I switched to AMD from Nvidia

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don't buy an amd gpu they're literal garbage if you do your computer it won't even turn on if it does you'll try to run a game your screen will turn black you don't have dlss how will you trace rays in other words what i'm getting at here is if you read the comment section on the internet on a lot of well pretty much anything that features amd versus nvidia you're going to see a lot of comments saying that amd gpus are just not worth it they're a bad purchase even if they're cheaper than nvidia and this puts a lot of fear into people they think about the driver issues the horrible terrifying amd driver issues the amd software amd how could you be a content creator they don't have an n bank encoder so all of those issues and i don't think those issues are all just completely imagined out of nowhere but obviously you know the more extreme fanboy comments are a little extreme but how much of this is based in reality well that was when i was wondering when i actually ended up buying my rx 6800 xt what even happened why did i buy an rx 6800 xt honestly i wanted a 3080 and if you've been watching my channel for a while you may have already heard some of this in bits and pieces but some of you guys just clicked on the video hi welcome to the channel anyway so what happened was when the 3080 came out i was hesitant to try to buy it at launch i didn't even try and i probably couldn't have if i had tried because one thing it only had 10 gigabytes of vram which i was worried about the longevity of that at higher resolutions and i also thought the price was too high yeah i thought the launch msrp price was too high wow that didn't it didn't really age well i didn't think it was necessarily too high i thought it might be too high for me i didn't want to spend that much i usually have spent between 300 and 500 on a gpu my last couple were a art gtx not rtx gtx 970 and an rtx 2070 so i'm usually a skip a generation by the not the high end but the like like mid high right that 70 class card tends to be where i go so this time around i was thinking you know i might actually buy high-end but i was hesitant on pulling the trigger on the 3080 and then the price went up and up and up and up and up and it can't possibly go up some more no it went up some more it's gonna stop no it it it's still going up it went up for a long time and then it started coming back down a bit i'm like hey maybe i can actually buy one this generation and then it kind of flatlined and it's it stayed high and much higher than the launch msrp and at that point i was like do i buy a card at all well i made this youtube channel about it almost a year ago last october and i started generating enough ad revenue off of it that i'm not getting rich and i'm not quitting my day job but i can at least save up a few months to maybe buy a gpu that i can then use on the channel and that's what i did i had about twelve hundred dollars saved up from a few months of ad revenue and i was like i'm gonna buy myself a thirty eighty except i couldn't get an 80 30 80 for 1200 but i was able to find an rx 6800 xt that actually sat in stock on b h photo is where i got it for 11.99 and 11.99 is just an insane amount of money compared to what i would like to have spent on it but in the current market i just really don't see the prices coming down that much anytime soon hopefully when ethereum actually does fully proof of stake or whatever that is i don't follow crypto that much theoretically that's going to be our like oh we can now all buy gpu's moment i don't think so i think the prices might come down a bit but it's not going to solve the like global chip shortage and the inflation and increased costs and and just the fact that manufacturers know they can charge more now because they're selling out i eventually went ahead and bought that rx 6800 xt but i'm i'm not gonna lie when i was pressing that add to cart button i was a little bit worried because it had been a long time since i'd haven't had an amg gpu amd gpu that's a lot of letters i think i said i'm right anyway the driver issues the software issues i need that nvk encoder i'm a content creator is this going to be a huge problem so let's actually break down my real experience with this now that i've had it for what is it a month and a half two months now something like that i don't remember what day i bought it but what has my real experience been like let's break this into two categories we've got the typical gaming like what you would probably do and then there's the content creation for my youtube channel which may or may not be something that you would do anyway let's start with the actual normal gaming and then i'll jump into the content creation stuff after that so normal gaming how does the rx 6800xt do well as long as you're not to tr not trying to trace those rays absolutely phenomenal i bought it when i bought this uh 4k oled tv over here this thing is just phenomenal by the way i know linus just did a video talking about the burn-in on oled so far i haven't had any but i haven't had it as long as he has i don't know guys it's so good that if you're not if you're not terrified of the idea of maybe having to get a new one in a couple years because it burned in then i i can't recommend it enough it's just fantastic but watch my video on that if you're interested let's stay focused amd so for 4k gaming on that fantastic for the most part stays above 60 frames per second in any game i try as long as i'm willing to tweak a few settings in some of the more demanding games like games like cyberpunk you just gotta turn some settings down or resolution scale a bit and that's the thing at 4k you can resolution scale down a bit and get much better performance and it still looks almost identical to native and amd's fsr does a fantastic job for that in games that support it you have uh way more games coming out now with it than i ever anticipated because it's so much easier to add into games at least supposedly than uh dlss's and i i said supposedly but like it is easier to add to games considering we have apps like lossless scaling and magpie that i've reviewed they can pretty much just add it to any game although it's not as good as the original it messes up variable refresh rate has some overhead so don't get confused and and judge fsr based on those because they're adding it in at the end of the render pipeline they're not perfect they can be fun to play with though but it does seem like yeah fsr is just a spatial upscaler it's pretty easy out of games and at the ultra quality setting at 4k and at 1440p it's fantastic in fact at 4k i like it better than dlss so let's address that elephant in the room do i do i miss dlss because i had an rtx 2070 before this i would like to have the ability to use dlss but i don't really miss it that much honestly the main thing i miss it for is i used to do videos where i would test out side-by-side image comparisons with dlss on and off and i don't do that anymore because i don't have the ability but in my actual gaming i never really used dlss unless i absolutely had to and i couldn't get playable frame rates by tweaking the settings a bit because dlss adds in image artifacting like ghosting and thing and um can cause weird things like in cyberpunk a lot of like straight lines would end up kind of jaggedy and shimmery when you're in motion i do say in motion because a lot of times people like dlss actually makes the image look better than native well there can be some situations where that is the case especially if it's replacing a bad anti-aliasing implementation in a game but in general the little uh advantages that it gets kind of break down a bit in motion and overall i'd always prefer a game to have dlss off if i'm able to get good settings and frame rates without it so when you knew when do you really need the lss well when you're trying to trace those rays and to be honest i even when i had my rtx 2070 and was playing at 1440p i didn't really use ray tracing there either because in general i just don't think that tech is at a point where gpus can really use it effectively to be worth the cost because the cost is either a massive hit to your frame rate and or having to turn on a technology like dlss or some other resolution scaler like fsr which don't look as good as native they just don't and so unless the ray tracing is just mind-blowingly good and i can still get pretty good frame rates i'm generally going to leave it off unless i could just get good frame rates with it on and there are games like that even at 4k like resident evil village for example where the 6800 xt can nail it and at 1440p i think it can do just fine in ray tracing single player games if you really want to i did a whole video on that as well now speaking of 1440p and gaming performance the 6800xt is so good at 1440p that my pc actually can't even handle it i need to upgrade my cpu if you stay tuned to the channel sometime in the next few months i'll probably do an entire rebuild where i port over the 6800 xt but build on a high-end cpu new case new power supply ram all of that anyway the point is at lower resolutions i'm oftentimes bottlenecked by my cpu which is an i5 9600k it's not a terrible cpu um but the 6800 xt is just that powerful so really i'm absolutely happy with the gaming performance have i run into any of those drivers issues where just games just go to black screens yes yes i have maybe you weren't expecting that you thought this was going to be all positives nope this is not all positives although i will just mention i did occasionally have driver issues on nvidia cards too it's not like every game always worked perfectly instantly at launch and never had problems so have i had issues on amd yes the main one i noticed was when i was trying to test out metro exodus enhanced edition i was getting frequent crashes where it seemed like my pc stayed on but i lost the signal to my monitor and i'd have to hold down the power button on the pc and turn it off all the way that way and turn it back on that happened a few times other than that i think i had something similar to that happen once in cyberpunk right after they did the did a new patch update so i think and it hadn't been doing that before so it seemed more like a cyberpunk is a buggy mess issue then that was really amd's fault other than that i have not had driver issues in gaming wait till i get to content creation in just a second i'll expand on that a bit how about the software i've done a series of videos reviewing amd's software features i absolutely love it and i think it's beats nvidia hands down nvidia has geforce experience and they have their control panel amd combines both of those things into their software all of those features and more and i think it looks better it's convenient to have it all in one place and i think it does as good or a better job now if you're talking about gameplay encoding with the end the actual encoder itself again i'll review that more when i get to content creation rather than straight up gaming but i'm able to do some really good overclocking and undervolting right there in amd's own software i don't need to use any third-party stuff like msi afterburner unless i want to it has great performance metrics that i can overlay when i'm doing my benchmark videos especially when msi afterburner isn't compatible with another game this one's been working for me amd boost is kind of neat i played with that amd chill is a really cool frame rate limiter and then some it's not just a frame rate limiter there's really cool features in there not only that but some people have issues with custom resolution like white custom widescreen resolutions on this oled tv i just set the resolution and away i go it works flawlessly with amd so take that nvidia honestly i'm not on a side here if we're talking about the red versus green battle here in my opinion companies might act more pro-consumer than the other one if they feel that's in their best financial interest but companies are not people and they aren't good or bad generally they're just out to make a profit in whatever method they see is the best way to make a profit so i don't like either company and i don't hate either company i just like competition and i'm happy to see what intel hopefully brings to that competition in the near future so to sum up my gaming performance yeah i wouldn't really be using ray tracing if i was on nvidia anyway and i'd avoid dlss unless i absolutely needed it in the games that i actually play the 6800 xd is absolutely crushing it i don't really need more performance although i'll probably buy a new gpu when they come out anyway just because i have a youtube channel where i where i uh you know review things anyway so jumping over to content creation here i have seen some more issues so let's just start with the encoder if i was a live streamer that would be a bigger issue because here's the main difference i see between the encoders amd's encoder can capture fantastic looking video but i need to set it to a higher bit rate than nvidia's to get an equal quality uh quality footage so that means my file sizes are larger now that's not really the end of the world for me my uploads take a little longer and it's a little harder for my pc to handle it in the editing process but if i was a live streamer that would mean my stream just didn't look as good because at the same bit rate nvidia looks better amd can look just as good at a higher bit rate but when you're live streaming there's a limit to the bit rate that you can go to so if i was a live streamer that would probably be a big deal although you can also just stream using you know your cpu cores or something rather than the built-in encoders if you have a good enough pc to handle that the other thing with content creation that i've noticed is obs i use obs to do a lot of my videos and in that program there's a really annoying issue sometimes i record a video and then i want to record again and i click record again and it's not recording it's just stopped it didn't work and i actually have to close the program and restart the program to get it to record again and not only that sometimes when you close the program it didn't really close i actually have to open up my task manager and kill the process otherwise it's still running in the background and this absolutely is a known issue between amd and obs and it like i think it's documented in the drivers as a known issue so unfortunately it's a really annoying problem now that i'm aware of it i can work around it but it's still annoying and when i first was dealing with this and didn't know of this issue i lost hours of work time and videos that i could have made i've run this channel as a hobby on very limited free time my daughter's eating lunch right now and i'm trying to quickly record a video while she's while she's doing that okay anyway so yeah that lost me some time it was annoying i can deal with it though other than that not really that many problems in my da vinci resolve editing program it i feel like things have been a bit slower but i think that's actually because i'm dealing with higher bitrate files because i'm recording at higher bit rates because i don't have the end banker encoder so it is still related to an amd issue so other than that things have been going just fine now do i regret the purchase should i have just saved up a bit more for a 3080 absolutely not so if they were the same price i would buy the 3080. if they're not the same price i would buy the 30 80 if it was a little bit more 50 more maybe a hundred dollars more but probably not to be honest because those few little issues aren't that big of a deal honestly i think you guys don't be afraid to give amd a shot unless like ray tracing is just your thing and you have to have it also dlss versus fsr i actually prefer fsr at ultra quality at 4k but at lower resolutions i think dlss does a much better job especially down at 1080p and especially if you're at 1080p and like rendering significantly below that so the more aggressive settings which i would never use personally i do think dlss does a better job so it would certainly be nice to have i'm interested in ray tracing on a future series of gpus so right now i don't think nvidia's 3000 series even is that a place where i would be using ray tracing at 4k because i'd prefer the high frame rates and without having to heavily use dlss and that's a personal thing you might care more or less so i think if it's like hundreds of dollars different like when i was buying this i could get the amd gpu for twelve hundred dollars and the in stock 3080s were more like sixteen hundred dollars or more it's not worth a four hundred dollar difference at all for me i don't regret my decision i don't think you guys need to be scared of buying an amd gpu yes there are some issues they are real but they're also completely overblown okay i hope all of you have an excellent day
Channel: Daniel Owen
Views: 751,635
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 04eP-Zb_4mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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