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He should make one out of clear tube and acrylic and show everyone the bubbles.

👍︎︎ 255 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I honestly thought Steve did an awesome job of explaining this. But it never hurts to have others say the same thing

👍︎︎ 234 👤︎︎ u/AlphaHated 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

"tubes up" / "nice build but flip your tubes down"

-- r/NZXT on almost every build thread

👍︎︎ 49 👤︎︎ u/Schnitzel725 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

The salt here is warranted. After the GN video, almost every PC build photo with an AIO mounted tubes up has one poster in the wrong end of the Dunning-Kruger curve going "Actually Tech Jesus says..."

👍︎︎ 147 👤︎︎ u/Maimakterion 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Good thing he made this. So many people are lost on the details of this topic

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/plaze6288 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Steve's video is just too long"

proceeds to make a 16-minute video

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Kozhany 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

It's a lot simpler just to get a heatsink like any of the Noctua offerings.

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/kuddlesworth9419 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Or avoid this whole mess and top mount the radiator.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kaltsone 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

I have to say as great as English YouTube is for many things. German hardware channels are often a lot better because they are part of or run by former employees of pc hardware magazines with up to fourty years of experience.

Listening to Igor from Igorslab is just on another level compared to even GN.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/constantlymat 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
so i pretty much had it up to my eyeballs with the amount of people that are weaponizing steve's video about aios showing people links to that video saying you're doing your aio wrong watch dave's video you know what you're doing wrong not comprehending the content that steve spent a lot of time and a lot of effort to educate you with that you were too ignorant to watch the entire video and don't even understand what the hell it is you're trying to share the information about so today we're going to do a too long didn't watch version with jay's touch on idiot's guide to aios so we've all seen it a million times you see someone that's like i just built my first computer and i'm so excited and they show a picture of their system that has the cooler like that the first thing you see is everyone going hey i want to sound smart so i'm going to share this link to people saying you're doing it wrong watch steve's video what we're referring to here is the orientation of the radiator like this like this like this like this like this these are all the different options that you have now let's talk about a few different things here because there's a lot of pieces to this and the unfortunate thing about steve's video is that it's just too long and the length of it has made too many people skip to the curb i don't want to say conclusion because they'll just hear some piece of information and they'll take that and run with it without understanding what it is steve is trying to educate them with what steve's video was aimed to show is that having the tubes at the top could allow air to reach the pump now almost every aio on the market with a few exceptions have the pump and the cold plate as a single unit every single acetech rebranded slash licensed mark aio on the market has a pump slash cold plate combo the pump is physically inside here now there are some variations to that in the market people getting around the asetek patent by putting an inline pump in the tube or putting it in the radiator directly kind of like nzxt does where you'll see a square in the center of the rad and that's the pump in the radiator so these are not going to apply what we're going to talk about today is not going to apply to those quite like they do with the pump and the cold plate in a single unit now let's first of all talk about the idea of air every single aio has some amount of air in it it is absolutely impossible to remove every single ounce of air whatever the air measurement is from an aio most of the time these are vacuum filled a lot of the time they're actually filled from the cold plate and then they're pushed and pulled out like through a little vacuum tube type of deal then the cold plate is put on in fact steve actually has a video about how aios are assembled it's fun to watch so i'm referencing steve's video here and and not throwing him under the bus he did a fantastic job of explaining the physics behind this the problem is his audience many of them did a terrible job at actually comprehending what they were look what they were looking at here now some air is always going to get trapped in there it's impossible unless you do a full on with a special port vacuum pull would you get almost all the air out now what he's referring to here later on happening in the air pocket in there that can grow is permeation and that is where air collects inside the system and will start to evaporate fluid through the tubing now that's going to depend on the material used in the tubing and not all aios use the same there's different grades of rubber there's different types of vinyl this one here is actually a rubber that has a a sleeve over it there's also fep tubing which is that really ribbed uh plastic tubing that's really nasty that one's actually known to permeate quite quite badly but the materials are going to depend on the amount of permeation there is or evaporation of the fluid through the materials now i want to point out that this one i'm going to be using here right here for example this is a celsius from uh fractal design this one here is almost three years old so we've got about three years worth of evaporation that's happening here so when we do some examples right now keep in mind that this would have had about three years worth of evaporation taking place some aios also will have a little port like a little threaded screw hole um similar to what you see right here with this alpha cool now this is technically not an aio this was this is a custom rad that was part of an aio kit that phil had actually purchased for when he had his external gpu and he was using this to cool it you can hear the air in this thing yeah that one's really obvious listen yeah it's all sloshing around but you could top it off that's the nice thing about this so if you have something here that can be topped off some of the physics we're gonna talk about right now uh actually don't apply to you as much as long as you keep it as filled as possible and you have that fill port at the highest point of the loop let's get back to the orientation when the tubes are at the top this immediately triggers everyone to start posting steve's video saying you're doing it wrong watch steve's video what they're saying is happening here is the tubes on the top allow air to move out of the radiator and potentially get trapped in the pump now where the air gets trapped depends entirely on what the highest point of the loop is i have almost never seen a case that will allow a 360 millimeter front radiator to be mounted lower than the pump now let's look at what i'm doing right here with the tubes i've seen over and over and over again people posting this stupid misinformation of you're causing air to get to your pump when the pump is like this the pump is even a few millimeters lower than the outlets of the radiator the air will get trapped up here now you might deal with some noise you might hear some bubbles kind of moving around up in here because what will happen is the air won't work its way down because the air and the actual rising of the bubble is stronger than these pumps so you'll hear it sort of get stuck up in here which could sound like a small aquarium usually you won't hear it this particular one you can still hear there's a little bit of sloshing in there there's definitely air sitting up in here now watch what happens i flip it over you still hear it sloshing at the top it's funny how air rises huh anyway it's not like the bubbles stayed at the bottom so as long as your radiator is even slightly above your pump you're not going to have the drastic effect of air being sucked into your pump reducing its lifespan now air getting trapped in the pump it's not great for temperatures however it's terrible for the lifespan fluid pumps do not move air and these pumps are actually being lubricated uh and suspended by the fluid moving around them so you can have premature wear you can have bearing wear you can have straight up pump failure so orientation number one this is how you see like 90 people doing it as long as the pump is lower than the inlets by even a few if we're talking perfectly horizontal right here now i'm not talking about the tubing on the inlet i'm talking about the highest point of the pump which is going to be up in here so as long as the top of that circle is level with the inlets or the outlet and inlet of the radiator and below you're fine you're not going to start sucking all kinds of air into the into the pump it's going to stay in the radiator right here ideally and what steve was trying to promote is if you can fit it like this if you have enough tubing length to be able to put your radiator upside down with the end tank at the top the air will get trapped here it will never have a chance of sucking air into the radiator or the pump which means you have a very long lifespan of the pump the very low likelihood of killing it due to permeation and air being trapped in it even if you had like air starting to collect and permeation in this whole top as air as long as you can still suck water into the pump it will still flow eventually you'll lose efficiency and efficacy because of the fact that the radiator is no longer full of fluid that usually takes years and years to happen so i've now turned the pump on and i've clipped my mic to the pump so that you guys can hear it listen you hear the motor hum so what we're going to do right now is we're going to move the radiator around a couple of different ways so you guys can actually hear the bubbles and percolation depending on the orientation so this is the best orientation you could do right here no change in sound right even though i just rotated the radiator all the air is at the top of the rad by by turning it the air is still the top of the rad is moved horizontal because as i'm moving the radiator that the bubbles moving in there like a bubble level you would see in a level now let's go ahead and flip it upside down the way that everyone says is wrong with the tubes at the top let's see if we can hear any sound of air make its way into the pump nothing changed let's now force air into the pump so you guys can hear what it sounds like there we go so air just made its way to the pump now let me show you what's going to happen next so you hear all that air in the pump this is bad right so what's happened now is the air is sitting right up here and it's moving around with the pump the pump is having to actually work harder right now and this is what leads to the depth of pumps but now if i go back the right direction check this out bear's trapped so this is now when you would have to turn the system off and you would have to work the air out and start like moving your system around try and get the air to move the problem with 360 radiators and the reason why you're seeing everyone mount them like this is because the tubing length is not long enough to allow you to mount it upside down with how far away the front of the case usually is plus there being a graphics card directly underneath your cpu so before you go sending links to people with 360 radiators saying you're doing it wrong it's upside down or it's right side up you should be upside down look at the picture i can almost guarantee you the pump is lower than the inlet and outlet of the radiator something else to keep in mind the air is never going to get trapped on the outlet side of the radiator it is always i repeat always going to get trapped on the inlet side of the radiator because any air that made it to the pump is still going to be pushed out then it will get trapped on the inlet side of the radiator which is where you're going to hear it perm or percolate and make all kinds of bubble sounds the outlet is always going to be fluid this is the other thing i don't understand why people don't seem to grasp the concept of is air is going to move to the highest loop a point in the loop it's not going to go down the rad it's not going to stay in the pump if it still has water flow it's going to get trapped on the inlet which means it won't get trapped in the pump i know steve did a plexi cut out on the top of the rad when he did this unfortunately i guarantee he never was able to get it as full as some of these loops can be when they ship from the factory which is why the permeation argument came up saying this is sort of accelerating and indicating what could happen with permeation over time but we need to talk about the way they're going to perform the way they also come out of the box but the air will always get trapped on the inlet side of the pump or the radiator not the outlet with that out of the way let's talk about 240s because this is where you have a lot more flexibility and room for error with the 240 it is perfectly possible to have your pump above the rad because you have a whole 120 amount of space that you can move it up or down if your case supports a 360 in the front this would be bad if you have a 240 rad there's no ai oh there's no reservoir or anything so the radiator or the pump become the reservoir and the air has to go somewhere so ideally if you can get your 240 in there and fit it like this this is ideal and that the air will always be trapped in the top of the radiator and this is what steve was trying to explain once it makes it through the loop and gets up here it's not the pump does not have enough pressure to push it back down the rad the actual rising effect of air inside of fluids is much stronger than this pump and it can't push the bubble back down it will get trapped in the top if you decide you're going to do a top mounted tubing in the front of your case with a 240 mount it as high as it can go so it looks something more like this the thing is we've seen marketing material and this is something else that steve was really trying to point out where nzxt themselves will show some of the small form factor cases with a pump on top and the rat on the bottom like that this is a this is a like the worst possible scenario in my mind the reason for that is the only place the air can get trapped is in the pump because if it's horizontal like this you can see the air can make it out of the tubes no problem depending on which is inlet and outlet i'm not sure which way this pump flows this is a death sentence for aio over time it will run fine initially if it's full in fact this is a perfectly full system that rattle you're hearing is like something in the radiator like a screw hole or something there is no fluid making sound in this so this would work like this until permeation happens over time and air starts to make its way into the system depending on the type of rubber they're using how long that takes it's dependent on the materials air will then make its way into the system because as the fluid is evaporating it gets replaced with air otherwise the tube would just crush it's the way permeation works it's like a it's an exchange happening the air will get trapped in the top of the pump it will kill it over time it was actually an nzxt aio that died for phil because he had to have it basically in this orientation right phil was like this sort of it's like this which which it was only a 120 a lot less fluid only a few fluid ounces of fluid uh which evaporated very very quickly um ideally if you can mount the radiator on the top this is the most efficient way to have an aio mounted because of the fact that the pump is on the bottom and the air will actually get distributed along the top of the rose like this so you actually would have a very thin layer of air across every single row in the rad and you would still have very good flow and very very good efficiency and transfer of heat happening through your radiator but the biggest mistake people are making is when they're automatically telling people mounting it like this is wrong that's wrong that's wrong that's sketch that's okay as long as it's below the level of the tubing and steve explained that and he basically said if you can't do it any other way than this then fine that's you're stuck but it will work the worst thing you'll probably experience is bubbling a percolation noise happening in the radiator because the air is getting trapped right there as it's returning to the radiator it's kind of going blah blah blah it's like kind of spinning the fluid's going back down it's coming back out here and you're getting full fluid return to the pump that is fine as long as there's no air in the pump and they get a full fluid return then you're gonna be okay i hope this helps shed some light on things because nothing irks me more than seeing very basic science like this be misunderstood and then videos trying to explain it weaponizing being weaponized and being shared with people to try and make them feel like they're stupid for doing it wrong when the irony is the person sharing the video didn't even understand the basic concepts of what it is that they were watching because they skipped through the video and or repeated something someone else said incorrectly about steve's video trying to make themselves sound smart so hopefully that's helped shed some light on things i know this video sounds extremely salty the salt is warranted we have had months now of this information being inappropriately passed around and misidentified and mis-explained on the signs that's actually happening behind aios to recap bad bad better doable best any questions
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 2,003,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to mount an AIO, how to mount a water cooler, aio tubes down, aio tubes up, best way to mount an aio, best way to mount aio, how to install an aio, aio installation, gamersnexus, gamers nexus aio, gamersnexus aio
Id: DKwA7ygTJn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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