Rebuilding An Abandoned Chevy Camaro Z28 1LE Race Car In 2 Days

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so if you guys into the channel thank you so much for watching I really hope you enjoyed and if you do consider subscribing because today is gonna be fun this is my 1990 Chevy Camaro z28 1le and the one le is what makes this car really special because unlike the z28 or the v6 variants this is actually a factory built race car this had an AC delete it had a bunch of performance mods and this was the hot version however this is an SCCA World Challenge winning race car you can see the livery here there's a roll cage in there it has a lot of racecar tech in it this thing would rip on a track if it ran which it doesn't but this episode is all about new beginnings and redemption this barn-find wrecked race car is going to be on the racetrack in two days I've actually reserved a racetrack so we can get this thing on the road so we have a lot of work ahead of us to get this thing fighting fit so in order to do that I partnered with STP a company that's been in the racing world for decades so they're the perfect partner to get onboard with this project I'm so excited so let's start at the beginning I moved into my shop almost a year ago and for as long as I can remember I saw what looked to be a pretty cool race car in front of the shop across the street after realizing that it could look even cooler in my shop I put my big boy pants on and made a lowball $1500 offer on what looked to be a pretty neglected Camaro see I was thinking the guy would laugh me right out of a shop but instead he hands me the keys laughs a little bit and said I probably would have taken five hundred bucks it was a ran one part scenario but that was many many moons ago and now the car had to be pushed into my shop with racing slicks that were dry rotted and flat but after going home and doing a little bit of in-depth googling I stumbled across the cars history and it turns out 1500 bucks wasn't too bad of a price at all you see this car was originally purchased in Dallas Texas and modified by a little company known as LG motorsports and in nine anyone this car along with the sister car won the SCCA World Challenge and if you don't know what that is it's a grueling series of endurance races that pit more or less factory stock cars against each other to see who the best driver is this car was so good that it also won in 92 but was eventually no longer competitive in 93 after the series implemented new safety standards after that it just became a track rental vehicle which means it was treated like a rental but none of that really mattered because the car was now mine but I had no idea what to do with it I tried reaching out to roadkill yes that roadkill to see if they want a part of this and they didn't respond so I decided to take matters into my own hands an attempt to do this myself I then enlisted the help of STP because they've been involved with racing basically since racing began and I figured they would know exactly what I'd need to get this car running and running well even though I do have a history of this car as far as racing pedigree I don't know anything about a Camaro I've never worked on one and I'm super excited to get into it and this sometimes racecars need a little bit of modification you know it's called backyard R&D so this is I actually don't know how big this engine is there's some speculation on the internet whether this is a 305 or 350 I believe it's a 305 because it's mated to a 5-speed manual which is weird to me I don't know why the manual wouldn't have a bigger engine but it's still a v8 small-block and it's gonna make some power and it's gonna sound awesome if we can get it to run and that is the whole problem I don't know why it's not running I don't know if it turns over I really haven't tried anything on this car but in order to get this flighting fit for the racetrack and basically two days it's literally 48 hours I need some help I actually need a lot of help and I'm getting a lot of help come on help it's Jared but he was the driving force behind my four day super build and also the dustbowl rally video where we drove Jared's ISF now Jared is a very very helpful guy and you guys loved them in the last video so we're gonna be tag teaming this build in the next two days it's a lot of work I've never worked on this car before we don't even know if this thing runs the engine might be back it can't be that hard it's never that hard don't don't ever say that small-block Chevy we go around the corner we'll find another one everyone at home don't do what this man did he changed this entire project sorry about this guys but it is July in Florida and it is super hot in the shop so we got to have this thing on and I apologize for any wind noise but if we don't do this we're basically gonna melt but jared is over there and we have a table full of parts and fluids and lots of repair stuff to make this car run so what would what are we we're gonna do well the first thing you want to do when you've got a car that's been sitting for an unknown amount fluids are gonna absorb water and break down so we're gonna change all of its oil transmission oil differential oil she's gonna go through and put fresh fluids through everything we're gonna replace the spark plugs and basic tune-up the car actually has really nice race wires that are good so we are gonna do basic tuna obviously need a battery it doesn't run without power yeah that's kind of important right these cars are famous that if they sit the fuel pumps fail yeah so preventative we've got a fuel pump yes we got a fuel pump and if you'll notice we have all AC Delco well mostly AC Delco parts because this is the OEM manufacturer of all these parts we also have a plethora of STP products and this is going to keep our systems our gas systems oiling systems all that stuff running this is mostly just kind of preventative maintenance and also cleaning what's there but since this is a race car it's a little bit different than what you'd usually see on let's say a daily driver this has had really hard mileage this only has about fourteen thousand miles but every single one of those it's like super hard now like how I Drive my is so first things first we have to see if this engine turns and we have to see if there's any damage internally in order for us to be able to turn it over so what we're gonna do Gerry first things first we're gonna pull the airbox off so we can get to the crank pulley thankfully it's already loose for us oh that's that's magic that's that is magic it's actually this is like junkyard magic and that next we'll just come down onto the crank pulley having a little trouble there yeah you can always get it in moment of truth will it turn oh okay alright how do I feel is it easy is it now there's definitely compression okay smooth yeah as I'm turning I'm feeling to see if there's any resistance other than compression so when you're turning an engine that's been sitting if you're feeling kind of a real rough scraping feeling that's gonna probably be rust on the cylinder walls but if it's really smooth and it's just resistance almost like an air cushion that's you're coming up against the compression stroke if you're trying to restore or recover an engine that's been sitting over a decade or any long period of time you would actually pull all your spark plugs out you can start by squirting rust penetrant armamentarium any type of oil down in the SONA just let it sit overnight let it get down and start breaking up some of the rust Aranea the carbons actually really bad about just becoming almost like glue - when he says let it sit for day then come back and try to turn it by hand other things you'll you'll sometimes do as well as pull the distributor on a distributor driven oil pump and run a drill and yeah so that's that's this guy back here I actually don't have any cars with distributors on them so that's that's one what which one this one oh that's that's true yeah I wasn't kept I okay I'm gonna pull the dipstick and we're gonna check for oil and also the quality of said oil and it shouldn't be too dark and actually that that looks really good let's see if that can focus look at that that's actually really nice it is a bit over the level but I mean it's a race car so there are tolerances this oil looks looks pretty good doesn't look like there's any separation or anything like coolant in the oil so we're gonna put that all the way back in there and we're going to call that good also check this out this has like these zeus fasteners these are so you can get this off really quickly this is a lexan or polycarbonate or some kind of plastic thing that definitely needs some love so are you gonna take this off yeah why so you can polish it tomorrow with your hands we're just gonna leave that right there Oh adding lightness already let's just put this on the ground that looks really cool actually you can see the bolt and roll cage now one reason why this car is no longer allowed in Seca competitions because you need a Weldon roll cage and back in the 90s I guess that's what they needed to pass tech but it is a really well-done roll cage and if you were to weld this in I think you can still probably use it just make sure that the metal is good I don't know I'm not a racer we see an optimal red top that is way past it's due date and we need to take this off and dude are you like just taking my entire car apart yes that's what you do you just I just wasn't expecting it to be that fast so this is now this is an L Camaro me know look at that we're just living it like this this is the way it's gonna be from now on this is a jump seat right there okay okay I will sit here and then wave to the audience and I'm not sure if that can be charged or what but we're just gonna put that off to the side we do have a new battery we're gonna try to relocate to there well we probably want to run a Junction connector es which terminate then we'd have a short lead yeah yeah so I mean maybe maybe we could do that if we find the time but I think for now we'll just run it right here this is a little makeshift box that it's there's a piece of wood down here oh my god so fun fact this car actually has a very rudimentary immobilizer system this has a chip key in it and if you don't have this specific key the car will not start and it doesn't matter that it's a race car and it doesn't matter that is made in basically made in the late 80s but this is actually pretty cool and also very scary because if I lose this key then we can't start the car anymore you ready for this yeah wait hold on before you do that let's make sure that there's not anything connected to yeah so that is bad we're gonna make sure that that's a live wire so we're just gonna put that not yet well I mean if you were connected that that would have been live do you know that was one of the big arguments against back in the day when they're trying to decide DC or AC current yeah what what was out how much safer DC current was versus AC and that's what helped prompt the electric chairs to show how dangerous it was yeah there you go once it goes in the box it's protected yeah before it before that it's just a little Sparky I mean it'd just be keeping with tradition so now we have a fresh battery and put the key in the ignition neutral and all right we got a light on the - Landon - went off well whoa Isis it made noise that sounded that's not a pretty good huh all right let's see if we got oil pressure actually we'll see if the whole pressure gage even works I'm not sure if any of these gauges work so let's go okay started to climb are you sure yeah let's oh there we go oh dude that is like almost 60 psi of oil pressure we have no fuel pressure though that's that might be a problem so also this little pressure gauge works so okay so we got no fuel pressure which means that fuel pumps probably been yeah fuel pumps dead well we can check for spark by spraying some Go juice very dignified way of getting out of this car you're about as graceful as a newborn what are they called yourself yeah it's a little hot in these rhinos alright we have filled the fluid and we are about to spray the throttle body it's pretty cool there's like a little throttle bodies in there it's a tuned port injection and that is a fancy way of saying that it is not very sophisticated so so that should be quite enough now I'm going to give this to Jared so he can spray it a little bit if in fact this runs over let's see I don't think I have to get in there to start if you can give it a little gas it would help there you go they do this in a race they're a lot smaller than we are Wow I'll tell you what let's not bother with spraying let's bother with figuring out why our fuel pumps not working okay it was like that and it sounds really easy baby so in order to take out the fuel pump in this car usually you need to drop the tank which is located right here actually underneath everything so the wheels basically need to come off and there's a whole rigmarole they have to do but this is a race car and they have bestowed upon us a nice fancy access panel that I think is gonna get us to that feel pump because I think they envisioned that this might be a problem at some point and I'm not a hundred percent on this this could just lead to nothing but I'm thinking if we just take out the rivets we'll get access to the fuel pump we can change it a lot faster than dropping the tank even though with our luck we'll probably need to drop the tank and there's gonna be broken bullets and whatever let's let's see if this works you just have a quarter inch drill bit [Music] oh you got the rivet tip stuck on them hey when you get the tip start all right let's see what that's not what I wanted to see not very good I made an access hole but it's not big enough power is getting in here but fuel is not coming out this whole thing needs to come out that's gonna be fun it's gonna be a lot of fun so um let's get under you want to you want to you know tag-team you thing or you want me to hang a little let's just both get it done so then we can get under the engine bay and get to driving [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I know that fuel pumps usually work really well when there's fuel in the tank that wasn't the case was it oh yeah for some reason I thought the owner of the vehicle had already tested adding fuel so I jumped over that the owner of the vehicle has tested zero if that if you're referring to me I tested nothing same note we did off-camera we applied power to the fuel pump to force it to run and it was dead yeah the fuel pump was in a dead short as we were testing it it sparked so the pump was bad and actually it not having gas just makes it easier right that's a crispy over it okay let's let's get the new fuel pump on I went out and also we should probably get some fuel that'll help just a little let's take a look at this this right here is not what you want a fuel hose to look like this is kinked and when fuel gets sucked up into the system this produces quite a bit of restriction so we need to replace that thankfully we have a brand new one that we can use on our new fuel pump so this is actually very straightforward it's not it's not bad at all now I think that this is like the actual problem of why the car wasn't burnt up fuel pump no gas yeah nothing nope hmm yeah here is nine volts that and that's the middle but the outside does not have any voltage so we need to check we need to chase down why we lost you a part yeah this is getting more interesting by the second all right Jared we got a lot of work done a little bit off camera because we had to do some Diagnostics almost 30-year old race car with some history has had some band-aids along its way and we weren't getting power back at our fuel pump sometimes come true but not consistently so we started chasing up to the relay the relay wasn't putting power looking at the repair manual the factory wiring diagram which always isn't the best thing to do in a custom application builder like I write let's use it as a baseline this is our fan control relay and a fuel pump relay the fan control relays been modified so it as soon as the keys turning on instead of waiting for the ECU to switch it on it just runs which isn't a bad thing to do on a race car yeah you always want it to be as cool as possible correct next - it's the fuel pump relay it's had some weird splicing in it but we kept chasing and not getting power here this orange wire shares power to the ECU with the car running we assumed that you see you was getting power basically what we did was we measured continuity so that means that there's no physical breaks in the wire and we checked all the fuses there's a fuse box underneath there and there's a ton of splices just all around the car but nothing seemed to suspect yet not yet in the diagram it showed right next to the battery for this that orange wire having a fuse we couldn't find it batteries been relocated so there's some questionable wiring area we're testing and then that's when we came back to the engine bay and finally yeah we found tucked up pretty much where it's supposed to be the little fuse holder and we measured on the output side it had continuity to all of our orange wires and the fuse was good it wasn't it wasn't going thieves or anything but we weren't getting power into it yeah so that's when I look down and this was the wire the connector that would regularly be disconnected because it would shut the fans off yes well it turns out that's also our power bus yeah power to the fuse yeah to run the fuel pump okay now fuel pump works well well we actually haven't tried the fuel pump yet yeah yeah so let's let's see if the fuel pump actually does work so I'm gonna are you plugged in back there no no Sookie turn the key off usually you wouldn't want to run a pump dry but this is only for a few seconds so it should be okay just to see that everything is running as should all right get a nice close up yeah yep there we go what if that is like actually working because we never have tested it smell it again there's smell at everyone yeah okay that smells really really bad we don't want to yourself fred is dead yes yes Fred being your friendly reliable electronic device somebody let the smoke out of thread now all we have to do is put everything back fill it with gas and hopefully this thing is gonna run war into life and then it's just a bunch of magnets yeah then then we just like we just clean it up honestly I was looking at the brakes here and this is not bad at all this is just some surface rust and if you notice these are drilled rotors so they're a little bit more let's say high-performance than what you would usually get and there's a lot of life left on these pads so there's no lip on these usually when there's a lip that's when you know that they need to be changed these look like they're in good shape and they're not pitted which is a great thing so I think this is like we could just kind of drive on these or just like clean them up with some steel wool so we'll probably do is just do a brake clean wipe steel wool and we'll do one or two siding laps yeah where you're more or less idling around the track and braking heavily to burn the rust off we can just take it down the street and then just see if this comes off a little bit when we are close to Mexico since the cars not registered Mexico is down the street [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right so we have reached the moment of truth we will now fill this thing up with gas and that's pretty much it except for the fact that I'm actually going to be cleaning the fuel system while I'm doing it and I'm using this super concentrated fuel injector cleaner by STP what this does is it cleans up all the carbon deposits that may have amounted in however many miles as cars had and the fact that this has been running really really hard its entire life I have no idea what that engine has in it I have no idea what the fuel system has in it and judging by that fuel pump it wasn't very good so we changed the fuel filter and the fuel tank is completely dry so we're gonna fill it up with 15 gallons of premium we're also gonna use the super concentrated cleaner this is something I wanted to do because this car is gonna see a lot of Tanks of gas through it and I wanted to make sure that this fuel system is running 100% so I'm gonna put in 5 gallons and then I'm gonna put this in and then the rest we're gonna put in and then it should kind of self mix from there and then we're gonna start it up and it's gonna run right right Jared absolutely Jared said absolutely No Jared's never wrong that's not true I could get the big good jokes but these are cheap and also they spoil gas everywhere so that's good boy we're leaking already look at that so let's read the instructions and you just dump it in and I have some octane booster so what octane booster does is it prevents knock and it just raises the octane level of the gas and we already have premium gas this is probably not tuned for premium but it can't hurt I don't know what's been through the engine so you know it's it can work there's high performance it surges octane booster in jet fuel I think jet fuel is a as a running theme with STP and as you know jet fuel is always good boom speed fill so at this point we've lost about 15 minutes on the track all of our competition has passed us we got octane booster we've got fuel injector cleaner on the cleanest fuel system already I Drive like a pissed-off teenager on the track so that always works - you gonna crash this car I am nervous yeah everything is connected I feel a vibration let me go underneath check for leaks down here all right that's all of our fittings they look good fuel filter that Freddie did is nice and dry and nothing is puking up there we had power what happened try again alright I'll run the throttle I can run there she goes we have a racecar [Music] hey there are no fluids pouring out of it we got 40 psi of fuel pressure we have 70 psi of oil pressure and water temp is coming up and that's registering and we have our tachometer oh dude this is gonna sound so amazingly great it's gonna be awesome so we have our oil pressure registering there and we have battery voltage and alternator works we got this car running man that's a little oil change the transmission chain going change and then we make it pretty and we go racing [Music] it's gone everywhere except in the pan all right perfect welcome everybody today - the sun is shining outside and the race car is well running not right now because we took out all of the fluids last night and jared is already getting underneath the car to put in all the new stuff now coming to the engine it's a little bit more interesting than we once thought because the oil pan is not stock the oil pan is actually quite large I want to show you the oil pan is this big guy right here and you can tell it is a custom job and how many quarts do you think that this holds I'm guessing that's probably an extra two quarts and it's also instead of running a factory short filter it's running the much much taller one quart capacity filter so we have probably three three and a half so yeah like three three and a half extra quarts so we had to do a parts run and get more oil right now you're just going to do what a fluid transfer into the transmission right here and we got oil brake fluid and it's ready to drive and then and then we can take it for a test drive I'm still waiting on the tires these tires are not great it's just gonna be a shakedown run to see if anything is it falls off so here is the exhaust it is very rusty there are turndowns over there Jared don't you dare say it what don't say it I'm just saying what you don't turn down don't say it for what jeredy hey all right it is oil change time and this is actually pretty easy we already changed the oil filter the oil filter was a lot bigger than what the stock recommends but what the engine recommends is that we used 5w30 engine oil and I always want to go with what the manufacturer recommends as far as oil however this is a race motor and we don't know what kind of oil life it's had we don't know if there's sludge inside I sort of doubt it because engines that run at full throttle all the time usually don't have a ton of sludge build-up because they change their oil fairly regularly so we're gonna go with the 5w30 we're going to go with a synthetic and in order to have this engine rev out and have as much protection as possible we're going to use FCPS synthetic oil treatment this is pretty interesting because it carries an additive called ZD DP and that is zinc dye Alec did the old phosphate which means that this is now protected against any sort of friction it's a very very good protection against any sort of metal on metal and especially with something that is going to see high rpms and high loads all the time even when that oil wants to break down this is going to stop it from doing that now this also has a base stock oil which does not dilute the engine oil so some people might think that this is just a heavyweight engine well it's not there's a lot in it and it's lab tested and it works so I want to make sure that we have the best thing for our race engine so I'm just going to put in five quarts of the 5w30 and since we have a bigger oil pan I'm just gonna give one quart at a time and then I'm gonna check the dipstick because I actually don't know what the capacity is for this so now you can watch an exciting montage watching me put oil in an engine lucky you [Music] all right Freddy just got some oil put in so we're getting ready to prime the oil system on these GM cars it's really easy you can disconnect your ignition coil pop those two wires off and it's not gonna spark and since we know this will actually shut down the fuel pump we've got that disconnected so we can go ahead and prime safely without it trying to start it's not there yet not yet come on there she goes all right so now we got plenty of oil pressure the system's primes hook me up there all right now does she come back to life just as quick like bottom [Music] [Music] so you guys might have noticed that we did put in new air filters Jarrod kind of just shoved them in there while I wasn't looking we have a new serpentine belt the oil has changed we have the SCP oil additive we have STP in the gas we have octane booster we have a new fuel pump we have no filter no fuel and everything was new fluids all we have to do is leave the brakes test-drive it's awkward there's nothing awkward about this I don't see what you're talking about here this is this is so graceful okay give me a couple clumps and hold that thing down just hold on hold on man you're some Andy oh hey you know you might want to do maybe you want to close the brother set it on wasn't squirting yeah it's worded all over you said pump bike bike pump brake fluid all over my race car Jarrett down whoa just went to the floor I don't know so when you open up Khalid or you're releasing all the hydraulic pressure to push air out so you can release it home should I take it out skin release come up come up and then give me three pumps three you know it would work really well in this car AC yeah or or a fan of any kind of thing yeah maybe you know we should do does have okay this has a cigarette lighter we can get one of those little problems a little rocker oscillating yeah we should do that yeah where we can do it cool sing I don't have the money for a cool suit that I spend all the money on the car so we just get final tubing and buy a really cheap linen shirt and you spit it sounds like the whole thing then I have my foot down right now it's actually my my legs burning yet stop pump it hey you didn't tell me to Bostic oh oh oh no you didn't see that you started talking about cool suits so everyone that is how you bleep breaks we are not done at all not even on one wheel and it's like that except a long long time long time alright so what are we about to do we are about to drive well I'm about to drive my race car for the very first time I'm not gonna go crazy these tires are not good they are dry rotted and there also bald so this is just to make sure it goes into gears not giving it any power and anything like that this is gonna be just to see if the car is not literally falling apart you give it a little power I'm not gonna give it any power spin spin the wheels it's the best chance hard dry rodded race tires yeah it's the best chance for them to explode all right this is very comfortable there you guys just slam it right there we go now the special feature of this check is they took the factory seat belt buckle from the car and they modified it into the window net okay race car for the very first time hey did you know the dead pedal is made of wood can you go into supra and can you get the fire extinguisher I do not trust this car now [Music] all right we got fuel pressure oil pressure and we got temperature so you close in the first gear power steering works let's move in does it stop does it stop does it stop [Music] you got brake lights brake lights all right we got ourselves a car [Music] steering is very interesting let's say that [Music] [Music] second [Music] nerd everything's flying around this car does not have a ton of power I think stock affects 230 horsepower I can get a moment it'll break the tie [Music] Wow that's important right there [Music] so these tires zero grip zero the second you go for toggled sideways so it's it's up you'll be awesome as a drift car but man there is no sort of control at all if you want if you want just be very careful [Music] [Music] yeah those tires are completely useless now granted race tires like temperature that feels like they're just really old and [Music] there's gonna be a lot more when they hit it on the track oh that looks so awesome [Music] ha how does it drive how do you like it so tires are a little bit saggy they're not they're not good I think there's two things going on with our tires one it's a race compound that needs temperature - they're rolled and rock-hard looking at the brakes here and they are already all the rust is off all the rest is off of them so I wasn't hard on it at all yeah so there's no footage and all the proof yeah let's get this thing cleaned up all right [Music] [Music] [Music] guys guys oh my gosh take a look at this car this thing looks amazing it looks so much better than what we started out with just a day ago these wheels and tires they look just spectacular I love the patina I love the race pedigree I love the race history you can see that it had some damage it's had some hard miles but this thing looks really good dude you are the MVP you did so much work this thing looks what do you think I like the mechanical side better we like we spent less time actually fixing it than we did trying to make this look as good as it does I did do a little bit of work off-camera just buffing the paint a little bit and it's not perfect in any way I mean the paint has been you know this is probably a parking lot job but it looks fantastic it's it's just dude we did this in a day we did it in a day and it's running better than it has in many many years and you spent a lot of time on this rear lexan canopy and it looks really good obviously this is just sun-baked and damaged and you'd have to probably replace this whole panel but now you can see through it this is not a yellowing mess so another thing off camera that happened was my wife showed up and she completely cleaned the interior we painted some stuff that needed painting and it's it's white in the back it's black where it needs to be and it just looks fantastic now obviously we couldn't do things like replace the seats the seat is still a little bit worn but it's a lot cleaner and the dash is the dash is like an actual car now it's uh I'm very impressed we wiped down the dash and it brought back a lot of the shine like a lot of the plastics here they're still in decent enough shape where it's not falling apart we have a race car we have a race car No we have a race car and you know what we're gonna do with our race car you're gonna drive it first I'm gonna drive it first just so you get to drive it uh-huh and then what's gonna happen I'm gonna keep all four on the ground okay all right oh that's my goal for the end that's your goal just to keep all four wheels on the ground and hopefully that thing doesn't explode and there's no major damage anywhere right there'll be no major damage nothing we can't fix in a day okay I don't want to fix this anymore I'm very tired there's one more thing we have to fix what is it there's a part of this cars dirty past that is it's past what are you talking about she is no longer gonna be rented out for amateurs to beat on her are you about to modify our Burt we're doing one modification of all of its vinyls she can't be for rent anymore oh no we can't go back man that's like okay now it's into me no okay well now attempt me good job Gary thank you so much hey Jarrod is it hot yeah and sunny it's I mean it is the Sunshine State did you think that there's gonna be less Sun I just saw there be a breeze we're in the middle of Florida where we don't get the ocean I can there you go that's a very seriously what happens at the end of a build like this is we take it on a test drive but since this is a race car after all I figured we take it to a race track and I know no better race track to put this car through its paces then the Florida International Rally and Motorsports Park known as the firm and you guys will have known this track as the one that I took my Ford Explorer drift bill but since we're here and the car is here I figured we could give it the most grueling test drive ever in Florida in July in the middle of the day the car is black we're wearing black yeah it's pretty hot yeah oh that's nice since we're in a race car we do need to have some safety precautions so we have gloves we have a helmet and we have our harness protection I'm not sure how exactly protective these harnesses are but let's just say that it's better than nothing if it worked in the 90s it could work today put these across this boom boom should be one underneath here hopefully I don't get the amount of ties for that one and this is the one that prevents submarining so five point five now cars very hot good to go alright Barnaul oh I forgot one thing now it's a race car [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we have [Music] nothing's up with the fuel pressure now top 40 now 20 I still think that's a win because two days ago we had this car whose non running and now it just completed a lap I call that a win we just have to do a little bit more minor tweaking to get this thing actually race race ready and it's it's it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome so Jarrod you're gonna take he's gonna try to take a lap and I would take a look at what that looks like please don't don't break my car [Music] [Music] I Drive like a pissed-off teenager on the tracks that always works - please don't crash this car just be very careful I do not trust this car now don't break my car [Music] [Music] you're gonna have to explain to me what exactly just happened you install the kill switch right in order for me not to have any feel pressure because that's what I'm thinking happened no the fuel pressures still drop you just couldn't go full throttle you had to roll and drive around your fuel pressure and caring every ounce of speed you put into the corners I carried it a little I've got some good side step action this car is amazing it really is giving us every little glimpse of how and why it won so many races back in 91 and 92 yeah you can even definitely tell this has some pedigree it wants to give us everything even when I was dumb and we locked the car it's still pointed where I wanted and was gonna give me the corner do you think it'll do it burn out in one shot let's hear one shot let's try [Music] boy [Music] [Music] all right so Jared our day is over and apparently I can't park what did you think I love that it's even with its fuel pressure dropping issue not being able to give a hundred percent it doesn't seem like there's a problem for you it still gave like a hundred percent so yeah our wasn't there but it just was so amazing to drive because you stop and think 1990s solid axle Camaro you picture burnouts drag racing you do not at any point picture a car that's gonna throw itself into a corner and just be good at it and it's born good that was great and so much fun to just try to sling around not even at full power you know it's really interesting that that car won so many races and the tire compound was not as advanced as that what we have on it right now so that had more you know sliding that had play goes a lot more let's say out of control and it really performed wonderfully I mean even for it's had a few of its body panels changed and if there's a lot of dents and stuff but it's is that it's a well sorted car it's phenomenal again we probably were let down by the fuel fuel cell phone I think that's what clogged our yeah most likely but that's a really easy fix but the reason right why we didn't do that is just because we don't have the tools here and there's a full tank of gas in there and we don't want to get gas all over this beautiful track so what awesome far with real quick easy fix and we'll be back down setting some pretty impressive laps yeah I think so too so we have to get this back on the trailer for its next all for the next step in in this story because it's not over yet all right so it's the day after the racetrack and we're starting to finalize the fuel pressure issue and our suspicions of it being the foam is gonna be correct that's the actual fuel cell foam meant to keep fuel from sloshing and it should not be in your fuel or neck at all not good that that's gonna be everywhere in the tank yeah so thankfully the fuel pump Sox going they've caught everything but we need to drop it we have a new rule right yeah so the rule is if Jared's gut says that we should probably do something even though we'll be fine we should probably do it because he said hey this foam is coming apart but it should be alright maybe and it turns out it's not drop the tank will clean it up and she won't get to go back to the track with us yeah we'll do some driving around here but the next owner is gonna definitely track this part we want to make sure the next owner gets a good value and also a running car right we've got the tank out and starting the fun process of actually draining all the gas and as you can see that foam definitely came apart pickups trainer was fully clogged it got so bad that the pump actually deadheaded against the fuel filter it blew its line off eventually and it's just a mess kind of hard to fully record in there but you can see all those nice loose particles that used to be solid fuel cell foam and are now perfect for clogging fuel filters and fuel pumps after quite a few hours of degassing the tank and working through we have got almost all that foam out so we're gonna slam in that fuel pump change out the fuel filter refill it with some fresh gas and that Camaro race car is gonna be up up and running again one thing you'll notice is we didn't film cleaning all the foam out one of the things that working with a gas tank is really dangerous and I don't want to do something that you may try to follow and take a shortcut on and risk injuring yourself the main thing is you need to flood a tank some people will use water I like to use a lot of co2 you can use exhaust gas but either way if you're not familiar with working in a gas tank don't do it they can be bombs and anything you do wrong will probably kill yourself so I didn't show it because I don't want you guys accidentally hurting yourselves but we got a clean gas tank ready for a fuel pump and ready to get that Camaro back running Cera's taking it out for a little test drive [Music] how does she feel oh yeah awesome [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys it's another day it's a bit bittersweet for me because the car is leaving and I know you guys like to see these projects from beginning to end this is the end of the project however it's not the end for this car because this car is going to a very good home this is gonna be a chump car it's gonna be raced with my friend Bruce at marinella Auto Sport and he has a race trailer ready to go I love working on this car and I can't wait to see what it has in store way before you close it I got one last thing to put on here before it goes BAM thank you to SC p for sponsoring this and thank you Bruce for getting this awesome car off my hands what are you what are you planning to do with it who knows some track events some good times and still think interesting comes up something charitable whatever whatever makes it fun awesome I bought this car for around $1500 and we put around $1,000 into it and Bruce basically gave me what I'm into it with that money's going to go to spina bifida of Jacksonville and they are a good charity that works with the Amelia Island Concours they do a lot of good work for kids in the area so this car is doing good already and definitely follow Bruce you have an Instagram and Facebook page yes we do person yes but you you work on high-dollar stuff not not this stuff right awesome so I definitely want to go by your shop and show some people always welcome awesome in the same vein and the things you do so awesome well I appreciate it so thank you to SCP for sponsoring this video thank you to Bruce thank you to Jared and thank you to all of you for watching this and supporting my channel but until next time this is me reminding you that on cars like this that are now getting a race pedigree of their own after their initial race pedigree you guys need to wrench every day [Music]
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 2,121,730
Rating: 4.8775749 out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, vantage, v8, v12, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, chevy, camaro, z28, 1le, race car, scca, world challenge, restore, abandoned, chevrolet, bisforbuild, goonzquad, offtheranch, lou gigliotti, lg motorsports
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 2sec (3782 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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