ChatGPT Tutorial - How to Create a Profitable Blog with AI (Step By Step)

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you might have noticed that sometimes AI slowly creeps into our lives and sometimes it makes a major Leap Forward quickly well as of November 30th 2022 chat GPT exploded onto the scene and gained a million users in just five days how many of you know what chat gbt is artificial intelligence model developed by open AI someone may use it in a way that is bad so what does this mean for blogging should we be scared of a google-less future where we ask the AI our deepest questions and instantly get answers or does it mean that we can now harness this technology for ourselves and build an online business better faster and more profitable than ever before well in this video I'm covering exactly how to start a blog with chat GPT and AI in 2023 let's get into it so let's face it AI just keeps getting smarter and smarter that's basically how it works it's called machine learning it keeps learning and iterating and getting smarter and getting better and learning more things and the pace is accelerating we've seen that in just the last three months everyone is talking about chat GPT and AI now let's look at blogging and content creation before and after the Advent of AI so before AI we did everything ourselves as humans we did all of the keyword research ourselves so we looked for keywords in ahrefs and other tools we found everything ourselves we did the content planning we created a Content calendar we put all our keywords into a Content plan you know there's editors and doing all that stuff and then there's content writing so we wrote Every Word ourselves there was a blank WordPress page and we wrote all the content content updating we update our content and blog posts and articles over time humans did all of that too now this was blogging with some AI so this was probably like a year ago or six months ago this is where AI started to creep onto the scene so keyword research we mainly do this ourselves so we would use tools like ahrefs and exploding topics and Google Trends and Google Keyword Planner and find keywords for a Blog to write about and we didn't really get much help from AI content planning same thing humans we would create the content plan we would do that now ai started to help with content writing because you could use a tool like Surfer SEO that would tell you the specific keywords to put in your articles the semantic keywords that the human brain probably could never think of those keywords you would want to use in your blog post and then content updating was a mixture of human and AI so you know we could rewrite a few paragraphs here and there with AI but it was still mainly a human endeavor now when we look at 2023 this is what it looks like everything can now be done with AI so if blogging is changing from keyword research to content planning to how fast you can produce content to how you write it through the whole system of blogging and how to make money with it is changing quickly before our eyes so the question is what does this mean for blogging first it means you have to be faster blogging is a great business model still with AI because if we can generate content faster and quicker then it's a best business model to create more content rank for more key words and make more money but we have to realize we want to stay on The Cutting Edge of this stuff we can't be in the Stone Age writing one article a week while other sites are writing 100 articles a month we have to be a little bit faster we have to learn this stuff but more importantly it means that you have to master AI tools so AI tools are only as strong as the person behind them the prompts they're giving them and then validating this data making business decisions based on will this keyword make me money is this content going to pass content AI detection is it ranking for the right keywords or the right things in there so there's still a human that has to be behind it that has good business sense and one that can Master these AI tools to become even more powerful so when we think about starting a blog in 2023 what does that look like well starting a blog you know not a lot has changed when you think about starting a blog websites are still being created Google search is still growing even though there's people like oh chat GPT is going to take over and people are going to use Google us that is not the case Google is still the strongest you know search engine out there they have thousands of Engineers they have some of the most research and development of any company out there and they're working on this stuff they do I will say they do have to become more Innovative if they want to survive you know they're kind of getting a little bit complacent but Google is not going anywhere so starting a blog is basically the same as it has been you start a blog the same way you use WordPress it's the best CMS the best uh platform for SEO and the easiest way to create blog posts rank content and make money through affiliate marketing there's also a theme you pick a theme I always recommend Cadence or Astra as an easy simple free WordPress theme to design your website with then you have your WordPress plugins things like WP rocket rank math different image optimization ones like short pixel other plugins that you need and then you have certain settings you set up on your website and then you create what we call in blog growth engine your core four pages like really just the four pages any blog needs including home page something about you like your story and your background and then your blog template so what your blog posts actually look like and then your blog archive your blog role where all your blog posts are stored after that we want to talk about the content assembly line and link building machine which I've talked about in other videos as well so when we talk about blogging in 2023 it's a little more competitive there's still tons of pockets of opportunity out there if you know what niches to go after so not every piece of content is going to rank so we need a system to create a lot of it and get some wins along the way and then we have a link building machine which is these are the two tracks that you're doing with blogging you're creating content so you're creating stuff on your own website and then you're working with other blogs and trying to get backlinks and you know if you're interested in learning the exact content assembly line method the link building machine exactly how I create a profitable blogging business how I make 400 000 a month make sure to click the link in the description below and sign up for my free 60-minute masterclass but the process itself of running a successful profitable blogging business is changing so really like I said it comes down to Content and links content and links content and links so how much content can you create how many things can you rank for how much money can be made with affiliate marketing with that how many links can you get to build your Authority those are still the metrics but the system and processes for doing these things things have changed with AI so instead of back in maybe 2005 or even 2015 where you could get away with writing one or two articles every few weeks or maybe you write like three blog posts a month the competition is now using AI tools using writers and AI content Specialists to improve and increase their content output their content velocity so maybe you know you have to think about creating a processing system to do things faster with AI so fat AI is all about speed it's condensing the time down to do things into a way that makes it much faster so let's take a look at some of the examples here with how the content game changes with AI so first we can now use AI for keyword ideas so whereas you used to have to like find specific keywords with you know Google Trends ahrefs look at search volume look at difficulty we can actually use AI a little bit earlier in our process to find you know and get suggested articles that we can write for a Blog using AI so for example if you go to chat GPT then you type in give me 10 keyword ideas with high search volume and low competition related to drones let's say you're in that niche here let's spin it right out here here are 10 keyword ideas with high search volume and low competition related to drones drones for beginners cheap drones and it even tells you this keyword has high this is insanely helpful because you can find specific keyword ideas now with chat GPT and AI it literally tells you here's some keywords to go after now what you want to do though is not don't just take the ai's word for it you would use a tool like ahrefs on top of it plug these in and see what the search volume is what the difficulty looks like but it's great for getting keyword ideas and you can do this in any Niche give it a try do some different prompts to come up with different keyword ideas now another interesting thing that you can do when you come up with ideas for your blog is to use AI to blanket your Niche and build topical Authority so when we think about blogging and covering lots of topics and ranking a lot of content we have to really blanket the niche and we have to have topical Authority which means that we have to have a lot of articles in that specific area of expertise for example if you're writing about drones and you only have one article about drones Google's not going to think you have much Authority there but if you have 50 articles about drones and you write all kinds of different stuff and Interlink between them that's a lot more you know consistent in Google's eyes you have topical Authority so you can use AI as well well with a simple prompt to blanket the niche for topical Authority so you could type something in like give me 10 article ideas to improve my topical Authority for SEO for high intensity interval training so a fitness term specific Fitness Niche we can see so there's some interesting article ideas to improve your topical Authority here like the benefits of high intensity interval training the science behind it how to create the perfect workouts the best workouts for beginners the top mistakes to avoid the role of this training improving cardiovascular health the list goes on and on and this is like another one where you can not just use this for keyword ideas but use it for entire article ideas as well to blanket your Niche and come up with if I was an expert in this area what would my blog have and it would have these articles you can say give me 20 articles or more so this is another way where you can just ask you know chat GPT to give you ideas for articles to become an expert and a blogging expert in a certain Niche topic so after that you know keyword ideas content topics creating a Content calendar with AI then we can actually use AI to write the actual blog content itself which I will cover shortly in depth but after that I want to cover using AI to create Outreach messages so when we're doing link building how can we you know send unique messages asking for guest posts asking for links and things like that so I tried typing in some something like create a funny email Outreach message asking to write a guest post for their site in the software Niche and it came up with a specific Outreach and it gave you you know it gives you the exact thing hey there my name is and then it says your name and I'm a software developer and writer who love to share my knowledge and experience with others I came across your website and was really impressed by the quality of your content I'm reaching out to think your readers would love this yada yada you're probably bombarded with requests for guest posts then I said make it funnier and Ruder which actually worked yesterday but now the ai's saying I'm sorry but I can't do this it's important to maintain a professional and respectful tone in business which is kind of weird it's not letting me be rude in my email I'm just trying to create a funny email so there's some interesting you know I don't know who's feeding this AI but there's some there's definitely some interesting things to think about when it comes to policing this what kind of political messages are allowed what kind of harmful messages are allowed but anyways I just said make it funnier so then it says I hope this email came you know hope this email finds you well then there's some kind of funnier stuff now I know what you're thinking who is this person why should I trust them they're right for my website well fear not yada yada what do you say I'm interested in adding a little humor to your site so you can keep feeding it and you say make it funnier again and you can just keep making it weirder funnier different more professional less professional different tone you can use like the Ada framework to write certain sales messages so you can use this for all types of different messages that can help your email Outreach so after Outreach messages we can also use AI to update our content so this is almost like the easiest one you know write 500 more words about this or that I'll cover that in more in depth as well and then we also can use AI to make money with content so for example I tried typing in give me 10 article ideas based on finance list posts that can make a lot of affiliate Revenue the Articles should be for new products so you could do this in any Niche but this is pretty interesting this gives you a lot of kind of interesting articles you could recommend write and make money with that don't look too competitive or crazy like some of them will be but some of them look kind of new and interesting so best personal finance apps investment platforms credit cards reward programs high-yield savings accounts Robo advisors online stock Brokers peer-to-peer lending sites mortgage lenders life insurance retirement plan options so some of these are going to be really competitive some of them won't be and you can just keep feeding this thing and asking for affiliate opportunities in your Niche for new products because it's all about in blogging to rank for Content again it's all about finding the new and emerging products it's hard to rank for stuff if it's been around for 10 or 15 years and all the sites are dominated by media sites the key is to find new and emerging product list posts that you can write in your Niche that aren't so competitive yet so you can validate these in hrefs look at the keyword difficulty see which sites are ranking on page one and if you find that lower Dr Lower domain rating sites are ranking on the first page of Google that's a good sign you can too because it's all about Authority and helpful content but yeah this is another interesting thing you can do to actually use AI to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing so those are just a few ways to use AI before even writing your blog post now when you think about it the ultimate goal here is to use AI to speed up content production by 10x we all have different content production systems ways that we write content for blogs but if you can speed this up and create your own system that is the ultimate goal it's creating High quality content for human beings with the help of AI faster now let's look at your blog's AI content plan so first we can do you know do keyword research not just with ahrefs but maybe with chat GPT now try to find new article ideas and keywords that can both make you money and you can rank four then you create a Content plan every month with a set number of articles I like to do content planning monthly because things change pretty quickly it's good like every month to kind of review so right now on my blog I don't use any AI yet you know we have human writers and we do about 30 blog posts a month and we do some updates as well but we do it every 30 days because like you don't know maybe you know a month later you might say Hey you know we're losing a little bit of ground in this Niche area this sub Niche we need more topical Authority here let's change the content plan a little bit so you want to be ahead of it so plan ahead but not too far ahead we have like six months of content you're steering it's like steering the Titanic in the wrong direction so you want to be able to move and shift and pivot quickly and planning content every month can help you do that and that's both transactional posts to make affiliate Revenue the best of list posts best credit cards best laptop things that around product list posts that make affiliate Revenue that people will click your affiliate links and buy stuff with that can make you the most money and then informational post to improve your topical Authority and get traffic and you can do this in a certain ratio now with AI it's actually easier to blanket more informational content so we could do like 70 informational and thirty percent transactional cover the entire Niche be as helpful as possible with your blog or 50 50 whatever works every Niche is a little bit different you don't need if you the main goal here is to rank high value transactional posts so some niches sub niches you might only need a few informational pieces of content surrounding that like for example I could rank for something like transcription software but I don't need to write 20 articles about transcription software I can just write a few whereas if I'm writing about web hosting the best web hosting providers I probably need like 50 articles about web hosting to stand a chance of ranking so it's always a different rate ratio depending on the niche but you want to have both and you want to Stack Rank and create a Content plan with the help of AI and ahrefs and you create a process for creating this content at scale you create your own process that's a process for creating titles creating the blog post content which we're about to cover creating headings like your H2 headings H3 headings how to actually organize and structure this the way that Google likes and then a quick way of adding images so ultimately we also want to use AI to update articles and add more content blocks and that's really easy and then ultimately what we want to do is rinse and repeat rinse and repeat improve your speed quality and efficiency if you can create high quality content with AI and with tools at your disposal then you should publish as quickly as you can comfortably as you can so we all have full-time jobs typically when we start a blog so if we have a couple hours in the day blogging is all about maximizing the effective use of your time blogging is kind of complicated in that way not complicated but it's often difficult for new bloggers to know what do I actually focus on on a day-to-day basis like right now I'm sitting in my computer I have two hours or three hours after work to do something what should I actually do basically what you want to do is publish content as quickly as you can quality content and do link building so the goal here is to improve speed quality and efficiency with the use of these tools so now let's talk about your blog's AI Tech stack now you don't need every single tool on this list but I'm going to give you some that or definitely want and some that are optional and then we'll go from there so first chat GPT you can use it for free it can help you with everything from keyword research to helping you write the content and everything that's one that we discussed it's only getting smarter it's on you know some you know there's a certain versions and it keeps getting updated and updated so this tool could be completely different and smarter in a year and it can do a lot more things but that's one to use Surfer SEO so this one I think is required and in our blog growth engine community and our blog coaches we all use it and it's it's really you know the best way to rank content because it gives you specifically the semantic keywords looks at the competition what headings to you so when you're optimizing your actual article that's what it does grammarly is also required you can use a free version but just fix your spelling and punctuation errors um fix your you know fixes sentence structure so red if it redlines something that's like a actual error that you need to fix if it blue lines something that could mean like you're using passive voice or the sentence is off and you can just quickly fix it I'll show you that stuff Jasper can also be good so Jasper is another AI tool that you can use and you can give it it has a thing called boss mode where you can give it exactly what you wanted to write and it can give you an entire blog post you're like here's the keyword here's this the topic uh and title of the blog post here's a few sentences about what it should be and it'll spit out an entire article for you that's another good one also show you how to use chat GPT with Jasper in a second there's also or writer.comai content detector so original you can paste your content into that and it will tell you does it pass AI content detection is this written by a human is it written by Ai and it can tell the difference so if this can tell the difference if a small tool can tell the difference you know Google can tell the difference and Google does not like AI content they said that they are going to reward human content so the big key here is using these tools in a way that can bypass AI content detection and is written good for human beings that's the ultimate goal and then we can talk about Dolly too which is the image generator so this one's really cool similar to chat GPT but you just put in prompts for images and then it comes up with that and again it's as strong as the prompts you can use like you can say things like create an image of this comma digital art or create this like a van Gogh painting or like pop art and it will do all kinds of different things based on the prompts that you put in so this can be good for things like blog post images or just coming up with Unique Images on your own it can even do sometimes blog post featured images what I actually recommend for that is something like canva where you have a set template for your blog post featured image and then you can just port in different images change the text and you're done pretty quickly and then there's content at scale this is a new company that kind of is built on top of chat GPT and these other tools and what you can do I'll show you this as well you can just input you know certain pieces of content and then it creates an entire article for you and they're big uh driving Factor here is that they can bypass the AI content detectors so that's the whole like selling point is you can use all these tools but can it bypass AI content detection because at the end of the day if it can't it's probably not going to rank so the key is finding tools that can do that so let me go through two main ways of creating AI content so let's cover the first way to create AI content for your blog and that's trying to use chat GPT and some other tools to create this content and see if we can make it work so I put in something like write a 1500 word blog post to rank the keyword best AI chat Bots the title for this post is this and include chat GPT number one on the list what's interesting is you'll get a different version every time you feed this tool and what it does is it starts writing and you can see it's writing an intro that's pretty good it's covering what you're going to cover in this blog post and than it does like I said and it adds chat GPT number one to the list so we can see we can go down and chat GPT is not unlimited so it won't actually write 1500 words in one prompt it usually stops at around 500 or 600 words I'm not sure the exact word limit now you can see that it stopped here so I'm just going to hit the word continue so now you can see it added a conclusion and it ended the article this is probably about five six seven hundred words or so so not probably not long enough but you could also add something like add a section on how to use I'm going to put it in quotes how to use AI chat Bots and nfaq and then you can say that now I can add more content for the middle of the article you know here are some steps to use an AI to follow when using a chat bot so it's going to keep giving you stuff and you can say write it make it friendly or change the tone you can even you know add an entire blog post of your own and say write it in the style and tone of this blog post you can do a lot of things and there's people on Twitter and there's people in videos that say I found the perfect chat GPT prompt it passes uh these content detectors and works but then it keeps changing it's a little bit unpredictable so it's hard to know exactly what to do with chat GPT on its own to pass the human test but let's just say we want to copy this into grammarly and then we can do what we call the I like to call the grammarly lightning round and what it does is you see the overall score is 79 so we can go to the correctness errors and we can just start clicking away we keep clicking we keep clicking we fix all these errors we fix all these errors all right so we got the overall score in grammarly to a 95 by just clicking a bunch of buttons like 50 times writing is a thing of the past let's face it it's just prompting stuff clicking buttons and copying and pasting if you have good fingers and you copy and paste you can be good at this but okay so let's take this let's copy it and let's see what happens if I put it into is it going to detect that it's written by AI or is it going to think that it's written by a human so as you can see it is detecting this as 90 AI which is not very good so I think if I pasted this into my WordPress blog it probably wouldn't rank because it's all AI instead of putting it right into because it's 90 AI we put it into Jasper and in Jasper what we can do is we can take sentences and paragraphs and we can rephrase them so I'm going to click rephrase let's see what happens if I rephrase all the paragraphs can it pass AI content detection okay so I rephrased about 90 of the sentences let's do a new scan and see what happens all right so it's a little bit better it's at 76 original 24 AI that's actually pretty good but I I don't really feel comfortable at 76 that's a c that's like my college grades I think it should be better so when we do this when we use chat GPT and we feed it our own stuff and we use free tools and then we use we can even put it into Jasper we could give it even different tones like make it witty make it this make it that add more exclamation points do that we can put it into Surfer SEO we can you know paste it in here then the surfer score has to be fixed as well because chat GPT is not trained to automatically optimize this for SEO now I can use prompts that say make it good for SEO but it's not quite there yet where it's just going to automatically get like a 90 or an 80 Surfer score so then this requires a lot of editing as well and then we if we can take all that we can you know make sure that it passes AI content detection gets to 90 then we use Surfer then we paste it into WordPress it's kind of a lot of work at that point because it's almost easier just to hire a human writer and you know this stuff can help and speed things up for specific paragraphs but sometimes it's a little bit difficult just with chat GPT prompts so let's try another way to do this with content at scale so content at scale is a company that's built on top of chat GPT and these other tools and it's kind of simple you put different you put your title in you put your main keyword in you add a sentence or two and then it gives you it takes like maybe five to ten minutes but it gives you a lot better of a version of what you actually want so like I told it to make an article for this best day I chatbot it gives you the URL Slug and a meta description already uh it automatically I said make it between two and three thousand words um it gives it headings it gives it an actual table of contents which is important you know this is interesting it's not perfect you know because it says this twice I could like remove that it requires a little bit of editing put some different things in here that you can change like you can remove this so it's not perfect however it is a lot better and if I take this and I copy it and you can see like we can it has this kind of surfery integration in here where it tells you the on-page SEO checklist but if I put this one into originality let's see what actually happens ah writing is so hard so this one is automatically 78 original 22 AI so I would want it to be 90 now this is the best we've done it actually took me like two minutes rather than doing all of this copy and pasting so it's definitely better as a tool than using chat GPT by itself to create content but we're still at the infancy of these tools and using them and creating different features like the main feature for this tool is like make sure the grammar is good make sure it has good Surfer scores but ultimately make sure that it the AI uses AI to pass AI detection please share below if you know specific prompts that you like using for blog posts that could be helpful as well and there could be some out there that really do a good job and pass AI content detection like I've tried things like write an article and that bypasses AI content detection for this keyword that's optimized for SD and all this thing so it will get smarter it will get to a point where you can probably use chat GPT by itself to write articles that are fine and you can copy and paste them in your site but that's why these other extension tools exist like content at scale so if you're interested in content at scale make sure to click the link in description below I actually have a link for them so ultimately what you need is this you need to know how to master the AI tools and you need if you're going to hire a writer for your blog or learn how to do this yourself you need what's now considered a new job and that is something like an AI content specialist someone that goes into content at scale puts in your prompts puts in these things and can create articles so now instead of having a writer that takes you know one to two to three hours maybe four hours to write a blog post for you and you people used to charge by the word which doesn't make sense anymore because I'm not paying for a bunch of words that were spewed out in five seconds you can now hire somebody like an AI content specialist that is Masters things like content at scale and chat GPT to write articles and update stuff so that's what we're going to start doing is we have our regular human writer and then we're going to have another human that is a AI content specialist that is you know responsible for 30 to 50 articles a month using these tools but making them really good and helpful for human beings and we're finishing posts in under an hour now so we could do eight articles a day and if you have a team you can scale this thing out there will be tools potentially in like three to six months even that can take all of this data and compile it into one thing where you add your keyword add what it's about and it spits out a helpful human you know error-free content article that you can use on your site now this is kind of where the future of content is heading but we really have to be smarter than everyone else so to be best you have to be smarter that means doing everything to future future proof your site so we can't just Spam a bunch of AI content on a Blog and think that we're going to rank for everything create 100 articles a month or 200 articles a month that are written by Ai and we think that's going to work because AI Google uses Ai and they you know it's gonna not it's not gonna pass that AI content detector so we have to know how to use these tools effectively and ultimately we have to know how to write for human beings still and that means making your AI content not look like AI it means creating the best helpful content possible that is actually good for human beings covers the topic specifically and is written uniquely and that's where like people's unique takes have to be included in blog posts that's kind of back to the helpful content update that Google created if you're just taking stuff from the web and compiling it and putting in your own website then what are you contributing to society or to the conversation nothing really so Google loves when you provide your own unique take on things so did you use the tool that you're talking about do you have experience in how to do the thing that you're teaching what is your own unique take what is your own unique experience as a human being not as a robot so when we think about Ai and blogging and starting a blog in 2023 we have to realize that we are still at the very early stages of this AI technology and it's only going to keep getting smarter and easier to use and blogging to me it's still the best business model that can harness the power of this AI so if we can learn how to use this effectively for the written word we can make more money actually than ever before because we can create more content find new Niche product opportunities find affiliate opportunities and make money with them and to me blogging is still the best business model to harness the power of AI because yes the written word writing is becoming obsolete in this world but creating monetizable content is not like we showed with finding affiliate opportunities like writing and dominating your Niche there are so many niches out there like that aren't that competitive things in the outdoor space like hiking fishing kayaking if you look at Amazon and you think of products that you want to write about you give chat GPT like give me some affiliate articles in my Niche related to this there are tons of low competition opportunities you validate with ahrefs and you start ranking lots of content quickly so it's all about scaling the processes but learning how to harness the power of AI to do that now while AI is the most powerful tool of all tools it is still just that it's a simple tool in your belt it needs to be fed at the right prompts the right validation with other tools and the right helpful human focused content and you need to act fearlessly to stay on The Cutting Edge so you could fear this stuff and be like oh everything is going to be penalized I might as well not use these tools at all or some people did that with link building I'm not going to try link building because I'm just going to get penalized anyways and it's not going to work and all of that well guess what there's a net there's always a net positive to trying these things you're not going to get penalized and degraded completely across your entire site for a lot of this stuff you might hit a baseline that's where you should be but you need to act fearlessly and be on The Cutting Edge if you're going to be running a Content business whether it's a blog or a YouTube channel you need to be on The Cutting Edge and use the latest tools at your disposal before other people do and the best time to act on this is now so if you're interested in learning more how to start a profitable blogging business a Content driven business how I make 400 000 a month click the link in the description below sign up for my free 60 Minute master class and let me know what you think you know we're still at the infancy of this AI stuff please share anything that you're finding with chat GPT are you using other tools how many posts are you publishing every month you know let's share let's collaborate let's figure this stuff out please like the video subscribe to my channel for other videos on blogging affiliate marketing and all that stuff and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Adam Enfroy
Views: 135,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chat gpt, chat gpt tutorial for beginners, make money with chat gpt, make money with chat gpt for free, how to make money online, how to use chatbot for business, chatgpt for blogging, chatgpt blogging workflow, chatgpt blogging, openai chatbot gpt, open ai chat gtp, open ai blogging, blogging with ai, ai for blogging, best ai for blog writing, best ai writer for blogs, ai writing tools, ai blog writing, ai blog writing tools, ai blog writing tools free
Id: VZFg3E0WzX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 29sec (1829 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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