We Bought $60 Storage Unit At Live Auction!

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fire-rescue vintage helmet what all right what's up everyone good morning here we are another beautiful day in paradise as you can see the sun is shining on our dreams once again but today we're here at an in-person live storage auction we're in New Jersey I think they're doing seven or eight units at this facility and then there's another one at another facility after this same auction company but I'm pretty sure we're just gonna hit this one try and get one or two units here and we have the white truck with the little guy trailer so we're hoping to get at least one unit today and hopefully find something good we were gonna bring our friend Frank who's so delusional he thought he was gonna find like he was like messaging me that he was gonna find like a vintage guitar I think he's been watching too many episodes of Pawn Stars but it's happened before pop open one of these and you just find like a vintage Gibson Telecaster or something he'll be pissed he didn't come if that happens but yeah here we are there's a bunch of legends here so prices could get way high I don't know yeah we're going alright so the auction is starting we didn't film when the guy first came out the guys running it because it's simply you can always kind of tell at auctions when it's weird to film or not anybody else who does this you know what I'm talking about so it was weird to film so we're gonna kind of try and be a little bit slick with it to not make people uncomfortable because that's one thing that you don't really like to do because I'm just like ruins a vibe stuff we're starting what was the number of the first one five five two I think there's only one year and then five at the next facility so they advertised like five or seven here and 13 at the other one but people pay overnight people had paid their back money on the units dropped down ten people here though so it's not like crazy but yesterday we still wanted Brit Louis old about 10 and brick and one of the bidders blowing on my phone and I'm at dinner with my aunt and my son and I didn't answer him he's like calling back important important important so after dinner I called him he's like I got $20,000 in jewelry in that unity that you sold me today I was like no [ __ ] he sent me pictures and he did real good he was so excited and super excited wouldn't day that I guess 75 50 bucks 25 bucks 25 10 bucks 5 bucks it's just abusive work then you usually when you see like baby stuff one dollar one dollar he's saying I don't think anyone wants it all right that was one of the few times ever I've seen that happen where the price was basically free and nobody still wanted it I guess once you do it long enough you know oh you know I just now the thing is I know there was something good in there but how we're not that close to we're not close at all we'd never be able to fit all that all right so we're at the other location now which is like 20 minutes away a little bit longer than that and it doesn't start for another hour so we didn't get the other unit even though literally he was selling it for a dollar the number one thing that turned me off was like that bin out of I don't know if Turner got the shot but like it was all the way in the back and there's like this bin with like old tylenol bottles and like dirty q-tips and like crusty like paper towels and then I saw diapers like used ones and then the huge like whatever it was it was like a big dresser that always turns me off and like yeah there was an interesting looking dresser in the front the one that was kind of like faded yell and it had marble on the top I think I kind of like didn't even pay attention because I already knew I didn't want it the minute he opened it if there's baby stuff there's probably not good stuff in there like you use baby stuff and like dirty q-tips and like just nasty used stuff that's generally what's going to be in that whole unit like there wasn't literally from what I could see not one thing that I would like consider valuable in there which there could have been stuff in the midst of it but at what cost it was just no no and the fact this is another thing the fact that not one person bid on it and there was like ten people there just about like it's not good not good because I'm sure they've been there before and they've been doing this and I've done it multiple times just like we have so it's just I don't know I mean if no one bids on it for a dollar come on you know it's not good it's casually there's no buyer premium II will pay sales tax unless you know sales kind of like that fish is called straights pretty cool look at that thing is kind of cool that would in think Hatta trash because i see how that's bad four and a half five for the quarterback there now [Music] [Music] 25 10 bucks 10 now 20 20 now 30 30 40 40 now 50 50 now 66 now 70 70 I got 60 there now 76 Steve is now 70 now 70 now 78 amid 70 $70 a storage unit there was a couple of fools here try and talk smack like saying it was all trash and that could be true actions speak louder than words why did you show up and spend your whole day at a storage auction just to talk down on everyone who bought stuff but look at this hold on how do we even start with this unit what we got we're just loading it all over the target they could no let's never I know this is good basically I'm just gonna load up everything and just get it back to the house that's the plan if you want I can just go ham and just fill me and I'll just put everything yeah yeah all right I just took one box out of here and I'm just gonna give you guys a little example of what might be in here because there's a paper cutter this is like some that's it's for cutting paper I guess you just take a little gander there's like looks like lab stuff in here Oh photo stuff yes the tired pieces and this is for cutting pictures plate a black laughs what darkroom honestly there might be good stuff in here is that how you're gonna protect your face here just hold this and I'll just start getting it all putting it on the don't go I'm so center of the Dawson I would like to go throughout myself oh there might be a dust mask in here market waivers psychiatric nursing this is pretty nice power supply not bad what I think is like garbage in the trailer all right and anything that's like good good-looking boxes in the truck bet I'll just take Oh twin bike in there no way speed bike oh my god yes so the middle trailer is coming in handy today and just like that coach where stuff so I'm just gonna stack this trailer one layer like this and then the truck that I'm gonna fill as heavy as all put that in the truck all right said Barry this way got all the goal is sensor okay um science fairs type stuff in here like a space heater it works that's up in shed garage roof joist what's your name pretty yes yeah that's open to Bacharach board soccer sick made in Korea backgammon we don't care it's nice for like sipping martinis and chilling playing backgammon with the grandma that's cool though in 1995 maybe not but maybe decimals this is like your house that case they used to put them in Marge Marge oh Jesus Daytona Beach baby no way I could see this there's something really really gross I like that no no no no no you see the v-steps wiping their butt with that eagle shirt is it I don't know should they know but it's freaking cool officer training school United States Air Force Wow it's small but dude it's cool it's cool made in the USA that's a one of a kind right there aunt in the ogitta I don't know immediate PC packrat to commodore discs he says that's maybe i don't know anything scares really deep cheese why would I ever think like this I like books alright get away all right put it here that this is just easier what is that but it wasn't a bulk raised above you got my headlamp oh no what's creepier the dust that's on my thumb or this bottle of red liquid that's not a good one like what could that possibly be in its like syrup that sir get that big dog UConn the dot yeah to handy it's like some radiative stuff a little coin empty box Schwinn bike VHS tapes like the whole thing of floppy disks floppy discs glass hey what the God did you came in here took what he wanted uh-huh and then left everything is about here really so he had more than one no he just had this unit but what he did he took what he wanted cause he's in California own areas so I don't know what he was so he did come here yeah and took what he wanted and then my man my assistant had to throw everything back up in there cuz in the back that's what them poles are as an antenna system he was like a radio guy yeah yeah I could tell that from that stuff well the swing is see what happened I got in trouble because two girls bought a unit down there and when he left the unit that night he had boxes I can show you the pictures of the boxes that he had out here and what the girls came in tough business there was a camera sitting up here and they took it really and then she called corporate on me and said that I was threatening her Wow and now go that yeah come on phone there's some weird stuff in the unit that like definitely some radio yeah it's like the Whitman Tex Cooley kind of stuff yeah maybe he worked at like a tech school or or even just in the day I guess they had more of that in regular public schools too these are this is what's in there so you had it all over the place yeah oh wow that cameras yeah it didn't even look like it that piece this piece yeah you know just like a microwave oven she's like this see that's that was when it when he had everything sitting out here that bikes not bad that so much this is the box is cool and I don't know why I guess because hey could you speed books she's fresh and that it was cool but I guess who would not lift a kneecap this is some real vintage clothes that huh I found something crazy maybe it actually maybe there's gold in here it is their army uniforms and stuff US Air Force jump flight flight suit look at that there is something cool that out of there looking a little bandana that's cooled out and that's a part of the outfit yet been destroyed that is still has his medals on it national defense that's kind of cool super cool you just put books in all these boxes records this must went with that camera that that girl star would steal that camera would steal I can't right here that's worth like four dollars [Music] I see the Nutcracker dynamic range expander this is the kind of stuff you want to get into because you never know and you say what it sells for flight guy it's pretty cool pencil sharpener old school that goes on like a desk like a teacher does he is it see there's this guy had to have been a teacher another day when my US Air Force was a teacher which I take this life yeah that's it there yeah cats low altitude in the United States Manuel cliff notes intact litter tool bags we didn't get in yet sockets at the dream so much more work than long as I can tell cuz in between cuts it's like ten minutes of lifting no no actually kind of said wait wait plaid cloud yeah it's oh good there's the camera there's the K right nobody even stole the camera shy get a towel that's a different one maybe that's probably worth a bit little bit 15 30 bucks anymore this was a dresser [Music] is a Commodore alright the baby they need couldn't even see this the varsity dude varsity this thing's kind of fresh is kind of fresh obviously this just cooked but both of them are coke did this thanks French I'm saying the wheels are cooked but people who restores but looks like they have yes this is nice though the body's fine that's it that's that yeah beach towels tanning care Wow no joke that digs ethic waiting for the whole thing to collapse that's a keeper for Landis oh I don't know if you guys can see what's going on back here but now that we got into the thick of it beakers and a record player by legitimate Sears push mower know one of two of these in here looks like it says gates energy products rechargeable battery I'm not really sure that use from anyway a golf cart look at that it's like an old fire police fire ad I guess I come VHF FM transceiver in there really really really cool actually hard to show these data but they're cool okay let it's kind of nice actually video cards fire rescue vintage helmet what that's worth the whole unit right there though yeah that's for sure that's a calm offense and it has the front piece yeah I'll bet they put it on no oh my fellow down with the dust right to dry suit maybe that's Nance to the distinct fire literally literally look at my gauze let me say tell me that's a Betamax what is this try spot pickup serve system that was a dinner it's a disc player I don't know it should be worth money though okay okay whatever this is really kind of RAD looking [Music] just get outta control like there's Rutgers 1981 okay this this is like his personal [ __ ] stuff oh look at this clipboard pennsylvania wing Civil Air Patrol range or section very cool ever so darling Carl Sagan big fan of them I guess there's a bunch of those in here seem so maybe jacket I think it's a claim so this is the insanity of this small little baby storage unit that we got so this thing it's a it's a projector not a sound machine it's pretty rad not bad definitely cool [Music] a [ __ ] shut this again yeah what I was yeah did why do you have that medical waste right there look at this these are brand-new though little syringe I don't know if you could even try to sell these you'd be arrested for selling like that like the flea market is a terrine sponge pretty gnarly it's just an old-school receiver I got sonic speakers use their gold old speakers go for electronic pianos very unique pieces all right in the back corner of the unit we found a ham radio tower probably the whole thing it's pretty insane there too much theft even we're sure old Texas license plates Sammy scooped out of the necks this realistic little FM radio thing I don't really know what that is powerful not sure what that is something probably worth a little bit of money that I would say all right all done locked and loaded so it all fit in this trailer and then the truck is freakin packed to the brim I don't even wanna open it see what starts pushing on it so that's what that looks like so this a job and a half because now we have to take it all home and sort everything just never ends but I think we did really well it was about 10 good items so 60 bucks definitely worth it ready to go yeah I love doing stuff like that and I like doing work like that too I just don't like the dust there was so much dust in there yeah there's a lot like I could feel it in my shirt but even longer oh well that's brief okay made it back home safe and sound today was a little bit more aggressive than we originally went into it because we thought there was gonna be a lot of units at the first sale and there turned out to be only one there and I don't think anyone no one bought that unit even because it was just not good and so the other facility was even like 20 minutes further away after we already drove almost an hour so it was far away and we drove back on avoiding all highways to make sure all of our stuff got back and it looks like every single item is here so it took us like over an hour to get home but here we are back and summers point and we had a great day and I just wanted to say every day and everything that we do might not be glorious but literally every single day is an adventure and it's so fun and we scored some really cool stuff also right when we got home we met someone from Facebook and sold some speakers for 60 bucks that we got for free so we just made back what we spent on the unit today this is probably the coolest find for me I don't know how old it is but I like it a lot it's a fire rescue helmet it is from American Sports Company Inc Compton California really cool I'm beat I'm tired I'm dirty I got to go to you know take a shower and chill out but keep pushing everyone for real this kind of stuff is so fun to do so like if you're watching this and you always wanted to do something like buy storage unit should go do it because life's too short not to take chances and have a little fun and it's also it can be very profitable it's just such a fun way to spend a day honestly and yeah I'm beat tired but got to spend the whole day you know digging through different stuff finding cool stuff filming with my wife and not everybody gets to spend that much time with the person they love the most in the world so I feel very very fortunate but see you guys tomorrow later we have something special tomorrow planned so stay tuned you oh yeah I forgot to add in the morning tomorrow before we go on our other adventure that we got planned we're going I'm gonna be sorting through all the other items and showing everything that we did not show today because there are boxes that we hardly even opened we just wanted to get everything back to the house some unboxing going down tomorrow and that'll be a video so if you'd like the unboxing and showing of everything I'm probably gonna put like a couple tables here and then a bunch of trash cans and then do like trash and then keep and then eBay flea market separate it and sort it so that should be fun [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 34,841
Rating: 4.8308668 out of 5
Keywords: we, bought, $60, storage, unit, at, live, auction, storage unit, storage locker, we bought, bought storage unit, mystery, what's inside?, storage auction locker, storage wars, what did we find, vintage electronics, radio tower, ham radio
Id: soKfTXNDrgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 48sec (2628 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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