7 Ai Tools Better Than ChatGPT (Must See) 🤯

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if you think chat GPT is best and only AI tool you are wrong in this video I will share with you guys 7 secret AI tools that could improve your life help you do tasks faster and of course make you more money so if this is something that you're interested in make sure to watch this video till end alright so our first tool for today's video is going to be a tool called Runway and this is AI tool that you can actually use to edit videos and images I personally like using this tool because I can go and actually for example remove some parts of the videos using this AI tool you can also expand your videos or images which is actually crazy I didn't know that you can actually do this with this tool and I want to show you guys how Runway actually works so first of all you need to create free account there are tons of different options that you can choose to edit your images you can remove for example background you can change the frames you can do different stuff with this tool and I really like it you can for example change the objects in the images you can go and clean your audio you can do different stuff you can for example do motion tracking right here so you can select what you want to track in your video and AI is going to track your target so I want to show you guys the tool that I actually use really a lot you can go and click on videos right here and you can go and click on this second filter so I want to show you guys how this works so you can go now and upload the assets that you actually want to edit and I'm going to put the video just to show you guys how this tool works and how you can go and actually remove the objects from your video so for example this is a plain video and I want to show you guys first how it looks like just a second to put it right here uh so this is how this video looks like and if you go and play it you're going to see that it is just a normal video that is recording the plane right here so what you can do with this tool you can actually Zoom it right here and you can actually remove this plane from this video so you can go and select everything right here it doesn't have to be perfect you can just go and do it just like this and what you can do at the end is you can just go and click one button and remove your plane from the video right here so I'm going to click on done right here and let's see how it looks like right now so it is going to take some time to edit your video and when you press play you're going to see how it actually looks like so you can see we have a successfully removed playing from this video which is actually crazy I have never done this before with other tools so this is a really great AI tool that you can actually use to edit videos and images our second AI tool that I want to share with you guys is called Victory now what is Pick 3 it is basically a tool that you can actually use to create videos just by uploading text and this is great for the content creators I actually use this tool on daily and I have a paid membership so I want to share with you guys how this tool works now there are different options that you can go and use you can edit videos using text you can create visuals to videos you can go and upload articles so you can just put right here a link of the article and victory AI is going to provide you a video for that article just by reading the text from article which is actually unbelievable you can go and create scripts to videos I want to share with you guys what this means because this is something that I use actually daily so if you go and click on proceed you're going to put the name of the video right here so let's say cooking recipes so you can put basically whatever you want in the title and right here this is where the magic actually happens so I'm going to take some random plr article about cooking and I want to show you guys how this tool works so you can go just and for example copy right here the text and I'm going to create from this text actually video so you can just go and put the text right here you want to add some spaces because you don't want to create a lot of text in one slide and this tool is going to create us great video from just uploading this text and when you go and click on proceed you're going to get offered different templates that you can actually choose and I personally like to use these first free ones but you can actually go and do whatever you want if you for example like this text you can actually use it so for example let's go in this one use this one so I'm going to click on select you can choose different options you can choose to create a video for example for YouTube or Instagram or sorry not Instagram Twitter or Facebook or you can go and create Tick Tock videos or you can go and create YouTube shorts and so on so we're going to create normal video so let's click on continue and it is going to take some time for victory to find matching videos for our text to put them in the background so once we are done I'm going to share with you guys results all right so the victory actually created us a video so you can go on left and edit the text you can go and put whatever you wish for in the text right here if you want to change something you can also change the videos in the background if this is something that you actually don't like so for example you can see pictures so really they found the video to put in background that is related to the text so you can see how it looks like you can go and add voiceovers you can add background music you can upload different videos if you want to you can go and change the visuals if you want to so for example you want to search for example right here in the search bar for example grilling and you're going to find different videos that you can actually change if you want to so if this is something that you enjoy I highly recommend you guys to check out Victory the link will be down in the description our third AI tool is called Tome app this is something that I'm probably going to use a lot in the future and this is a storytelling app so basically you can go and enter whatever you want for your presentation and actually Tom AI is going to create it perfectly for you I want to show you guys how this works because this is something really amazing and you can benefit a lot from this AI tool so if you go and sign up for your free account you can choose different templates or you can create your own so I'm going to click on create a new one to show you guys how this works so you can go and let AI to create presentation for you for example I'm going to say create for how to make money online for example and what is going to happen is that Tom app is going to just generate from thin air they're going to generate me a content for example for affiliate marketing as you can see and they're also going to generate the images on the right and you can see a tow map just created presentation for my content you can see the first slide is making money online unlock the secrets of success this is something that AI created I didn't say any of these words you can see they created affiliate marketing selling digital products freelancing blogging YouTube and online courses you can see there is each slide for each topic and of course AI generated the text that you can actually change if you want to because something is not going to be really related what you actually want so you can go and do that you can go and change for example selling products whatever text you want to or you can change the image on the right and this is something these are the images that AI created also that is something really interesting so you can see that we have got a perfect presentation really good looking one with just a few clicks just by stay saying what we want AI to create for us our fourth AI tool is called browse Ai and this is something a lot of businesses actually need and I want to show you guys how you can go and extract any information from any website in less than two minutes you can see this bot is going to help us to do it so I'm going to show you guys how this works so first of all you can go and create your free account right by clicking this button right here and you're going to see the page that looks like this once you're logged in now there are two options you can go and just watch the data or you can actually go and extract it from the website so I'm going to do that because that is the most popular one and you can go and watch tutorials how this works but what I'm going to do I'm going to extract from the website right here from this reddit website I'm going to extract the names I'm going to extract the link and and upvotes so we want to go and copy the website URL right here and paste it right here so you want to click on start recording the task the bot is going to open the page and you can go and click what you want to record so if you want to record the menu or you want to record just a second you want to record for example I captured the list we can do it we can go and click on this or we want to go and copy just capture the text right here we want to capture also this text right here and we want to go and capture this URL so we want to also for example capture the upwards if this is something that you actually need you can do that also and at the end you can go and press enter and your job is going to be done you want to put for each category what it is you can put name you want to press that user here and URL right here and it is done we have extracted from this website to everything we need you can see the user who posted the URL of the document and of course the name of the post so this is the great AI tool for a lot of different businesses who actually need this and it is really easy to do our fifth AI tool we're going to talk about today is called mid Journey now mid journey is used to generate images just by putting text and I'm going to show you guys how this easily can be done just input the text what you want your image to look like and what you want to contain and basically meet the journey is going to do it for you they're going to create images from thin air and I'm going to show you guys how this works so first of all you need to go and click on join the beta you want to download Discord and once you download Discord to create your account you want to go and click right here on newbies and right here you can see how people are generating these amazing looking pictures just by inputting the text what they want to imagine so you can see there are tons of different uh stuff you can see tall girl that is generated by just basically by text you can just input whatever you want you can go and input for example and we're going to create one small image you want to click on imagine and we want to for example say shark in a deep ocean in dark and when you click on enter it is going to take some time this AI bot to create your image so once we are done uh we're going to come back and I'm going to show you guys the results around 16 seconds later our image is generated by mid-journey it's made a small mistake I brought a share in deep ocean in dark and you can see there are four different images that AI generated for us and you can go and actually change something you can add something if you want to just by inputting more information what your images want to look like our sixth AI tool for today's video is called Jasper AI now you can go and use this tool for tons of different stuff I have used this for advertising before to create ad copy but you can go and see what Jasper actually offers you can go and generate months of social media content in just few clicks so you can go and create for example Catch YouTube videos catchy tick tocks and tons of different stuff you can go and use it for advertising to create a fresh ad creative copies and different stuff you can go and use it to optimize your blog posts you can go and write articles using Jasper you can use it for emails you can use it for creating a website copy and also different stuff again and you can of course use it to create art or images now there is tons of as you can see stuff that you can do with Jasper you can try it out for free by clicking try try it for free create your free account but again there is tons of paid options so you need to keep that also in mind so I want to show you guys how easily you can create for example you can generate blog posts you can create paragraphs for website copy for an ad this is something that I have personally use before generate captions for social media posts so I'm going to click for example to try to generate content so I'm going to put the blog post the topic so the topic is going to be how to make money online in 2023 and you can go and choose the voice you can say professional and you're going to put what type of audience you want so I'm going to put for example uh this and there's tons of different options you can put input languages so right now it is the beta version so you can't really use this right now but I want to show you guys how this works so I'm going to click on generate and right now you can see that our AI bot is going to create our blog post in just a few minutes now once it is done I'm going to show you guys how it looks like this is a blog post that you can go and actually upload directly on your website so what I personally like to do I like actually to read everything change something if there is some mistakes or something like that so you want to also read everything check if there is a different stuff that you want to change maybe or you want to remove or there is some mistakes that you you want to correct so you always want to check out the content that is generated by AI to check it out if everything is working fine our seventh AI tool for today's video is going to be open Ai and I want to share with you guys why I'm actually making this video so chat GPT works perfectly fine but the big problem is it is crashing all the time right now you can see when I try to log in on chat GPT it says that it is at a maximum capacity and that I can't actually use chat GPT so this is a really big problem because a lot of people are coming to open AI they're trying to open chat GPT test it out see how it works and a lot of people are dependent on child GPT they need it for their job so it is crashing all the time I am actually really upset about that but we can't say that open AI is not not the father of all AI tools so there are tons of different stuff that you can also use on open AI once you're logged in you can use chat GPT you can use this one to actually create or generate images mid journey is in my experience 10 times better than openai generating images but you can also test it out because it is free you can use tons of different tools right here AI tools if you want to but chat GPT has as I said really big problem I really like chat GPT but a lot of people are using it right now so as you can see there is tons of problems and crashing that is happening in last about 10 days so that is it for today's video guys if you want to see more content like this and make sure to subscribe and make sure to like this video thank you guys for watching see you soon and bye
Channel: Brko Banks
Views: 583,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, GPT-3, ChatGPT, GPT3, AI Chat, open ai, better than ChatGPT, MidJourney, openai, text generation, automation, ai tools, 7 Ai Tools Better Than ChatGPT
Id: 6CIr1Km5VME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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