We ditched Intel for AMD 3 Years Ago... Here's how it's been...

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what's up guys js2 cents here and i'm gonna do a talkie head video today so feel free to minimize it put on your favorite music or whatever and uh just just listen because with all the rumors swirling around about amd's new platform coming out new socket with that potentially new ddr5 memory i wanted to kind of talk to those that are on the fence about ryzen because trust me i was in that same exact boat as you guys where i was just like you know what there's no way amd could ever fight back and top intel when it comes to being top dog that was then this is now so we're going to tell you about what our experience has been like considering both phil nick and i have amd rigs here at the studio and phil and i've been using amd exclusively now for the last several years today's video is sponsored by ifixit and ifixit's father's day today's video is sponsored by ifixit and their ifixit father's day promotion and they figured the best way to show my love for father's day is to torture her with some father's day jokes are you ready how does darth vader take his toast on the dark side did you know the circle is the most ridiculous shape in the world there's absolutely no point to it i was going to tell you a dad joke about construction but i'm still working on it what do you get if you put ducks in a cement mixer you get quacks in the pavement so this father's day give your father figure the best gift ever by heading to the link in the description below where you can save ten dollars off any order fifty dollars or more by using my link and offer code dads2021 what do you think you like my do you like my jokes all right so without wasting a lot of you guys time going into like a history lesson on ryzen we've we've talked about it in the past we've covered obviously first generation which was like 1800x and 1700x and all that we talked about the 1.5 ryzen which was the 2000 series and 3000 series we're obviously now fast forwarded five years into ryzen 2 or zen 2 architecture which is ryzen 5000 series and with the newest generation coming out i believe rumored later this year i have no information on that i'm not embargoed or anything i don't know so i'm just telling you what i think the all the signs are pointing to i think it's important to talk about where we've come from in terms of kind of weirdness that we used to experience because i could never talk about ryzen without being like ryzen's great but it's kind of weird we have weird issues and and i want to talk about that because that is what i think puts off a lot of people so when we first started using ryzen i did a video and this is actually before phil even started working here i did a video where i always had my intel x299 platforms that's x99 and the next 299 and intel because at the time intel had the highest core counts in fact intel had the only real competition in town because zen wasn't out yet and they hadn't touched their platform since uh threat our bulldozer and excavator and all that which is the fx series so it was like i think piledriver was the last one but it uh it just was terrible it was a 2011 architecture it was bad it was not efficient they were like shared cash between cores and it was just terrible absolutely terrible and so intel was the only game in town if you want a high court counts and you had to go like x 299 and all that i did a 30 day here's how ryzen went using it for only 30 days and that was back when the 1800 x was the cpu that was that was the top of the line at the time not clowning counting threadripper i had issues with threadripper and that we talked about that in the past already so i've been using amd exclusively now here in the studio for about the last three years and phil has been using threadripper exclusively for the last what about two years maybe year and a half two years at least now phil has a perspective obviously from the production side of things editing videos how ryzen and premiere specifically kind of interact obviously gaming as well i on the other hand use my system because it's not the one we rely on to make videos to test out different hardware so i've i've been on threadripper i've been on standard ryzen i've been on the different cores within ryzen water cooled air cooled all of it and so i can tell you right now the weird issues that we always experienced with ryzen were usb drop-offs that'd be the simple one and the nice thing is that the chipset manufacturers and chipset bios writers and such and driver writers for amd motherboards like whether it be gigabyte you know asus msi asrock in the beginning rollouts were kind of slow seeing any sort of fixes and it seemed like well it's not seemed like it was the fact that companies initially weren't putting a lot of r d into amd products although it was a new platform because it wasn't proven yet and by proven i mean it wasn't proven that people were going to adopt it and build on it right away as in amd started getting back market share and having more ryzen processors in the field they started putting way more effort into bios updates which i feel like bios updates or amd boards are rolling out constantly some might look at that and be like well that's because they're constantly having problems no they're constantly tweaking things they're constantly getting better memory support they're constantly getting a better driver support in the chipsets and usb drivers and and m.2 controllers and all that sort of stuff so it's like everything has just been improving so the usb dropout issue was something we were experiencing in the beginning even on uh as late as like 3000 series processors where we'd be out here filming and then we would hear someone's system inside the editing den disconnect a usb device who would just randomly hear doo doo and be like whose pc was that i don't know and we would go in there and investigate whose mouse isn't working whose keyboard isn't working or who's you know whatever and we never found anything wasn't working so it's almost like it would drop off and never make a reconnect sound probably because it happened so quickly um it was just sort of annoying it's to say the least the other issue that i experienced uh more regular was stability issues with ram ram in the beginning was a source spot for ryzen because the way the cpu works with its infinity fabric and the way the chiplets connect on the substrate through the infinity fabric and the memory controller also being uh on the chip memory was always finely tuned for intel and intel really addressed it in a very traditional way whereas amd really brought a new architecture the completely redesigned way of having memory communicate with the cpu and how the cpu communicates with itself and the chipset even was very different and so what you would find is that you would have to run the ddr4 memory at like its base speeds or maybe a little bit above because if you tried to go anywhere near the advertised xmp profile or the extreme memory profile that always worked on intel with amd it wouldn't work or if it did work you would get some weird issues like you you'd load the memory speed which also loads sub timings which usually tightens those up too and then you boot the system to work perfectly fine you shut it down you go to turn it on and it starts boot looping just doing it over and over and over again and the only way you can get your system to reboot again would be to clear cmos or unless the motherboard was advanced enough to realize it had three failed boots and then automatically clear its own cmos or revert to safe safe settings then you would find that you know it would work fine again until you enabled fast ram and then it would start doing the same thing it would work perfectly fine or in the system you'd start getting weird hangs where you wouldn't even blue screen you would just have a system completely hang and it always boiled down to the memory well that's an issue that sort of disappeared now because once again like i said not only have we seen the bios become improved we've also seen the ram manufacturers improve their support for ryzen cpus where they can identify the platform that they're in and automatically based on the painting the platform they're in be able to run the fastest timings and the fastest memory speeds that they believe is going to be reliable now you could always go in there and fine tune it obviously and what you'll typically find with amd though is that the fastest ram speeds for amd is slower than the fastest ram speeds available for intel but again it's because i get this is newer architecture that's accessing that ram in a completely different way than intel is so you're going to find that discrepancy and speed fortunately now that we're up to 3800 megahertz and 4000 megahertz ram sticks running fine on both red ryzen and threadripper it anything beyond that we've shown in previous videos that is it's kind of a diminished return you pay way more for something you're not going to get any tangible performance increase out of so it's one of those things where that was an argument to maybe not consider ryzen that sort of disappeared the other issues that we would experience uh almost always came down to us screwing around with overclocks we like to overclock here phil likes to overclock i like to overclock we're firm believers in overclocking because it's extra performance for free if you have the cooling and the power and the robustness this ability of a motherboard to be able to push high core count cpus with the voltage they need uh and the power draw to be able to keep do it safely without blowing something up specifically a vrm or a capacitor or something like that but we found that with the way amd works often would slow down your performance because you were limit although you were getting a higher all core you were dramatically slowing down your single and dual core performance so it got to the point where even overclocking horizon kind of became pointless in this so you're just a tinkerer and got bored or you had a motherboard that is i think there's only one on the market right now that would actually allow you to set a separate single core and all core speed a lot of motherboards will allow you to do that now but i think it was the crosshair dark hero that was allowing you to really go in and fine tune it i'd like to see more motherboards provide that because then if we could say one single core up to five gigs which we knew they could do but then do all core up to like four four four five then you could you dramatically increase the performance that way but uh these are things that we're gonna seeing slowly come out as now amd's market share has climbed back to intel can't ignore them any longer they've tried for the longest time thinking that we as consumers would just not have faith in amd because they've been so terrible in the past with their fx series cpus they dramatically underestimated their enemy and yes their enemies it's kind of like the old that old adage in war right never react based on what you think your opponent's going to do react on what you think and know they can do that's how you need to look at battle if you will and they clearly didn't look and see what they can do they didn't they underestimated the talent that lisa sue had put together with amd and this is probably freaking a lot of you guys out going i never imagined jay would do an ad for amd i'm not doing an ad we're telling you our long-term user reports i'm telling you as someone that also had a hard time believing in the beginning that zen although great would have the legs to overthrow intel for ipc which we've seen now for the last two generations they are superior with ipc core count per cost and then just overall uh user adoption rate you if you look if you look at the cpu market share right now and how much amd has encroached on yes intel still has the overwhelming market share but if you start to look at like laptops and servers and desktops and all that stuff and you take all that into account yeah intel has an overwhelming majority but if you start just looking at like the steam survey and you start looking at average consumers that are building gaming rigs that is a much different story there and with that story motherboard manufacturers start to invest more money into the quality of the motherboards because they know people are buying the platform if you're a motherboard manufacturer why would you want to spend a ton of money developing an amazing board that's never going to sell because people aren't buying it or buying it being amd cpus so that's clearly changed and with that came a major stability increase with systems all along now everything hasn't been perfect first of all we'll start with my experience with gaming now i was running an air-cooled threadripper 3950x which is the 28 core variant with an air cooler and an air-cooled graphics card and all that because i we actually did a build on that if you guys want to remember that system you can go look it up and i use an air cooler which is something that's surprising to many people i was just curious can i run a high core count 28 core 56 thread cpu with air cooling and not have any issues and spoiler alert yeah it's fine but i ran a 1200 watt four power supply from asus a 2080 ti um i don't remember what brand it was but it was it was a custom i think it was a strix actually it was a 2080 ti strix card and then um obviously the 28 core cpu had no problems whatsoever until i dropped in 30 80. when 30 series came out i started getting random shutdowns when i say random shutdowns i mean completely random always when trying to game now to understand what that when i say only trying to game means your graphics card has basically two modes in a 2d mode which is when you're at the desktop and it's a 2d mode just with a higher core clock if you're doing things on the desktop like transitions and whatnot but when you go into a game it will then switch into a 3d mode where all of the gizmos and doodads in your graphics card designed to make your high fps numbers and all the magic come out those features will turn on it didn't matter what game i was playing i would always at some point whether it be right at the start of loading the game or in the middle of playing a game get a complete hard ocp shutdown now ocp stands for over current protection and that's where the power supply there's a breaker inside the power supply it's digitally controlled but it's a breaker inside the power supply that will just like on a the panel on the side of your house will trip and pushing the power button will do nothing it won't come back online it does that because it saves itself thinking something's going to fry because something said i need more power than i can give you now 1200 watt thor power supply should be plenty it is plenty it's more than more than enough power for the system that i had running it but what i found was that going back to the 2080 ti alleviated my problem in fact it was so inconsistent we tried to even make a video about it but we had to scrap it because we couldn't cr we couldn't make the product it's like when you take your car the mechanic and you go this is happening and he keeps his car for two days and he goes it never happens for us you pick up the car and it doesn't on the way home it's exactly like that we could not recreate the problem however if you look at twitter and you look at reddit and you just ask people in fact i even did a tweet not that long ago saying anyone in socal have a problem with their computer that continuously has any sort of an issue we'd like to maybe start taking people's computers and building they're doing videos about fixing them showing people how to troubleshoot over and over and over again i saw people saying they have verizon systems that will do random shutdowns when gaming but i'll see specific games on there like the new modern warfare and then i would see other people talk about another specific game i can't remember what it is but it was always like the same games but the weird part is going between a 2080 ti to a 30 80 is 20 what uh no 70 watts of power difference 250 watt versus 320. that's not enough to cause a problem but i can tell you having experience in the past with other power supplies and weirdness and the way the rails are set up and 28 core cpu if you have you know multiple rail power supply and depending on the plugs you have to plugged into in the back of the power supply you need to kind of split up the power going between the rails now the power supply should do it automatically however i never could get it to stop shutting down on me regardless of what i did with the power it wasn't until we finally just switched to the 5000 series which i'm currently running a 5900x this exact this is the box right here i haven't had a problem since whether it's on 30 series or 20 series in fact it's running a 30 90 right now with absolutely no problem whatsoever but that's an issue that i have to admit i could not get to the bottom of now sure i didn't completely unwire it and switch out the power supply but if you address that from the perspective of i'm an average user at home without a studio full of parts to just start swapping stuff out you know if you're having a problem with your engine you can't just swap it in another engine to see if the first engine was the problem right you don't typically approach troubleshooting that way but short of putting in a different power supply which i told phil over and over i'm almost positive it's something weird between the thor power supply and the 30 series graphics card we were running by the way we did it with founders edition graphics card same problem we did with the evga graphics card same problem and did it with the tough series graphics card same problem so three different graphics cards exhibiting the same behavior i i still believe it was a problem with that power supplies being very sensitive ocp over current protection built in i've experienced it in the past in fact the same thing happened with nick if you watch the video where we upgraded his system we upgraded him to ryzen put in all his stuff and then he started having random shutdowns when we were updating windows installing windows trying to install games he was getting random shutdowns until i swapped his power supply and then everything was fine in fact if you guys remember that but that was only a couple months ago that that issue happened now regarding the productivity side of it phil has been running uh ryzen now for a long time specifically on threadripper when he first started with me back in 2018 wow wow 2018 holy crap been a while right yeah over three years now we started him with a 1950x threadripper he had all kinds of weirdness with that one in fact i felt like every time i came into the studio if you were there before me his system's half torn apart and he's going ah just locking up again or it's being dumb or it restarts and the first generation thread ripper was rough it was rough i feel like it was like when a puppy a puppy dog in a big body you know some dogs like great danes and their puppies are just floppy and knocking everything over and their paws are too big for their bodies and they're just crashing into everything i feel like that was threadripper if you wanna know the truth it was a big great dane puppy fast forward now he's only used threadripper with the exception of a small stint of using 9900k because he wanted to use quicksync and there was greatness there but then once we moved back over to just hardware brute forcing it with redripper specifically with his 3970x which is a 32 core 64 thread with 64 gigs of ram system he just powers through timelines and such now everything was perfect with that system from the moment we built it in fact we have a build log on that that's the orange soft one you guys are all mad because it wasn't hard tubing even though you couldn't understand we had to be able to easily service the system because it makes all these videos everything was fine until one i wanted to overclock it once i want to overclock it all the weirdness happens and phil told me one day hey i got the system to be nice and stable i was like yeah what'd you do he goes undid your overclock so overclocking on thr on ryzen for the reason i already mentioned is weird because of again the single core and then gigantic amount of cores overclocking is weird if you just let it handle it itself everything's fine don't try to mess with the ram just let it run at dlcp just don't screw with it everything's fine timeline scrubbing was insane he's dealing with like four native 4k footage and he's like look at this this is absolutely crazy it's just he was like oh he was like super excited about it until we swapped out the 2080 ti to an rtx 3080. remember recently i did a video saying giving phil the upgrade he deserves because he plays games on that system obviously as well as produces all these videos he uses uh pretty much primarily the adobe suite we're talking about premiere and we're talking about after effects a lot of the functionality that he uses in premiere is single threaded so it didn't matter if you have 64 of them if it's only using one to do things like work stabilization or whatnot and i believe that's multi-threaded now at some point but depending on what effects he's adding in after effects there's a lot of single threaded performance that happens there so keeping that single thread core speed up and not screwing it up with the overclocks like i said is very important but the timeline that uses the mercury engine as well as cuda to accelerate it so when you're scrubbing in all that it's using the gpu to handle all of that playback when you start adding layers of effects and you start adding transitions and you start adding text and all that that's all handled by the gpu and he started noticing random just non-responsiveness in fact i've looked over plenty of times and i just hear him sigh and i look over and it's just a white screen and it's like i stopped responding and then he's like oh god here we go again or sometimes he'll go to scrub the timeline and if the timeline scrub will move the playback won't and he'll hit play any hard audio but nothing's playing back these are all issues that started when we went with the 30 series graphics card so now i've i've told you about one system that shuts off with 30 series and then another system that won't play back properly with 30 series and it doesn't matter if you he's tried studio drivers he's tried the standard drivers but the 2080 ti yeah he did he ran the studio drivers but he had an uptime of something like three months in fact let's mention that now we never turn our systems off here i think nick might turn his off but i don't turn mine off i let it go to sleep for days or weeks at a time which is something i never do at home because one of the things i'm looking for is will it come back back awake the early generation zen stuff used to go to sleep and not wake up just not respond or we've had issues in the past with a fill system like i mentioned with the 30 series he wanted to clean his keyboard and turn the system off it would turn off and it would just turn right back on for no reason whatsoever you tell it shut down it shuts down and then it goes i don't want to be shut down and it turns back on so these are the types types of weirdness that we had experienced but it's almost like you could correlate a lot of that with the 30 series upgrade which is really weird to us and we don't know why yet but it's been solid lately he hasn't had any issues and so we just kind of left it alone but these are the sort of weirdness that we still experience but i feel like our use case is a lot different than many people's work not many people have a full production threadripper system running and then another one like mine that's kind of a frankenstein that's always changing parts out that way we can test other things although that can't happen now that it's all rigid tubes we have to build another amd system to frankenstein around but i mean everything is is as time goes on i hate that that cliche of like it's aging like fine wine but it really is so there's there's still weird nuances to this platform but they're they're so rare now that we've been able to use them for years we don't even have we have one running intel system here in the studio it's a 10900k system that's part it's our test patch we don't even run intel in here period even our stream machine that we run our podcast off of is ryzen we are straight up ryzen fanboys at this point if you want to call us that because the performance is there the price is there the support is there but more importantly for us the belief in the company is there and this is why i am really excited for what amd's gonna be able to do with their next generation graphics cards now we're gonna be obviously waiting a while for that but if you look at the amount of just how far they came with radeon 7 and then vega 64 prior to that to the 6000 series graphics cards and how much gap they made up with nvidia sure they're still on par with nvidia's first generation rt cores and they're just now getting fsr which is their version of uh like a dlss to the table which is admittedly going to probably only be as good as first generation dlss but looking at the potential and looking at the trends tell us next generation graphics cards hopefully everyone's back online with their full manufacturing production can keep up with demand show us that we're going to have a real shootout i hope to see what we're seeing with what verizon is doing to intel happen to nvidia because lord knows they need to get their ass kicked a little bit for nvidia to start probably making some changes when it comes to the way they treat their customers the way they treat their their the overall market because they really do believe they're untouchable and i i think if you ignore amd long enough same thing's going to happen to you that happened to intel but if you're on the fence and you're like i want i want i'm going to build a new platform fortunately the cpus and motherboards and stuff are not nearly as impacted by the shortages as like graphics cards are because graphics cards are also a money-making tool for many people like the bitcoin and up bitcoin but ethereum and all the other coins um cpus are something you can still tend to to get fairly easily without crazy markups you owe it to yourself to at least do some due diligence and research on what people are saying about ryzen go to the the reddit amd or the amd subreddit because you might think that that's all fanboys there's a lot of people out there they're very honest about their their experience and are very quick to call out amd on on problems that that are that are consistent and need to be addressed you're not going to find just a group of fanboys you're going to find a lot of people that are very open about both being positive and negative when it comes to the brand because let's face it no product and no brand is perfect period ever end of story never gonna happen so i can tell you right now though i have never been more confident in recommending amd than i am today anyway guys sound off with your comments down below and specifically your particular experience if you've been running ryzen which generation is it what cpu is it and what are the pros and the cons so far for you i think you'll find some pretty wide-ranging experience but i think at the end of the day you're gonna find most people are pretty damn happy with their purchase anyway guys thanks for watching don't forget about our gpu giveaway we have a massive giveaway happening right now we've been plugging in a lot if you guys haven't heard of it you might kick yourself for not even taking the minute chance of winning because let's face it lots of people enter these giveaways at getting a brand new yeah it's an intel platform but hey it's free you can't complain about that but more importantly an rtx 3090 and all the gizmos to go with it to build a brand new system short of a case and essentially storage at that point so anyway guys thanks for watching it is worldwide links are down below as always we'll see in the next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 929,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amd, ryzen, is amd worth it, is ryzen worth it, amd vs intel, intel vs amd, can intel beat amd, can amd beat intel, which cpu should I buy, which cpu should I get, what is the best cpu, best cpu 2021, best cpu, fastest cpu, fastest amd cpu, fastest intel cpu, what cpu does jayztwocents use
Id: Fmj2kUk-xO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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