We ADOPTED A Baby WEREWOLF In Minecraft!

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this lost baby wolf has a secret he's a baby werewolf so i decided to take him in and adopt him plus i show him that i'm also a werewolf but this little one is a baby and he causes all kinds of mischief he even goes after one of my friends baby pet sheep and ends up getting captured now it's up to me and my friend to keep this little werewolf out of trouble and train him all while keeping my werewolf form a secret can we keep this baby werewolf safe guys guys guys i have the coolest thing to show you guys now you know how i have a bunch of pink animals like a pink dog a pink wolf a pink kitty well now i have the rarest of them all i have the rarest what what is that what's that wait what that's my pink chicken where do you think you're going to get over here oh my god oh no no no no no no come back over here where are you going oh my what is that come back here with my pink chicken oh my god oh my god where's this pink chicken going where is it taking my this is a cave okay all right um let's uh what's going on in here what's going on is it eating my pink chicken oh my god what's happening what is that what are those huh what is this oh you are so cute oh my god oh don't be afraid it's okay you have to be afraid oh look at my pink chicken oh were you alone you know what it's okay don't be afraid don't be afraid because you know what you know what i have a secret too i haven't seen i will show you guys see see i turned to werewolf too just like you oh yeah oh my god oh you are just so cute that's oh you know what come on with me all right you know i'm gonna go ahead and adopt you i'm gonna oh look at you come on you're i'm taking you home i'm taking you home let's go let's go a little all right puppy oh don't worry it's okay i got you here so here this is your home oh my god are you okay oh it's perfectly fine don't worry oh you're go oh my god uh so this is your home all right we're gonna wipe our feet you're gonna wipe your feet right here and we're gonna come inside come on in see you can make yourself at home look at the round we got a carpet we got a little you know a nice little couch for you we got lots of things oh look at you that's right so come up here you can see everything around here it's super nice uh what are you doing wait what are you doing what what no no no no bite no bite we don't bite okay we don't bite no no no no no no hey hey hey oh my god oh baby baby stop stop baby okay all right come here no you're being oh my god you are being so bad right now all right it's okay i got you i got oh my god my stairs is gone all right so here here uh oh baby wait a minute wait a minute oh my god baby where are you going oh my god come back here no no no no baby stop baby stop it stop it baby stop stop oh my god what's all that right what is going on out here whoa what what are you doing in my bathroom huh uh did you catch nothing nothing nothing don't worry about it what is go what is that it's my baby werewolf look at him isn't he so cute [Music] it's it's eating everything he is eating everything alright baby baby stop stop stop what am i here here here eat this potato you know how i have a little potato eat a baked potato no no potatoes werewolves don't like potatoes you got to train them right you got to train them right with like like a real food you know like meat i know that but listen i don't have that on me right now so oh my god you know what you're right you're right he does need some training so you know what baby how about this how is this baby come on no yes yes yes come on let's go you're gonna we're gonna do some training ian you're gonna help me come on okay look at all that energy he has see okay that's what we need to do he's having a great time exactly we need to train him okay all right so so so baby aaron come here look i got a steak come here look yes oh no not seeds not seeds those are vegetables okay seeds are vegetables this is a steak yeah you don't want them exactly oh look we're gonna give you more because we're gonna train you all right and if you if you do really really good we'll give you a cake all right look at that or one of these yeah that's sure stop it that is sharp first thing we're gonna teach you is sit now watch watch me watch me do this watch watch watch sit see very very easy right show him shop yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just uh there you go all right sit oh he did it oh yeah oh give him a good mistake it was not too many not too many he's happy he's gonna spoil his dinner all right now we're gonna do fetch all right so here's a stick okay this is i know this is really cool so watch watch this you stay there you watch this all right ready here we go go get see it like that see look at him go look at how cool that is thank you oh my god all right there you go see he gets a steak baby werewolf it's your turn all right it's your turn all right so watch this watch this ready ready here we go in three two one go get it there he goes there he goes there he goes good job buddy he's doing he's taking a little bit but it's okay he's taking a little bit but it's okay yeah he he got a little legs yeah he's got this oh uh that that's a that's a that's a big stick that is not what i do that is not what i thought all right so so so here how about you give me the stick just give me the stick no no give me the sticky steak steak for stick steak for stick all right so i got the stick i got this what is this sheep doing here oh no you're not part of the training oh no no no no no no no baby nope nope nope we're going over here all right let's try this one more time all right just so you make sure you got it here you go here you go ready three two one go for it this is so easy he's got this look at this look at him going [Music] he brought back something else hey did you leave that outside i swear to god no i didn't oh no uh oh no a baby what we're gonna do is we're gonna learn how to play dead okay play dead excellent okay i i'm i'm ready all right all right ready ready ready all right so this is how you play dead bam like this see dead gun oh look at that scene uh you can do it looks the end play did i played it you could play dead okay oh he did it look at him oh my god oh look you're okay so you're gonna get this here here you're gonna get this cake all right so here you go you go buddy cake there you go see you got some oh it's okay where is he going uh uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my god no no no no no no not sheep get the shape get the the i'm trying to put the sheep on the trampoline go baby come here okay all right so oh did so good just the sheep thing needs uh yeah yeah you got you gotta work on the training and the tricks are going to be good because they're going to come in handy for guay chan's new pet yeah what what what are you talking about yeah yeah she she's really excited she she got a pet and uh you know i i don't think it's a good idea to tell her about uh that what what's that oh i think is it is it them oh my god oh my god i see i see what you mean okay wait wait one second watch him be right out shut up okay okay all right it's fine don't worry play cool okay super cool hey kawaii how are you hi i came by because okay look at my new pet oh are [Music] oh uh that's not good but you have other sheep don't you don't you have some nope well you see this is the last one i have we had a little incident with w-o-l-f wait wait wait what what she about a wolf don't say that no sorry sorry come inside come inside tell us all about it tell us all about it come inside come inside hey come on your sheep is this lagging oh yeah that's okay okay what happened what happened okay so you see we had a little incident with wolves and they're all food right now except for this one yeah you're gonna not be food this is your last sheep very sad if you'd go away it's okay don't worry don't worry you're fine you're fine okay there's nothing that will what was that oh no guys what was that i don't think there's anything yeah there's nothing don't think okay it was nothing it was nothing just look i don't know look at that oh yeah it was that's exactly what it was it was ian [Music] oh there's nothing in here all right i thought it came from there don't i didn't but anything in there oh see it's uh it's perfectly fine i think you know what it was just ian it was ian i promised you i told you my sheep is very sensitive about oh sheep i didn't mean to scare that does sheep want mutton no no no no no no no wrong with you okay i'm taking my sheep and i'm gonna go look for more of his little brothers and sisters okay you go do that kawaii and you you and your sheep have it right where'd he go where'd he go oh my god it shook through the oh my god he just left what happened i don't think we took care of the biting issue also nobody threw poison at me yes i did okay take one for the t okay you know what let's just go find him because kawaii chan's sheep oh my god okay uh let let's get going let's go all right we got this let's oh we gotta go back door back door probably this way where do you go where'd he go where'd he go oh god um do you see any signs or uh he does not like sheep you saw that okay and that baby sheep is dope okay he really likes cheap let's split up all right uh you go that way i'll go this way to look for him just make sure make sure he's all right little baby not not in this pond i'm gonna go check the mines go check the line see if he's okay right there real quick okay oh my gosh what happened you're all right i'm fine now but there was there was another wolf it was like a bagel oh shoot really it was big it was mean it was ugly was it cute was it adorable no it was terrifying it was ugly it was sinister do you think do you think it was like uh it was like the the mother i didn't see it so i don't know but maybe maybe it was no it had that same evil aura um yeah i know the kind that certain people have been okay yeah okay anyway this is a real situation all right kawaii has a baby sheep and there's a baby werewolf out for just questions let's go to a quiet house okay okay the sheep are still there her baby sheep's out there oh no no no no oh god our baby sheep our baby's sheep okay all right they're inside all right they're good they're good oh wait wait what she what's going on he's in there no baby uh uh okay baby baby stop stop steak steak [Applause] i better [Music] where'd you go where huh i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him i got him are you sure yeah he's uh he felt the lava it was it was it was crazy oh my god that was close that could've been really bad your sheep is safe all your sheep are good it's all good you didn't lose maybe two but you know they lose all of them they're good look at that all right there's nothing to worry about okay if you say so all right i think i'm gonna still set up some traps because i don't trust that wool oh no i'll protect my baby all right good bye oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay what's going on in here down no no okay no no no no no no uh hey here we go oh good baby oh my god you know when things are trash look at you wow out here i can't be mad at you i was going to be mad at you for a little bit but what's wrong oh my god ian i tried to get i'm fine i'm fine i don't care he's so cute you know i was gonna be really mad at you but you're just how about a cookie here here here here you get a cookie there you go there you go there you go you go ahead and eat your cookie you can eat your cookies oh you're gonna need a cookie [Music] what oh god what happened what happened what happened what happened uh uh oh why is it so fast now oh my god okay you know what hey hey hey hey hey don't don't don't you dare go outside don't you dare go outside stay stay no oh god oh god oh god okay hey hey oh my god there he goes oh my god there he goes there it goes there it goes there it goes there it goes no no no not a sugar high okay all right all right hey hey hey buddy okay all right as long as he doesn't go to quiet chance house he is going to quiet jen's house oh my god she put down traps oh i made traps there's certainly not a werewolf out here or anything that's what the traps are for them oh if i saw a wolf i would get rid of them right now [Music] surely surely there are no wolves around here at all oh oh can you say something what is that it's back now come back here come back away from [Music] i don't know i i i was there then i flew i was oh i was ian ian hey i got i threw the wolf in the lava again it's okay good job all all right i'm i'm coming back oh you should really watch out for those traps he's not very smart okay so it's obvious we have a problem all right the problem is that's tiring yeah look look it's okay all right he is adorable okay so so so look look baby aaron what we're gonna do what we're gonna do is we're gonna teach you about sheep and how they are our friends and not food okay because we that baby sheep if devastated okay all right so so baby aaron i'm gonna i'm gonna demonstrate to you how we're nice to sheep okay look so this is i have a bunch of these these are this is a sheep toy see little sheep toys let's try that again here's the baby sheep toy baby sheep oh my god [Music] okay let me try that over here look at how cute good sheep we're not gonna eat you we're not gonna eat you how about this uh hey uh we can try this again you like see stop it we can eat no no oh my god no that's sharp no no no give me give me that for steak okay you steak if you give me that all right look here we go here we go uh oh no no no no toss it toss it i mean toss it there there we go there's your steak don't give it to him it is sharp oh my gosh you don't give a baby sharp objects there you go we got a little those you have look i have a lot of them okay i love these things they're super adorable see baby aaron they're all so nice we have a little sheep herd you're being so okay um we have a problem here um yeah either he doesn't like sheep at all or he likes them a little too much and wants to no no no no okay brief have a steak oh okay all right so wait what wha uh what what uh oh god this is bad this is bad this is bad oh there's some more out here no it's kawhi has sheep let's go get oh all right chance yes okay all right let's go i will split up and look for him uh okay oh look over here i knew i should have set more traffic no this is bad that's about the spot liam where'd you go huh huh i'm i'm in front of your house in front of my house oh god okay did you see where they went uh no no i don't know he ran off with kawaii chance baby sheep what do we do i don't know i don't know she's gonna she's gonna you know what she's gonna do no okay it's all right let's keep looking let's keep looking let's keep looking uh way to go where'd it go where'd he go okay i'm gonna go take care of this wall oh no uh what what what are you gonna do with it i'm gonna do what i should have done way earlier oh no come on let's go let's go let's go i don't think she'll do anything silly you don't think yeah no she's she's too nice and sweet for anything too bad chan hi we're coming in sorry whoa hi i'm just cooking some new meat i got you know i just got it from out in the wild oh okay all right oh all right so um how about this uh so watching the the baby wolf that you just took do you want to like give it to me or something i think they're done oh no i can't i'm sorry oh uh uh well you see he's upstairs in a cage so i think that's best yeah i think that's the best place for him right now so so uh yeah how about i go upstairs and you just uh you you guys just uh i don't think so okay okay all right um how about we watch some tv okay how about watching tv or something like that just stop hey hey kauai-chan uh we got anything to eat oh man no uh do things can you show me how to how to bake a cake oh yeah but i don't have any ingredients with this right now oh we could go out and get some you know we can find oh yeah i guess we ah could how about instead of a cake then i blow up your house what no oh my god it'll be fun good old minecraft oh let's go let's go let's go you did not have to explode our house oh my god i panicked i had the quick moment we got him to safety it's fine it's fine oh it's oh look at him oh he's so cute okay you can't do that baby all right you can't just take baby sheep and eat them okay i can't believe you ate the baby sheep it's just wait where's he going jack wait what's that oh no he's got the sheep he's going out the ship again no baby sheep wait what what he is is he is he friends with him oh i think he is oh he saved the baby she from kauai she had to give him back to the parents you're so old what's in his hand is that it's mutton oh um so uh okay we don't eat so i think we need to teach them a few lessons about eating sheep uh you go to yeah you you take that you go yeah we're just okay you know no no no no you're coming with me mister we're going back home okay we're going back home all right here you can have this sheep all right don't take kawaii chance sheep there we go oh my god all right let's see i can't drop the sheep ah
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,818,764
Rating: 4.8408461 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby werewolf pranks, pranking my friends as a baby werewolf in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, werewolf pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby werewolf in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby werewolf, pranking my friends as baby werewolf aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears
Id: jaBnuZeUtdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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