We Bought Back Our First Cars (And They Were WORSE Than We Remembered) | Car Trek S5E3

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] yesterday auto tempest graciously sent us on a joy ride in a private jet only to steal our dream cars while we weren't looking auto tempest is doing a wonderful job combining all the listings for my first car an old diesel into one search but i'm scrolling through it's all parts cars are double or triple what they gave us money-wise to buy our first cars they then gave us three thousand dollars a piece and told us to find an exact match to the first cars we ever purchased obviously this was much easier said than done dude check this out you got six grand this was a 500 car yes six months ago yesterday yes that is insane i have the same problem here too expensive yes too expensive oh here's one for a thousand dollars oh does need transmission computer before it's drivable runs good needs engine yeah all right now we're getting somewhere 188 500 miles for 7 900 offer him three grand meet right smack dab in the middle three grand cash out the door is that how it works that's how it works is that what middle means to you the middle is whatever my original offer was do it right now i really don't have any option other than this one honestly good luck oh my legs are asleep oh my gosh i could just call from here [Music] that night we bought what were the best first car examples we could find and then we met the next morning to play a little show and tell hello so auto temp is challenged us actually just one second there we go auto tempest stole our dream cars from us my sls amg included and gave us three thousand dollars each to buy our first car this was the first car that i bought with my own money it's a 1983 mercedes 300 td turbo diesel these things are tanks they are invincible this car has 280 000 miles on it which is nothing the record holder a former taxi cab that is now in the mercedes-benz museum in germany 2.8 million miles now when i was a kid and bought this car 20 years old it was a cheap used car but now they are major collectors items and really hard to find and that is not a collector's item that is coming [Music] wow wow it has been a minute since i've seen one of these that works me too but look at you you're telling me that the previous owner of that car has the internet he was an old german man yes the type of person you would want to buy this car from that's a stodgy spec aryan family truckster that you've found much worse than this look at my s4 a b5 s4 yes 2.7 liter turbo yes that blows up left and right yes these are about the most unreliable german cars ever made everything breaks everything yeah we are the bookends of german reliability in that regard and of course as most of them are this one is modified to stage two plus stage two plus meaning that we've done everything we could that we could just stick onto the car without getting to the turbos and it means that it's probably not long for this one yeah that makes everything worse so how many miles on this car well normally to fit into our budget or to get anywhere close you'd have to have an automatic one i didn't want an automatic one i found a stick but the trade-off was 231 000 holy crap yes yes that may be the highest mileage b5 s4 in existence right here totally i couldn't stand the idea of owning the one that i had past 100 000 miles because there's so many time bomb issues but you've obviously gone back to your origins of grandpa cars so what type of maxima do you think we'll see freddie in whenever he arrives yes his origin story is filled with terts and speaking of the sound of turds there we go oh it's vince from fast and furious yes back in 1999. we didn't order a pizza oh dear look at it oh my goodness yeah so this is a 1998 don't stop stop it's a 1998 nissan maxima se and this is a five-speed manual super super rare stop no did you root did you really have to do that it's a manual transmission but it's front wheel drive so it doesn't it doesn't matter because the maxima was actually a 4dsc i don't know if you guys know what that means means four-door sports car and this is a lightweight version the se weighed 2 900 pounds look how light it is yeah mine uh has some modifications a lot of modifications tires it has great wheels and tires from a 370z it has an exhaust that is very it sounds terrible tasteful it's awful it's loud and proud and my first car was actually how i learned how to work on cars to begin with i basically wrote the book on how to modify these cars the manual swap the 3.5 swap uh none of that stuff was done on this car maybe he didn't read my stuff but it kind of sort of looks like what i had when i was 18. it's kind of the same for me actually because i have almost 6 000 posts on a mercedes diesel forum page doing things on this car and it's actually how i met the car wizard he had bought the mercedes diesel introduced himself on there realized he lived not too far from me and we met because of mercedes diesels tyler this does zero to 60 and what like two weekends never well yeah 10 11 12 seconds or so yeah something like that s4 i did since it's also a resident of central florida guess what it has meth injection meth okay it wouldn't be at bullying without so appropriate 130 000 miles 230. that can't be the original engine it seems to be i will say however that it was no more attached to the ground than the dwelling behind it when i went to pick it up so the fender gap here is uh pretty atrocious i mean freddie forget about all that look oh you see that there's hundreds of them ants all over oh and spiders lots of them so it's a bug infested 230 000 mile heavily modified s4 it's way faster than mine was how much did you pay for it well so auto tempest gave us each three thousand dollars to buy a duplicate of our first car and i couldn't find one for that so i got this one for four thousand dollars which i think is a great value okay so you cheated well it's four thousand dollars he's going to drive this thing 10 miles and it'll be worthless when the thing blows up absolutely glorious but if we're talking about cheating you're telling me that this long-roofed german wagon sought out by all the grandfathers on earth was just three thousand dollars no it absolutely wasn't these things are coveted by so many people now really that uh that's right this was the best one that i could find even close to the budget and it was still five thousand dollars you had to spend two grand yes to get this yes oh my goodness beige on beige on beijing yes well i feel good in my purchase because i only spent 500 more than our budget so we all cheated cheaters i'm not so finding anything cool right now is nion impossible yeah the car market has just totally changed in the last year these were all attainable a year ago within that budget but like collector cars everything has gone up it's made finding anything cool i got a second 500 bucks a text from auto tempest oh of course today you have wizards jareds connections and sponsors to help fix your cars when they break but when you were younger we know that was not the case tomorrow you will depart on a 500 mile road trip in these cars that you've owned for less than an hour you have the evening to prepare them for the trip and as you do it you should document your experiences in the style of an iconic youtuber someone other than the three of you oh i was going to do you again no do not ever do me again welcome to hoover's garage the dumbest automotive channel in all of youtube and behind me is my 1986 rolls-royce silver spur and this uh thank goodness we're not doing that is like five minutes away from here we can get all of this done i wrote the book on this dude this is going to be amazing you're going to blow up in the first 10 months i can't wait it's going to be awesome [Music] go here you go and it's all coming back to me now it's been many years since i've driven one of these old mercedes diesels and uh well i definitely remember how slow they are this one's the turbo diesel inline five cylinder about 120 horsepower new which was you know pretty good in comparison to the non-turbo ones that are just dangerously slow at least this one can keep up with modern traffic it can go highway speeds it can go 100 plus no problem it just takes a little bit longer to get there you have to be patient and i learned that when i bought my very first mercedes diesel back in 2007 i actually found it on the internet flew cross country to pick it up drove it back and like this it had a vacuum leak to where the engine wouldn't shut off all the stuff's controlled by vacuum in this car transmission shifts the air conditioning which actually works in this car and the engine shut off it's really weird even the door locks work by a vacuum which those don't work so when it all gets wonky things uh things get weird [Music] believe it or not i actually used to be a pretty good mechanic on these things i know them very well have wrenched on them many times in the past the myth of reliability on these things is kind of true they can last for a really long time and they will go down the road broken like this pretty much forever but it's the little things that can really get you and uh well quite a few things are broken on this car despite the previous owner being an old german man that spent a lot of money maintaining it the radio doesn't work my tachometer it comes and goes in the front suspension it does feel well pretty worn out but despite all of that i could drive this car cross country right now like i've done with mercedes diesel so many times in the past multiple times and really not have to worry about it you definitely can't say the same thing for ed's car for sure i can't believe it's lasted this long man this thing feels great this brings back all the memories of being 18 19 years old and even though it wasn't my dream car this was the perfect way to treat yourself and to live out that dream of what looking like an auto enthusiast might be like this is a 2000 audi s4 with a 2.7 liter twin turbo v6 and they were a very very modifiable platform but they were also catastrophically unreliable you see all of them with chips and downpipes and exhaust and intakes but they rarely have the turbos replaced until they blow up and it's amazing that the factory turbos have made it 231 000 miles but it is about as much fun as you could have for the money back then and certainly for the money right now i mean at four thousand dollars i don't see how you could do any better and even though i lived in the constant fear of a service bill i could never pay when i owned one of these cars the first drive that i really took it on that was of any distance was all the way from new york to los angeles it was on an event called the aka rally which was kind of like a discount version of the gumball 3000 so me and one of my aau teammates from high school drove all the way across the country kind of my first pseudo cannonball which i learned very quickly these rallies are not like cannonballs at all but we had a ton of fun and i have to say it still brings back all of those amazing memories the car is plenty quick out of the box 250 horsepower but it was very easy to mod them up into the mid threes and i would guess this one probably makes about 350 horsepower if you change the turbos you were doing a little over 400 which meant that it could keep up with like an e39 m5 or an e46 m3 regardless the car handles very nicely the all-wheel drive system is really good the six-speed manual gearbox is a whole lot of fun goodness stands get off my shifter all right there are ants everywhere in this car i've got to find some spray somewhere to make this thing livable but regardless the check engine light that was on when i bought this car has somehow found a way to go away and it seems to be shifting nicely the all-wheel drive system is not binding up it's rubbing a little bit on the fenders and over any kind of bump but at the end of the day i think it's going to get us home now i will say that the air conditioning in this car does not work that's not a new thing for us here at cardtrek and i certainly am not sweating quite as badly as sitting in the middle of the mclaren f1 but it is awfully hot in here and i am sweltering but that being said once i'm not talking to you guys i'll roll down the windows and i will survive just fine the axles had clearly been redone recently there's a lot of the modifications that are very very clean but at the moment there's no error lights on the car is driving just about perfectly i don't know that we have much to worry about regardless of where auto tempest sends us which i would not say about freddie in that maximum [Music] [Applause] this takes me back this is for all intents and purposes my first car i had a 1998 white on tan nissan maxima before i bought a maxima i had no idea how anything worked on any car i really was clueless now the jury's out on whether i'm still clueless but i think i learned a lot by wrenching on cars exactly like this one my first engine swap my first manual conversion was all on a maxima and it's all coming back to me now the feel the sound and the speed or lack thereof it has an amazing throttle response from that three liter v6 this engine was on the top 10 list of many publications for the better part of a decade in this form it made 190 horsepower with 205 foot-pounds of torque it did 0-60 in six and a half seconds and the car only weighed 2 900 pounds which is super car light by today's standards and it looked really good i think the looks of this car are just timeless well maybe not timeless i'm not gonna compare it to my aston martin but this thing definitely looked very elegant and very stately nothing like ed's s4 and certainly nothing like the 300d that thing looks like it was made in the stone age [Music] but since we had to buy these things on a budget and in no time at all i did find an example that was a little bit modified but let's just say it wasn't modified in the right way because these big wheels they're probably bent and they are creating a heck of a vibration i mean i am all over the road here also the steering rack bushings the control arm bushings and every other bushing in the suspension is completely shot to the point where i can do this and i'm staying straight there's like no movement of the car i have a lot of steering wheel play it also has an aftermarket exhaust that sounds well it sounds bad it's it's oh it's just raspy and noisy and very very nasty and i'm not going to say that my original car didn't sound like this but let's just say i didn't really know what a good car sounded like back then oh that suspension too he fitted it with an aftermarket suspension that just makes this crash over bumps but i'll tell you what the values for these cars as well as the values for anything else cool have shot up over the last year because well you can't find these things anymore it used to be that you can find these cars all day long for 500 000 but now i was really lucky to find this one for 3 500 bucks and honestly it needs a lot of work but i saw worse examples for more money so this is sort of a deal [Music] i do like that finally on one of these car trek trips i have a car a cheap car that has working ac and that'll be very very useful when it comes to driving through florida it's like a billion degrees outside [Applause] as a seasoned veteran of doing impressions of other youtubers whether they like it or not i decided that i would go first and pay homage to one of the most recognizable automotive channels of all time this is my 19 not my 19. why did i say my this it's not too high this is a 1998 nissan maxima se and it's not just any nissan maxima se it is my nissan maxima se and today i'm going to review it [Music] so i got this nissan maxima for myself for 35 hundred dollars and from where i'm standing it really does look like a lot of car uh it really does look like um and from where i'm standing it looks like the best okay we could do this i swear so first up is the interior now in any other car you'd have a cloth seat but in nice but in the nissan max my mouth is like good water bottle here oh that's a continuity error in any other car you'd have a cloth seat in a nissan maxima your seats are made of leather and it's not just any leather it's perforated leather for more airflow which is what the previous owner told me so next up is the bose premium audio system this sounds amazing just listen to it [Applause] [Applause] so stupid so next up is this exhaust your car has an exhaust that's this big the maxima has an exhaust that's this big and it sounds awesome [Music] hello and welcome to ed explains engineering economics and everything else you could ever want to know about a 2000 b5 audi s4 i'm going to tell you about the life cycle of that car from brand new to this which is very far from new but still exactly what you'll need for a road trip so in the year 2000 there were buyers for s-4s like very professional people they might have suits on [Music] and they would have made a lot of money and they would have been very very happy then the m3 the e55 and many other amazing cars came out that were much faster much better values and even depreciated less than this car despite depreciating catastrophically in their own right and so after the three-year leases were up no one kept the cars and then they went to second owners who were responsible people who saved money from depreciation and they read dave ramsey books and they felt really happy about themselves so the first time they went in for service they met a service advisor and they were told you should never keep this car and so they sold it for sale and that's when i bought it you've got two things that you have to worry about a lot the first is the turbochargers they have little fans in here and they go and they explode however the best thing that you can do for something that might fail is add stress and that's exactly what everyone chose to do they took new exhaust systems and they added bigger intakes and they put ecu tunes on them and you might especially if you lived in central florida add meth injection so you would take the meth and then you would shoot it into the intake to cool down the air so you're already going to be leaking a ton of oil you're already going to be making your turbos very very mad also if you live around here you're obviously going to park it outside where the rust comes in and more importantly you probably live next to some things that look like that and guess what lives in those ants so you have all of these ants that are going to come out of these holes and look for a place where there's water because obviously all your weather stripping is failing and they're just going to crawl right in anywhere they can get and in every place they could hide and be very very challenging to kill so the first thing that we've got to do before we do anything else to get this car ready for its road trip is kill them all mine's not as funny we're gonna open it up and just start spraying this is suitable for home use oh my goodness guys get out hey guys chris fix here and today i'm going to show you how to prepare your car for a road trip i'm also going to change the fuel filters a very common repair on this 1983 mercedes 300 td so first we're going to check the oil right here this is the dipstick it lets you dip into the engine when you pull the dipstick out you'll find oil on it but this isn't how you check the level you have to wipe it off with a paper towel and then put it back in as you can see this one is just over full close enough to where we will not need to add oil for our road trip another thing you can check with your dipstick is your battery to make sure it is charged and working it's very easy you take the far end connect it to the negative terminal the other into the positive terminal and you look for sparks just like that you'll know that your battery is good and [Music] [Applause] another important item to check before a road trip is that all of your lights are working and your wipers to do that you go in you turn on your flashers and then walk around the car we have lights here we have lights there we have lights here and we have lights there perfect but the wipers are an issue because they are not working on this car as you can see they are stuck up but i have an old trick that i learned from my dad on how to fix these and it's using this you stupid piece of crap why don't you work work work well that didn't work so we'll move on now to the next piece of maintenance i'm going to do on this mercedes diesel and that is the fuel filters this car has two fuel filters a primary one down here and a secondary one up here this big canister so we're gonna take them off put on two new filters and then we are ready for our road trip all right let's get this guy off down here looks very dirty very old all you have to do is loosen this clamp and pull off one side and there comes the diesel all right the primary fuel filter is off it looks a little bit like a crack pipe from freddy's neighbors let's move on to the secondary very easy just loosen this and the canister should spin right off spin right off spin right off spin right off okay okay with our few filters off we can head to the auto parts store and get some new filters let's go hey guys i just got back from the auto parts store and they don't stock anything for 80s mercedes anymore so we're just gonna put the old ones back on where's where's the tool god no don't spill there there's my bolt there's my filter very easy to put back on just put here on the bottom line it up and like god there right come on piece of crap the power of christ compels you the power first composer get on there [Music] final tightening here and we are back in business with a secondary filter now let's move on to the primary fuel filter we'll put this back on two holes down here yeah go back in your hole there you go yeah yeah yeah all right i'm tearing up my glove here all right the clamp get off all right reconnecting onto the fuel filter get on there right now all right it's on we're going to tighten it and then the field go yes yes tight yes okay glove is caught in the in the thing the primary fuel filter is is back on holy crap now that the fuel filters are back in a great thing about mercedes is it allows you to manually prime the fuel so you can pump it up here using this pump you pump and you pump and you do it harder do it faster come on when you start to feel a little resistance in the pump that means there's fuel in there it is primed and ready to go so this diesel is ready for its road trip now it's time to hear that diesel purr after a job well done come back come back to me oh [Music] come on [Music] ah [Music] yes yes holy crap chris fixing is hard [Music] we figured that we had embarrassed ourselves enough for auto tempest amusement so we departed on our 500 mile journey to their yet to be revealed destination and i had a feeling i knew exactly where we were headed [Music] [Applause] [Music] well they took us to your shop freddie and now they've sent us the location a good bit north of my house but it looks to be close to atlanta motorsports park so hopefully that's our destination this thing is great for the track are your ants gonna be on board and i have recent understanding i gave them a potato chip i told jerry that the boys could eat on that for a little while and they're leaving me alone i haven't been bitten in the last 12 minutes jerry's their leader they listen to jerry [Applause] why does it have holes drilled in the front left fender but not the front right i'm guessing it was for a flag holder that is now gone that is not factory there's something about a german car with a flag holder in it that just makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable ready i didn't realize how close you lived to the villages std capital of america boy we call it bingo knight but we don't play bingo that would be tyler and his cadillac everyone just puts their keys in the bowl and whatever happens happens but they took all our keys away so we use our dentures [Laughter] this is going to be a fun trip ed we just got there how do you have a georgia license plate that says car truck on it the good lord saw it fit to crash the georgia emissions system computers this week so i could register this car online and put a license plate on it without passing the obd2 emissions which is required now this is not me this is tyler he's uh he's using his diesel's torque to move it pushes pretty well doesn't it all right i'm in neutral tyler how hard can you push us all [Music] tyler i like my car that body kit will not hold those self-tapping screws are not built for these kind of low speed impacts after our little physics experiment we hit the main highway that we would be on for several hours so i decided it was time to take my own detour down memory lane [Music] man this brings back so many good memories how about you guys when i sit in this car i just think of freedom this was a time in my life where i could just drop everything and go anywhere i wanted just because did any of you have any money when you had these cars because i remember being so broke that i had to go to the junkyard to get a brake pad and they felt so bad for me that they just gave it to me for free that's how bad my brakes were and i couldn't fix them oh yes i lived in the cheapest department in the cheapest part of atlanta it was not the place to park anything nice one of my roommates cars got stolen repeatedly and anything we left outside we had to go to the pawn shop around the corner to buy back what were you guys blasting in your cars when you had them bombs over baghdad by outcast i'm future sex love sounds with uh justin timberlake i was really into metallica in high school you guys not metal heads what part of anything about me would make you think that's true actually you look like the lead singer of smash mouth in your old photo [Music] i would rock rammstein every once in a while some firefly bang bang go host do you have any romantic memories inside your first cars yes actually that's one of the reasons why i got the car in the first place because i had the leather interior and i thought that it would be impressive to the women folk not because it doesn't stain when you're alone in your car doing something that's true what about you when i first started driving this car i was at georgia tech and they don't really have girls there and so it wasn't really a pertinent issue was that before women were allowed to learn that's right no reading no voting no going to georgia tech oh got a piece coming off my car okay tyler is your door open no that's a piece of trim that keeps coming off actually oh you got it now that's a lot quieter there was something broken in that man i have a little issue this is my top speed currently my foot is to the floor it's struggling to do the speed limit 62 miles per hour is all you got yeah and these cars are slow but they're not they're not that slow there's definitely an issue and i think i caused it what i think i did is my primer pump that primes the fuel filters probably broke its seal because i played with it and now it's letting air into the fuel system luckily there is a roadside fix for this uh it takes some unorthodox methods though what do you need well let's find a gas station and i'll show you hello hello i need a very durable condom and zip ties yes they seal this out zip ties [Applause] okay no she's saying they're magnum i wish after successfully creeping out the clerks of this family friendly small town convenience store all right let's get her shut down tyler took his mercedes down the street to perform his inspired roadside fix so if you all recall my chris fix thing earlier i used the primer pump right here sometimes the seal breaks when you play with them and the emergency road size fix is well well this why did i do that sorry so we slide it over around the primer pump it should yeah you can hear the fuel just squirting out of it so it's definitely not airtight anymore but that still won't seal and that's why you need a zip tie this engine's a little hot around the fuel filter nice and tight and it's sealed condoms are very durable when it comes to heat and friction like an engine bay should have a good seal on that broken uh primer pump get me back on the road it's worked in the past hopefully it does now [Music] oh yeah there we go the condom is sealing it is definitely 99.7 effective in restoring my fuel system yes i have speed well sort of more speed [Music] you boys fancy a race three two one go [Music] well that was 90. it just took forever to get to 90. you guys going up there i'm gonna hang back for a second and see what this thing will do if you see anyone i should be worried about you let me know yeah let's break your car let's just do that right now get it out of the way 120. that was up to and including the speed limit yeah mine would only do 152. this one i didn't get quite there but it was definitely pulling a whole lot harder this thing is fast [Music] so would you guys say these cars would be good options for people to have as first cars today absolutely yes if you want to learn how to work on cars because they are so simple otherwise no so tyler i have a hard time telling your current mercedes and the one you were driving a couple of days ago well this is a wagon it's a diesel it's the same color as a hearing aid and the doors don't go up i would have to say that a b5 s4 is not a great first car i've had several people email me over the years asking about that and while they are about as much fun as you could possibly have for the money i don't think that you would avoid that constant fear of something catastrophic happening you know i think i'll probably have my fun and i don't know that it'll be a terribly unreasonable price on auto tempest when i'm done with it if i end up buying your car it's going to be the best 500 bucks i've ever spent i hope your credit's good enough to finance the balance it's not it's terrible he has terrible credit as delightful as a trip to florida always is we were all quite relieved once we passed the georgia sign aside from a few minor quirks our cheap first cars were doing something rather surprising they were working the wasp just came out of the cowl at the top of my dash my tachometer went out again let's see if the horn honk thing works it's amazing that it works that's hilarious [Music] however no sooner had we hit our stride than we found the infamous atlanta rush hour traffic there was little chance we'd make our north georgia destination before nightfall so i invited the boys back to my place to rest up for whatever auto tempest might have in store for the next day [Music] that is so loud yes how was that oh there's so much that i put up with when i was 18 now that i'm 34 and more distinguished i really can't have yeah 15 years ago i drove one of these cross country over and over and over again they are so slow they're so uncomfortable they are so smelly and loud and tractory well apart from being invisible to most truckers uh this thing did great and it didn't explode a bit all right it's a miracle it is but we didn't make it all the way to auto tempest destination tonight but we can do that easily in the morning so let's bed down here and uh why don't you guys come in and tell if you've been wiki car stories he's trying to monetize us staying at his house hey suppose when in rome come on we are princesses now we're used to the finer things in life i suppose it's so loud ed can you tell a story about how you made twenty thousand dollars off of tyler i thought it was 40. 40. yeah on the mercy are you you're kidding right tyler's just all over the track so in this episode we got spitting images of our first cars and honestly i think we all want auto tempest to give our dream cars back yes they're the greatest way to find a used car as they combine all the major listing sites into one search i search there all the time every day and you doing that makes car trek possible and did you know that you can also follow auto tempest on instagram youtube facebook and all the social media sites keep informed about everything that auto tips is doing new developments with the site and also what we're up to next yes click on all those things all of them now auto tempest all the cars one search click the link
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 1,510,315
Rating: 4.9206266 out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, maxima, s4, 300td, engineering explained
Id: M1SpwlsaiwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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