Pokémon Brilliant Diamond But I Can Only Use SHINY Pokémon!?

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i'm going to try to beat pokemon brilliant diamond using only shiny pokemon and not only that but i'm also going to be racing fellow youtuber darkrai tv to see who can beat the game the fastest i also want to remind everyone that i made a bet with darkrai that i'd reach 100 000 subscribers before he does so just double check to make sure you're really subscribed since as it turns out only 10 of my viewers are actually subscribed in order to make things more interesting the odds of finding a shiny in this run are 1 in 250 that way there's less of a chance that one of us gets super unlucky with the odds giving the other person an impossibly large lead finally darkrai and i are giving away two copies of brilliant diamond and shining pearl all you have to do to enter the giveaway is follow us both on instagram subscribe to the channel and leave a comment with your instagram handle down below so without further ado let the race begin and so we start hunting for a starter i of course decide to hunt for a church wig but unfortunately for me this happened oh my god and so darkrai takes an early lead though not long after this happens i think it's it's the gameplay didn't make the game and then it just turned out to be like like yeah let's go oh no no no yes bro no no you're not even that far ahead of me finally getting that shiny twig felt amazing i name her flash with that out of the way i challenge the first gym leader working as rock types let's actually win this first try so that we can get a good lead on darkrai let's go send out and we're gonna send out flash oh look at that shine okay so is that yes that's gonna take it out all right next up is onyx okay so it lives on one hp okay i'm gonna use withdraw here okay i thought that would have done more but that's fine okay cranados comes out now but how much is that gonna do not that much that that barry is gonna be clutch okay razor leaf is that a one shot oh no it's not okay he's gonna use a potion great i think we've got it now oh that means we take the lead that means oh darker is not going to be happy about this feeling comfortable in the lead darkrai decides he wants to hunt for another shiny which gives me the chance to take the lead but not long after this happens on the bright side flash finally evolves into a grottle realizing i have to get more team members sooner or later i decide i have to go hunting for another one and after thousands of encounters now i'm just kidding it didn't take that long but i found this shiny chef let's go let's go unfortunately this does mean i lose my lead to dark ride but it was worth it i name my new meditide sonic with my new and improved team i decided to try to take back the lead by challenging gym leader gardenia alright here we go we have to win this now or otherwise dark cry will be too far ahead so i'm just going to set up growth let's do it one more time and i'll bite how much is that gonna do oh it's a one shot oh my god let's go okay turquoise out next bye is that gonna be enough no it's not and he's gonna go for a flip it's gonna use a super potion so i'm just gonna set up more okay and let's use but it's still not gonna take it out what okay reflect is off yes okay we're gonna take it out now perfect come on maybe we didn't even need to hunt for loki okay grass knot how much is that gonna do okay we'll live is this gonna take it out yes okay okay okay let's go we're not too far behind okay we're not too far behind darkrai and i then both decide to get another member on the team so i decide route 206 is a good shiny hunting spot and after some time i stumble upon this ship finally let's go please please okay okay i absolutely adore pointed a shiny sprite and i'm thrilled to have mcqueen on the team after that it's time to challenge gym leader meline okay let's just take on maylene so we start off with flash and she starts off with my time let's see let's uh let's just set up sword stance honestly okay razor leaf and it's gonna kill nice okay so machoke is out next okay that's also one shot all right lucario is out last oh my god that does nothing oh oh oh no oh no oh no that could be real bad drain punch yeah that's obviously gonna kill oh and she's gonna heal up okay sonic come on yes we do out speed okay how much is this gonna do sonic is a beast oh my a critical hit too and we won yes okay we can actually catch up to dark guy now at this point darker and i are racing neck and neck so i head over to pastoria city as fast as i can where i then challenge gym leader wake all right let's do this let's fight wake all right he's gonna send out gyarados first and we're gonna send out flash let's do sword stance uh let's go for another sword stance iceman shouldn't do too much no well we flinched ice fang we avoided the attack okay friendship is opi razor leaf half elf oh my god that that's not enough please don't flinch yes okay razor relief that's going to take out gyarados amazing quagsire is out next this shouldn't be a problem for us let's go with razor relief yes one shot nice okay he's down to his last pokemon float soul let's go for leech seed yes honestly the friendship thing is just op oh well i guess it's a one shot never mind then what an easy gym there we go we defeated gym leader wake right after beating wake flash actually evolves into a majestic torterra having created a small lead i decide now's the best time to go hunting for another shiny and i just couldn't believe my eyes when this happened yo oh my god what an amazing new addition to the team i name him usain and soon after usain also evolves into curlia with that i charge over to heart home city to challenge the next gym leader fentina we're challenged by fentina so she's gonna send out driftblim first let's send out mcqueen so we're gonna hit it with a flamethrower how much is that gonna do okay a decent amount of damage actually well let's finish it off with another flamethrower let's go home driftloom goes down gengar's out next honestly it would be even better if mcqueen just goes down yep let's just send in flash sludge bomb sure oh that oh my god come on well gengar goes down anyway finally her ace comes out miss maggie let's do leech seed dazzling gleam that's not gonna kill right so let's use another razor leaf oh wow oh wow we got a crits oh my god yes and we defeated gym leader fontina having won my fifth gym badge i finally get access to surf which means i can get a dawn stone and i just gotta use it on curlia because glade is just too cool additionally sonic levels into meta champ and what a gorgeous shiny sprite that is wanting to keep my lead i decided it's best to head to cantaleve as fast as possible and challenge the next gym leader let's challenge byron this should not be an issue virtually my entire team is super effective against his so let's see how this goes gonna send a bronzer first we're gonna send out usain let's just go for a drain punch honestly okay decent amount just gonna go for sandstorm maybe it could be good to set up one sword stance oh god oh no if we hit ourselves now this could be bad okay we hit it we hit okay so stelix is out next earthquake how much is that gonna do oh my god okay but we had oh nobody has sturdy hyper potion again byron what are you doing oh we're still confused though and we use drain punch again oh my and we snap out okay i think i think we've got it now celix goes down bastion comes out okay we're gonna use drain punch he's gonna yeah he's gonna be at one hp that's fine keep that barrier and let's finish it off hey what an easy badge feeling comfortable in the lead i decide to hunt for another shiny which gives darkrai the opportunity to do the same unfortunately he gets a little luckier than i do oh my god so i lose my lead but i decide to just keep looking until finally you that is one funny looking bird but i definitely won't complain quicksilver the wingle gives the team some much needed water type coverage he also evolves into a pelipper soon after and that drizzle ability actually makes quicksilver a beast as i'm making my way over to snowpoint city mcqueen finally evolves to a rapid ash which is just in time for the ice type gym where our fire type will be much needed here we go let's challenge gym leader candice i'm feeling pretty good about this fight she's going to send us snover and i'm going to send out mcqueen sword stance let's do this yeah i'm just going to go ahead do that one more time just to say oh it does water pulls oh my god we got you okay we hit flame charge cool so one hit okay and silver goes down okay we need to hit through confusion here otherwise mcqueen is dead okay nice we hit and we kill sneeze oh my god yes let's go okay medicham is out next okay we snapped out of confusion we go for strength okay it's enough and last out is obama snow okay flame charge it's so on hit nice we take the lead oh my let's go there we go seven badges in the back yup mcqueen absolutely killed it and because darkrai was currently hunting for his next shiny pokemon i actually take the lead moving on it's time to deal with some team galactic plot being the hero i am i make sure to free the lake trio from team galac oh my god i blew them up and then for some more team galactic plot enjoy we're challenged by team galactic boss cyrus and he's gonna go ahead and send out haunch bro first um so let's go with quicksilver not that we have a choice all right now let's go with ice beam i wonder if this is gonna take it out oh it lives on oh my so close uh let's heal up he's also gonna heal up so okay now let's try this again let's just take it out man super potion huh okay let's use ice beam and let's take out hunch grow there we go first pokemon down gyarados is next okay let's roost up okay waterfall sure that ah that does a lot of damage i think air slash for the flinch for the chance of flinching could be good yes there we go speak of the devil let's roost up again and again and then let's take it out with an air slash this should be enough yes it is oh my let's go gyarados goes down okay next out is crowbad for this we have ice beam okay he's gonna set up tailwind that's fine ice beam how much is this gonna do okay a decent chunk a decent chunk cross poison do not poison oh my critical hit oh we're we're actually being pretty unlucky here but we take it out anyway so last out is weevil he's gone out speed obviously um doesn't really have much to hit us with though fling maybe but i'm gonna roost aerial ace oh okay that does that that does kill send out mcqueen dig huh i forgot he has that yeah okay that does a scary amount of damage but flame charge nice let's finish this off there we go we take out weevil yeah we defeated team galactic boss cyrus he won't accept it well accept it cyrus after finally taking care of team galactic it's time to deal with dialga i thought about hunting for a shiny one but since that would have taken ages i decided not to instead i just killed it with a drain punch and now i'm finally able to head to sunnyshore city if i had to describe sunnyshore gym in a word it'd be shockingly electric before challenging the last gym leader i decide to catch one final encounter and after a while of looking for one this happened oh no no no no wait no i don't know you don't yes i finally got one i finally got one oh my god let's go let's go gonzalez the gastly isn't the greatest addition to the team as we won't be allowing for trade evolutions meaning i don't get gengar but it'll have to do though that adamant nature is just disgustingly bad to have on a special attacker also whilst i was hunting darkrai unfortunately takes the lead again i then make sure to evolve gonzalez to a haunter and so now it's time to get that final gym badge anyway we're challenged by the final gym leader volkner here we go he's going to start off with right shoe i'm going to send out flash he's going to go for surf how much is that going to do oh nothing guys this is gonna be enough yes that's a one shot perfect and so raichu goes down okay artillery is out next we're actually gonna out speed oh and one razor leaf is enough to kill amazing ambipom is out next so i'm gonna switch into usain anticipating a fake out which is exactly what he's going to go for double hit oh my god that does so much damage okay i'm going to send out sonic next that is a roided amber bomb well we're just going to high jump kick i guess yes okay it's gonna take it out what he's gonna send out luxury last i'm gonna intimidate let's just use item kick is that gonna be enough no it's not and he's gonna hit an iron tail which is gonna be enough to kill okay flash is out ice fang oh i forgot about that oh my we live on one hp okay well we're gonna hit an earthquake yeah and that takes it out nice the luxury feinstein great that earns us an eighth gym badge having collected all of cinno's gem badges it's only the pokemon league ahead of us now before that though in-game darkrai tries to stall me by challenging me to a battle all right darkrai tv we're going to challenge you and we're going to defeat you he's going to send out staraptor first okay let's go flash okay pluck not going to do that much okay sleepy perfect we're gonna switch out into mcqueen gonna use pluck let's set up with sword stance now u-turn sure paracross okay that's nice all right now let's do flame charge should be one shot and it is and that's gonna boost our speed as well bloat soul okay let's see if a strength is enough to kill nice it totally is oh my bloatil goes down this raptor comes back out it's gonna keep on setting up with sword stance then close combat that does a lot of damage let's just use flame charge honestly yeah that's obviously going to kill and raptor goes down okay so infinity comes out now let's use strength oh my oh yeah it has wait what how did it live that uh sure strength let's go anyway he goes down now so relax then let's do strength again yeah snorlax is beef that hammer arm is gonna take out mcqueen but that's fine send out usain drain punch and it's a kill snorlax goes down roaster raid is out last we shall use a psycho cut and that's a one shot perfect rosa raid goes down and we've defeated a dork or itv before he challenges the league darkrai decides he needs to level up a bit and although i'm also under leveled i decide to take the opportunity and head inside before he does first up i take on elite 4 member aaron hey we're challenged by bug catcher aaron who's gonna send out a dust stock okay let's go usane first of all i'm gonna set up with sword stance so i i do believe one um source that should be enough so let's just go ahead and use cycle cut perfect and that's gonna take out dust stocks so beauty flies out next that miss was not great okay wow we're gonna hit it with a rock slide which is obviously gonna take beautiful down beautify goes down okay best bitcoin is out next we're gonna use rockslide which is gonna connect and that's gonna take down vespiquen yes bitcoin goes down okay next that is heracross we should once again out speed psycho cut should take it out it does and her across faints so drapeon is out last let's use drain punch here oh it's faster actually ah okay it's gonna take down well he got a critical hit but i think i think it might have been enough anyways okay we're gonna send out flash let's use earthquake x scissors gonna do a certain amount of damage wow that's a lot of another critical hit oh my lord that's a lot of damage yep but oh how did he survive on one hp actually i'm i'm amazed here let's see if another earthquake would take it out what how one hp full restore there we go there we go so an earthquake who takes down the drapeon and that's it for elite for aaron having beaten him i head into the next room to challenge bertha okay i don't have a plan but let's challenge elite for bertha she's gonna send out quagsire first we're gonna send out flash let's go ahead and use bullet seed this should take it up oh it does way less damage than i would have thought it did but it takes it out nonetheless quagsire goes down because a whisk comes out now oh it knows ice beam let's let's use bullet seat again oh oh it has a rindo berry is that only for the first move though i think it is there we go yeah only for the first move nice we take out wiscash before it can even land that ice beam so sudowoodo comes out now let's do leech seed here and then bullet seed whoops citrus berry okay oh four times okay and we're gonna take out pseudowudo with a bullet seed okay golem comes out now bullets it is perfect because that breaks through through sturdy so as long as we hit three times now we can take it out nice oh let's go golovk goes down okay powder comes out last honestly let's just go for bullet seed here you did a great job but an ice fang is gonna take you out flash this is uh definitely not over yet because i have a pelipper with drizzle let's use skulld here if aldon goes down all right we defeated at leaf remember bertha that's two down two to go it's been smooth sailing so far let's see if flint will be any different okay so we're gonna challenge elite four member flint now all right rapidash is out first so i'm gonna send out quicksilver which is just perfect for our fire type of lh4 member drizzle's gonna activate and let's just use skull here oh okay but it's faster but let's see how much that does not too much great so skull should take it out with ease nice that's a one shot rapidash goes down so steal it comes out next this should easily kill and that's another one shot all right little punny is out next high jump kick ooh okay that does like no damage at all so let's use scald it's not a one shot it's actually not but we do get the burn so that's pretty neat all right we're gonna use scald and we're going to take our little pony drift blim comes out next it's going to use willow wisp that's fine i don't really mind that let's just use ice beam here oh that's not even going to take it out oh oh that that means that the rain goes away now sees roost here oh no it's not oh my it's gonna do that so we're gonna switch out we're gonna send that mcqueen baton pass okay okay it's gonna use close combat and that's gonna oh that's gonna do a lot of damage but fine we're gonna use strength now that does do a lot of damage but not enough mark punch yeah that's gonna take us out okay all right we're gonna send out quicksilver again just to get that drizzle up but it does have thunder punch okay that's that's a one shot yeah so quicksilver goes down we're gonna send out usain so let's just use psycho psycho card here oh yeah minimize i forgot letter punch a little bit of damage but cycle cut is going to take out the infernae but an infinite goes down so last out is drift blim once again it's going to hit us with a willow whisk but if i connect with this rock slide i don't think no wow okay it's going to use a full restore but we're just gonna bring it back down to that low hp with this rock slide there we go minimize oh oh okay it's gonna use willow wisp again no the question is will a cycle could be enough nice okay it is it is enough so driftwood goes down and we defeated delete for member flint there is only one elite four member left let's see if we can continue our winning streak okay we're gonna challenge elite four member lucian without a plan but he's gonna send on mr mime we're going to send out gonzalez his debut stab shadow ball oh what it doesn't even take it out what he's gonna use a full restore which isn't great considering that light screen is up we're going to use another shadow ball come on take it out take it out oh psychic is going to take us out isn't it yeah that's not that's a wide shot so we're going to send that mcqueen let's set up with the source dance it's probably going to use reflect or then it's going to attack us let's see what happens psychic yeah it's going to start attacking us let's use flame charge okay so mr mime goes down okay metacham i'm going to use another flame charge which isn't going to be enough high jump kick and it's going to connect and take out mcqueen oh no and it's a critical hit too let's send a quick silver it does have thunder punch but we're getting out speed yes and hurricane is going to connect and it's going to take on metachan so we're going to switch out pelipper for uh flash he's going to use thunderbolt but that's not going to do anything and now no light screen is out now we can set up leech c it's gonna use light screen of course oh what zap zipper what that psychic isn't gonna do much but let's use a crunch how much is that gonna do oh a little over half cool okay psychic again so let's use crunch that's going to take out giraffe rig okay alakazam is out next let's use crunch future side okay let's use crunch oh it's a one shot that's amazing alakazam goes down and so finally bronzong comes out we're gonna set up leech seed and it's gonna use trick room actually it's gonna use earthquake that's that shouldn't do much at all no it doesn't we're gonna use crunch how much is that gonna do a decent amount a decent amount okay and it's gonna lower its defense nice now we're probably gonna take that future side attack and that's gonna kill us oh we live on one hp no way payback oh my god what is this cheese mechanic i swear to god well we're gonna take out that bronzong with a crunch we did get a bit lucky there at the end but i think we i think we had it to be honest nice we we defeated elite for lucian all that's left now is cynthia darkrai has already entered the league so if i don't win this it's probably over for me and so i head into the final room to challenge the champion here we go okay so we're gonna challenge pokemon champion cynthia here we go so she's gonna lead with spirit tomb and i'm gonna send on mcqueen i'm just gonna go for flame charge oh my that does nothing okay how much that's gonna do a lot isn't it yeah okay oh okay she's gonna withdraw a spiritual and send out gastrodon yeah i'm gonna sack my queen yep mcqueen goes down so we're gonna send out flash and now we're gonna use bullet seed okay there we go and gastrodon goes down so cynthia's gonna send out milotic next honestly let's use uh leech scene here milotic's gonna go ahead and use ice beam but we have that yachty berry that's gonna help us yes okay that doesn't do much that doesn't do much at all and we're gonna use leech scene here okay and so now i'm gonna switch out flash and send a now we're going to set up sword stats oop okay that milotics can use recovery that's sure perfect let's just set up fully yeah let's let's use swords dances barry is going to activate you let's back up now we can use drain punch and the milotic's gonna go down and so roastery is gonna come out next oh no way oh my we have no way oh my god so we take out the roaster raid with a psycho cut but that dazzling gleam could have killed us that that could oh my that was lucky okay so spiritual is out next now i think the only thing i can do here is just rock slide so we're gonna do that and that's gonna take down square tubes so lucario comes out next and we're just gonna go for drain point oh okay well it's gonna set up the clutch here and we're gonna use drain punch which is gonna be a one shot and so locario goes down and she's down to her final pokemon but it's a big one earthquake that's yeah oh my god that's deadly so let's use uh let's send up gonzalez ah okay well nice try okay so we're gonna send out quicksilver ice cream sure nice okay we live we're gonna use ice beam yes the yachty berry will activate but let's see oh no it doesn't take it out oh oh no oh no oh no way what nah that that ain't right to be honest with the the power of friendship huh i mean it doesn't matter we we beat darkrai tv and cynthia let's go let's go and just like that we beat darkrai tv that was incredibly stressful but so much fun i would definitely do this again if you guys enjoyed it too so remember to hit the like button if you want to see more of these and make sure to check out darkride's shinyron over on his channel also remember to enter the giveaway if you want to win a copy of brilliant diamond or shining pearl anyway make sure to leave a like and subscribe to help me beat my rival darkrai tv and check out my instagram and my tech talk at twig 387 if you haven't already thank you guys so much for watching and i'll see you soon again goodbye
Channel: Twig
Views: 972,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon sword shiny nuzlocke, pokemon platinum shiny nuzlocke, Twig387, Pokemon, Pokemon challenges, Pokemon nuzlocke challenge, Pokemon shiny only, Nuzlocke challenge, Pokemon platinum, Pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, Pokemon legends arceus, Pokemon bdsp, Pokemon animated, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Hardcore nuzlocke fighting types, pokemon let's go shiny nuzlocke, The Andrew Collette show, smallant, pokemon brilliant diamond shiny only, pokemon shining pearl shiny
Id: _xIi4Obl0d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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