How To Make Money With ChatGPT

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[Music] foreign [Music] it was a beautiful morning filled with flora and fauna and after completing my daily errands I decided to sit down to check what was happening I had no idea that life was about to change as we know it yes I had no idea that chat GPT would change the world so I hastily made my way to start a brainstorming session and to create the content for this video and that my rockstars is the back story behind how this video was created and you know what it's my story and I'm sticking with it stop it making money in my opinion has never been this easy listen my rock stars I went on to chat GPT and this is of course after mapping out the time zone points across the globe and identifying that slot when most of the world is asleep to make sure I was awake and had access and I typed in best dividend stock picks that will give me the greatest returns and I'm gonna share later in this video the results of that search but let's just say it blew my mind in that moment I said to myself I have 10 videos listed that I want to do over the next two weeks and it's gonna take me an hour at least to create the script for each of these videos I decided to plug the video names into chat GPT and within 10 minutes I had 10 scripts for my next 10 videos now I'm gonna have to build on it a little bit but the fundamental points were given to me just by typing into this chat bot exactly what my video titles were now obviously I'll be able to produce those videos and they'll get thousands of views and make thousands of dollars and I thought to myself wow this platform chat GPT can actually make me money so guess what I type next into the chat bot how to make money on chat GPT and I got a list of over 25 different ways to make money and yes some of them were high level but again the fundamentals were there and that's exactly what I'm gonna share with you today in this video from that list of 20 plus that I got from chat GPT I was able to identify 12 incredible ways to make millions using chat GPT foreign it's so great to have you back rock stars if you are new here welcome and yes I know you're seeing my microphone which you don't typically see but I'm in a room where there's a lot of Echo and today I didn't even want to take any chances and you not hearing very clearly what I have to say so I'm gonna bring this mic as close to my mouth as is possible so that you don't miss a word so that you don't miss a beat that said remember you have the option to subscribe and like but I'm not gonna pressure you all I'm gonna ask is that after this video is done you watch another one for that I'll be eternally grateful remember that there are scammers in the comments they're gonna ask you to telegram to WhatsApp to email them ignore and Report now first what is chat GPT it's obviously a chat bot and the acronym GPT means generative pre-training Transformer and as per their website chat GPT is a neutral Network model that is based on the GPT architecture which is trained to generate human-like text a co-founder of chat GPT is Elon Musk and the research organization is backed by over a billion dollars in funding from Microsoft it was launched by open AI in November of 2022 and it can be used for a wide range of natural language processing tasks and here's what's incredible my Rockstars it's capable of understanding context and because of this it is able to answer prompts in a very natural and coherent manner the feature that I love the most which is one of the most powerful features of chat GPT is the fact that it's able to generate text that is similar to human written text so when you enter a query into the chat bot it doesn't just give you a lump of information no it gives you the information as if somebody is texting back to you line by line now let's jump into the 12 incredible ways to use chat GPT or what they're referring to as gpt3 to make money online and elsewhere the first method is through content creation and you can use chat GPT to create high quality content such as content that you would use for articles for blog for post think about it my rockstars before now you would need to be articulate knowledgeable and a good author to be able to create a lot of these tools that can easily be monetized no you put in in the chat bot which is chat GPT exactly what you're looking for and it's able to produce an entire article an entire blog an entire post for you that you can now figure out a way to monetize one way to monetize a Blog as an example that you use chat GPT to create is to put it on a platform and use Google AdSense and you'll be able to make thousands of dollars in Revenue based on the number of viewers going to that platform and seeing the ads that are posted there based on their interest in your blog now the second way to make money from chat GPT is to get guide stocks selection you can actually use chat GPT to research stocks and to provide summary based on your stock research whether you want to sell this summary in the capacity of an investment advisor or you want to use it yourself to make money it's really up to you now I must caution you my rockstars that it's never wise to take Financial advice from a chat bot but here's what I did with chat GPT that gave me the confidence that I can take this advice and make millions from it I searched on chat GPT for the top stocks that's delivering the greatest Roi it gave me Apple moderna Microsoft and Nike or Nike however they pronounce it the great thing is my rockstars I went back and I looked at all the stock reports for the last five years and I was able to conclude that these were excellent picks that would have given me a significant return on my investment had I invested in these stocks so you can definitely use chat GPT I would say as a guide to give you those stock tips but definitely go ahead and do the research to validate what it's telling you and then from there you can act accordingly now the third way that you can make money from chat GPT is to provide copywriting services to generate content for our websites for landing pages or even for marketing materials and you can then either monetize your own website where you're using chat GPT to create this information or you can create a business where you're providing this kind of copywriting to different organizations or even individuals the average copywriter earns about 80 000 US dollars per year and no longer will you need to be qualified well learned familiar with language enough to develop content for these websites or the landing pages because you now have a chat bot that responds like a human and will be able to give you what you're looking for to create engaging websites and marketing material that drives conversion now this fourth way to make money off chat GPT in the case I calculated will make upwards of a million US dollars in just a month and this is to offer virtual customer service you will be able to use chat GPT to create chat Bots that can actually answer customers questions and also resolve their issues and here is where this is gonna change not just the landscape of Technology but the world of work and yes unfortunately it's gonna result in a lot of job loss as I'll explain soon but for the organizations or the individuals that decide to incorporate chat GPT into their processes and their business they'll be able to save millions of dollars with very little effort now if you think about customer care in a large scale automatically you're going to think call center or BPO which is business process Outsourcing which is basically when an organization take their non-course service and give it to another company who does that as their area of expertise and they end up providing that service at a significantly lower cost so for example Amazon has a ton of customer service Representatives but their main business is retail it's not trying to figure out where your shipment is when it's lost so what they do is they Outsource those other services like lost shipment or refund and customer service or bpos take that responsibility and then they charge Amazon significantly less than Amazon would pay to do this same job internally and that's in a sense what Outsourcing is now here's the amazing thing a lot of the jobs that are being outsourced are chat jobs as you'll see when you go on certain website these days especially for large companies like on Amazon you are able to chat with someone can you imagine if Amazon decided to introduce chat GPT feed it on the back end with their policies and procedures which explains exactly how to manage every single issue a customer could have why would they need a BPO to do it when the customer types in I'd like a refund the chat bot will respond like it's a human and say please provide your order number and in the end the chat bot will resolve the issue now let's assume that Amazon is paying about ten dollars per staffed hour to a BPO that's handling their chat services or they're even paying internally in Amazon ten dollars now I'm using ten dollars for round numbers guys because it's really pathetic and that's not the case but by replacing 500 employees across the globe with chat GPT that would save Amazon over a million dollars because no longer will you need people sitting in seats in in a customer service operation to respond to the messages of customers who are having issues with Amazon services for whatever reason and if these employees work for Amazon no Amazon has let go 500 employees chat GPT is providing those services and now they don't need that real estate space anymore so Amazon is also no saving in addition to labor on rent on utilities and several other expenses related to not needing those 500 employees to handle their chats anymore because chat GPT is doing that and I'm sure it's gonna cost a fraction of the cost now in our case on our gopher Global e-commerce platform we use zendex to provide chat Services immediately when chat GPT is launched I'm gonna replace our zendex services with chat GPT because no I won't need to hire somebody to respond to chat messages with zendex but chat GPT will receive the messages and respond to them without human intervention it's a no-brainer and it's Gonna Save Us thousands of US dollars per year now the fifth way to use chat GPT to make money is to use it to get investment advice and I cautioned you earlier about getting your investment advice from a chat bot I would say use it to get perspective and then validate that perspective now I asked chat GPT to provide me with different ways to invest a thousand US Dollars and it gave me several options my rockstars that made a lot of sense as a matter of fact it gave me one option that I had not thought about and this option would turn my 1 000 US Dollars into 1.2 million US dollars in only 10 years in a passive Manner and it was leveraging peer-to-peer lending and it even told me the organization that I should use for this peer-to-peer lending what was great about this particular solution that I got from chat GPT to grow my one thousand dollars to 1.2 million dollars is that the interest I was getting was anywhere from three to five percent per month and here's the great thing my rock stars I was making money while I slept it was passive income did I tell you I was blown away that said the sixth way to make money using chat GPT is through language translation you can use chat GPT to translate content to many different languages with ease and obviously you do not need to actually know any of these languages so with chat GPT you can actually become a virtual Translate data where you're translating script content or any other material for a customer base and making money as per zip recruiter the average online translator in the United States makes about seventy nine thousand and fifty four dollars per year the seventh way to make money using chat GPT is as a virtual writing assistant you can use chat GPT to write emails to write different reports to write different research papers and you do not need to be highly educated to do any of these because you'll be operating as an online assistant leveraging the tool that chat GPT is as per upwork freelance virtual assistants charge anywhere from 18 to 35 US dollars per hour on average depending on their skills and expertise obviously with chat GPT we'll be able to appear much smarter than we actually are so I'm thinking you're probably going to be able to charge more on the 35 per our side as opposed to the 18 per hour side the point is you'll be able to do a job that you probably weren't qualified or knowledgeable enough to do before chat GPT the eighth way to make money using chat GPT is to create automated scripts and to become an automated script writer I told you my rock stars that I went on to chat GPT and I said tell me ways that you can use chat GPT to make money and some of that is what I'm sharing here today and a script for this video if I were to use Google to do my research would take me about an hour but you will be able to write scripts not just for YouTube but for TV shows for movies or even video games and that my rockstars is where the money is as per you can make on average about 68 000 US dollars per year being a script writer and as high as 86 000 US dollars per year and here's the great thing a script writing job is something that you can do virtually so when you get the job you go into GPT you determine what results you're gonna look for and you put that into the search and voila you're now making money creating scripts automatically and remember you're not even supposed to be this smart my rock stars now the ninth way to make money using chat GPT is to become a virtual legal research assistant you will be able to use chat GPT to assist you as it pertains to legal research and provide summaries of that research that can be used in a court of law to win cases now today this job is probably done by someone who is charging a pretty tidy sum as a legal aid or in a similar capacity to provide this for an attorney on average a legal research assistant will make about 50 000 US dollars per year so again my rock stars this is another job that you can do that you probably couldn't have done before because you just didn't have the knowledge the capacity nor were you qualified in that regard now the 10th way to make money using chat GPT is very exciting for me and it is to create a faceless or an anonymous YouTube channel I know many of you out there like to say I'm shy I don't want to be in front of the camera well guess what you can actually use chat GPT to develop the scripts and find voice over technology out there to read this script and create a faceless YouTube channel that makes millions your shyness is a factor but your knowledge won't be a factor in your equation channels like airlocks they make upwards of 30 000 US dollars per month and of course it's a faceless Channel but you know what they're great at research for the scripts for the information that they're sharing and with chat GPT you have an edge that you didn't have before the 11th way to make money using chat GPT is to write ebooks you can use chat GPT to write and self-publish ebooks that you can sell on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct publishing which is Amazon KDP and make a tidy sum in a passive way which is making money while you sleep you don't need to be an experienced author anymore to write a book you just need to know what to ask GPT for and then take that content massage it and now you have an e-book and here's the great part my rockstars you'll likely not need to hire the services of a proofreader and an editor and those you know can be very pricey because the type of content from a vocabulary and a grammar perspective that you're getting from GPT based on my experience so far is good enough to move straight to publishing and to create your ebook you can earn as much as nine thousand US dollars per month if you create an ebook using chat GPT that sells 30 copies per day and you're able to make a profit of ten dollars per copy after Amazon KDP takes out their fees again you don't need to be smart to be an author and to write an ebook with the use of chat GPT and the 12th and final way that I'm gonna cover today and there may be a part two to this video but it is to sell homework or coursework online on platforms like study pool and make money now where are you gonna get this homework or coursework from you can get it typically if you're a student or a teacher but here's the amazing thing with chat GPT you'll be able to find a curriculum identify different topics that you deem problematic for students do some research by plugging it into chat GPT get those results and post it on platforms like study pool and whenever somebody clicks that platform to view your content you make 10 US dollars per view in a passive way which means again you're making money while you sleep now could you do this without chat GPT of course but you're gonna spend hours researching online then you need to consolidate it in a format that makes sense the human factor of this platform will give you results from your search that are similar to a human actually doing the research and providing the results now this scares me for a number of reasons because if you remember my rock stars back in the day when calculators were introduced we weren't allowed to use calculators in exams at least me when I was growing up you couldn't use it in the classroom either because teachers wanted us to use our brains but then calculators were allowed in exams and in the classrooms and then came computers and the internet again initially we weren't allowed to use it in the classroom or in exams things changed and it was now allowed well guess what imagine using chat GPT in a classroom and providing that kind of information and such an extensive database search with the use of this chat bot to the average student will we even need teachers anymore will we need schools all of it my rock stars is right now Up For Debate now to get access to chat GPT you can go down into my description and click the link and remember there's a limited availability because my rockstars they are launching this platform in a very smart way here's exactly what they're doing they're giving us access to it in a limited fashion turning us into addicts and in my example I'm up all kind of hours at night after plotting out when most of the world is asleep trying to get just a few minutes to use this platform having seen what it's already done for me especially as it pertains to my YouTube scripts and other things that I'm doing and the minute they give you that access they take it away but guess what you're already sold and you want more so the second they put a price on GPT we're all gonna be buying it because of this creative marketing strategy so that said you getting access to it right now is limited but I would love if you could experience it and see exactly what I'm talking about it is actually all that it's chalked up to be now if you learned anything new in today's video I'm gonna ask you to like the video because you saw how I dashed in from outside when I discovered GPT to create this content for you so that I could get this information to you before the entire world knows what this platform can do that way you get an advantage to leverage its ability to make you even more money my rock stars and remember on this channel the theme is abundance 2023 so from that my rock stars I would really appreciate if you hit the like button and if you are not yet a rock star go ahead and subscribe because I'm looking forward to welcoming you to our family until next time walk good [Music]
Channel: Odetta Rockhead-Kerr
Views: 205,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, chat gpt, make money online, How to use chatGPT, how to make money with ChatGPT, what is ChatGPT, how to use ChatGPT to make money, how to make money using ChatGPT in 2023, how to write blog post using chatgpt, how to earn money using chatGPT, make millions with ChatGPT, how to make money online with ChatGPT, make passive income with chatGPT, how to write a book with ChatGPT, make money online ChatGPT, how to use chatgpt, chatgpt tutorial, what is chatgpt
Id: bhar2M0fGhM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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