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so i was perusing through reddit this morning i don't do that very often sometimes i i feel like i need a shower afterwards but i digress uh i was kind of when i'm trying to look for a topic especially as we're going into this extremely busy launch season we've got new cpus from amd new graphics coming from amd new graphics coming from nvidia new cpu is coming from intel that's four major launches they have tons of testing and stuff that have to happen in between but you know what these launches also do force people to start having this internal internal dialogue with themselves like is this now the time i should upgrade should i upgrade to the newest thing should i just get the the previous generation maybe a top tier of the previous generation now that it's discounted so today we're going to talk about that we're going to talk about for those buying or building their first computer not those that have experience building and those that are upgrading the current system i'm going to talk specifically to those that are building their first system and maybe give you some food for thought of where to shop that we can get the most for your money without necessarily overspending we've talked about the overspending discussion in the past but this is those that are building an entire system the reason for that is the amount of people i found posting in just the last 24 hours pictures of their part setups of like hey i'm finally building my first system after this whole pandemic pandemic shortage and scalping pricing thing it's like people are building again so let's talk to those that haven't spent their money yet so that you can maybe have some things to consider the new h7 series from nzxt offers tempered glass side panels tool-less panel removal for easy installation front and top side 360 millimeter radio support and integrated cable management bar for clean cable installs to see the complete feature set and variations of the h7 available including the h7 flow follow the link in the description below all right so we're going to focus kind of specifically on cpus slash motherboard and graphics um ram storage and all that sort of stuff ram is kind of a side bar so kind of a side product of cpu that's going to turn kind of ram you go with but storage and case and power supply and all that sort of stuff those are all secondary because they depend on what the main component tree is that you get but you have to ask yourself some major questions here what games are you playing right so i'll kind of give you the topics here first and then we'll sort of break it down so what games are you playing are you playing triple a super hard to run big studio titles which always are going to leverage the latest technology because remember they get subsidized funding from either nvidia or amd or both to utilize technologies that are coming out or going to come out or have come out to utilize that tech so there's that are you playing indie titles titles that are not necessarily that hard to run are you playing older titles you're just kind of getting into pc gaming now and you're going back and playing titles you've always heard great things about and you want to experience that story before you even get into the newer stuff um what resolution are you playing at 1080p qhd or 1440p 4k are you playing ultra wide super ultra wide super super mega ultra wide i don't know they keep getting wider not necessarily taller so what resolution obviously are you playing at uh and then obviously what's your budget because budget determines everything none of that other stuff matters because if your budget doesn't allow you to shop for any of that stuff right if you for if you're not buying a 4k panel doesn't matter doesn't matter what 4k has to offer it's just not in the cards right so these are the things we have to talk about so first when it comes to the titles and the developers that's going to indicate where you should shop budget aside where you should shop for your particular use case so if you're going to go back and play older titles like you've never played cs go but you've heard a ton of stuff about it saying i want to play the cs go game you don't need a really high-end system you don't even need a mid-range system the only people that care about that are those that are playing esports when it comes to cs go and competitive because they need the ultra high refresh rate and the ultra high fps because it has to do with input lag and latency and all that some of those things like unless you experience it at that level you're not going to even notice that that type of input latency at 300 fps versus 600 fps and that click took two milliseconds longer therefore you died the average gamer doesn't care about any of that crap you don't need high-end hardware to run that are you going to go back and start experiencing the far cry series where you're going to start a far cry 1 which could run on a potato today and then work it's your way all of the far cry 6 which would need the latest hardware to get a decent you know frame rate at even 1080p do you have to ask yourself what titles are going to play because the hardware that you choose today is not only affecting the titles you can play now and titles are already launched it's going to affect how long you can play into the future before a new upgrade is required and the only reason i say that is as developers are developing titles like i've said they do have subsidized funding to use certain tech from the from either cpu or gpu or both they also are going to have a expected gaming experience for the end user that's why you see minimum requirements minimum requirements do nothing but say the game will actually do a system check and say it has met the requirements and load the title and they don't always not load they don't they don't necessarily say hey you're below the minimum specs you can't run this title it's just the title will run and then you'll be at like 15 fps and you'll just be unhappy but there's an experience that they want you to see there's lighting effects they want you to see there's shadows there's an ambiance there's there's an entire experience they want you to see not just play but see and uh if you're below those specs and you have to turn that stuff off it's it's a it's not the experience they expect from you it's just like how a cinema cinematographer shoots in a certain way an editor is expected to present that to you as the viewer of a movie in a certain way games are very very similar so the story driven and then there's obviously the visual effects that they want you to be able to see and if you're below where you can turn those effects on then the game may have may have some lackluster you know visuals to you if you all you care about the title and the story then put it on low and off you go hey there's a shirt idea put it on low and off you go when it comes to the hardware though there becomes a point where if you hang on to your hardware long enough you're going to be below the minimum specs now that would be years and years and years 10 years probably before you're below minimum specs in fact a lot of games right now even aaa titles the minimum specs sometimes even reference amd fx okay that's all that's back like 2009 2010 era okay maybe in 2011 i think when they stopped sort of advancing fx but i digress that's a long time ago so as you can see it stays relevant you're able to load the game but it's not going to be the best experience so if you're going to buy hardware today if you buy anything new coming out intel 13th gen amd 7000 series nvidia uh what is it now 4000 series amd 7000 graphics even if you buy mid-range low end whatever when it comes out in the current gen it's going to stay relevant into the future it's just obviously like an rtx 4080 would stay relevant longer than say an rtx 3060 just because of the horsepower involved cpu that's an area where you could certainly uh save some money i think see most people have get caught up in the glamour and such of graphics cards that's that's your bragging point not many people care about what cpu a person's running that's not the bragging point it's the i've got this shiny new 4090 ti yeah you're gonna get two responses i'm jealous or you're an idiot for spending that much money like those are the two responses you're gonna get and obviously you have to especially on reddit you have to have thick skin if you're gonna post your system because you're gonna get critique and you're going to get praise both of them so and remember all of that critique and praise is based purely on subjective opinion not fact it's it's your money it's your system you buy whatever you want so that aside an rtx 4090 obviously would last a long time into the future but cpu-wise cpus become less relevant slower and longer than graphics graphics when it comes to gaming is still like the end-all be-all experience effector if that makes sense it's the thing that's going to determine for the most part your gaming experience the only time the cpu really starts to come in is if you're playing some super cpu intensive title like sieve far cry actually has a lot to do with cpu microsoft flight sim has a lot to do with cpu anything big open world minecraft has a lot to do with cpu and it's funny minecraft people say well it's just blocks have you ever actually seen the size of a minecraft world there's a video out that shows all the different game worlds compared to each other and the size of them minecraft is bigger than the earth okay it's a lot it really it's not rendering all of it at the same time but it is huge and if you start adding things like shader mods and stuff like that it can really bring a system to its knees quickly even modern systems today so don't discount minecraft as being something you can play on a potato you can on low settings but if you want it to look good and you absolutely can then the highest end hardware is going to actually be best for you on that but cpu does not become obsolete nearly as fast as graphics so right now like the sweet spot on cpu is honestly going to be any sort of 8 core 16 thread 6 core 12 thread or even 4 core eight thread depending on what cpu it is and remember cork and core count and logical processor count is not created equal because i keep seeing people say something like well i'm on a 7700k you know that's a four core eight thread that's fine why should i upgrade a four core eight thread cpu that's five six years old with the new four core eight thread they're not cross comparable like that it's all about architecture it's all about ipc it's all about clock speed there's so many things that determine that so saying just like clock speed itself is not direct comparable ipc or instructions per clock how many cycles or how many instructions is that same cycle able to produce on this cpu versus this cpu but you know at the end of the day if you're building a gaming system most that just doesn't matter it only shows up in benchmarks and the end experience unless you're gaming on something like 1080p with a high end graphics because you want that 300 hertz monitor to hit 300 fps isn't going to matter because the easiest way to bottle like a cpu would be put a super high-end graphics card on a 1080p game or a 1080p panel and play it in 1080p then your cpu is going to be like oh my god what are all these frames what do we do with them and then what you'll notice is that there's headroom and extra fps that graphics card's capable for that you aren't getting because your cpu is holding it back so there's a lot of mixing and matching and component combos out there that are basically endless but right now if you're building a system and you're waiting for next gen whether that be intel amd or nvidia you're the kind of person that probably none of this information is going to matter because you're a lot like me you want the high-end stuff and it doesn't matter it just you want the bragging rights you're gonna buy top tier anyway it's not gonna matter and you know what you're gonna probably be like me it's gonna sit there it's gonna look pretty good on a benchmark eventually every now and then to make yourself feel better see where you rank and off you go and go back to work and then you play the thing once a month that's the reality of a lot of people when it comes to real work real world jobs and then having time for gaming where the hobby is building the system not necessarily playing on but if you're the average consumer you don't have that luxury usually so mid-range shooting somewhere right in the middle let's say the new um 7600 x that's an amazing cpu coming out the problem i mean it's 300 that's that's still an expensive cpu but not it's not that expensive if you really compare to you know 700 cpus thousand dollar cpus remember for a while there intel 10980 xes those were 2 000 it's insane things have kind of come back down to planet earth when it comes to pricing but 7000 series probably not necessarily the system for you if you're shooting in that price point in that mid-range let me tell you why it's because the new stuff is going to have is going to require ddr5 now ddr5 has come down to price a lot however when you go when you go with the latest stuff you're required to adopt the latest another indicator or another factor here that might matter to you is are are you absolutely defiant and re resist and will not upgrade windows to windows 11 then none of that matters because you're gonna be required to run windows 11 for any of the latest software or any of the latest hardware when it comes to cpu for instance 12th gen requires windows 11. that's just because of the scheduler when it comes to what to do with e-course and p-cores you can run 5000 series amd on windows 10 and i haven't tried older so i can't speak to windows 88.1 and all on windows 7 and all that personally but you're required to run it on the newer stuff because of the scheduler you can guarantee am5 is going to also require windows 11. they haven't said it but i guarantee it's going to be the case but i still think right now an amazing combo that wouldn't cost a ton would be something like a 5600x 5000 series amd and zen 3 architecture has been absolutely amazing it's been it's insane how good it is it's ipc is amazing it's clock speed a little bit lacking but still higher than zen 2 and zen 1.5 and zen one high enough ipc is great bottlenecking of games pretty much non-existent you know depending again on what graphics you hook up to it still runs ddr4 which is a heck of a lot cheaper than ddr5 which means you can run low red motherboards motherboards have been developed for 5 amd 5000 series already all the way down the stack down to your 100 motherboards so you can get away cheaper ram cheaper motherboards cheaper cpu you don't have to run some crazy ass cooler because it uses a ton of watts like intel wood amd is still very efficient in terms of temperature management so you have to run some crazy cooler which means you don't have to run some giant case that costs a fortune with the 1200 fans in there you don't have to run a thousand watt plus power supply because for graphics you can get away perfectly with something like a 3060 or 360 ti or on the amd side you can get away with something like a 6600 right 600 xt um 6700 even amd is a lot cheaper than nvidia right now even with the price drops and if you don't care about ray tracing or any of that stuff then you don't care about all the extra rt cores and stuff that are found in you know 30 series and upcoming 40 series nvidia stuff you play all your titles at high settings 1080p even 1440p no problem whatsoever again panels won't cost you a fortune because of the fact that you're not shopping in 4k and 1440p panels that are ips and high refresh rate and fast response time are going to cost at 250 300 bucks for like a 27 inch panel so you can run multiple panels if you wanted and then not those would cost less than a single 4k ips hybrid refresh rate hdr panel because all those extra acronyms all they do is add cost but for the end user most of the time it doesn't matter to them only the enthusiast would care about any of that sort of stuff so you can see like where i'm getting at here as the next gen stuff comes out the older gen stuff obviously becomes cheaper specifically on cpus and and whatnot the problem is if you wait too long now that we have intel 13th gen which is going to be ddr5 only remember 12 gen is shared ddr4 or ddr5 depending on the motherboard you go with but with am5 coming out being exclusively ddr5 and 13th gen coming out exclusively ddr5 you're going to notice ddr4 is going to start getting really cheap really quick and then become really hard to get and then it's going to shoot up in price really high which is what ram has always done becomes really cheap as it's going out and then as it becomes scarce the price goes way up so if you're looking to buy a system right now buying the mid-range to upper mid-range of the outgoing generation is typically the best price to performance that you're gonna get the only thing is obviously there is a limited upgrade path with a lot of that stuff specifically regarding ram and whatnot as it goes into the future you're looking at an entire system upgrade anyway when it comes to cpu and motherboard and all that and ram if you decide to upgrade but that's the typical upgrade path anyway for most people but that's the problem with pc and i think that's where a lot of first-time buyers become extremely confused is the fact that there is like an endless amount of combos that you can come up with on mixing and matching parts lastly um budget budget is gonna matter if you're if you're very budget conscious and very budget-minded you're more than likely not gonna shop the latest gen anyway there's a ridiculous value in outgoing generations you know it's not like anyone on a 5000 series cpu right now come the end of september when the new stuff comes out from amd it's not like your system suddenly became city your system did not suddenly become obsolete or old it's not like your performance suddenly got crippled in some way guess what when the new stuff comes out nothing changed for you at all so one if you're sitting on that hardware don't feel inclined to upgrade just because the new stuff came out unless you're a douchebag like me and other folks who like to just have the latest stuff to brag about it it doesn't matter for those that are buying for the first time the same thing is true for you the performance of that stuff did not change all that changed was the ceiling but where you are has not moved in that performance in that product range and obviously if it was worth it for those people to have it and they're enjoying it and they're showing enough and they're liking it there's no reason why you couldn't do you can buy amazing stuff at lower prices right around the time when new stuff comes out the only time that that's kind of been weird is is when it comes to graphics cards depending on the situation and that when 30 series first launched because it was kind of unprecedented with botting and scalping and cryptocurrency mining and all that sort of stuff 20 series was kind of gone immediately but this time we know 30 series is gonna exist for a little bit longer as 40 series exists so you have some time there to kind of kind of plan out your next build but your budget right now what you could buy for 1500 which i think is a good solid budget for an average gamer and 1500 is a lot of money that's a lot of money that's a few car payments that's a rent that's that's a lot of stuff you can do with 1500 bucks it's more important than a pc but if you're the position to be buying a pc and that's your budget you can get an amazing build for that amount of money including like a 30-60 and including like a 5000 series cpu and a decent motherboard and ram and a case and extra fans and cooler and all you could you could get a killer build for that amount of money when the new stuff drops we will be doing some build guides that show where prices land and what you get for a certain amount of money just six months ago fifteen hundred dollars would have not even bought you a 30-70 single component graphics card like one piece of your system so right now it is a i think paul did a video talking about why it's one of the best and worst times at the same time to build a system it's the best time only because of the fact that prices are back to where they were in comparison to where they were back to where they should be based on where they were but it's also the worst time because you're right on the horizon of new stuff i highly recommend going and watching his video as well because he gets some really good advice in there and it's always good to kind of triangulate data and see what other people are saying and see you know what works for you i hope this video has helped hope it doesn't seem too discombobulated and all over the place but um i think there's a lot of people right now that are just kind of pacing the room wondering like what should they do at the end of the day it's your money do what you think is best for you and the timing that works for you if you've got any advice for any people that are about to build their first system ever getting into the the pc scene and have never been here before sound off in the comments below what you think your best advice would be to that person thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see you next one
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 643,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PC Building, pc build, gaming pc, first gaming pc, how to build a computer, how to build a gaming pc, first gaming rig, first pc, my first computer
Id: iwXm_rbJ2uA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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