We Bought The 3 Most Depreciated Supercars IN THE WORLD (Cheap For A Reason?) - CarTrek S2 Episode 1

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Watched it literally the second it came out. Loved the 1st one

Yea it feels scripted and kinda phony but whatever.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Odd-Cause πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That was fantastic, I cant wait to see the rest of the series.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/stockskeptic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

They are getting much better at this compared to the first season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/madevilfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Of course it’s goofy and scripted.

These guys are goobers, but at least they’re passionate about the project.

I think it’s cool that a group of creators can come together and make something like this without the huge backing of a proper production team.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cheehos πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

the car wizard was the best part of this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda funny to hear Ed talk about the transmission in the Aston. I actually test drove a paddle shift V8 vantage with Ed when he was still in sales and at the end of the test drive he looked at me and asked what I thought. I replied "the transmission is crap" and he just kinda shrugged and laughed saying something along the lines of it takes getting used to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weagle11 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why are people out here in the comments complaining about free conent???

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Socks1400 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This week on bo'om gear...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/phanta_rei πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like these guys individually, but I wish they would be more creative/independent in their CarTrek project. They rely so heavily on copying Top Gear that it gets a bit cringey at times.

Its not that I don’t like Car Trek, but I think they’d be better served if they came up with their own format/style instead of relying on the super scripted Top Gear format.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ASV731 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 05 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
we grow up dreaming of owning our favorite super cars we save and we plan and we get closer and closer every day but the cars do their part too through a beautiful thing called depreciation depreciation makes our dream cars cheaper every single day auto temp has challenged us to buy the best examples of this phenomenon that we could find and since we also need an escape they told us to meet in a deserted location where they would present us a series of challenges and seeing as we're supposed to be distancing ourselves from each other and avoiding unnecessary travel there could be no better place for this task than las vegas and it's not enough to just wait for your dream car to depreciate you have to know where to look fortunately auto tempest makes it super easy by combining all the major car listing sites into one search it is the best tool to monitor the value of your dream car in real time now our task here was to find the best and cheapest depreciated supercar and then test them against each other and the two losers would have to list their cars for sale on autotempest i'm ed bowlian from vinwicki i'm tyler hoover of hoovey's garage and i'm freddie tavares hernandez and this is car trek two [Music] in las vegas you can see fallen stars amazing shows and travel the world in just a few miles but the strip was not ready for the car i pulled up in welcome everyone to the best depreciated supercar value in the world this is a 2003 maserati coupe gt troffeo tribute car this thing is awesome it has been lightened it has been lowered it looks amazing it sounds amazing this when it was brand new was 95 000 and i got it for just under nine grand which means 90 depreciation and it gets better than that because under this hood is a 4.2 liter ferrari v8 making 390 horsepower and that's mated to something very special a six-speed manual transmission and there's no way that the other two can get anything more impressive oh come on [Music] you don't look tired did someone else push that here for you when was this on fire never no okay you're gonna need to explain this this is my 2003 aston martin vanquish well let me tell you about its 460 horsepower v12 one of the greatest cars you could have bought when it was new everyone would agree about this not everyone would agree but okay oh i think they would james bond obviously liked it enough to drive it i'm sure with no additional compensation the perfect car for a depreciation challenge okay you talk too much how much did this car cost you why don't you guess how much do you think this car should have cost a normal version of this car would have been 60 to 80 grand originally over 245 000 and i bought it for 29 grand i don't think there's any car that could have depreciated by more dollars than that given this challenge okay a new camry 35 grand you're saying that a v12 aston martin was less than that what happened to this car well what has happened to this car is obviously its notorious unreliability but this one in fact has spent its last seven years also in colombia does it have any secret compartments in the back that i should know about and i'm not talking about 007 well i don't want to disparage the developing world to assume that that's the only occupation a colombian citizen might have to afford a car like this but i suppose we probably should not get too close to any drug dogs during whatever route auto tempest has us take but freddie what happened to this car what do you mean what happened to this car look it's awesome this is a trofeo tribute car hearkening back to the days when maserati actually made really awesome cars how many miles are on this call listen that's not it's not a 120 though 120 000 yeah it's barely broken in that's just right where you want a maserati to be exactly italian supercar i mean what former owner made the car look this terrible not former you did this yeah i did this you took a maserati that looked more like they let it off the assembly line and you made it look like this this is much better though number one it looks amazing number two this was supposed to be about cheap super cars and supercars are striking look at this thing i don't know that that would be the word i'd use to describe it but i mean when you think about depreciated supercars obviously aston martin's and maseratis are the first things to come to mind what do you imagine tyler will have brought i don't know it has to be something like bmw or it can't possibly be any better than this well clearly not but uh where are we this place looks kind of cool they've had a busy muralist although tempest outdid themselves with these accommodations freddy and i went in search of some refuge from the brutal desert heat as tyler had his fill of blowing on old ladies dice at the craps tables he decided to grace us with his presence hello very nice i would say that this vanquish is freddy's but when you look at that maserati there's no way ed would be caught dead in that thing so where are they and why are we at pf chang's house huh well this is gonna be like an episode of house hunters where i say wow way too many times wow wow a rainbow circle [Music] oh wow yeah this is my room called it a little voyeurism with the shower here [Music] oh yeah oh wow wow go finish oh look at that mural this is crazy this house is nuts where are these guys guys what do you think of it brought like a ferrari 456. that would certainly qualify jack it could be a jaguar absolutely maybe a an alpha that oh nice of you to join us oh yeah nice horsey look at you aha what do you think auto tempest really went all out with this one is that a grotto it is i'm not sure we'll get the full use out of it but uh you know there's worse places to be it's amazing so what specimen of automotive masochism did you bring to show us today you'll see you'll see you're gonna love it oh i seriously doubt that yes let's find out it has to be a jag brace yourselves tyler this may not be playing fair you know that obviously i have a significant soft spot for this generation of cl but the reason we use them for cannonball is that it's not a supercar it's under the radar well you set the cannonball record in the lesser cl the 55 this is the cl65 amg with the pagani zonda twin turbo v12 600 horsepower 700 pound-feet of torque this is a supercar it is 700 foot-pounds of torque because it's not a pagani zonda it weighs like 6 000 tons well it's a luxurious pagani zonda oh is that that what you're saying yes also mercedes is known for some orange peel in the paint but that's not the right color for this car well it was really smoked silver i bought it you know i wanted to make it a little more exotic so i did the race car red i also wanted to tribute the original amg the red pig the old race car the 70s certainly the pig moniker is appropriate here tyler did you wrap this yourself no i paid good money for it are you sure yes yes yes no now freddie if we're going to be critical of rats here right yeah how much did you pay for that pile of garbage over there okay that beautiful stunning maserati over there was nine thousand dollars nine thousand dollars original msrp of 95 000. that's that's pretty good but it's an awful awful car this vanquish is absolutely terrible to drive but it is beautiful ed so how much did you pay for this well originally it would have been about 245 000 and i got it for just 29 grand that is an excellent deal absolutely over 200 000 worth of depreciation and 200 grams more than even the original msrp of your car so this was pretty expensive it was a hundred and eighty thousand dollars new which is unbelievable how expensive this was i got it for 13 000 which if we're going off a percentage of depreciation this is only seven percent of its original msrp that's about 10 this is 12 or 13. so this percentage-wise most appreciated but that's not what we said we said the most appreciated supercar and obviously i've brought it and percentage-wise if one of these struts go you total this car out six times over well that's it's a german very reliable car it's it's oh is it very reliable guys guys i've gotten a text from auto tempest clearly this was not an equal msrp playing field so the win goes to the greatest percentage off of original price thank you well done tyler of course to see that much depreciation we suspect that the cars might have some issues it's time to find out everything wrong with your cheap supercars and there's really only one man for that job go to this address and you'll see the lowest estimate wins is your start yes it starts okay does yours leak yes it leaks oh let's go find out how expensive some parts are so i am a very big fan of italian supercars and this was basically a dream come true and it sounds magnificent now there are a few very slight imperfections one is right here i put the window down wanting to experience the fresh las vegas air it uh doesn't go back up anymore so now i have that fresh las vegas air which is 110 degrees kind of scorching the left side of my body and you'll notice that my seating position is a little bit weird because this seat is broken i just wish that this was in a more racing position i'm just gangster leaned all the time [Music] the gauge cluster everything works except for the oil pressure gauge which is important generally the clutch engages right at the very very top so sometimes it's hard to get into gear because i don't think it's disengaging all the way which means it's also due for a change and those are not very cheap so for this challenge i think i'm uh yeah i'm in trouble i'm in trouble yes oh and will you listen to that there is absolutely nothing like the noise that gets made by a naturally aspirated v12 now of course they may soon become a vestige of a bygone golden era of engine displacement but man i love them i think they're just the greatest thing that could ever happen to a car is that you put a big v12 motor and don't make anything stand in the way of how it sounds now of course it has to be said that between that glorious motor and the colombian road battered wheels on this aston martin there is something that we must talk about the transmission now we demonize paddle shift transmissions in automotive culture pretty often but that's really because of a few bad actors this is the criminal in the bunch this is the reason people have grown to hate them not only is it a little bit awkward in the way that you interact with this car but it is very unreliable and catastrophically expensive when it breaks and they do break all the time the actuators fail the pumps fail the clutches consume prematurely now you can swap it with aston martin works for 30 000 of your dollars to a true manual those cars retain all of that money back in residual value if this car was normally worth 50 60 000 or if not for the history that made it cheap to me if you swap it to a stick it pushes a hundred grand and those cars are wonderful now in a circumstance like this where i'm just shuffling between gears on a surface street where i'm not stopping or having to reverse it's really not that big of a deal the car drives nicely and i enjoy it but when you do get into some stop-and-go traffic all of the pathologies play out and you do grow to hate it but do you hate it enough that you don't want to own this car and the question of this whole challenge is what is it really like to own and live with these depreciated supercars because the depreciation here is because of the gearbox everything about this car is beautiful sounds great makes good power goes fast enough everything that you want even a little bit more ground clearance perhaps but at the end of the day i'm getting a great deal on a car that looks like it's worth 150 000 because of this gearbox now my promise to you is that i am not going to spend this entire trip talking about this gearbox we're all on the same page about that it is terrible but does that make this the greatest supercar bargain you could ever find i think it might it was good enough for james bond it's good enough for me oh yeah sitting in a mercedes this era for me is like putting on my favorite pair of shoes i love these cars and even though it may not have the exotic badge it has all of the exotic properties the looks the pillarless coupe is beautiful the engine is by far the most powerful of the three cars 600 horsepower 700 plus pound-feet of torque for once i am not in the slowest car i have by far more power than both ed and freddie's cars combined we were talking about this being a red pig tribute earlier and for those not familiar with amg history the red pig was the first mercedes amg that really puts amg the tuning company on the map and it was a giant s-class of the biggest car that mercedes makes and they took the biggest engine the 6.3 liter v8 and tuned it hot rodded it and took their biggest car racing it did terribly but it was so amazing to see that it became famous and made amg famous and this cl65 it may be huge in a terrible race car but uh has quite a presence so now that we're alone i'm going to level with you guys kind of a bombshell german reliability it's a total myth the only reason that german cars last for so long in my opinion is because owners are willing to spend ungodly amounts of money to keep them running now this car is going to be way way more reliable and have way less wrong with it than ed and freddy's car for sure but i do have some concerns there's definitely an oil leak and i feel a little driveline vibration like maybe some mounts are old i shouldn't be feeling this v12 as much as i do normally they're silky smooth you can't even really hear them or certainly feel them an idle and i can with this car oil leaks and motor mounts though don't affect the performance one bit this thing still has all of its power that's for sure [Music] hello hey hey just the right place this is the address that auto temp has told us to go right it is yes and my check engine light just came on so who is this magical person here that's supposed to tell us all the things wrong with our cars oh wizard he's a wizard and he appears hello wizard the car wizard everybody yeah i was just working in my shop and now i'm i don't where am i you're not in kansas anymore viva las vegas baby vegas yes amazing so the next question is why why am i here we need your wizard expertise your beard of knowledge so how many of these you think we've done wizard at least a hundred maybe 200 yes this is our contribution to pop culture yesterday it definitely is yeah so what are your concerns with this car well not much it's a 2005 cl 65 loads of service records everything that's supposed to be done has been done it is a little oily underneath here though well we're going to find out today that the flashlight is truly miter than the sword yeah it's pretty oily yeah that's bad and these are little ducks for the turbos to cool it tastes like engine oil it's obviously engine oil you didn't need to taste oh i know that now for sure but you have to taste things it's so weird it's a lot of oil oh yeah valve cover gaskets all the way down the block and down the oil pan there not too bad then no that's not too bad of a job check your brakes those are expensive they're also look very new good very thick i don't see any leaks up here on your abc suspension so that's good that's very good for those of you that don't know it's a complicated hydraulic suspension that uh when it breaks it breaks bad but when it works it's it's amazing these motor mounts look flat as a pancake definitely need a set of those okay and the transmission mount is also fully collapsed charming this flex disc looks like it could be replaced a pretty good crack in it it's a lot of torque wizard 700 pound-feet of torque that's probably what did it yeah and there's a little bit of a leak here but that's just i don't think i wouldn't mess with that that's nothing that's dripping vapor seepage yeah go easy on me go easy go harder on the next ones for sure oh absolutely i don't think there's really a whole lot wrong on the bottom nothing drastic anyway no no it's unusual for me right it is it's very odd which is a good thing yes nothing to complain about i guarantee you freddie and ed though those are two just giant turds out there oh really now i can imagine that tyler probably told you to be quite mean to me but i think this car has probably lived a hard enough life already between you and me it's the better looking car between the two clearly so have you had any concerns driving or the on center steering feel is a little bit weak the check engine light just came on okay it occasionally seems like it's running on half the motor okay and let's take a look underneath we're gonna see the story of plates and bolts okay but i do see it looks like someone's been hitting rocks or something so it's spent the last seven years in columbia i would imagine the road quality there was a bit of a challenge there's some of these bolts that don't match like they just grabbed them out of a bolt bin or something or i can imagine there's limited resources there limited resources i can see these rotors are deeply grooved oh yeah man there i think the word is track ready the pads are actually still thick but they didn't replace the rotors they just ran with it so let's take a look up through here in the engine area did you notice any drips on the ground or no i don't know how they'd get through to be honest but yeah i haven't seen anything it's one of the nicer cars i've bought in a while if i'm honest and that's yeah that's a low bar looks like the control arm bushings are a little beat up on it yeah that would make sense i would say sway bar links all around would be in order they don't they're not loose but they're the boots are really bad on them that isn't crumbling away as in crumbling away yes i see some red fluid strawberry i don't know what that is i don't think it's actually a leak it's like some sort of sealer they used okay check your transmission hydraulic unit here oh i hope that's good that would be the most obvious culprit to mechanically total this car yes i'm not really seeing any serious leaks on this car that wasn't the case on on tyler's car oh yeah right valdez it is that's right i don't see anything serious under here other than the control arms and brakes and some sway bar links and i think we'd be in business it's not too bad of a story there we go that's what i like to hear and if it's better than tyler i'll always take that but that's not the end of the story we still have to check the check engine light [Applause] hopefully it's good news ed that's it's always good news when you take a car like this to the mechanic it's always a great experience it's actually more like taking your pet tiger to the veterinarian uh-oh uh oh yes uh-oh is that how amazed you are at my car i am amazed at your car but it's a p1131 which is a failed auction sensor it's only on one bank though there we go it's making it run really lean that makes sense why you feel that half the engine is maybe not running like it should yes lack of power that's consistent with what it was feeling like so do we just cure that by going out and accelerating harder you probably should replace the oxygen sensor but you could try the italian tune up if you want you never know until you try well that might slow me down in my race against tyler cl65 but at least we all know that my car is not nearly as bad as freddy's well we have yet to get his car in here let's see just how bad it is sounds like a plan let's do it [Music] well first of all two things freddy i love the way this thing sounds and i love the way it looks thank you so much so that is exactly what i was going for the whole race car look uh however i am a little bit concerned about a few things so in the interior we have the seat that doesn't work okay window window does not work uh oil pressure gauge doesn't work it doesn't work lots of lots of missing lots of missing interior uh yeah no hazard switch don't know where that is okay so that's just gone i have a rear view mirror that is non-existent so oh wow listen they're missing a lot but mechanically i think it is 100 sorted maybe so i mean let's see let's get started let's take a look yes first things i notice is these catalytic converters are bashed pretty hard right so that wasn't me i don't think i don't see any leaks right away in front of the engine i mean these cars aren't known for leaking are they oh they can if they're not taken care of well this car has been taken care of my friend it looks like somebody has recently replaced the steering rack on here yeah that was me well that's good it's nice to talk with someone who can actually do their own work oh does tyler not do that no how's the clutch doing on this thing well uh it's it's it's it's there i mean it's there uh it needs to be changed yeah it needs to be changed yeah yeah yeah it's it's on its last legs it's not gonna make it it looks pretty thin in there clutches are cheap on this car right right right yeah they're cheap i was actually expecting a lot a lot of leaks and a lot of bad things but no it's actually turning out pretty decent i know how to buy cars you do huh yeah that whole thing is shifting lower control arm bushing there take a look at this one that looks also not great it's not as bad but it's still loose okay now i don't want to sabotage myself but up here we have a brand new michelin ps4s tire okay it's pretty expensive should it have these extra grooves in it wow that's no good it looks like it's been rubbing on something yes maybe something up in the wheel well what do you say if we take this wheel off and we smash whatever is rubbing on it with a hammer because this is uh oh i can see it up there it's just a little pinch weld way up there okay so can we hit that with a hammer you could you could just bend the pinch well over and it won't rub anymore okay cool so i'm gonna hit it with a hammer and then hopefully you don't hit me with a hammer with the price all right we're good there we go and the wheel is very very hot oh boy that is uncomfortable oh boy this is that's tire that is tire don't throw that away it's expensive yeah just put that glue it back on yep [Music] uh okay i think we're done you're doing huh yeah let's get this tire back on and you can check the interior i'm anxious to see the interior let's do it yeah i'm a little scared of that okay let's take a look at this thing here i'm just amazed at how much stuff is missing it's crazy [Music] it's a weird sound under the hood yeah it's like a giraffe dying it sounds like a dying yeah a dying giraffe that's what i thought too yeah let's take a look at that so that sounds like an exhaust leak the ticking noise yes yeah kind of smells like an exhaust leak now too yeah i think one of your uh exhaust manifolds are leaking those are cheap right no i think your power steering pump is the culprit of our dying grass noise okay are those cheap no should this be a concern the fact that the mass airflow sensor isn't really connected to the rest of the intake it's measuring but it's getting dirt it's measuring dirt it's measuring dirt yeah so i'm just getting dirt into my hand so that's a bad thing yeah okay so there's a lot to do on this car a big big list okay so if this car came to your shop right would you be like let's do it or get it out of my shop get it out of my shop are you serious yeah i'm not going to call you a quitter but there it is there's a dying giraffe okay maybe you're not a critter this thing needs work okay with the wizard fully familiarized with the shortcomings of our supercars we all convened for some inevitably bad news i'm telling you if ferrari had to make a line of cars for costco this would be it yes how'd that go for you great well uh not great no uh this needs a lot of work i heard banging like violent banging yeah my uh tire was eating itself so uh i fixed it though yeah it doesn't take a wizard to tell you this thing's trash but wizard here you are take it easy on him maybe his car will run into the ground but let's not run him into the ground thank you absolutely okay so we'll start from lowest to highest lowest will be tyler what what of course all expensive stuff so we got your car on the lift we found that it needed motor mounts a transmission mount transmission pan gasket valve cover gas miner leaks like nothing and the number i have for you is two thousand dollars well that's a pretty big percentage of a thirteen grand purchase price a little more than i thought yes for a two hundred thousand dollar car when new two thousand dollars is all that's it it was really in pretty good shape i was impressed home field advantage i i call shenanigans no there's no no no no the wizard is uncorruptable there's no no incorruptible well yes he won't lie and for you and yes we got your vanquish on the lift and checked it out a peach it's actually a very nice looking car but it needs rotors it needs control arm bushings sway bar links auction sensor and parts on an aston martin are not cheap 4 800 is your number oh 40. well that's pocket change to an aston martin owner i suppose that's what i like to hear pocket change yeah i'll call q get it right up okay and now this thing thing thing affection if how dare you if i were to work on this in my shop which i wouldn't eleven thousand five hundred eleven grand yeah in what universe is eleven grand considered acceptable interiors a lot of it's missing it's a race car it's lighter it's lighter but the bill isn't going to be when you repair it dude i thought we were friends but we are maserati owners don't have any friends so basically what the car wizard is saying is light a match and and walk away just just walk away i think this might do it on its own hold on hold on guys i'm getting another text and it is from auto tempest it looks like you're in for quite an adventure let's put these broken down supercars to a real test you must now make your way to a nearby race track where a series of further challenges awaits you have a race car it'll be in its element yes but she's hurt well we're off now thank you so much wizard this was very useful i don't imagine we'll fix any of that thank you so how am i getting home i suppose the same way you got here i'm gonna try something that i've seen in the movies come on let's try it there we go oh gearbox fault not a happy car our day at the track won't be easy but what is easy is searching autotempest.com for your favorite supercar or daily driver or family vehicle or safe to say auto tempest is the best way to find whatever you're looking for they compile results from all the sites like truecar tarvana ebay and more autotempest.com all the cars one search
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 2,447,699
Rating: 4.8787327 out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, ed bolian, vinwiki, vanquish, bond, 007, cl65, car trek, top gear, the grand tour, grand tour, maserati, manual, depreciated, car wizard, las vegas, goonzquad
Id: bDAiui-W79w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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