We Became Americans for a Day and FAILED | Trash Taste Special

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has Corner broken something no no what's wrong honey you've probably touched your triple bypass Burger mad Stoney come to me [Music] ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome back to another trash taste special and for the first time ever we are going abroad guys International trash taste for too long we have commented on America without becoming American ourselves no so we decided for this special we would do the most American things we can imagine eating and shooting guns I'd be enjoy it America land of the free but how much we Trash Talk Americans it would only be fair to take part in their culture and what could be more American than shooting guns and eating enough food to kill an elephant a first American challenge was simple eat as much food as we could as fast as we could and try not to die of a heart attack this might be easier said than done boys are you feeling pretty hungry I'm starving I could destroy some food right now great well this is the perfect place because we can have a burger here at all my burger but we can't just have a normal sized Burger we can try an american-sized Burger how big are we talking about I absolutely have no idea our producers have not told us yeah so the producers have just taken us here we don't know how big this burger is going to be but supposing they're calling it a challenge so it's a well it has to be big enough so that it's bigger than a normal American sized Meal which is already too big for me so we're going to struggle I'm just here to clog up my cholesterol and my my arteries if I don't leave here in an ambulance then what's the point my doctor is still concerned for me all right well let's get to it then I just had a peek inside and that thing looks vile oh oh my what is that it's like the the if the table is here it's standing roughly This Tall did they just kill an entire [ __ ] cow it's like an operation in there it's like an operator there's like two people crowded around this thing I can't believe I'm wearing a white T-shirt on this day I'm an actual clown rip this t-shirt oh my God all right oh what is that are we gonna need another meal this week thank God we have fries for this I assume this is what they used to kill the cow that we're eating right now I can count there's six slices of bread seven eight patties I feel like I'm gonna get a heart attack just looking at this let alone eating this so what are your guys's strategy eat it just eat it just hate myself for the next 45 minutes I'm gonna take this cool and calm I'm gonna have a nice time you boys ready yeah I'm ready oh three okay uh all right I just just stopped oh my God where do I start maybe I can like separate this I don't think so I don't I don't think I can firstly issue how do you even start to eat this I'm gonna like separate this I'm just going at it like that are you looking for the bread there's plenty of bread to go don't worry oh it's so hot oh you have to like not think about it I haven't even taken a bite I'm already full just cutting this burger apart we were all pretty hungry so the first few bites were actually pretty damn tasty which is good mail and win is our next health check up in Japan what's the lowest score you can get on the health test guys I don't know but you're gonna show us right I'm dead dead oh I can't get it up at all right now we're at the enjoyment phase of the foods we're we're just legitimately hungry and this is just a great lunch as you can hear in the background we have an ambulance on standby soon though our bodies had hit their limit and all that was left was depression oh my jaw's getting sore it's because you're trying to tackle it with two bigger pieces Joey but they've got to go with the muffin pork one piece outside man why are you even trying I am trying wow this is too much help me help I'm [ __ ] full guys it's depressing we have civilized meals here why are you doing it like that how many cows died to make this a lot I think this is a whole cow right here I'm actually getting like meat sweats from just how heavy this is I hope this doesn't give me like a permanent fear of burgers because I love Burgers you're not going to finish that watch me this is a staple of food challenges we get to the point where everyone stops talking I'm like how do I be a YouTuber anymore yeah I just make avocado do it this is how vegans are born man I think I'm gonna throw up soon I'm actually not gonna lie don't say that man like I don't even taste meat anymore I taste oil and breathe something just the fries are really good [Music] he's just chopping it up in a small little bit so it looks like there's less it's just one bite I could do that 20 minutes left Stop doggy for a second just stop talking for a second I gotta think about this somehow eating a burger has been one of the hardest things I've ever done on trash taste the cycling special was nothing compared to this girl you look so sad I am sad this is not fun what's wrong what's wrong it's country even like a nibble even like a nibble was like the hardest nibble I've had in my life Joey's channeling like all his Stoner energy to like get through this man that Stoney come to me please I need the Chow that's a napkin it's time to stop I hit the most burger patties so I'm like I'm sure you didn't eat the most burger patties that's Joey this is five six uh four five six and I finished my fifth and this is the sixth but I finished my shape I can finish my shake too I'm gonna finish surprising I'll finish the frogs see it looks like he's winning because he's hitting his Burger behind here he put his Burger on top see shut up he's still half a cow on the [ __ ] table guys I can see why Healthcare is such a big thing in here in America it was time for the judging process but we all knew that the real loser here was our cholesterol we need you to judge who got the furthest is that the furthest yeah who ate the most look he's hiding some patties down there it's close it's very close between these two you guys yeah it started bigger it started bigger than mine let's see I hope you feel good about that wheel thank you I'm gonna go to the morgue now how happy do you feel right now oh it was not worth pushing myself oh three patties was also like gross but I was like so competitive that I was willing to put my body in pain normally I love pushing myself that's in the context of exercise and pushing my body pushing my body to try to eat more was just mentally and physically taxing sometimes there are things that are not worth a dub I think it's just depressing this is a lot about Society this this challenge but I guess that's all for our eating why am I still eating the fries the fries are so good the fries are amazing fries are amazing but that's the food challenge and now I think we're gonna go and die but of course no American visit would be complete without a visit to the gun range we are going to be trying out some guns this is the most serious you'll ever see us take a special there is no room to [ __ ] around I feel so American now I'm so excited I feel like I need a hamburger right now just to like feel the patriotism you know pistol in one hand hamburger in the other hand anyway we're gonna be shooting some guns today we have a bunch of different types of guns rifles shotguns pistols none of us have ever shot a gun before we're all kind of nervous I really don't want to hurt me or myself or anyone else I really hope you don't break anything today today's the one day you should not break anything please please Connor just today just today we'll be fine I couldn't have Apex Legends before this I've got my CS go Skins so let's just go and shoot some guns let's [ __ ] do it let's go now we are not gun experts at all but luckily we had some trained professionals to teach us how to safely handle firearms that would be even Corner proof hopefully well I'm immediately nervous are you guys I'm intimidated just looking at guns like you see guns and TV see guns and film you're like that looks cool but like seeing them in person are you [ __ ] intimidating I watched FPS Russia right that's uh yeah just like game of things just gamer things I'm a bit scared I'm gonna enjoy it too much you know what I mean you know what I mean because then you'll be like damn I'm in Japan I wish I could shoot a gun or damn I mean like pretty much any other country aside from America where it's uh legal to own guns it's gonna be like trying to shoot anything water bottles come on puppet our first job was easy just loading up the guns is this your first time seeing a real gun I mean I've seen a real gun like cops carrying it around and stuff are like not this close that one though oh my God it's a sniper rifle in the shape of a handgun they put a sniper rifle and a handgun oh wow that's heavy I mean it's metal I mean of course of course it's heavy it just feels where to hold this much metal in your hands we'll load the gun in wrong that would be bad shoot to myself it just comes there just like a mini Bullet Bill right like that like that oh no well I think you looked at it the wrong way the other way yeah he said it's really easy to put in but it's really not I have that or I'm weak this is way harder than I make it look in the movies it's the American Mario Party finish [Music] you only ever hear those click sounds in games it sounded a bit too satisfying when he clicked it and I was just like oh oddly so oh that was like a really satisfying sound oh no there's also a paper in here that has a trauma plan prage that we only need a Band-Aid today hopefully nothing hopefully nothing yeah although knowing how these special work I'm probably going to be the first one to injure myself somehow Connor please break your streak of breaking things please no choking today you got it so perfectly though it just I can't even tell yeah easy right easy right okay guys give it a try as a gamer I was up first to shoot the gun I feel like whatever I'm gonna do it's gonna be wrong I'm gonna stand back I'm getting this let's let's start like all the way let's go over the mountains make ready that means loaded up okay Connor don't [ __ ] this up I'm not going to so just this I've never seen Connor handle something so delicately in my life get your sights lined up okay I'm so nervous I think I'm gonna be more nervous when I pull the trigger three two one [Music] whoa Nice Shot Nice Shot got done when you said three two one and there was that pause there the trigger was like didn't go down enough did you get the ax I think I'd go close to the X yeah oh yeah you kind of got it to the side yeah it's nice nice that was nerve wracking my heart is pumping man that recoil is crazy he's not even counting down anymore three two one oh my god oh it's on the White I can't get used to it everyone else is like Stone Cold [Music] oh hit my head the jumping doesn't stop slide locks back like that means you're out of ammunition okay now you take a look at your target got a ton of them in the black that's right yes how's that shooting it the first one was so scary but the more you started doing it the more you're like okay I think I got control of the gun I'm kind of used to it like a little bit obviously not professionally but you know you get a little bit of a feel I think we just kept like every time everyone else is like standing like completely stealing me and Joey were just jumping every time I definitely think being the one shooting is less scary obviously next up was my turn and to say that I was feeling anxious was definitely an understatement oh these are heavy aren't they oh my God all right it's hot slowly increase pressure on the trigger until it goes boom okay ready three two one how does it feel your first shot Joey how did that feel so The Recoil is insane that's like the one with the least real coil just breathe normally Joey how are you getting on the Block oh you go oh there we go there we go you got that you got it oh [ __ ] hell Joey calm down it's a natural look at this man you've been playing too many video games Joey's the IRL gamer man all right oh it's some shaky dude last stop was me and I'd be lying if I didn't say I wasn't just a little bit scared of the gun are you right-handed or left-handed God oh okay sorry that's right that's not a good sign okay hold back ready to roll okay guns Hot three two one that was it oh my God whoa watch out what my hands are like shaking man oh my God that was that's like so much adrenaline pumping through your body my grocery is pretty good though yeah yeah yours is pretty good I got I got like three in the middle so yeah mine was just like all over the [ __ ] place Joey's a little more consistent than me but I got some got some Banger shot man maybe I should stop playing CS go do you know why I was saying that correct because uh I wasn't crouching so like that I forgot to teabag after every shot yeah it was time to dry out some pistols with a bit more of a kick to them needless to say some of us were still not used to firing them yet pick your favorite skin dude this is a pretty good kid I like this one three two one safety for real this time three two one oh that's got so much kick all right that was bang on in the center oh headshot baby one look at the accuracy Joey what the hell is that I just [ __ ] in the chest and then finish them off with a head shot million as an American has never shot a gun I really want to see mailing when shooting a gun just [ __ ] no you see this in like movies and games so much but doing it in real life must be completely different yeah this is uh this is a strange one oh how do people get used to this even if I've got ear protectors I don't got body protectors you know my body feels the shock wave three I think she's down right there's no safety there's no safety boys trying to trick me all right gone right there one wow that kick is crazy that's powerful enough to take down any creature in North America oh my God all right ready oh my hands immediately got sweaty I feel like you just gotta you know you just gotta not like fear the gun you know you've got to make the gun your [ __ ] you know guns don't kill people do you remember that people kill guns wait wait one holy [ __ ] I feel good the feeling I have right now is uh kind of like you know we have like a good session of sex and then then you'll sweat you're sweaty and the adrenaline's just running through your body it's kind of how I feel right now are you saying that guns are like sex I'm not going to say that but if you wish to interpret it that way then sure that's a bra moment all right let me try and get a better grip [Music] all this excitement from firing guns might have even been literally scaring the crap out of me [Music] at a time like this really I was really scared I was trying to time it with the gunshot so no one can hear it God damn it the guy literally scared the [ __ ] out of Joey it's scary dude look at it look at that thing as if we weren't terrified enough it was time for us to up the power back in the slide sound is so clean oh my god oh good luck oh my God this is the scariest one yeah never thought I'd be uh holding a shotgun today no [ __ ] that's scary you don't even need bullets in that just like [ __ ] it and I'm intimidated I'm like I'm like [ __ ] running the other way man pull it back and pull for it that's such a satisfying sound I don't know why three two one what the [ __ ] that recoil kind of looks like he's holding an RPG okay that was kind of cool [ __ ] they say criminals oh holy [ __ ] oh that's scary it's fun though oh my god get a look at that guy I mean yeah a little bit look how red that is oh [ __ ] this is so scary all right three two one oh wait hold on safety Joey don't make me [ __ ] myself mate three two one oh that hurts so much holy [ __ ] oh no no no no no you make it make that gun you're a [ __ ] okay okay good good I have to have the right feeling about it yeah mine's red yeah yeah mine's red it's like if someone just came up to you and just went like that yeah I guess so it just like pushed you really hard yeah like really hard and forcefully three two one you I felt my life flash before my eyes then man he's gonna fall in his glasses three two one all right oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] oh that sound never gets old I know it's like sex all right come on yeah boy that hurts look you're just getting beating the [ __ ] up I could definitely see why this is the gun of like get off my [ __ ] loan like because I would I'm [ __ ] terrified holding nothing all right well uh that's dead yeah whatever whatever that was is is definitely dead yeah what does it look in the back oh my Lord so Connor's gonna shoot the semi-automatic shotgun because he's curious because one wasn't enough this looks bad I'm the white guy here this is okay so I don't need to do anything it's already like loaded I'll just press to go all right just boom boom boom three two one that was clean Dude triple kill yeah that's pretty fun that's pretty funny I can see where everyone like that probably you did that in less than two seconds which is awesome yeah let's go nice three kills in two seconds but it was time to up the ante again and end things on some big boy rifles gentlemen this is a Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic like the AR-15 but it doesn't look like an assault weapon for according to California it's not an assault weapon so in their Infinite Wisdom the lawmakers they said oh this is okay because it doesn't look yeah right but it is semi-automatic just like that I don't know if you guys have noticed watching this but we are a lot further away from the targets right now a lot easier to shoot accurate with this so you guys are going to be great so I like less angle and then hold on just like this angle flip it around oh this way of course let's go in the wrong way oh my God my nerves all right this time corner you got this third time third time's the charm three two one let's try the other magazine where's that other mag Joey loaded it badly I did it for you yeah and he did it wrong has Connor broken something no no no you loaded the mag you they loaded the mag he just broke a gun he broke a rifle well done three two one [Music] oh his safety's on three two one [Music] oh really oh I just wanted to do that did you hear that did you hit it yeah I'm pretty sure I did all right good luck who's next my time yeah Joey three two one I can't even see a hole you see a hole oh that stuck so go ahead and pull this back this one feels way more casual somehow than even some of the pistols yeah the pistols have such a kick to them the initial kind of shock is kind of big but after that you can just three two one [Music] nice that was so much fun I think I get guns now [Music] three two one I love the bolt the bolt is so much fun it really feels like I'm shooting one that cocking back and forth motion is so satisfying one [Music] he's the number one tie Marksman it's gone look at the size of these things it's like so you want to marry my daughter huh this is the type of [ __ ] that Warlords make a necklace out one [Music] you feel like you're in a video game yeah you're like I get it I get that it's fun I hate to admit it it's fun it's really fun golf these are terrifying how big these are I would probably blow you away May then come on oh my God one [Music] holy [ __ ] that's the point of entry and that's the point that's the point of exit the victims of today California has all these strange laws one just makes it a feature of an assault weapon making it more dangerous cage up the front is a flash hider makes it make less flash at night right makes it an assault weapon makes it dangerous pistol grip is another feature makes it more dangerous according to the California law this looks like a video game this site it doesn't look real [Music] I can see why California thinks that's dangerous okay this is the most dangerous thing I will ever do in my life I promise mother damn he's feeling himself man that is way too fun oh my God [Music] oh it shouldn't feel that good it shouldn't feel that good of course we had to get our mum in on the action too maybe you want to shoot mainly you want to shoot your turn yeah it's your turn go on he's loaded it up you should try it so our mum is uh gonna be shooting now as well I was scared of the guns earlier I think I'm the most scared seeing Maylene hold that thing right now I like how Maylin didn't want to fire the pistols but I shoot as soon as she saw this she was like all right it's my time oh oh I see very therapeutic okay but that's enough for me no come on melee you're not gonna finish it come on finish it finish here come on [Music] I think it's done okay yeah it's done how was that fun but very sweaty you're always sweaty melee our first challenge would be a game of gun darts we'd have a single magazine to score as many points as we could now I've played darts many times never with a gun but I was still pretty confident I could win let's see if Connor can continue his gamer streak I've played DARS with Connor he's only good when he has a beer in his hand that's true with all British people Unfortunately today he has a gun in his hand so I don't know how effective that's going to be okay that's not good that's not that's not good scores at all wow oh wow I did not do good you got 54 54. oh my God seeing Connor absolutely choke on this challenge that I thought for sure he would ASAP I was definitely not feeling confident all right he's loaded up he's ready to go three two one he's gonna beat you man he's definitely beating me already going for that Bullseye a lot of Wands but I think it's uh yeah you definitely beat me I'm pretty sure wow so the entire time I was aiming for the bullseye all right and none of them hit the bullseye but let's see yeah 89. next up was my turn and Garland has to beat 89 in order to get the dog uh it was a mess that's it it's gonna be close that's gonna be really close wasted the first shot I think that was me getting used to it I think you might have won this yeah 129. come on baby let's go wait the protagonist power coming in again I'm just the side character again I've figured it out at the end of my pistol session but you just need to make the gun your [ __ ] right just make the gun your [ __ ] what happened to making your gun the [ __ ] no because because here like if you fear the pistol it's just not gonna hit there it's just like a video game you're just playing Call of Duty I wasn't fearing the pistol and it still didn't hit I didn't fear it I was just bad with Conor and Grant tied at one point each the final challenge would decide who would be the ultimate winner and the true American of trash taste the game was simple we had three bowling pins and a rifle whoever knocks them down the fastest wins this was my chance to fairly and clearly win my first special all I needed to do was to not choke someone's actually going first this time so I don't know can you choke if you go first probably probably maybe you'll find a way all right give me a three two one get ready three two one go on corner we're starting over he gets the practice for loading it up and everything we've all had a practice round we've all shot this gun he's had two practice runs that's not fair they say third time's the charm it needs his third time three two one oh does that count I don't think did he hit that [Music] 11.84 I feel pretty pretty confident about that it just like kind of knocked over it didn't look like it got I thought it was just gonna explode yeah I thought it was going to explode it's because they're little baby bullets little baby I thought like the wind blew that over no what are you on about I got it the first one looked really sus right the first one it just went it just went no no no no no no no I was down a point against both the boys and I knew I couldn't win but I could at least ensure that it would end in a three-way tie hey shoot is ready three two one don't mess up Joey don't mess up don't mess up okay he's got it [Applause] oh he missed he missed he missed oh he missed again what the [ __ ] oh we got it you got it I think oh he got it okay 19.28 I [ __ ] it up oh it was Joey that choked I thought I had that that's that's dude Under Pressure that's hard last up was me and this was my chance to win it all would my protagonist Powers kick in there was only one way to find out Shooter's ready three two one mess up mess up the bullets in the wrong way foreign [Music] like that you did not hit the second okay look look our goal was to knock the bowling balls over right what do you think I think he should do that one over again oh damn it and finally I won my first Trash taste special oh my it's insane the gamer power the gamer Powers wow I hit all of mine oh my God and in 11 seconds that's insane yes I actually won fair and square I thought I was gonna have to like prepare my lies to be like what if it falls over that counts or whatever but like I hit all of them let's go can't even try to [ __ ] his way still not fast enough I am the speed God is such a Negative still [ __ ] is that Connor's final challenge now there is one final pin up there you have to try and hit it no table support this is just for like big dick points this is big dick points yeah you better hit it okay I can do this come on one shot tonight three two one whoa did you get it I think you nicked the top of it oh but that counts yeah that counts I'll take it I'll take it we take those we take those we take those can I shoot the rest sure all right that's the real reward you get to shoot the rest oh he's missing and once it's in his hands no I'm doing a jury yeah it's a little harder when you're holding it huh that was fun this is great I should do this more I feel a bit more free after that I feel like I can drink a Budweiser eat a Starbucks croissant maybe there's a bald eagle somewhere around here that we can tame I feel like today we've become a little bit more American and me and gone a little bit more so yes than Jerry yeah you've got to pick up the pace congratulations Connor you're finally the gamer you finally won your first trash day special for once there is nothing we can say it's great it's great to have my second W uh in a trash day specialist while the cycling is okay okay okay okay I won and I'm kind of sad that I won the one that has guns in it because that's just why you guys kept joking about how I look nefarious with a gun like that you did you look terrifying listen I'm just a gamer you know I got the reflexes yeah it's really not fair you are like the FPS specialist we had no chance guns are scary and that's all right that's all I learned from shooting guns and now I hate Burgers yeah I never want to eat a burger again after that no it was disgusting but of course we can't do these trash taste specials without your guys's Support over on the patreon it was fully funded by you guys over on the patreon so thank you very much and hey if you'd like to see more specials out there because we have a lot more in the works or to support the show in general then head on over to our patreon patreon.com trash taste links in the description in fact four patreon to get some extra not only behind the scenes footage but an extra whole segment that we needed to cut from this special we filmed another segment with the race cars but unfortunately thanks to Aer Lingus [ __ ] us up when we're in America when we filmed we did not get enough footage to make a segment we were happy to put on YouTube so we've put what we filmed on our patreon if you want to see that segment so thank you so much for supporting us and we'll see you guys in the next trash day special bye thank you [Music]
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,138,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: k7AJ5Axj4Bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2023
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