We Built This $1,000 E-book with Chat GPT

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what is going on everybody today it's going to be a really fun one we are going to create using AI we are going to create a brand new digital product that we are going to sell and be ready to go in minutes using this AI tool right here this AI tool right here and one very simple page set up using a Sam card template Jordan what is going on today is going to be uh a different one I'm excited yeah we're putting a profit Playbook to the side today we're going to try to build an AI powered digital product that we might even try to sell this weekend everybody's heard about AI you've talked about this kind of stuff we're super excited to show you guys the tools that literally you guys could create something that is ready to sell in minutes we're gonna do it live here literally on the call so uh Jordan let's get right to it okay we're gonna focus and create a product for Jordan's brand I don't know if you guys I'm familiar with this Jordan has a brand called the million dollar edit that is basically for video editors and uh you can see why that would be appealing to Jordan that's right yes so uh Jordan we were talking about beforehand was okay if you had to if you could snap your fingers and create something that's short and quick and you know like ebook style type thing you know I mean like a premium blog post that you could turn around and start selling to your audience this weekend what would it be and you gave us a title you gave us after we talked about it for a little bit what is the name of this product that we're going to use AI to go create and sell right now yeah the natural step for my editing students is they want to go on to YouTube so they always have a lot of YouTube questions afterwards so I think we're gonna try to make some kind of like YouTube launch kit YouTube starter kit something to say like here's a checklist or uh a set of guidelines or an ebook or a mini course on how to start your very first YouTube channel I love it and those those you guys who are watching with us right now you can literally do this with us Jordan let's head over to chatgpt and check this out you guys have known this is an open source free AI Tool uh that is called again it's called chat GPT I'm sure you guys have heard about it it's from the guys at open AI uh they're doing uh really really cool things with this but basically Jordan what are we looking at here right chat GPT is an AI that you basically say hey AI go write me 10 headlines about XYZ right go whatever it just and it returns a whole bunch of stuff looking at the old internet learning machine learning AI type stuff it is wild right so yeah it's been a lot of fun to use this um you kind of can you the power of it is based on the prompts or the questions or the things that you ask it to do uh so as marketers uh we've been kind of playing around with it you know give me give me some fun headlines write a blog post write a uh catchy email newsletter create a create a click bait YouTube uh title and give me 10 different versions of it and then also what am I one of my favorite ones was right for you you wrote like before we get on it was like right clickbait headlines for the YouTube checklist start again yes and they were so cringy terrible but it was perfect it was exactly what we asked it to do it was unbelievable and they were terrible um anyway but so let's go ahead let's start writing right so let's open up open up chat GPT and let's start writing this product we're gonna write an ebook well the YouTube launch checklist right so for us when we go to start and create something from scratch you go to create a new product if someone is saying okay cool what should I go make that is going to help me monetize my audience I'm going to turn followers into customers what should I create right you always want to start with problems all right so here's Jordan down here at the bottom Jordan you have typed in what are some problems that beginners have when starting a YouTube channel I'm gonna try to zoom in as much as possible yeah uh just kind of asking that you know give me and then say uh give me 10 examples again it will think about it and this is like a great way to kind of like get in the mindset of your customer of like what are my customers problems what are they thinking about uh what are what are some things that maybe on this list that I could go tackle or solve today or think about uh dude creating a product and we got like not having a clear focus on the niche or Channel zoom in on those two because I want to see this again what did we ask we asked what are some problems that beginners have when starting a YouTube channel right an AI or chat EBT goes out in the world and pulls stuff from popular YouTube videos from Big blog posts from you know whatever and returns this list let's just read through some of these not having a clear Focus or Niche for the channel not knowing what equipment or software to use difficulty coming up with ideas for videos lack of Confidence from the camera how much of this stuff sounds familiar okay if this sounds familiar to you guys watching like drop a hell yes in the chat because literally I mean it's not perfect you know what I mean but dang that is these are all just kind of like trailheads that you can kind of run down to you say like okay you know a lack of I I know I've worked with a guy who makes a course about lack of confidence on your camera so like uh if you want to be better on camera like you could say hey I like problem number four and I'm gonna go try to solve that problem and try to create an ebook a course a a service whatever I want to around that specific problem so uh so yeah these are all early problems that people have we could even say um you know what are some objections that people have to starting a YouTube channel let's see I'm gonna make sure you spell everything what are some objections and it will you know now you can kind of get in the mindset of people lack of time lack of confidence uh lack of resources these are all just now it's like we're starting to think about we're getting in the mindset of our customers what are their problems uh what are they experiencing every day why haven't they solved this problem what's holding them back uh and then this is also going to help us with sales copy if we're thinking about writing some sales bullets or some headlines or some uh Facebook ads or YouTube videos about how to solve this problem or like if I can talk to your problem if I can talk about the things that you're going through and struggling with uh then then I can start to create a solution for you I can create a product around it so I love it Jordan go ahead and scroll up because I think what we I think what we're what we're getting here is I think we're circling okay cool I we're gonna zoom in on on one or two of these problems right for the YouTube launch checklist right so something like lack of time lack of confidence lack of resources scroll back up let's go to the top again to the the problems that people had I think the best one that we could help with in the YouTube launch checklist is going to be like problem number one not having a clear Focus or Niche right so let's let's say we pick one two or three of these things how do you dive in and get this thing to start writing an ebook that is maybe gonna get you and remember guys for those of you guys who are watching this at home if you've never touched an AI tool like this before AI tools are not going to get you 100 of the way there they're going to get you the 95 of the way there right but we can take a lot of the repetitive head lifting out of this stuff by using tools exactly like this so now we're going to say okay cool chat gbt you helped us figure out a problem that we want to go solve right now let's start writing maybe we want a 2000 word blog post about this topic right about the idea of I need a focus and I need ideas for videos right like I mean Jordan you're the YouTube expert you know I mean like for you why don't you pick the problems that you think your audience would be about and let's pick yeah let's see that will become the basis for this book and let chat GT start writing so let's see write a uh what are you gonna say write a book outline yeah let's do it okay all right let's run a book outline for some of these problems and then I can uh and I can what I can do is like copy paste some of these problems so let's say not having a clear Focus for the channel yep uh and well definitely number three difficulty coming up with ideas I think is a great one Perfect all right so yeah let's do video editing and and post-production which one was that oh yeah number two there we go yeah yeah and so and you kind of write all this out in very like plain speak normal English you don't have to like think of like special syntax or whatever uh so write a book outline for some of these problems and then you put a little colon and say not having a clear focus and this and that um and anything else we want to add to this guy like to tell it how many modules how many pages or just say let's make it let's make some magic I you know I would say make it make it aim this say write a six part outline all right so you get to like write a write a six part outline yeah and uh aim this towards beginners all right so now it's gonna go to work here we go writing an outline introduction fun module number two finding your Niche finding your Niche look at that guys literally AI is creating this for us right this very second how about that that is freaking absolutely wild and this has massive implications for anybody who is writing blog posts anybody who's creating digital products obviously that's what we're doing here again we are using AI today to create an ebook that Jordan is going to turn around and sell to his audience and make an extra thousand dollars this month from this one thing so uh uh pretty damn good so we have an introduction and the nice part about this is like these are if I'm having writer's block or I'm not sure where to go um I could just start to use these as the bullet point so I'm I'm not writing an entire book I'm not writing you know from page one to page 300 I'm just right now if I just had this outline I would just start right here and just explanations of the importance of having a clear Focus write a couple sentences about that and then if I don't want to talk about this right now I can scroll down so say all right let's write a couple sentences about tips for identifying interest and passion and then you just that's how you kind of slowly piece together your ebook or we could even tell Chad gbt to say hey write a little bit more give me some tips for identifying uh your interests and passions give me some techniques um but this is our outline and it's pretty solid too for Success let's take a look at some of this content too look at tips for Success right um what's this importance of consistency in uploading maintaining and schedule strategies for promoting your channel and getting subscribers advice for staying motivated and avoiding burnout Jordan I mean as the YouTube expert is this a good outline you know I mean like like what percentage is this in terms of like accuracy and good this is pretty solid like this is if I'm just starting from Ground Zero I have no YouTube experience like yes like figure out your Niche figure out what you're passionate about um come up with some ideas how to record how to record a video how to stay successful you know we talk about this in the like in course creation challenge like how to maintain and troubleshoot and like keep going like once you've solved the problem how to keep the Habit in place um and then conclusions you know a lot of points covered encouragement for the future uh so we can start here what do you want to take it now love it yeah let's let's start writing I mean so let's go to go to the tips for success and let's have it start writing like let's take the bullet point number one right yeah write 200 words write three paragraphs write you know whatever about out how to be consistent in uploading and maintaining a YouTube schedule for YouTubers and let's see let's uh and then you can add these kind of tone things so I'll talk to you about this a little bit Scott but you can like you can say like in the tone of Joe Rogan in the use witty tone use be funnier uh and even you could say like one of our favorite marketing books breakthrough advertising you could say like use the principles of breakthrough advertising to write this or a great one is to use visceral emotional language which is great for sales great for just like getting into you know if I'm reading with my emotions I'm really more engaged than just like kind of reading a lot of facts while Jordan is is doing this one I I was gonna say you go ahead and hit enter one of my favorite ones that I saw Jordan is I saw somebody who said Give me a recipe somebody like posted on Twitter it was like give me a recipe for lasagna written like the King James Bible and it was just the most glorious you know like it was because it was just it was crazy it was absolutely crazy but that's the cool part is you can then take this kind of stuff and tweak it and say you know what no I want it to be a little more lighthearted I want it to be you know hey dive into you know the specifics of how to make a great thumbnail right but I mean look at this thing right chat GPT is literally writing our ebook right before our eyes so there is consistency is crucial for any YouTube channel particularly when it comes to uploading and maintaining a schedule like some of it is a little Bland some of it's very a little robotic but that's where you've got you can take this you can copy it and then you start to inject your own okay I wouldn't use this word I would say something like this add you know add your personality add your own personal flavor to this kind of stuff but this is again a great start I love this one we can say rewrite it to be funnier we could say make this shorter let's say uh you know rewrite like you'd even say like rewrite this at a sixth grade reading level and uh be funnier and again here's the cool part guys is that this book your ebook that you could turn around and start selling is coming to life in front of your eyes right and so you know here we are let's we're gonna have it rewrite as a sixth grade reading level right and give five action items using seven words or less I like that a lot so you can be really specific it's like you know you can say like write me a blog post and then give me some action items and then write a 100 word summary about this and then give me 10 blogs action items to be consistent this is so cool set a schedule and stick to it brainstorm new ideas regularly stay updated on Trends use good equipment software so freaking good and so Jordan basically what we made an outline now this is now a really filled out one piece of the whole outline you know what I mean I mean what do we just we just had it basically write section five bullet point one right pretty much yep and then uh and then we can you know not to say dumb it down but you know if you write it we don't have to write it at a 10th grade level we can write it at a fifth grade level so that everyone can enjoy it read it uh and then add some action items you know the great part of bullet points are huge in the digital writing world if you can summarize something if you can you know design writing to be skimmed and scanned uh and yeah so you can just do this over and over and over until you have your ebook ready or it's a whether it's going to be a 100 page ebook or just a simple you know 10 page ebook ebooks don't have to be uh these big long encyclopedia volumes best eBook we ever created ever in the history of what you know Brian and I this pre-sam card kind of days about that was like I mean it was like 700 words but it was really valuable and it would have been even faster with something like this right guys if you guys enjoyed that demo of chat gbt again we have where this is it's a free tool we have nothing to stand by by checking it out but again we are using AI to create a digital product we're gonna use an ebook right here right that you guys could turn around and start selling in two seconds right so let's move on to step number two all right so we use chat GPT that was one AI tool now we're going to move on to a different AI tool but we're going to take what chat GPT gave us okay and go over to a tool that has built an AI tool that is built for design okay so Jordan a little bit different on this one right let's go ahead we'll bring this up this is a tool called drop deck okay and so the tool again that we have here we are not affiliated with drop deck again is another free tool but it is an AI tool for design all right and so here's the really cool part you guys can see right here I've kind of been messing with it a little bit but let me go ahead I'm going to go back to my dashboard and just make something new kind of from scratch right so this tool right now is designed to create keynote slides right but it is perfect and I mean perfect right for someone who is you know if you're trying to uh create and design a PDF you're trying to create and design a keynote that you're going to speak over to create a video course like that kind of thing right it is so unbelievably simple right so so let's just start I'm just going to title this deck is the YouTube starter uh starter what is it YouTube launch checklist that's what we said yeah why not there we go we could ask gbt for some like uh titles of our product or hey you gave me a catchy title give me 10 different variations right so let's have a a title slide is the first thing we want to do here right and so let me go ahead but you know what I can do is I can actually using AI stuff I can say all right cool let's uh let's change some of these layouts right so it's got a bunch of kind of pre-designed layouts and let's say I want that one right there right but now I can click and I can replace this image and I'm going to start training you can see right now the AI is already recommending okay it's recommending images based on what I've already said right so you know the word launch like a boat launch so yeah I kind of went the wrong way on that one right but again you're training the AI so if I said cool YouTube launch checklist here's my cover image right there I can click on this and say you know what what are my what what colors do I want to use here you know I mean maybe we'll use like a blue color theme and and that's what I want right there and then the more that you start pasting in your outline and your content you're going to take what you got from chat GPT right and you can see right here I actually brought some stuff over into a Google doc and if all I do is just bring some of this stuff over right like I actually took our uh I took our six-part course outline right and if I just copied it and you could bring it over right from from chat gbt but if I bring it back over and I just click new slide and paste right look what just happened all of a sudden I have all kinds of different slides that are nice and laid out I can uh change any one of these things right so if I click on a slide I want to change the design of and I click on this this button right here right you can see it's going to start uh you know giving me different options I can add uh extra images if I wanted to kind of double click on this one uh thing here I'm gonna go ahead and just insert and see another image yeah like the secret sauce of this is if you do not have any design skills and you know a lot of people say like oh just go over to canva but with canva you still have to have some design skills like understand the principles but with this it's like hey we've already got it kind of lay it out for you we've got some nice pre-made templates for you that all you have to do is just kind of you know drag and drop or or choose whichever style and flavor of slideshow that you want to do exactly right yeah so if I come down here again I say all right cool I want to change up how some of these things look I mean now it's going to start giving you more options right now it's learning and I get a chance to say all right cool you know what I like this uh I like this kind of side by side thing and I want to keep going with uh you know my my blue outline here right and then I'll go to the next slide and it's cool this is Introduction to setting some things up right so if I want to say you know what this isn't really a title this is a subtitle you know what I mean and now I want to click on the magic wand again and what's it going to do it's going to continue to deliver more and more well as I click back there it's going to deliver more and more options for uh what this thing actually looks like and I just clicked into the different one sorry new one new one we just made but you guys can see how easy it would be to start designing something that looks really really solid again using virtually nothing I mean yeah this is all we've done here is some some AI generated imagery right and we're gonna just start bringing in you know more stuff as we kind of work our way down through this uh down through this whole thing right so if I click on this slide right here I say you know what I don't really like the way that one looks I'm going to change that from you know a title to a subtitle you know and I'm gonna say all right cool I want to click on the magic wand because you know what this one this one needs a different layout you know I mean I I need this one should look more like this and I'm going to bring in an image you know up here you can move things around you can bring in uh bring in additional imagery it's going to continue to kind of learn so here's what's really cool as I've now brought in more and I bring it back up to this one as I've brought in more imagery that's about video and about YouTube and about that kind of stuff right if I wanted to right I could bring in I could bring in whole sections of my text you know I mean so I could bring in an entire paragraph bring it back over here come down and hit new slide right and I'm just going to paste this in and now it says cool so now it's learned and it's giving me some more layouts right it's again it's learning from the imagery that I've brought to it uh and yeah I mean you could you could do this entire thing you could bring your book in here you know step by step so if I said all right cool here's my five bullet points that we had from that one section that that chat gbt brought our way right I'm gonna click new slide yep it's got clarify like what we're building here it's like this could be your ebook this doesn't this doesn't absolutely be the entire ebook yeah 100 this could be your entire ebook and so here's the really cool part right is that for you you can see how in just a little bit of time either you could create a slide deck that all of a sudden I click record screen and I'm gonna start talking through it say hey guys welcome to module number one right first we're going to talk about introduction you know introduction to YouTube and setting up your channel and you just talk to the bullet points that are on your screen right or you could literally have every word of your entire ebook on the screen like I did down here at the bottom right and someone is just gonna you're gonna click you're gonna export this whole thing right um and just like that I mean you have you have something that's ready to sell right and so you guys can see how with chat GPT you create an outline you fill out that outline and you could bring it over to something like drop deck add some more images you know we're we're obviously being you know awfully you know quick and dirty here but let's just say I wanted to you know in the in the next steps one let's just say I wanted to you know add some add some additional imagery right so let's go search for an image and say you know uh checklist you know maybe that's what I want here I'll click and add an image you know to the slide all of a sudden you know we've got a totally different look and feel and and it's going to start recommending you know additional layout stuff that's going to start recommending additional things and you get a chance to just go through every single one of these slides and create something that looks professional that looks really really nice as you kind of move your way through here right so that is designing your ebook you guys could do that and then you come in here and the only thing you do is Click Share uh share and Export and you can download this as a PDF so I'm gonna download this as a PDF wait and now we've got our digital product is here folks if you're still watching or if you're just jumping in uh you can ask us questions we're building an AI product here live uh but yeah ask us any questions about starting a digital product launching a digital product the chat gbt tool this drop deck tool and Scott now let's bring this over so now we've got the exported PDF let's bring this over to Sam cart and try to sell this thing I love it yeah so quick recap of kind of where we're at here right now it's time to create a simple page like this that's gonna sell this thing right and so of course that's we're gonna use Sam cart that's really what SIM card's about right so let's go ahead I'm going to jump into a SIM card account and just create one quick page with one of our templates and you can see how easy it is to launch this brand new product right so we'll give it a name right YouTube launch checklist uh we'll go ahead and say uh you know what I want to make this a pay what you want product so Jordan explain pay what you want while I'll set this up here oh yeah pay what you want so it's it's in the name pay what you want uh so this is for people people that either aren't exactly sure how to price their product or that they just kind of want to you know leave it open either it's kind of a tip jar style but pay what you want is you set a minimum as the seller you set a minimum price and then you can also set a suggested price and your customers can pay uh anywhere up from the minimum and Beyond so if you say hey this product is at a minimum you have to pay me five dollars by the suggested price for this product is 15 we've seen people pay the 15 of course or just pay five we've even seen some people pay double that they'll pay 30 they'll pay 25 they'll pay 50. all depending on like how much they love the product or how much they're in love with you if they think that this is amazing or hey we just I just want to show your support they can drop 250 if they wanted to or whatever that it's it's totally up to the customer it gives the customer a little bit more power and control in the buying process and it makes kind of a fun experience especially for new new products and also for new sellers for sure yeah and so let me go ahead and zoom in I just want to show you how is exactly what I did here all I did was basically I just made some small tweaks right the the pay what you want you basically set a minimum price and then you can set a suggested price right so it's sort of like hey normally people pay 15 but anything over five will do right and then what I did is I came down and uploaded our PDF that we exported from the AI tool drop deck right so chat GPT AI tool one wrote this thing for us drop deck designed this thing for us export it as a PDF and now Sam cart is going to deliver it for us right super super smooth and then all we do is we just need one page right so I'm going to come over to the checkout design library inside of Sam cart and you can see we have all of these beautiful pre-designed templates for you right that are built to start selling off one very very simple page but there's one down here I want to use it's called Simple course and it's just so simple it's beautiful we don't need much you know real estate and videos or anything to sell this thing we just need one page so I'm going to choose this template and then open up Sam carts designer and so you can see how simple this is right all we really need to do is just start replacing some of this text right with text about product we've just made so Jordan why don't you go to chat GPT and let's make three bullet points that just talk about the main benefits of what the YouTube starter checklist is while I'll start replacing some of this text why don't you bring up chat GPT and share that screen and we'll uh you write some of these bullet points as uh as I keep editing this page I'm kind of jumping back into this chat so I'm writing uh give me three sales bullet points about a mini course called the what are we calling this the YouTube launch kit the YouTube launch checklist that's the one oh launch checklist here we go launch checklist you can put like a little quotes around it to make sure that uh this mini course and then kind of give some prompts a little bit to the chat CPT like what is this course about uh this mini course helps beginners launch their very first YouTube channel and it gets their first video published in under two days let's try it let's hit enter and it's gonna give us some options so these might be these sales bullet points might be too long it might be you know maybe not enough or maybe you want to change the different tone let's say like rewrite these uh to be shorter and use again visceral emotional language which is just a fun holiday there it is launch your YouTube channel in just two days with our mini course get expert help and uh start your channel successfully don't miss out on this opportunity to grow your new audience a little bit I might maybe we try these up uh these ones up here these might be a little bit more fleshed out uh but here they are Scott we got him right here you want me to drop it in the chat for you put in the chat I was gonna say let's put in the chat we'll go ahead and uh we'll uh we'll get it right into Sam cart so you guys can see there we go all right so one two three and then we'll go ahead and just bring it on over to Sam car Jordan and we'll just we'll show you guys how easy this is right so again here's one template it is awfully simple really not a whole lot going on and all I'm gonna do is just click on the bullet points right and I can just edit them right over here so I'm just going to paste in the different bullet points that chat GPT just gave us right and uh all of a sudden these awesome little benefit driven bullet points about you know what is what is the YouTube launch checklist what can it do for me right all that stuff is awesome uh Jordan we have a guarantee down here why don't you have chat GPT write us you know a YouTube related guarantee that I think would be kind of cool let's do it all right write a 30 word 60-day guarantee what what what's the difference guarantee basically guarantee uh and be funny and make it funny there you go I love that that's a great little addition and you guys can see really quick I'm actually I'll replace this image uh with uh an image from uh my computer that we just snatched a screenshot of something there we go maybe drop tech if you don't get your first video published here you go Scott if you don't get your first video published in 60 days or less with our mini course we'll turn your channel into a giraffe Sanctuary guaranteed I love that why not yeah maybe something about money but I I love anyway I just yeah they made it funny listen funny uh let's see let's uh let's just let's let's shoot it straight write a 30 word 60-day guarantee if you're not satisfied with the results of our mini course within 60 days we'll offer full refund no questions asked so cool to the point somebody's dad in the chat and love it any I mean guys look look it's literally done right I'm gonna come down here I'm just gonna edit the guaranteed text and just paste in with chat GPT gave us and we're done that's the whole page I mean you have one page right here it's going to look awesome on mobile it's got all the awesome stuff that that you know Sam cart says you should have and I'll make this mobile text size a little smaller you can you can change things for the mobile design independently from the regular one which is awesome um but here you go you've got awesome bullet points you've got a great guarantee right you could drop in a customer testimonial if that's something you have um and that's that's what we got I'm gonna publish this page and then uh Jordan we can go ahead and share this page because we love building in public it's definitely just something we want you guys to be able to see all this stuff we'll put it in test mode oh yeah yeah let me flip it in test mode for you guys right and then um oh Jordan let's add some order bumps right but we can go ahead and showcase this page live really quick right so here we are live and this page freaking works right someone could come in here and they could say cool here's my name here's you know this here's I'll pay what maybe I'll drop in like six dollars you know what I mean all of a sudden someone is here and you could be turning you could be turning someone into a paying customer you know what I mean right there on the spot you could be turning someone you could put this in your link tree tomorrow right and start making sales and start turning more followers into paying customers right um but Jordan let's not stop there we've talked about AI we've talked about intelligent type stuff let's uh let's go a little step further and say okay cool what about with SIM card of course one of our most popular features is helping your customers spend more money right and so uh let's add some let's add some uh let's add some order bumps right talk about what order bumps are as I kind of set these things up here yeah order bumps it's uh this is the these are your accessories these are your fries and a coke to your combo meal this is uh this is how you increase your average order value so if if a customer is coming in thinking they're gonna pay five bucks or ten bucks for an e-book and then they see all these other offerings that you are putting out into the world they're gonna click that little check box and say Yes I want this too I want this bonus as well I want this bonus as well you you're kind of sending your customers on a shopping spree so if they're in love with you if they're in love with the product if they're uh super excited about what you're offering then just give them the ability to add some more stuff to their cart they can always say no they can always opt out they can always say I don't want this product and just buy your main product uh but we find that it's got something like one in three customers will opt in to add that order bomb uh to their order increasing their cart value from you say you know ten dollars to Fifteen dollars in total or you know a hundred dollars to 150 dollars which can really change a game really increase your profits as a business owner and you know just keep this Creator Journey alive uh going on to the Future exactly so I've added two quick order bumps they've got like one sentence a piece like this is super simple I could probably have ai write this if I wanted to right but let's take a look at what our end result is right our end result is you've got one simple page you've got an AI generated product that is going to be delivered the moment someone actually buys this so let me go ahead I'm going to place a uh I'm gonna place a test order for this right um and then now you have odor bumps where someone could say cool you know what Jordan maybe someone's gonna pay to book a 30 minute strategy session with you right and you're going to recognize some extra uh thing here we have a a thumbnail starter pack that we have an example from another awesome Creator Vanessa Lau that we did used in our our account before right but you could sell other things that you already have sitting around your hard drive and you can see how this one simple order could turn into a big time money maker for you and your business right so uh let's go ahead I'm going to just place a test order any one of you guys can do this along with me by just putting in the numbers four two four two four two four two just repeat that as many as you can any future expiration date any future uh three digit security code right and you can see how on this page right this second I'm getting ready I'm gonna go ahead and uh get famous now I didn't realize that was the uh I was like I was like Dude Perfect call to actually love it right yeah but here we are this is the same card order summary page someone can download the PDF that you have right here on the spot you have delivered the file right to them and we're all set we're done right the order is placed the customer has been made I have uh you know I have the the PDF that that is that drop deck help us design and deliver that chat GPT helped us write and you guys could create your next ebook you could create your next video course using this you could create your next anything any kind of digital product you could create using these simple AI tools and using one very very simple page uh built by Sam cart to go sell this stuff right so this is this is a big deal guys this is a very very very big deal with what's out there I've I've enjoyed I've got a bunch of people in the in the chat with us who are as equally impressed by what you can do with this kind of stuff as well we are and this is it if you guys want to start adding something and creating something that you can bring to life and bring to the market you know I mean you have chat GPT free ah e AI tool to write and do market research and help you fill out the 95 of whatever it is that that you're out there writing or creating you know you've got uh drop deck an awesome tool to help you guys design stuff um and bring it to life with a very pretty design AI that learns as you build and and gets better and better as you continue to kind of create more things um you know export as a PDF and use SIM card to sell it right send it out into the world one simple page never been easier to bring an idea to life and then all you do at that point Jordan is what share your sim card page right that's it that's right you can go and take that same cart URL you're gonna put it in your link tree you're gonna put it in your you know Lincoln bio you're going to put it in your uh in your YouTube descriptions you're gonna link to it from your emails right you just make it easy for people to find that one page and let them go there and become customers I love it and uh I brought up this chat never thought to use a deck as a as an ebook basically yeah I mean when you think about an e-book it's just a PDF so it could be a slideshow it could be a one-page word doc it could be just a bunch of words on a web page or whatever you want it to be or a hidden blog post uh an ebook is just a digital book where you're just delivering information via text that's all it is exactly right and then you could go ahead you could use something like chat GPT to write emails that's gonna you know promote it to your audience you know I mean so you know again guys we have shown you two AI tools they are completely free go start using them they are uh they are awesome tools we are not affiliated with these people we don't have anything to benefit here we are just sharing awesome stuff that's going to help you guys as creators uh level up your game so uh Jordan what did you do here you know I just used some AI to like how do we close the show out so uh first let's let's thank the audience for watching guys thank you guys so much for watching and engaging with us we love the chance we love the questions uh Scott you just did a great job of recapping uh we should encourage the audience to subscribe here on Sam cart YouTube uh hit the Subscribe button and share any upcoming events we're live every single Tuesday at 4 P.M we're live every Thursday at 11 A.M for the profit Playbook live and by the way here's the QR code up at the Top If you want to go download The Profit Playbook 53 strategies to boost your profits in 2023 uh invite your audience to share this on social media share this with your friends and uh the last one end on a memorable phrase or tagline that's a lasting impression just gotta leave that up to you what's the emerald phrase the way the cookie crumb I got nothing guys uh enjoy this guys this is how you can use AI to create digital products that make you money and monetize your following we are CM card the e-commerce expert uh the e-commerce expert for creators for you guys bringing you guys awesome stuff helping you bring products to life and monetize your audience better than ever thank you guys for watching we'll see you in the next one take care
Channel: SamCart
Views: 68,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1aqlKp-SsSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 5sec (2225 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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