WC3 - Xellosred WWC - Grand Final: [NE] LawLiet vs. FoCuS [ORC] (Playoffs)

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that's it the big grand final index allows red is upon us and here are our two players all night in focus we have the map picks and bands that is law light out for terena's stand out for law lion amazonia out for focus the knight of pigs turtle rock and northern ireland's last refuge and echo for focus and concealed our starting map yeah pretty understandable now veto's there amazonia always has to be vetoed from the orc tarana stand has uh materialized itself as the new veto for night of in this matchup which is pretty interesting in other cases it is quite good for an idol in fact we saw earlier lolita here defeating his opponent so in with the warden but focus apparently he respects too much for that we're going into it our best of five grand final starting on concealed hill indeed ladies and gentlemen law light versus focus it is there we go a veteran uh in focus of course played four meet your makers for example and clan go of course lola never the big clans but oh boy his rise to fame started in 2015 at wca when he eliminated all the humans since then he has become one of the best players in this era and can claim the first flow server tournament as well um fiddling with our overlay that seems a little sleepy at the moment but we're getting there and we'll kick this off conceal till to start things yes sir while i'm in focus they have been friends for a long time they've played together in teams before they have played against each other so many times over the years more than 80 matches they have recorded over the last few years on war three info in 2020 it was very clearly heading in law light's direction normally it's around 50 50 between the two but in 2020 most of their games almost all of them went to law life of course 2020 saw a light being extremely strong with uh some tournament wins in there for him as well but the last three encounters all went to focus the huya master in the rust brain in the wsb as well which was only two days ago focus got the wins over la light the last three matches so it's up to lawn now to find new answers again so in it was very clear but against focus recently law light has been struggling at times absolutely lola looked really strong against someone earlier focus alongside fly seems to have figured this match about though and we start with a far serum concealed interesting choice against night elf we have a keeper of the grove on the other side circle for him to start things off and three moon worlds right away we see a couple 21 supply trick all right we're confused here uh we see a couple more talents these days but faster in general pretty good if you get them to a high level i'm still a big fan of level two chain lightning versus wisps because if lolita does anything really really well then it's with detonates even though they got nerfed a little still a big part of this match yeah and farsier you know in europe in an a and ladder we see this quite a bit but on pro play against night off this is almost never done when lin was desperate against uh moon not too long ago in wgi we saw some what attempted there but normally we never ever see it normally it's always blademaster i'm very curious how focus is gonna play the far series there's some inherent strengths to the farseer he's strong strong on low level and he can creep with wolves without needing heal selves as we can see there was still no shop only coming up now so he could tech pretty fast with two boroughs since the shop didn't have to be added focus keeps on creeping so it's not the ultra aggressive farseer right away it's kind of a mix between two he gets level two first keeps on creeping with his wolves and the farseer moves out to start harass moving back a little going for the next creep spot here actually interesting choice his grunts still far out taking two spots at the same time while lawlite is taking one of the bigger camps also very early lap no huntress hole transition for him yet as he's at fifty percent of the tech interesting choice ah there we go okay so tech then hunts then probably an expansion this is what the matchup revolves around who's getting the expo up and when this keeper though level three already that was super fast and now these grunts can very easily die one of the next but the farseer he's level three and his level two wolves right now against archers also very strong so the heroes pretty much left each other alone willingly giving each other level three who does that favor we'll find out soon he got a dust so can't rely on the on the shadows to save your units has to be moon juice and that's quite the moon juice already which is then less entangled and fewer trillions spirit lots coming for the shaman unwilling to go for it rather for the units rather for the experience that's a guaranteed kill right there but also double kill for focus yeah nicely splitting the wolves as well both players take in serious amounts of damage over here and this might be favoring focus because the orc with shaman is going to have a hard counter against the keeper soon whereas i'm not sure that lola is gonna have one oh but he's getting more ground kills he gets the three points around against the ground next to his own stronghold used a big healing potion killing off three grunts here in the early and focus killed off all the archers on the other side this is a bloody early game i've ever seen one same lightning on the west that that's what i was talking about doesn't want to deal with the detonate anymore not much slumber at the moment available another wisp kill what the hell it's a bloodbath but another antangle there is cloak of shadows now in law light he does not have a reveal and also not much not enough mana double engineer floor on the right hand side i wonder if focus saw that hasn't seen it yet but since he saw no hunters at all and saw the hunter's hole for a long time it's pretty natural to assume also dryads are just by nature very good against farsi they can dispel the wolves and they can't get chain lightning normally that's why we see farseer uh accompanied with piercing damage in this meta in this matchup i mean either with headhunters or with windriders we don't see either of that yet though we see shaman we see more grunts and the raiders soon to be coming in demon hunter second for lawlia who is also not going for the tier three yet queuing up the shop shadowhunter of course needs levels he needs dust is that just available yes there is who's getting it replenishment potion and the shadowhunter got item and dust and these wolves deal a good damage against the demon who is not stuck back there oh big mistake by focus you could have easily trapped him back there in the corner kimono might go down the last chakra catches him long range but it's only a level one hero it's not really the end of the world low light is willing to sacrifice the hero here to buy time for his units because he lost so much moon juice and so many units allied can't creep too easily whereas focus with his wolves and grunts can certainly do that for sure also with hex can just hex for example the big commander goblin dude and then continue creeping as i said level 2 chain lightning against wisps is a blessing so lightning shield is coming grunts raiders even and lawley with the first couple of dryads very very fragile of course moonstone clarity spells are not to be spammed at the moment just not there two new subs coming in by the way fillion and travala nine month already thanks for the nice coverage how does remo feel about having missed foggy beating hap yeah pretty sad i did check out the game now and that was such an insane last map on that quiles dude that was unbelievable it could have even gone to map five i'm kind of happy that it didn't because if it had gone to map five i'm pretty sure happy would have clutched it out again but yeah i was were you satisfied with my casting or did you watch on mute oh i always loved your castle you know you know that you watched the replays didn't you no i saw the youtube video youtube.com back to warcraft you guys should all follow and watch our youtube videos maybe maybe twice even maybe even three times you know because they're so good to put it it was an epic moment it was literally years of waiting years of building it up years of being of looking forward to that moment to happen and then i miss one happy game and it happens so yeah uh i was a little saddened but you know happens sometimes and then you're also in the old man's club man not a good week for mr remo demo we are going tier three by the way and we touched on this in the semifinal lolite played almost all the units that night elves have to offer but mountain giant but scratch that from the list if you look into the production there's the first one and tier three mountain giants one of the hardest things i think for orc to deal with in the entire game yeah they have hardened skin so it comes by nature with the expansion and away superior numbers orc can overwhelm but in even supply it's going to be a tough task indeed all right doesn't have a scout in the south surprisingly he could cancel this great hall with a few atriums and stuff but doesn't have the overview right now to do this as focus is attacking into the main and these lures are very exposed so is this mountain giant oh if that gets caught with an end snare no upgrades yet send it back okay but the lures man they will just get wrecked there's no nature's blessing at all forcing low light back he will still lose one focus very committed to this shouldn't dive too deep i feel there is a tp he can go for that that doesn't want to commit to this mountain giant while there's no upgrades here it doesn't seem like it but the snake pit is a big one yeah man the snakes doing tons of damage at the moment dry drives not quite in range but once they are they will feel the pain very good ensnare control on the demon hunter and stan purge he hasn't gotten a single mana burn off yet against these heroes which is wonderfully done by focus circumfort still standing it is quite a few grunts going down two runs and the raider died already yeah and finally demon comes in with a mana burn but lola its army has shrunk significantly the first mg dies that's a lot of experience for focus as well third you have to purge after purge demon dropping really low but also the shadow now needs to be careful maybe tp transfer something focus might be losing his second hero and he does nothing to protect the shadow a little bit of mistake there in the positioning train lightning chain lightning though staffed by law light how close was that entangled but the shadowhunter he really wants this demon i guess there was moon jews yeah demon hunter can just go back into this fight and what an over commitment by focus shadowhunter is back for now from the tavern huge investment he bought time for the expansion but oh boy lola during the fight rebuild the lore in the base heroes looking good now five and three dude that was also the tp being used with two hit points you can't tell me that's calculated that was just lucky if he lost the faster right there he loses three more shaman and the game is probably overs dicey situation both these guys here playing on the edge but the expansion is running focus has lots of gold income and allied isn't strong enough yet to muster the next attack purges against the tree that's a lot of mana used for just one force of nature clarity potions have to be used now hero levels certainly in favor of law lion economy will be going to focus but maybe there's a chance for an expansion on the night outside as well resistant skin coming next mountain giant and still only 44 supply focus gotta wear a little bit of a skier there gonna hit two level ups right now the demon hunter also leveled up to four ring of region for him is actually indeed very nice the three wolves are invisible now very very annoying once he resummons them but i guess this just gonna be a big push towards this expansion focus might expect an expansion on the upper left-hand side and walking into no man's land he did not rebuild a rebuy the tp might do it now but he has no gold law light also not committed to this push very important moment in this game a town is under act positioning here by focus a lot always easily threaten a counter-attack now trian's coming this time no shaman in the south oh you know what he's done he but he's missing you he's missing nature's blessing how could he don't have to ask me that man i know an amazing upgrade not going for the peons uh now fix the second round of treants coming already trans don't get movement speed though right it's just armor for them i always thought they got a little bit do they not chat helps out if they do it's only a tiny bit those are 200 lumber though that's a lot of lumber maybe a number that low light needs for either more upgrades or an expansion focus moved away from the counter attack position crept the fountain there was quite a bit of experience for him but then again his fascia was level five already 66 supply focus tping over la light he might just be able to snipe this radar yeah siege sticks and more treants they block the way for the second mg though the first one is it is able to attack due to range and that's an easy sniper keeps his keeper up [Music] lightning shields here now but what are they going to do maybe kill the keeper no that was a great snipe if i ever saw one dude that one mountain giant not attacking oh that almost caused him it was a little derpy focused with lots of army though had easily enough gold here to set up the expansion again but low light is getting up to 60 right now and the move of focus to go over to the fountain instead of continuously threatening the counter-attack that may cost him the game upgrades coming more defense more armor for the mountain giants already so tanky and how do you want to chew through this wolves pretty good but can't be dispelled serpent warts pretty good but it's only piercing damage no tier three for focus 70 supply and blocked funny to see how lawley never toured with the idea to expand himself mountain giant 3 mountain giant 4 that's when we enter the taunt void focus he's really willing to attack into the enemy main maybe he was trying to strike before there were too many mg's and we have four of them now however only one over venom it's not that much poison being spread and the dryads we're not in the greatest position they are taken out instantly pretty much focus at 63. ignore the energy as much as you can some of them do have siege damage still from that attack against the building so even less damage than before but once uh okay it's daytime now not much moon juice anymore but more raiders are falling more shaman are falling hero focus again name of the game but there are steps of course second one available now so the keeper is safe as well is down to 55 supply he came in here with 70. yep this looks like another big over extension by focus the initial idea of the strategy seemed to work out well but then it's going a little too ham a little too often maybe the expansion though is about to be done but does he still have the army to defend it didn't seem like it what's the solution to mgs i don't know also level 5 demon hunter very soon we're pretty close to tranquility there is hex to counter it shadowhunter was full mana pretty much all the time but untangle 3 can also give you a lot of kills on raiders and grunts i don't know what the solutions at this point to be honest demon almost level five not having the orb on him definitely limits the damage and a lot but la light he's so broke he's an upkeep this whole time he has to be very careful with how he spends his money and for now the answer is more dryads free healing on the mountain giant of course but he's on the other side of the map did reveal the wolves can't deal with them now a player's forces are under it and focus can't be aggressive back at 65 actually lolaia didn't spend too much time in upkeep majority of the fight he was at around 50. he's still broke though that remains true all right well i need to send in the mgs first and hope that the dryads survive behind but the demon hunter without the orb still isn't that scary only a level five demon hunter with warsong battle drums yeah i mean he's good but in terms of damage it's not that high tree and threatening a little bit of an attack on the left-hand side focus has to react that opened up the right-hand side but low-light not willing to engage here not willing to push mines out the main and then pushes again a town is under siege yeah it seems like a prudent thing to do not necessarily even having to push but just mining out saying the tree over and just make more and more mountain giants if you get to 70 supply mg's i don't think 80 supply tier 2 work is necessarily good under attack tome of retraining for heal wave with a double level five that's kind of nice mountain giant number five with the upgrades by now still only zero one okay how much damage return do you think you get when raiders and grunts attack mountain giants when there's thorns aura because it's so many hits yeah if they do it long enough definitely a lot but i think if your mgs are getting attacked you're winning already anyways it's getting a sixth one hell yeah bro mg number six coming in this expansion is not gonna last long almost no sim city around it to protect it they give experience a little by little keeper it seems like level six is inevitable at this point would it be worth to go pardon here just to have scout owl i thought you would say for the oh there it is yeah for the orb he's gonna go scout out first well i mean over venom carry i don't think that's the purpose if you just if you want another orb just put it on the demon this is primarily i think for the wolves okay focus trying you need to be careful with the positioning though if she's caught with an ensnare she is dead very fast tree almost ready but the stalemate breaker remo it's coming i like that focus getting towers up here should also get uh spike barricades it actually does a decent job against mgs it's a big investment by focus but apparently can afford that a player's forces are under attack pretty passive law light game especially for his play style and normally he takes control early and never lets go but this early farcier pressure would kill which killed of all the archers really turned out to be problematic for long lines owl up sees the wolves seize the expo gonna be on two ways one base in a bit both are paying upkeep he could just come from the left side and cancel the great hall maybe but if he does that he exposes the main which is also dangerous it's focusing hard on these wolves her asses is that level six not yet oh focus is moving out though exposing the left-hand side while i'd realize this sense the trends they look a little bit faster than before but i might just be imagining that the legendary kevin shreem told us there is uh additional movement speed and of course he's right with everything he says kevin the strawberry all right not attacking the middle base but rather the bottom in a weird position but he has the involved and of course moon wells wolf dispelled as well and this level six just gave him level six like this free tranquility of course there's hex but if you use it in the far back there is more after a fight it's only raiders oh yeah well it's still raiders but even after a fight absolutely great here we go look at the here look at the position very well done keeps the demon hunter alive focus still at 80 though finally the engineer connects again demand is staffed out out of the battle for a long time pardon has the second orb now that's a lot more damage coming in oh and focus try to lose a lot of army bottom gets level two that's gonna be the aura that's also the demon hunter back in this there's still moon juice finally he chewed through one of the mountain giants but there's still three left the other main may have been a mistake maybe the expansion would have been better there was so much moon juice here in the shop so much mana on the client 73 supply focus dropping and dropping and dropping demon hunter level five under pressure but there's an invo potion there's a ring of region and the flank of the dryads parliament keeper is just tearing things apart and tranquility is almost ready did he actually kill three mg's and i wanted the fountain yeah but so many guns died this pardon got from from zero experience almost to level three this demon is not too far away from six yeah half a level you can get that focus what's your backup plan can you rely on your double income yeah thank god he's on two bases otherwise he would have no chance flicking wounds will take some time but this army just can't cut it tranquility of course for free even healing the shop nice move so level 6 around the corner for focus look at those wolves trying to kill the mg at the top oh boy he's actually out healing it yep it's the first healing level three wolves well i was like i'm gonna take that experience thank you but okay tina take out something owl again the invulnerable scout town is under siege can't be dealt with knows exactly what's up but how to break these bases mg's bro pick up them sticks around one minute away and then you can also go for his third overvenom he didn't have to rebuild a lot he lost one of the lords but i think that's totally fine big deforestation here as well already has the third orb there we go he has the tanks and the damage yeah i see no chance for focus despite two bases against one level six for the farcier we have earthquake now chain lightning three is a thousand damage that's a lot doesn't hit too much though bottom saved and all this poison damage this mass poison strat is just so good once it's online it almost seems unbeatable hero focus there's still an involved seven second safety grunts shaman this is 15 20 supply about to die tranquility can he fight through this damage or through this healing i should say chain lightning everything might be able to get him no staff last second we might have another ultimate here towards the end demon was about to reach level 6 gigi is called all i will forget the neutral map goes to the night elf who still didn't lose a single game in the playoffs a single map in the playoffs and now two matches away from victory from breaking the streak that focus currently holds on him three matches in a row that was very solid and that was a very unusual low light play no hans no rush no expo for a long time yeah but that was also ch it seems like focus did cut catch him off guard somewhat with that farsier strat la light uh taking more damage there than he would have liked but in the end uh once once you get to a certain number of mountain giants tier two orc especially if there's no shadowhunter involved and no blademaster evolved you just don't have the damage like just with shadowhunter and wolves there's no way you can battle against these mgs if you have blade if you have tauren if you have tier 3 then yeah you can do it but on tier 2. no way that's it's a tough situation for focus but now comes his map uh seems like it's bugged all right i'm gonna restart everything real quick and then we're good to go the horde started with three players into this last day of the tournament only one night of threatened them maybe that night off was taking the tournament echo isles this focuses first loser pick a map that we saw vetoed quite a bit by nylof in the past as well when you lose map control when your keeper doesn't get off to a good start echo can be very hard the orcs counter expansion shadow hunter here can be very strong and there's only one gold mine so you're always under pressure and it seems like and then also you should replace it in the past you could get away with some sneaky creep routes um trying to gamble on the fact that the orc wasn't going to be scouting but nowadays with the orc being able to scout more easily with the great hall buff i imagine focus should be looking out for things like that and i'm gonna be interested in what he does now i feel like focus is not gonna trust in this foster anymore which is almost a shame because that farsia worked out really well in the beginning he just kind of messed it up in the late game but i would imagine we're going back to blademaster now for the rest of the series pretty much yeah i would be very surprised to see anything else as well map number two echo isles focus pick one lead for law lion we need to get your wonderful purple back yes sir focus on the top left and the purple lonnie in the orange on the right hand side sends out a wisp right away meaning he's probably going to want to creep the mercamp despite the fact that the orc can very well be scouting him nowadays interesting and i'm really curious if this is the one i was super sure against so when that he plays warden here it's like a 15 percent chance i would say or 12.5 percent chance that law elia does it would be a bold statement he loves to creep the war with the murkham on the right hand side it is a small chance but when the name is law alliance there's always a little chance on the other side keeper is ultra mega super strong and it should be a keeper pardon would be crazy there we go the one it is the one there she is again is he really brute forcing warden plus x into meta warden dryad expo with panda that's what we saw before that was a very different map though right yeah a z much more defensive especially much better for creeping up your second hero that's ts right i didn't say um on this map the opponent can grab map control early because the warden tends to be kind of weak and so do giants and if you lose the first heel scroll and you get pushed early on can be quite difficult but you know it's not like it's the master of the warden so let's all get out our notepads take notes and enjoy what he's going to show us here here we go right hand side creep can't really be interfered with with some moving over to scout for possible fussier plays or other shenanigans not happening also maybe setting up an ap down the road just to distract wouldn't surprise me so creeping absolutely wonderful ring plus four not what she was aiming for against the blade master maybe not to be underestimated though and if all things go according to plan then that's level two for the warden blademaster just creeping the item and rushing over a player's force gonna find out very soon he's going up against the ward and that she's level two right away this whisper pier does cut into the tech timing a little bit but the light can still start at around um 25 seconds after focus not too bad oh one blank cinch did you get the last hit i think she did right i think so too yeah yeah and the item only 48 wow the timing of loreliad really impressive tech advantage for focus solid 25 percent but the wiz block oh this is not looking like a good game for focus at all grunts are pretty tanky though the warden should be able to get the kill but grunt is so mad he's attacking his own building can be the night should be the night not that he's playing around with nicely though yeah waits for the tick to line up with the right click oh didn't get it it is a deny yeah okay still it's gone focus going for the mercenary camp that's at least something yeah that's a big deal that he gets the berserker dollar had a archer there he was trying to get that one as well and that berserker probably enables now focus to kill off the engine of war limit the creeping which is so important big move by focus getting this further yeah this creeper out a little um to be expected i think this is what lola does nowadays it was a little too easy to punish we do have a hunter saw by the way tier two coming how expensive was this early game for focus see the night level three one committed quite big boots now and keeps the rings by the way it will probably be some hero focus on the warden right so why not if you don't need to sell them yeah i mean keeping the small ring i think is always good yeah the big one is good for sure from the big ring isn't that high and it's 150 gold which is not bad would of course also fit a panda second very well but i'm not sure that he has the space here to freely go for a second hero and just hope that he can creep up a lot yeah not really class board for focus increasing the damage and he's getting back into this greater and we go raider walker with a shadowhunter how often did focus play against this is the question it's not that likely one was played by law light a million times by now but how often did focus face a ward nobody knows a few of those times must have been against lawlion before but of course there's also different strategies it is the panda dryad expo again wow even with this ruff of an early game lolite still goes for the greedy late game option it still has green expo and a little bit of the middle here getting the middle is actually super important on the map with limited experience like this need high level when accelerating things with the breath sells the rings now okay and doesn't mean something no more wisps more dryads a player's forces are under attack focus is still far away from shadow three could be solo creeping with the shadowhunter keep the blademaster scouting elsewhere but of course also slows down the grip speed in general we saw how strong he's can be so level 2 is an essential level up for the pan down he gets it right away once again very well thought out creep route for lorelai it's two upgrades right oh but the warts coming in not level three super close and so hurt [Music] and he just only barely gets away because he used those breaths to creep faster yeah okay focus regaining control of this map that's the shop gone first walker is out more mercenaries maybe he sees the tree warden is back though needs one kill for level three second berserker for focus this is so much piercing damage you can throw into these dry ads and law light is not ready yet earlier when we saw sewan's game we're asking couldn't he be aggressive more earlier on here we see it now focus being aggressive and possibly killing the warden no rings for her to protect her anymore and this is looking desperate now more dryad kills and all i realize this game is over gg 1-1 there was a quickie where did this game derail so hard was it the the night grunt and was the uh berserker being stolen and the ancient of war taken out i think that's what slow down the warden and slow down everything yo that definitely prevented level three from there the one tried to move on a little bit more on the map lost speed lost tempo as one of the best warcraft casters loves to say and then there was just a roadblock in a nice late massive shadow hunter combo yes sir i think you're in the wrong game what oh do we have another game yeah yeah sorry cool that means we got at least four maps on this last broadcast day of january last day of january in general one twelfth of the year is already over remo can you believe it yeah that was quick uh that's how it goes time flies especially when you're having fun with warcraft correct though starting the year with 157 streamed hours probably 19 million minutes watched that's a lot of minutes watched how many unique sessions is that 153 000 unique viewers and counting a wonderful start until this year yeah chad points it out dream what time flies when you're getting older man that's uh getting a lot quicker i think time always flies though i do remember when i was a little kid there were moments in there when time seemed to take forever you remember having to wait for your parents a lot as a child either when you were going out somewhere or especially and this i found the most infuriating when i was like 10 years old or something parents having a friend's dinner where they're going out to eat somewhere and i'm there with my parents and they just would never leave they stayed and they talked and they talked and they talked and talked about adult stuff like i don't know like taxes and politics and just like they're oh my god can we go home i want to play a gamecube god damn it but i had to stay say at the pizzeria i want to claw my eyes out yeah waiting has definitely decreased over the years i always had good company situations but sorry for you mate we have our next game and this is turtle rock the game between lore light and so in was spectacular with a lot of bass races and lots of expansions let's see what focus's idea is he must be aware of low light's play style here mass expo is name of the game they're on the same lane though what can we do what will we see on turtle rock i imagine must be a keeper this map otherwise extremely limited in creep options for the night elf and we've been seeing tons of talents here as well i think the last five games i saw in this matchup here was all about talents keeper demon tinker talents in fact we saw that earlier today with low light against stone where lola did a masterful job keeping up with the hit and run keeping up with the expansions keeping up with buying tp's and so on was a really good game by law light understandable that this is his map choice keeper first blade master first and this time also a peon scam alright so focus i think if i'm not mistaken the inventor of the shop creep here he was definitely abusing it the most back in the day when turtle rock was in the pool lolite had a nice little creeper out here that dodged the shop early focused on the green i think that's the better one compared to the typical green orange shop especially when you're on the same lane it's way too risky especially against the blademaster but focus will know what's up and how aggressive is he going to be or is he going on an item hunt on this map lots of good items for blade absolutely lots of items you can claim early or the peon that's the last hit very hard to do with only seven to ten that seven to eight damage we need to upgrade those pickaxes blademaster going to the merchant is he going to risk it is he going to do it no would have been a very obvious play i think he's probably aware that low light is jumping from green to green and oh yeah of course he is because the peon gave that away i think he would have done it anyway and now he's stealing the ogre and that's the item but with the peon scout seeing this perhaps he should have had the time but then again allied knows or focus knows that the archer can be sent over to the merchant so they're actually playing around each other both really well with the scouting and with the creeping and then checks his own over camp if the opponent isn't there he knows that the merchant then the archer can go there he can mess with the trappers with the end snare he can make his life difficult so uh yeah both playing a really solid gamers yeah that's exactly what happens between them and series is all the time they know each other inside out blademasters going for these items at one point i think this pion should scout for the turtles after what we've seen against sewin low light with that sneaky archer creep trick but also this ogre may die so much value so nobody can blame him when he's going for that major here to get the watch award no allied again lycon concealed with a very unconventional creeper out there we saw the lab early and now we see the old magi early with the tree and the entangle that works out and having this watch award between the bases so valuable the only map where watch awards are left in the pool and pendant of energy for the keeper that's gonna have great value over time especially with moonwell region yes ultravision coming not time for the second hero yes we're halfway to tier two dodge is the blademaster doesn't get that much damage goes to the greens once again slowly but steady rising up to level three blademaster finds the trail here though yeah it's so hard to always have an idea where the keeper is to always be around him and be able to prevent level three keeper is now very close to the level up there's no dust though can you shut him out oh focus is actually scouting for the turtles lesson from semifinal learned yeah nicely done also lola is scouting for the red spot which is the usual thing to do for orcs maybe a little early but shaman this time dude that scorpion has been doing such a good job check the creep route early was able to look expand for expansion in the meantime checked other forces greedy creep camps and just saw the hunters hall in the main all because of you remo because you gave them orcs plus one i focus definitely making good use of that he's getting his own watcher award now gets the ring of regen that is also an item that's going to have a lot of value over time and for la la we see the panda second ah an unusual combo seems to become a big fan of the drunken haze breath of fire combo against orc and for the first time in five games remo does not see talent on this map as we have lures so is it going to be dry at expansion or is it going to rush tier 3 for mgs good but no mountain giants here no no fountains here late master checks this out might even scout one oh there's a great cancer it's a great item also ancient django for lola wow oh that's amazing i'd say it's even better than cad guys maybe almost crazy to say but super good alrighty a little bit of uh creep craft right now shadowhunter creeping up blademaster soaked up quite a bit so at one point we have to move into the middle of the base of the the map which is then not too easy to creep for laura yes he does have four hunts and there should be drunken haze without okay it's gonna be good with especially with tree it's gonna be good b story delayed and the first charminar coming shadow hunter moves over to his natural habitat at early tier 2 stages the red spot in the bottom something i always forget about but it's actually such a powerful drop one of the reasons why the red camp is so extremely beneficial to take there we go everything nice and healthy again and it's actually gonna get level three from this as well beautiful creep brought by law light as so perfectly done on the other side we went to flute which is uh not the greatest for focus but at least experienced and experiences all that count at the moment archer scout getting killed blademaster might be a little under leveled here actually i would love to see level three and we do have tier three on the other side plus the first shop i like my light situation for now on the panda he's got 400 mana that's a lot of drunkenness brother fire coming through again switch to the 300 it's not level three yet focus this creep route doesn't seem that perfectly designed it seemed a little lost on the map i don't think he was banking on the fact that lolite is stealing the merchant and now borrow down focus supply stock great attack by law light already and the fight didn't even really start that hundreds is level three though that's a big deal now focus probably gonna feel way more confident to take this fight but it's hard for the shaman to catch up for the purge because of the move speed or on the other side they do get one purge out though on the keeper second purge there's a third purge keeper may have to tp out of this and i believe he will panda had no staff yet the shop was a little late in the base he was never home and there was a lot of time for focuses expansion at 40 percent those creeping with one set turtles is fairly easy except that they're spikes and they take a little damage from this there was also a lot of commitment from focus mana wise shaman almost dry level three now and finally the level two wind walk for moderation stairs therefore well lola it sends the keeper back to solo creep the panda big involved and waiting for the tier three big involvement very nice to have the panda is going to be somewhat exposed there on the front line probably for quite some time tier three seconds away for law light is he gonna go for a third hero he's sitting next to the tavern okay an interesting choice alchemist always good of course big map can level him up acid bomb heals great wonderful look at focus army everything is so hurt already and there's more breath of fire aoe was used against it but still everything is extremely hurt diving into the back against the shaman kodo god of the devour but the snake pit is starting to arise lola realizes he doesn't want to fight against that anymore he really wants that shaman gets that shaman keeper again in trouble has to tp out last second save this first hero one more breath and the grunt as well perfectly timed kills there towards the end on both sides but focus maintains position and now is his expansion up and mining can he hold it though the panda looked really strong 50 supply gonna lick his wounds now is it time for orb and staff not really mg times one dry it left on the right hand side kind of forgot about that if only was purple on the minimap he would see it so much easier [Music] and i'm gonna get his level four which is decent for the drunkenness big mana potion what he was hoping for he's what he is hoping for all right as long as it's mana thanks for the panda focus realizes he needs heal scrolls gets one but he needs more i feel this panda is gonna be very powerful this shop is already crap though so focus knows and you want to pounce on it the mg is not quite yet with the army sitting still in the main oh what is the engine there that was nice that first one is for the fire hit only a single unit at least the breath did and the dryads getting slaughtered folk is always so good at diminishing the dried numbers and now light only has two euros left focus may have less supply but in this fight he's looking good panda was also blocked a lot more purchase seems like an endless flood of purge and that's the third town portal and just a couple of like i don't know one and a half minutes or something this time focus doesn't get the axis kill uh exit kill and this opens up the red spot wide open for focus who reminder is on two bases low light is not more raiders as they were the first to drop engine off was already there for the red spot creep now which will then probably become a second base as well animal valor and angie tome this blade is starting to look scary he's also gonna get the juicy healer right here finally the light continuing to creep using drunkenness rather fire against the creeps he wants to speed it up that's not what he was hoping for but level five is the essential thing mountain giant siege damage plus breath of fire it can't be that easy for focus to hold this but also low light has only one way across the map and that's through the middle so focus scouts there he knows exactly where law light is thanks to the watch award on the left hand side and focus is aware of a supply lead he wants to force a fight right now we have seen a push into the night of base over and up and over extension in fact multiple times in one game this time uh not going too deep not yet anyway this position also prevents an expansion by law light at least on the left hand side could still go for the head of the turtle but then is super close to focus which is not something you want thank you but will cue 27 months of serving support back to warcraft all day all night shout out mate these summons will not support anything anymore that second challenge would have been level five for the panda he is extremely close it's also getting focused heavily the keeper he's the easier target the way easier target has to transfer the involved pot does and we'll use it last second jesus christ always these guys with the last second saves blademaster can he be saved involve potion healing and heal scroll should be good enough keeper makes it back to the moon wells panda had to be staffed out it's only time for all right now to strike back it's only mg's that's the entire army level fight five had to invest another breath of fire so the level 3 breath is on cooldown but he kind of gets the mountain giants around for this which gives him close to level 4 or actually is it it is level 4. he's moving forward with mg's only level three breath of fire this stings fox wants to lure him out and then go for the hero kill he knows there's no involved pod anymore but he doesn't want to go too deep next space for focus a smart play probably can't fight this need some chip damage hero focus actions panda in trouble step is off cool down though should be able to get him out if he needs it drunken haze breath of fire last bit of mana miss miss miss mr drunken hayes is doing a wonderful job and now spread that poison from the orb exactly focus tping out and that was the fight where lolite lost zero units yep focus lost like 10 supply and two heel scrolls and all of his mana and now he still has to heal that is the insane efficiency of mountain giants and they're not even that hurt like they barely lost 100 hp focus was trying to prevent fighting them didn't really work or i mean it did work but then focus was on the heroes that did cause the few consumables but that's it this exposed toast can he break the other one as well shadowhunter far forward burns through half of the hp speed scroll trying to get out must be a tp is a tp he double click tp into the main lolai can go bottom left now pick up sticks and kill this great hall does he realize i guess he hasn't scouted it but he should know sort of with the numbers that he's been seeing there's also no expansion behind all these brawling we pick up sticks we're halfway there for the fire again oh my god this damage from the panda he's getting focused heavily though he can't get stabbed out right now his death of his own the keeper is back if he wants to play it safe then okay retreats into safety that's another double kill on the raiders focus can kind of afford but for how much longer until there's earth storm and fire always controls the blademaster well with entangle and the panda is doing the damage and now be safe step oh perch tp also [Music] that was a great trade though for low light he lost one dryad and look at the corpses grunts raiders this experience oh my god the experience graph is so nuts it was 50 50 before and now it skyrockets to like a 600 xp advantage for low light because focus just can't kill anything anymore this is ridiculous but he can't heal up the heroes now he used so much moon juice before it's still daytime for a long while and even the tp in his shop might be out of stock now for a long time he kept pretty much all of his units alive but he also needs to heal up his heroes moonstone love to see a second shop focus did he weather the storm supply is pretty even he's still on two bases forgets about the idea of a third one that was ambitious but also a good game plan forcing law light out forcing these trades map not really empty but hard to get to a spot this game looking quite reminiscent of concealed hill focus on sitting on two bases for a long time but these mg's just so hard to deal with they're not even that well upgraded if low light ever makes such a two base income it's gonna have perhaps some more upgrades and the main expiring soon that's gonna be another walk over from the tree of eternity then yeah new game plan for lore light for sure displace it here on ch and on trell rock a player's forces are under attack and the tree is already forcing focus back how much gold is left 500. i think the panda ever gets to six that's automatically game i will be dealing with mg's and panda old with the orc tier 2 army have a hard time seeing that one well the keeper's not level 5 yet by the way you can uh get that here i think that should be enough not that big of a level up but you know every little thing helps items also all right this one's not so good ring of protection would have actually been amazing for him probably the best item um can he catch him off guard not really mountain giants again in the front sixth one's coming it's already 8 000 hp at night time they will start naturally regening as well a little bit and of course the moon wells most importantly next space for focus bottom left will this be scouted is the question trion expires there okay drunken haze breath of fire the opener as always he's trying to nuke this panda get him out of the fight so there's no experience on him but at the same time there's so much damage on this plane there's no involve on him here lots of raiders fight all over the place the panda has to be staffed out but he doesn't get stabbed out in time he's trapped he gives the tp over somehow how is it even possible double click tp he's right there of course staffing only gets him next to the tree there wasn't which is standing over there not back to the moon wells there was a potion on the keeper could have maybe handed that over can the orc force break through they can pass them because there's so much open space aiming for the giants aiming for the keeper who now got level five how fast can you get that panda back oh oh this doesn't seem to be too good of a situation for this keeper as the potion prevents death for a little while he's coming back with the staff but ensnare is there in two crits in a row solo experience for the panda though who has full mana and a potion maybe the old can carry him it's a lot of kills again next breath the next breath could be level six maybe oh he's so close and oh my god how does he save him though let's double kill for focus isn't it drunken haze to force missed chances talk to slow him down next breath level six that's oh no way oh my god he thanks himself with the old are you kidding me and now we got tornado i mean tonight cyclone aiming for that shadow wanted to get rid of the mana can he get us around out focuses counter surrounding actually the fire panda finally reaches it now look at him go this is so much damage from the fire panda alone it's absurd unbelievable the level up to six saves him otherwise he was going to be dead and now it's low light on the chase the earth panda this is where the real panda respawns and he keeps him in the main already low light knows it's gonna run out the blademaster is hoping to find the earth panda somewhere but lolite keeps him in the main old is over and now he's got the moon wells he got level seven [Laughter] through all of this that is so much experience he got unbelievable crazy low light is mining again two bases oh he gets in front last bit of healing blademaster can you do something about that focus is down to 44 the panda can just solo this drunken haze worth of fire damage over time way too crazy he surrounds the blade master who has mana here as long as low light has a little bit of income he can take these two for one trades jesus christ the light is pretty solid oh drunkenness reigns in again high level panda not that often to see own a game anymore but always fun the ignite combo doing tons and tons of damage do you want to call focus if this is fun well if he had killed the panda there i think he would have enjoyed it as well but he just barely barely survived keeper is only back for 30 percent and you can't stab of course if you don't have a second hero a player's forces are under attack what a nutty game export 4300 second base constantly mining focus is not even an upkeep he can bank quite a bit i don't think low light is going to be aggressive until the keeper is back if at all chad is asking a million times why no tauren they will probably not do anything and it's very expensive because the taunt is distracting them and then they rarely attack but now these raiders are getting trapped late masters not close to six panda it's just straight to crazy seems like focus is throwing his entire army away he was looking to punish the window where the keeper was still dead but these mg's plus panda those combos man it's just beautiful also unlimited mana apparently unlimited mana now we got the keeper back little bit of hero focus but he's just burning out of this master of barbecues owns turtle rock if he gets an entangle out the shadowhunter is gone maybe the next breath of fire will already deal with this ouch that game hurts so close to killing the panda and then there's level six and it all turns around earth storm and fire very very very good ultimate yeah pretty sick you know over the last year or so the consensus always seemed to be yeah mountain giants are really strong but the transition to them is almost impossible normally you always get killed by strong orcs in the meantime or you lose all map control on your way they get an expansion and then you still lose late game but lawn is establishing more and more of a play style where maybe mountain giants are reliable and always able to get to and once you have them it's uh we have yet to see a strong answer from the from the york side against them it feels in a couple of matchups that there's almost no answer to night of tier 3 at this point for several reasons but yeah how's this game looking if he kills the panda at that stage probably a win for focus very likely you win for focus just ignoring mgs next map match points for law alliance and last refuge might be the last map of january 2021 here on back to warcraft last refuge that is a premier talon map but with a talent shot you don't play mountain giants that's true against zoen you play talons once on turtle rock is that going to be happening here or will we once again see the mgs lots of different options for all night keeper hunts keeper talons demon talents or mountain giants are mountain giants the new thing or is it going to be glaives finally the only unity he's not been playing yet in this tournament is glaive throwers oh did he play hippo writers did he play hips or hippo riders he did play hippos against sock hippo riders he played archers and hippos so he sort of played okay to not ruin the narrative let's go two and one lead for the night elf the only non orc going into the final four on championship sunday can he go all the way can he win the first tournament on flow servers focus with his back against the wall after three series in a row that he won against lolite the light apparently turned the ship around oops i zoomed in and i really hope that the reset works it absolutely does we love gab and the w3 champions team very very pog so what here we're going to be seeing i think farsier is out of the question it should be a keeper right everything else would be yeah very surprising it should also be a blade okay standard here yeah this doesn't seem to be much good reason to go demon first nowadays in this matchup you just go keeper first you control the early game way better and then you go demon hunters second if you want the mana burn the late game which normally we see combined with talents is it gonna be talented going to be hunts is it going to be dryad or mg's expansion so many options for us to discover and very importantly for focus to keep track of and properly react to despite orc seeming like the brutish race the smore grace the brutal race it's a very reactive race you have to adjust to the opponent probably more so than any other of the three races and if you don't do it properly you're gonna be in trouble good thing for focus maybe is this map is a lot more narrow than turtle rock is less open space so six mountain giants probably clumping up could also mean though that the raiders can run past the mg then go to the heroes so it could also be a benefit early hunter's transition for la light this time so it's already inside as well on uh right here like two archers three hunts and then dryads and then engies he's going for a bit of a sneaky creep round focus didn't have a peon scout out early so he doesn't know where the keeper is heading exactly but seems like he's got a good idea oh yeah it's actually working out perfectly this is a great opening by focus focus yeah you got the first creep and he still keeps the keeper away from level two giving up anything else well not if you lose the grunt though but well i didn't even decide to go for a spell yet but can't really do too much anymore expo far away from the spot yeah expo before tech by the way this is gonna be a really late tier two for a long line it's gonna be crazy late well he wants to prove a point that he can win on every tier just displayed the tier three advantage before maybe you can just win on tier one with mass maybe he expects focus i don't know to rush some kind of attack and wants to mass early to counter that a player's forces are under attack all right we'll be wanting to go for a bit of creeping soon keeper would definitely need some levels but uh first he's like two three hunts and then he can plot probably reliably do it classic players distract with the keeper in one corner of the map by the telestaff and then staff to your army that's why the blade is wind walking right now he wants to get ahead of the keeper and steal the telly staff if the keeper goes for that but no teddy staff yet a town is under siege a little bit of sidestepping here and old school attacking to the base but nice little positioning here keeps them safe while finally the creeping continues with two hunts and that is then also finally level two what the blade sees this expo it's a little late to cancel it at least he has the intel he can design his mid game strat around this which could either be counter expansion or aggressive play attack upgrade coming tekken 60 shadowhunter is out though that's a huge lead focus goes for an early warmer with this as well we've seen focus tower pushing quite a bit on lr i'm not too sure if in this matter also on this position does it work need to creep so much before maybe just fortify plastic early game low-light creep steel he always loves taking the natural away from the orc and it's so beneficial as well because this is usually a great camp for the shadowhunter to take solo but with it being gone no longer an option so what does the shadow do next either the lab or the merchant or the merc all of which are pretty hardcast tree already had to root oh entangle the shadow wasn't looking for a second it's not quite a surround though i think here's another moment if there's an acid bomb here with the keeper i was an alchemist probably game all right engages the camp with focus right there that looks more than bold and it's only level one serpent wards tanking with the keeper seems fine if he gets this and he does flute oh worth it he got the shadow priest as well he gets the entire camp he doesn't have to fear a blade master but the blade masters in his base with full mana needs to heal quickly super quickly next to the moon wells does it expo is still not even halfway yeah he still doesn't have nature's blessing coming up that seems like a bit of a macro mistake [Music] uh probably the reason behind it there's an owl here only little one tango second hero finally now it's the alchemist he's a little late to the party but he still wants to have something army is getting better and better for low light up at 40. what's focal solution defend upgrades as you saw the alchemist coming creeping up the shadow hunter for level 3 and then seed a little bit more normal mata from before second engine of war okay this is night of orc as it's supposed to be this tree has been taking a long time to get over there finally he's gonna finish his long journey what is the longest hike you ever did hike yeah uh oh i did some in thailand and i went to the zugspitze in germany and on the broken as well how was the view did it something or was it just clouds it was very very cloudy but they had great soup up there soup yes or two iron top i don't know what it is in english oh that's good stew or something yeah yeah bean stew beans too hell yeah we have a push here coming in focus pretty strong right now level three on the shadow and the big mana potion lorelei trying to dive for the back line of circuit boards right away alchemist gets level three that also was pretty quickly acquired suddenly got the silly mask by the way earlier so he has more mana to use but focus is having a pretty good fight here so far it seems the light dropping down in supply two of these hunts almost dead with coming in for mining slash detonating and of course behind this focus he's not all in he's expanding himself but he's having a great timing the classic level three shadow hundred the nice the entangled gold mine not attacking the tree yet but not having nature's blessing probably bugs him right now whisper coming in the patented law liar detonates as he finds the shaman and acid bomb is doing a decent job here keeps everything up his heel wave and low light he is getting more and more kills he's breaking through that front line grunts they might be with zero two but it doesn't feel that way still very even in supplies of a very even game we have here blade master he's baiting the entangle because he has the involved use the involved law i didn't fall for it he still has mana on the keeper trions could be very effective here there's not that much purge left or does he actually want to go for the hero this could be the kill focus this was a great attack for him until that point the blade master got two over eager oh and now everything is looking quite red and bruised focus he killed the entangle maybe that was the time to get out but now it looks like an over extension lolite was surrounded by orcs in the round of four but it looks like he's breaking through not a day for the horde so far as the levels are looking really good and what to do without the blademaster here everything lines up pretty much perfectly for low light if you can establish a little bit of mass now then this should be his game to take a hero focus in a situation like this you can't afford it it's only level two it won't take too long but these these are mistakes you can't do yeah it's not over yet if focus pushes back low light here it's still a decent game but if he had fallen back in time this would have been such a great position for focus and now it's about surviving lots of archers here lolita is starting the heavier archer transition good control on the grounds not just eight clicking them in where they would waste their damage onto the huntress you want to send them into the archers manually both players you're playing very very well around each other last bit of mana being used by the alchemist zoe mask has been helping him tremendously but still he's running dry slowly but surely blademaster finally back from the main wind walking over but the army by focus has shrunk by a lot only 40 supply left but all solar lights mana almost run out yeah i think he wants to regroup a little bit late master no shadowhunter have any items anymore though also on both sides there's staff not really but with positioning you should be able to keep the alchemist safe as way too much hp trian's give a little bit of xp over all right revenue sir thank you trisk 17 month already that entangle animation cancel may have decided the game sick actually pretend to entangle and against the blade and force them well it's pretty sick yeah this is a great game dude these two are playing excellent warcraft this is night versus work on the very highest level all i had finally got a scroll and so did focus still both around 50 supply slightly in upkeep and the brawling just continues yeah how long can you keep that alchemist up with an input potion quite a bit late master can't really reposition as he wanted to closing in that choke here at 56. it's an arms race as both of them are mining more reinforcements here more perch everything is bruised for focus holds onto that heel scroll as long as he possibly can late master close to level three item big involved big pickup lost a lot of hp focus not very healthy with his army he doesn't have many heal cells he doesn't have a clarity doesn't seem like this is the best fight for him to take while the outcome is just leveled up has he used a single acid bomb this game by the way one in the upper left when he was holding that expansion there everything else just purely heel spray all about the sustain and the light is starting to look quite scary he's got the first ammo upgrade finished he's got the sexy three supply you don't want to start a red spot if the light up is knocking on your door would hate shockwave now okay hero focus it is it will potion on both sides oh the whisk plank comes in beautiful connection so much mana burn the shaman almost completely dry we have triangles now being summoned and they can't be dealt with too easily hardly a snake pit here focused at 55 supply low light actually lower but looking strong in this fight blame is going to focus again if he dies once more this might be the end the entanglement wears off just barely in time but how the hell is focus going to heal up now good question more trains are falling hunts more trees more grunts are falling he's trading hunts for this saves him for a long time now level five tremendous game by both of them it's a nail biter but the blade master is about to fall there's no front line anymore archers still in the back and alchemist can heal them up soon focus realize this as well it's gg as lola wins the first tournament on flow servers accelerate goes to the night off congrats lolite great tournament by him only losing two maps one to focus and one to in sub seems like he is still extremely strong in this matchup would have loved to see this grand final go to map five focus definitely could have had a big lead in that game but a bit of over extension and just low light playing it masterfully that was a great series another one that goes to law light and the mini streak has been broken focus as we mentioned earlier had won the last three in a row that's how he won the wsb two days ago but low light gets his revenge and both these guys looking to be in prime shape here at the beginning looking forward to that for sure the light has previously won taker's new year's cup as well so the second gold medal for him after being eliminated in the semis in wsb as he pointed out focus probably a little sad but loreliad was absolutely amazing today hitman making an impact with the bronze medal in this international competition ends up making a name for himself tara getting into the round of eight shake playing amazing at times that was some wonderful warcraft here that we had across the past week yeah it's always uh fun to see the regions coming together currently because the pandemic of course offline not possible but the fact that we can do it online again because of the great work of luxu with the flow hosts and with war 3 champions is wonderful this was the first bigger tournament with that format that i'm sure more are going to come and i'm looking forward to more competition like this one and more champions and more players arising we talked about law life we talked about focus and hitman but also so in he looked really good man if he can just iron out a few mistakes and get a little bit cleaner of a game and perhaps even keep up with his innovation and make that um translate to be successful against top players and look it out for her so in as well this year indeed and i'm looking forward to more games as uh we casted 156 hours in january and there's more to come as we kick off the february tomorrow with the w eucap eight thousand seven hundred dollars in the prize pool focus foggy mikhail linguaga in the round of 16 tomorrow as well as the esl open cup will happy reclaim the throne or will foggy start a streak the eucap continues every day at 11 cet wednesday on thursday we'll probably have the silver cup finals gotta talk about that silver cup regular uh returns wednesday thursday yule cup and theorycraft carson is going to explain how happy deals with night of mass archer friday is skill play cup day and dust leak returns and on saturday morning we have the dreamhack qualifiers for the asian regional finals on saturday and sunday and dustly guess well at least two broadcasts every day next week amazing that's a straight-up pod with my daughters looking forward to that we're in full swing here again as we move into february um which is shortly before chinese new year right when is it exactly it is correct that varies every year chinese new year 2021 it is a february 12th i think it is the year of the ox so maybe you will have a good year mr remo demo we we say goodbye for now enjoy the other streamers out there here in the walker 3 category on twitch or whatever you like just enjoy life and tune in tomorrow
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 15,946
Rating: 4.9212599 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: IKnX8noyMHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 42sec (5322 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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