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sighs what a gone one going on I'm done with Jersey what's the pricing on this stuff the whole container Oh baby this bike is so smooth whoo boy this thing is a dream come true baby can't believe they allow these things to be legal they're so nice cruising the baby boy Oh what's up everyone good morning just taking this little baby for a cruise this thing is so smooth I could see why these were so desirable well dream boat is what I would call it but today we are going to be heading up north a little bit too like Toms River area for a gigantic pick our friend Donny hit us up late yesterday and said this guy has like a shipping container filled with merchandise and we're gonna go check it out and see what we can pick out of it he wanted to sell I think everything for one price I don't think that's going to happen but from the pictures I could see there was some decent claims to be had we are going to go check it out but first I'm gonna take this thing for a little spin I know this thing's going to sell eventually but might as well get our fun in while we have it so smooth this bike is so legit that it's not just like a showpiece it's actually kind of fast like you could ride this from one place to the other and be happy about it it's so smooth I actually like the handlebars there the way there are bent like this it's almost like you want to hold them here I don't know what that's all about I guess it was this style at one point but other than that the fact that it's all speeds on here makes it so fast like I could actually pump this thing and get going like I just feel like with the lowrider kind of bikes they don't go this quick I guess it's the twin shift gears that make it like that but wow this thing's a dream but we're about to leave go check out this pic so we'll see you guys in a little bit dreamer alright so as part of our mission today we're stopping at the tuckerton thrift store second time around thrift shop here in tuckerton new jersey it's on the way to the big pic so check it out all right so I should grab a coat huh it's a little chilly for sure rocket power that's pretty classic not not that great though that's still cool DOS doing out here some old roller skates always got to check out the skateboards that records see this the men's section here alright let's check out the clothes right what are you checking out these are this spot right here though this rack could have some treasures on it yeah I mean look at this exchange unlimited pretty cool it's an excel see what else we got here it's old Fruit of the Loom casualwear blank but nice purchase more shoes I don't know what that is but Rockport heavy weights vintage hands nice nice nice Kline construction small nice Phillies 2009 sweatshirt that's not bad at all look it's a nice big logos vintage sweatshirts with big logos how's this sweater right here that's Flair right there pretty cool price isn't really good to go here to these are only two box see the men's selection here men's tees say look at this vintage speed on top this is all me look at this speed up are you about it be about it yeah it's coming home how's this little dream ten is what is as is mean this might be worth getting now if it works VCR DVD I'll say let me say when I got here small camera flashes in here that might be a claim right there flashes thanks pretty cool all right they have a DVD VCR player but I'm not really familiar with the Magnavox lon I'm about to take a look a gander and see anything about it because it is 10 bucks and it says as is so I don't know what that means maybe it means no remote which wouldn't be that bad but gonna check it out first on on eBay first alright it looks like I think it's the same one sells for mmm 47 it sold for no remote and 50 so I might pick it up I think I'm going to actually what lowdown lowdown yeah I like to look good lookin geez I got a nice ass put your pants like that I want see underwear do you know what uh do you know what camera this goes to do you know what kind of lens that's for like what brand of camera you might be able to tell from this could you tell me what that thing is over there does it show slides yeah it looks like it it's some kind of projector right this is the case for it right or is that a different lens just trying to think if I have a connection they use it is a thing that you attach that's a projector for sure well you know what they put on CDs my sister didn't diminish your boy if nobody is on this you gave me I feel like this would connect you doing grandma this one is is this is a different one yes this is just one stone alright I'll take this one that one has like cheese on it not cheese but like like stuff from the break damage I'd say the inmates here really bad we found there's at least once an hour it's gonna be cocktail hour somewhere first you alright I've been my dad originally from Jersey City so my attitude personality kind of gets that still it's a good personality to have I had too much for and I'm not ready to die they got kipping God sent me back twice he said you're not ready hit awake me so ten ten and then I don't know twenty-three all right we're about to pull up to this pic this I see Donnie's truck but yeah it's one of them they got like this big sea Krait over here to the side and I guess it's filled with filled with stuff I don't want to block this guy's driveway though yeah right uh no he's not going out of there right I'll move if I have to dude the boy what's the claim today what's going on dude how are you tired yeah lots of work to deal with this stuff a lot a lot of DVDs yeah what did you have a store yeah the DVD sale good in there just bought them I mean I did well with other stuff they sold a little bit but I just kept flying them and just buying yeah it's like problem a problem or a solution yeah that's kind of true for Manta can I look around wow this is a dude it was an intentional it looks pretty intentional control Wow these are nice that least these is at the receiver right this is absurd dude you know what they did how's this Mac so I'm just taking a gander around through all this stuff this guy said he used to have a store he used to have I mean he's got collections of pawn collections of different video games 12,000 DVDs he said some skis right here this is like a I don't even know what that is some of this stuff I never even saw before [Applause] vintage shirts down in here what is this mighty morphin power and your sweatshirt no it's Mickey and Minnie I lied what is this look in this tote it's almost absurd yeah so what are you trying to what are you trying to do with all this well having a yard sale this weekend yeah I'm done with Jersey what's the pricing on this stuff for the whole container missing twenty five thousand for everything for everything one thing I'm not getting rid of is a few my printers pyrex over here this also how about like something like this how much is that 100 bucks for the set there's two pieces okay how about this one in the front and do these work do you know if they work yeah way to test them yeah how about for this one I have it written down upstairs and write it down I think I told the guy for all the electronics like 100 bucks there's this if you don't mind dog easiest thinking in your head what were you just thinking in your head when he laid down that 25 thousand claim are you thinking yeah I could pay off half my house with that I mean I'm not saying anything that great except for that receiver I mean there is definitely some claims in here but like these aren't bad no because I only want one of them the one I don't know unless this was involved to some of this stuff is cool for sure that's cool right pull it out there and bring it out there that's definitely cool and I've never seen anything exactly like that before all right we're digging in here this is like a hoard beyond it hoards there's just more figures in here oby dream is this thing that's for the good like a phone or something to go I don't know what that is I never saw that before it funkopop unless you got old school controller G 16-bit it's not working [Music] so Genesis games that's a cool cup that huh undoes that Apple right yeah customer service that's really cool actually I want to like look deeper but it's hard to this is crazy look at this he has like a dozen of these PlayStation 3s just stacked this is just five cat style [Music] little laptop c3po these lunch boxes are kind of cool what are your pricing on those most of them have thermoses these normally sell for they definitely sell but it's it's like I think there's specific ones that are more valuable obviously like it would be hard for me to know where was this store at around here all of Ocean County yes this is so crazy right there's some stuff in video game stuff in here that doesn't even like I've never seen before controllers there they're like reef ads like reproductions there's like a box out there that has a minute to retail like I would get in ten I mean you can probably get like two for 15 you know Columbus or a little little online gang whatever I paid you don't have any business license to get know what's in there NES controllers so it's just the whole box it's a master cases and then these are our various dance pad going down to the original time couples it's cheap yeah those are good to have them because I have systems that don't have them and you got to have them to test the system to even see if it's worth selling everything even TVs the newer ones let me say I have one upstairs but I can't find my cable I just kept oh okay yeah yeah but like these or is it this one is great to have because it's that specific connector boy Timothy Hutton this is a bootleg game boy is that what that is how much you want for that you know I know I don't stuff duh yeah like I'm gonna take this stuff off of here and so I can inspect it better and then I'll put it back I guess up the PlayStation 3 claim there's like how many in there like a this one special but this one this one's nice like in this thing here I mean it's probably not worth a ton of money but these are these are the nice ones this is probably the coolest thing in here maybe not but it's definitely it's definitely these are like getting harder and harder to find cuz people that have them just keep them they don't sell them just look at it look at this thing what is this thing tell ex car mate this thing is wild is it a projector that's crazy I don't want to even start thinking I want that thing I used to bring it down for you yeah I was looking at that what is that it is cool-looking and it obviously like was for like a real studio because like it'll go on a rack with a bunch of other ones I was going with it for ten more bucks 75 for that it only sells on eBay for like 50 or less I thought it would be more - that's why I looked it up no service in here just in this container what are you looking at in here oh you want some more keywords that was crazy these are decent but like that's I figured well Roger we can go to stop by liquid real quick you know dude that guy was a straight god you know it's funny those phone cases nah the phone cases did you see the post in yuba man the like 10 of these filled with otter boxes for 10 bucks those those cases that I got that were like charging cases are slowly just selling though yeah like thank you for showing it to us though [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] some of these controllers are just like Sonic because I didn't think I didn't think about it because like I like it are you having the yard sale tomorrow huh this is gonna be a heavy yard sale I bet a lot of people buy a lot that was hopefully five dollar items to know I almost everything I've never I've never been to a yard sale I had that much I can't do the 25k da okay no I like this bonds but they're not these guys these guys they're cool to collect though but I don't need them they do but he's been talking about making that movie for like three years people are getting over it now thank you for letting us look though I appreciate it thank you good luck on the to sale it later later couldn't do it I couldn't do the 25k it was too much yeah couldn't do the 25k it was too much and cold but we're out of here peace thank you very much man I'll see you guys soon it's good to see you be good make the claim dude this is all I got today but this is plenty enough for the boys all right did thank you buddy keep in touch all right we made it back home didn't really get anything because the prices were crazy but Sam he did get it's so cool and then on the other side I found this skate deck in the trash yesterday it's nothing special but there's be a five-dollar guide to flame maybe Apple vintage coffee cup mug so wasn't a complete loss but that guy's pricing was it was just too high it was just straight up too high he was trying to charge me prices that were above sold prices on eBay which I don't know why anyone would pay that when you could just buy from eBay and have it delivered to your house but at the same time I wish him the best and I hope he does sell off tomorrow at his yard sale it was just not a profitable situation for people like us I should say but you never know because the prices could have been blowing out sales I wasn't sure until we got there I did get this one sold for $69.99 on eBay with no remote not that long ago a few days ago so I paid 10 for it that's not bad and then I got this lens which I'm hoping to use actually maybe on a canon camera if not a minutes out on eBay but this one made in Korea it's older I'm not really sure exactly what brand it is but yeah sir two scores this was the score of the day I guess the igloo color was the coolest thing that we've gotten in a long time actually but you like I said you never know unless you go so it was worth taking a chance take a drive check out some sights and that guy had a mega hoard of stuff but he was asking $25,000 for it when I was trying to like mentally rack up how much this stuff would be worth and it looked like to me personally maybe maximum sold all like eight grand so I think his ballpark price was whew double at least of what the stuff was actually worth but maybe he has a lot of money invested into it I have no idea but it was a good day and just staying positive moving along every day so peace I guess I'm probably gonna do some more video in the garage but I've not see you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 30,398
Rating: 4.8262267 out of 5
Keywords: $25000, deal, wholesale lot, selling, collection, no way, thrift store, thrifting, ebay, flip, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, toms river, north jersey, making claims, worst deal, adventure, hercules, vintage, video games, sega, gameboy, playstation, ps3, video game lot, vintage video games, reselling, gone wrong
Id: fHwYjzujlHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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