Pokemon Nuzlocke, BUT They Randomly Evolve EVERY LEVEL

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every time my pokemon level up they evolve into something completely random it could be a legendary powerhouse or literal trash and to make things even harder i'll be playing with hardcore nuzlocke rules so any pokemon that faints is dead forever and if my whole team lights out i'll have to start all over again trainer pokemon are also randomized so there's a lot that can go wrong could i beat it let's find out to start we meet our new friends and i made a pretty good first impression with my nickname let me know in the comments below who your favorite gen 6 starter is but i'm taking chespin because of his adorable little red nose and polite smile after tackling shawna's chicarita into oblivion our chest's been levelled up and randomly evolved into something much less cute the professor gives us a note for our mum and i wonder what it says probably something elegant and romantic like video and subscribe to keegan j please love sycamore wow what lovely handwriting on route 2 i caught a pidgey named kramer and our ghastly leveled up i've randomized the game so that trainers teams will change into random pokemon with similar stats this means that the early game is a little easier but it makes the late game way harder with that in mind i cruised through the first few routes catching some extra pokemon along the way before reaching santalune city i love his little dance moves and after leveling up our team we were ready for the first gym viola leads with an encarta which isn't amazing for my hobbit so i switch into granble to land and intimidate before taking in carter down by blowing a few bubbles next up is minen but after nerfing it with some charms i can switch into grimer and finish things off with a barrage of water pulses so badge one was pretty easy in lumio city half the town is completely blocked off due to a blackout yep completely blocked absolutely no one is allowed to enter we confront the certified genwana sycamore but my avalog tears him to shreds with a string of fury cutters i steal his bulbasaur as reparations for trying to seduce our mum with his love letters sycamore sends us on a mission to research mega evolution which he can't do because apparently he has to deliver a big french baguette to our mum that's weird i didn't know that he was a baker our team was looking pretty average but on the next route we got some huge upgrades this made the battles here pretty easy and after struggling for way too long with a children's puzzle we make our way to silage city while catching a ton of new pokemon along the way it's important to catch as many pokemon as possible as more pokemon gives me a higher chance of having 6 decent pokemon at any given time before long i'd leveled up our team and we were up against grant chasing our second badge my plan is to lead with hitmontop for an early intimidate sidenote how is this thing intimidating it's a beyblade with legs anyway grant leading with janma isn't a great matchup for me so i immediately switch out into joey grant tries to get really cheesy by confusing joey and setting up double team but i got lucky and landed a leech seed through the cheese on my very first try i want to keep joey safe since leech seed is really valuable so switch into need arena and finish janma off with acrobatics turns out that gran is now a bug catcher with his second pokemon being beautifly he helplessly stalls for a few turns with morning sun but resistance is futile eventually i land a critical hit acrobatics squashing grant bugs and securing our second badge we had some wacky evolutions on the next round including a low tad who evolved straight into a luducolo he never got to experience the joys of being a teenager a team flare grunt says they're gonna use some rocks to build something that makes them happy it sounds like an adorable arts and crafts session i can't wait to see what inspiring things they build the next fight really scares me we have to battle karina who has two randomized pokemon that will be as strong as lucario although our new ludacholo is a tank setting up leech seed and using protect to help grind down slowking her next pokemon is a speed boost blaziken but ludacola is just the man for the job taking it down with bubble beam we made it through that fight unscathed but it gives you a taste of how stacked the late game randomized teams could be now i see why lucario likes you so much uh what are you talking about i didn't see any lucario after a short trip through the reflection cave we arrive in shallow city where tiano reminds me of the nickname i picked we head to the tower of mastery and once inside we oh my god instead of a receding hairline this man's hair just migrated south for the winter and merged with his eyebrows while getting ready for the next gym i had a pretty crazy string of evolutions and our team for the next gym was looking filthy our joey who would once again become a lombre managed to make quick work of karina's need arena her scrafty is much deadlier though bringing lombre to low health with a high jump kick but by switching into the ghost type poopa we guarantee that the next high jump kick doesn't connect causing it to take itself out huh idiot karina's last pokemon is a pretty useless corsola so a few dragon breaths take it out giving us badge three now you might think that beating karina twice would be enough wrong we've gotta beat karina for a third time for this one we're given a mega lucario who stomps all over her delfox and on the next route we're also given a lapras before riding our noble steed all the way to kumarine city we can take on the next gym pretty much straight away now i would make fun of ramos's beard but it's probably not a good idea to mock someone with a huge pair of scissors that could easily cut me in half ah what the hell i was hoping to tear through this fight with mega lucario we won't be able to use the mega stone once it randomly evolves so this is our only chance to use it but after setting up a sword stance slowbro got the confusion with water pulse not wanting to risk hitting myself i had to switch and pivoted into our lapras i beat down slowbro with a bunch of body slams and just as ramos is about to heal i bring joey the unpheasant out and set up a leech seed ramos ends up burning another hyper potion but just as slow bro is about to fall i bring lucario back in to finish slowbro with a power-up punch having seen how i just destroyed his slow bro ramos changes up his strategy and sends in another slobro are you kidding me it's another bad matchup for lucario so i end up using the same strategy as the first slowbro taking it down with some body slams from lapras ramos's last pokemon is the print plup but this is where i use a new busted strategy the move perish song causes all pokemon on the field to faint in three turns the ai will usually switch out before this happens but if the enemy is on their last pokemon then we can guarantee the ko by stalling for three turns with that print club goes down now we had four badges halfway there and the run has been really smooth so far although there was a lot of carnage ahead and the randomizer would only get harder as the game went on they're gonna light the tower let's go see it daddy what have i become the gym puzzle has us play who's that pokemon and as someone who's full-time job is pokemon surely i would nail this right [Music] okay unironically i don't remember which one that is is that the grass one uh that's pan sage if i've ever seen it my pokemon knowledge is unmatched i'm literally a professional pokemon player and i'm saying that's pen sage i know this one give it to me pence age [ __ ] anyway the gym leader here is a small kid with an inspector gadget complex so let's take his lunch money i lead without mvp kramer and immediately set up two layers of toxic spikes this will badly poison grounded pokemon on entry and it'll be a huge part of my strategy going forward once kramer is in crit range we switch into clay doll who gets firo low a few times burning clermont's hyper potions this clay doll also has the move recover which helps to keep me healthy and with my last ancient power firo is shot out of the sky next up is glaily and this is a problem because my team is really weak to ice offensively i can't do much but thanks to the toxic spikes i can focus on stalling with recover while glayly slowly succumbs to the poison my clay doll is frozen in the process but rapidash can be handled by switching into lugia and surfing all over it with five badges i was feeling pretty good i'd played pretty safe for the most part but that's about to change because as i got my next encounter i was about to do something very dumb alright carob last not really big money but uh i'll take all the encounters i can get that was a crit that's the best you can do carol blast really oh we've got i've got we had intimidate on this ah that's gonna hurt oh oh no joey god damn it my first death and it was to a damn carrot blast i caught it and in honor of our fallen joey i named it joey 2. losing joey was a huge loss because that was our leech seed user but after making a dumb mistake surely i'd be more careful from now on nothing but big brain plays from here on right like the plot of an awful horror movie we find a spooky house and the obvious decision is to break in an old man tells us probably the worst story i've ever heard well besides the sword and shield plot at least lever city to the north is our next stop and it's here that we find the next gym a trainer here had a caesar which is a really scary pokemon and i was only able to deal with it thanks to perish song the run was definitely getting harder really another person wearing wings this region has some certified weirdos my team for this fight was a total mixed bag i led with kramer the crooked isle and valerie countered with a mini crocodile as is tradition i went for my usual toxic spikes opening which went up without any issues but since i was confused in the process i pivoted into my hal lucha i was able to do decent damage with headbutt but was confused by swagger and hit myself which hurts a lot i must have hit my head too because this is where my brain disappeared pretty much have to switch now right i don't think i can stay in which is really annoying although what i can do if i go into fran oh wait no that was really bad what am i doing it's got crunch i just remembered why am i throwing on the plus side i could now bring hal lucha back in and finish croco rock with one more headbutt valerie's last two pokemon were handled by stalling up the toxic but losing another pokemon in such a dumb way was not ideal to make that is worse the pokemon we lost was our parish song user which means our team just got a lot worse so i needed to rebuild bring in new team members and upgrade their move sets in the pokeball factory we come across team flair who look like they've been plucked straight out of the zoolander universe but this section is a little scary as we team up with serena for a double battle if they double up into my pokemon i could easily lose someone but instead they ganged up on serena so we took care of team flare without any more losses on the next routes we were able to catch a few extra pokemon and the run was definitely starting to ramp up we were beginning to face stronger final stage pokemon way more often in denver town we meet up with professor sycamore so i guess that baguette delivery went well good for him it's important to forget things from time to time what kind of deep-seated trauma are you trying to forget sycamore mentions that the legendary pokemon of the region resembles the letter y my god i know that pokemon before we go on i'll have to clear the frost cavern and it's almost impressive how i managed to hit every optional trainer here i nearly paid the price when this lapras got a crit and almost took out monica the dusk nor there's also a treacherous double battle here and i had to risk the chance of being crit or doubled into but luckily i was able to make it out safe the team flare battles here have some powerful pokemon like caesar and miss maggias but we have a scavalier an absolute beast who handles things all on its own now we can go through route 17 riding on the back of mammo swine who's just suffocating under the snow anyway here i catch a deli bird and name it carlton that's important remember that at the end of the route hologram serena challenges us to a rematch and since our last battles with her have all been pretty easy this one should be no different boy was i wrong i prepared for the fight and got some pretty good evolutions with palkia on the team i felt pretty confident and was ready to sweep serena she leads with a lumineon which i take out pretty quickly with a few thunderbolts although her next pokemon is a problem haxorus i don't have any hard counters to it in the back so staying with palkia and try to land an ice fang but then this happened oh no it has dragon coverage ow that hurts so much this puts me in a really tough spot i do have frost lash but it doesn't have any ice moves and my team is pretty limited to make matters worse my dusknoir is pulton our delivered from earlier and i forgot to teach it any new moves which means not only have we lost palkia but our dusknoir only knows the move present this was looking really rough and we could wipe right here without any great options i went into raymond the marowak to set up leech seed which we do but hydregen sets up a workup in the process and at this point i'm preparing to get swept to try and stall i switch into carlton which ends up being free since i'm not affected by slam dusknor barely survives a dragon rush throwing caution to the wind i channel my heart of the cards and use present but this ends up healing high dragon instead at this point i just let carlton die out of sheer disappointment next i bring in frostlast and stall for a turn with protect in response hydregan just spits in my face and uses the turn to boost its stats even more it's now or never so i go for a bug buzz which does big damage here's where my luck turned around because high dragon got greedy and used another bulk up we probably would have wiped here if it attacked but with that twist one more bug buzz finally took down the demonic dragon we were still at defcon 1 because serena has half her team left and we're not in good shape the incoming lunatone is an awful matchup for frostlast so i vault switch out of there and reintroduce marowak after setting up leech seed i switch into chimecho fully prepared to sacrifice it but lunatones started using some status moves which let me stall out the leech seed damage serena's last pokemon is livani which is perfect for me because i could switch into kramer who is now a pyro and with one four times acrobatics liveni goes down and we somehow avoided what felt like certain death that was so close and this was a real wake-up call that i needed to be way more prepared going forward so i leveled up every pokemon not just the ones in our party but the pc2 this gave me way more options for team building so i was able to put together a pretty good roster for the next gym after navigating through the absolute trip fest of this gym we're faced by olympia she leads with a double scoop ice cream and i go with kramer quickly setting up two layers of toxic spikes a crunch does barely any damage and an ice beam puts pyro in crit range this is a dangerous situation because three of my team members are weak to ice i sent out articuno to begin chipping away with dragon breath but it turns out that vanillux also has mirror shot which articuno is weak to as well i eventually do get vanilla x to low hp but olympia heals and after taking a big critical hit articuno just hangs on with 8 hp switching into kingdra was my best bet until i got hit with ice beam on the switch a surf gets vanilla x to low hp once more but olympia heals again with our team so battered and no great options i made the tough decision to sacrifice out kendra i thought that a close combat from kramer would surely finish vanillux but completely forgot about the rivalry ability this could have cost me my favorite pokemon if the ai didn't spend the turn setting up hail so i got kinda lucky there but it allowed me to finish vanillas on the next turn all that work just to get past olympia's first pokemon i needed her last two pokemon to be something that i can work with and i definitely got my wish her armaldo and chimecho were both handled by groudon without much trouble giving me a smooth finish to what was a terrible start seven badges down much like tupac lysander returns via hologram he basically tells us his plan which if you really think about it he would have had no trouble pulling it off if he just kept his mouth shut like we were this close to the end of the world for now there are a lot of team flare battles here but with a team like this we really didn't have much trouble we lost some good pokemon but gained some great ones too maybe our luck was turning around lysander just has this dude locked up in his basement which is kind of kinky i pressed the big red button to start the end of the world and hey maybe you should press the big red button too geocenge town just gets absolutely wrecked and we head there to pursue lysander he starts crying when he sees how stacked my team is and this battle is super smooth with my legendary doing a lot of the heavy lifting after slapping a ton of grunts around with serena shauna decides to finally be useful by uploading some malware into this door there's six more flare grunts in here and three of us so we divide the work up evenly and i end up taking on four of them our team is still really solid so before long the grunts were sent to the shadow realm and it was time to watch yveltal's birth now you might think that your velta would be hard to catch but the ceo of the pokeball factory gave us something that makes this much easier that's right by throwing a big nugget square at yveltal's face we weaken it enough to catch it instantly for once i actually agree with shauna when she asks lysander what the hell is going on with your outfit he's back for a third consecutive beatdown and his team has gotten stronger but we just caught yvelta two dark pulses eradicate golem trevenant gets blown away by an oblivion wing as does gorgeist and as does zoroark that was way easier than i thought but we've been really lucky with how good our evolutions have been recently i started thinking there wouldn't be any more deaths but little did i know there were a lot more deaths coming somehow our starmie knows fly which makes me picture at just taking off like a helicopter i backtracked to grab the leftovers which will be a huge help in the late game we catch a few new pokemon on the next routes before meeting up with our favorite baker in kuruway town he packs three powerful pokemon but my zygarde has calm mind as well as the leftovers and protects to recover hp this is a pretty busted combo and after boosting my stats we can solo sycamore's team pretty easy there's a few battles with our gang on the next route but after taking care of business there we reached snowbell city the location of the final gym and this one was going to be the bloodiest yet at this point in the game even the gym trainers were giving me trouble this trainer has the disco buffalo buffalan and it knows megahorn which only now did i realize pretty much my whole team is weak to bug big yikes after considering my options i decided to stay in with houndhood and hope for the best my team is gonna get slapped around by mega horn i just need to damage it if i at least damage it and we lose phoebe then i can finish it off probably with a shame in close combat burn burn oh crit nice do i live a thrash no a crit oh damn it at this range a close combat from shaymin was enough to finish the job but our losses were starting to add up and the game was only going to get harder from here after big braining my way through the gym puzzle i leveled up my team and stepped up to the final gym leader woolfrick now i was hoping to lead with kramer the pyro and set up toxic spikes but that was stopped very quickly because woolfrick led with a herpeton that knows earthquake keeping pyro in wasn't an option so i switched into zapdos for free and put her powder on to sleep with yawn an earth power does about 40 percent damage and the recoil from double edge leaves her powered on at low hp and then this happened so now it's asleep and i can probably take it out with a surf the risk is if it wakes up on the first turn it could be kind of dicey but i know i know that it won't go for earthquake on this turn that's an advantage i'm gonna go on a homer don't wake up stay asleep don't wake up i can't stress this enough good good good good stay asleep keep sleeping oh he just hung on and he woke up no oh damn it that really sucked knowing that wolfrick would heal i sent out joey to the kingdra and landed a toxic i don't have many offensive options for her pat on so this means i had to take it out by stalling with a few protects and dragon pulses we drained another of wolfrack's hyper potions before the monstrous hippo finally went down but our problems weren't over yet because next is the fairy type granble i had to get kindred out of there so i made an important switch at level 55 grand ball is going to have payback play rough rage and raw so play rough is the obvious option for him to go for and our options for dealing with it are really limited i think i want to go into monica here try and get a charm off because uh this pokemon only uses physical moves play rough there it is survive oh my god another crit we'd had monika for ages so this death really hurt and i was in an awful spot zapdos is low kendra is weak to ferry and pyro has awful coverage for granble this means that my only real option was to send in deoxys a powerful pokemon who would surely pick up the ko right i'm definitely going to move first so there's not much benefit to using oblivion wing because i don't need the recovery so i think i just go for thunderbolt because i have the extra damage and a chance to to paralyze come on big money big money big money that is no way near enough damage that is nowhere near enough damage and another death it's hurting it's hurting bad out here having lost half of my team the focus was purely to survive i went into kramer next and set up two layers of toxic spikes because i don't know what that last pokemon is but at least this potentially gives me a way of dealing with it another reason for this is that in those two turns grand ball brings my health to below 50 which activates my citrus berry and means that acrobatics will now do more damage but it's nowhere near enough and our old friend kramer had received his death sentence it's not great but it's our best shot come on [ __ ] crit crit no uh raw okay i'll take that i'll take that okay so the ai completely spared me by using raw which dragged out zapdos for free with one earth power grand bull was put down his last pokemon is a fiona which would be a lot scarier if i didn't have toxic spikes it only knows water moves which kinder tanks pretty well and a few dragon pulses finish the job that was brutal our team had been decimated wolfrick only had three pokemon and still gave us that much trouble with victory road and the pokemon league still to come this challenge was really ramping up i had to dig into our pc to build an entirely new team the trainers in victory road are stacked but i made sure to form a team with strong typings and plenty of pivot potential so as we moved through victory road i was able to handle the first few trainers very quickly with my heavyweight machamp doing a ton of work although machamp soon leveled up and the results were less than ideal but with one more level up we got a blaziken which i would love to save for the pokemon league i carefully dodged as many trainers as i could because all it takes is one bad randomized fight for us to get absolutely buried but this clearing is where things get scary because we have our final match with serena and in case you've forgotten our last battle with her did not go well i lead with kramer the haunch crow and serena goes for alakazam which is perfect for me alakazam doesn't have any moves that can damage a dark type so hauntz crow is entirely free to set up two layers of toxic spikes on the second turn serena does switch into electabuzz so expecting an electric move i safely switch into my ground type gastrodon and take electribus down with a few serves snorlax is up next and this big boy is dangerous since it knows belly drum and giga impact pretty much everyone on my team would be dead to a crit except for clinclang a few play wraps and some toxic damage wear down snorlax enough for the ko herpeton is next which definitely sparks some ptsd but this time i have a much better plan the air wants to earthquake clinchlang so i can switch for free into haunchcrow and against haunchcrow the ai wants to double edge which clinclang can tank pretty well this strategy stores the time while the toxic damage brings her powder onto the brink of death before one last acrobatics gives me some sweet sweet revenge against the big hippo the fight had been really smooth so far that things were about to get worse hurum is a demon and i don't have any hard counters for it i decided my best move was to switch into joey to the heat more who instantly got crit on entry although this pops my citrus berry for some recovery and using protect on the following turn helps me to store some extra poison damage on the next turn i decided to put my faith in joey 2 and then this happened hang in there joey 2 you can do it believe oh he's clutching up he's going huge that's our boy right there joey too he's doing it for joey one all right now we protect i think it's gonna just hang on though but that's fine that's fine come on take it down boom there it goes all right awesome serena's last pokemon is alakazam who can't touch my haunch crow so it fell and we'd gotten our revenge on serena after a pretty stressful fight after safely navigating the last few trainer battles of victory road we had finally made it to the pokemon league and this would be by far the hardest part of the challenge up until now if we had an awful pokemon we could replace it with something from the pc but in the pokemon league when my pokemon inevitably level up and randomly evolve i won't be able to do that since i don't have access to the pc whatever we get we're stuck with a few bad evolutions could very well end the run and send me back to the beginning so we needed some luck but i can't control that what i can control is the pokemon i take in with me and the moves i teach them so i evolved a ton of pokemon and upgraded their move sets to build the best team possible i had a stacked roster spearheaded by our kramer the pg that we caught way back on route 2 who was now a meganium but the team would look very different once i started to level up for now it was time to tackle the elite four their teams are randomized so it doesn't really matter what order i take them on i went after wickstrom first and safely set up two layers of toxic spikes meganium was confused by a dynamic punch but this is fine polywrath can't hit ghost types so i safely switch into golok the ai switches but i expected this and went for u-turn to maintain momentum this ended up working really well as wickstrom sent in absol who instantly fell to the poison damage after a super effective u-turn wickstrom sends in his tauros next which is another pokemon that can't hit ghost types so i tried to pull off the same strategy with goallock but was confused by swagger this time not wanting to risk hitting myself i just pivot between golok and blaziken while the toxic damage builds up wickstrom heals up with a full restore so i use this turn to u-turn into alakazam who outspeeds tauros and cleans it up with psychic wickstrom has a meganium of his own which is super passive a u-turn lowers it to below half before a fire punch from blaziken burns it to a crisp last is the returning polyrath who we know can't hit golok so it's completely free to stall out this fight ended up being pretty easy but i didn't expect that battle to be too hard since we still have our full power team but during the battle goal look leveled up and now we were completely at the whims of rng all we can do is hope that it's something good please please we need this is when we need good pokemon the most it is so important please not something i can work with give it to me yes beautiful oh i was so relieved because caesar has an awesome defensive typing and being able to use leech seed and u-turn on it is amazing so far so good next in my sights was drazner who leads with a carnivane it does decent damage to kramer but not enough to stop me from setting up two layers of toxic spikes i'm not in crit range yet so stay in and fire off a few crunches with carnivane at low hp a switch into blaziken lets me finish it off with fire punch next is gigalith and it has one move that really worries me stone edge sandstorm and stealth rock this thing has explosion uh which really really makes me want to go into charlie the aegislash like really bad i feel like it's gonna stone edge i'm going into charlie please boom explode i dare you i dare you to go boom boom outplayed nerd next up is cradley who immediately goes down to an iron head but drazna's last pokemon was scary a cobalian oh jeez okay the thing that's scary about kobalian uh it doesn't get hit by toxic spikes what's it gonna happen 65 it's gonna have workup quick guard swords dance and sacred sword which means it's only damaging move is fighting type which can't hit me which means it should be free this cobalion can't hit me it can buff its stats all it likes but it cannot touch me yeah ghost types are awesome i brought two of them to begin with but now we're gonna we're probably gonna have none so enjoy it while it lasts boom dead cabalion that's drasner done we'd beaten drazner and still had all six pokemon left although we were about to lose two of our best pokemon completely random so if they become something terrible then our team gets severely weaker come on blaziken please please please please this is not the time for games don't mess around don't screw me don't screw me come on oh no a chat our new champion for the elite four is a chat and we still have two elite four members and the champion to go and our team has a chat on it all right aj slash don't do what don't do what blaziken just did do something different be better please i can't afford to have too bad pokemon i need this oh okay jazz hands alright so now our team was much worse and we weren't even halfway through the pokemon league next up was the blazing chamber where malva resides i've been able to get toxic spikes up in both battles so far but this time i wasn't so lucky malva leads with a glaily that knows sheer cold and i couldn't afford to risk kramer so i decided to switch into semi-pour do it for me alright hail that's fine we take those i just need to get rid of this glaily like asap bada-bing oh okay it's a two shot oh no it hit the sheer cold charlie no my bad luck was getting worse it hit the very first sheer cold at this range pal get can get the revenge kill with surf next up is auroras who palkia can also drown out the glyce score that follows is scary because it also has a one hit komu with guillotine however one more surf from palkia can take it down before rng has the chance to screw me malva's last pokemon ends up being torquel so palkia wraps things up with you guessed it another surf that's three members down but we've taken some big blows losing a pokemon and being stuck with chatot uh the last elite four member is siebold who leads with a very dangerous barbarical i do manage to get my toxic spikes up but get crit on turn 2 which means i have to switch our caesar is the best option with its high defense and good typing i also taught it to move roost between battles so this keeps me healthy while i set up leech seed after some stalling a switch into palkia lets me finish barbarical with an earth power next up is a kangaskhan who i expect to go for outrage this means it's safe to bring in caesar while you turning just before sea bolt heals i can safely bring palkia back in and take kangaskhan down with two serfs siebel sends out a leafeon next who i was hoping to ko with a u-turn but just fell short so as a sign of disrespect i sent chatot out and had him deliver the final blow with fire punch despite chatter not having any fists last up is the nine tails and i decided to keep chat on the front lines with the hope that it would get enough exp to evolve you can do it chat kick no chat why i want chat to get the ko because it might level up and then evolve if it does come on chat this is big chat odd he's going huge he's going nuts chat on mvp oh and he didn't level up though damn it we defeated seabold and only the champion remained but we were about to lose our palkia okay so we lose out palkier for the for the champion which is a huge l but in return what do we get come on this is for the champion fight i need something good please please please please please oh hi dragon all right look we take that we were down to five pokemon but we got really lucky with our caesar and high dragon evolutions but the champion was going to have a full team of powerful pokemon this would be the final hurdle of the challenge a battle with the champion diantha i was praying for a lead that i could set up toxic spikes against and dianthus spat in my face she led with frostlast which is terrible for meganium so my plan was to switch into caesar i can tank its blizzards pretty well while also setting up a leech seed but once frost's hp gets low it starts using destiny bond which is really scary to counter this i need to make sure that frost lash dies to leech seed rather than a direct attack once frost last runs out of blizzard pp though i can safely switch into meganium just as frost last falls this gives me another chance to set up toxic spikes but dianthus sends in a hal lucha next and this thing is scary with swords dance and powerful attacks in its arsenal it has plenty of sweeping potential but since this is the final battle i decided that setting up toxic spikes is my main priority this ends up working pretty well although hallucia does manage to boost its attack to plus two in the process i need to take out this hal lucha so bring caesar back in and set up leech seed but the situation looks bad as hal lujar is now at plus four and it was about to get worse oh thank god all right we landed leech seed that's big this hal lucha is so scary it is so scary does it have speed high dragon uh probably probably yeah all right we just connected leech seed high jump kick how much does that do oh there goes raymond there goes raymond we lost our bulkiest pokemon but this does let me bring alakazam in and finally remove halucha with a psychic it was down to a 4v4 and diantha's next pokemon was dublade i expected it to go for night slash on this turn so bring high dragon in it ended up using power trick which is totally fine and on the next turn an earth power takes it down next up is slow puff and i really don't have any great fairy type counters so i switch into our bulky meganium who can finish it off with a few earthquakes plus some toxic damage and then diantha sent out this a mew okay what does mew have mew buffed its defenses and i was able to get it low however diantha used a full restore which cures the poison so i can't rely on toxic damage to take it down this new only has two damaging moves psychic and ancient power so i forged a new plan if i can drain the ancient power pp the new won't have anything that can damage my dark type hydraegen this should be pretty safe as long as mew doesn't hit the 10 chance for an omni boost alright all we need is no omni boost no ancient power omniboost please oh that's doing so little and then barrier as well how are we going to kill this thing no omni boost please oh my god it's all going wrong even though i was able to paralyze mew with dragon breath it's synchronizability means that i'm paralyzed too i needed some luck and simply spammed roost while hoping for no more omni boosts but once mew is out of ancient power the ko is guaranteed it just takes a really really long time once mew eventually goes down diantha sends out her final pokemon another slow puff and there was only one pokemon for the job come on chat it's your time believe chat's about to do its ultimate move the ultimate chat combination double team now there's two chatots all right now chat does its final move earthquake chad finish it off you've fallen right into chatot's trap boom there it is huge believe in the bird there it is diantha taken down chatop is the mvp with that i'd beaten the challenge for more pokemon content jump into this video next like and subscribe for more chat content and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 356,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Challenge, KeeganJ, Legends, Arceus
Id: EdFbnGkxhx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 23sec (2183 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 18 2022
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