Why are people still buying Intel?

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you know there's one thing I've learned is that a surefire way to get a lot of likes and comments and thumbs up and just favoritism when it comes to videos is to say something positive about AMD that's where we are today that's why I'm gonna go against the grain and I'm gonna do a video about why people are still buying Intel it's one of the most common comments I get on anything I talked about with Rison is where do people still buy Intel we'll talk about that today we drew up this video to bring you a special message from I fix it real I fix it by the makers of I fix you got a crappy graphics card that's okay I fix it that's all the tools you need to make your life better they're a dirty phone screen that's okay you can fix it with I fixes thirsty that's okay fix that thirst with iFixit mmm refreshing whose I fix it to fix your computer or even just upgraded cool I fix it can fix anything got a problem with your friends victim - with iFixit no appreciated your ends as far as expires good things they're not going to find out more click the link in the description below yeah I fix it exposure now I know this video has already triggered some and I know that some people have already hit dislike with even watching this but I implore you deplore the right word deplore okay I implode you to watch this video and just listen this is this is a there's two sides to every coin and no matter who you are or what you like whether it be cars or tennis golf you've got your fanboys that are in capable of listening to both sides so I'm only talking to those that are actually able to use left and right side of their brain and are willing to just have a conversation also this is a talking head video feel free to minimize it because I am not worth the inconvenience of the pixels on your screen to keep rendering this anyway moving on these are not in any particular order in any particular number they're just some reasons that I've thought of about why somebody would still choose Intel over the growing popularity of AMD systems here especially in 2020 now this information - I'm kind of just regurgitating a lot of the comments I've seen because our videos and our comment sections and I say our as in anyone that creates YouTube videos the comments are a great focus group if you will for the reasons why people do what they do and as long as you can filter through the hot garbage that exists down in the comments section especially amongst the fanboys that are just incapable of having a real conversation but more or less just want to spew a bunch of fanboy vile then you can actually get some pretty useful conversation that will help you think about some of these things alright so reason number one when it comes to why people still use Intel over AMD I find it to just be general stability Intel has been around a long time obviously so is AMD but Amy's architecture especially the rise in architecture is very young we're only in the fifth year of it existing really it's only been around for four years and what you'll notice with AMD is every generation rise at our Zen one Zen plus and Zen - basically every year has given us this new generation and with it have been pretty significant architectural changes and with that it makes every year like new bleeding edge cutting edge technology that along with it comes the headaches of being an early adopter now with Intel we are on 14 plus plus I think they have officially given it to pluses but we all know it's like sixty two pluses with a to the power sign on how long that architectures been around we're still on skylake I think it doesn't really matter I mean I don't really care what they call her what the architecture is as long as it performs let's look that's the way I think I don't care like oh this is Charlotte cotton process but the reason why I think a lot of people stay on Intel is just the general stability of it the motherboards support for it the BIOS support for it you plug it in you put the CPU in as long as you don't screw that up or bend a pin it works and it and I think for a lot of people that have building a system for something that stability is of the utmost important let's just say a workstation right uptime is very important downtime for repairs or troubleshooting is money and any time you have a workstation that isn't working it's just wasted money and I think that that does a lot of the reasons why I know that's a lot of the reasons why in like the corporate workspace when I worked in IT our 700 machines that we built and had to support we're all Intel there were a few times some of the IT fanboys in our company are the AMD fanboys in our IT in our company would push for AMD and there was a couple times we kind of deployed a few workstations with AMD just to see how it would went right how we Wed how it would go let's just say they all ended up with Intel systems inside of six months because the amount of support required for it was ridiculous now caveat that was FX that was FX series when that all took place and we were talking 3770k s and equivalent is eons at the time we've come a long way since then so that argument may not hold up but again it's the test of time time and being proven stability is I think a main reason people stick with Intel now if you're building a gaming machine again I think a lot of people go with Intel even though you can get more cores per dollar with AMD as games for the most part there's always those outliers that are gonna be contrary to the rule they are constantly benefiting from higher clock speed so IPC might be superior on AMD by a little bit not a lot and not a lot to make up for the fact that Intel still has a what for almost 500 megahertz advantage when it comes to single core performance over AMD that the IPC is just negated by the fact that Intel's giving you that many more cycles so instructions versus cycles when it comes to games unless we're talking really old architectures like a 5,000 megahertz or 5 gigahertz Sandy Bridge 2500 K is not equivalent to a 5 gigahertz 10th gen obviously because of silicon and IPC improvements there so the clock speed can't make up for the IPC improvement over time but AMD's current I think single-digit IPC advantage over Intel cannot make up for that nearly 500 megahertz disadvantage when you're talking about the five point two to five point three gigahertz overclock on tenth gen 10900 K versus the 3950 X or the 3900 X's four point seven gigahertz single core performance or goose beat turbo clock whatever they call it because turbo boost clock speeds thermal Genet over dry dynamics all the buzz words make me sound smarter but I'm sure some of you are like so who cares uh it's not that big of a difference well we've shown now that depending on the processor and depending on the GPU there could be as much as 30 to 40 fps difference between Intel and AMD clock for clock out of the box now speaking clock for clock when it comes to multi-threaded performance I'm sure a lot of you are saying yeah but J AMD's multi-threaded performance because via the amount of the amount of core is that you can get significantly outperforms Intel but I'm sure some of you at this point are like but J when it comes to multi-threaded performance you cannot doubt that AMD is superior well I do plan on making a video about why people by AMD today and why you should consider buying a and B there's two sides to every coin I'm not a fanboy and I'm not gonna just sit here and tell you all the reasons why you should buy Intel I just wanna this one I wanted to be devil's advocate cuz like I said talk good about the underdog which is still AMD your a ton of likes but that's not the reality all the time but anyway moving on when it comes to multi-threaded performance one of the things that makes Intel also very ins incentivising is the fact that the silicon and the process is so proven now and is being manufactured so well and the top and the yields are so good that you can often on any Intel CPU lock the core speed to all core boosts clock so let's say for instance 5.2 gigahertz on tenth gen 10900 K I from what I've seen so far just about every CPU can do it and beyond as long as you start to play with the voltage tuning like we've already showed so 5.2 gigahertz all core definitely picks up some of the gap of the core clock or the core count differences between AMD so that you know just the say of a10 core Intel tenant okay now and you've got a 12 core or a 14 core Intel or no AMD cpu the four point two to four point one gigahertz all core clock on AMD versus a one gigahertz faster Intel you'd be surprised what speed can make up for lack of actual threads so there's a lot to be had there and I think a lot of people when it comes to Intel that like to tweak and overclock and just have fun with their systems are probably more drawn to Intel just for the fact that every CPU that has a K on there is unlocked and the motherboards can handle it I think that's reason why people go with Intel now another reason why I think people still buy Intel is the proven track record of memory stability and support especially when it comes to XMP profiles to this day on Rison 3000 series even the XMP profile on Intel memory Intel validated memory remember pretty much every stick of RAM out there is Intel validated and now they're starting to go through the AMD validation process as AMD picks up market share and continues to grow and its popularity continues to go through the roof you can bet more memory manufacturers now are doing validation on Rison but when Rison first came out if you put in a module that wasn't unlike the list of four that were supported then your system wouldn't boot or it would baby boot at 2133 but it wouldn't work with any sort of overclock or XMP profile or deals do CP at the time wasn't even there was even called do CP it just wouldn't work so you would see main manufacturers come out with their AMD variants of the same modules in fact we have a few here you have some g.skill memory that like the sniper memory which has like the urban camo on the top I've got dims that look identical but one will have a do CP number written on it and say AMD verified or validated and then one will have Intel on it and I've not had them not work interchangeable today but it's one of those things where if you want to know it works if you want to know that the memory that you've bought is going to work with your system you can pretty much guarantee it's going to work with Intel it's been a while now since we've had particularly memory modules not work with AMD but even in the recent past we've had systems when we were testing 3000 series just not work with certain dims it's been rare but it still happens and so it's one of those things where if you just I think people when it comes to the ultimate theme of reliability and support are going to go with Intel but speaking of BIOS support Intel's BIOS are just way more solid than anything we've experienced on Rison since the launch of Verizon I'm talking about Zen one Zen plus and Zen - we still have motherboards here that give us so much weirdness when it comes to its BIOS and the thing is when you look at BIOS release notes and you go into a manufacturer's website for the motherboard and you look up if you want to know how stable the motherboard is if it's got periodic BIOS updates of like oh it's been six months since the last one and it's one number improvement and then it's listed as you know just general general stability improvements more than more often than not what you'll see in a BIOS update is memory support increase because new memory modules have come out and so they've got to obviously support that memory and they update the BIOS to give you the best memory support and then will be like other improvements and that usually is gonna be things like built-in sound card improvement built-in wireless and/or land improvement stuff like that maybe some RAID controller improvement but when you see on AMD there's a new BIOS launch like every month and every single one talks about stability stability stability stability as a consumer I read that and I think how unstable is this that they need a stability improvement every month and you'll see just a list just a massive list of BIOS that have existed for that motherboard says it's been out over the last let's say year as somebody that I'm putting myself in the shoes of someone that's not a power user someone that can't necessarily quickly and on-the-fly troubleshoot and get their system up and running when a problem happens I would see that and probably be a little turned off which might lead me to go with a brand like Intel if you go to the forums and you start reading of course it's hard like I said to SIF to the fanboy arguments let's say you go to buy a car and you find that oh this model doesn't explode as often you mean they ever exploded before it's kind of like I don't know if I want that Ford exploder anymore you guys remember the Ford Explorer problems where they were rolling over constantly because the tires they were putting on him from Firestone were blowing out remember when Toyotas throttles we're sticking computers so anyway you get my point right you start to hear about these things over and over and over and you kind of put off from it and it takes a while for you to take a chance with the brand before I'm actually move on to my last point I want to say BIOS stability though across Intel is not perfect either I was always an early adopter of X 299 X 99 the X the X platform and I can tell you right now you can find some videos on my channel where I had some pretty profanity-laced rants about how bad the BIOS were on some of those systems specifically money may facture related there they were very manufacturer specific on which motherboards that were giving me problems if you buy anything when it's new and it's the first of anything it's like again cars buying the first model year at anything new like a lot of people were surprised I don't have a Tesla and that's because the Tesla I always said I wanted was the model Y it's the poor man's Model X but this is the first year the Tesla Model Y has been out and I want to give it some time not to mention I want the 7 C variant which doesn't come out till 2021 but you can definitely guarantee that I've got my ear to the ground and I'm listening for how the user reports are coming back on the model I fortunately it's a system that has been now around long enough and they've had enough cars manufactured and overall the the way the systems work is kind of identical across all the cars the increased reliability and long-term user and obviously warranty reports and all that sort of stuff has increased and gotten better with Tesla over time versus what it was even just let's say eight years ago so yeah it's the same concept that applies to computers and I think that leads to my very last reason here I think people still buy Intel and that is just the general brand loyalty now brand loyalty is something you're gonna hear me talk against on this channel as much as possible and I'm sure a lot of you guys are gonna be like wait a minute you use eath using that goal with every motherboard and you're such an EVGA fanboy well that's because these are brands that over time have proven to me that they are worth sticking with I've been purchasing EVGA graphics cards since they started selling cards back in what 99 2000 somewhere around there I'm a 20-year customer not a fanboy a customer and when it comes to like ASUS motherboards again when it comes to feature sets and stuff ASUS motherboards and EVGA motherboards on my absolute favorite because of my personal use of using those those products but what you'll find is a lot of people that with brand loyalty will blindly defend a company whether they're right or wrong on something and kind of like what EVGA was having the problems of the 1080 Ti is black screen issue where they had apparently bad firmwares loaded that was affecting their V RMS and what just caused the the graphics card to basically shut off and give you a black screen we did a piece on that and we talked about it because it was a major problem and it's one of those things that just because I am a fan of a brand I wouldn't call myself fan loyal but I would say brand loyal but I would say I'm a fan of a brand it when they do wrong I'm upset about it just like anyone else but brand loyalty is why I think a lot of people go with Intel they and that's borderline fanboy ISM and that's something that I'm always gonna warn people against be careful don't be a fanboy just be a fan and there's something wrong with being loyal to a particular brand as long as they've earned that loyalty if they've earned it and they've held on to it then great but like I said there's two sides to every coin and there are very compelling arguments why it might be time to ditch Intel and we'll be doing a piece on that to so many guys thanks for watching today's video again just a talking head I've seen these comments non-stop everyone we've been actually accused of being AMD fanboy here because we've done even fill the other day was like we've done a lot of AMD content this year well it's because AMD gave us a lot to talk about and tell gave us what a couple new CPUs based on the 14 plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus plus architecture and the worst numbering scheme ever 10900 k not to be confused with the ten hundred X
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,230,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intel vs amd, amd vs intel, is intel still worth it, why buy intel, why do people still buy intel, are intel cpus still good, are intel cpus bad, are amd cpus better than intel, are intel cpus better than amd, best cpus, best cpu, best cpu 2020
Id: XdxBwipQK-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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