the crane game contest okay the German as well yeah Jeremiah who wants to get the crane game thing today oh okay all right so I'll finally we'll do one-hasana or maybe we'll see you're excited for today uh for the Chris broad art piece oh well I accidentally said that earlier and it was the wrong time but okay I'll get it right next time I promise um over here is there any item that you are excited for yeah PewDiePie's painting that is a good one that one's gonna that one's gonna sell a lot all right well thank you guys so much for telling me what you're excited for and if the creators out here want to want to any item they want to try and get no all right okay good because oh yes we have the punishment as well let's see where we are in that punishment uh oh my gosh okay we're at 111 I'm sorry that's the goal is right there we're like right here right now so we need to raise 20 more thousand dollars which I think we could do right guys yeah yeah don't forget don't forget you don't just have to win the items to get involved today you can also again enter the Raffles which gives you a better chance of getting on them if you don't have a lot of money and all that all that money does go to charity and you can also buy some merch at uh gotta write this where every ten dollars of the hoodie and five dollars in the hats and the shirts will go to the charity and also you can just you just donate if you want to just donate uh and help support the cause more than welcome to we would like that right guys yeah all right okay should we get into the next auction items you ready all right all right so as many of you know I'm on a podcast called trash taste uh and sometimes we share some stories and now I'd like to welcome to the stage my friend who's going to tell us about his item all right introduce yes yes yes hi hi hi all right all right oh okay so I believe there's a story to these items right sure well one of them but I'll I'll start with one of them so you asked me to provide some items and I thought what am I known for uh so there are two things I'm known for fate and domestic guilt okay so the first item is a official Seiko collaboration that they did with fate Grand order this is the Gilgamesh watch version which is not for sale anymore so I as a fake fan I am very sad to part with this but I know Shaco too yeah it's Seiko as well that's a nice one so I know there are some fate fans out there with a heavy wallet okay but enough about that let's talk about them let's talk about the item of real value okay all right all right is of course the Hina mouse pad which I got given by the author of domestic girlfriends herself um which doubled up as a cockroach slaying weapon so uh I've told the story on trash taste before but essentially a cockroach appeared in my room and in a moment of panic I picked up the first thing that was on my desk which happened to be a Hina boobyl and you know we've had a few weapons on today but this is the only one that's actually slayed something [Applause] oh my God all right well thank you so much I mean I this better go for a lot this is a deadly weapon so again thank you so much for coming on I really appreciate it thank you man yes oh my goodness yeah when I initially saw this I was like what why does anybody want this anybody want this no oh oh oh okay a lot of people who want this one should we start the bidding yeah all right let's start the bidding at 10 bucks and it'll be worth 10 bucks 1 000 Ryder sorry Sydney it's way out of the budget 2000 with 2 000 in the front do we have more than two thousand anybody who had more than 20 21 20 25 from somebody online who have anybody in the audience who has the house and right away what oh my God 3001 oh my gosh we have 2001. 30 with three thousand fifty dollars Jesus Christ it's a mouse pad s a titty one doesn't matter point is do we have 31 do you have 31 from anybody in the audience anybody wants 31 it's a steal as in stealing from you not a steal at all do we have 31 for anybody online 32 3200 from somebody online do we have more than 3 200 in the audience anybody 33 do you have 33 from anybody here anybody here 33 it's a steal oh 3300 we have 33 170 online do you have anybody in the audience who wants to go more than 3 300. for a mouse pad at least the watch is very oh oh 4 000 Watts that's so much money four thousand dollars from somebody online why why you do have more than four thousand dollars do we have 41 from anyone in the audience well we all we're all no way Sydney with 4 500. what do we have more than four thousand oh my God that was a great shot amazing my God thank God they hit my nose Jesus I would have been having a could have sold off the eye patch at the end as well all right I had a concussion we're only 4 500 we have 46 and we have 46 in the audience 46. four thousand seven hundred I think we have some more online coming you guys are going crazy for this online do we have four 47.50 47.50 oh my it's just going to keep going up what the hell do we have 40 yes oh that's the Hope right 4 800 can we get to five can we get to five and we don't do five and we're in the audience 48.50 do you have anybody that can get it to five five anybody in the audience no no no Deep Pockets no no you guys are like okay I've got so much fun do we have five from somebody online am I getting uh on my team in town hold are we we good oh my God five thousand holy [ __ ] okay okay five thousand do we have 51 for anybody do you want to go higher than 51 I'm guessing the audience is oh my note how how we're gonna be here all day 50 up that's good yeah do we have more than 51 we have 52 from any other online anybody online with 52. we're gonna wait a little bit to let them come in we're trying to get as much money out of this as we can do we have 52 coming in from anybody online what are you guys think you think some of someone's gonna go higher yeah yeah all right I'm gonna wait in my ear to hear if I need to stop the bid all right so for 5100 no more chances going once going twice sold for five thousand one hundred dollars I'm sorry what was that name again what was that name again [Applause] shout out to Deez Nuts from five thousand dollars for God really that name really really okay all right well thank you so much but hey that's pretty good right that's not bad all right I think that's pretty good oh my no okay we're getting closer we are less than thirteen thousand dollars away from our next punishment uh and I I for my what I've been told uh it will hurt me so um fantastic great oh well do I need the charity after this what the [ __ ] all right well that's fine anyway because we have another item and I'm sure I'm sure many of you are going to be excited over this one especially given the recent news because we managed to get none other than himself well themselves you're smart [Applause] [Music] with our recent announcement that Ian and I bought Smosh and that classic Smosh is back we were able to dig into our archives and find three very special items that we're auctioning off today yes uh we found three comic books that's right Smosh had a comic book series um for a little bit we have no idea how many people actually bought them so there might not be that many in circulation we found three in one of Anthony's boxes and we have signed them and they could be yours for the right price the very high right price yes we encourage you to bid high for them because it's for charity and um yeah I have no idea what's in the comics please let us please let us know I don't even know if I ever read them so um they might be really good it might be the next Spider-Man comic so get it get it now before before it's gone bye yeah they weren't kidding these uh these have not been opened they're still in their original packaging which I I think is very good um uh and of course with the recent announcement uh people are going to want to get their hands on this one anybody in the audience thinking they want to try and cop this one yeah all right okay cool all right should we start the bids yeah all right let's start the bids at 50 bucks with 50 bucks okay that was very very fast to the 1 000 Sydney uh fun fact Sydney did send her hair one time to Ian from uh 40 okay 48 still did it I didn't do that do we have what do we have 1100 do we have 1100 anybody have 1100 1100 from a song do we have 11 do we have 1200 from anybody in the old 1200 from Sydney 1500 from all VIPs in the front here do we have 1600 from anybody in the audience anybody 16. thank you so much Carl we have 17 from anybody here anybody want to get these for 1700 I mean they're probably worth more than that right now right surely I mean two exactly that's what I'm saying two at least two thousand to 21 from anybody here anybody want to do 21 2100 21 from Carl in the bag we've got a nice bidding wall going on we have 2200 do we have it do we have more than two thousand five I'm gonna do the 26. do you have 26 already been in the audience 26 from somebody in the front row right here do we have 27 anybody three thousand are you gonna be okay three thousand do we have three Thirty One drift 31 for it in the audience everybody get these for 31 31 100 it's a steal quite frankly this is gonna go for way more than that I'm telling you if the collector's value on this it's going through the roof so I think we can easily get higher than that anyone do 31 anybody want to do 31 oh we have 3150s from somebody online anybody else want to go higher than 31.50 do we have 32 do you have 32 many bit in the audience 3200 from somebody online 3 300 from one of the VIPs at the front I could see some of the people in the the crowd being like Oh I want to get something today do we have 3 400 3400 from anyone in the audience anybody want to go 3 400 apparently we're 33. 34 from Carl in the back do you have 35 anybody have 3 500 they want to get to these oh first edition comics signed by Ian and Anthony themselves once in a lifetime what how much how much is that you say that again I didn't actually hear that 36 anybody have 36 in the audience 36 30 36 36 anybody have 36. 36 from call yes please don't regret this do you have 37 and we have 36 37 38 do we have 40. yes let's go Ohio let's keep it going do we have more than four thousand do we have more than four thousand everything 141 anybody have 41. 41. I hope you're I really hope your car doesn't bounce do we have 41 anybody online anybody online have 41 I'll hold a little bit waiting to see if anybody online wants these comics for more than four thousand dollars I meant to steal anybody in the crowd no all right okay well currently on Max bid is it four thousand dollars from Sydney and got in the bag is anybody online going to come in and swoop this away last minute let's wait just a little bit 4100 [Music] 41 that's a lot of money they're looking they're thinking it over that they do they have 42 in the bank 4200 oh my goodness 4200 from Garden City do we have more than 4 300 online I I I'll be worried if we do this this is going to go on for the next few years I think we'll be here all day hopefully we can finish this soon I'm running out of breath do we have 43 anybody in the oh 42.50 no do we have 43 here are we no no all right 100 anybody anybody in the audience want to go higher than that currently we're at four thousand three hundred dollars and we 43 you're in a bidding war here I'm afraid four thousand five hundred how badly do you want this okay you need it all right all right we have four thousand five hundred dollars do we have more than that from somebody online do we have more than four thousand five hundred that's so much money oh no 45.50 we have the number one Smosh man who by the ways we're like 50 now uh so he's got money to burn we do we have forty six hundred dollars do we have it they're contemplating oh they're thinking it over we'll give chance the online bids to go in just a little bit as well oh oh 4600 from God in Sydney does online do they have it in them do they have four thousand six hundred no 46.50 no no I want you to win I know how desperately you want this but you got to go to 47 if you want to get it [Applause] it's five thousands I want to remind you real quick uh if you're a Creator here it is tax deductible just want to just want to throw that out there you basically get a big discount so we have five thousand dollars from Sydney do we have more than five thousand dollars online that is the question is there somebody who has fatter Stacks at home we're waiting the tension's building oh no no no no how much do we have no 5100 no God it's Sydney on it it's a lot it's a lot do we have 42 are you calling it you're tapping out you couldn't I mean it's getting oh all right that's happening all right am I going to call it production are we good to go I think we're good all right it is sad I'm sad all right going once going twice sold all right we have the Winner's name was Ghost love at home congratulations to ghost love you absolutely crushed Sydney's dreams congratulations let's get a let's get let's get a little play how do you feel right now sir we've got to know we don't know how you feel people want to know how do you why were you willing to go to such lengths for that I just really enjoy Anthony Padilla I know just really like Smosh okay did you come in with a budget that you were like that's my limit I was literally I just I was like oh maybe a thousand but then I was just like it's the auction the auction spirit in me all right all right she was she was using a honeymoon Fund in the end that was a joke oh well best of luck maybe you can get another item later on let's give a round of applause to ghost love Sydney okay all right and our final reminder for the raffle items that we've shown earlier uh the card and I forgot the other one I'm such a bad host uh those items are about to close so you have just a few more moments to get into those Raffles and get your entries in uh because once it's gone it's gone so this should just be buying tons of raffle tickets right guys yeah yeah that's what I thought that's what I thought all right uh finally we have one more auction item for this block and of course we're blessed to have this credit here today could we get a random reports for saikuno come on out come on out come on anyways fine anyways fine they just want to see your face all right okay all right are these these shorts the used heavily used never clean definitely not heavily used okay how many times have you used these uh the one time that you told me to put it on on stream oh oh so that's the answer are you coming here oh it's the only time you didn't want it uh yes I bought these a long time ago because our old house had a pool and I thought I was gonna swim and then I never did but I thought I was gonna use them recently when I went to the Philippines and Leslie didn't believe I had a manga swim trunks but I did so I tweeted it at her and uh we still never used it but anyway anyway um I thought it'd be funny if I got Leslie to sign it and after she signed it I thought I'll just get everybody that I can to sign it right did I am I crazy uh no you didn't but if you have a pen now you can I guess I could do we have a pen anybody have a pen they could just throw at me yeah but outside of that we got we got Leslie we got me young we got most of my roommates we got foolish G Carl J Valkyrie a ton of people I got my best friend Jack to sign this live on stream as we were wearing you were there for that I was um and then the rarest signature is probably never going to be seen again possibly uh he's coming out with a brand new song today uh corpse actually signed this himself oh he probably might never see that signature in person again can we see where did you know which one it is right here oh Carl says he loves them is this true call okay he loves him yes all right and of course I signed it too but shall I sign it is that okay I don't wanna okay I don't wanna I don't know unless that's gonna make unless someone would that make less money or no no it'll be more it'll be more I hope everyone knows all right let's do it all right where should I which one what's your Mongoose character should I go for which one's the the sauce didn't you play Among Us who what color did you use uh I think I went for brown because no one ever wanted it and uh oh the monkey well I just said that yeah I had the monkeys that's why let me sign this is that not I thought that was it was that not a thing I thought no why does my mouse call you that yes all right Among Us pants [Music] I don't know what size they are if you want to wear them is it do you get a boost in among us if you wear them maybe also I should probably say I think they're actually for children but I ordered the largest size yeah you sold an adult would wear it it fits though it fits maybe I'm small all right can we get a round of pulse for saikuno yeah thank you so much anything else you want to say before you head off no new song today for corpse thank you so much go have a seat all right [Applause] these are for children they're huge American children diets right sorry sorry all right well all right are you guys ready for these you guys want to get them audience in the fire no I know you looked intrigued by these you ready to begin all right let's start the bid in at twenty dollars we've got twenty dollars in the front anybody got twenty dollars well okay 500 1 000 from Colin the back 1100 from someone in the front here uh do we have 1200 do you have 1200 for anybody we want these pants for 1200 they're the two talls twelve hundred thirteen hundred fourteen fifteen six for two thousand two thousand five okay two thousand six hundred two thousand seven hundred do we have two thousand three we have three thousand dollars do we have three thousand one Thirty One drift 32 32 32 anybody got 32. 32 from last year 33 233 anyone in the front anybody want to get it 33 33 for a pair of nice 33. do we have 34 anybody have 34 anybody in the back then either content created I knew you'd have a call call it goes in with 34. do we have 35 anyway anybody got 35 right now anybody why am I not surprised we have 35 right away do we have 36 anybody have 36 anybody have 36 in the audience I love these dramatic pauses Carl you're like maybe it's suspense there's a lot of suspense do we have 37 anybody have 37. Connor oh for [ __ ] sake Connor you're lucky we don't have your credit card do we have 37 everyone else have 37 anybody else have 37 3700 to give for these pants 37 anybody have 37 anybody online have 37 they want to go we have 37 in the front right here anybody in the back there have 38. of course you do call me with 38 from call in the back do we have 39 or even 40 from anyone else here today 39 39 now oh my goodness Hassan with four thousand dollars do we have 4100 yes yes we do thank you Carl do we have 42 42 anybody online want to try and get these it's okay looks like it's going up high you might want to adjust those Max bids because this is going all the way to 42. do we have 42 anyone to have 42 anybody at 40 four thousand three hundred dollars from Assam do we have four thousand four hundred dollars Carl do you have it in you yeah so they don't feed you it's going to display them it's going to look at five thousand dollars on call fantastic does anybody have 51 51. it's a lot it's a lot does anybody have it anybody have 51 so much it's a pair of shorts all right I think we're good online nobody online wants to pay more than five thousand dollars for these things anybody in the anybody in the crowd last chance 51. all right oh my goodness 5 250 from Hassan do we have more do we have 50 500 from call oh my God we had a round of apples from this kind of money that we're raising Sean it's up to you do we have 56 or more [Applause] what seven thousand for a pair of swim shots some call do we have more in the front I'm gonna fake this is such big numbers do we have higher than that no do you have it in you we have a few more moments nine thousand oh my God are we gonna get ten thousand ten thousand let's go let's go yes our first item to break ten thousand dollars today Carl it's up to you do you have 1100 eleven thousand oh my God eleven thousand Hassan so you have twelve thousand dollars in you oh he's contemplating I'll give you a moment to think twelve thousand you could potentially get raised up to but we see anything anything higher than eleven we'll do suspense bold well call congratulations I don't even do the three two one do you wanna I'll I'll come over here actually just I'll just bring them right now if you want it I'll just I'll just give it to him all right let's let's do it now why did you want these so bad I'm giving them back to saikuno and inviting him to a pool party yes [Applause] and they look fabulous look at them oh yes can we get a round of applause for the pants how do you feel about those numbers I should ask you real quick that's a crazy amount for a pair of pants how do you feel about that uh Carl's the best friend ever because I can finally use the pants after all this time I've never used them for swimming Ellie's well thank you so much for that and thank you guys for bidding so crazily I appreciate it we had a round of applause for that item guys all right that I did not expect that to go for that much but uh but I mean hey I'm not complaining um a reminder as well that you can get most you can donate You Can Raffle doesn't have to be eleven thousand dollars you could do it if you want uh but if you wanna you can enter the Raffles or you can buy some merch or just donate to help support the show The Links will be everywhere on the stream so click them uh next up we have another raffle item yes now some of you uh may have watched this Creator's videos and and not realized it but let's show you our next raffle item from oversimplified hey there it is I oversimplified you know the history fart joke guy when I was asked to sell something at auction I took a good hard look in the mirror I noticed my freakishly massive head my beady little eyes and my stringy little noodles and I said I'm beautiful so I thought what's better to auction off than me that's right it's the original very first ever produced oversimplified plushie that I've had proudly on display in my very own home I even wrote my name on it to prove it's mine this plushie and I have been through it all it's been an integral part of my friend group the best wingman I've ever had and it's been there to catch my tears every single night but wait I hear you say that completely sold out and signed plushie may be one of the hottest Commodities in online merch sales but it's not literally you oh isn't it I'd say this plushie is so much an extension of my soul that if you put a pin in it I'll feel it if you caress it lovingly I'll feel it and if you tell it it's short and will never get a girlfriend you better believe I'll feel it and to sweeten the deal hey why don't I just throw in a complete collection of every single oversimplified character pin ever produced some of which are not currently available this deal is so sweet you'd be crazy not to bid big and believe me I need the money um oversimplified you don't get the money what it's a charity auction the money gives to charity no no so ladies and gentlemen bid boldly bid wisely and if you win please cherish my little buddy feed him well take good care and please do not put any pins in him believe me I'll no back over to you Connor Thank you [Music] uh I I can't believe he he animated a whole video for this that was crazy thank you so much everyone simplified for that look at this plush isn't it cute guys yeah and there's so many people I don't want to hold them up too much because they're absolutely gonna fall down but these are a lot of pins uh you're going to want to get these and again it's signed plush and if you touch it he'll feel it so nice and again you can enter that raffle by going to the link uh in the description or I'm a YouTuber oh my God and the twitch chat I meant but YouTube brain too long uh you can go to there and you can enter your raffle uh you can enter as many times you want uh I believe this one might be a little bit more I know production can tell me is it one dollar or two dollar these entries if you can remind me because I totally forgot um but you can do that uh you can go to the website and again enter as many times you want to have a chance of winning this so thank you oh it's three dollars so three dollars an entry uh and again like I said a million times already enter as many times you want only goes to charity so it's a good cause so uh and also thank you massive thank you to oversimplified for providing all of this stuff and making a great video thank you so much man I appreciate it all right uh next up I I uh I'm kind of worried um this is by far the physically largest item here today there I and I know no it's not yours there's even bigger I know I know we have something that is monstrously huge uh from the folks over at apari who have been uh supporting this show and have been helping us out uh yeah yeah yeah look at this thing you can win this and there's also a signed skateboard a trash taste skateboard where you can show that off yeah this is put it on the stage I don't even know where this thing goes it's ridiculous yeah I I told Hassan because his item you'll see later on is big I was like you're a dick for making shipping a nightmare um I don't even know what this is the this is the same size as me is it going to fall if it does it'll kill me look am I am I taller this is like five foot six feet oh Jesus but we also have this amazing skateboard uh with a nice design on it sign on the back and the front sorry camera trying to not get it to glare signed All by the trash taste boys which is me and gone and Joey um so uh if you do win this raffle item um I I hope you have room for this this is so weird what the [ __ ] I I don't even know I I think we ship it we will figure out this problem when it comes to it but you can enter that raffle for three dollars Again by clicking that link uh this could be yours you could have this ginormous plush and assigned trash taste skateboard uh so get your entries in now while you can because once it's gone it's gone uh and it's only open for another 20 or 30 minutes or so get those in now oh my God is it we are so close to the next punishment we are less than three thousand dollars away guys foreign not fun oh what do you do oh okay I thought this is punishment time do you need help oh my God uh you got it you got it right you got it I don't even want to know how much that cost to make that it must be a ridiculous amount yeah I'm gonna ask you after the sheriff it seems ridiculous uh next up uh we can tell you about some of the winners of the other items that we had um so I believe that we have the winner of the moist critical Yu-Gi-Oh card oh you guys ready to see who it is all right let's have a look who that winner is whoa the biggest gooch congratulations the biggest Gooch you indeed are the biggest scooch and now you have a great stupid thank you oh no can we bring that ball back up I think I just saw something over there on one of those monitors um oh God uh I think we might have hit oh we did okay foreign oh my God okay oh no how how we don't we're not in like a salon oh it's it's wax strips they're gonna wax me [Music] oh God are we just doing it now oh [ __ ] it okay let's just do it okay should I do my leg leg no no no no no no no no I'm gonna look so [ __ ] ridiculous okay hold up hold up I'll do I'll do one beard at the end of the show all right I want to look at these good I'll do one leg for now right oh God oh Jesus my homie just requests these pads are far too tight oh my it hurts right I've never done this like how painful I might scream I said have you ever done this ah no but I thought if you're going to say kuna's pool party you might need some nice smooth legs okay okay all right lift it up all right oh okay should I put it on the okay it's oh oh wow diagonal really foreign [Applause] oh fine we're going for the double fine he did it hot dog isn't that bad [Music] okay I'm gonna hold on because they don't have like a steak okay I'm gonna kill you stance oh oh my God why is that like Jesus could I suck it close up let me get close out for the camera let me you can come closer in if you want that's ridiculous all right hold up hold on let the camera Focus all right there we go [ __ ] it looks so stupid no no no no no no that's fine it's fine we don't have time we don't have time oh my God and we've raised so much money as well oh we've crushed it [Music] Jesus Christ okay what's our next punishment goal please tell me it's far away it's got to be a little bit far away right all right let's let's find out wait in the meantime while they're prepping that that uh thing to be ready uh we have another winner uh of one of the raffle items it's the signed print which you can also get an artery um uh and you can buy that now and all again all those proceeds go to charity so let's see who won that print that is signed by me and Chris of our cyclathon a lovely drone shop let's see who won it ship leaves all right dude I feel like I feel so aerodynamic now it's great oh my God this is amazing I should just wax everything no no no no bad idea okay that means uh next stop let's have a look what the goal's at right now if we have that ready production you tell me no Connor don't do that one second I'm hearing let's have a look oh oh really 150 we couldn't do 200 150 000 is the next punishment with twenty five thousand dollars away thank you production make it so close to the previous goal all right fine but anyway we have more auction items for you guys you ready yes so again uh many extremely talented creators here today and Ludwig uh so we're going to have some more items uh next up is from a good friend of mine who's a very very talented artist welcome to the stage Emery Chu [Applause] wow you look fantastic thank you I don't know what proper Charity Auction attire was so I just it's okay it's you can't be worse than some of the people here for you all check this out no no no no no that's fine it's fine it's fine we can do it later oh God you dropped it you did okay give me the help I'll take one I'll take one yeah I'll hold this I'll let it go you do the thing oh are we finding a great a great page to open it up on that I drew you in actually oh okay so what does this book include what kind of artwork okay so these are two sketchbooks that I drew in uh occasionally on my since I draw on my channel I occasionally will do like an inktober yeah thing where I have to draw a picture for every day of the month okay uh this particular one is from a year where I drew 31 YouTubers some very well known some lesser known okay um and I included a little picture of you with iron rounds iron Mouse holding me all right that's great yeah yeah life accurate size and then this one is from a different year where I participated in an inktober challenge called cute girl tover okay where I just shoot 31 cute girls all right nice and this is gonna be like a two-for-one package deal so you get both of the sketchbooks and in total I think it's like 72 drawings all right because there's some extra ones in here as well let me find a page I like yeah which which one of you which anime girl are you going for oh I really like this one wait okay I like this one I like okay Danganronpa nice oh nice yeah and so there's like 20 or 30 in each book plus yes wow okay also do you still have the Sharpie I do oh you want to sign it oh well uh I do have the shoppie yes I was wondering there's some empty pages could you do an honorary shitty Connor doodle in each of them all right I'll do a shitty doodle okay uh what do I do okay oh here it is there's a lot in here give me a second I think you're implying that I could possibly even do a good one which I can't so hold on this is all right too much all right give me give me hold on let me just oh my God how many are in here okay can you can you draw in this one is there a camera this where's the camera I'm looking at okay I'll try and that's it that's how cameras work this is what I normally do people ask me to draw something what do you do I'll show you I'll show you it's a little all right look at that look at that hold what it is it looks like a Tamagotchi no no it's it's way better I can't draw by the way and also another monkey yes that's cute like a I'll sign it yeah that's that's what you do when you make it on there we go perfect so I will also receive uh One of a Kind Conor drawing art piece yeah one of a kind yeah no one wants it okay maybe we put it on a nice page so people can yeah there we go oh yeah sure that was nice right sure well you're the artist I let you do it sorry find the perfect one so it's gonna be perfect guys [Music] I'm sorry I ruined it yeah I'll do here shirahoshi from One Piece all right girl all right those are so many items well thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right you guys want this beautiful artwork right you guys want this ride yeah all right well let's start the auction right all right do you have a hundred dollars that is instant one thousand dollars oh my okay you're competing against Nobody by the way you two thousand dollars two thousand dollars two thousand one hundred dollars we have 22. you could go up less but it's fine I I'm happy with it three thousand dollars do we have more than three thousand dollars we have 31 31 for anybody in the front here 31. we have 30 32 instantly do we have 30 33 34 35 36 37. 38 do you have 39 in you oh 39. you fold oh now we gotta wait a little bit for the online bidders to catch up I think it was no it was oh four thousand four hundred and forty four dollars from somebody online anybody in the front if you guys want to try and snag it 46. do you have 47 in euro is it too much for you oh 47 from online I know I'm sorry do you have 48 do you have 48 in you 48 you have to work up okay so we have 47 48 from online we've got a bidding war going on online so bear with us while we get those bids in 49. oh my God we're gonna hit five are we gonna hit five from anybody 49.50 teasing us do we have five thousand dollars anybody online we're waiting in we're waiting to see if they have it but also anyone in the audience if you want to you can oh my God oh my goodness five thousand dollars there's anybody in the audience or online at home have 51 or higher do we have enough can we go I'm gonna wait oh hold fifty one hundred oh my god do we have a bidding war from some big oil daddies at home 52. my goodness 53. 55. oh my goodness 56 yes come on we can go higher I think we can get higher can we make it to six do we have 57 though good do we have 57 oh five so many numbers to keep track of we're currently at four thousand six hundred dollars do we have 5 700 at home do we have it oh hold guys dramatic tension oh foreign all right it seems that we're not getting any more online bids so going once going twice sold for five thousand six hundred dollars is that rose gold Bean okay roll rose gold Bean congratulations you've won this amazing artwork for five thousand six hundred dollars get a round of applause all right Emily Emily I wanna wait where's Emma are you there Emily I'm gonna come to you and ask how do you feel about that amount that you're that your art books just made uh I'm shocked because leading up to this whole event I kept making jokes with my friends I was like watch that [ __ ] sell for twenty dollars don't cry cry but uh I'm really grateful thank you so much yeah yes thank you so much um I I think I left my lipstick up there can I grab it wait wait why did you bring your lip okay I don't want to know yeah yeah okay so um I would like to go and I also ask you why you wanted this prize so badly oh I've been a fan of her YouTube channel for many years yeah so you're an amazing artists foreign [Applause] well thank you so much and I hope that you get a bit more lucky with another item uh but shout out I mean all of it goes to a good course anyway and thank you so much for the incredible amount of money that we're raising so far and also another reminder because I gotta keep reminding you guys that you can get merch for this event at and every holiday that we sell ten dollars goes to charity and for every hat and shirt that we sell five dollars goes to charity so more money and you get a nice little piece of item right that's good right guys yeah yeah hell yeah all righty we have another very exciting item that I'm sure we'll we'll solve for a lot because I I think this is actually worth a ton all right we have a video from the Creator themselves let's sort of Gotham chess hello my name is Levy Rosman you may or may not know me as Gotham chess I am the internet chess man first of all a big shout out to sea dog for being a really great guy more importantly a really handsome guy uh for putting on this incredible Charity Auction I couldn't be there in Los Angeles because I live in New York and the flight is just absolutely brutal I've already been to La like two times in the last three months it's more than enough I'm very happy here but I will be donating a one hour chess lesson to whoever wins this particular prize and we can live stream it and it'll be wonderful and you will learn chess or improve at chess yeah that's all bye well there you have it I know a lot of the creators play chess as well I'm sure a lot of you want to get better at your chess abilities and there's no better guy to learn from them from Gotham chess because he is the goat of Chess on YouTube as they say um who's excited for this item yeah all right are you guys ready to start bidding yeah all right let's start the bidding up at ten dollars we have ten dollars a thousand dollars from stands right away do we have more than a thousand dollars one thousand two hundred dollars oh oh wait what fell oh that is not the show let me cover that up that is hold on hold on let me fix that real quick I did fall off you didn't see that you didn't see it pay no attention sorry we were at twelve hundred dollars please don't fall again do we have thirteen hundred dollars in the audience for a chess lesson 1300 from stands do we have 1400 anybody in the audience want to get a chance for fourteen hundred dollars do we have 1400 anybody fourteen hundred dollars anybody fourteen hundred dollars from this gentleman in the front do we have fifteen hundred dollars from anybody here today anybody have fifteen hundred dollars you want to get for a chess lesson fifteen hundred dollars do we have sixteen hundred sixteen hundred do we have Seventeen hundred we have Seventeen hundred dollars seven oh six we have Seventeen hundred do we have Seventeen hundred dollars anybody anybody have Seventeen hundred dollars no all right we're gonna wait for the online bids to come in in the meantime if anyone who wants to go higher than sixteen hundred dollars you're more than welcome to Let's pump that number I'm sure somebody here needs a chess lesson 1625 from somebody online 1700 from somebody in the fraud where's somebody that's not so rude this phone oh my god do we have eighteen hundred eighteen hundred dollars for anybody here today anybody have eighteen hundred dollars online I know you guys are cooking I hear some stuff coming we might have a bidding war going online oh let's wait oh hold 1725 do we have 18 or 7 18 right in the front right away no hesitation do we have 1900 and we have 1900 anybody in the audience from the mid 1900 for live stream chess lesson with one of the greats anybody have nineteen hundred dollars they want to spare anybody all right holding for the more online bids seeing if any more coming in let's see let's hold let's wait any more coming in oh 17.50 do we have 18 wait we're at 18 oh you're 18 what am I saying yeah we've 18 already sorry okay well we need to be more than that online sorry do we have 18 oh 19 sorry do we have 19 1900 from anybody 1900 anybody of 1900 they want to give away for a charity for a great course right now it's you all righty then with that I want to start wrapping it up in three going once going twice sold eighteen hundred dollars very nice very nice let me come and talk to you real quick I want to know if you played chassis or a chess fan or you just wanted to get an item I honestly don't play chess I bought this for my friend I bought this for my friend oh you bought a favor oh gosh all right nice yeah all right well hopefully hopefully you can win something for yourself today is there anything you want to try and get your hands on I'm going for that crane game and oh Grandma the drama item all right there's a lot of people going for that all right best of luck all righty guys eighteen hundred dollars come on guys get around Applause speaking of which you might want to you might want to get excited because the next item that we have for auction is the German signed Grotto Beast card sheets and we have a video from the man himself hi there it's time now to talk about the auction item that I have today so this one unlike the other one is less based on the archeology stream that I did and more The Grotto Beast card game that exists right now so two holographic test sheets these were sent from us to us from the printer to us I said that completely backwards but you understand what I'm trying to say the printer sent these to us to approve I'm just going to retake you know we'll do a retake the printer sent them to us to approve the second print of the holographics so it's a test sheet it's a sample sheet and interestingly enough all of the holographic cards on this sheet these sheets are not the holographics that are actually on the card in the actual game in the thing in the box or the thing in the card packs I signed both of them so the bottom of each sheet there's my signature and on top of that you're also going to get a postcard a holographic postcard that was included in our friends and family boxes so it only went out to friends and family of the team and uh people that worked on the project and we're in the middle of sending them out right now so that is something that nobody really has besides those few people so there they are that's the that's the auction item I wish you luck I don't uh I don't know I'm I'm excited I'm curious what happens here so thank you I'll see you later thanks again for letting me be involved thank you chairman and I mean these are also these are cool right guys yeah uh we all know the gym is a very dedicated following and I'm sure many of you are interested to see how much they should go for so let's try and raise as much money for charity guys right all right should we start the bidding should we do it guys all right do I have ten dollars from anybody here okay well I know you want it so we have a thousand right away two thousand three thousand three three oh my God three thousand right away do we have four or maybe three fifty four thousand what are you sure you don't have the bid at increments of one thousand five thousand dollars right away what you're not losing he's not losing he's challenging you all but also don't try and debate him by raising it because if you get stuck with this bill you gotta pay it okay so our current bid is five thousand dollars there's anybody want a bid higher than five thousand dollars already five thousand one hundred doesn't have to be six thousand 6500 I was slowing it down now okay I see we seven thousand from point curl do we have more than 7 500 do we have eight thousand do you have it in you anybody okay wait that's a lot that's a big number do you have 81 oh 80 80 no wait what is the number oh my oh my god do we have nine nine right now are you sure oh my goodness we have nine right away do we have more than nine do we have nine thousand one hundred it doesn't have to be an increase a thousand nine nine eight five I get it nine nine eight five ten thousand dollars yes you did not come to mess around let's go can any of those Rich fans out there bump it up past ten thousand dollars do we have anybody at home who wants to challenge you I know you're sweating yeah [Music] oh my God ten thousand one hundred was slowing down a lot now huh all right okay getting nervous now starting to sweat all right do we have higher than ten thousand one hundred from somebody at home or anyone in the anybody in the audience today we are still standing by so we are gonna wait to see if any last minute bidders get in on this online but so far we're at ten thousand one hundred dollars to you I really hope you you don't have to absolutely decimate your financial stability for this or do I actually it's fine actually it's for charity it's fine it's great for charity right yes oh 11 000 it's up to you eleven thousand no hesitation does his wallet no no bounds we'll find out why 11 100 is anybody at home willing to up the price more which is already Ridiculous by the way this is an insane amount [Music] oh my no hesitation eleven thousand five hundred dollars oh we're gonna get higher we're gonna get to twelve thousand dollars oh my God eleven seven we have eleven thousand seven hundred dollars I'll be in the make it to twelve thousand is somebody online gonna snipe this away or have a chance to raise it even higher let's find out as we wait for those bids to come in oh this is crazy oh my God [Applause] come on let's keep it going higher I think we can go even higher guys I think somebody online is going to push it high I'm Sorry by the way but if this is a great show 12 100 what's your next move sir 12 200 instantly zero hesitation you have this money right you oh you had he has the money zero hesitation the card will twelve three oh my God twelve five twelve five this is absurd do we have more oh that deeper Pockets at home is somebody gonna be twelve six oh twelve six fifty we're reaching levels of one month of rent in La this is insane this is unheard of are we gonna get to 12 70. what did you say again it doesn't matter twelve eight sorry we're at 12 8 are you gonna go to 13. 13. let's keep it going thirteen thousand dollars what okay do you I'm sorry what oh my God thirteen one fifty all right we're really cutting those cutting those margins down we have 13 150 I'm going to stop stop keeping track of these numbers in a little bit it's gonna be too hard to keep track of do we have thirteen two thirteen thousand two hundred dollars anybody have it online thirteen three you are you are somebody really wants this are you gonna outbid them thirteen four this isn't ridiculous do we have thirteen five at home do we have 13 500 from anybody at home two people sweating somebody's behind the PC that name oh hello oh my thirteen five from yellow alert you're against yellow alert do you have thirteen six of course you do there's no question guys can you study on big numbers please we gotta wrap this up we're gonna be here all day person home empty that wall just dump it on the all the cards lay them all out go through all the numbers put them all in what do we have we're holding oh my thirteen thirteen seven fourteen that's let's go [Applause] 14-1 do you have more than 14 no hesitation fourteen two do we have more at home this is an intense bidding we do my goodness it's up to you you're out [Applause] not okay not okay I'm kidding four teacher you're out are you sure [Applause] fourteen five oh my goodness sir are you okay do we have higher at home we're holding the C oh fourteen six reps somebody at home you're done are you sure are you sure you're done all right he's sure he's done if there's an amazing effort all right then I think it's safe to say nobody's gonna outbid this so going once going twice [Applause] he's calling he's he's calling his accountant right now he's like are we good are we good oh my God oh my God 15. the question is is there somebody with deep dust yellow alert have a deeper pocket at home oh no oh no hold you know oh oh oh my God oh so here's the deal we closed the auction uh when we did the one two three so your bed was actually the last bid to get through oh so fourteen six is online all right so you closed it at fourteen six I I genuinely have no idea what to do I didn't plan for the scenario are you sure the devil I I did I didn't hit the gavel is there any way we can reopen it or is it done there's no way if there's no way we can we can figure something out after but uh we might have to move on because I don't know what Solutions we have we didn't plan for a last minute second thing which we probably should have uh but we'll we're trying to figure it out um in the meantime I'd love to get to talk to you a bit about the item please tell me why you wanted this so badly yeah I was just hoping that German will let my family out of the basement if I if I won this item so uh here's hoping to that all right well we're trying to work on a solution in the meantime maybe we can try and figure something out we can restart the bid somehow we'll try and see um how long have you been watching germa for about a year or two okay what do you think what is your favorite German content oh the dollhouse was great dollhouse was great all right well thank you so much we're going to try and figure this out so that uh nobody feels like they've been shafted today because that's not what we want so we're going to try and figure something out uh in the meantime production should I just continue what's the vibe that we have here how is this like a little fix or uh This is Gonna Take 10 minutes uh we'll figure it out um but I guess a rather anti-climactic way to to end that auction but it was very hype for the two moments while we thought it was real so we're gonna figure this one at any time all right so in the meantime while we figure that one out uh let's just go to the next item and we'll come back to this and we'll figure this out so yellow alert at home stay vigilant uh we might be we might be coming back to this because right now you are the do this the way the system works because obviously we're dealing with online bids and in person bids and it's kind of a nobody's done this um this is a brand new system so it's gonna have problems so we're trying to figure it out uh but in the meantime let's go to our next item excited guys yes wow I'm sure many of you here today are big fans of this Creator let's welcome to the stage Hassan taking his time wait oh oh my God what is that a head what the [ __ ] that is massive large oh my goodness why do we have a Chick-fil-A bag okay you're Mike you're Mike sorry I forgot all right why do I have a decapitated Santa Claus okay so I got really hungry because I thought there was gonna be food here and I ordered Chick-fil-A and then I was sitting with some people there and I was like well I can't just get it for myself then people are gonna get mad and then we waited so long that the Chick-fil-A actually showed up while I was back there if you want I can give you some okay I'll take some treatment okay but uh here's my item everybody both okay okay fans of the show no this is ethnic Santa uh he's Italian um okay yeah that's right and uh I'm gonna try to put this here hold my mic for a second of course of course all right does this does this unpack is this I will I don't know if this will hold you we can find out just about just about so now why why do you want to give this away if it's such a treasured part of your set so um well it's it's for a good cause you know yeah and uh for for the record it is collapsible and you can ship it so Connor was wrong I thought it came like this I thought we would have to try and ship it like this sir oh my oh my god oh jeez a lot of Hassan viewers yeah oh wait do you have the same size shoes as him oh my God you you do what the hell oh also it's electronic it's not just uh it's not just an Italian Santa and every you know Republicans nightmare uh but it's also electronic and it speaks to you okay um I haven't I haven't used it in a very long time like the electronic part at least because like I bust this out for two seasons you know what I mean this is like let's hope it works let's hope it works okay you gotta undress them a little bit yeah it's kinky I'm dressing ethnic sentence I'll I'll block I'll block don't shut down oh my God it's kind of creepy actually looking at his face I'm going to move out of the way I might see some Chick-fil-A crank up that volume and then hit that yeah is it working oh did he say something it sounds like a chipmunk from Alvin and the Chipmunks foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] we can shut him down for now I think uh oh my God he really sings does he just go like this forever I I think so yeah I can just pull the plot would you pull the plug okay I want to know how much did you pay for this originally if you remember uh I don't know my brother was at Home Depot I think and he was like bro I just saw the sickest thing and you know we're Muslim we don't really we didn't really celebrate Christmas until we came to America and we love all the American holidays so I was like what is it and he showed me and and it literally was like at Home Depot it said Santa in parentheses ethnic and immediately I was like I gotta I guess we gotta get that um oh my gosh yeah he's he uh famously also used to wear a Maga hat but okay anymore it's been a rough couple of months yeah he's a DeSantis guy whatever fake friend um but yeah that's it that's ethnic thank you so much for this amazing ethnic Santa Claus I'll take a nugget hell yeah I need some I need some food I haven't had a chance to eat yet I can't believe you've made me follow germa [Music] somebody had to follow germa I what is that what the heck okay got the hair on it it's a grilled oh that's a grilled nugget that's nice well thank you for that [Applause] one moment all right so you need mommy's in this mic this is my mic what the hell so we need to beat German then is that what you're saying Hassan you want to get more than you can well no I I see Twitter I see the way your fans tweet when I even set five foot near you they're like very intense let's see if their wallets match their enthusiasm should we start the bidding you guys ready all right going for ten dollars anybody let's just say let's just say 500 bucks right away it's literally 500 bucks 500 bucks ships 1 000 bucks we have two Eleven Hundred two thousand do we have 25 in the audience anybody have 21 22 any 22 do we have 23 anybody have 23 in the audience we're currently at 22 000. no no sorry two thousand two hundred dollars and we have twenty three thousand dollars oh sorry I keep the German one ruined me I've seen the big numbers sorry do we have two thousand three hundred dollars from anybody here today anybody you you okay you already said it right okay so we have 22 wait do you say 23 okay sorry sorry I'm done I've been doing this too long today nugget ruin my brain do we have 24 anybody with 24 in the audience I remember 24 online bids are coming in so we will see them stop flooding in slowly but there's anybody in the meantime 24 do we have 25 25 do you have 26 . oh you're thinking about it Kenny can he drop the fat stacks on this 26 okay do we have 27 right away no hesitation all right there's no drama nobody want this yeah I mean the only problem is this is how do you transport this don't worry don't have to do it today guys oh oh it's collapsible but where does all the mass go it's still there do we have 28 28 anybody 28 nice do we have 29 immediately oh three thousand no 28 000. German you ruined me do we have 2 800 uh sir 2 900 wait 2008 do we have 2 900 do we have 2 900 in the audience 28.50 do you have two thousand nine hundred two thousand nine hundred three thousand you said you were out why you're back at oh my God do we have 3 100 we have 3100 anybody have 3100 31 do we have 32 32 do you have 33 oh big size big size 32.50 do you have 33 you're out you actually out this time you don't okay well that's fine we have 32.50 currently and we have the online bids coming in as we speak so we'll just give a moment for those to come in um I am very scared of how much this could go for So currently we have three thousand two hundred fifty dollars nobody else in the audience wants to try a bit higher so we're just waiting on those online bids to come in and I think we might be getting them very soon okay so it looks like we're good online I think it's just too large to carry so for three thousand two hundred dollars going once oh you I knew I knew you were gonna lie do you have 34 33.50 do you have 34. 34. do you have 34 no are you sure because I'm going to start the countdown yes okay kid going once oh God I got a burp the Nugget ruined me going twice sold for 33 hundred dollars congrats a 33.50 congratulations are you happy to purchase I'm going to come down and talk to you for just a second now let me get this microphone oh my goodness all right okay yes I'm sorry I was getting someone's talking my ear why was I waiting for you what made you want to bid on this item oh that's it now I figured you know taking some money from capitalism give it to trade donations that's what the song would do right is that what you do Hassan that's what he's been doing exactly all right well thank you so much for getting this item good luck with taking this home all right so so we have a resolution to the germa thing uh the German auction segment I think I'll be getting it in my ear right is that right hold on okay okay I love this drama this is great so we reached out to the bitter at home and we told him the bid was at fifteen thousand we asked him if he wanted a bit higher and he said no so congratulations you won um I am so sorry for giving you a heart attack how do you feel I feel great my family's finally gonna be let out of the basement yes yes do you think that potentially it was too much money no foreign to go higher I had a limit of 20K so this was this was yours you let him off easy all right okay well thank you so much 20K oh my God [Applause] oh my God that's 20K is ridiculous you know that's insane oh my God no no it's so close we're so close to the 150 000 punishment we are less than eight thousand dollars away thank you thank you guys and again there are so many ways that you can raise that amount you can just donate normally which we all appreciate and and helps the cause so please consider just donating even just a dollar or two or getting on those Raffles because those donations also go towards that amount and you can also get merch at the minute that's right where every uh every hoodie sold will give you ten dollars and every hat and shirt uh not only give you sorry give the charity ten dollars uh and where the hats and the shirts uh the five dollars of those will go to charity so grab some merch while it's still available all right next up we have oh we have oh my God okay we have more raffle items you guys are excited for more [Music] yeah my favorite part about the raffle is how easy it is to enter right now by using the link go and press it it's so easy you have no excuse not to uh we have a video from these creators because they weren't able to come here today uh and also I mean I I I don't even know how to yeah just play the video this is hello this is Chad from cold ones I'm incredibly hungover right now I had a big night but I'm here to show you these paintings do you see these paintings I love you gonna edit this on screen Conor or how are you going to do it but there's painting summer on screen right now these paintings you might think oh they look pretty good they look professional they stole the Louvre no they're not stolen from the Louvre they had genuine one-of-one paintings that were done on our old cold one set during a drunk painting segment um these paintings are very special because they're a lot more done during that video but they have been lost the time so these the last remaining ones um they are signed on the back by myself I don't know if Max signed his or not can you triple check that and put that fact on the screen going on please thank you now whoever wins these you know may I hope your pockets are deep I hope you have lots of money for them and you give lots of money for them but most of all I hope they are very looked after and treasured um they are honestly to me a piece of history on the channel and um if you've ever watched any of our videos you'll realize that not much makes it out of those videos so if you win these I hope you are rich and you gave lots of Mula but also I hope they are genuinely looked after and I hope you enjoy them as much as Max and I enjoy enjoyed making them I don't remember making them I was really drunk but you know you get the point give money and we have the paintings [Music] shout out to Chad for getting out of bed and filming a video great great job Chad all right he said he messaged me saying is it okay if I'm hungover I was like I just assumed that's how you always are so it was no worries so we have um I I don't know how to describe this uh you guys can zoom in on this I think it's Pikachu with a crack pipe um and a needle Nintendo did not sanction this by the way Nintendo police it's for charity be nice okay uh and he's this was one I I don't know this is just normal cut this is like the least weird cold ones thing I think pretty much and then we also have over here we have a this is so ridiculously big this is age just the worst Shrek thing I've ever seen going from Ethan's painting to this is a very stark contrast but that is Shrek in a suit I I guess thank you the call on boys for giving this one and you can get that in the raffle which I I think you can enter multiple times no you can Edge multiple times I'm not sure the amount but go to the website right now to see uh and make sure you get your entries in because you'll get both of these not just one you'll get both of them it's a great deal guys right right there's such a like uh okay all right guys yeah just give me the give me the drug doubt Pikachu all right so thank you to the colon boys for providing those items uh next up we have another raffle item which I'm very excited to show you guys uh let's go to the video to show you the next raffle item of today in a second yo what's up y'all enjoy the anime man and uh here are my items for the charity auction as the token anime fan and the only person in the world who has anime in their username stupidly I figured I would offer a bunch of anime Goods that I really like and I think a lot of you guys would really like as well and all the items I have revolve around one of my favorite anime series ever the monogatari series but even if you're not necessarily a fan of anime or the modern guitar series I think these items would look good on anyone so let's start off with some of the items uh first item I have here is a monogatari series wallet nice little wallet right here with a cute little design on it as well as you can see and we have another one here as well uh this is of shinobu my favorite character only a really cute yellow wallet with a little strap on it second set of monogatari's Swag I would like to offer is a couple of watches we have this really cute uh hitagi watch the purple and black combination is pretty sick we also have the Oceano shinobu model azero really slick yellow and black watch and finally we have a hachikuji mayoi model as well and if you've been watching my videos for a while then you'd know that I love wearing rings I mean I'm obviously not wearing them right now because I'm inside the house but I also have a bunch of monogatari styled rings as well all of these come in double sets so this is one for the main character I really like the black and red ring right there it's pretty cool we also have a double set of rings I like the scissors one it's really cool we have a double set of ononoki as well that's really sick very simplistic minimal yet slick and of course we have a double donut ring set uh that is alluding to oshinoshinubu so yeah I'm hoping that uh these will be given off to some people who can rock it out better than I ever could and uh yeah thank you Connor for letting me in on this charity stream have a going guys shout out to Joey for providing an insane amount of things these wallets look great we have them right here I'll try and show the camera a little better oh my shoot is not stretchy enough in this pose we have some watches oh very nice and and just so many rings if you're a fan of the monogatory series or a fan of Joey in general you're going to want to get these so make sure you enter that raffle uh again smash the link there should be everywhere I should be in the chat like crazy get that link and go there and enter the raffle because once it's gone it's gone and you won't have any more chances to get into this stuff and you can enter for such a low amount and you get an amazing amount of value so it's a great idea right guys yes exactly exactly next up we are going to announce some of the winners of the previous raffle items very fun all right so first up uh we have uh the plushie and pins winner from oversimplified uh let's see who won it let's show on screen right now who won that prize we have how do I pronounce that does anyone have a pronunciation guide anyone knows Francia close enough well either way you want it yeah I don't even know your name because you because you you already know it's yours congratulations fantastic yes next up the the absolutely ridiculously sized plush with signed skateboard from the trash taste members that's me and God enjoy uh that winner is Mirai huge and I think uh we have hit a milestone or we're very close to can we pull it up can we have a look what we look what the f how do we jump so much what the hell oh my God we're on 194 thousand dollars we were on 140 just a moment ago let's get a round of applause for all that money raised for a great course however however it does mean there will be another punishment uh which will reveal what it is right now if we have it it would be great to know oh [ __ ] so of course of course we I guess okay you keep saying that I haven't loved any of them all right what is this oh for [ __ ] sake no no no no no [Applause] well conveniently enough there's a break coming up right now thanks to our partners who've helped support the show so throwback to pass me to tell you about how great they are oh my God not only is Cash Up a sponsored for today's auction but they also have an awesome channel on Twitch where they stream interactive game shows where you can win cash prizes if you have a cash app account cash app has two awesome shows that they've run on their Channel this year cash app plays a prediction based game show where viewers try to guess the outcome of games that popular creators are playing on their Channel like rocket League Valor and Apex Legends there's also cash app trivia returning on Wednesday August 2nd with their 100 000 in total prizes and Austin's show and Caroline Quan as co-hosts cash app trivia is a Trivia Live stream where you as the viewer actually participate in the game and win prizes cash app is planning on adding new shows throughout the year so make sure you go and give them a follow right now at cash app you don't want to miss out I just wanted to take a moment to show some love to Elgato first of all we need to say thank you for supporting the charity auction and helping us raise money for the IDF secondly I'm sure many of you are familiar with their brand and for good reason Elgato are renowned for their wide variety and great value streaming accessories I have personally used their products for many years including the hd60x and stream Nick Plus in my home setup and they've also got things like their FaceCam Pro the world's first 4k60 webcam or their wave-free microphone which fuses Plug and Play convenience with broadcast grade circuitry from Key lights to stream decks capture cards mics mounts green screens webcams and more Elgato is making products to power your creativity so hit exclamation mark Elgato in the chat for more info and to show some love to the folks showing us some love papari is an artist's owned apparel brand featuring original artwork that you can wear they have original artwork Unique Designs quality fabric inspired by anime culture right now the first installment of the new collection is available online it'll also be available this weekend at Anime Expo in the exhibitor hall at Booth 211 for a limited time apari is opening up pre-orders on selected items that I like to wear my personal favorite is the ox sweater which just looks amazing a party releases collections every season and restocks are rare so make sure you don't miss out by going to their Twitter and Instagram and following them at aparri Art they also have a newsletter at as you can tell right now I'm wearing one of aparri's older Collections and our trash taste merch was made by apari pretty much my life is a party merch and I love it because the quality is amazing go check them out hi my name is Jesse I'm 21 and I have cvid which is a primary immunodeficiency basically my immune system doesn't work when I was diagnosed with my first condition I was six months when I got diagnosed with cvid which is the pi I was four and a half first six years of life I was in and out of the hospital every six months with skin infections and you basically mummify you get mummified you get a shower and then you get creams and then they take gauze and they wrap it around every inch of your body they leave your eyes open your mouth open and your nose open everything else is covered in gauze so that you can't scratch um and it was like six months of that for several bouts of that for the first six years of my life I have never known different and I don't know if I would want to know different because I would not be mean I would not be who I am today without everything that happened including the bullying including my father not being in the picture I wouldn't go back and change anything because I wouldn't be me and I think I'm all right I mean yeah the IDF is a great foundation for those with pi because it is an invisible illness you can't look at someone and say they have Pi so IDF has taken away the guesswork I actually met my current girlfriend through IDF it is a foundation that has put time and money into helping people not feel alone and I don't have to be afraid of being judged or being excluded because of my illnesses and that's that's what younger me wanted more than anything is to just not be excluded not have to sit on the bleachers and watch everyone else play while I'm trying to catch my breath because I've been dealing with a cold for a month and a half now because my body can't fight it and no one can tell me why thank you [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] [Applause] I don't know how to get this on correctly I tried for five minutes and I still couldn't figure it out so we're just rocking with it um turns out I didn't bring any other shoes so and you can just see my wax lag am I really that white holy [ __ ] I'm white oh my goodness but our next punishment is up there is that 250 000 am I reading that correctly I think I am that is a huge amount but I think we can get it right guys sorry I gotta obviously got the wrong camera where's the camera what was the dramatic camera right here Zoom hi this is stupid this is a dumb bit this is a dumb bit all right should we continue with the auction items I think so next up we have an auction item from Lily Pichu let's play the video hi I'm Molly Pichu and I'm auctioning off the painting I did of Ico from oyasumi punpen which is one of the most depressing manga I've ever read in my entire life yay charity I don't know what else to put here bye oh my God it was 12 seconds I was gonna take a drink that was very short brief but hey I guess it doesn't need much more explanation I don't know if you guys have read this or um it is very depressing it's very true but this is beautiful right guys yeah wonderful um who wants to bid on this one are you guys feeling this okay okay all right chat chat at home oh you love it Keck W aware so bad stop talking okay never mind let's go on with the bid shall we let's start it at 100 we have one hundred dollars oh oh that's late what one thousand dollars we have eleven do we have I know you have spare money you told me let's get that rest out of you we have 11 do you have 12. do we have 13 do we have fourteen okay two four things we have 15 20th one of you okay both of you okay two thousand you want to go two thousand that's just okay and you will too as well apparently so how about 21. 21 do we have 22 from anybody 22 that's right that's the number we're on do we have 23 and if you guys 23 I actually know your limit full stop 5K uh we just bought a five if you are I mean it's fine now we don't have to do we have 24 or 24 24 25 25 do you have 26 26 I know you're thinking about it I know come on 26 all right you sir all online 28 online oh my goodness do we have 29 3 000 do we have 31 do we have 3100 I don't have anyone in the chat 3300 do we have 34 3400 3400 from anybody in the audience anybody have 34 this I look ridiculous this is ridicul we have an online bid 33.50 do we have 34 34 no sure oh we have 34 from somebody online do we have 35 anybody have 35 35 anybody 35 34.50 oh oh we had an online but in the same amount do we have does that mean that somebody online as well 35 okay very nice do we have more anybody in the audience want a cop this amazing piece for 36 or just beat out the online bidder there we have 36 right here do we have 37. so this is really freeing actually this Mobility 37.50 okay I think we can get to 4 000 right guys right easy easy do you want a bit higher it's four thousand oh wonderful we can go better we can do more I know the people online are going to bring out some big money I have a feeling I just feel it the breeze just tell that's not that sorry that's a different thing do we have 41 do we have 41 anybody in the order with 41 41 41 anybody with 41 40 50. if I online people love upping it by 50 is what I'm learning okay at least a round number we have 42.50 do we have 43 anybody with 43 43 anybody want to get 43 no okay we're waiting on the online bids [Music] 4500 45 50. we have a bidding war going on online for this amazing piece will it go more will we reach 5 000 I think we can oh my God yes five thousand dollars for this amazing piece of artwork are we gonna get more anybody in person or you out you guys are done all right it might be left for the online people to fight over 100 50 100 this is going to take a while I'm feeling with 5100 are we gonna hit 52. that is the question I look ridiculous every time you guys cut to me this is this these these Vibes do not match but at least this painting is amazing right guys isn't it oh it's amazing do we have 5200 do we have it online I'm listening in to see if we have any more last minute bids coming in or is that where it's going to end 5200 from somebody online are we gonna go higher I think we oh yes immediately we're going high 53 54 right away oh my god do we have 55 there's a lot of people bidding on this online 55 you have 56 online though are we gonna wait and see oh they're talking oh they're getting information oh no oh the tension is building there's another number gonna come out or are we done is this the end oh [Music] all right hold on I was about to call it but I think we have another one 56. 6 nice all right is that gonna be the end of it I think it might be this has taken a lot slower now to go all right I think I'm gonna close it up there then let's close it up going once oh oh 57 online people you're keeping on Me on the edge of my seats come on we can go higher than this let's get six I think we can get six right that's a good deal I think six is 59 my god do we have six is six gonna come out from one of the people in the viewers at home are they gonna spend six thousand dollars on an amazing oh my God we have six thousand dollars Army's gonna call it but it looks like I keep going yeah we have six thousand dollars so far is it gonna go much higher we could possibly get to Seven I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities for this fantastic piece that we have right here just waiting to see if we have any more all right let's close it up then gone once go in twice sold for six thousand dollars I Wanda do we happen to have a username of said individual who bought this fantastic piece so we can thank them I please have it's a good username and not something that I can't say on stream that would be great um who Blau is the winner of this piece um who Blau thank you so much congratulations on your fantastic painting what a wonderful piece what a wonderful piece all right okay so next stop we have something well rather unique for this and very very different from the rest of the items uh we have something that has been given to us by cash app uh and that is a signed Red Bull F1 shirt I believe and it's coming out right now and I I know nothing about F1 by the way if you guys want to tell me who it is uh I I don't watch the cars go fast more of a NASCAR guy actually yeah brother [Music] two-time world champion do you want to come up and tell me who these people are Max verstappen oh my God and who else and his teammates Max verstappen has signed this Red Bull F1 Jersey how did they even get this how would they steal it from his home and make him sign it but either way it's up for sale and I'm sure there are some F1 fans at home that would love to get their hands on this uh and oh Sergio Perez is the other signature on there so fantastic so I guess without further Ado let's start the bidding right guys yeah all right do we have a hundred dollars anybody with a hundred dollars hundred dollars there do we have 200 200 we have 300 1 000 I know 1500 2 000 do we have 2500 we have three three do you have more than 3 100 slowing it down okay bringing the pace back down do you have more than 3 100 guys oh oh they look pissed 32 yeah yeah we can go higher than that I believe do we have 33 33 gentlemen want to argue for it you can try and bid higher if you want I feel like the online people are going to go crazy for this one hold on hold on if we have any big F1 fans in the viewership today let's see what they're saying in chat let him win twice F1 fans are eulers red is sassy 3300 oh my God we have 30 30 3500 from stands oh you were famously a big F1 fan correct all right okay let's see if we can get 36 I think we can can we get 3 600 let's see what Chad is saying about it sassy lamou checking his bank account Keck w um I'm not gonna read the rest no get out of you um so we are currently on 3 500 do we have 36 anybody online wants a bit 3600 for this oh 36 or something online I'll Stand 36.50 stands come on check the bank account 37 from point Crow do we have 38 38 from any 38 right there do we you still have a bullet left no you don't okay good no no do we have four thousand dollars from point throw thank God you're missing do we have 41 anybody with four thousand one hundred dollars anybody with 41 anybody with forty one hundred dollars anybody online getting those last minute bids in this is your last chance to get them in 41.50 okay do we have more is anybody online gonna try and snag this one or anyone in the audience I know you guys want this item and if you guys want it it's for charity it's tax deductible you can make a video about it I I how I won the F1 Jersey think about it 42.40 oh nice do we have we do have 43.90 do we have 44 or 45 anybody have that anybody online I know we've got a lot of people going crazy oh my god oh oh my God there's a huge donation as well which we'll talk about in a moment I'm sure 45.50 oh I feel like this is going to go on forever with these trickling online bids we can bump them up guys at home come on you just do those Max beds to the max bids come on let's just get it out of the way do we have 46 48 okay a nice big jump do we have five 49 do we have five five from point Crow oh five from point card do we have more than five we're looking for more than five right now anybody online have 51 Point girl I'm sorry all right do we have more than 51 anybody online have more than 51. yeah Oh no you're being challenged by an actor do we have 52 we do do we have no idea you do need a new show we got to replace the one you lost this one looks nice maybe you can wash it too do we have 53 anybody online with 53 this is your last chance to get it in while we keep raising these bids we're waiting for 53 to come in waiting for 53. all right production are we good how how are we looking any more last minute bids coming this is really freeing by the way this is great the the range of movement is oh my God this is not the mic uh 53 do we have 54 from online 54. it seems that we're just waiting on all those very wealthy people at home to whip out their credit card and slowly type it in number by number but in the meantime uh we are probably going to close this one out if anybody has any last minute bids going once going twice sold for five thousand three hundred dollars and the Winner's name is Locke I think if I'm pronouncing that correctly congratulations to lock on your brand new shirt amazing all right okay all right okay so uh whoa my life flashed for my eyes actually I would love to interview oh my God how mean of you let me grab this microphone out I want to go and talk to Eric for a second and see how sad you are right now let's capture this in 4k how do you feel right now not getting that item uh you know it's uh I was gonna give it to my sister she's a huge F1 fan but you know uh whoever got it they probably wanted it more so uh you know what I hope they like it all right well thank you so much for being a good sport appreciate it all righty next up we have an item that oh not item or service or product whatever you want to call it uh that is very close to my heart uh because it's it's mine uh as you know you might have seen from the website and we teached it I offered the chance to be uh against me in one of my crane game videos uh which uh you have to figure out how the [ __ ] you get to Japan by the way I've not not dealing with that not knowing way to fly so if you get to Japan you can then go against me in one of my crane game videos and I'll post it to my YouTube channel on cdog VA um so please be funny whoever wins it it's gonna be way harder to edit if it's not um so if you guys already wow I look really awful on this camera I look like a tornado has hit me all right I'm more than happy to start the bidding now at least like a hundred bucks right at least a hundred bucks somebody had 2 000 okay two thousand three thousand [ __ ] okay he's out he was just tapped out already he just blew it all in one 3500 we have three thousand five hundred do we have more than three thousand five I know that's your limit oh you got a little more okay let's see if we can get it out of here all right do we have more than five thousand dollars fifty one hundred do we have more than five thousand fifty five hundred dollars from a son six thousand dollars from Leslie do we have more than six thousand dollars oh godford the man the myth the legend godfit said he wanted it he looks like he might be walking away with it unless somebody can raise the 11th day I thought you had a limit okay okay please do not ruin your life pulling out the 401K do we have 12 000 or even 11 500 15 000. holy [ __ ] the it's not that good of a video but I'm talking about do we have more than fifteen thousand dollars anybody here today want to do more than 15 000 that is so much money do we have sixteen thousand or fifty oh no no don't tell me there's someone online with more money than that hold hold no okay no all right anybody in the audience more than fifteen thousand dollars anybody fifteen one sixteen fifteen five any amount no all right product okay you're just adding a bit to yourself sixteen thousand to himself we love to see it it's for a good cause guys it's for a good cause thank you so much it's casually outbid yourself hey it's a good I what a chat do we have more than sixteen thousand dollars which is I just ridiculous by the way to get more than sixteen thousand dollars at home or from the online bidders I I'm waiting to hear from production if we do we might not you well I'm happy to say there is nothing nobody online who wants to outbid you sir so unless they want to do a nail biter right now where's my gavel where did I put this thing I lost it already how where are they put out here for sixteen thousand dollars going once going twice and sold oh do you wanna do you want to come up here real quick and just tell me about why on Earth you spend an ungodly amount of money on that this you may as well bring this bring it so your name is godfit as you've already told us because you've already won some other items what made you want to then spend an additional sixteen thousand dollars on this video slightly this oh okay thank you so much for the Nerf gun are you excited to be in a video yeah it's been pretty cool I mean it's probably just for charity at the end of the day so yeah right guys all right final question final question do you think you're gonna beat me in the video based on ego yeah all right well thank you so much they've even sixteen thousand dollars to charity I appreciate it thank you so good Round of Applause okay Ah that's such a ridiculous amount and now we're getting much closer to the punishment all right our next item is from uh well the second most dangerous YouTuber or potentially the most dangerous YouTuber to himself uh we have a video from Michael oh thank you Michael uh so what happened there is that uh when I asked creators to send me a video some of them were like here you go here's the link Michael just sent me a video on Twitter that I couldn't save so I tried to screen record it and I'll tell you what let me just reenact what he said because uh he's like hey Mr Beast here I'm providing 50 deaf kids that's literally what he said um uh this is his item I don't want to touch it because I'm kind of dangerous this this is tsa's worst nightmare uh it's a microphone that can at our microphone a microwave that can be activated by screaming very loudly uh we he did mention to cut the cord because you would electrocute yourself so we'll probably do that for you uh which is terrifying to think uh yeah so this is from his video where he made this um I have no idea how this thing even works this this looks like the sketchiest thing I've ever seen in my life but thank you Michael for providing it and next time send me a damn Google Drive Link all right thank you very much are we ready to start the auction yeah who wants a who wouldn't want a scream-powered microwave at midnight you want to make some popcorn or some Pop-Tarts depending to my American viewers right now I have no idea what they taste like um you could just scream at midnight and get yourself a great Pop Tart so without further ado let's start the bidding at a hundred dollars drive a hundred dollars oh he's back oh he's back okay what are you thinking Hassan this is okay this is ridiculous five thousand okay what are you gonna do with this but do we have six thousand from any gun oh do we have more than five thousand anyone in the audience want to do six thousand or five thousand five hundred any amount is fine as long as we raise that amount anybody oh London's raising it himself to 5051 51 51 okay equivalent to the price of a gavel okay are you gonna make another mistake yeah you came back at a wrong time uh I they reached the Milestone and I have to wear this okay it's the Milestone okay all right okay I might have spent too much time VR chat but anyway the point is do we have 51 5100 anyone fifty one hundred nothing online radio silence literally no bids online actually when it when they removed bids when they found out you bidded so you actually made it worse um so uh yes if nobody else has a higher number like going once going twice no sold for five thousand and fifty one dollars how do you feel about winning that do you have an early left I left to get uh I just drank a bunch I went to like four bars okay and uh and I came back and I said I'm not gonna buy [ __ ] else caught up I guess uh still less since I could snow I think yeah still last month not that bad hey and I love Michael Reeves I'll take it I'll take it all right you you have to take it now okay you can take it excuse me sir I'll just take the mic off you are you really gonna sit with that the entire time okay okay I guarantee this is gonna end up in some some trunk or some Warehouse whatever it did what a [ __ ] a joke well thank you so much for buying that a lot there we look forward to charging your card but next up we have the final raffle segment of the day I know I know it does have to end at some point it's the final rap system but then we have another auction segment yay yay and we've saved some of the The Best For Last At least I don't want to play favorites but you know anyway we have some raffle items and from this one uh we have a bunch of merchandise so why don't we show it out just show people what it is I actually don't know hello I'm here to clean out my closet I have a lot of things on offer here most of which are merchandise items that uh We've sold at one point or another uh maybe they're completely out of stock and will never be restocked in any way shape or form or we're still selling them either way the first things we have are the Monopoly and clue Scott the wise editions these were a [ __ ] to make but I'm throwing them in anyways I did take the shrink wrap off of these guys so then I could sign them properly so uh they're still new they haven't been opened outside of the shrink wrap being taken off but uh if that's gonna stop you from donating to charity you know go for it don't buy my [ __ ] next one up is the Scott as archives hardcover book this one I also signed on the front here and this is a behind the scenes book filled with art and scripts and interviews and all kinds of garbage and of course you couldn't have the previous three items without the internet and you anniversary edition VHS box set this was a special edition product that I did where it's a VHS copy of the first video on the Scott the boss channel the internet and you which is just kind of a crummy little fun school project that me and my friends did back in the day uh this is a fun little novelty item you know pretty cool we also have two packs of Scott the WASP stickers these are the hot ticket items the original script booklet for borderline forever the 200th episode of Scott the law so this is a printed version of the original script used for that project a borderline forever poster signed by the uh cast you see right here 10 packs of Scott the wise collectible Trading Cards series one and the final item which is technically 50 items in one is a collection of random papers that I've used uh throughout the years I've saved pretty much nearly every piece of paper that has been used in a video project of mine is in this giant fat ass looking binder and I didn't include everything I kind of just pick and chose ones at random but yeah these are uh things that were used in video projects or used to help with video projects so we have this business card prop that was used uh original scripts that I printed off you know photo props that I printed off uh just to show on camera so everything here was used in the videos or used for the videos and I kind of picked them from throughout my entire YouTube career so uh yeah you also get a folder full of random garbage to supplement the merchandise garbage I hope somebody here find some value in all of this and decides to buy it to support charity and if there's nobody [ __ ] it I'll buy it all back thank you to Scott thank you so much yeah this is a a crazy amount of merchandising to show off some of these random papers it's kind of stuffed there's a picture of what the [ __ ] touch touch the ferret on the Wii I wonder which video idea this went into Scott but either way thank you so much for giving all of this stuff it looks like pretty much everything you own which is crazy and you can website right now and enter that raffle you can this all can be yours by just going to the raffle uh and submitting as many entries as you want uh so thank you so much to Scott let's get around to pause it's cool this is cool uh we also have another item coming up in just a second uh but I'm wondering if there's any any other last minute items that some of you are excited for who who's excited for anything anyone but anyone no no one should harass someone then is there any item that you were excited for that still hasn't come out yet I think yeah is it on now yeah loudly all right I mean who isn't excited for the iron Mouse one yeah right right I'm excited for that true I mean I get it but I'll throw my hat in the ring all right okay well iron Mouse is right there on an iPad watching us so let's all get hyped for that item right guys you saved a bull until now all right next up with a crater I'm sure many of you have seen at some point let's welcome Carl Jacobs to the stage come on all righty what do we have here that looks insane wow all right what's in the box do you want me to open it or would you want do you want to open it we can open it together that'd be great let's do it which way which way this way yeah my oh wow wow so this is a Burberry and Minecraft collaboration Xbox yeah I didn't get it when they sent it to me but Burberry Minecraft Xbox came together and made a console wow and they sent it to a few creators I was one of them uh I filmed this forward and show the camera real quick we'll double hand this we can do it oh okay with that it's part of the Burberry I was scared to touch it so I I'm scared to touch it too it's too valuable I figured somebody else would enjoy it more and maybe touch it and actually play games on it it feel like such a waste time such a cool thing just like collecting dots out and that's what it was doing all right fair enough fair enough did they make many of these are these limited it I think it only got sent out to some creators that don't need it okay so okay so it's pretty rad all right well thank you so much for giving this item this is really cool agreed around to post a call for making this amazing item thank you thank you oh no oh no that's the wrong bullet it's that bullet okay I won't I won't shoot you you can I will allow this for this item oh okay who are we going for I'm covering my face I don't believe you Hassan oh oh oh thank you so much man I appreciate you coming here man thank you so much get around to reports again one more time all right we also just heard uh I told from production that jacksepticeye himself donated ten thousand dollars just because so if we had a round of applause uh Jack is fantastic and Jack's been a huge inspiration for me making this kind of stuff this is not planned at all obviously but just a huge thank you to Sean you've been amazing and I probably wouldn't be doing these crazy charity events if I wasn't inspired by watching yours so thank you thank you Sean I appreciate it really do thank you all right be next item where you can see him just bring it in what are you bringing in what is this what is this line doing you bad you said okay big Croc do you want a mic I should make you guys what's the mic all right here we go tell us about the Croc this is a big Croc yeah yeah I'll be honest Connor I didn't bring [ __ ] for this stream uh but Croc sent me this and they said hey you should give it away to charity and I said do I have to and they said yeah so this is from Croc okay who's I'm like I'm sure John Croc yeah he's a guy made it uh and it's signed by every single Creator here all right all right yeah uh so a lot of cool names famous streamers I I did a thing famous streamer famous uh my young who streams five hours a month on here too shout out um okay she said POG you um and I want to say real quick if you are watching online there's about 60 000 plus people watching online big ass number uh you can't graveyard ship uh read me some time I'm trying uh please go to the tiltify page and just and just hey if you have not donated yet get five bucks just donate five bucks you can enter to win giant signed Croc One of a Kind largest Croc man has ever made could fit on Hulk's foot you could win Burberry Xbox you could win the Scott the was kit there's never been a better time to donate five dollars it's a small sum it goes to a wonderful cause so please everybody go to the tiltify page drop that five dollars most of the donations tonight have not been from those people with the big bank accounts they're crazy it has been from people who give one two three or four dollars uh and so the more people who do that the more money we can raise exactly yes and uh and so yeah just drop your five dollars right now it's the best time it's the end of the raffle you might as well summon a win last draft Yeah Do or Die sign up five bucks good cause chance to win a nice Croc this is from Croc and uh okay yeah all right get off uh oh wait can I can I can you dude I'm on YouTube Doc no get out of here like what we said make sure to get in those Raffles because this is the last one as well and there's some amazing items from some fantastic creators and Ludwig um so make sure that you get uh but in the meantime let's talk more about Raffles uh because we have the winners uh of some of the previous raffle items so I believe that we have the cold ones painting uh and we have that winner and the winner is Eric's congratulations congratulations huge and the anime man absolute guide Geiger chat or something I'm so stupid gigantic lot has been won by oh we have what is that Seth Dragon Hunter congratulations Seth and again one final call to action that you go to the raffle it's super easy to just support the event and potentially win something one of a kind from some great creators so thank you so much and and please go to the raffle all righty should we see where we're at with the punishment goal where are we at we are we are close right now I hate when I do you do this on the PC as well it never works there we go there look we're so close we're less than twelve thousand dollars away and I know we can hit that before we end the show today we absolutely can we have a few more items to go and there's some of the big items so I'm pretty sure we can hit it you guys excited all right all right but very very very quickly before we start the last round of auctions uh we're going to throw it to me who's going to tell you about the partners today who have helped make this event possible so thank you so much to the partners and throw it to me in the past go not only is Cash Up a sponsored for today's auction but they also have an awesome channel on Twitch where they stream interactive game shows where you can win cash prizes if you have a cash app account cash app has two awesome shows that they've run on their Channel this year cash app plays a prediction based game show where viewers try to guess the outcome of games that popular creators are playing on their Channel like rocket League Valen and Apex Legends there's also cash app trivia returning on Wednesday August 2nd with their 100 000 in total prizes and Austin show and Caroline Quan as co-hosts cash app trivia is a Trivia Live stream where you as the viewer actually participate in the game and win prizes cash app is planning on adding new shows throughout the year so make sure you go and give them a follow right now at cash app you don't want to miss out I just wanted to take a moment to show some love to Elgato first of all we need to say thank you for supporting the charity auction and helping us raise money for the IDF secondly I'm sure many of you are familiar with their brand and for good reason Elgato are renowned for their wide variety and great value streaming accessories I have personally used their products for many years including the hd60x and stream Nick Plus in my home setup and they've also got things like their FaceCam Pro the world's first 4K 60 webcam or their wave-free microphone which fuses Plug and Play convenience with broadcast grade circuitry from Key lights to stream decks capture cards mics mounts green screens webcams and more Elgato is making products to power your creativity so hit exclamation mark Elgato in the chat for more info and to show some love to the folks showing us some love hi my name is Joshua cash from Tampa Florida I have common variable immune deficiency and it took me about a decade to be diagnosed properly right now I'm living a pretty normal knock on wood life if I were to give a brief explanation of Pi I would essentially say it's when your own body's immune system attacks itself I've legitimately was on my death by two years and I looked sick then but you would be surprised how quickly your face and your appearance heals before you actually heal I'm glad I appear to be a healthy normal person but a lot of the times it makes understanding the illness not easy it's kind of hard to explain how serious it is when you look healthy my mom always actually said that's one of the cruelest things about the illnesses you look good but inside you could be falling apart when all of this began medically I was seven years old and I was actually misdiagnosed with a blood disorder I didn't really have a child and it completely tore me away from life one of my biggest memories of being a kid was being dragged from my class and had to watch while everyone else was on the playground and I wasn't allowed to go and I would always try to sneak off and go but they would always catch me one issue turned to another a lot of unnecessary hospitalizations unnecessary surgeries finally I was properly diagnosed by an immunologist I actually kept it a secret up until I was like in high school that's what affected me the most sort of knowing and constantly being reminded that I wasn't normal having that support group of the IDF around is invigorating at an event in St Augustine Florida I was comparing my lung surgery scar two other people with the same exact scar in the same exact story I never had that before it was the first time I felt like I was with people like me the treatment we use requires plasma we don't have plasma we don't get our treatment it's that simple you have the healthy plasma to donate it's saving lives you know and not just saving lives it's giving quality of life the IDF is the one that all guns are pointed in One Direction you know and that's helping us they have the most resources in terms of pointing you in the right Direction the IDF is our best asset all right love to hear from those patients again thank you for sending in those videos and how the IDF has helped uh thank you so much again before we jump right into the auctions again another reminder the Raffles if you if you've enjoyed the show so far just you know you want to throw some cash saying thanks for the show you could also get thank you it's okay it's okay all right okay uh if you haven't been enjoying the show so far and you want to help support it or get yourself some amazing uh items like Scotch them a scotch Scott the walls is a gigantic merch slot the giant croc and also the Burberry custom Xbox you can get those by entering the raffle please go and get your raffle entries in because we're gonna bump that that amount of what are we at so far can we see what we're at right now with the total are we close to a punishment I think we might be oh [ __ ] all right okay all right [Applause] don't kill me do we have the oh we do of course we do how it stands what is it You're Gonna Hate I'm gonna hate I'm actually gonna hate this one okay what is Hot Chip when no so I think I'm gonna do the next auction after I eat the one chip challenge which I don't know if it's tough I could eat the whole thing okay how much I've never I've never tried it is it bad oh it's bad like how bad like oh no you're gonna have to wash your hair why is it no oh you're gonna have to wash your hands after all right I'm gonna I'm gonna just don't touch it I don't want to touch it oh my all right all right all right I'm gonna I'm gonna eat it and then we're gonna start the next auction or we're gonna go I'm gonna try and introduce it while I die um actually wait I should do the video before and then we'll begin actually so one second do you guys want to know what who who the Creator is for this this one of these final items yeah let's go to the video from everybody's favorite Mr affable Chris broad hi my name is Chris Broad and I'm from the abroad in Japan YouTube channel and this is Big Mouth my alleged Alter Ego from the trash taste anime which we all love I was gifted this willingly by the boys and uh you can see them all there on the artwork you've got Joey animation gig UK monkey boy and then Sid and Aki down there but the main character here is of course Big Mouth which was so lovingly crafted on my likeness which I'm very happy about this has been the bane of my existence for the year year and a half I've owned it even though in some respects it was the Catalyst my own fitness journey but it's now up for Gramps on the cdog VA auction you can buy this you can own it you can love it you can burn it for all I care but it's yours up for grabs it's been touched by all your trash taste favorite people by me featured in several videos it's a Priceless antique by all accounts and uh to not bid on this to not buy it would be a real crime so please build way take big mouth out of my hands once and for all I never want to look at this bloody thing ever again he absolutely just wanted to get rid of that he just did he just he just wanted it gone and wanted a good excuse but here it is the painting Big Mouth himself impressive right okay I'm trying to stall you want to eat one too oh yeah no oh okay fine I'll eat the chip right when I finish I'll start the auction okay it just doesn't smell good okay fine let's do it all right three two one my [ __ ] is gonna be molten tomorrow oh my God should I finish it we have a 2 500 dollar Nation from too much simping thank you oh oh that they're so bad it doesn't even taste good I gotta swallow it oh my goodness all right can we start the bidding at 100 we'll be thinking huh 100 dollars 200. Holy Spirit this is hot one two thousand I only have two thousand five hundred yeah we have three thousand maybe like more than three thousand like two thousand are you gonna give it back to Chris oh four thousand okay do we have more than four holy [ __ ] that is do you have more than four thousand five thousand from online if I make it to the end of this auction I'm gonna get some milk what hold my hold on let me milk real quick while we get morbids oh do we have more let's have a thousand do we have 7 200 5 that's a lot of them but do you have enough money for that do we have 76 100 one second oh yeah you guys should definitely put some money on the raffle for my death I'm gonna auction off my coffin all right do you have 76 holy crap 7 600 online holy crap my mouth oh oh my god do we have 77 pain we had it we gotta have it right how do they put so much pain in one chip [Applause] I look like the Grimace Shake but I fall back okay they have plenty of milk backstage they're telling me 7700 milk okay that's a lot how about the amount of milk I'm gonna drink fantastic do we have 79 anybody have 79 anyone at home eight thousand yes let's keep it going higher until I pass away and perish today this is going to be a hard job from here on out Christ ah you're 81 anybody have 81. anyone online have 81 well I take a short milk break into mission oh my God this was a mistake I should know I've trusted you guys oh he'll be the punishment to be fine they said ah I'm not done yet we got more money to raise we're not done do we have 80 walk anybody online or are we out online producers are we good [Music] oh delicious milk going once going twice sold for eight thousand dollars from Violet wolf congratulations on your brand new painting so much milk to drink oh my God oh I gotta do that to read oh my thanks to our partners today apari Kash up Elgato and another one that we'll I guess we'll announce it a little later on an IDF for helping make this event possible today really appreciate it ah thank you for participating in my death okay another item my voices guys die okay they said they had producers told me they have more milk I might need to take you up on that offer more milk more milk [Applause] no you want to do a chip Ludwig yes yes oh thank you I think I think I think we have a spare we have another trip [Applause] [Music] we're gonna need another milk I think most certainly it's don't eat the whole thing do not eat the whole thing oh we have three just in case you want to do two yeah I'm telling you the it catches up to you oh this mic this mic oh my God by the way if you guys have not yet joined the raffle yes get those waffles raffle entries in it's your last chance this is gonna be the last segment of the show so it's your last chance to get one of those amazing items the Burberry Xbox the uh oh the pain not the pain it's got the walls oh good point I will not eat the chip until we reach 277 000. oh okay that's that's gonna take too long 216 2 000 and 300. oh should I just eat it outright yes yeah I'll do it I'll just eat it I'm just gonna eat the whole thing don't eat the whole thing yo no you shouldn't have done that you shouldn't you should not have done that oh [ __ ] I thought I could handle my spice but my stomach really hurts oh dude the bad part is when you take a [ __ ] yeah I'm dreading tomorrow are you okay I'm fine right now the June part's not bad yeah you're actually gonna die no I'll be fine I'll be fine um what's our next item oh wait quick shout out to uh Pari quick shout out to aparia apparel because you missed one of the ad reads during the chip thing I did yeah everyone's talking about it oh my god um so apari I don't know I don't know what the they're they may close and they're really nice so I make the best clothes you wear them a lot I only wear a party and then that twitch shirt you don't like that shirt no I just don't like this hot chick oh okay okay I'm sure it's fine two I actually do it's all mental okay mental diff he's a [ __ ] I'm fine I feel fine emotionally Connor what's the next thing oh okay well okay do you want to just take a seat or have a moment yeah I can leave if you want yeah maybe we get a stretcher or an ambulance I'm fine we're not gonna see him again all right oh my stomach they're gonna shatter her foreign peer pressure is so op love it oh God it's making me burp I'm so sorry oh God why is it doing that okay our next item is one that has been very very very anticipated let's welcome we Shoujo to the stage and with iron Mouse any second now here we go yes oh all right where's the speaker is it here hi hello yeah why Spain yeah but not as much as laundry look at this guy yeah yeah we're kind of dumb but it's all for charity so I think it's a good cause right yes I guess I guess it's for a good cause my biggest going through it okay do you want to tell the people at home uh what it is you're going to be auctioning off today oh uh well I wish I had something really cool to auction off I think everybody had some really cool items so uh I feel kind of bad I'm just auctioning off a hangout with me in VR chat for two hours two hours okay nice is just a little you know when I was two I think when I was a law but I think two hours is great too so thank you guys talking to people I I know you do I know you do how much you hope in this ghost footage between me and you not to tell anyone I'll just I'll give you I honestly don't think anybody will I I think it'll I'll be happy if it's at least like I don't know at least like I don't know like a thousand dollars you know all right okay we'll see about that but thank you so much and thank you to gun runs coming up here we'll ask for much you know because it's not all right okay all right yeah lay it on thick let them get out the wall it's time to open it up tell them to do it tell them to spend all the money huh what it's time to spend money totally financially responsible okay don't worry about it ah a round of applause for iron Mouse [Music] bye oh my stomach it's like a war zone right now holy oh my God okay you need them all the way oh you're mental wait that's my milk do we have more milk [Laughter] all right so you hit it there you can get a two two-hour hangout session with iron Mouse one-on-one in VR chat I think that's pretty damn good if I should say myself I'm gonna die if the spice sometimes comes back up that's [ __ ] why'd you do that okay all right let's celebrate a thousand dollars why not oh ten ten thousand dollars already all right we have ten thousand dollars right out of the gate no way wasting time wow [Music] ten thousand one hundred was that your final bid not really oh okay oh oh my God sorry about that do you have multiple 100 and you ordered two episodes [ __ ] two oh I regret that chips oh God that much you can do it I believe it's a once in a lifetime opportunity [Music] wow season oh [Music] oh twelve thousand dollars from somebody at home oh my distance that is insane twelve thousand dollars twelve thousand one hundred Hassan thirteen thousand dollars from Hassan wow do we have more than thirteen thousand dollars at home or somebody on the PC do they have it let's find out let's see what's going to come in this is like no hesitation thirteen thousand five hundred thirteen six [Music] fifteen thousand dollars yes come on we can get that number even higher I think fifteen thousand one hundred oh my oh why do we have more than fifteen thousand one hundred can we even break our record today and go even further Beyond than this I think we can I we're holding dramatic pause we gotta look at a burp it's not good oh God all right I'm not hearing anything production is there another bid coming in right now we're at fifteen thousand one hundred dollars Okay so I'm gonna stroll for like two seconds okay for fifteen thousand one hundred dollars for two hour hangout with iron Mouse one-on-one gone once going twice sold for fifteen thousand one hundred dollars congratulations to the outside world who bid an enormous amount for that one huge thank you so much for giving so much a charity and I hope you have a great time hanging out guys all right all right another another quick reminder because I gotta keep showing it get into the raffle we've got so many amazing things big Croc we got the Burberry Limited Edition Minecraft Xbox which if Scott the walls is giant pile of merchandise you could get this is your last chance because there's only one more item left at the show I know I know it's sad but you can still get something even if you can't get the next one so the next item is a creator that absolutely needs no introduction whatsoever let's throw it at PewDiePie all right so for my item brace yourself this is hand-drawn by yours truly it's a monkey riding a bike and then something is riding the monkey and signed beautiful Artistry as you can tell I tried okay be nice I expect this to go for at least a million a couple million million Millions go bid it's for charity or something no contact it's for charity it's a good cause go bid once in a lifetime and look at this painting it's it's beautiful I've had this in my house for like the past month and I was very sad to part ways with it again it's a monkey riding a bike which I I think is supposed to be it's me with the cyclathons not to self-insert he's talking about me for real um but yeah you can own this piece no doubt in Generations will be worth millions it's one of the great art pieces of our time so you're going to want to make sure that you've saved all your money for this piece because this is this is beautiful what a great piece are you guys ready to start the auction [Applause] this is handmade One of a Kind all right let's start the bidding oh we should start baby let's start at a thousand dollars five right away holy ten thousand dollars from Leslie right away to eleven thousand right away in the front do we have twelve thirteen thousand from Hassan do we have fourteen or fifteen do we have fourteen thousand dollars remember YouTube is a taxes of fifteen thousand dollars a small tax deductible decision by Leslie do we have sixteen thousand dollars I know people online they're gonna wanna have a chance to get this no doubt it's gonna it's gonna go for a lot but we have currently fifteen thousand dollars that is insane anybody in the audience wanna go for the 16 15 500 anybody wanna go higher no doubt will be worth as PewDiePie said a million dollars Someday I'm sure of it all right it's quiet all right Leslie you've got it for now but is somebody online gonna currently have my God fifteen thousand one hundred Leslie you will only go higher oh oh yeah you you make the call you make the call okay he's trying to help sixteen thousand dollars all right is this on the record this is going to be the highest item of the day sixteen thousand dollars is anybody online gonna be able to snipe this one away oh I see the actors they're listening uh sorry about that sixteen one all right we have sixteen thousand one hundred dollars are we gonna go higher than this Mr President oh yes seventeen thousand dollars from Leslie four all my heart is about a cave in oh gosh do we have more than seventeen thousand dollars I know the bidders at home are gonna go crazy for this one let's wait while we're here in are we gonna get anything else if not you guys might have it for 17 000 for this wonderful work of art okay currently you are the leader I'm gonna give it a couple more seconds we're gonna wait and see if anybody at home wants to all right hold on I'm hearing some big news Seventeen one you guys keep raising to get big amounts and they keep they keep doing hundreds eighteen thousand dollars hell yes all right eighteen thousand dollars for this fantastic painting let's go Chad is saying they are very excited about this piece but the question is can somebody at home no how is it possible eighteen one they're disgusting they're figuring out if they can do it huge piece all right are you calling it you guys got no more money left in theirs it's wondering [Applause] [Music] this argument going amongst the YouTubers about who is wealthier which often happens all all of this drama unless he's asking for five thousand dollars of course oh [Laughter] okay you want to bump it up twenty thousand twenty thousand dollars I hope one of your cards doesn't bounce and you can harass the other creators for the money fantastic you're not getting that 2000 from lottery trust me I twenty thousand dollars because somebody at home oh God no twenty thousand one hundred luckily that's no worry now twenty thousand one hundred from somebody at home oh it's oh it's probably street value 30k man all right they're disgusting they're discussing the bidding it might be tough because we'd have to mess around with a billion credit cards and I'd rather not have that happen because that sounds like an absolute mess uh if you want to know Cold Hard Cash you can hand it right to them uh we have twenty thousand one hundred and as far as I know that is the there's no more bid Last Chance guys twenty thousand one hundred dollars where is my gavel that is the delay that we're gonna have twenty thousand one hundred dollars the highest bidding today you guys ready go once growing twice sold for twenty thousand one hundred dollars a huge huge amount for charity thank you so much do we have the name of the winner so I can give them a massive thank you and let me know the address so I can find them and I know who to Rob would be great all right we're holding we're waitings real quick finding out the name of the winner who to congratulate dramatic post-traumatic polls I feel recovered from the trip now at least I feel much better how do you feel you feel better great okay I feel much better now oh okay I like just a little bit of pain all right well I guess we don't have the name just yet so I guess we could probably move on to our next segment until we oh we have it Okay I lied I'm alive don't trust me what's the name Mr President we have it is that the name oh we have a Graphic oh we have a Graphic what wait who won it cinnamon Sun bun oh wait wait that's the merge oh crap that's okay sorry I thought you meant that is the raffle winner for Scott the walls I thought we were waiting for the PewDiePie one I'm so dumb never mind we have the cinnamon sunburn who won the Scott the was raffle merch congratulations all righty and we also have the Burberry Xbox let's find out who won that one Pikachu wow very nice congratulations and the final raffle uh item today is the Ludwig giant croc used in great condition who's the winner let's find out Big R biz Max Gavin all right just kidding the winner of the PewDiePie menu is Max Gavin congratulations hope you enjoy your new painting congratulations all right so I'd love to welcome up to the stage right now um I'd love to welcome back to the IDF uh to just come and talk a little bit and say thank you about the event um I I guess just for raising so much money and having a great time because so far we've raised 2009 290 thousand dollars foreign if anybody wants to come up and say anything you're more than welcome to if not no pressure but if you want to come say thank you uh that'd be great I'm sure the viewers would Lobster here you guys be happy about the money that we've raised guys yes all come out come on come on I have one microphone shout out to the IDF guys this is a little surreal yeah I have yelled I have screamed I have been on edge we are with this we don't we're over we're without speech I'm speechless I'm without speech and you have already heard me today this is the most generous amazing Community the way that you come together and have supported Connor the way you have which is in turn is supported us I don't even know if I understand it I don't have to I am just so thrilled on behalf of IDF thank you so much we're gonna you we make a commitment we're going to use this money to the betterment of our mission thank you so much thank you thank you guys so much thank you thank you I'm really glad you're here today thank you thank you guys thank you oh [Applause] thank you thank you so we have raised a total of 290 000 and those are all of the items you want more actually um should we just show you what it is I think we just play a video right because uh yeah this Creator got a little bit lazy when I was asking them for an item so let's show so the auction is in a few days and I still don't have an item from Ludwig so I decided why not break into his house well he invited me to stay but the point is we're gonna steal some stuff right like I'm in this house and I gotta find something and it's a mess and it's dirty and no one really likes it and like ah how about this old coffee cup you know what I mean what was Ludwig's most famous event so the sabathon and what was the most famous thing from it the car look how does it actually look like that it looks like it's receded into the ground I mean it's a little bit of a project but I think people would love it no that's a piece of [ __ ] it's bad wow so Lovix Community loves this he bought it for 15K so I think raise a lot of money how Jesus I I the shipping is going to be astronomical let's not do this one fair enough see you Jackie Crocs [Music] Coots no Yingling no no this painting yeah [Music] I think I showed you everything that Ludwig cares about what about that this is gonna be perfect so without further Ado let's bring out the item I I stole somebody uh yeah he doesn't know oh oh uh yeah we stole this basketball we actually didn't ask yeah you're cool with it right I assume you'd be cool with it yeah I know that's why we stole it yeah we're auctioning it yeah why would you take this well actually it was really hard we had to fix it because the tire was broken oh you don't know how to use the kickstand it's my [ __ ] best spot [ __ ] oh she's gonna be broken by the time it gets to yeah this is functional this is real uh we just totally it's the best bud why would you take this take Jackie over this I've written this I have like 1200 miles on this puppy it's very new right you got this recently uh it was a gift from my girlfriend Connor she was cool with it if it was bad just like you know Kitty was totally fine oh my God all right well okay here's the deal all right because we've already raised so much money okay we've already raised so much money for the IDF so I think it's only fair that because we stole your item you can pick which charity this one goes to all right is that a fair deal I think it's fair deal right can I just keep it is a really [ __ ] great deal um I don't give a [ __ ] uh no I do care um make a wish all right I met I met a couple families from Make-a-Wish at VidCon I've told this story before I'm almost positive it was I met I shouldn't say this one of the families I met I'm pretty sure it's just the dad who likes me because the girl did not talk to me once and the dad was like dude I love your stuff and I was like I don't think that's how this is supposed to work but they were great they were great but I make a wish uh it's amazing I think every ten thousand dollars are able to make a wish come true so if it hits 10K one you've hit the price of how this costs retail and two you've you've helped someone make a wish pretty good so thank you for supporting the ID after in the Stream and this final item has been made possible oh it's stolen uh from Ludwig in support of Make-a-Wish America Make-a-Wish grants life-changing wishes to Children facing critical illnesses yeah you guys can see I'm reading the thing but for the sorry for the special final item you can join us and load again supporting these courageous children for the final item we have it's not right don't break it down we're just having some fun and we got a uh urgently need uh sorry what I didn't read it well why do you have the power to create the hope and joy they urgently need in their fight against their illness we went on that part yeah oh uh for the finalizing we have a different uh tildify link uh all contributions uh for that link will go to this item uh and directly towards the Summers of wishes fundraising challenge in support of Make-a-Wish children with critical illnesses are anxiously waiting for their summer wishes to come true and you have the power to create that uh the hope and joy they urgently need in the fight against their illness donate now to make a wish at this new link and make a huge Splash uh in the lives of wish kids their families and everyone involved in granting their wishes I wish you can change everything even you if you'd like to learn more about it how you can support Make-a-Wish beyond your generous donations today visit summer of wishes how are you gonna ship this uh uh I figured you would do that what I really you've got to sort out the licenses and stuff when you take like like Jackie Chan no no that was too easy oh okay all right well it's fine so uh for the IDF we did raise 328 thousand dollars was that a final total uh which you could which you can still uh help support that course but just for this item only there'll be a new link for this Vespa that will go to make a wish directly dude magic goes from like 400 bucks I could bid right yeah of course you can bid okay you've already spent you've already spent so much I'll just buy it back okay but if I can just go home with this I like this guy okay all right well we'll see if if they can outbid you I reckon someone online will definitely and they're broken this is literally worth it stop talking to me stop talking to me ten thousand dollars this would cost in a store start the auction buddy okay all right all right you can sit up there and look nice and pretty should we start the auction oh my what 5K ten thousand dollars from a song I would love to see Hassan riding around on Ludwig's wrestler we've got to blow it up let's blow it off you're [ __ ] with me you're not a lot of blood come on Alex it's smithereens10 you're gonna blow it up because your ass couldn't fit on this God damn it gotta got a weight capacity yeah you're gonna look at the bits up come on it's ten thousand what was that what are you gonna bid 10 000 attack by now wait wait ten thousand ten dollars oh okay okay ten thousand ten dollars twelve thousand dollars what I know the ten all right we're at twelve thousand dollars currently does anyone want to try and get this Vespa probably worth around two dollars five uh I think it's 3K this is ship stream from China we have twelve thousand dollars is at thirteen thousand what oh my God he's got Point close he has been dropping that we have thirteen thousand dollars do we have fourteen thousand dollars I know this can go for fourteen thousand dollars easily worth that amount and it's a lot of Express but you get the joy of either destroying it or writing it knowing that Ludwig has written it too so you can basically write Ludwig um anyway fourteen thousand dollars is all it will cost to take this thing home with you anyone to do fourteen thousand right now we have thirteen thousand in the audience any online bids are we waiting in to see it are you nervous I [ __ ] hate her son I just I just want to take this while I'm on stage to say that he screwed me over on the gavel this this lovely gavel and then I just don't like you you only bid 14 000. no I really don't I spent 10K today that's well under I think yeah we're actually 13. I think that wasn't it wasn't correlated correctly it was it was Eric's wallet but uh it's still Hassan's Biz we can't we can add it we're gonna we'll figure it out actually you know what get sold give it to that person if Hassan doesn't get it I'm happy okay we can lose 900. well Hassan is still currently you're 13 000 right is that okay I guess it's technically Alex right can I see okay well okay let's see if he really wants to commit let's okay we're getting here yeah anyone you can give it to anyone if you win this was yours oh if that donated it's theirs so if you wanna you wanna you can blow it up for 13 000. we have 13 100 you're gonna have to up it a little bit more if you want to blow up this Vespa it could be worth it imagine Ludwig's face no oh what a harsh way to put it the only one you're only giving someone one in a third of a wish but only on Zoom we currently have 13 100 from online bidder anyone in the audience want to bid more than that to try and get this Vespa no 13 200. you yeah oh he's doing 13 200. now let's take it back this might this might push Hassan over the edge I've seen this on his baby I've seen your bank account I cap you out oh oh stay quiet over there buddy that's a shot of four thirteen thousand three hundred thirteen four oh a song oh he's out he's out six four and quiet baby you're gonna win this bag I'll just ride it out of here all right do we have anybody online who is gonna outbeard thirteen thousand four hundred dollars me 40. talking about I think we can get a little bit more online as well this is a fully functioning that's about going around a great basketball I gotta call it a day again it's great look at it kick it I'm gonna get wait till you show it works right this whole thing this point it's got 1158 miles on it it uh it gets 34 miles to the gallon actually 50 miles to the gallon that's right uh you forget that because max speed of 60 miles an hour but once you go that fast it gets really scary uh that's that's all the specs I got for you I attached this buddy on not very sturdy but it's on there are you just trying to are you trying to undevalue it now you're just trying to get it to be less no it's this is a great vehicle okay not registered all right I think then we have no more online no registering I have not registered this vehicle have you been driving it I've run it all the time oh my God well we have fourteen thousand dollars and I guess if no one else wants to bid if you'd like to use this guy all the premium gavel oh the five thousand dollar gavel fourteen thousand dollars online going once going twice sold for fourteen thousand dollars here's your item back how do you feel about losing this thing dude did he sucked I ate a hardship I spent 10K that I didn't want to spend I got a microwave and a gavel for it and I lost my Best Buy all right it's fine we stay in Japan next time buddy okay all right okay well that is actually the final item for today so good we're done um uh we do have a video uh of thanks for Make-A-Wish for that item so let's go to that real quick [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you like Mickey Mouse yeah life has to offer [Applause] [Music] all right well that actually no more surprises that actually is the end man this chip is still beating me up oh Jesus why did I do that okay my voice just cracked we have raised a total of 328 thousand dollars for the IDF and we also raised a further 14 000 for Make-A-Wish uh before I get into the final sentimental goodbyes and all that I want to say a massive thank you again to the partners who made this possible uh aparri cash app Elgato make a wish and the IDF I genuinely very very grateful this uh it's been expensive so uh great thank you um and I I guess this is the part where I didn't plan it out I should have had a script but I just generally want to say thank you um I really really appreciate our people coming here [ __ ] it wow oh okay I'm just gonna cry [Music] oh [ __ ] uh thank you to everyone who's helped support this uh from off brand to my agency Geeks to everyone just coming here I really appreciate [ __ ] it I really appreciate it thank you uh very happy to raise this amount uh just so happy we're just surrounded by like great people here so thank you so much and this has been an amazing event I'm sorry um wow oh yeah I guess just thank you thank you to everyone who's helped just support everything I do uh it really means a lot I won't ramble on too long uh but thanks guys thank you so much I really appreciate it all right well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: CDawgVODs
Views: 618,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cdawgva, connor, connordawg, vod, stream, vods, cdawgva vods, cdawgva streams, cdawgvod, charity, auction
Id: EV7W0uRuPso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 278min 18sec (16698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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