Pokemon Insurgence Is The Best Fan Game Ever! (Egglocke)

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well hello everyone my name is wigo and welcome back to another video today we're going to play pokemon insurgents one of the best fan games ever made it's already a pretty old fan game but it still holds up to this day with its own mega evolutions and delta species pokemon which are basically just regional variants this game also has its own region and unique storyline so nothing you've ever seen before and before you start your game you get the option to pick between multiple difficulty options you could do a hardcore nuzlocke a wonderlock randomize your game or even do a solo run which allows you to only use one pokemon but what we are going to be using today is the egg challenge so what happens here is your entire pc will be filled with eggs except for your last two boxes and once you capture a pokemon you can't use it but you can swap it out with an egg from your pc and once that egg hatches you get a random pokemon and these random pokemon are what we are going to use to build our teams and then we are going to hardcore nuzlocke this entire game the hardcore nuzlocke rules will be on the screen right now and the level caps are actually implemented in the game itself just like in pokemon radical red before we kick off the video let's try to smash 8 000 likes as well because this took me quite a long time to make as it's not an easy game and i definitely white it out a couple of times while you're down there also don't forget to subscribe and with all of that out of the way let's jump right into the pokemon insurgents egg lock we start off the game by seeing some flying pelippers and winkles and once they land down we get to pick our own name also the first five minutes of this video will be recorded wrong because there is a little part of the bottom of the screen that's been cut off don't worry though after about 3 minutes it will be fixed we then get ourselves some purple hair i guess we got that by walking in purple rain and then our journey starts we get put into the darkrai cultists base and gengar is tormenting us with nightmares while we're sleeping luckily for us though we have a companion named mew who scares it off and lets us transform into darkwire cultists after finding their dna this means that we can now unlock closed doors and explore this entire base to our free will as we finally reach the main gathering room we see that the leader of this cult has summoned darkrai because she wants to take over the world with him but just as they're about to capture it with a net darkrai manages to escape of course she isn't too happy about that but this is a perfect opportunity for us to escape to the nearest town here we meet a shy kid named damian who is going to be our rival in this game and together with him we step into the professor's lab where we see rukra a very shady character that we don't know much about yet but he delivered starter pokemon to the professor so let's pick ourselves a ninja turtle squirtle as you can see once i pick this squirtle it immediately goes to my box where i have to swap it out for an egg i decided to just pick a random one and it turns into a delta venipeed a rock fire type that looks like it came straight out of hell hence the name hell spawn i guess with hellspawn we easily managed to overpower our rivals delta bulbasaur with a couple of smog since it is psychic fairy type and once we are done there we capture a caterpie and as you can see it turns into an egg token that's unusable the amount of detail in this game is absolutely amazing once i swap it out for a nick i get myself a delta darumaka a ghost dark type which means he only has one weakness barry he's kind of a glass cannon but he will definitely help us a lot throughout our journey next up on our journey was a cave where we found two cultists of the groudon and kyogre cults that were talking about executing their plan to take out the first auger who's seen as the protector of this region once we overhear their plan we have to go back to the town to report it to the authorities but first we get ataros from an egg once we arrive into town however the abyssal cult is already planning their attack on the auger which is the guy with the yellow hair so with our newly acquired pokemon we stop them we then get the auger's blessing to go and explore the region and we're off traveling by foot and capturing lots of pokemon who we can turn into eggs as we get a vanillate an axu and a gold dean we then enter a nearby cave where we find somebody resurrecting fossils with their celebi her name is nora and she is a little bit like us because mew chose us as their guardian and she has been chosen by celebi she is going to become our second rival as we have to face her already in a tournament that's coming up in the trainer school first we easily destroyed damien with our darumaka shadow sneaks and at the last round of the tournament we face nora iceman is able to take out their waddle and trap pinch with icy winds and ice shards and toe-dial gets destroyed by returners fain attack and shadow sneak and that's our tournament won but we don't really win anything from it except for a closer bonds with our friends so they try to race us to the next town but we don't have time for a race as we need to capture a couple more pokemon and trade them in for tiny little eggs getting ourselves a big fat boy munchlax and then going to a ryolu temple where we see the abyssal cult trying to abduct it luckily they get stopped by a mega lucario who i would like to add to the team but instead i get myself a nice chimchar something i can't really complain about and then a dust call which i'm not too happy about but i'll take it i then channel my inner discord mod and buy a fedora to single to everybody around me that i am maidenless we then do some sightseeing and find a statue of yearn the second auger and then we hatch even more eggs getting ourselves a vullaby a delta purloin and a car eventually we even got our face on tv as a side quest needed us to capture a random axus somewhere the same tv company also brought me to a desert where we found a delta grimer and out of these two eggs we get a magnemite and ace of viper once i was done building my team i challenged the first gym leader who was friends with a white rock reminds me of a certain green haired guy in the innova region but this guy's name is orion and he starts off with a vulpix who sets up a drought so he is running a fire type team my survivor easily takes care of it with a couple of poison fangs but then he sends out charmeleon who i can also poison fang once more before taking too much damage and having to go into hellspawn who can then take it out with a pursuit and a couple of smogs deerling was taken out by my monferno's fire pledge and my survivor's poison fangs easily took care of his final pokemon ivysaur once the gym battle was over my health spawn evolved into a whirlypied who looks like a burning tire from cars and then the gym gets barraged with people a gym leader from another town and another evil organization arrives with kirum they first make fun of him that he's friends with a rock but then they explain that it's actually reshiram and get him out they first fight a little bit but then reshiram flees and comes back the name of this very disturbing looking fella with a bowl haircut is teen and we're going to be seeing a lot more of him but first we leave reshiram in orion's care and move on with our journey by getting a sableye and a merrell from some more eggs once we grinded up our entire team we ran into nora again and this time she's not playing around she has a pretty difficult team to beat starting off with a hoenech who we can still easily kill with a fire pledge from monferno and as you can see my pokemon reached the level cap as they can't gain any more than one experience i deal with crocodile by swapping out into my own water type as a mural and taking it out with two play roughs we then have to face a mythical this early into the game celebi so i going to axe you thinking dragon rage will at least do half but it doesn't so i have to get out of there and swap in darumaka he's able to shadow sneak then feign attack and the celebi goes down but we also took quite a lot of damage from magical leaf taking down her fluid was a piece of cake with meduza's poison fangs and golbat definitely gave me a scare by confusing me me hitting myself in my confusion a couple of turns in a row and then having to swap out into scolipede who could then rock blast and flame charge it to get some extra speed for the next pokemon swat loon another rock blast and a flame charge later and we have defeated nora without any deaths but this is an important turning point in the game as we unlock our own secret base and in this secret base we can place an ev trainer and a v-resetter and also exp trainer so that we can level up our pokemon fast but at a small fee and these trainers are why money is super important in this game and you don't want to waste it on stuff like fedoras we do immediately use these trainers to evolve our darumaka into darmanitan and this thing looks very very menacing i wouldn't want to come up against this if i was my opponent we then all of a sudden find ourselves in the next gym led by xavier he specializes in bug and poison types and i haven't really gotten a lot of stuff out of my eggs that can deal with these types but this gym leader does start off with something that i do not want to see because i have arachnophobia but a spider metang luckily he is bug ground type and my asmerrell can easily one shot it with an aqua tail but he manages to set up a sticky web which is going to slow down my pokemon throughout this fight i also managed to get another aqua tail off on the next pokemon gengar before getting burned and having to swap out into darmanitan first i get veno shocked but then i counter back with the shadow snake to take out gengar for his mega bee drill i first swap out into tauros to get the intimidate off i then take a poison jab and hit back with the zen headbutt to do a decent amount of damage but not take it out i was going to sag my toros here by going for another zen headbutt but he swaps out into tentacle letting me get a free hit in i was expecting a sludge bomb here so i swapped out in the magneton and that paid off because i got a free switch i then used charge beam two times in a row to take it out and then he brings in a heracross i go back into azimural because it's pretty bulky but i get critted by an earthquake and azumaril goes down first death of the run i then bring out my volobee with evia light and pluck the hair across a couple of times eventually he swaps out into crow gunk i take that thing down with a pluck as well and then he brings out his mega b drill again i can easily take a poison jab from this hit back with a pluck and now he only has heracross left i was expecting a close combat here so i went into darmanitan and predicted it went for shadow snake and took out heracross second gem match has been acquired we also guard another egg and get a starly we find ourselves in the local dump after that as the abyssal cult has captured damien and put him in the middle of a pond that's filled with radioactive waste but our mew manages to help him out a little bit by summoning shaymin who can clean polluted rivers with its seat flarability sheamin now chooses damien as his guardian so now we have even more in common once the abyssal cult is scared off we get ourselves some really good encounters out of our eggs we first get a hoe niche one of the best pokemon we can get period a bulbasaur who is going to become a very nice venus or later and then a chinchou which will eventually turn into a very bulky lantern we also find some fossils running loose in a lab so once we snipe everybody down one by one we turn them in and get a gulp in another cult has been spotted around kanto and this one is the sky cult for rayquaza and they work together to push a hiker in a hole in a cave this is even worse than team rocket taking over the radio tower in johto and doing nothing with it eventually we try to leave this cave ourselves but damien stops us for another battle and the match doesn't really start off in our favor as our star raptor is only left with one hp after an overheat from the infernape we do finish it off with an aerial laser and a quick attack but star raptor definitely had some vietnam flashbacks there he then has a lux ray and i was thinking it's going to go for an electric type move so i go into venusaur but i get fire fanged so then i go into infernape instead and take it out with a close combat and a mag punch but a wild charge almost took me down since we do have 5 hp left we can also take out the next pokemon crawdad with a close combat for methane i go into darmanitan and phantom force it for some reason he sends out venusaur who is also weak to ghost type moves so another phantom force kills it and the thing that looks the least menacing but is probably the most menacing shaman he's able to bring down my darmanitan my fracture and my lantern all into one hit kill ranges so i only have venusaur left but venusaur can't touch it so i tried to stay in with a lantern and go for the signal beam thinking it would take me out with energy ball but luckily it went for psychic for some stupid reason and my signal beam could take it out and win me to battle without losing anybody but everybody being almost dead we do smear the victory all over his face and then hatch a really important pokemon chespin we find some sharpedo swimming around in the house and indeed how does that even work and then we somehow found our way into the ghetto of a town called the black market you can do some illegal stuff like get even more boxes by letting a guy hack into it and buy a super odd off the market for zero dollars and we don't speak about what they're doing here but all the way at the end in a warehouse we see rukra and teen banding together as their cult is called the perfection cult they want to create the perfect pokemon and become the strongest trainers of them all these two actually made all of the delta pokemon you see all around the region because they thought delta pokemon were going to be stronger but actually they just have a different type they're also tampering with mega evolution to try to bring out potential in pokemon that don't have mega evolutions yet so definitely some very interesting stuff but we can't really get through here without their permission and we only get that if we can beat them in a pokemon battle i knew he was going to start off with the machamp so my saraptor's intimidate is amazing here i also use a feather dance the lord's attack even more getting hit with a dynamic punch but then swapping out into chestnut to take a stone edge i decided to go for some seed bombs and synthesises but this thing keeps on confusing me with dynamic punch because it has no guard which means dynamic punch is never going to miss eventually the machamp does run out of dynamic punches and this is my cue to fully heal up and kill it with a couple more seat bombs for pyro i swapped out into infernape taking a flyer blast and carrying back with a close combat to take it out in one hit they then somehow managed to give stun fisk a mega evolution and i'm very glad this thing doesn't exist because i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have nightmares about it tonight but we have the perfect counter for this our venusaur is going to come in sleep powder it put a leech seed on it and then amnesia up because this is a special attacker so that we can easily take it out with some eraser leaves after that kirin was this last pokemon and luckily we set up all of these amnesia's because now his ice beams are doing barely anything he first sets up a substitute which is hard to break with my razor leaves but once i do it i managed to put it to sleep and then put a leech seed on him as well and that's the end of curum because this allows me to swap out into infernape and take it out with a close combat grumpy is the only pokemon left so my phantom force from dharmanitan is easily able to one shot it we now get permission to go on with our journey and find ourselves in the next gym leaders room but the augur is here as well as it turns out this leader is a flying type user is this a coincidence with the sky cult that just showed up out of nowhere absolutely not because as we tell the auger that a sky cult is plotting some really evil stuff by summoning rayquaza he starts to summon all of the grunts of the sky cult himself as he is apparently the leader of the sky cult i know big big plot twist and he forces me to fight the gym leader so that he can go up to the top of this tower and summon rayquaza we need his gym badge anyway so let's see if we can easily take care of him and try and stop the auger lantern does some incredible work by discharging the skarmory and doing a lot of damage before he swaps out in the kingdra so that we can take that thing down with a couple of discharges as well he tanks a draco meteor from the next pokemon neuvern and hits back with a critical hit discharge to also him a little bit once his amazing work is done i can now swap into my aegis slash because the northern special attack has been lowered quite a bit and set up a sword stance but i did get hit with a critical hit and that did way more damage than i wanted it to do i then finished it off with an iron head before talonflame coming in and me having swap out because otherwise i can't hit it anymore because of my lifeform skully beats rock blast are four times super effective so only one of those can take it out but a brave bird also put me down to 37 hp so once mega alteria comes out i swap out into my magneton with air balloon take an earthquake and then kill it with two flash cannons we can also get a bunch of free hits on the next pokemon glyce score with flash cannons but eventually we used it so much that we ran out of pp and have to swap out into iceman i am able to hit an ice shard on this glycer but that is about it because an earthquake does too much damage takes out my favorite vanilla ice cone we still have haxorus in the back though and with some dragon claws we force a switch out into skarmory which we can take out with even more dragon claws and then also eventually swapping out back into glass court taking him out and getting another gym batch under our belt we may have lost our ice cone but that's not really an important pokemon since we immediately get some really cool pokemon in return like a litwick and a delta chinchou which is a ghost fire type and this is what lantern looks like and it has access to tail glow so a plus three in special attack in one turn is something i'm not going to just ignore once we're done admiring our new teammates we go to the top of the tower and see that urine has summoned rayquaza with this big crystal looking thing rayquaza immediately joins his team and turns into mega rayquaza luckily this is the only pokemon we have to face and not an entire team after it i first get dragon ascended and then i hit it with a discharge he has a wide herb so the defense lowering doesn't matter but what does matter is that my discharge managed to paralyze it and i also managed to hit another discharge while taking an extreme speed with only 2 hp left i then swap in aegis slash but dragon ascent does more damage than i would have expected so i go into skulloped instead and with two rock blasts we take out rayquaza once he's defeated damien helps us by summoning shaymin and shattering the crystal into a billion pieces with its seat flare still in shock that the auger is actually a bad guy we start scheming a plan to take them down ourselves you have to go to the library to read some books and try to understand more of what's happening so we took our trusty running shoes and ran to the library something i would never do in real life but before we can enter the library we get to choose whether we fight damien or nora and since we just fought damien i am going to be fighting nora she started off with an aegislash of her own and i didn't really swap out lanterns so i have to go into returner put a willow wisp on the aegis slash but this did mean that she could set up a free sword stance it also means that she went for king shield after and phantom force goes through kingshield so he can one shot this aegis slash since his next pokemon is gorgeous i go into my scoloped and set up three sharpens because it basically cannot touch me my rug blasts then finish it off and then celebi gets one shot at by a steamroller we also rock blasty nick's pokemon leave vani just wants to take it out and then flygon comes out but this is not a regular flygon this is mega flygon definitely one of the strongest pokemon i've had to face yet it's finally got his bug dragon typing like everyone wants which does mean it's now weak to my rock blasts so i get hit pretty hard with counterback and managed to one shot it crobat is the last pokemon left so i swap out into my electric type shifter here and just as i was about to take out the crowbar with my third charge beam i hit myself in my confusion and the poison damage from a toxic that i've been hit with is racking up too we do have another electric type to deal with crobats so i go into lantern discharge and enter the library in the library itself we find ourselves an orp at the back of it in like a storage room and this weird library person here with the purple hair followed us he quote unquote works here but i don't trust them anyway back to the orb it's apparently the red orb to summon groudon with and it's being guarded by a ghost from the past which we have to peed in a pokemon battle and despite being a ghost of some kind herself her entire team is weak to ghost type moves so my dharmanitank and one shot claydol del fox hslash takes a couple more hits to go down but eventually also falls to the might of my darmanitan jellicent and gengar are no better as they both get one shot as well and her final pokemon is a mega banette who i burn with willow wisps before swapping out and bringing in chestnut and stalling it out with bulk ups because it always goes for destiny bond and i don't really want to go down so after i stalled out destiny bond i then take it out with c-bomb once we defeat this ghost she tells us that one of us is going to join the infernal cult and betray all of their friends well it's not gonna be me so it's either gonna be one of these guys so now i don't trust anybody anymore we do decide to talk it out and promise to not join the infernal cult and instead hatch a radioactive waste new mole and evolve it into camera who's got tactical mask pro on and we go from boring place to boring place going from a library to a museum but in this museum there is a blue orb to summon kyogre and it's guarded by exactly one security guard so guess what the leader of the abyssal cult comes along and just snags it up so now we have to track her down and take this thing back to the museum where it belongs but first we get some more hatchlings starting off with the delta waltz an electric ice type and then finding a delta axe shoe which is a water steel type but this delta axio is somebody we have to trade away for another egg and out of this egg we get even more delta pokemon like miss drivas and ice fairy type but also a delta banari which i never use and then a ghastly which could come in handy since gengar is always a little bit overpowered we then double evolve our rolls into curlia and then guard of war please don't simple over this thing like everybody sims over the regular gardevoir we do have to put on our scuba gear and go underwater because the abyssal cultists are first going after lugia before they try and summon kyogre audrey managed to get lugia on her team pretty fast and as you may know abyssal cult uses water type teams so she is running a rain team and starting off with a lantern so i'm leading off with my hexoras setting up three swords dances and then taking it out with dragon claw she then has a delta superior which is a dragon water type i get hit with an ice beam but managed to survive and then counter back with that dragon claw that takes her perrier down for likolo i decide to swap out into camera because it's the only thing i have that's super effective against it i managed to take a hydro pump and then counter back with a gunk shot to take the dancing duck down he then has me on his team and i know that i can't take a little leaf to the face so a seed bomb from my chestnod is easily going to take care of swampert a megacrawdant is the next pokemon we have to face so i start hitting it with seed bombs eventually getting hit with a superpower as well but it's good that we're physically bulky and another seed bomb wins us this match up lukia was no problem as the combined efforts of lantern and gardevoir's discharges and thunderballs sink the legendary bird back to the ocean the abyssal cult then swift swims out of there and we get to go on another long route where somewhere behind the trees two leaders of two cults are planning something as it turns out i have lost my memory which i didn't realize up until this point and they found some information about another crystal that could change the course of time but enough of that shenanigans let's hatch another egg and get ourselves a delta sably which is fire rock type and then we find harmony again who we met at the first gym when reshiram and kierum were fighting she is the next gym leader and has fairy types luckily for us we have got quite a few of steel and poison types in the past so let's see if we can easily take her down so she starts off with a delta crustal which is a fairy type don't know if it has another typing but i swap out venusaur after hitting a sleep powder and a leech seed on it to go into age slash and i can just keep swords dancing up then using king shield and then eventually trying to go for a shadow sneak but as it turns out it is a normal type so we can't hit it with shadow type moves eventually i'm able to take it down with an iron head though and still have quite a lot of hp remaining so next up she goes into sylveon i set up a king shield to have more defenses then i get hit with a shadow ball after that and i still lift with 22 hp and take out sylveon with iron head next on out is a mill tank but not a regular mill tank a mega mill tank so this is like whitney's gym but on steroids as it turns out this thing cannot touch my regular gengar so i swap out into it and because it only has body slam an earthquake as attacking moves i can just keep dark pulsing away at it until it eventually swaps out into azim merrell once that happens i go into venusaur put the azimural to sleep and start spamming petal blizzard until we take it out she now goes into guard of war i bring in magnazone flash cannon it and then try to take it out with charge beam to try and get a special attack boost but instead she swaps out into towagis letting me get a free hit on it which means that i can bring in swallow to turn after and clean up with gunk shot she brings out miltank again so i know i can take an earthquake with swallot unless it crits and i can put a toxic on the mill tank if i do once that happens i swap out into gengar again and dark pulse away so that i can take out god of war and miltank easy peasy once we're done getting our next gym badge we travel to an old person home and in the basement rukra and teen are plotting even more schemes as it turns out harmony's father is in this retirement home and he's very sick and rukra has made some kind of medicine to cure him together with deox's dna so after talking a little bit we go up to the old man's room but as it turns out the medicine that rukra is proposing is just the pokers virus which makes pokemon gain more experience and stuff so it's not really a bad virus so what would happen if we put it into a human let's find out he wakes up and seems like he's not sick anymore but um yeah his body turns into a half of a deoxys so i wouldn't use the pocos virus on people anymore but this guy now wants to take over the world as well and then all of a sudden damien enters the room and gets kidnapped by this deoxys old man fusion after a little bit more arguing we finally get to go on our way and go and find damien first we have to hatch some more eggs getting an aerodactyl a goomy and then the best pokemon of all time is sunkern then a big phenomenon happened this person managed to get a waylord into his house and still have a bunch of room how did he do it probably by shrinking it because otherwise this is not possible eventually we find ourselves in a lab where we meet up with the next gym leader she's busy with scientific stuff but still wants to take us on as a challenger but as we walk outside of the lab a big storm happens all of a sudden this is not something that can normally happen except with the help of the pokemon kyogre and then the leader of the abyssal cult comes flying about on her lugia and she's like if you want this rain to stop you better come to my base and beat me up so that's what we're gonna do but first we find her uniform laying on some kind of table and i do not feel comfortable touching this but we have to to get the dna off of it you know so now we can transform into a woman and walk past all of the defenses of this base once we reach her in her big basement area she starts talking about 97 of the ocean hasn't been explored yet and that we know more about the moon than about the ocean which is true and she wants to know more about the sea because she thinks there is really strong creatures down there that she wants to command and take over the world with and since kyogre is kind of the poseidon of the pokemon world she's using him to summon all of this pokemon and get them under their control of course we can't let that happen because we're the good guy and we do what everybody expected me to do challenger to a pokemon battle since i already know about half of her team i'm going to be leading off with my venusaur i first put the lantern to sleep and then put a leach seed on him dude then kill it with a couple of petal blizzards i do get paralyzed in the process but we have more than enough hp to still use lantern in this battle once alakazam comes out though i go into darmanitan taking a psychic since i'm immune to it and then countering back with jim's shadow sneaks but also getting paralyzed by thunder wave eventually we overpower the alakazam and she brings out superior i bring in venusaur to tank a couple of hydro pumps and thunders eventually hitting the leech seed and putting the superior to sleep then setting up some amnesia's and eventually taking it out with a pedal blizzard since we're now at plus six in special defense kyogre is not going to be able to do so much damage to me anymore and then try to put it to sleep but i get paralyzed and miss luckily i have the big root on my venusaur so i get a bunch more hp back from my leech seeds i then finally put it to sleep and kill it with a petal blizzard ludicolo also can't touch me anymore so pedal blizzard and it's down for crawdad i decide to go into chestnut and he gets hit with a knockoff and then a superpower but the superpower gets a critical hit doing a lot of damage so i go for the synthesis but because of the rain i barely heal anything and the crawdon is able to take me out i didn't really want to lose chestnut there but it does give me a switch into elsa who can then thunderbolt and kill taking out crawdant and then finally ending the battle then damien and the deoxys guy comes running along and as it turns out she's damien's mother he isn't too happy about this and takes the blue orb from her which frees kyogre and he drags her with him into the ocean never to be seen again and damien is going to keep working with this deoxys guy so we're going to have to stop him as well and once we all leave we see some kind of giratina looking cultists that we don't really know too much about yet but he's definitely acting sus but since this is now all done we get the opportunity to take on the next gym leader first off she congratulates me for taking out the abyssal cult and then takes on my challenge she is going to have quite a lot of steel type pokemon but also electric types so it's not going to be the hardest gym to take down the first pokemon she starts out with is a clef key we check in close combat with my infernape after getting hit with a swagger it does one shot but i do risk hitting myself in my confusion from here on even though i'm at plus 2 in attack she then sends out her mega metagross i'm expecting as in headbutt here so i go into darmanitan and willow is piffed to the metagross's attack and take a meteor mash this allows me to go into aegislash safely and set up two swords dances and while she uses a full restore on the metagross i take it out with shadow sneak because i'm at plus four in attack she then brings out electivire but we also one shot that with shadow sneak age slash goes down the same way we did get a critical hit but i don't really think that mattered for magnazone i used kingshield first because i wasn't sure if i was able to one shot it i set up another sword's dance but he went for volt switch so he brought in road on wash since my attack can't be any higher i can now one shot the road on and then the final pokemon magnet zone comes back out again going for the shadow sneak but not killing luckily for us he didn't go for thunderbolt but vault switch so we can survive one hit and take this thing down with a couple more shadow sneaks we get our gym batch and follow her down to her workshop as teen is there and she's making a machine for him to put zekrom into so that zekrom can take way more hits and can do way more damage but she doesn't know that teen is a bad guy she's just doing it for the money that she gets for it he puts zekrom into the armor and orion walks in and summons his reshiram so this armand zekrom takes on reshiram and of course reshiram loses giving teen exactly what he wanted but being the good guys that we are we can't let team just walk out of here with reshiram unharmed so we take him on in a battle the battle starts off pretty easy as we can one shot his first pokemon grumpig with a faint attack from returner he then brings out the big boy's zekrom so i put a willow wisp on him and tank in outrage i could then safely swap in ages slash again set up my three swords dances and shadow sneak zekrom to take it out for pyro i had scully pete in the back so i swapped him in rock blasted it and that was down and then he brought out his mega pokemon mega charizard x i went for a rock wrecker and that one shot at it this does mean that i have to wait next turn and as he brings in luxray and goes for super power i lose my big centipede he also has the flamewar which means he has guts on this lux ray but i swap in ages anyway so i can kingshield and lower this thing's attack a lot i then set up some swords dances and finally managed to take it out with a critical hit shadow sneak his last pokemon is once again curum and we don't really care about kiran so we just iron head and shadow sneak it until it's down those substitutes didn't help him after the battle teen explains that he's going to try to fuse zykron reshiram and cure him all together to create the perfect dragon which makes sense since they are the perfection cult but i bet that this dragon couldn't stand up against my age slash if i have three swords dances up but first we get another useful pokemon out of an egg a lapras named ladpress gotta love that nickname we then traversed through an entire volcano and found the infernal cult at the end of it trying to summon groudon and this guy with the pink hair is the same guy as in the library which means he was just spying on us his name is zenith and as a leader of the infernal cult he's of course going to have a lot of ground and fire types but before we took him on i hatched a nidoran and a muna out of eggs and added them to the team because they could be very very useful as we start the battle against zenith i finally decide to bring out my delta lantern i first set up a tail glow get hit with an overheat hit back with a dazzling gleam but this blaze gun is now a lot weaker because of the special attack drop so i set up a substitute and with the leftovers i'm going to recover some health over time i set up another tail glow because blaziken can break my substitute and i then proceed to take out blaze again with dazzling clean now i'm at plus six going into the next pokemon extra drill my substitute takes the earthquake i counter back with a flame thrower and excadrill is down volcarona got scorched by flamethrowers and for chandelure i finally decided to swap out into aerodactyl because i knew i was not going to be able to outspeed with lantern i managed to get one crunch off but then i got hit with a super effective hidden power which brought me down to 25 hp and forced me to swap out to darmanitan for some reason he swapped at the same time and brought in digger's beam so i used the willows to its attack and then took it out next turn with drain punch chandelier also got taken down by a single shadow of sneak after that and then he has a mega macargo that looks like turbo from the movie turbo with like the snails and stuff i immediately swamped out into musharna because it's my special defensive wall and as he set up a shell smash i set up one call mind then i was able to tank a fireblast and hit back with a psychic to take out mccargo and that's the infernal cultist leader defeated he does still manage to capture groudon despite all of our efforts and once again just like all of the other killed leaders they managed to escape with a legendary that's as big as a building we don't know what's going to happen next so we just follow the next route where we run into the darkrai cultists and they're going to try and take on the sixth gym leader since that's her sister and her sister is currently in control of darkrai but before we go and help her we hatch a sur skit which could come in handy with the intimidate ability once it evolves into masquerade once we arrive in front of the gym the two sisters have a major fight of course the gym leader is trying to get persephone which is her name out of the darkrai cultists thing because it's a bad thing of course persephone is not going to listen and keeps her tantrum going that's when we step in she of course isn't too happy about this and takes us on with her dark and ghost type team leading off with a mega gengar against my brutus the venusaur sleep powdering it and then doing my usual trick of setting up the amnesias and doing the leech seeds and once i hit this gengar with petal blizzard it turns out it's actually a megazor arc and it looks absolutely terrifying like something from naruto i i think i don't know i've never watched that show once we take out the zoro arc she brings out greninja who goes down the same way leech seed and petal blizzard high dragon leech seed petal blizzard is what i thought but this high dragon has roost so i could never do enough damage to take it out because my pedal blizzard just isn't good enough instead i can swap out into my infernape give it the big set of punches named close combat and force him out into the next pokemon a real gengar this time so i go into darmanitan taking a sludge wave pretty well but i was actually expecting a psychic type move i then just go for the shadow sneak and manage to one shot and the final pokemon is spirit tomb who sets up a darkened sky which is a new kind of weather in this game to boost shadow and dark type moves it also lets moves like phantom force and shadow force move in one turn like sunny day does with solar beam anyway i just bring out my trusty venusaur again and put a leech seed on spirit tomb since i got hit with phantom force pretty hard and i got burned by willowisp i go into lantern who also doesn't take phantom force very well but because a leech seed heals me up just enough i can go for a hydro pump and then swap out lapras to finish off spirit tomb with an ice shard that's persephone defeated and she's not too happy about it but she can't do anything about it right now so she decides to flee then get the green light from diana to take her on in her gym she specializes in two typings just like all of the other gym leaders ghost and psychic this time and they took all of the beauty of melodic away and just made it scary with this nice delta form of it luckily we have some super effective moves for this melodic and as i go for a shadow sneak she luckily sets up a coal mine which means that we can scoop it up the next turn with phantom force gardevoir also gets one-shotted by phantom force i was going to one shot of chandelor as well but just as i'm about to hit she swaps out into chrysalia so i send in ages slash instead while she's sitting up with chris celia with call minds i am setting up swords dances with ages slash ultimately taking them down with a bunch of shadow sneaky tacks we then one shot chandelure after that and we see that she has another mega pokemon mega gothy tell it's a two shot with shadow sneak so not too bad and the final pokemon gengar also gets one shot at that's six gym badges required we're getting into the end game we then find teen again at the top of the draconic ruins but he's already trying to summon the ultimate dragon he's chanting the spell to try and fuse them together but he doesn't know the name of the dragon nobody does so the dragon can't be summoned so instead he gets himself a cure in white and then a zekrom to take us on luckily for us this is a double battle with nora so let's see how we can do i do have to mention that just before this fight i hatched a trapping and a low tad which i both added to the team i also love the mirror b reference on ludicolo his leading two mons are settlements and metagross two powerhouses so i let off with lapras and ice beam to selemance to take it down turn one but they double upped on nora's leaving to take that out on our side which i'm not too sad about because lee vani can't really do much nora brings out darmanitan and they have a mega type on their side i know it looks amazing but this darmanitan and the metagross of the other side went for the rockslide and earthquakes taking down typhlosion but also darmanitan on my side nora brings out mega flygon and they send out kirum white mega flygon does quite a lot of damage with dragon voice which is its new signature move but even combined with my lapras surf it doesn't do enough damage celebi does come out to set up a nasty plot and i bring in lantern i get hit with a draco meteor and an earthquake somehow managed to survive both hits and celebi takes out the kirum white lux ray is up next and since i'm expecting another earthquake here i swap out into looty colo celebi once again gets another kill taking out the lux ray and i take the earthquake pretty well as i predicted they bring out zekrom as their last pokemon and i try to go for a serve but i don't outspeed anything and i go down to an outrage next turn celebi takes out metagross and i just go for the king shield and start setting up sword stances on zekrom why nora brings out her crobat after celebi got destroyed by outrage the crowbar then went for a superfang and in case i didn't kill i went for ironhead luckily that was enough to win me the battle and reunite reshiram and orion again since they don't know the name of the dragon i don't think they're going to bother him anymore but he still does have kirum and zekrom on his side which means he can still get kirim black if he wanted to once we're done here we have to travel a little bit further and chase down the infernal cult once we arrive at the next town we see that the leader is holding a speech in front of the people because they have to get vaccinated for this new deoxys virus little do these stupid people know that they're just taking their dna for some kind of experiment they're doing once he takes us to his back room he decides to tell us his plan that he's trying to brainwash these people and somehow manage to succeed in brainwashing this lady who attacks me once he leaves after easily showing her who's boss we run into nora and the seven gym leader his name is calarith i think that's how you pronounce that he tells us a little bit about a nearby cave full of crystals that we are going to have to take a look at but first we see that this house is filled with coffee grigas's which is a little bit unsettling to think about with that traumatizing experience out of the way we do eventually reach the end of the cave and we meet some kind of king here he explains a little bit about what's going on that arceus chose us to be these new guardians to take out the cults and save the world but apparently there is one pokemon in particular that arceus wants to guard because it can destroy and create worlds with a snap of the fingers and we don't want that pokemon to fall into the wrong hands so as a gift he allows us to capture mew and add it to our team but little does he know that if we capture this mew we're just going to trade it away for an egg that might contain a caterpie it's not much better it turned into a cast form which i am going to be needing for the next gym and that's where we're headed right now let's take on the water slash rain gym since this gym normally has permanent rain up i decided to take cast form with me to change it to the new night weather condition once that happened cast form could die and i wouldn't care but i decided to not let it die i swapped out into venusaur put the heliolis to sleep put a leech scene on him and started setting up amnesia once i was done with that i started spamming grass knot until the herolisk finally fell the next pokemon on the list was an electric water type dragonite with earthquake that would hit me very hard so i just had to hit this one grass knot and it was done but of course not without getting a little bit of hp back from first putting a lead seat on him he then had another dragonite but this time not the delta form so i once again did the same thing sleep powder leech seed grass knot luckily for me this was a special attacking dragonite so my amnesia kind of saved me here when you hit me with a hurricane next night was gudra and i once again put it to sleep put a lead seat on it again but this time i swap out into elsa and set up some coal mines once i'm at plus 2 in special attack and special defense i get hit with a toxic so i just hit it with an ice beam that's able to take it out from this range and the next pokemon he sent out was a mega poly toad that kinda looks like a god once again after hitting it with a thunderbolt it didn't go down but he decided to swap out in the manafie who we could then one shot with another thunderbolt politoed came back out and i didn't want to go down because of the toxic damage so i swapped that into venusaur again sleep powder leach sheet grass knot you know the drill by now and that way we deserve our seventh gym badge nora gave us a call that we had to meet up with her and once we do teen comes running about as well and says that he can help us if we decide to come back to their lab down at the black market once we're there though the only thing they seem to want from us is some dna from mew so that they can create their very own mewtwo as they are still in the search for the perfect pokemon for some stupid reason we decide to say yes to this incredible proposal and once they're done creating their very own mewtwo they challenge us to a battle to test its power but this entire team was just a one-shot sweep all the way through with asia slash after i set up three sword stances on polywrath taking down said polywrath with shadow sneaks darmanitan with a shadow sneak as well megazip striker also goes down to a single shadow sneak glade and mewtwo you guessed it shadow sneaked and the final pokemon kiram went down to ironhead after the battle rukra gets a little bit angry but he tells us that he's been in contact with the deoxys fused with the man guy as it turns out they're waiting for us down at rose mountain which is where we're headed next so that we can negotiate with them or maybe even beat them up in a pokemon battle as it turns out negotiating it is they let a ladder down for us and the only thing we have to do is get up it but damien our friend here has now been totally corrupted by the virus himself so we're still going to have to try and save him we managed to reach the infernal cult's hideout but once we step in we get captured and put in a cage and the leader of the cultists here is able to control people by stealing their dna and just as he's about to try it with us he gets called up for something urgent so we start bothering the grunt that's guarding our cage beat him up and get his dna so that we can transform into him this allows us to roam freely across the base and eventually we even disguise ourselves as a grunt standing next to him while he's giving an interview to the press me and the seven gym leader then try to ambush him just as he's about to give his interview but the seven gym leader gets destroyed by a pitfall and now we're all alone against him and his legendary pokemon groudon and heatran but that doesn't mean we're going to back down from this fight let's see if we can save the region again he starts off with an extra drill and i decided to lead with my darm manaten and i put a willow wisp on it but i also got iron headed which left me with only 86 hp then i once again swapped out into aegis slash did what age slash does best and killed it with a shadow sneak after setting up my sword's dances we then managed to also one-shot chandelor and heatran survived a shadow sneak was going to kill my aegis slash with a magma storm but missed because magma storm just isn't accurate enough a single shadow sneak later and it's down though then we also managed to one shot volcarona mega blaze again and finally primal groudon came out hero was prepared to suck my aegis slash again in order to try and do as much damage as possible to this thing and as i set up my king shield he went for swords dance then i hid it back with an iron head but he missed his precipice blades which meant i could just shadow sneak him one more time to take out groudon and save my own ass by keeping ages alive once our battle is over zenith collapses on the table and the oracle from the library comes in and says that everything was fake just her pulling all the strings and making sure the infernal cultist would be stopped by me once that's done we talked to the camera guys and they expose everything about the infernal cult which means that they're now wiped of the planet earth eventually we start running across the region again and run into the old man he tells us that something incredible is about to happen at shade forest and that we shouldn't follow him but if we do it will be life threatening and since we're all about chasing those highs right here we're just going to follow him but not before we get ourselves a new egg out of this egg comes a delta munchlax a grass type that's very bulky and might get used a little bit further in the future but our next stop is actually the dark ride cultists base where persephone is once again trying to summon darkrai this time she decides to threaten darkrai by keeping cresselia in her pokeball forever if he doesn't cooperate because apparently they're very good buddy buddies but just at the right moment the two deoxys guys come and save the day but as it turns out it doesn't really matter that they showed up because dark rice sends us all to a dream realm where a bunch of people have been trapped before called the prion site before we go any further into the prion site though i decided to add this delta miss drivas to the team and evolve it into delta mismagius then i roam around these new lands and eventually battle persephone this girl here starts off with a mega spirit tomb imagine if this thing actually existed pokemon wouldn't be a children's game anymore so let's try to wipe it from the face of the earth by burning it with my darmanitan then swapping in my new miss magus and killing it with a moonblast metagross thing comes out and i know that i can't really stay in here so i swap into aegis slash set up my swords dances again and kill it with shadow sneak for how doom i swap in lapras kill it with a bunch of serves but first i get hit with some fire blast and she wastes some full restores with alakazam i was kind of just expecting a psychic type move so i went to dharmanitan luckily it went for focus blast and i shadow sneaked it twice to take it out again for high dragon i decided to go for a drain punch and it barely survives and just as i'm about to take it out she swaps out into gengar luckily i went for shadow sneak to try and take out the eye dragon but gengar didn't take this very well and went down to another one which meant that high dragon also went down after that with a shadow sneak winning me the battle we now finally get access to the entire dream world and managed to find our two diox's lovers and they're not too happy anymore since we're always standing in their way and they want to take me out luckily for us we're not going down without a fight so we're taking on corrupted damien he now has the auxes of his own which i can easily take down with two shadow sneaks from dharmanitan for shaymin i swap out into miss magus taking an energy ball with barely any hp left and then countering back with a critical hit frost breath luckily for us frost breath is always a critical hit we then see a pokemon we haven't seen before a delta luxray a poisoned steel type who gets dealt with by my venusaur by putting a sleep powder on him and then a leech seed once that has happened this luxury just went for roar every single turn ultimately taking himself down in the process he only has two pokemon left a metagross and a mega venusaur so i swap in my aegis slash put on two swords dances and kill both of them with shadow sneaks again once the battle is over demiun hands me the crystal piece which means that he still has some good in him and then they flee to find another way out of this world which means we get to explore to our free will and eventually find a gym a fully functioning gym in this world once we're done doing all of the mirror puzzles we eventually find that the gym leader down here is the eighth and last one we have to face as it turns out he was the first augur before the guy from the sky cult he's been banished down here because he was first entrusted with the crystal that we now have a piece of by cynthia stephen and two other trainers that we don't know the name of they are basically the best trainers in the world and have been chosen by arceus to protect the crystal but they decided to give it to this guy right here adam and once he's done telling me all this it turns out that he's also my father and that he's been trapped here by persephone and darkrai he also has the power of hoopa to travel through dimensions with hyper space holes and once we beat him in a battle he's going to give me that power too so i can't wait to see what my father has in store for me he starts off with a greninja and i'm leading with miss maggias i first get served but managed to survive and hit back with a moon blast taking out greninja then he has a delta rose raid a very dark type which we can outspeed and then take out with moon blast i'm not really that good against steel type so i'm going to swap out once he brings him bisharp and i decide to bring in darmanitan and go for the four-time super effective drain punch to take it out tyranitar is also weak to this and we've managed to one shot again but then he has a mega high dragon which hits 5 times in a row somehow we managed to survive a dragon pulse and hit back with a drain punch but we don't have enough hp remaining to take another one and the high dragon just grew a couple more heads which means it's now going to attack seven times in a row not really knowing what to do i swap out into venusaur and luckily he used a full restore so i was able to put it to sleep and tank a dark pulse then i put my usual leach seat on it and set up my amnesia because this high dragon only has special attacking moves once i'm fully set up i finally finish it off with some grass knots but then his final pokemon spirit tune comes out and it went down the same way sleep power lysid grass knot father defeated last gym badge acquired time to gain hoopa's power and try and save the world once we arrive back in the regular region by going through one of hoopa's space portals we see that the auger is fighting one of the giratina cultists and has just lost with his rayquaza against a regular guard chomp as it turns out he only battled him to win the crystal part back that he has i have the other two which means that the giratina cult's next target has got to be me before we go and chase him the auger comes up and the press starts interviewing him and slandering him for being the worst augur ever then he runs off and we find him back in the crystal cave and he blames me for everything that has happened to his reputation since the entire region hates him now and this is where he takes us on in another battle and the first turn of the battle is a mirror match aegis slash versus aegis slash we do the regular king shield swords dance strategy eventually we're all up to snuff with our plus six in attack and then we kill aegis slash with shadow sneak the next pokemon is solomance who lures our attack by one stage but we can still take it out with iron head but not after getting hit with an earthquake next to not is gudra so i get some hp back by using kingshield then take it out with another shadow sneak he then sends out his mega rayquaza i first go for the king shield as he tries to take me down with dragon ascend this lowers his attack by two stages forcing him to go for a dragon dance next turn which means that i can take him out with an iron head next or not is arcanine who is going to try and hit me with flare blitz so i go for the king shield and then i have to swap out because i know i can't one shot this thing anymore because he lowered my attack with another intimidate luckily for us this arcana is now at -2 in attack so i can safely bring in lapras dragon dance twice to up my speed and then take it out with serfs his last pokemon is a lucario but luckily i can just go for ages slashes king shields and swords dances again to eventually take it out with another shadow sneak that's the auger defeated so that we can finally reach the end of the cave jump through a hyper space hole and find ourselves in a very weird dimension where we see other parts of other regions like the pokemon mansion cave of origin pokemon tower and eventually rainbow road from mario kart and eventually we reach the throne room of the giratina cult and we meet up with their leader named nyx and as it turns out he was behind everything the creation of the infernal cult them trying to steal the crystal back from my father the oracle in the library it was all them just manipulating people to try to get through the crystal he then also explains that arseus is not the creator of everything but rather that he stole the crystal and put the blame on giratina so that arses is actually the bad guy and he trapped the people of the giratina cult in the distortion world which transformed them and made them look like stick figures made out of glass and as it turns out all they really want is their world back but they can't do that without the crystal and that's why they challenged me here and now to the final battle of good and evil even though we don't really know if the evil is really evil and so we battle the forgotten one nyx he has quite an unusual starter pokemon leading off with an auroras and did i mention that this is not a regular battle but an inverted one so moves that are normally not very effective are now super effective and the other way around luckily i started off with venusaur but this aurora's has thunderbolt which is super effective against me i do once again put it to sleep leech seed and amnesia up i keep putting it to sleep and eventually start hitting it with sludge bombs since it's now super effective i do quite a lot of damage but since i can't take it out quickly enough he decides to swap out into greninja who goes for ice beam despite it now being not very effective so i can easily take it out with two sludge bombs again then we also take out auroras before he brings out kangaskhan i get body slammed bringing me down into red hp but then i also managed to put the kangaskhan to sleep he's now so mega evolved so i decide to bring in darmanitan and hit it with a phantom 4 since it's not being negated anymore by its normal typing he then brings out guard chomp so i go into gardevoir we can take an earthquake since it's not very effective counter back with a thunderbolt and easily finish off guard chomp the next two pokemon are both grass types braylon and exeggutor which means that we can thunderbolt both of them and win against this entity after the battle they disappear into nothing nora heals us up and then giratina shows up once giratina has been summoned he then mega evolves as i enter the battle not into origin form but into something a 10 times more dangerous since i thought giratina was going to be a dragon ghost type i decided to lead off with miss magus i somehow managed to hit two frost breaths with snowy doing more than half of his hp and damage then i swap out into venusaur and try to hit it with a sludge bomb but it's not affected by it so i go into snowy again to try and kill it with another frost breath but it doesn't work out because it goes for shadow force so i swap in lapras instead i get hit with a shadow force and shadow claw managed to survive and counter back with an ice beam and an ice shard to take down this i'm gonna call it eternal form giratina once giratina is destroyed we have saved the entire region from distant destruction which means that we can now go and try to complete our very own goal of beating the game and destroying the elite four and champion two but before we do that we hatch the funniest pokemon out of an egg delta ditto i absolutely love it it's just like a rock with eyes i also decided to evolve my delta munchlax into delta snorlax and add it to the team and then i start prepping my league team going with aegis slash delta miss drivers lantern venusaur delta darmanitan and then delta snorlax as well and with this team i went to challenge the first elite four member london as he starts off with a mega reunicus that looks like it just crawled out of someone's basement in this fight there is also a permanent trick room up so i decided to just lead off with my sword and shield and take out a reunifier with two shadow sneaks without setting up then he has a delta background withdrawn so i decide to go for kingshield while he uses flare blitz so i can lower its attack by two stages i swap in lantern after that hit a hydro pump but also get hit very hard with a flare blitz and an earthquake leaving me burned and with only 32 hp causing me to swap out into aegis slash again luckily for us the ai decides to go for heavy slam which does no damage to me i think click king shield swords dance king shield swords dance until the aggron is at -6 in attack and once i was able to set up everything i then proceeded to sweep him with shadow sneak and then kill marowak with iron head his delta golork which is a steel fighting type with a shadow sneak as well togekiss with an iron head and the final pokemon jelly scent again with a shadow sneak and this brings us to our second elite four member which seems to be an ice type user and her name is yuki leading off with a mama swine who i can kill with an iron head and a shadow sneak but he was able to set up some stealth rocks then bringing out her very own fridge but i know that this thing is choice scarfed and after it goes for a thunderbolt i bring in my snorlax i then proceed to use belly drum and heal myself up with synthesis to put myself at max attack and also fully heal myself up in the process i did get paralyzed but that didn't matter too much as i was able to take out the fridge with a wood hammer and the next pokemon starmie did hit me with a size shark but i managed to take it out with earthquake then she brings out a very cool pokemon an ice fighting type scizor so i bring in lantern and take a close combat with only 65 hp remaining but this did lower its defenses which meant that i could swap out into aegis slash and take an icicle crash then i went for the king shield because i knew this thing had knock-off to lower its attack by two stages again and it even more i then managed to its attack even more by going for king shield swords dance a couple of times until i'm at plus six and then i take it out with shadow sneak which means that i can now take out the rest of her team a mega chronicle with shadow sneak as well and finally a delta trevenant again with shadow sneak that is the second elite four member defeated let's move on to eduard the next one and he is a ground type user not something my team is very well built around but i do start off with something that's effective against most ground types my miss maggie's killing his hippo down in one hand with frost breath kakturn was also an easy one shot with frost breath but then excadrill came out something i knew i couldn't one shot so i brought in chubs the only one that could easily take a hit from it i went for a drain punch but it didn't heal me enough so i was ready to let shubs go down so that i could freely bring in somebody else luckily he went for sword stance this turn which meant that my second dream punch hit and took out excadrill also healing me in the process he then has a delta high dragon who's a ground poison type so i was expecting a poison type move here and swapped out into lantern taking it and then countering back with a hydro pump while tanking an earth power with 20 hp because of my assault vest i swap in aegis again but he decides to swap as well going into guard chomp i knew it was going to go for earthquakes so i swapped in snorlax again healed myself up with synthesis but got toxic knowing that it wouldn't go for earthquake again i went to miss magus and then took it out with a single frost breath his aegis slash came out and i decided to go ages slash versus aegis slash i do what i always do swords dance king shield shadow sneak take it out and then the final pokemon high dragon also got cleaned up by shadow sneak three elite four members down one more to go before we can see who the actual champion is and this elite four member is kayla and she specializes in boosting her pokemon's attack defense special attack special defense and speed with every single one of her pokemon having a setting up move with bottom pass starting off with a smeagle who can put you to sleep a hundred percent of the time with spore amazing unless if you have a grass type and i have a snorlax with belly drum which i use to my advantage as i try to take out the smear goal with my dream punch after setting up my belly drum he decides to swap out in the scissor which doesn't get killed by drain punch i then try to take it out with woodhammer but he decides to swap again into espeon which i take out easily she brings in sylveon i again try to take it out with woodhammer but decides to bring in slowbro who also gets one shot she brings in sylveon again so i go for the wood hammer once more but then brings in blaze again and this thing survives with like one hp i knew that i wouldn't be able to take a hit from this so i swap out chubs and bring in darmanathan who is able to kill blaze again with shadow sneak but i did get burned by a fire punch she goes back into her espeon so i bring in aegis slash and try to take it out with a source dance boosted iron head but she brings in smeargle before i can take it out i then go into venusaur because i'm expecting a spore and then i can easily take it out with a sludge bomb and the last two pokemon sylveon and scissor both go down to my aegis slashes iron heads and shadow sneaks that's four elite four members defeated without losing a single pokemon so i walk into the champion room and see that the champion is the leader of the perfection cult rukra he's gotten here because he finally realized that the perfect pokemon doesn't exist the only thing that actually exists is a perfect team that can take on anything with their combined power so he told me that he's crafted an unbeatable team let's see if he's right let's see if it can beat the final obstacle to becoming champion of pokemon insurgents he starts off pretty strong with an armored tyranitar so he takes less damage and kind of looks like godzilla luckily my choice bandit tarmanitan has something to say against him drain punch easily getting the one shot then he brings out kirum black i thought that i could easily one shot this with drain punch as well but he manages to survive and hit an outrage finally killing the team member that's been with us for the longest of times and is still alive really sad about losing darmanitan in the final battle but if we lose him somewhere i'd rather lose him here this does allow me to freely bring in miss magus and kill it with moon blast but then he has a delta haxorus a water steel type something i can do nothing against with miss magyus so instead i bring in snorlax and hit it with a drain punch but he's a little bit scared and swaps out after one hit into his dark mewtwo who's now actually a dark psychic type i do as much damage as i can with a wood hammer but then i get hit with a fire blast so i have to swap out into lantern i get hit with a dark pulse but it doesn't do that much then i get hit with a psi shark i hang on with 16 hp and kill the mewtwo with dazzling gleam he then finally shows us his mega pokemon mega flygon i decide to sack lantern so i can get a free switch in after this i bring in snowy i know this thing is still dragon type so i go for the frost breath but it survives and kills my miz maggies as well with a fire blast it's not looking too great for us i bring in aegis slash and shadow sneak the flygon to finally finish it off but then he has a delta volcarona a poison dark type something that's super effective against me i go for a king shield first but it doesn't really do much because it's not a physical attacker i then get hit with a fire blast and get burned which is going to my attack so my iron head doesn't do as much as it should have i hid one more shadow sneak for ship damage but then our big boy ages slash the one that carried us through everything finally falls but i still have venusaur in the back volcarona misses a fire blast so i'm able to hit a sleep powder putting it to sleep then i of course put a leak seat on it and put up my amnesia i get hit with a critical hit sludge bomb which almost takes me out but luckily for us i'm able to survive and get some hp back by leech sea one problem though this vulcarona has roost so it can heal up whenever it wakes up so i decide to do something very risky i swap in snorlax hoping that it will stay asleep for a long enough time so i can take it out with drain punches that's exactly what happens and now i'm almost at full hp going into his last pokemon delta hacksaurus i have one more dream punch remaining and that's exactly what i use to take out haxorus and win the battle against rukra losing almost my entire team rukra congratulates us the professor comes in and brings me to the hall of fame i register all my comrades fallen or victorious doesn't matter because they were all vital in me winning this battle this game also is a big post game but this video is the longest that i've ever brought out so if you can smash the like goal of 8 000 likes i might bring out the second part and do the entire post game but we're going to have to use some new pokemon since all of our best ones are basically dead please do let me know in the comments down below if you enjoyed this video because it's probably the hardest one that i've ever worked on as i couldn't even count the attempts i had to reset this entire game because i lost if you want to try pokemon insurgents yourself i highly recommend it it's one of the best fan games ever made but that's it for now i just want to thank my membership and patreon supporters as always for supporting the channel if you want to do so yourself you can click the links in the description it is always appreciated but not needed and as always don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm zwiego and i'll see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 649,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #pokemon, #challenges, #canibeat, #kaizo, #insurgence, #eggs, #fangame, #romhack, #gen6, #nintendo, #hardcore, #nuzlocke, #hard, #zwiggo, #scarlet, #violet
Id: bJkBYeG5_vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 28sec (4528 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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