Laziest Method to Generate an E-book Fast Using Artificial Intelligence ( less than 2 minutes)

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hey guys my name is lucy and today i'm going to be showing you the quickest and the laziest method to generate an ebook fast using an artificial intelligence this method requires a little bit of your time plus is method i personally invented because i was new to writing and i didn't want to spend time or effort making research to figure out what to write or pay a freelancer to do it for me but bear in mind that it always important to make your own research and to write your own books to improve your writing skills because the more you write the more you learn now with all said let's jump right into the process to generate our ebook we are going to use four steps the first step is to get an account with these artificial intelligence software called this is the software we are going to use to generate contents for our ebook now to create account with them just scroll down to the description and click on this link and it will automatically bring you to this section in this section just sign up for a free account by clicking on start writing the free account you can write up to five thousand characters for free but if it's not enough you can as well upgrade which are nine dollars for fifty thousand words and twenty nine dollars for unlimited words which at the same time you will get two months off without paying for the package for two months but for this tutorial i will skip this part because i have an account with them already now we are on the second step which is to generate our contents for our ebook so in this section this is where we'll be generating our contents for our ebook the right hand side is where our documents are stored while the left hand side is where you give descriptions of how you want the content to be in the left hand side you have the option to choose what language you want so i'm going to leave this on english now in the tone section what it simply means is to review how you want your content to sound in the mind of your readers for example if you want it to sound convincing then you can select convincing if you want it to sound assertive then you can select assertive and so on now for the choose use case section this is the format we want our content to appear like for example if we want our content to appear in form of a story then we choose story plot if we want our content to appear in form of a blog post then we choose blog idea and outline interesting part of these is that you can also use the software to write your youtube description facebook ads song lyrics and so on but unfortunately there's no section for ebook so we are going to be using the blog idea and outline to generate a blog post and turn that blog post into our book content here in this description box this is where you input the topic of our book content let's say we want to write a book about after life we will type in afterlife select the number of variant now in this variant section the software will create different sets of titles depending on the number you choose so choose three variant here and it's going to show you three different titles for your book content or your blog plus three different sets of outline for your book or blog as well now for the creativity level you can choose the what you feel that is suitable for you but if your content is factual let's say it's a fact-based content then you have to leave this on none but if your content is based on your opinion i recommend you leave it on max as soon as you're done you simply click on write for me and it will automatically open up a new document which contains three different sets of title on afterlife but bear in mind that sometimes it does not get it right but luckily for us we can simply click on right more and it will automatically generate three variant titles in seconds so is left for us to choose what titles we want and delete other variant ignore the search engine optimization writing it's just a guide to show you how you can rank on google so you can delete if you want now after deleting the unwanted infos we have to write more on each topics and to do that we just have to highlight each one and click on paragraph which will automatically write something under our chosen title now if you wish for it to write more you apply the process by clicking on continue writing or expand but usually it doesn't write more when you click on expand instead it automatically add a much more valuable point on what you have written so is always best for us to click on continue writing to get more facts note that with the free version you won't be able to write a comprehensive content without running out of words so i recommend you at least upgrade to paid version so that you don't run into this issues but for this tutorial i will be using this to finish up the video and i hope with what we've done so far you will able to understand this process now for the third step after generating your content i recommend you copy each content and paste it on your note or google docs in an orderly and readable manner now for the final step we are going to generate pages and covers for our content for this process we are going to use a software called canva well most of us know what it is but for those that have no knowledge of what it is canva it's an art designing software used to design so many things like logo ads copy and ebook as well and the most important thing is that it's free but you have to upgrade to the paid version to get more templates and elements etc now to get started click on the link below and let's row on this section we will have to select ebook but if you can't find it you can simply look for it on the search bar after that canva will bring out torns of ebook template but some of these templates like i said earlier can be accessed or used after you've upgraded to the paid version you can also create your own ebook template but for the sake of time i will look for something great that is congruent with our content and re-edit it now on the left hand side this is where we can change template if we are not happy with our design and for elements this is where we search for new creatives for our design uploads this is where we can upload our external files like designs photo music or videos etc to re-edit text is where we encrypt our text and also select different font for our text and finally audio which is where we select stock audio or music content for our contents but for the sake of time i will not go in depth on everything on canva now after we are done designing our ebook cover we just simply click on add page to add blank page for our content and click on this icon to select colors for our page now in this blank page what you will do is to chaperize our content one by one plus apply the same process to create multiple pages for our contents to simply chapterize our book we just have to head to text select add headings and paste the various titles the software gave us and arrange the wordings properly to fit in the page so after doing that we simply head to our notes and copy our content orderly and apply the same process on each blank page now after that we simply click on share then click on download and finally click on file and select pdf boom here we go we have our ebook i hope with this little piece of content you are able to understand how to make an ebook with an artificial intelligence please comment if you really understood this process and like and subscribe to help grow this channel and to stay tuned for my next contents thank you and goodbye have a
Channel: Web Guru
Views: 18,232
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Keywords: how to create an ebook, how to write an ebook, how to make an ebook, how to create an ebook for free, how to create an ebook pdf, how to create an ebook to sell, how to create an ebook step by step, how to create an ebook in canva, how to make an ebook fast, create an ebook, how to write an ebook and make money, how to create an ebook with canva, create an ebook online free, how to create an ebook using canva, how to sell an ebook, how to make an ebook in canva
Id: MRqCsNzuIF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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